"There Is No Hope Left For You, Kid" (Teacher Stories r/AskReddit)

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teachers of Reddit what is something a student of yours has said it made you think wow there is no hope left for you principal at an inner-city high school I had to sit down with a student who had been caught plagiarizing for a second time this time from the onion high school teacher here dude if you don't start coming to class and doing the work you'll fail out of school at schools dunfin for me I'm gonna rap to pay the bills bro kid was an awful musician couldn't make a beat couldn't write a rhyme to save his life kids totally serious I'm going to drop out I'll make money off of YouTube me how many views are your videos getting kid I have four subscribers so I just need a few more I have over 600,000 views and my estimated revenue is $0.14 I teach high school math geometry one of my students said why do we even need math all I care about his money his classmates proceeded to laugh spent 15 minutes on a math lesson do examples handout worksheet do one on the worksheet with them he asked so you just want us to fill this in with random numbers speechless incident number one can we just not learn this it's hard we should just skip it incident number two I don't have to get good grades my grandfather owns a house and when he dies my family is going to sell it for a million dollars so I won't have to ever get a job my wife told me this story about a time she was lecturing a kid on why he should try to do well in school she asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up his response I want to be in jail that's where my dad and uncle is she had no response probably the only time in her career that she was left speechless by a student I had a student who was always acting up I constantly tried talking to him about his behavior and I wrote plenty of referrals throughout all of this I would email and call his mother but never got a response one day he was pacing around and texting someone I told him to put his phone away and he said I can't I'm not too happy right now so I said will you take it out to the hall and I'll give you one minute his response really shook me he said no I'll sit down I just want my mom to turn the water back on when all you know about a student is what you see in the classroom it can be easy to forget they may not have a great home life so I did wonder is there hope for him that it also wasn't truly any fault of his own he just had a crap home life where he was stricken by poverty I want to be a drug dealer but the cool kind you know the ones that wear a suit and carry a briefcase he was 17 at the time and completely serious he was expelled a month later for jumping another student when is the teacher coming this wasn't the first lesson I had with this child I teach first year US law students more than you will care to believe they don't know America has three branches of government much less what the branches do I teach computer science in university I get a lot of freshmen that plucked the major because they heard it was a high paying major but don't actually like the subject but the worst was a recent student that asked if they could just do the assignments by hand they didn't want to use a computer they didn't really like using them people use computers too much I don't start doing that also thought computers could do too much and wanted people to stop using them bro this is a programming course for computers in a major about making computers do things you are gonna need to use a computer needless to say I told them this wasn't probably the major for them I have been here before about the type of students I work with however I have had one student who was in year nine the more I got to know him the more I realized he was screwed not only could he barely read or write even his own name was a struggle but he lacked any life experience that even the hard cases I worked with had anyhow he was gifted at sharp lifting and knew how to survive on the streets for weeks if necessary he had been removed from his home more than 10 times and always ended up being returned he begged for help from various departments and agencies to no avail I did what I could sometimes more I was allowed and taught him the most basic reading and writing one day he casually mentioned his plan to end his life as that was the only positive thing he could look forward to I got him him a professional support group which he quickly left as he has no trust in professionals short version of outcome as he is still alive and has been returned to his family he no longer attends school still planned that one day he won't be around but keeps in contact with me during his hard times I struggled to understand what he has already been through in his life I can't imagine where he will end up don't want and I am afraid of the day I hear he is not around anymore I used to teach science in a public high school had to convince a sophomore that trees came from seeds blew his mind I had a first grader throw chairs and desks at me for about a week after two months of horrific behavior that the parents and administration ignored one hard enough to injure my knee before I finally had enough video evidence for the principal to get involved he student refused to speak to me at all eventually my co-teaching partner got him to explain why he was doing it I just don't like him I feel bad for the kid he has serious emotional problems I don't know if I'd say there is no hope left because first graders pretty young to write someone off I hope he gets treatment I had one four year old who couldn't hold a pencil he couldn't remember how to pick it up and didn't have the strength to push it down hard enough on the paper to get any leverage he couldn't color had no motor skills whatsoever he didn't have a dominant hand his parents liked to leave him at my learning center for an hour even though he couldn't use the bathroom on his own he was 4 years old and didn't have the slightest grasp of the alphabet and couldn't