I Survived Malevelon Creek... - Helldivers 2

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next please hello greetings super citizen how may I help you on this Democratic day I I'd like to enlist enlist you say oh sweet Liberty I've got some good news for you young man now if you truly want to fight for justice you have to understand what Justice is mind if I ask you a couple questions yes indeed first things first what are we fighting for I would like to fight for democracy for democracy go on say for democracy for democracy for democracy for democracy for democracy indubitably second question do you have any talents or skills well you'll be pleased to know that I'm actually something of a veteran myself this helmet and I have gone through thick and thin together it has seen such Horrors and yet we Soldier on and if you'll have me I'd love to join the hell diver Corp thank you for sharing that thank you so much congratulations Soldier let me just Gra grab a fresh new Freedom disc you are well on your way to becoming a true authentic hell diver now you're not a hell diver just yet just yet calm down your jets I know I know but should you complete your training and earn your cape of Victory you will be a hell diver and you will be deployed to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy to liberate it seems you are going to be deployed to you read it I appreciate it I'm being deployed to Mal malevolent Greek is that how you say it I will not let you down for Liberty and to You Hell Diva and to you die well hell [Music] diver English us what the heck English UK English us all you already know we're going us baby I can feel the Democracy in my veins super Earth Ministry of truth please observe the following patriotic CIS Service Announcement deviation in attention will be considered treason s yes sir super Earth Public Service Announcement I know nothing about this game by the way super Earth I have no idea what I'm getting myself into home okay focus focus Prosperity Liberty Hi there democracy our way of life yes sir [Music] hello but freedom doesn't come free no sweet liberty no look familiar scenes like these are happening all over the Galaxy right now you could be next that is unless you make the most important decision of your life prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage sorry sorry be free join syas the hell divers become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force see exotic new life forms and spread manage democracy throughout the Galaxy become a hero become a legend become a hell diver oh sign me up draft me now patriotism is flowing through my veins drop me in like ODST baby I can't believe we're actually going to become hell divers approaching LZ next recruit prepare to Dismount I don't know what to expect liberating the Galaxy stomping bugs we're going to kill bugs we're going to kill bugs all right sign me up luck out there let's go I'll see you on the front lines hell diver training facility to the train facility why am I built like this my stance go crazy oh wow I actually have weight behind my steps I can't run that quick hell diver training facility Welcome to Hell diver train earn your cape check your map to find the hell diver facility oh yeah I want my Cape oh welcome to training oh heck yes instructor is waiting for you up ahead please proceed say Les bro say l see you on the other side sir sir I'm General FR Earth's oldest and most grizzled war hero and I'm not easy to impress hell dber training is the toughest test in the Galaxy but I can tell that doesn't scare you impressive now enough jip jab the upcoming obstacles will take everything your exceptional physique can muster this is it the real deal get to it Soldier sir oh I have to hold okay in all my years I've never witnessed such acrobatic Perfection I think you're ready for our highly realistic that's right a real deal bro I'm ready impeccable like I always say the best simulation is a real simulation Now activate the battlefield injury simulator Battlefield injury simulator wait I'm going to get injured sweet Liberty the blind the BL that stem and Patch yourself up all right take a stim pack bro this is fall out good as new now look sharp you're about to encounter democracy's sworn enemy recruit uh-oh is it a bug is it a bug The Peacemaker oh say freaking less is the terminate the scorge of Liberty pick up am and show that bug the true meaning of freedom freedom freedom use a grenade to close up that fck hole otherwise they'll just keep coming wait why is this actually fun equip grenades okay I mean he's already dead should I just throw one in there ye what a catapult yeah call me Tom Brady section look up in the sky recruit that there is a Super Destroyer and it's all powerful strats are yours to command use a strategy now to take care of those bugs just make sure you take a few steps back up left down right wait what oh throw strateg and ball incoming Precision strike oh the will of democracy Freedom fire that was kind of Overkill just the way I like it next lesson hell divers fight in squads meet your new squadmate what's good squad mate up fine Soldier your brother at Arms a battle forged bond that could never be replaced until now get your real lesson soldier who did that who Dar mates can and will perish tragically all the time no use the reinforcement