I played with the most iconic cars in RLCS history

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okay so what are some of the most iconic cars in rocket league to answer this we probably have to go back a few years because before every pro in rocket league would use standardized esports decals on one of these two cars the best players in the game would simply create whatever card they thought looked the coolest and as somebody who's been playing this game since his release back in 2015 i feel nostalgic about a lot of cars and they each tell a story and that's what this series is about we're gonna recreate some of the most iconic cars to ever exist in the history of rocket league and take them on the pitch to relive some of the biggest stories in the community last time we covered cook's ears dominus jaser's breakout kernoby's paladin and sad junior's takumi so for today i asked twitter what you thought the most iconic cars were and while i agreed with most of your suggestions this one in particular made it on top of my list the lachino dominus i mean most of you watching now probably don't even remember lucino but he was basically the justin of early rocket league arguably the most mechanical pro player to exist and in game you literally couldn't escape his dominance design there were so many fanboys and six years later i'm gonna be one of them also for this video we have the alpha items somebody actually lends me the items and considering these costs anywhere between 10 to 15 000 dollars i don't blame him for wanting to stay anonymous man look at this car we actually got the blue side which is pretty sick oh did you hear that boost it just like instantly makes me think of rlcs because like pretty much every pro has the alpha boost at this point so what is my goal for this specific game um well it's a score a nice aerial goal you know whether that's a double tap or like a flip reset or something like something mechanically demanding because that's the type of player that lucino was or a flick good attempt that's not in is it that is very unfortunate it was weird so i don't really like playing my teammate here dude the boost actually makes me want to get this like forever but i also don't want to like pay 9 000 euros for it all right let's get this ball under control that's a perfect switcheroo the lobby's asking if i'm real should we say no i'm lucinio i'm gonna test if they actually know who lucino is let's do something nutty here he's actually up are you kidding me why was he why was he pre-jumped from like across the map excuse me these people don't want to see me win dude [Music] that's a good leap and that's a goal we are leading but i still want my aerial goal hopefully we can get an aerial goal here no no no no i mean i don't know what you were doing teammate i i don't often blame teammates but you were you were asleep and buddy you were sleeping okay it is 2-2 i will go because i actually don't trust him now you have broken my trust okay that's the wrong side bro please okay wow that was kind of close but it's all good it's over time you know first game going to overtime it's not a foreign concept why why is he so passive now please man just go like please i have no boost this is gonna be very awkward if my teammate doesn't do anything why is he not doing anything i don't think he touched the ball like for the last minute like why did he just turn i'm not gonna commit because i'm like if i commit and he doesn't go it's the goal wow yeah he's actually trolling now like that he has to be trolling right like if he's genuinely trying then i'm sorry but like he wasn't so passive before like are you seeing what i'm seeing here come on bro boom ma'am pal all right that's latino at least we got a legendary goal okay i don't think my teammate hit the ball in the entirety of the overtime um but we got that goal you know i'm actually very happy about it and just like that we still get to win but that was weird moving on do you like pigeons well you're in luck because next up we have none other than james bott's pigeon merc and yes we're talking about the rlcs commentator who literally made himself known as the pigeon man no not that guy next to jaser's merc stint this is probably the most recognizable merc in the game and what did flume say again but this one is actually my favorite it's just so ridiculous looking like i honestly can't imagine playing with this thing well lords have mercy because i'm about to those eyes those eyes there they disappeared and we're on manfield and god damn it this is awful i forgot about the boost it's been a while since i've like created these presets dude i actually forgot don't sound like we're going to score we actually scored the pigeon is too fast it's actually too fast look at the boost like i don't want to say out loud what we're all thinking what it is but i think it's very obvious oh bro it's been a probably over a year since i last played with the merc and i gotta say it's beautiful my teammate asked if i was a real one let's show him that i'm the real one with that beautiful pass let's go dude i'm pigeon man this is so dumb oh good fake lamp fight hello please get the boost okay he missed the boost like 10 times i think that's the reason why i didn't go but happens you know happens to the best of us cause look at gaga unlucky dude i thought i could style with this dude we were so close [Music] what a pass what a pass what a pass son and we're three goals up already dude is this going to be another win streak video dude i don't know what it is it's like whenever i record a video we instantly just get on a win streak and yeah i i probably should you know keep my mouth shut next time we are in the lead that was like instant karma i'm gonna let him do his thing dude he's gonna panic yep like i said he's gonna panic that's exactly what it did that's that's what a panicking man looks like yep in the dominance we probably had that very good very good so far i got that keep up oh how oh it's not even in what a hit that hit only happens in the murder no other car is like tall and chunky enough to extend his hitbox like that much for real though are you mercy mercy should i just say no i'm mercy not mercy mercy but i think that joke is like not that funny and now that i've already said it i don't want to type it wow [Music] just imagine like for a millisecond that one and yeah we actually got another win that last attack clarified it only you do this next up we have a classic i mean this used to be the car of one of the most successful pro players in 2015. of course i'm talking about gibbs you probably know him as the rlcs analyst now but in rocker league's infancy he was one of the most consistent and scariest players to play against most known for his role as the goalkeeper supporting granovi and sad junior and yes i said roll because back then their team started a short-lived trend of having dedicated positions on the field and just like that this car now stands as the most iconic goalkeeper in the history of rocket league here we are in our first game as the construction worker heart hat octane and we are in salty shores and already already the opportunity is showing itself okay um obviously you know we're a goalkeeper so you know we shouldn't be expected to score such a mechanically demanding goal so actually should we play like the goalkeeper should we actually take on the the goalkeeper role here imagine if we got a win like that okay that was not like the goalkeeper role that i had in mind there but you know we we are a goal up let's actually