Resident Souls 4

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I know Leon hits us with a 1 lining I forgot what it is though but I'm so ready for it [Music] first everyone going bingo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not happy to admit this but I've never actually finished Resident Evil 4 so this is gonna be this is gonna be the full playthrough in a single video you reckon I can do that it's gonna be one heck of a time in fact there's no one around dude why you why you mentioning how cold it is your agony thinks Leone is like looking at his dick from the window it's cold out here dude that's why my wiener has smaller yep off to a good start this video is gonna be an absolute fricken banger look a lay on me hey sorry my cat sat on the screenshot button but forget your makeup or something the hell does that even mean you know what [ __ ] you excuse me sir I was wondering if you might recognize a girl in this photograph geek got awkward does not he into a key the Lord got they got wrong sorry to a bother geek got awkward doesn't you come at me with an axe speak [Music] [Applause] hope they were kind of suggesting that like the those officers were working against me they're gonna betray me but I guess they're just straight up dead who cares Leon they're [ __ ] [Music] dads are first thing I'm gonna do after I finish this game is gonna watch the speedrun of it I'm interested to see what's what's going on in here hey how did this get in here now who put that in there who needs to watch a speedrun when you can do it yourself baby check this out oh my god yes it [ __ ] works Oh even if I got grabbed I was gonna use that as comedic effect that's fine that guy's just watching I guess he's what why are you all chasing that guy oh so is Red Hood no not a complete resonable for new but I know they're gonna hit me with a chainsaw man here I have laid this section quite a few times before what a section it is and I know where to run to get away from them yeah eat [ __ ] idiots how you gonna get up here oh I didn't I just took the gravity Express out of that window okay I'm not gonna need that ladder anymore welcome to the ultimate safe haven hey where'd your clowns get a freaking tank from no no you can't do this yeah you know what you're not wrong you're not wrong there feels real good to be just back playing a Resident Evil game again I can't wait to play the two rear I'll make a video on that I forgot about the boulders run Leon dude do it what kind of game is up okay that kind of that killed me a little bit wasn't expecting the XC at the end there huh hey you guys you guys threw that Boulder this was pretty funny wasn't that oh Jesus okay who has the dynamite I hear I hear I know that sound anyway trying to throw it at the c4 bomb I thought the dynamite wouldn't kill me enough did I miss Steiner my video games oh god you guys play blood any of you guys remember playing Bloods the dynamite in that game was beautiful oh Jesus come on man what the heck everybody let me just need this raw egg to get rid of my fourth degree burns ease up turbo and your infinite dynamite probably the spider survived that explosion no no no no no not two at the same time no no no go throw that one you keep down two you're stuck now this is too obvious to be as in bamboo so I think this is that um Spanish boy man yeah Carlos I think that's his name actually don't you think no okay perfect Oh daddy the Big Cheese what what what kind of name is big geez oh my god he's big cheese okay Leon that was epic yeah if you could not not inject me with that grape juice that would be great I'd actually appreciate that look at this [ __ ] this level 20 warlock from World of Warcraft Oh Katie thinks he's gonna kill me Leon Kennedy I survived Raccoon City [ __ ] and who might you be Carlos me I'm a Louisiana yep no Kade not Carlos who am I thinking of now I'm just a good-for-nothing to be quite the ladies man shut up Carlos Oh ease up what's the idea here inject us with some probably expensive formula and then just kill us with a max goon Oh George now that is embarrassing for that guy imagine having an ax and then failing this bad oh it's Leon sorry I couldn't get in touch sooner but I was a bit tied up could it be something oh hell yeah man I love the shopkeeper I don't you might have a real name but I don't care it's one of my favorite characters I'm gonna own about so much cool stuff from him Oh attache case of medium he's got a treasure map a rifle our baby doesn't I remember very vividly about these early sections Resident Evil 4 is they're very formulaic you get an action section then you got a nice relaxed section I didn't get another ride what what take another look at this one in slow motion you can see this little sprite up here in the top right corner that's actually what I ended my life and it's very cool I should have seen that one coming I'm a friggin idiot should have seen that one it should have seen up ain't going out like this I got heels I'm not gonna use it hi Bali oh okay just gotta kill this not [Music] inside my