The Super Evil Within 2

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i don't like where this is going stop stop no no no no no no no no no no no please later you don't understand you don't know what you're doing here hey guys welcome to evil within two i was one of the few people that actually enjoyed the first one so i'm excited to jump into this one the first one wasn't great but i heard this one is uh much better so i'm excited let's uh do this i'm not going to be not going nightmare because i'm a little [ __ ] so my daughter's actually in this house just blazing out oh my [ __ ] she's dead daughter's dead can we just roll the credit apparently we're going in there regardless of my daughter's status this isn't looking great though i tell you that banana is fine i guess my daughter could be fine there she is fine and dandy i don't know about this one she's she's going to be a demon or something ah [ __ ] she's on fire oh yep yep yeah yeah she's she's the devil in disguise oh my god this is a dream let me catch up to speed here this is kidman she was in the first game she was one of our detective friends uh she ends up betraying us spoilers for the first one and now she's she was working for the enemy but she actually kidnapped our daughter lily and she's still alive we thought she died in the fire but she's fine so we're gonna go with here kidman here we're gonna go save our daughter before we get started though we're gonna beat these sunglasses [ __ ] right up shoot him ah dang it kidman you're too hot to be a damn bad guy oh boy this is a good scene honestly this is one of the i'm glad they're really prolonging the scene out of humor uh no reason why just um just a big fan of this patience there she is that's my daughter right there in that test tube this is a lot like how fear started connected lily to that machine gonna smash no god look at this guy how can you be anything but evil when you look like that all right so we're heading into what i'm assuming is like the matrix it's just another world where my daughter is lost and there we go oh my this is like get out this is the exact scene from get out dude lily has some some artist artistry chops on her who's hattie though oh daddy what the [ __ ] did this black cat just drop me a jar of pickles how generous it's actually just green okay we'll use this to level up yeah very similar to the first game just get me out of this house oh my god no i'm trying my best to open this door can't you see that's never good never a good oh my god you teleport there's another good sign when there's a man walking backwards slowly yep he's dead and he took a photo that guy has the same haircut as me i knocked the photo over what was that oh my god it's a [ __ ] masterpiece what is it oh it's dead bodies of course it is this is like hannibal my god i mean you know murders bad kids but if you're gonna murder people at least make some [ __ ] sick heart out of it that's like a it's like a metal album cover oh i'll give you a list of elevators that i'm not going in uh number one that one right there i had no choice had to take the death elevator and guess where it took me to this hellhole i'm so sorry that's that's my bad oh second time is a charm oh i'm sorry not that's my bad yep sorry oh my so far every door i've gone through as hell oh good photographer man i was blinking you [ __ ] take another one oh i wasn't blinking that's pretty sick oh lady in red oh good jump scare game you got he got me good oh my [ __ ] gosh she's real that's not a mirror that's not a mirror that's a window she's chasing me she's right behind me i can hear it oh my god those boxers are gonna break yet she's she's right there oh climb up another she's gonna grab your leg oh it's giving me the heebie-jeebies she's gonna grab your leg up hey that little buddy oh my [ __ ] god she has no heart she's killed an innocent rat she doesn't care for doors she does not care for doors yes i know how to sprint i've been sprinting [ __ ] for the last 10 minutes oh no run the other way man he gets nothing good in here i knew it it's him what the [ __ ] why that's such a dick move you can teleport what i'm so mad right now that he would do that what was that thank god she didn't grab me with a sore hand just just get out of there man just get out of there oh goodness oh a pre-order pack bonus look at all these goodies i get 100 a zombie like not it even a question better check it out that's the last thing you should do sebastian oh man this is like a this is like the start of resident evil 7 i wonder if this is a there's not nothing else is going to fit in there mother oh my yeah he's dead oh she's i know what she's gonna be oh no no no no no so alongside looking for a daughter oh he's [ __ ] um is that northern line alongside i'm looking for a daughter there's some of um kidman's crew in here they're lost in here as well so i'm guessing that's what these guys are oh northern line survives [ __ ] out and lets his friend die please no monster oh it's just just northern line don't shoot i'm the only one left watching your binding of isaac series i love the way that you heal to fall in this game at checkpoints as