Super Silent Hill 2

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Mmm. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/AsterSky 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/matthewboom 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kirex17 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ManMooseBird 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/the_brobocop 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/fyzh 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks. James or Maria

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheSunsetSeeker 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Siegward-the-thicc 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm. Thanks

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GodModOrpis2018 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
seems 2019 is the year of of classic horror games for the channel and if we're playing the classic horror games you go down right we're gonna be playing Silent Hill - enhanced PC Edition no no that is remastered bollocks okay what is this a joke am ia joke to you and honestly I did have to turn off the film grain because YouTube will chew that [ __ ] up and spit it out and it will look awful and I ain't risking it okay so it still looks beautiful if you're playing it by yourself I recommend the the film grain note in my Restless dreams I see that - oh she's gonna say it she's got a bloody sight [Music] before we get started here I started up a reddit we gotta read it now so if you know how to moderate and make these pages look good contact me and we can get that set up but for now it works goes to post some end emails related means video suggestions although whatever you do on reddit's go do that I'll be checking it daily so I go leave some stuff funnin I've never I don't use reddit what the hell all right we're looking for my wife Mary she died three years ago but we got a letter from her saying she's in the town of Silent Hill which if you played Silent Hill one you'd know you'd be like then [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude what on what I look like a sucker but James didn't so we're going here we were looking for our dead wife sign says we come maybe we should head home James Eragon now if you've never played Silent Hill 2 before play for yourself man is such it's a it's a classic yes the sound design in this game makes up for the shitty camera that's for sure it's so good preferably play the original for this enhanced edition more so than the remaster which butchered the game completely look as a fog man Oh God so the last time I play this was a few years ago it is one of my favorite games of all time but I don't like to overplay it I'm gonna play a hundred time and play it every year I want to ruin it or anything played it with my brother it was his first time and he loved it it shows that it holds up today look at these cutscenes excuse me I'm sorry I thought it's okay I didn't mean to scare you I'm kind of lost I love the voice acting in this games are awful but I [ __ ] love it lasts as much as I'd love to have the cutscenes play out in their full entirety probably want to do that that's not what we do here and these are these souls videos Souls is in my series and not the nothing to do with Dark Souls the Silent Hill right and one of the things in the remaster that really pisses me off is they changed this perfect fun the Silent Hill font on the slide they changed it to Comic Sans what the heck it's like they didn't have the font on their computer anymore in the remaster when they load it up that D folded at Comic Sans pisses me off men yeah I'm looking for a Silent Hill is this the right way um yeah it's hard to see with this fog but there's only the one road you can't miss it Thanks I think you'd better stay away this this town there's something wrong with it I'm looking for my mama I mean my mother oh yeah that sloppy footsteps okay Adam I really like using the word sloppy and Andy and he's so good context oh there it is it's like a swamp monster first time playing it man that scares the [ __ ] out of you have no idea what AG that could be well boys probably should attack up to this town where do I go next all boy I'm so frigging lost well well that was fun now to continue on with the playthrough I really like someone here one in three but two is the best for is all right Eric and you have to let me know what your favorite Silent Hill was now she is first enemy of the game a lot of symbolism in this game that I probably won't get into I feel like there should be more sound effects right now I think my ambient music might have disappeared [Applause] games not known for its combat alright you're gonna just have to do with that yeah this ain't right I know the game's called Silent Hill but this there should be sound effects an ambience right now I'm restarting the game games are normal by the way because if you said it too hard each enemy takes 17 million hits to kill oh this is James one and only move it's the overhead slam bam and boy is he good at it he can beat any woman from here to Timbuktu for this move maybe it is on hard hey buddy oh man I hate the hate when they go down the ground do that well they're so fast this apartment was pitch black back in the day on the Silent Hill 2 on the PlayStation 2 a version of this game played it on one of the old TVs could not see anything don't have a flashlight yet you have to find it and ain't in here that's the trash chute we'll deal with that later Ethan you need a can of drink to do with that one don't remember exactly where the flashlight is but it's got to be in one of these doors this one right here 50-50 chance there it is with the Mary's clothes on the Mac how eerie and it makes a legs that also has legs for the door sir it yeah the guy hang