soul [Music] we're just gonna pick that rock up higher from that are that burning hot fire Oh Oh excellent who who put the bear trap down now that's now that's a good prank cold you'd call Oh Leon doesn't believe in ladders got to remember that oh we are going fishing look at the size of that honker that's a yeah that is L oh my god it's bigger than my shotgun how are we gonna fit this bad boy into the inventory you ask and I answer you with how do you rotate items on PC oh this guy's got a picture himself in his own house no oh I'm just joking that's very cool it looks exactly like you it's perfect I like how you didn't smile and I either that's very cool no come on man it's just joke you should see my house looks like this oh you believe me you carry the same blood as us nevertheless you're an outsider just remember if you become a blessing to our eyes you're a face severe consequences you gotta follow yourself on your walk hey Leon it's me Andy mouse how's it going um I'm just wondering how we're actually seeing each other right now because this is a we were holding up the radio to our ears but somehow we we're looking at each other like it's a conference call so uh how does this work here people neg in the oven like that that's not how you cook eggs no one you guys are so mad may have picked up too many fish coming in at the bathroom I'm so sorry dude oh I can apologize for the kick as well and then a couple of snaps I don't want to be in here there's a chainsaw dude out there if he comes in here I'm done yeah okay the toilets gross Leon very brave of you to say one way to tackle this run shut up you oh yeah we use this this trick a lot in Australia as well when trebs walking home from school we put a boulder down on him like Trevor on you little [ __ ] it's just a great prank and trapped on both sides every time that rock shouldn't have gone through that little cavern there that rock would have got stuck like 127 hours that's something that might interest you hey guys this is Scott O'Brien here from IGN check out this scam it's Resident Evil 4 and this single winner enemy is so hard to beat it's kind of like if couple he did a little duckling he's like cuphead meets gosh Oh Leon we saw this in the water man we went in anyway where is he there he is welcome thought I don't think I can swim that fast yeah like eight Spears oh hell yeah man what a crappy boss this is your favorite Boston resonable boy I got some news for you but I don't like it it's not over is it Leon come on this is how you going out I don't want weapons are the other good ones in this game I'm sure the rocket launchers pretty good and pretty sure that's up there it's EMP ID who knows man the rifle plan has already good to hang on the shotgun I don't know I'm sure I'll get plenty of comments telling me which weapons are the best ones and then I can read them but I've already beaten the game by the time you see this epic you kidding me you guys doing he's gonna kill you all you guys don't stand it then oh oh my god [Music] hell yeah Leon you too good for this [ __ ] you want a fight big boy we gonna fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] how do we delete these dogs from the game files so they cease to exist because I don't like to sit up with that other one go where's your friend beyond me you gotta tell me oh it's Ashley no Ashley duck my name's Leon I'm under the president's order to rescue you what my father that's right and I have to get you out of here now come with me now we enter the best part of you again we're gonna catch Ashley come on give me some credit you think I was working up your skirt I'm not gonna do that until I get the sniper right who are you if you must know my name is awesome and Sadler the master of this fine the religious community what do you want to demonstrate to the whole world are astounding power sounds more like an alien invasion if you ask me goddamn good one Leon that'll show him why are they threatening to kill us they infected us they don't want us dead oh my god they want to set my bad Ashley sorry I thought you could use ladders I thought you were just a human being that could maybe use a ladder but that's all I'll catch that's all good oh good a new hood currently Vash behind that's funny because Ashley is actually right here with me so I can't leave her behind on this you'll follow my exact steps here Ashley ready go through here like this and she stood in the bear trap all right it happens to the best of us honestly we all get one I've entered spectate mode and I'm just watching Lois I can destroy everyone instantly with his order way check this guy out look at him go oh my god he doesn't even turn around okay he got hurt there yeah bud help there you go it's pretty cool Oh help me Lois good we could maybe go upstairs upstairs doing good Louis and what was that through looks like they're backing off so what do we do now the bridge I cross to get here's out so I guess we have no choice but to keep moving I forgot something you guys go on ahead Louis I do appreciate these little zoom overs