strategy to have another hell diver take their place I say less up down right left up calling in Titanfall I wish bro I wish fellow hello fellow hell diver brother uncommon resolve to move past the death of your ally with so little pause I love this game already load yourself up recruit The Liberator real deal it's just you the gun in your hands and 2,000 megatons of explosives in close orbit that's it heck yeah piece of advice moving around makes it hard to aim aist accuracy stay still while you shoot ah I get it now I get it all right bet let's go I'm spawn killing Advance on the enemy throw that bad boy in there h fire in the hole those un thinking folks never chance against a genius tactical mind like yourself you are literally Invincible s sir hold up recruit it's finally time to call in the big guns use the support weapon strategy to get yourself a real weapon machine gun I'll say less down left down up right deploy give me that lmg boy give me that lmg yeah look at the way I'm busting my that's the St now Supply Strat to get yourself some more ammo heck yeah resupply down down up right just get like infinite care packages bro bro look at the way I'm busting it back right now I'm like oh yeah give me the ammo load up Soldier because PL time's over you've reached your final test this is the real deal get to it this area is in dire need of Liberation from the terminate Scourge activate that terminal yes sir down down down down up the way he pushes the buttons very very intense button pushes seen such Flawless terminal activation retrieve the flag of super Earth around here is the flag of super Earth find it and plant it where all can see its Democratic Glory that's the flag of super Earth recruit planted in the designated area hya super Earth make sure you showe it the proper respect I sir oh we're getting jumped light them up oh I can do first person wait I didn't know I could do first person glorious work recruit already the cause of democracy further than any soldier I've ever seen you've proved your worth you're ready to Dawn your C bro give me my Cape bro give me my Cape you've earned it oh what is that salute wait what is what is this salute I didn't even notice he he does the does the thing a yeah give me my Cape [Music] boy now there's a hell dier yeah is that a rocket ship you're finally ready for the realest deal of them all the galactic War Liberty to democracy Justice they're in your hands now General thush over and out wait this might actually be fun bro send me in brother loete C3 for launch oh there's other people in there with me send me in [Music] boys well we're literally going to get dropped in yes I can't get my cape on this is the worst time in history to have Cape [Music] malfunctions Mars I'll say less who's our general here Elon Musk name your super destroyer ship welcome to the song of Wrath the SC song of Wrath oh that goes crazy am I why am conratulations on completing training hell diver you're in charge of this vessel now the Democracy officer awaits you on the bridge welcome to the galactic War orders major order the automatons have launched a cowardly surprise attack against our innocent civilian populations their homes must be defended extract from a successful mission three times oh I'm going to be all over this game bro I never played the first hell divers I don't know how different or similar it is I don't really know much about this game to be honest I saw a couple Clips on Tik Tok Tik Tok kind of convinced me to buy this game I'm not going to lie I'm the ship Master of the Super Destroyer I make sure you have everything you need to spread manage democracy to our enemies he looks so cool man feel free to take a look around this is your ship after all this is a news broadcast what is this super Earth News broadcast dram news today fighting against the terminates was bolstered by the arrival of the hell divers marking the of operation Valiant enclosure according to the ministry of Defense the terminates will be safely quarantined Once More by the end of the month we go now to breaking news we've just received what appears to be the first confirmed footage of the emerging automaton threat wait there's robots that the president has released a statement saying quote it is past time we responded to this unprovoked incursion against democracy the hell divers are deploying as we speak to strike a number of aaton military installations will soon steel of super will be the mation since the first Galactic War that's Liberty latest I'ma Kelly there's yes already have and can't because of medical reasons there's you can't say no I love it you know sometimes as a technician you got to realize when something's Beyond repair when it comes to these automatons there's no fixing them only solution is to wipe this SL clean I like that mindset I like it I like it oo I can change my uh my like pattern bronny or lean I mean I am kind of lean but I'm getting bigger reporting for Duty Liberty Prosperity democracy democracy for all is that is that Peter Parker Liberty guides my hand is that Spider-Man wow bro this is like a mesh of like Halo Titanfall freaking Destiny the galactic War awaits who are you all of posterity shall either prosper in Liberty or suffer in bondage that determination is our duty couldn't agree more guy welcome to the galactic War here