go back and just defend just be the goalkeeper i'll play defense i i want to know what my teammate's gonna say he's gonna be like what are you talking about oh this is gonna be so interesting i'm so sorry teammate it's fine i can definitely clear this good sammy with the double tap i see it coming now toby on the ball i'll just let him hit that and then clear it like the manual lawyer that we are and then score the double tap as well oh my god so yeah we're not going to be like your average goalkeeper you know we're going to be manual moyer we're going to be strong in defense but we're also going to take our shots if we can man like we're going to push up you know most of you don't know but like i am actually one of the greatest you know people have called me igor castillos before but you know i i see myself more of a manual mower type you know that could not have been worse timed toby's going to probably slice it yeah slice and dice i will clear it over my backboard i'm just going to be the goalkeeper that this team needs okay he's gonna go for that you know what yeah that's good defender makes the first push and goalkeeper gets the second one and now goalkeeper runs out of his goal to score the nuttiest musty flick mankind has ever seen lord have mercy i'm about to bust i can't believe this is working by the way and i think we're going to continue no i should be in goal oh my god just imagine just out of nowhere the goalkeeper scores a flip reset that's good ah that could have been a goal not like this not like this toby not like this toby toby's done it toby's done it this madman fair play you know i didn't think he would generate enough power but he did okay that's good oh my god that turn was so clean are you kidding me that cut was so clean we practically like destroyed the ankles of the entire team i mean you know they're only two but wow and yeah we actually get a win we get a win as the goalkeeper in rocket league now the next one i wasn't sure if i should even add it it's the osm octane look as much as i hate that guy as someone who has dominated the 1v1 playlist from like i don't know 2018 to 2020 don't quote me on that that car made its name as one of the most iconic 1v1 cars in the game like if you see this car just run now i want to take that energy and put it on the field let's see if we're successful we're going to be playing in farmstead of course just makes sense um our opponents aren't playing what is going on oh okay that was it well played what just happened i have zero points and won a game in ranked and we're in manfield this is actually osm's favorite map so coincidence i think not we got segan pizza we're blue side osm what does that mean for our play style what can we expect a lot of acrobatic just overall like stylish plays all the while being pretty smart you know just like that we're so smart that we don't even have to do anything for a goal to happen and because we're not smart we're probably going to just try and force a bunch of flip resets and unnecessary freestyle plays double tap oh my god do it no see what my teammate does that should never work that should have never worked and wow we actually do we have two toxic teams back to back you know i actually wouldn't be surprised if these like end up leaving as well yeah wow uh riveting that that was incredibly uh satisfying this whole match i'm very happy bro we're gonna find one more we're gonna get a good game okay and again we have tav that's the same guy that left the last game so yo mercy what's up we're with aether smurf is he actually a sperf [Music] that was so crucial dude that always works i'm not gonna be able to like save it for my intro clips because this is not my car we are gonna just let him do his thing he should not have much boost wow they missed wow i'm so sorry [Laughter] how did that still go in man some people i really don't know how they have fun in this game like at some point you just got to play and like you know rocket league is really not that serious man he's going to leave again there we go he's just been toxic you're not going to advance in this game like you are the one who bumped the guy you know what i mean let's flex with our wrench here we i mean we we tried to play three games with osm's car and in all of them the opponents were just super toxic kind of just like landed right on him i'll go [Music] hit that that's a perfect shot wow that was ridiculously beautiful i'm telling you not even awesome could do that i'm already getting like ptsd of like awesome yelling at me for saying that yeah i gotta be honest like i kind of feel smarter because of this like car and now adrian is going back you know what we've been talking about the most iconic cars for two videos now and yet we never touched on the most recognizable car in the game which is yeah the stock thing i can't believe i never thought of this before but it's literally the most recognizable car i mean it's the car that everyone uses when they get tired of their standard car design now with that said let's finish it off with this absolute legend so this is going to be interesting our final match is in coliseum stadium probably one of us should have called that somebody's gone that's a good shot as well what a save though i got boost i don't really care now oh dude this is kind of bad never mind i'm kind of nutty i never felt less confident in my life than going for that because i wasn't sure if it was hitting the crossbar or not double tap yeah that's not happening what a shot lung can what is that well done well done i thought i had it not gonna lie but fair play i respect that shot is that in okay good thank god he like saved it for us what a turn what nice all right mummy snow i don't know what you're doing but thanks for the goal stocktain is way too try hard you really think i'm going to go for boost you're you'll never see a stocktain shoes boost over ball it's just not gonna happen very unlucky that's very good though that's very juicy and look at this nobody expects it dude nobody why would why would i do this i had to do it actually yeah i was just gonna say it's looking like we're gonna get our fifth win here and that's all the cards i have for this one if you can think of cards that i haven't already used feel free to let me know in the comments down below in the end we got a pretty good win streak and hopefully shown that cars other than the fenik octane and dominus can actually be used i wish more pro players would get creative with their car designs again and continue to create awesome stories like these for the future generations to enjoy i really do with that said subscribe if you haven't already and if you enjoyed the video leave a like and a nice comment such as hey mercy thanks for introducing us to goated cars from the past and with that said thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] i [Music] it
Channel: MERTZY
Views: 801,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league funny, rocket league freestyle, rocket league fails, rocket league tips, rocket league challenge, tornado flick, ballchaser, tryhard, tournament, flick, rlcs, esports, pulse, toxic, pro team, professional, funny moments, fails, best goals, freestyle, pinch, pro, world, ssg, ssl, tips, gc, rank, osm, 2v2, supersonic legend, title, prank, secret, rare, car, jstn, iconic, famous, best, settings, design, jzr, lachinio, random, funny, randomizing, op, top 100, gibbs, stocktane, history, pigeon
Id: f_MrLQyou4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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