on in the trollee boys so the difference between this and Resident Evil 2 or as an evil in general you do not run out of ammo in this Silent Hill I've never run out of ammo i've always had like hundreds of bullets at all time maybe it's different if you play on the hard mode but you know what the heck was that here's a hot take but I think the first song he'll movie is pretty good oh there he is pyramid in himself the first time I've ever seen in a game right there how epic is that second Silent Hill movie don't get me going get me started see this guy was watching that and he killed himself honestly that's probably the better option than watching the second song he'll move it no scarier than Pyramid Head though it's freaking it's the freaking camera dude I just died to a pair of trousers sliding around on the ground hey James put your hand in here I just the key for the next area yeah now I'm just playing I just grabbed a hand do it again I put the key in there and this time yeah you got lovely fingernails James here's the key buddy see you next time yeah I always forget what room is in a threeway gangbang between four sets of legs and a Pyramid Head tell you what if I'm going out that's how I'm going out baby gangbanged J James to stay quite hope he doesn't know I'm in here the cans of soda are the can juice now I never got drinks for later boys I don't want this anymore that unlocks the queen of the old man and a gossip magazine brutal murder that's not gossip play call dude oh I fell in the [ __ ] pole fell in the pool with the three armless ladies please I'm just here to steal whatever's in you cramp it's gonna be a coin coin to the snake okay just take the ladder out ladder doesn't actually work so we're gonna have to excuse me she's gonna take the stairs back out of here it wasn't me do what I didn't do anything I swear he was like this when I got here my my name is James James Sunderland Eddie Eddie who's that dead guy James James no don't oh at least pull your sleeve up do you can wash your hands let me coat is ruined you were gonna smell forever we've got a wallet with a coder that's gross that's actually gross man but because we stuck a hand in the gross toilet we get to unlock the safe I'm doing this the right way that wasn't the third time I tried no your handgun bullets for days this music is so freakin good man ah oh it's you Angela again but the music yeah I'm James Angela Angela okay I don't know what you're planning but there's always another way really don't worry I'm not crazy at least I don't think so nice and easy and over there I just wanted to get the knife for minutes but I just wanted to get the knife precision and kills it some puzzles I remember perfectly the Queen one I can never remember old one beside the serpent earth the prisoner left a throat ah I did it i friggin did it okay I just ended up guessing yeah hey that sound kind of sounds like a wounded dog in a wheelchair slap I think it's a cockroach it is the cockroach you little [ __ ] you hear that this is so creepy the way it random sound effects in this game okay welcome back to Sal Hill - that guy just had his back great yep James ain't interested in this life I don't blame him first boss fire boys let's frickin do this [Music] [Music] and that's how you create up both sides can I come down to please there we go even lets you now what a nice you you wasn't crazy good job James you really tackled that situation well didn't you without fail I always get lost in the park where do I go go beyond the bushes here Doug now Helen I'm stuck Mary no you're not my name is Maria I don't look like a ghost do I the softest I'm looking for Mary have you seen her you're coming with me you were gonna just leave me no but with all these monsters are no I just I'm all alone here and everyone else is gone I look like Mary don't I you loved her right her or maybe you hated her don't be ridiculous so it's okay yeah fine yeah just said I hated my dead wife but you know what you can come with me here silly goose I got bigness pipe is come here Maria oh yeah I'll wait here I hate bowling we're not going Bowl and Maria I'll shut up Eddie Oh [Music] James we met in the apartment building yeah I remember how could you sit there and eat pizza forget you I remember the last time I went bowling but did you guys ever accidentally step out onto the lane it's so slippery I never did I swear [Music] [Music] new games China Papa Peaks I'd see you looking over James you're weird oh man I have no idea why but it's I'm so nostalgic for heavens and I nothing really happens here it's just the building it's the music I have no idea why maybe it's the time my grandpa took me to a strip club when I was four years old the hospital probably one of my favorite areas in the game Erika she's [ __ ] Maria dude Oh typewriter yeah that's a little Easter Egg Resident Evil I can't just be a typewriter is gonna be an easter egg secret Easter egg come I'm mm just here to grab these shotgun shells and almost got me you later [ __ ] oh my I know they do this on purpose but they have Maria following you you walk into a room she's behind you you get into the room and she's standing it like deep within the room standing there like a creep oh the amount of time scared the [ __ ] out of me blows my mind man you think I'd get used to it by now I guess this is pyramid his locker looks like it oh look at this well you mean no time to be looking at a post shoot do perd even heal and then you just slam their head into the ground with the bottom of your boot I did that to Grandma once you want to talk about awkward funeral Mangin just blinding a lady with your flashlight who's sitting on the bed looking at you putting together James I'm kind of tired you should rest hmm so comfy well I don't know about that one I'm gonna go look for her for Laura I'll