So I Played Visage...

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you know play for visage and emails play hisagi play village yeah I've seen the screenshots looks like I'm about to have a heart attack sad square I'm a gonna be a sad square after playing this game I might have to add some like happy Realty free music and post might make this you know might make this a little better that's it might actually make it worse I'm not sure what's playing a little game of Russian roulette here look I've played this before I was lucky enough to win three times in a row but tell you what my little brother wasn't as lucky that's what they call a losing hand you can't put all the bullets in oh no no no okay he's no and the kid oh and the smallest kid I just killed his whole family all right what a start to the game oh and myself Oh visit is hard I knew it I knew it is the darksouls are horror games I knew it dang it's gonna be scary a nod here we go I'm ready invested there's no turning back from here am I the same person who just shot himself cuz I don't think I'd be getting up from that one it's a hell of a lot of blood I never mind guys I missed and I shot myself in the leg it seems oh good what do you mean it's luck that just came out of there I hate this no no no no no this is good that's this good light doesn't work sick dude what's this seems to be working properly that means eventually it will not be working probably good hello mushy mushy I apologize for that but I'm getting a bit worried I haven't seen you out of the house in about three weeks this is me everything's fine alright alright than a phone call that was a message I don't know I picked that up pretty quickly but hello Dwayne I heard your family screaming for dear life which was then muted by four gunshots just callin to see if everything's okay yeah everything's fine Nancy don't worry about it I forgot a name already I apologize if I'm talking more than usual Oh an elephant dude this game is alright it's not too bad at all this action is impossible at the moment yes sorry buddy that on that life switch is a little sticky you're gonna have to uh work that on our sanity no not steady god damn it my sanity is just a big red blob Paran events that was a paranormal event be prepared for more of those kinda nice it looks out there I wish I was out there man not in this hellhole please no monsters the problem with new horror games is you don't know the mechanics you don't know how the horror whoops that's the worst part the radio is saying my name very cold man this is Petey as heck this must be my son's room looks looks pretty good looks looks like he had a pretty sweet life until his dad shot him in the head and this is my daughter's room she's got a lot of beds look at this one oh that makes me feel better every door is a pull door you know I ain't going down there the lighting in this house sucks uh I ain't going in that cupboard I had to go in the cupboard what's that that's my daughter knocking on the wall oh and the big monster knocks back he's on the other side of the wall and now this doors open why is that yeah good luck getting through the door you know what what is this well let's give it another little nook he's going [ __ ] him around here if there was a big black monster here I'm I was done that's the end of the video what would it be would be a real short video I tell you what I don't know how much I cut it down yet nothing's happened yet it's driving me crazy no no no turn that back on please plate oh I'm sorry for turning you off [ __ ] oh good oh good it was at the room I mean now that's a different room as a different this bad boy oh my god it's so dark down here it seems to be working properly yeah we have a different definition and working properly because that [ __ ] ain't working it's gonna be like a gun in here right that a hand no that's a glove that's a glove that's a glove and a chainsaw and we got some paint as well I'm going insane in here time to leave [ __ ] as the gramophone this is the room on the TV she's in that black room there I hear her breathing yeah my sound easy to creasing fast young say what is when did that camera get there no actually it's probably better on let's be honest it's probably better on what is that that glitchy texture now that's the that's the camera it's the camera okay we go take it I hate this mechanic so much give me a little girl with a needle in her arm we got the black monster from the other side of the wall and black door like door this way they talking about this one it's already been in here and it wasn't very good it's a fridge him your lighter is nearly empty perfect dude that's exactly what I want no is that someone in the doorway or am I losing my mind I hate this this has been our village hope you enjoyed playing you're watching that is that's the girl and she's walking at me ah all right back in here so about us fridge she's back and I'm now she doesn't like the fridge this is the this is one of the scariest things I've ever seen in a video game freakin hell man shut up now I like that on actually the static comforts me she dropped an 800 it's the girl with a neato an arm and there goes into another dimension no the safe ah this wasn't here before so this is new this is nifty whoa oh no no don't turn that off don't turn that off yep because this was closed so we're gonna just close this up again so far I've been a little lost but this bright red light coming from downstairs there's a good little indication of where to go next now I got a big red door outside oh this is a sight for sore eyes this isn't scary at all I'll take anything over that house this is actually kind of peaceful guilt yeah whatever man oh this is so nice so here's a story so far I am all you see Hello Lucy's is the TV I want to be your friend Lucy says the radio big black monster comes out the TV Lucy mad big black monster takes over everything I really like the Lucy's mad that's a good one it looks like um the black wants to kill the bird it's pretty pretty cool can't pick this one up all right maybe he key on the back of one of the drawings of course let's be honest it can't be anything good in here right Oh up it was Lucy with a syringe in her arm and it faded into exists I don't like this at all this is actually getting a lot worse take me back to the house like monster getting getting nighttime let's see you see get out oh I guess blood I kind of feel safe in here right now believe it or not switch the camera six and photos shall we and then if or not ah no no no no what no I don't wanna go down a very cool