People Who Walked In On Their SO Cheating, What Happened? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who've walked in on your partner also cheating how did you react in that moment this happened to my grandma she walked in on her husband at the time in bed with her best friend she told me she had a seat and waited for them to notice her when they did she just sat there and said oh no go ahead and finish she apparently was trying to make it as awkward and uncomfortable for them as possible I walked and after a 10-hour shift at work they were on the couch she was under him I walked into the kitchen grabbed a glass of something to drink walked back into the living room I told him to stay a bit because she would need help moving out I told her to pack her crap then I sat down in my chair and turned on the TV it took hold of an hour for her to get her crap the dude left immediately she bawled her eyes out while sitting at my feet commercials came on and I looked at her and asked what the heck are you still doing here I shut down it was strange feeling for a moment in my life I just didn't care you know the look you get when you drop something delicious on the ground and you are debating on whether or not to pick it up and eat it anyways your eyes squint a little and your mouth tightens maybe you let out a slight eh mph that describes it the best I can of course I was devastated on the inside but I wasn't going to let anyone see that especially her I was in the Navy and was out on deployment for six months after just recently getting engaged it's one of those stupid things that young military guys do one day I get a letter from my fiance's best friend telling me that she caught my fiancée and her bf together this was years before email and smartphones were common we write back and forth several times and eventually it comes out how she caught them how my fiancée begged her not to tell me and that the fancy didn't know that we were corresponding I eventually get back to the states and plan to play it off as though I didn't know that too many of my friends intercepted me with the news that his wasn't just the one guy but several and let me know that she knew that I was aware eventually we met and the confrontation was minimal in time we broke off the engagement without a lot of drama she kept the ring the best friend and I ended up at first as sort of a revenge trick kinda thing but turn serious we celebrate out 25th wedding anniversary this year can't believe you let her keep the ring but all in all good for you Congrats got back from seeing my family down south and went to her house to let our dog out since she was at work and I wanted to see the pup I walk in and hear noises coming from the bedroom and thought that was odd I go to investigates thinking the dog was tearing something up open the door to see a fat ginger beard balls deep in my girlfriend she makes eye contact and screams she's sorry he looks bewildered and just overall confused in the dog was barking and causing a fuss I threw my hands up in the air and said Frick this and walked out I just want to know if you kept the dog fought him broke crap walls door arrested six charges hefty lawyer bill $20 K later so not worth it walk the Frick away and move on with your life I walked up to him smacked him and then climbed out the window in a screaming fit it wasn't the reaction of a well-adjusted person that's for sure never heard of the one being cheated on making a window escape sorry for your bad experience but the mental image is very funny I came home from a deployment and walked in with some flowers to surprise her found her with my best friend at the time his face was shocked and terrified I have issues from past deployments and do not always handle things well I took a breath and simply said don't mean to interrupt just need to get my things I got my guns my dog and some workout cloths and went to a friend's house who I knew would help me and not just make mad or dive into drinking she was pee that I did not get mad and still claims it's because I was cheating he to this day is still terrified of me I wanted to hit him so bad I knew though that if I did I would not have stopped and I would have killed him then and there sucks to read all these deployment cheating stories sorry that happened to you buddy I applaud your self-control I doubt many could pull that off silence got my stuff which is what I was there to retrieve in the first place and calmly put it in my bag and flicked off back home in hindsight I am truly shocked that I didn't file for handle at the time I could barely process exactly how P of I was of course by the time I was out of there I'd come up with a long list of things I wish I would have done or said instead of disappointed silence silence kills more than words when I was 18 I decided to skip class one morning and surprise my own off-again boyfriend we had been together for about three years but the months prior to this were extremely rocky I stopped at a few payphones to try to call ahead but no one picked up okay I thought no problem I'll just go and wake him up as I crept up the stairs with two honeydew ice coffees one in each hand I heard a female laugh hum his little sister must have stayed home from school I turned the corner and entered his room to find him laying in bed with some half-naked girl I froze up and all I could say was hi he said hi back and we stared each other for a minute before I ran out of the house he chased me outside while proclaiming the infamous it's not what it looks like lying as I was about to get into my car I screamed but she's freaking ugly at the top of my lungs his response he screamed I know as loud as he could that poor girl I wish I had thrown the ice coffees at them instead law that was probably the funniest response ever she's freaking ugly walked in saw her on top of him looked at both of them they both looked at me like deer in the headlights I turned around and left after telling her to GTFO friend of mine went there about two hours later to verify she had left before I returned she came the following weekend to get all of her stuff and I filed for divorce the following Monday but the only error I made was I forgot she was a card holder on my two credit cards she ran them up that evening before I called the next morning wasn't thinking very straight at that point comma the only error I made was I forgot she was a card holder