you drink a mug of coffee that's some that's some good [ __ ] right there this might just be me but whenever i'm given like a weapon upgrade system i always just max out the handgun and it's just the most opie thing known to man so we'll see if it turns out that way in this game here it goes there goes my exit there goes my only way out of this hell hole stuck in here whoa excuse me ma'am can i interest you in a set of stainless steel knives this is what i think it is whoa i'm just gonna slide across here oh man this was in the first game this crossbow it is sick hell yeah i was trying to hide the best stuff in the bins get gun powder it's a [ __ ] rock i've just been maxing out like my stealth tree and it's so satisfying just going up and stabbing these zombies in their head oh my god she likes it i think she's into it she didn't die that's one shot everything else i'll just give her one of those then oh baby is that a sniper rifle that is a it's actually a broken sniper rifle so you can suck me up you hate to see the the handle come off that's just devastating there's something in the train sebastian your arm i thought i was being a nice guy by coming to investigate the side quest biggest mistake of my life this house is haunted you gotta be kidding me oh [ __ ] i hate when things move that fast freaks me out just get out of there man oh this isn't the door that it used to be where am i now what the [ __ ] is happening i hear you sebastian there she is oh stop climb up on this roof oh my god i'm stuck i'm stuck sebastian this is true this is the true horror right here i'm this is this is hell on earth get me out of here man you know this horrific monster killing has made me dehydrated i'll take your finest huge water that's oh it's green gel you can get green gel there's another oh there's another one how to get infinite green gel with indie mouse super guide oh mate give me another one i'm going to level up so much of there you you want to give me another one here uh he actually give me another one why is it why is it walking over here so fast how did it see me what the heck is that thing oh and it spit that looks like green gel to me i don't know that should be a level up right oh yeah okay zombie come back when you're relevant i found this i fixed my sniper rifle and it just [ __ ] took that thing out all right we're in daughter cam here so she's been here she's been in this room she's being chased by what i'm guessing is mr photographer um oh yes she escapes this is no longer daughter cam this is actually horrific creature cam and it's coming up exactly where i was running it's like resident evil one just get out of there man it's seen me it's seen me the eye bulging oh it's right behind me it's so fast hide behind the counter they will never work it out oh it actually worked hey idiot um look at this actual [ __ ] can't even duck under this wood bit you idiot just go get you suck you suck zombie thanks for the free app so i followed our daughter's footsteps that's a big mouse so we're in daughter cam again so she hit under the she's going to be under the table oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] you creepy indie mouse scarf [ __ ] look i know our daughter's in trouble right now but i gotta get some i gotta get a high score in the shooting game shooting gallery hell yes i actually s in my d right now this is this is how you're to do it just get up the ladder man there's guarantee there's going to be a horde of monsters coming in here right now please oh geez no no no you can come up now you can go get me for free yeah idiot you can't come in the ladder no you can come up now you stupid idiot no no come on come on see a [ __ ] no you know when you drain a sewer in a horror game it's always going to be something horrific down there you can guarantee a big ladder as well there he is it's just one zombie i don't think he even saw me oh where is he he drained the water i'm ready to get him where of where's the bat you never expect the first person scene all right we gotta just prepare yourself and then run [Music] i finally found out where mr photographer stays this is his house what is happening oh god it's phased into existence that's his big camera in the distance there that's great oh good she's back oh my favorite lady this time i have a weapon though to fight back i'm going to teach you guys how to beat a [ __ ] in three simple steps uh first up shooter with your crossbow explosive bolt and then she's dead i know that was only one step but you're welcome what is this a trap oh nope not a trap apparently oh that was triggered the barrel understood these are all good what am i doing running towards a dimly red lip painting oh it's lily he turned her into a painting you can take as many photos as you want there's no way those photos are coming out well lit oh goodness gracious what have i been thrust into here oh god so the rundown so far if we start up this machine again everything in this area will become normal again which will be nice it's giving me 90 seconds that's making me believe that something's going to go wrong or we're going to have to defend it ah here comes creepy old photographer