of the whole area they're like hey check out how many enemies you're about to have to kill I actually getting this dumpster here don't let me a hint have a great deal for you this is two-for-one special and another one and one okay that one didn't work that's fine [Music] we left the incredibly helpful Ashley outside so I have a feeling something's gonna something Bad's gonna is Big Cheese himself he could just absolutely destroy me huh no please go easy on me dad I'm just the level one baby Leon dodge ah no I didn't have my hand in the frickin keyboard I was watching the cutscene [Music] right [Music] hasta luego oh okay now we're talking business is a bus fight you want to play around with the way on you're gonna play around with Lee and I'm equipping the big boy cannon [Music] as a damn shame but wait he's still like just when his head tears off and he gets a little head jetpack ah God but that's just disgusting that's the grossest thing I've seen in the game thank God it's a false eye that's alright then why are you showing me this I know don't run me over you can't do this to the old Leon this is cheap is this what this little divot is for can't hear me here [ __ ] maybe I should just kill him nope yep this is just straight-up a castle we're in a castle now home and quite the castle it is okay this is where the games headed I'm excited to see where it goes next Ashley you stick with me cuz they got catapult Sega sorry president while we were storming the castle your daughter died to a flaming catapult pie is impossible to do with Ashley so I left her at the star and well I just destroyed his catapults otherwise she just dies instantly and now she's getting kidnapped and there's still catapults on the lowest alright yep okay she's getting taken away into the actual hill okay we're starting to wonder when you might notice us who are you me llamo Juan Salazar the eighth the line of this magnificent architecture I have been honored with the prodigious power from the Great Lord Sadler I've been expecting you my brethren no thanks bro Leon you should have said yes now gonna have to do some ludicrous puzzle oh I see the indentations can't go this way just yet there's a couple of horses blowing out fire onto the path right next to that carpet a little bit dangerous but what we got to do is pick up the key from this post Malone panting stick and that's to the prison and in the prison actually they have Wolverine with his eyes sewn shut and Lancers can pick open this door and that's pissed off Wolverine hey hey I thought you were blind so you're blind were you [ __ ] coming at me just smell me or something and now that we've defeated the blind character we can actually turn off the fire horses to proceed it is a little bit closer guys okay that guy like I know about the traffic errantly gotta say not loving this part right now she was in this room with me why did she go back out hey give her back please sir oh Jesus I shut up so you don't you hear Ashley what are you doing to it why are you ducking down absolutely I stabbed her oh you you got me with the minigames you know how much I love these shopkeeper did you make all these targets yourself they're very impressive actually 24 out of 25 yep that's a pretty good number prizes to you very good you're right coughing up blood I'm no doctor but I reckon that's pretty bad that's a pretty bad sign what is this room in bed it's like a madness combat room for the three people will get that reference could you um shuffle to the left a little bit Ashley okay never made it so it's actually too late yeah this is one of those solo sections I see she is gone run again what happened the transmission got cut off no no no stop stop stop oh my goodness did I miss it was that just really effective horror oh yeah these are easily the worst things over so far oh the way the other one go okay it's still in the water they can climb on the roof as well see they thought I was crazy but I told mrs. our souls like no I know what makes it us all those [ __ ] stands for yeah that's quite the assortment of enemies we have here is that Ashley on the table because if so mission failed we'll get them next time okay we're gonna have to think about this tactically shoot this giant ass chandelier down onto their heads destroying them all check this out please it's not one of the chandeliers you can shoot hey where you going where you going he's gonna watch him run away Leone are we gonna do something about steal his pee tats quickly all right let's nail this video why did he stop hey you can't get me over here Elphaba just kidding idiot sniper rifles better than the minion surprise but I'm afraid it's actually we need it might come as a surprise but I'm only twenty years old weird flex but okay so you're just like all the others the puppet of the parasites surely you don't think I'm the same as those diminutive Danilo's the parasites that's bloggers are slaves to my will I have absolute control well I really don't give a damn rain or shine you're going down let's go [Music] [Music] I got just wiped out