the community fights together against its common enemy the path to the barrier planets is clear upon each barrier planets sea Engineers have begun construction of the termined control system TCS a network of massive towers that will cover each planet in the well tested neurotoxin known as termicide ter termicide soon our citizens will be able to rest easy knowing their children are safe from the threat of being eaten alive incoming message from Super Earth the automatons have launched cowardly surprise attacks on multiple highly populated super planets the superar armed forces in the region have been overrun millions of citizens are in grave danger of death or disenfranchisement this Grievous attack on freedom will not go unanswered the homes of our citizens must must be defended this is all 100% liberated so what is this then oh wait you can see the exact percentage of its Liberation the umlout sector is 21% liberated with 233,000 players oh so we can't even activate any of this stuff until we liberate this area we got to push through interesting what about over here the Exar sector 87% liberated with 105,000 signs of disloyalty should be reported to the Democracy officer yes yes of course of course and then there's the they've started liberating the S sector 78,000 players 12% liberated bro because this is 87% liberated let me start over here and then I can push and help out the umlout sector oh wait what is this oh wow there's also this WOW here we go wo that's sick welcome to my levelon Creek jump successful yo this planet looks sick oh my gosh whoa hell pod all right tood launch initiated all right here we go I mean how bad could it really I will not be defeated push forward I do not Buckle I do not yield a what the heck is that I'm here to help I'm here to help maneuver hell pod oh okay today the light of Liberty will Grace the Skies of this world once more whoa yo wait this looks sick oh how do I oh okay bro this place looks crazy I got to go this way to complete this objective is that them is that them look at this get some oh okay have a team a democracy okay I got to reload all right let's go wait this is actually crazy nearby sub objective whoa they can fly they can fly what is that is that a freaking atsd from Star Wars what just killed me cannon turret reinfor launched oh I can't I can come back oh my gosh all right let me let me lock in here oh my gosh I will not be defeated I will not be defeated for freedom oh what did I just get hit by run must have freedom must have democracy I will not yield I do not Buckle I do not yield a this is impossible bro this is actually impossible bro I'm getting spawn killed out here push forward no he's dead okay T down injury what injury that's what I'm saying found something oh my gosh bro not today these guys are like armored from the front I need to like get them from behind give me that resupply baby please I'm in desperate need bro all right we're good back into The Fray are we good we not good man for prosperity foros Prosperity what the heck is thatal Strike come on come on come on come on bro this thing is crazy what the freak is even that democra on it way I hope it is man oh that got to be a direct hit it it it tanked that bro I can't hurt it okay left right right down down oh wait I don't I'm panicking bro okay I think we're good I think I lost that thing I don't know what it was that thing was crazy it wouldn't die bro oh I see did I do it I did I did do it I'm keeping my eye on that hill bro that thing is still alive uh oh this is a Transformer what was that noise I'm hearing noises okay making progress oh it's back it's back we got to run I cannot believe how difficult this planet is bro bro I dove straight into the deep end I I had heard the rumors about how difficult my level on Creek is but I did not think it was this man this is literally space Vietnam bro bro they're everywhere everywhere I go they're just there they're just there bro I'm deep Behind Enemy Lines I'm hearing the trees are talking binary I'm exhausted bro what is that a tank that's probably not a tank okay through these trees Sub in your vicinity we got this we got this okay okay what is this a rare sample holy frck here comes the Cavalry whoa run anyone else oh they're converging they're actually converging on my location okay that is not a priority right now last reload last reload are you serious you are moving outside the mission are okay anyone else what do I have to do here find launch codes launch codes found okay I retrieved launch codes so now I need to launch ICBM wait IC like a nuke say less bro if I get to have a glorious sacrifice I'll take a glorious sacrifice for Freedom main objective nearby main objective nearby okay is this it oh I found it I found it okay where samples machine gun I already have a machine gun don't I okay they moving in I think they might be oh they are bro they're walking through the fire oh there's enemies over there too wait they're everywhere that was a really bad position to be in this is a really bad position to be in time to run really really bad position to be in yep just run just run oh my gosh bro they come out of nowhere as well I'm back at this destroyed tank all right we fall back and we hold them here okay I'm going to slowly start pushing forward again call me Tom Brady strike incoming oh that gu