be back as soon as I can oh that's so comfy I think I will take your roof key though you think this box is scary look at the freaking cursor who drew this [ __ ] it's not even even on each side I always thought the misspelling of the for ever on this wall near the box was like a hint towards the code but a frigging isn't there's nothing to do with it and just like that you get the piece of string piece of hair you did all that work for a piece of hair that's right that's right you little [ __ ] welcome to India Mouse's tips for YouTube if you ever say a joke or end a sentence you don't want to slow fade into the next scene okay hanger I hardly know her hey guys welcome back to the next scene Eddie told me how do you know about Mary what's the big deal why can't you just tell me you're gonna yell at me if I don't know I won't I was friends with Mary we met at the hospital it was last year you liar I can't believe you haven't even gotten a scratch on you why should I a little hint that I'm solid it wasn't the same for everybody in it later okay it's really important what is it a letter from Mary huh yes yes yeah in the back come on James we're smarter than this yeah it's right at the back go on in I'll wait outside you're doing Laura it's further back in the death fire Laura what are you doing [Music] [Applause] wait a minute how did I get here this is me after the gym trying to open the fridge oh okay yeah I forgot about the random glass break Jesus the random sound effects ooh do you never expect him pretty sure is this room where we left Maria in the light world and now we're in the dark well you can hear like I guess her breathing I know what the breathing is creepy as hell again the sound design James Mary Oh Maria it's you is this the yeah it's the the TV like that the quiz night in the elevator I used to look back on this and I couldn't tell if it was real or not or if I dreamed it Mike was that did that exist my own either it's all out of sync ah [ __ ] how's a little girl like me supposed to help you know if that little Maria give yourself some credit let's live together lift with your legs we work together we can open the fridge and we get a key let's get the ring not very cute is it you're James you take it hmm thanks thanks mmm thanks I never know the answers but I know it's three one three I'll always remember that for some reason and you get so many goods thanks thanks thanks thanks another thing that's giving me nightmares does it ever get explained hell no it doesn't [Music] brutal defeat that's per again yeah kids always escape death and just like that we lost our love baby idea baby Maria stabbed in the ass by pyramid heaven it's a damn shame and we know what he does with the corpses so I don't think we'll be seeing her again so me running solo I like how the music continues to play on the first floor which I'm about to butcher by trying to open all the doors I remember a fair open oh no oh she can't how's it going you cheeky [ __ ] is me indie mouse I'm here to tell you about some [ __ ] video games you think you know share my video games while you [ __ ] don't you won't you think you know [ __ ] about Dark Souls will you [ __ ] don't cuz I do I'm in Gmail alrighty I then I'm good good and seal your waifu and then take it down to the 7-eleven so we can get some tim times you know right I don't know this is what you don't ask me do you anything oh is this not the sickest [ __ ] painting you've ever seen in your life oh my god the fact that exists I want you I want that in my I want a house and I just want that in it I don't care about anything else coal mine Thanks listen up you dirty game developers if your game doesn't have a 19-minute set of stairs in it I don't want to hear about it what are you doing in the game developers here put big stairs now you stick the son of a [ __ ] Oh a hole that I can't see the bottom of mm-hmm Thanks huh oh [ __ ] I forgot how to do this the code the button you can't use the button can use a button man it's too dark somebody that's got to be someone out there my light just turn you frigging light on James you mother [ __ ] with a battery in full of bugs it's still looked this didn't change anything it made it work deeper into the madness we go still got another nine holes to jump in but I really up killing a person ain't no big deal put the gun to their head besides he was making fun of me with his eyes Eddie you can't just kill someone cuz of the way they looked at you remember that pot in Silent Hill 3 where you're not gonna knocks back [ __ ] was free he did my mitts gives me the shivers I used to always think that was a horse running around and I thought I was gonna get spirit Acrobat kizomba horse I'm an idiot there it is again it's always behind you hey guys welcome to the top 10 scariest sounds in Silent Hill 2 because that's what this video is turned into there's something in one of these cells and James even looks up at it it's like walking around you can never see it I think you can kill it I'm not gonna there oh come on the horseshoe the wax doll the lighter and that's how you create the handle to pick up the trapdoor what does it make sense to you [Music] ah this elephant is so long whoa okay that's it bought me a few Oh a few minutes Oh oh my god hard to use but lethal that's my way nabiyya you're alive Maria I thought that thing killed you are you hurt bad not at all silly that thing it stabbed you there was blood everywhere stabbed me what do you mean are you confusing me with someone else you were always so forgetful remember that time in the hotel you said you took everything but you forgot that videotape we made got my fingers crossed for a little freaky binky I wonder if it's still there how do you know about that aren't you Maria I'm not you're Mary so you're Maria I am if you want me to be yes I like