half the population but I got that go ornaments Hey Oh worth it baby hey we got out that wasn't too bad that poor little guy man only these plans are failing Ida put your hands where I can see them sorry but following a lady's lead just isn't my style bit of advice try using knives next time where it's better for Close Encounters now how did we fall for this we're smarter than this Oh we'll bring back excellent hope it's not blind this time that would be cool fight oh look how small this arena is okay this is gonna be cool mm use it or you lose it oh this games [ __ ] great man Leon Carlos I got it know what what happens Oh yeah and they Carlos coming back from this is God Louis doesn't think Louis is coming back from this one fellas it was Sadler's dick here it should suppress growth of the parasite the sample Sadler took it you have to get it back [Music] that might actually be the worst sound I've ever heard in a video game right there talk about near-death experience just go go go go ignore the enemy you can do it just brute force it remind yourself their overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer planted a trifling victory but a victory nonetheless and we want a heck of a game to edit what in the god damned forget the nights of that the nights have actually come alive Wow all right what do we got going on here boys we talked about this we need that our that meme with the girl sitting in between offers all those blackbirds except foot Ashlee they make it all these nights send it to me on Twitter no don't do that I'm sorry if I was oh don't worry about it come on let's move on was it true this used to be a DMC game this would make a lot more sense yep this is uh this is definitely a Resident Evil game as you can tell from the medieval castle into a treasure chest at the end nothing quite like it this is a whoa where the enemies out let me see them eyes controlling the fire-breathing dragon she did [ __ ] scoured the world I got all three ornaments never there must have been an easier way to get through this door oh now we can go kill that little best I think you've lived longer now let's see if you can survive this time yeah unfortunately you forgot to take out the buttons that are that stop the roof so yeah I survived that one too hey hold up how long you boys been sitting in there there's no entrance they build the ball around you yeah that's a damn shame they've probably been sitting there for years waiting for their opportunity they get taken out like a couple of pansies oh god it's still coming believe on fighting suits of armor no is this a flying boss have mercy on my soul oh no it's just stealing Ashley see Ashley I'll see you soon she'll be fine Oh Lord look at that video quality No okay I guess they didn't have the source files for those ones oh that's hideous no you should be fine going on here do you know when it's time to throw in don't click that bun [Music] [Music] no more games oh no not those guys they're like the most badass things I've ever seen in this in a video game I know it it's freakin behind me and he sees in 240p vision okay just ready up ready up with the old striker ready up okay gonna have to activate him up we're gonna have to open one of these doors and he's just gonna be there looks like it won't open for a while ah how convenient I took off his robes as well that's that's great no that's a good look though gonna there's a lot of damage that uh a little strike there no this is explosive don't know what's happenin there smoking gas grenade gonna heal because if he hits me again I die instantly Oh dodge that was not how was he on the roof what do you mean he's on the roof he's frozen killin this isn't doing the um amount of damage I thought it would be yeah this isn't he's free he's actually free joke's on you fella I haven't used my shotgun for the whole game I have infinite shells they seem to be doing no damage to you because you're an absolute beast please die third time's the charm you just got to do it three times I know the little gaming logic okay fourth time's the charm he's nine he's dead he's not knees up he's not frozen anymore that ah I don't want to exit this menu little did I know what you want to do pull out your sniper automatic sniper rifle for me it is oh okay that was good that was worth it oh my goodness if this isn't the most obvious boss room I've ever seen there's even a most scattered about okay are you gonna hit me with the other guard the other spider-man oh no he's back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just little old Leon looking we're gonna get through this maze that apparently I kind of just jump over the older walls while they bear traps down here how it was the bear gonna get down here please no this doesn't seem like a good idea Leon it's a mine Carlo okay all right on the rails let's go oh that guy's an idiot Oh - we can [Music] Hey all right everybody say [Music] where am I going [Music] pull yourself up [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] City is that what's going on here run their mouth guard