on my two credit cards she ran them up that evening before I called the next more I wasn't thinking very straight at that point I might be able to overlook the other shite with this after the fact would get her some best served cold at some point I brought home groceries one evening after work and found my boyfriend freaking what I think was his coworker I only ever met her once mind you this is in my apartment in my bed which just made everything that much worse he still lived with his parents at the time the entire scenario became extremely stupid after that I dumped an entire gallon of milk all over them and chucked everything humanly possible within grabbing range looking back it was kind of awesome clocking the chick in the head with a package of hot dogs and no matter how soft bread is it hurts when you throw a loaf of it squarely and someone's dong they left half naked in the snow I never returned their belongings they left behind he's now married to her so Frick if I know what happened I'm sure they can tell their kids we bonded over groceries first sorry you had to deal with it it sucks no matter who you are second I totally saw the scene play out in my head as you described it and it was hilarious this happened when I was 12 my mom never used the computer and then all of a sudden she was on it every day and all night she would do the same thing your mom would do minimizing screen etc and I just thought it was odd in the back of my mind I kept thinking that maybe she was talking to other men while being married to my dad but I didn't want to believe it one day she left her Yahoo Messenger account open and I decided to be nosey I knew it wasn't right but it was driving me crazy I found her old conversations with lot and lots of men and it crushed me some were intimate scarred me quite a bit and some were casual however one hurt me the most some dude was asking her if she had any kids and my mom said yeah I have two but the oldest one is just a brat though she was referring to me reading that absolutely crushed me I never told my dad even though I wanted to he found out about her cheating on him later on because of phone records or something and his friends saw her with other guys when he was of town it ended and divorce but I was honestly happy their marriage was horrible and I wanted it to end I came home from work and opened my door to find my wife asleep in a pile people so my new Sam I didn't so I laughed I then sorted through a beer bottle and ashtray deluge got my cat and left she woke up in time to follow my truck through the parking lot I moved on that was it why bother being mad all it does is hurt you more knock knock hello I'm here for the gang bang came home early from nightshift to find her in bed with what I originally thought might have been her mum walked up to the bed to make sure the alarm was set and noticed that either her mum was a lot hairier than I thought or it was a guy so I sat down on the edge of the bed turned the side lamp on thinking okay don't lose it turned the bedside lamp on turned the radio on the alarm clock up to max volume she opens her eyes and looks up looks over the other side of the bed the dude is starting to wake up I just look at her shake my head sadly got up and left didn't say a word left everything in the house and started a new I was in college dating a football player at a school where football is king I had never dated an athlete before and of course I had heard warnings but he just seemed so nice and he was cute and fun and I was naive one night I decided to stop by his dorm room as a surprise I get there and there is a girl in the hall crying and banging on his door I asked her what is up she explains to me that she is his girlfriend but he has locked himself in his dorm room with another woman and she is devastated not catching him cheating like this so in other words in one moment I found out my boyfriend had two other girlfriends at the same time I was upset but really I just had to laugh okay life you got me never again it was a great learning experience I dated the cutest little doll faced pixie type hipster chick for about four years lived together and the whole deal turns out this sweet little girl was a freaking chronic cheater like she literally could not keep her panties on girlfriend said she was out with the ladies but I caught her being dropped off by an acquaintance of mine after a date they had together dude in a panic said I forgot you two were dating or some crap even though he was at our housewarming party two months prior I guess she had left her phone in his car so he drove back to our house to give it to her I answered the door and he looked stunned I wasn't supposed to be home as was I girlfriend ran to the door and stood between us and I could hear her breathing and it was different like I could hear the panic in her lungs she started talking real fast trying to explain to me why this guy I only ever see at parties and crap had her phone in his car and he just stood there trying to go along with it I put two and two together like suddenly processing week saw the old events really rapidly in my mind and realized this was in fact a scenario of infidelity and it has been going on for some time I tossed him into the front yard he stood next to his car with the door open trying to apologize I shoved him in his car and told him to drive off before I broke his nose that sucker looked so scared that I oddly look back on that awful moment with a bit of pride and confidence in my manliness but of course I took her back months later my best friend female walked in on her sleeping with said best friend's roommate also female best friend drove over to my house immediately and told me turns out she had been with at least five other people men and women while we were together going to the cabin with the girls nope weeklong Freakfest with another person going to a festival with the family nope drugs and booze with another I was so fricking now leave not to see it but so it goes with young love you never would have guessed this girl was a W by looking at her not all these chicks look like scumbag Stacey anyway when we started dating originally I had left the army to go to university during one of the last conversations we had throughout the awful and complicated common-law breakup process she said whatever you do please don't join the army again I couldn't handle you being hurt Hoover yeah