James looking around like hey who code my name so suddenly he'll too is pretty subtle in the most spots but I'm a spy here here is probably the least subtle thing in the whole game [Music] one of the Wolves for God's sake are let's kill this [ __ ] are you okay one of the song remember to subscribe and you leave a like what you think video game dude don't you think we meet again [Music] crazy dude I'm doing a 50 sub giveaway if we hit 50 sobs OH [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know why it's the arsonist I just remember from my hostel ethers and look at this dead it's a riddle waiver I don't know why it's the awesomeness Maria Maria no what happened to you why why [Music] marry nothing left to do now except jump into my grave baby jump into a Shh it's not a shallow grave here this is one of the long ones this is when you're a little a little worried that maybe bodies are gonna come back to life from now on if anyone makes fun of me I'll kill them just like have you gone nuts don't hurt dogs lady kill as many humans as you want they so you start hurt dogs oh I've been caught in the current did I scare you yeah you did look at this absolute masterpiece lurid rude this just then on the window with the fog a little cat it's so good man if he wants to make this their profile picture go for it wait what was that last bit Shields very good that's your wife you'd oh I still love to hear him I keep missing the [ __ ] ah daddy's back baby a couple of daddies in the holes of the motel there's another one over there I have so many shotgun shells though did I already mention this but Silent Hill 2 is just getting keys to go unlock other things to get more keys that's that's the whole game there's nothing wrong with it I love it but I've gotta go I gotta go to go through the other door even though I was just there I was gonna drive me from chauffeur zip-t show visitors great input James what is this idiot sound weight allowance one person oh you know when you get on an elevator and it says it thinks that you're more than one person it's time to hit the gym oh Jesus I forgot I turn the radio off so it doesn't make the car every time I go near an enemy well that takes some of the sting out of it doesn't it open there's a big can of Doudna oh the light bulb gotta hate the light bulb diet man I went on that once tried it out for a while was going really well and then I died hey guys hard the half-inning here today I'm gonna be talking about how much I hate the CEO of a company cuz he's he said [ __ ] white supremacist I got nothing to add to this one a mayan center here on this camera or what yeah it looks good to me contents really hard to make its 15 minute four years of just me talking about the latest video games skin my god that was the worst [ __ ] I've ever watched you gotta hate when you accidentally film yourself killing your wife like as far as concrete evidence goes that's up there man right next to a confession I think I might be better than a confession it is pretty hard to see but um James does a put a pillow over his wife's head here and kills her she was just too much effort too much trouble you know no I killed her man that's what my house feels like when the air conditioner wasn't working I love nothing like a little Australian joke it's hot as hell in here alright good good conversation Angela have fun up in hell and that's the last we'll see of Angela everybody say goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody everybody if I wanted to be an bus to be my wife I'd just go get married Mary Mary is dead you killed her Maria it's you but I don't need you anymore what oh [ __ ] here we die Oh God you come the JPEG bet you got a dodge these you go to dodge these and just like that a couple of shotgun shots to the chest your wife will go down tough landing good not sure about that one and then when she's crying out your name you just give it one more of these bad boys forgive me I told you that I wanted to die James I wanted the pain to end that's why I did it honey I just couldn't watch you suffer no that's not true you also said you didn't want to die the truth is I hated you I wanted you out of the way I wanted my life back go on with your life hmm Thanks you made me heavy wow that was a great poem that I just read it was very long that was a 20-minute poem I just read I'm not sure about the graveyard in the background it doesn't seem very romantic unless you're into having sex with skele-toes heir James there James is a little girl it's a very very odd choice from the parents I don't know that's probably James there that yeah that makes a lot more sense fricking done it oh my god recording this after the the fact that I've edited this whole video man what a video that was to create that was something else hope you enjoyed it really tick it off all the boxes of these classic horror games here if you did enjoy it leave James or Maria in your comments then I'll know you got to the end of this monstrous video what's it looking like 38 minutes or something so far absolutely crazy now I can finally go play secure Oh see how that goes I might have to turn that into two videos because I'm not sure how much longer I can do this big video hope you enjoyed it see you next time I'm a lady [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 694,885
Rating: 4.964932 out of 5
Keywords: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2 OST, Silent Hill 2 Dog Ending, Silent Hill 2 Gameplay, Silent Hill 2 Intro, Silent Hill 2 Speedrun, Silent Hill 2 Promise, Silent Hill 2 Music, Silent Hill 2 Playthrough, Silent Souls 2, Silent Hill 2 Review, Silent Hill 2 Theme Of Laura, Silent Hill 2 Boss, SH2, Silent Hills, Super Silent Hill 2
Id: UvbwDVtEQqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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