run the yard what is this game Otto he's trippin sure but jump no don't don't fall off again please I wouldn't not be at a handle oh thank god ha ok that was good this is no Ritchie it's terrorism isn't that a popular word these days not to worry we've prepared a special ritual for you first we've got the the minecart level and now we got these barrels coming down I think we Resident Evil 4 might be the first case of a Donkey Kong like you just missed her the ritual is over she left with my men to an island burns will mr. Kennedy no no don't think of a way oh you didn't do anything oh come on monsters yes after this they'll be one less to worry about this is an epic [Music] [Applause] alright turns out if you don't move when you enter this arena he can't hit you with anything you don't have to dodge anything and you can just kill him ya see you where the [ __ ] am I what is this way this is the wrong game hey but has gone gonna give you one of these [Applause] parted with guilt amateurs Oh boys I know what that is I've never been this far but I know what a frickin regenerator is I've seen him on every top-10 scary enemy list I heard he regenerates his limbs and you can't kill him classic pick up the keycard walk that out back out and I'm gonna get plastered by a [ __ ] regenerator huh let's go hear that breathing that's them check this how this is our that's how you beat them you just do this all right and then you just run past sure they regenerate and show my phone rings while I'm at work and by at work I mean at home I'm just gonna deal with these generators I'm gonna call that person back let's get out of here let's it's not that it's not the [ __ ] right Kane where we're going ah they can leap on the ground oh not this way either [ __ ] all the freezer the freezer tell you what fellas if they start dropping from the roof I'm gonna eat my PC out the window there's one give me another one and I'll do it like a lady we can deal with them now they're teaching me how to do it check it out I got an infrared scope slam that onto the automatic sniper rifle look at that you've seen anything as beautiful as that now we can see what makes them tick and just like that the scariest enemy in the game is more than an target range oh yeah they're not even that bad what's the big deal [Music] all epic cackling me ma'am I ride gamer only on you okay come on let's get out of here [Music] no way Leon way are you out of your mind I know you'd be fine if you landed on your butt you up in here we're gonna make a great escape leave it leave what to you what you know how to drive this thing Ashley you don't even know how to use a freaking ladder I have to catch you she knows how to drive this weird ass truck okay you know what that's cool with me that's what we call great character development uh send me the enemies I know you can't resist Resident Evil where are they I hear ya see him Ashley don't worry let me show you how it's done through one flashbang cheating posture you must have his sunglasses on or something [ __ ] off idiot you know how well I deal with trucks I can't shoot him anymore Shady's Wilson Jesus I can feel them growing ever so strongly yeah when you want to track someone without them knowing you probably don't want to use a loud beeping tracker tried to use one of those once on my next-door neighbor and she saw it immediately I called the cops I'm so [ __ ] deal with that oh I guess there's nothing evil Leon comrade Krauser Kraus died in the crash two years ago is that what they told you you're the one who kidnapped Ashley you catch on quick as expected after all you and I both know where we come from what is happening this is [ __ ] epic enough talk died comrade [Music] hater well if it isn't the [ __ ] in the red dress steady don't know don't to mess this up get diced yeah yeah yeah okay well well okay all right ready go oh my god that's a little just run paws hey oh oh and again this is this is survival horror at its best [ __ ] lot I have to go back unlocking not before there's lasers Let Me In dodge whoa [Music] what's that I don't know what that is just when I think the game's wrapping up they throw another bus at me oh my god it's just the Sesenta from the Fallout franchise it just [ __ ] run and our Reiner's no no no put me down yeah we jump and boy oh see you [ __ ] easiest boss fight of my life so keep that inventory clean I'm selling that ammo at the top okay don't look at it so you two are all hooked up now where's Ashley do you really want to know uh yeah that'd be great thanks she's beyond that gate huh cheers dude she's got a [ __ ] TMP how come they always get the big weapons I don't have is the TMP that called did he just throw the flash grenade at me looks a fight night look man I have so many shotgun shells I can do this all day you can backflip all you want still going still going strong satays quietly no two down one more to go Krauser we'll see you've lost it completely krauser see the thing they don't tell you about the Resident Evil 4 boss fights not to not too hard actually not too bad