in new mouse himself what he he's frozen me he's got a freezing camera ah do it you can't eye patches are called give me a reason you know scars are called as well you stupid idiot it's awfully kind of him not to kill me oh this is why he summoned the demon straight from silent hill oh no this is a boss fight oh you stay away from that you camera-headed [ __ ] ah she keeps stopping it dang it it's working oh everything's going back to normal and that means you too obscure whoa she disappeared oh man youtube's gonna love processing this look at that i don't like where this white and sticky situation is going oh my god there that well that explains it's the semen demon himself ah ah take it back it's so gross that is oh that's not pleasant to look at it all it's dribbling it everywhere all right here's the plan ladies and gentlemen we're gonna throw a bottle over there so it looks over there that that just aggroed it it didn't okay bottles don't work against the same and demon ladies and gentlemen ah it's sticky and it's ah oh no please just get me out of here that's not even him there he is that's that's the oh it's just getting worse everything's getting worse shoot it in the head get rid of it delete it oh hello there that wasn't supposed to do the shrek i know kidman is waifu but hoffman wife whose boy sorry for pointing my gun at you you can put your gun at me anytime you want baby not good she's back no oh no that's good that's oh she can jump that's no that's perfect you can't catch me in the bathroom what dude my pistol is so strong i told you upgrading the pistol that's oh her heads are falling off gross put on something a little romantic shall we oh what the [ __ ] are you doing in the juke box the hell this lady is everywhere get out of there man what the hell are you doing in the mirror she's gonna give me a heart attack ah stop this is one of his paintings he's a big painter and he's gonna stab the [ __ ] out of him oh good there's someone in the painting as well there she is [Music] give it a quick stab and you never know what's gonna happen oh it just combusted good perfect that's one painting down one to go i know of another flamboyant artist who failed then he started world war ii i'm waiting for you down here boys come on down take your time that's completely fine with me i'll wait here all day if i gotta slowly does it a little bit further you can do it i'm down here excuse me now [ __ ] that's it stupid [ __ ] how's your spleen how's your skull don't even get me started with you and you take one of these that's the second painting down we can finally get into the theater and take on mr photoman you dare i have entered my crimson period uh you want to run that one by me again i knew it i mean it was obvious oh looks like the ending of kingsman in here [Music] no more running no more games prepare to die he said it it's just like dark souls was just like [ __ ] i told you man that the handgun is so good i'm gonna take a photo of your co-ops and send it to your mother oh my god i'm sorry i've just been chasing this guy for about 10 hours game time don't be afraid honey it's me dad no no you're not daddy's dead hell yes you don't have to hide oh no what is it what is it i killed the photographer what's oh the scene indeed i forgot about it oh no it's mr assassin's creed he's here he's pissed because his games franchise sucks nope it is oh it's uh confusing me in multiple ways oh it's his wife to lily's mother get away she's not looking great but she's still she controls the ceiling demon it's all just it's all just coming together sebastian i always make the joke about how i end up in hell when i go to a bad place but this time i've literally ended up in hell so that's pretty good that's a change change of pace presented with a ladder descending even further into hell and i take it like an honor hey down there [Music] it's gonna run straight into the fire it stops me the fire is a solid object every no not a solid object there's just mr big satan flesh creature in there oh whoa if you think i'm scared of these doofuses you got another thing coming one shot with the crossbow right in the dome piece i'm so not scared i'm gonna pick up the green gel with one chasing what's wrong buddy you're stuck behind that suck off a guy take this what take that yeah i don't miss twice let me guess ah blood let me yep there it is it couldn't have been lemonade or cola it uh has to be blood this guy's trying to convince me he's not evil there's fire everywhere his puzzles have blood spraying out of him sorry i'm not a follower sebastian suck my dick [Music] oh no i've woken up in true hell i could use a little i've woken up in [ __ ] uncharted 4. ah so we got a bit of a zombie defense going on here should be easy it should be sweet oh we gotta get out of the fight i'm so sorry she doesn't take fire damage it's uh pyro no he's got a sword oh no that's a flamethrower oh my what a badass she has a machine gun there's a weapon chest here you know what this [Music] a giant red x now that's art i left you something in there for helping me i'm not gonna need it where i'm going see you sykes you're a good fella mate and