retain anything we taught him it took a month to get him to count to ten my theory on all this is on top of a learning disability developmental delayed his mom was in denial of he was a natural lefty who was forced to use his right hand but because of the disability couldn't and ended up not developing any motor skills in either hand poor kid not a teacher that worked at his school for a while had a fourth grader say that he didn't need school because he was going to have a wife and she would do everything same student while disrupting the entire class also said what are you going to do I know you can't hit me a girl eighth grade told me she wanted to have kids 2/3 by the time she was 18 so she could have the energy to keep up with them and then be a stripper to support them not a teacher but my wife had a student in third grade who refused to do any writing assignments my wife told him that she was going to call his parents to explain to them what was going on they feeded and stopped doing his work he said I don't care my mom said I don't have to do anything I don't want to do rules don't apply to me my wife called his mom and his mom told my wife that she meaning my wife just has to understand how her son is and if he doesn't want to do the work then he doesn't have to his behaviors all made sense after that and it was a very tough year he stopped doing all work and started harassing other kids probably partially due to boredom since he was doing nothing else by the end of the year as long as he was happy my wife couldn't get the mom on board I taught lower elementary most teachers will get frustrated at some point by how hard it can be to get a child who may be lacking upstairs some extra help this was the case with one of my favorite students it didn't matter that he couldn't do any of the work that his peers were doing due to his incredibly low IQ he was performing at his ability level but he was just so nice to everyone I had set aside time every day to help him with his reading we were using the short story of the ugly duckling it had one short sentence on each page and after two weeks he could get though it with minimal help however reading the words isn't all there is to reading I had asked him if he could tell me what the story was about since we had spent time on it every day for the last two weeks he starts his oral retelling off great and I'm super excited this is a huge deal for my man because up until this point I couldn't get any retail or comprehension of him I'm super-pumped and he is feeding off my energy and he's so proud of himself this kid is glowing we are only three stroke fourth with a story though we come up to the end of the ugly duckling and he's telling me that the duckling changes this word took his forever to say much less read but then he stops and goes into this deep think stage I prod him a little bit he changes what does he change into but he brings his eyes back from the ceiling and then with the biggest smile he shouts out a butterfly while teaching about a particular historical figure I try to wake this kid up did he sell drugs common no then I don't give a crap I ain't doing any event crap my mom already said she's signing the papers to drop out as soon as I turned 16 University professor here a student last term never purchased the textbook and thus never did his homework sat in the back and spaced out old class failed one exam and barely passed the other he came to me during the final week of class to ask me if he could do all of his missed assignments and then asked why I didn't remind him to do them bro this is University I'm not chasing after you I had one who stopped coming to class for the last six weeks off semester and instead of writing the essay on the exam wrote a two-page rant about how unfair it was of me to base the exam and stuff that happened in class also in the rant complains about how I had not called her to remind her to do assignments come to class and find out what was on the exam I'm a teacher with the quotas from my sister I don't need to go to college because it's easier to see God when you're in the gutter five years later she's in a trailer with her abusive fiance and god I had a student say I don't need to learn any of this I won't use it in real life but when I tried to explain why math was going to be useful he responded you're Dunbar's watch me get rich without even going to school I mean sure it's being done but probably not the best idea I had one students at a bilingual school in Mexico who after being at this school and supposedly learning English for five plus years still couldn't speak it and barely tried to make any effort to learn anything didn't do assignments and failed almost every test when we mentioned it to her parents their attitude was that she doesn't really need it because she will just marry someone who will take care of everything for her my thought was who would want to marry someone who doesn't know anything and makes no effort I knew a girl like this outright refused to work or even do any chores for her family because she'll just marry a rich man that'll do everything for me I remember hearing about how she'd lose her crap if someone so much has asked her to rewind the VCR I didn't teach but I cheated mented for a few years heard one student say she didn't care about school didn't want to go to college because she will just go on welfare one sixth grader was expelled for behavior constantly was kicked out of class for dress code violations including wearing gang colors expelled at 13 couldn't multiply could barely read can't remember one specific thing he said to make me think he had no hope but it was pretty depressing I'm a high school earth science teacher 11th grader says wait we don't live inside the earth we're in 2019 she's 5000 years in the future living in a Dyson Sphere after months of learning about maps and cardinal directions in our grade 9 geography class is north always the way you are facing there is no helping you kid if you are facing north then North is the way you're facing not