man we're back in the house except they've removed all the light switches excellent look at my sanity it's just a red blob I don't know what that means is that it's probably bad right god damn now it's a red blob with a brain on top that's as bad as it gets i'm sure wag gain crush I don't know what happens I'm kind of I'm I'm good I'm set oh [ __ ] you cheat okay never mind I'm going back downstairs never going in that room again what a game what a beautiful game take me back I want to make Dark Souls top lists again you guys want to see a good hiding spot cuz I'm headed there right now I heard it behind me right here halfway in the cone halfway burn the couch huh cups how could she possibly kill me from here this is where she kills me no that would make the video real good that's not gonna happen you sadistic people watching this watching this garbage there's an invisible barrier why oh she's in there there she is alright oh that's an interesting room what's this in there what's in this room oh what's over here after going that owner not gonna lie close the game took a little bit of a break I'm back now hope you guys don't lose respect for me after that Who am I kidding look what respect is that I mean I mean she's probably behind me oh thank you thank you look at my sanity she's in this bird cage perch bird cage nightmare how do you like this guys you like this my only vision is bloody camera shuts slider doesn't work at all oh it's that way she's right there okay we're gonna go around this way I'm gonna check out the to get the other or the right side I'm looking for a key where the Freak now was the key ah okay good she's behind me she's behind can I don't bar you on disc what else don't know no you can't she's behind me close the door close the door please thank God auto-saving that's nice little bird get a photo that that's gone on me Instagram doors jammed doors gone both doors are gone very cool dude let's take a photo with this wall get a couple more shots of the bird I'm stuck in here Birds gone no she kill him the bird she eating the bird excuse me ma'am birds dead I just want to be out of here I don't she going on today's episode of choreographed scares I got this one for you oh [ __ ] you sorry coming sorry Colin didn't help at all there's no defending this our couch is here as well back into the house yeah I'll leave a like if you've ever felt like this guy before this kid right here if you've ever felt like this label Oh subtle hint what to do next Oh something in there something I gotta get in there no no no this is the wrong way we're gonna get into the get into the cupboard I can't get in there third one's the charm gotta take three photos I hate this game somehow it won't light up Oh No and I see its foot there's something behind me oh my hello indeed miles Oh God Oh huh hey guys welcome to the top ten times I wanted to of' fort from this video game and play something else number eight right now oh the lag when it always saves I hate it you know you know what I'd rather take my take my chances down there see you later cupboards I can't see it there we go suckers oh my god the shadow of a man how did I not see that haha I'm invisible you idiot huh no I'm also naked and you don't even know it look at its room this is some lay as a fish it right here but really ah pull up there he's in the hole alright let's go on the hole everybody go into my hop yeah sure let's sit in the chip Oh God not even say from the freakin chair I used to really like shocked over place I mean any kind of spooky games this has made me not like October as much as I used to oh my god yep all right not even walking over there [ __ ] rusty keys right there oh my okay I'm gonna cut everything I was being looking around for about 15 minutes I couldn't see it oh look there's so many times I just didn't see it I'm an idiot oh of course the lights wouldn't stay on I'm too far into the game for this [ __ ] Oh yep alright have fun in there buddy hello vision are you late just like you know I'm not touching any those doors move on ah down into hell good I get a singular break I can't see anything don't mind me boys just taking a bath don't have a choice in the matter every doors Jed I've been had a bath in real life for about anything is good to see the light still works this rate this fuss gonna take about 17 years to fill up though so I'll be back look at this bit of a [ __ ] the light turn off yeah that's not cool man come here that freaking out dude freaking out let's be honest here this is not gonna there's nothing good that can happen from this she's in the bath with me hello you speak up this is full volume okay I need a sense opt-out of them hang on that's great you're gonna have to turn these voices up apparent thrust needles up their arms she really talks with her hands doesn't she it's not how people talk they're just trying to help it's not their fault even before we sought their help she had problems she killed Pico for [ __ ] sake act like you're talking all right that's swinging their homes around okay so tons have a daughter uh hit the bed already knew that kind of wait am I the dad thought I was for dead maybe maybe the start I was just in the view of the dead I'm just a third party place I'm Jeremy [Music] Oh [Music] oh that's it see end of early access damn it all might not be over yet that was the Silent Hill pick up an item sound I know that anywhere ugly key alright cool I guess it's not over it's cool look at this it's gotta be a styling all the easter-egg indian dude room 302 it's selling your for in the basement it's that in the house I didn't see it let me find it let me find it alright I found I don't know if this was here the whole time but I'm very excited Oh custom freaking Noah Sahil for the room dude that is sweet but that's that door is in the loading screen it's a little weird it's definitely the room from Silent Hill for [ __ ] I wanted to explore it it's kind of jump scare me please that was the most that was the most terrifying thing in this whole game no I'm done I'm done with this [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 397,465
Rating: 4.9790564 out of 5
Keywords: Visage, Visage Gameplay, Visage Jacksepticeye, Visage Markiplier, Visage Easter Egg, Visage Ending, Visage Secrets, Visage Trailer, Visage Review, Visage Game, Visage Walkthrough, Scariest Games 2018, Scariest Games Ever, Visage Game Ending, Visage Full Walkthrough, Family Friendly, Cup Souls, The Darkest Souls
Id: JVjUfxUHsqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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