you deserve he's he got out everyone's dying around me but he this guy found a bathtub to get him out of here what a guy 25 success rate 25 success rate 25 success rate oh never mind he's dead instead he does it she's seen she's seen me i can't move i can't walk what the [ __ ] is this oh well if you wanted to see what it looks like when you get caught by this here it is sucks the soul right out of your body perfect no he doesn't know what he's doing i don't know what i'm doing either to be honest but i am i know i'm gonna kill this [ __ ] this flame thrower why why was she with him liam it's northern line i knew it i knew that little [ __ ] was evil you could tell because he's bold of course trying to give him a quick bolt into the head all that that did it we're losing members left right and center and it's kind of sad oh that's a flamethrower oh good bottomless pit ah sounds great look at this place you let this happen to me why didn't you save me no please i i couldn't i wanted to she's gonna kill me again she's gonna yep i know it she's the devil still ah it doesn't get any easier to see i don't i don't know what else to tell your father theodore i don't want to join you look how evil you are shoot him sebastian shoot him right in the dick just end it [Music] whoops [Music] recently shot uncharted 4 lady and i actually feel kind of bad about it now she's going to die she's going to get overrun because she can't fight these things all right so i'm in a dream world here we're in lily's room and she oh man look at that carrot what an artist man i'm really proud of her you've endured so much all this time all alone i couldn't save lily from the fire i filled everyone you have to stop torturing yourself and this time you can save her you know what my ghost wife is correct we can save her this time i gotta stop being a little bit damn it it does kind of suck that she died why did i shoot her in the gut i thought it was the other theodore [ __ ] father theodore i thought the photographer was bad this does much worse i'm gonna rip his face oh this is what we've been waiting for i'm sorry you died but also hell yeah so we'll come down to this marching the father theodore's death castle i swear to god man if if hoffman dies which she probably will but that sucks man everyone around me is dead all the team members except maybe sykes who went into the bathtub he's dead as well let's be honest i'm gonna be so angry oh this ain't great it's taken away control from me oh there's so many of them if this was me i would shoot them all in the head it would be so easy sebastian's not going to die i'll give you give you i'll give you one guess who's going to die in this situation ah she's [ __ ] she's [ __ ] dang it man we've got left is kidman if kidman dies i'm not even going to upload this video so spoilers i guess she's done she's done i hate to see it boys hate to see it the only one left but he's not gonna stop me but before we save our daughter i gotta beat this damn matching game i gotta get a hundred thousand on this damn game oh ninety seven thousand yes yes just shoot shoot all of them hell oh man i thought this was impossible but he's done it look at that i should probably get back to that whole finding my daughter thing i love you so much lily i always have and i always will and i'm gonna save you this time it's all come down to this father theodore's not getting away this time the amount of times he's gotten away it's worse than the photographer oh [ __ ] oh it's the guy from number one father theodore has the ability to send us to the past oh i'm so dead he's got a change enough of this [ __ ] yeah apparently now i can teleport oh man saw him in half he's doing it ah don't take this away from me oh my god there it is [ __ ] you who's next oh safehead have a little figurine of this guy the [ __ ] level here we go oh my god he just runs at me see you later now there were more than one in the first game so i'm expecting another one where is he there he is there's two of them there's [ __ ] two safe heads oh just pull out a pistol my mac i've maxed out the pistol it's all over next is gonna be lady yeah multiple limb lady that's the only other boss that i can think of that would be in here iconic there she is beautiful oh all right so i'm gonna give her give her the old shock bolt we're gonna come around here we're gonna burn her alive easiest kill in my life there she goes oh it's theodore theodo's just pretending [Applause] so my wife came in and stole the kill i'm a little pissed about that but at least he's dead should have known father theodore wasn't gonna be the end boss of course not end of this world it's gonna be my wife my wife is the end boss or maybe lily yeah that's my creepy wife over there everybody there she is really proud of her you can actually summon big scary phone call monsters ah oh god that's my wife ladies and gentlemen she can actually cause uh level nine earthquakes that's perfect oh my this is bad imagine if that was the end just getting hit by the back of the head by a van oh that man's going to land on me lily will be safe here happy free from fear free from pain no myra this isn't real