That time I joined the best Rocket League team in the world...

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hey gamer today I'm here to tell you about that one time I joined the best rocket league team in the entire world the time I played with squishy muffins and Garrett G two of my favourite pro players and two of the best broccoli players on the planet so how does someone like me who does this kind of stuff every other game get to play alongside two world champion players and compete for $25,000 well here's that story it all started on a sunny day on October 1st 1908 when Henry Ford invented and actually started on January 1st 2020 the day me and summers concert it a race to 1 million subscribers that's for four months and 23 days and my community pulls through and we pass sunless Khan and sub count now at the present day we've maintained our lead but psalmist's closing the gap quickly and other time we're watching as he may have even overtaken us so you may be wondering what does all this have to do with joining the best team in the world your answer nothing I'm here to tell you that we cannot let some of us come back and beat us and I'm gonna give you guys some more incentive if we win this race if we hit 1 million subs before summons I will give one of you guys $1,000 all you have to do is hit subscribe right now fill out the Google form in the description and you're set there's a pretty high chance if you're watching this you're not subscribed so just do that right now for a chance to win $1,000 and if you're already subbed and don't worry just fill out the form and you'll be entered and the day I had 1 million subs I'll email the winner and also here's me staring at you for 10 seconds waiting for you to subscribe so the story all really starts on June 12th and this thing called twitch rival it consists of eight of the best rocket League pros and eight of the biggest rocket League content creators where we all compete for $25,000 I was lucky enough to get invited to this tournament so in the days prior I spent hours grinding my mechanics looking through replay files fixing all my mistakes so the day the tournament started I was at peak performance and I was ready to win it after 30 scoops of G fuel copying my favorite pros camera settings blasting copyright-free lo-fi on max volume I was ready to compete the way the tournament works is there - captain - each pick a team of eight plays so the captain's role is very important but how do you even become one of the two captain the way that was decided it was through a speedrun all 16 people started a training pack at the same time and the first two to complete it were the captain's okay okay oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm a little bit nervous man I'm not gonna lie right when my clock it's like 13 I'm going for it man I was off to an amazing start and the only thing going through my head as I was completing each shot was if I win the speedrun my first pick is gonna be squishy muffin he's the one who got me into rocket League he's the only reason I have a youtube channel and he's my favorite player on the list easy easy easy okay I'm trying hard thing I'm tryharding fine it's fine it's fine it's fine let's go let's go let's go is this shiny I was talking about playing it really really safe if I don't mess up I think I could get an advantage I continued going through the pack at a record pace and was confident I would be one of the first people to finish I try not to think about the 3,000 people in my twitch chat and just focus on scoring one shot at a time everything was going smoothly until a shot 18 thank you its first 100 start over what I'm not signing around oh you have to 100% it what what yeah so apparently you're supposed to get 100% on the pack instead of trying to finish it the fastest and the tournament adamance kind of forgot to tell us so I was off to a terrible start but I redid the pack and got 80% completion but Kenobi and spewed I got 92% so they were the captain's Kenobi who's going first going to have to first pick left here I go ahead and pick scissors and dapper I think I definitely want to go with Gary I'm gonna go with squishy too yeah I think I'm gonna go ahead and go with Rizzo and Chicago could nobody get to pigs where you going um sunless and must I must Kenobi and spooky scene I'm thoughts behind these two guys Musti is probably the highest ranked one must he's really good these are chronometer said I'm good here with the final teams my team had chrono V bless Amir squishy Garrett sunless me Athena and Santa mates and our opponents Buddha scissors dapper Rizzo Chicago John Sandman karma and ninokuni dude were lit we're definitely gonna win the way this would all work is each team would play in a variety of different game modes and you would mix and match your players in secret so you didn't know who you're playing until you were in the lobby and also there were certain rules put in place where you couldn't only use your team's pro player and now that you have all the background I'm gonna show you three of the matches I play it first up spike rush me some liske on and let the mere went up against Chicago John salmon and Nidoqueen I'll just kind of sit right here wait I can score it I get some kick off against me you know I can get a directive okay you're the best to go yeah I'm that I'm that you got yeah oh my gosh your kids are on I'll try to I got a guy up hey go for it drop it in let's go let's go let's go account hey I'm out of the past enemy remember when you when you get it you're gonna be stuck yeah