B him up up okay good launch codes oh oh I see five 68 oh that scared me 7 five this is eag one back in business unlock latches okay manually raise Silo locks okay wait that big thing is back the big thing is back bro that timing could not be [Music] worse do I just let them pass I might have to like just fall back and let them [Music] pass bro what are they why okay I let them pass I let them pass they're going around the rock okay they're leaving they're leaving they're leaving they're leaving just need to manually release this lock okay use terminal to open Silo hatch okay okay open Silo hatch okay I see BM raising into launch position okay I'm going to hide oh oh oh they are attracted to it look at them bro do they know I'm here wait they know I'm here do they know I'm here no I don't think they know I'm here but they're attracted to the thing look at them they're like I can see the ICBM oh my gosh okay okay [Music] okay they're attracted to it bro I I this a good thing I hid oh they're C they're no way they're going to Camp the terminal it's going to launch it's going to launch we're good we're good we're going it's it's fine it's fine use terminal to lock the target coordinates Frick okay I have an idea did that get him NOP but they know I'm here now oh my gosh where did that come from I don't know where the big thing went I think I can loop around to the terminal again oh my gosh the big thing is there how' it get so close just run just run here comes the [Music] Cavalry okay terminal is right here why are there so many what is this C2 C2 okay there's C2 missile fueling and now it has to fuel now it has to fuel are you serious run whoa this thing's faster than me okay Run is it fueled oh my gosh man whoa I did not see him there that big thing is still there man he's legitimately camping the terminal oh oh oh oh oh where'd he go I don't know where he went now's my chance what am I getting hit by okay now's my chance now's my chance I don't know where that big thing went but this is my chance oh my gosh man this is my chance this is actually my chance go add reinforce appr ah why am I on fire it's going it's going it's going it's launching it's launching yes yes let's go ex when ready extract when ready oh like all the way across the map nice dude attacking map South just run just run run where oh it's glorious it's glorious go they're on me bro oh my gosh they're on me ohes remaining I repeat minutes okay five 5 minutes 5 minutes oh what the heck did I just get hit by Freedom never SL was that an arrow what the heck was that found something just keep pushing one step at a time here I am in extraction okay okay I got 3 minutes oh my gosh I got to hold out for four minutes okay I got to hope that big thing doesn't show up I still haven't killed it I can't oh what the freak I think that's a bomb isn't it it is wait that was actually genius say hello to democracy what the heck was that I'm lighting that lighting that area up man oh frick not these things no no no here just run just run just run just run seconds okay my my controller drift is going nuts right now theit of democracy oh my gosh they're coming from all directions bro jammed what do you mean jammed that's what I call Liberty fire in the hole throwing grenade oh wow they are on me man minut must survive must spill oil run climb climb oh let's reload get up get up okay I think I can reload here reload reload reload 20 seconds oh oh how am I alive oh am I alive 10 seconds 10 seconds fire the I'm just I'm just throwing whatever I have on the extra Zone Landing in The shuttle's Landing The shuttle's Landing there it is let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in please oh let's go yes Freedom I'm shaking I don't know if you can see that oh my gosh oh let's go to Meridia ridia jump complete we need to make a final push to liberate this planet here we are eliminate The Brood Commander so the Commander's this way this was this was a w spot to land bro what is this salute for Freedom super credits credits oh there's a weapon here Ark thrower what is this no man's land what did I miss I know this game's been out for a few days but man wait I see enemies incoming oh enemies incoming here they come light him up BR bug breach detected I got to get out in the open t empty say hello to democracy investigating source of Communism got a little close for comfor there mission complete extraction AWA who reload where's the extraction [Applause] point must have freedom down right up up right down right right two-minute extraction last reload last reload all right holy freak hold out one minute till extraction St load a democracy I saluted freak I don't know how this Arc thrower works man run get up longest 30 seconds of my freaking life man get me out of here pel there's the pelic ini watch where you're standing clear Landing zone I'm clear I'm clear get me out of here bruh get me out of here [Music] complete yeah baby that's why I'm talking about Freedom another vimin scge I unlocked easy difficulty please we ain't need no easy difficulty are basically an outof control Pest and you're the Exterminator yes I [Music] am [Music]
Channel: AddieSON
Views: 6,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5S2t_JIvRxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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