we can be a family again [Music] no i won't let anyone take her from me no please myra we still have time we can leave [Music] please anyone who tries must die don't make me do this oh good she has like spider eggs instead of eyeballs oh god i'm i'm having some serious doubts about my wife coming out of this one in one piece um i'm proud of you honey ah what the [ __ ] yeah i don't think my wife's okay anymore i think it's time i think it's time to kill her my god i finally get to use my machine gun [ __ ] her in a damn stomach i think my yeah give her one of these you think ah that stomach exploded into spiders oh what is happening this is how could you look at your wife the same way she's lost so many parts of her body i don't think she can come back from this one so you hate when your wife turns into a giant monstrosity and then you finally kill her and then she melts into a giant pool of semen it's just it's not a good day she's alive oh my god that's her sweater i see your hand i don't think she's gonna be okay maybe she'll have like one final breath saying sorry about that i can control myself you did the right thing thank you the marker is approaching her ah dude i forgot about this evil [ __ ] oh man there's still a villain here but we need the core she's too valuable to abandon he still wants lily [ __ ] you i'm taking lily much time come on kidman [ __ ] how fast he can get her to the extraction point i believe in you kidman they're close oh no they're gonna syringe me i'm i can't know any i'm just sleeping have the med team terminate the marker oh good yeah just kill me just kill me how about [ __ ] off g man you can't kill him yes we can and we will once he's back in the real world he'll become a liability now call him and tell him where the extraction point is no a shame that you'd attempt to no oh [ __ ] she's doing it she's doing it ah she upgraded her handgun as well you can't do that [ __ ] with the standard pistol he didn't even he didn't even flinch i mean he's evil as hell but you gotta give him some cool props for that one he didn't even look away even he wasn't scared what a dude oh she made it she got out of that room some oh my god what a shot take that you doctors for just doing your job you bloody morons you just got double hitch that was impressive it's me lily please just be the real lilly here don't be a devil anymore please is it really you hell yes this is it union's collapsing in on itself if i can just get to that shiny light i'm out of this hellhole it's all gone we win oh i thought i was expecting something bad to happen thank god we did it kidman's in a little bit of trouble here got some blowtorch boys coming in to stop this this guy really talks with his hands doesn't he quickly [ __ ] you you are foolish it's a shame to have to lose you like this kid i took my chip out three days ago no matter you'll die today one way or another sebastian i love you both there goes myra a worthy sacrifice is destroying union from the inside out collapsing it munting it once it's gone everyone's everyone in the real world you're done we're safe what a transition there they are all everyone with a chip in their head died union collapsed and they all suffered if a job requires you to put a chip in your head say no he put a chip in his own head i thought it was just to keep everyone from betraying them apparently i must get you some sick deals or something you get a chip in your hand you get a dollar off your tenth coffee there he goes all the villains are dead we win lily where's lily lily's alive ah so i thought there was going to be a skeleton in there and i was worried she she might actually still be dead i could she's alive come on happy ending is this a happy ending oh my god the three main people who survived lily sebastian kidman we're all good oh here's a here's a doll of your dead mother that was actually really good that was so much better than the first one i highly recommend going and playing this for yourself i cut out a lot of stuff obviously this is about this it's not over evil took me about 14 hours to beat uh i highly suggest checking it out there is a new game plus as well ah yeah here they go evil within three coming soon but yeah thanks for watching go check this game out if you get make it to this point use um kidman in your comment and i'm gonna i'll pin one of your comments to the the top of the thing the best one uh leave a like it really helps out with these videos because this takes me forever to cut 14 hours into a video like this and uh we'll see you soon with another video
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 1,209,046
Rating: 4.9568386 out of 5
Keywords: indeimaus, The Evil Within 2, The Evil Within 2 Gameplay, The Evil Within 2 Review, Evil Within 2, The Souls Within, Cup Souls, Boobborne, Waifus, The Evil Within 2 Walkthrough, The Evil Within 2 Full Game, The Evil Within 2 Part 1, Evil Within 2 Ending, The Evil Within Ending, Evil Within 2 Bosses, Best Jumpscares, Evil Within Jumpscares, Evil Within 2 Reaction, cuphead, cupborne
Id: Uue5HzBHlJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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