Frick you be re-enlisted as soon as possible and four years later I have never been happier anyway never take back a cheat pS Frick you catherine been dating for over a year and we had made plans to go out for my birthday once I got off work that day so I go into work as usual and they announced over the loudspeaker that it was my birthday my boss looks at me and asks me WTF I'm doing here on my birthday I laughed and said working he shakes his head at me and tells me to go home and get lucky cause he's kicking me out with a paid day off figured I would take his advice so I went and got her some roses and went over to her place the side door was open so I knocked as I usually do to be polite which is usually followed up with her yelling at me to just come in but this time there was no answer but I heard the TV blaring so I figured she was either watching TV or still sleeping in like she does on her days off so I walked in with her roses in hand and went back to her bedroom to surprise her the door was partially open and I just barley walked in to see her on top of some other guy both fully naked and going at it at that point it just blanked out for what seemed like forever I eventually turned around and went to her roommates room to grab one of her softball bats I grabbed one and started walking back with a bat on one hand and roses in another I stopped inches away from her door and stood there for what felt like another eternity and for some reason I started to think about what my boss said about going home and getting lucky I realized I did get lucky that I came home to see this and not find out 10 - 20 years later after having several kids to find out what kind of person she was I turned and walked away left the bat on the kitchen table and let her roommates dog out of the basement where they keep him since he will instantly crap everywhere once left out and I locked the door behind me so I wouldn't stupidly go back come time for our date and she calls several times and I just ignored it for about an hour until I finally answered she's upset because she couldn't get ahold of me and we were going to be late for our date as if nothing ever happened clearly she never knew I was there I told her I know what you did today and it's over and she started to saying something about not breaking up and I just hung up and disconnected the phone and went to visit my sister who appreciated the roses that I gave her about 14 years ago I caught a girl I was dating for about six months blowing some guy in a bedroom at a party we went to I walked in saw her and said well were pretty much done turned and walked out I was walking out of the house and she chased me down she started yelling at me that it was my fault I caught her and I shouldn't be mad because she was trying to hide it my wife and I had her as a waitress last year and she's still mad at me she walked in our table saw was me and walked off about two minutes later a different person was our server I came over to surprise her I walked in on her naked taking self eyes on her phone she tried to play it off that it was me she was sending them to which I believed at the time she put her phone on the nightstand we started messing around about an hour later she fell asleep and I picked up her iphone to go plug it into the charger when I plugged it in the display was the picture of another guy's junk and it said thanks for the pics here's one to return the favor this was followed by him sending several more dong pics in succession along with texts referencing last weekend in a fuckton of those stupid images and Winky faces like seriously each text had a winky face you gotta be subtle dude in a hoe so I did what any guy would rationally do send the dong pics to my email went on her computer which was in a separate room printed out like 25 copies of the first pic and proceeded to tape them up all over her room I sent her a text saying bye then blocked her number grabbed all the hoodies I had let her borrow during our time together guys don't sacrifice them when a relationship goes south and left I saw her a couple months later she dropped out of school to be with a sky and then a year later she ended up having his kid the funniest part is that the guy's wife wasn't happy when he tried to convince her that he adopted a new baby I didn't walk in on them I caught them at a hotel at 3:30 a.m. three days before our nine-year anniversary I banged on the door and threatened them no one opened the door and I could hear them whispering to each other somewhere in the room she was freaking out crying but trying to muffle the sound I could hear her telling her side action that I was going to kill them both I didn't I told them they could have each other and I just walked away I didn't talk to her after that one day after all that one of her friends told me that the guy she was in there with snuck out a back window leaving her for dead after I left thinking I was still there trying to find a way to get in surprised my so by showing up at her apartment she has this dude there that she was cheating on me with our whole relationship found out after breakup dude just stood there smiling and I lost my temper bril keys nose knocked out 2-3 teeth and shattered his mandible now doing anger management for it should have just walked away I've written then subsequently deleted a response to this about 20 times already I'll try again first of all I'm sure the experience is different for everybody but for me it was more surreal than anything when I first walked in nothing was really registering in my brain I couldn't really take in what I was seeing like my mind was playing tricks on me or something my then wife left the room and offered up what sounded like a rehearsed explanation about why she did it and that it had been a long time coming none of it really made any sense to me and it still doesn't to this day it was incredibly painful and hurtful beyond measure but I'm a much better person for not being a part of her life any longer trying to describe it still seems impossible you have been visited by the wealth wrath subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 483,825
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit cheating, reddit caught, reddit walking in, reddit relationships, reddit relationship stories
Id: Jwyj5wnMiBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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