it's good get him into us get him into a loop there's there's only two combinations the dodge can be so as long as you keep you keep your fingers on those bad boys there's no Krueger here can't get close to you you know what I'll even run at you Krueger how's that sound pretty good alright now I just kidding you get back you flip back yeah you keep try and walk at me it's like Rainbow six siege when the old shield boys come in you shoot their legs out there we go what a fight man oh no no no not Mike ah you hate to see that that's the saddest thing so far [Music] what is this an eighth time we found Ashley from being reactive how many more times huh you'll soon Harbor an awesome power yet it seems you would rather choose death I'm taking Ashley back whether you like it or not oh the audacity of youth it did nothing he's an actual God yeah that's a pretty good effect yeah yeah time to scoot I reckon ash let's get out of here yeah this point in the game you're gonna send these guys that me check this out yeah nice armor idiots oh geez I'm sorry about that one actually thank god there's a cutscene here they can't do anything about it there's only one way to find out you operate seems like an odd computer to put into your own establish yeah all right here goes nothing [Music] [Music] how are you feeling like a million bucks I thought you were gonna dot hmm I like where this is going hey oh never mind he killed the mood nice staff - where'd you get that car is an I remember the bug I use you bug removal computer better try a new trick is that one's getting old don't those [ __ ] to pack that up you why do we have a PC that removes the virus we're trying to spread oh Jesus what kind of near esident evil boss just fired us in their human form oh okay that took a turn ah at least he's still got his body I guess oh okay all right spider Sadler just a classic boss look a little those eyeballs ready to be shot and the elevator locked down for some reason all right pull out the old pulled out the new Magnum let's do this open your eye please so can yeah I need high-powered rifles when you got steel beams [ __ ] yeah but that didn't do what I was thought it was gonna do if I was gonna hit him off the edge that's all just okay well will control your vertical axis here in your mouths there we go you might have some crazy face too but this might be the easiest posture keep in mind one of them I just stood there and did nothing I shot him to death [Music] see ya [Music] [Music] sorry Leon hand it over ADA you do know what this is if I were you I'd get all this attitude she really pushed it wouldn't be a Resident Evil game if we didn't get betrayed by Ada Wong and there wasn't a timer in for a bomb does anyone don't even know what Ada Wong does Oh Battletoads section okay usually I'm not very good at least so you're gonna have to bear with me oh Jesus oh yeah come on let's go home sounds like a great idea mission accomplished right Leon not quite I still have to get you home safe so back to my place how about we do some overtime yes run again is that you finally the lines Jack free hey hon again no glasses forget the glasses what's the status of the mission I've rescued the subject we're returning home you did it Leon Thanks you know you're kind of cute without those glasses give me your number when I get back may I remind you that you're still on duty story of my life holy crap what a start to 2019 three weeks in the making this video was there's no one no matter how well it does it can't make off at the amount of time and effort put into it but as long as you guys are enjoying it as long as you guys keep supporting me with comments likes sharing it around go you send it to your favorite Resident Evil youtubers I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it I appreciate them all and if you did get to this point I want to see Leon in your comment the best client with Leon in it written anywhere in any way will get pinned forever on this video now that's an achievement you want a new resume baby what am I tackling next that's the Resident Evil 2 remake [ __ ] me I just played Resident Evil with Leon as the main character and now I'm gonna do it again probably the same length jeez okay I'm I might have to actually release a smaller video between him and what else can I say thank you for watching until next time take it easy [Music] [Music] we love the body [Music] [Music]
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 1,744,653
Rating: 4.949791 out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 4 Speedrun, Resident Evil 4 Review, Resident Evil 4 PS4, Resident Evil 4 Switch, Indeimaus, Resident Souls 4, Resident Evil 4 OST, Resident Evil 4 Cutscenes, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Resident Evil 4 Boss, Resident Evil 4 Final Boss, Resident Evil 2 Remake Gameplay, Resident Evil 2 Remake Walkthrough, RE4, RE4 Speedrun, Resident Evil 2 Remake Review, Resident Evil 4 For Beginners
Id: laeQn4kN2kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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