a teacher but a kid in my class tried to explain to the teacher that he doesn't care about school because you'll just live on his parents money and told her that he can buy her because she's a poor ass a friend is an aid in RHS special ed class and one of her students told her he didn't have to do what she said because he already made more than her own disability because he can't read if I asked a kid what he wanted to do when he grew up and his answer was I dunno something to do with memes Paris isn't in France that was like nine years ago and I haven't forgotten that I asked my students what they could have done to better prepare themselves for their exam one responded with you should have told me to revise better the revision sheets and this is really iiiii important wasn't enough apparently while trying to help them like seriously going out of my way them shut up I had a student who was a hoarder he was one of those kids that we all remember who had the backpack that was filled with everything for every class it looked like this kid carried around a small grocery cart on his back one day I'm walking him to his locker to look for an assignment that I knew that I had given him before and I smell this nasty smell big surprise it's his locker open it to find 89 cartons of chocolate milk stacked inside that's not all on the floor he had a pretty large mason jar filled with what looked like dead bugs I asked him why he had so much milk in his locker and he said stone-faced to dip the bugs in never sure what happened to this kid when he left but that was the most disturbing for me I'm a second-grade teacher I have a boy who lies constantly about anything he was on camera watching the footage of himself punching a student in the face and he crossed his arms and said if I didn't do it then I didn't do it the worst part is him mom believes every word he says and attacks the school for making him accountable for his actions if he's going to do something as an adult and go to jail when they pull him away I know he's going to be yelling if I didn't do it I didn't do it seventh grade in the US on the first day of class the students each said what they did over summer one kid said he went to Germany the kid sitting next to him audibly asked where that was and if it was further away than Chicago I thought he must have misunderstood what the first guy said so i Underland Chicago is about 100 miles away Germany is in Europe that's another continent entirely the kid looked blankly at me and asked what that was the word continent I was dumbfounded by gestured at the map of the world on the wall and pointed at the continents thinking he must have leaned them pronounced differently or something but nope he literally didn't know what they were and never realized that the picture on the wall of the geography room was actually a map of the world he was in seventh grade and he didn't know what a continent was or have even a toddlers level of understanding of what a map was I once had a student who didn't know what the answer to five five was this was in the preparatory year of a private medical university fear for the patient's if he ever graduates me what country did the United States gained independence from student a Hispanic me Tanisha that's an ethnicity student Nullah it's a country in Africa me internally tonisha you're freaking thirteen what the heck me externally okay well can someone help Tanisha answer the question other student France I teach English in Japan in sometimes here I don't understand this because I am Japanese I had an 11th grade student who failed third quarter and was at a forty percent he knew his grade he told me both and asked so does that mean I pass with a B I had a senior say she didn't think it was fair that my exams used short answer questions instead of multiple-choice she said some of us just aren't good writers I responded that if your senior in college and can't string a few sentences together something has gone wrong she stormed out of class at my year to private student try to flip over turn his study table on me didn't work I slammed it down and scream at me to write out his homework because that's what his mum pays me for there's still hope but it made me so sad and angry as soon as he assumed I was other lesser position than him just because I was being paid but like yeah now by on Friday a girl told me that she and her mother were walking down the street behind an old man the old man reached into his pocket for something and all his money fell onto the sidewalk she and her mother ran and picked it all up when the old man tried to take it back from them they told him it was their money and to go to heck it's not what they said it's what they didn't say I asked him to read out loud and he just stared at the paper I soon found out that read at a kinder level as a fifth grader didn't want to put in the work himself instead just waited for someone to read it for him his comprehension was there but he wanted everything spoon fidelium my brother teaches junior high in a very small mural low-income community as a new teacher he basically got the special math classes the other teachers wouldn't take my favorite story apparently it was a very naive move on his part to let them choose their own seats at the beginning after the second week he made a seating chart it didn't go over well and he told his students if they didn't like it to write him a note with where they'd like to sit fold it up and put it in the trashcan by the end of the day apparently there were ten or so neatly folded suggestions in his trash can you have been visited by the dinner dog oh good and also tasty still fries will come to you if you comment thanks for the recipe than a dog oh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 138,084
Rating: 4.9132843 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, Teacher Stories, teacher, teachers, school, students, student, no hope, hopeless
Id: nHdYSEv2CtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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