I'm gonna oh no I don't let him go and ceiling please try to try to vote I'm fine don't there no oh dang it dude it's so hard okay I can score I can score saying that it was okay let's go yeah you can go let's go oh dude I knew it from the first day dude i watch that video I couldn't I still can't do it yes unless you just kind of suck but on ceiling I'm gonna saw my song there's AM up let's go let's go dude I love it so I thought I didn't like spike rush too much but I gotta say it is a lot more fun than I thought especially because I was just messing around trying to keep the ball away from the other team next up though was Rumble our squad was Mia Athena and Garrett G and here's who we had to play against yeah a full team of pro players karma oh my god it's rubble who I literally forget [Music] guns like that bully we're gonna break oh my god oh no that's a goal oh yeah oh I got the power boomer oh good oh my goodness I don't care I absolutely clean this Oh bye so we didn't have much of a chance with that matchup so we just had fun with it ended up taking the El but we won in spike rush lost and Rumble so it all came down to a standard 3v3 match do you want to do like musty Garret squishy so yeah it's me squishy and Garrett G so basically if you take the best current professional rocket League team energy and replace their best player with me that's the situation I just got put it and of course our opponents are all pro level players Buddha karma and dabber I don't think there's any player that there is more pressure in the world right now then musty Cal if they lose this musty will still get the blame for this Justin oh sorry musty they were exactly right I was feeling the pressure before the game even started I've never been put in this position alongside the best players in the world competing for $25,000 yet here I am it was my first time talking to squishy whom I've been a fan of for so long yeah oh and I was extra nervous so would I be able to keep up in a pro Lobby or what I caused my team to lose $25,000 you wanna achieve mercy I'll go for a base actually okay I gotcha fire outside all right well that makes it awkward Yugi Massey I'm a little Eddie karma mm right side got it yeah 19 I carry I gotta watch daughter if he nice dapper buddy on touch you think got it dump them it sir I gotta go nice imma be me a mine I'm 11 teeth gum it right right our first real opportunity squishy got the mid ride boots as I passed the ball to the right gum it right right so something dangerous was bound to happen the clock hits 4 20s squishy passes back the ball I flip in front but before I could do anything I ran out of these clothes goes I'm saying back left I'll go yeah recovery yeah one gold down at this point and I'm shaking just like Shogun said if we lose it's gonna be myself I'll go back ing I'm saying back lost Buddha got it thank for Deborah's there okay okay yes sir so the game wasn't have tied thanks to Garrett and my strategy was just doing my best to rotate behind my teammates and letting them do all the hard stuff I had two points on the scoreboard wow you're good I'm backward I'm up everyone's Budda Budda anything go 200 yards this waiting back behind beat him that's better Karma's are buying my suit nice Idol a nice I'm leaving that I'll be like up close close key turn actually oh so a big thing you notice around this point in the game is how bad my boost management is compared to pro players like there are so many things going on that it's hard to pick up ads and stay above 30 beats I went through me I mean that got it that preserve my shot can you okay okay well charms are my such volumizer so here you see I'm zero boost and I can't really do too much so this play is what he call a thing there's no way dapper is gonna read me faking right in front of my own nuts oh he misses and now it's squishy stuff he sees the passing lane open and now it's my time to shine let's go after an upper 90 going Buddha fails to reach it and I end up getting my first goal of the series okay my energy feel free to pick me up on your ass today that's why it's good to play with pros Musti we'll call it a fake and it looks like a great book I'll cheat oh yeah you go there's something left me I'm beating them can you let's go let's go I'll tell my boots I'm here I'm back for you nice I'm going zero right yeah so I'll try it kind of pour it up this early if it's like a dick fun right volatile market ago yeah yeah I just get bumped and with five fake challenges in a row we end up winning the game and with that we won the entire tournament and that final game inspired me so much to become a better player that I've decided to only play with pros for the entire month of July to see how far it gets me and that video will be posted in early August so make sure to subscribe if you want to see it and I really hope you guys enjoy this video and I'll see you in the next one peace he's a pro play with squishing Gary's on energy [Music] you [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 4,090,500
Rating: 4.9468908 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, That time I joined the best Rocket League team in the world, I joined the best rocket league team, best rocket league team, squishy muffinz, garrettg, garrettg rocket league, squishy muffinz settings rocket league, NRG esports, Rocket League pro, twitch rivals, twitch rivals rocket league, rocket league twitch rivals, rocket league tournament, $25000, pro
Id: eEhijAfmnZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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