God Of Souls

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look at this guy playing the new god of war game like a cool kid wait hold on a second look who is this guy again oh okay okay sometimes I even forget his name is Cindy Morrison of Indy cells or souls mouse but anyways don't forget to name your video god of souls or souls of war or even souls of souls okay Indy if you don't upload god of souls within the next 4 days a oneself haha look at this idiot with his god of souls why not call it the god of war experience and steal my titles as usual I'm the real zero Lenny and I like wave anything but any Mouse we need to sit down and have a talk God of souls man I can't wait until a spider-man game comes out and I see spider souls on your channel we got to stop this man we got to have an intervention you should just change your name from indie mouse to Indian oh you guys are very funny any of you guys getting paid to be comedians cuz that should be that should be your new career path alright you know what this videos gonna be cold thanks to you guys gotta solve [Music] [Applause] now I'm not gonna call this episode that's ridiculous whatever brave new direction to start the series chopping down a tree I guess we're just gonna take this home with us remember the start of um go to War three where you are you're riding the backs of Giants of a huge mountain to face Zeus himself only to be interrupted by the siding Wow yes now we're starting this one all right I can I can deal with that we just lost a couple of branches but I'm sure this big log will do what is its craters gonna write that down the river no [ __ ] is that Captain America himself well there he is yeah nice just the classic sneaky chest under the bridge you think you can hide this from me Blizzard II it's probably just as easy to open the chest but you know what Kratos I I enjoy your style holy fire when I tell you to fire I'm sorry I'm sorry I am dead Kratos my boy what are you doing with a shield I've witnessed you destroy gods with your bare hands and rip off their head I just saw you punch in a wooden chest as well no issues you need a shield you these guys gonna kill you now you know what actually that show does seem like a pretty good idea actually yeah yeah oh goody is boys look at all these goodies what he pulls that one little bag he pulls out an apple big fuck-off treasure chest that after do a big puzzle he pulls out the Apple crate oh she can get them down at the supermarket what else is in there oh that's the health bar is it well thanks for I was hitting him and it was going down and I'm like what is that Bob I should show you guys how to beat this game real easy using range combat oh my god that guy saw his friend get hit by an axe his urgency was 100% he jumped out instantly all right I don't even have to face these guys I just throw my axe didn't realize therefore room gonna be honest you know I'm gonna need you to hang on boy I'm trying to work out this puzzle pull the chain door opens look at that open here of course can I can i yeah I can do this okay you see that boy are you impressed by dad's skills I shouldn't have pulled that out that earlier boy here boy where did they come from how did they get up we're gonna need a bar you're a little notepad here boy what's happening there at the end they eat the Sun and Moon and then everybody fights all right can we close this this will impress him oh my god probably needed that probably near that in a future combat scenario but that's fine we don't be alright it is simply a target clear your mind you don't hit it we're not eating tonight it's solid no big deal steady yourself all right have you seen me I need nine thousand calories to maintain this body [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] so [ __ ] [ __ ] dick through the devil's come to take me away although there's my son a hurry a tora tora atari odorous art art art is art art rias art is art reyes art Reyes is dead you go mate you're gonna need this oh my [ __ ] god that boys hit health hanging and he'll plain-looking that great I'm gonna be honest be aware I'm the one he'll poignant so we're gonna do what I call the little [ __ ] [ __ ] technique which is uh stay completely away from him and just keep throwing the ax over and over because there's no no penalty for it except time you'll know you'll know me I got plenty of time oh he's dead he's [ __ ] dead ah dude can we get the execution as well oh my god all right calm down [ __ ] future Dexter Morgan oh my goodness oh my god we got glory kills in here boy I'm just gonna beat the share with my bare fists yawn or they're Multan rather so what who would win Kratos or doom guy leave your comments below that's a beautiful day where is this place where am i oh [ __ ] I love this place [Music] [Music] [ __ ] is this look at me eat puny little man great as muscles on his muscles are you kidding me cause of course he's a god it's got a war kratos only kills gods and demons and sometimes his family but we don't talk about that all right you scheming a little [ __ ] you know what the strangest beat the crap are you with my feet hey have you ever played here comes the tree no how do you play it oh that's easy you see he played up the tree Oh golly go I'm actually feeling bad for this skinny guy this was me at high school man that's skinny guy right now I'm like man once my teacher bait me up now come on mr. Hamilton and my homeworks at home yeah you can trust them Giants you can read the writing son just the language is mother now but they're all sort of connected so sometimes I can feel my way through stuff I shouldn't know it's very impressive boy but do you have a journal that fills in on the fly tells you where to go how many things do gotta kill to get gold yeah I didn't think so little [ __ ] [ __ ] the Wyatt walkers have crept their way into the God of War oh goodness gracious oh you think you think I got into job when you playing co-op with someone who's already played the game before no okay come over here yeah all right mate sway it up [ __ ] [Music] so that slowed down your haste will cost us that numbers the animal enemy difficulty I'm wondering all that was imagine if they had that in Dark Souls you head over to the [ __ ] graveyard you see the skeletons and there's a 89 in the difficulty bar yeah that's set off some alarm card oh no accidents not fair come on there you see me using my fists [Music] [Music] alright [ __ ] oh yeah nice hon you got me you dodged my ex real well now you're gonna poison me oh I can do nothing to attack you Wow aren't you just useful as well I am taking you out right now she is disappeared again alright dude my son is a great artist my goodness mother told me about a giant warrior made of stone looks like he wasn't a pretty big battle Odin's their door dude this is [ __ ] concept out 4.42 the Dark Worlds oh god this is a true nightmare in the comment section yep yep yep yep yep I have been defeated once again through this [ __ ] this guy's threat level midnight look at that I've never seen a level 3 before he takes no damage he takes no damage no no no challenge for a weenie milestone I've beaten Dark Souls ha okay shield does nothing shield does nothing I'm gonna block this time yeah oh go start the fires Sigmund you're nice wait us behind me what if they change like the others we'll have to keep them alive strip off their meat this fight is mine alone oh you guys are adorable that was you guys yelling the same little thing at the same time he will magic now your birthday you both be adorable together in helmet it's her at level 1 & 3 well level zero get the heck out of here I'm Kratos [ __ ] [ __ ] slap sound dude oh I could use that slap sound in so many different situations Oh God okay he's this little [ __ ] Smith father throw your axe of those trees on the other side of the bridge the ones with the white trunks you all right you must be smart or something boy you're a boy aren't you this seems a little familiar not gonna lie [Music] yeah I'm getting some getting some vibes here of something this dumbass monster demon guy doesn't even know there's a trap coming down on him look at him where's Cletus I'm over here dickwad come get me I'll wait you can't you're dead oh my god my child is a psychopath Oh No Kratos his father they're here little we know this isn't a touching moment Kratos is just thinking about pushing his son off the side of the mountain don't worry yep that's one less mouth to feed don't tell me how to do this alright I'll work it out I'm analyzing the situation and I will go from there I hate these kind of [ __ ] puzzles for breakfast Oh baby freeze those gears shut the [ __ ] up those guys go beast alright okay so it's a fire version of the guy we just beat before thank you our work is that already I'm out a bit this guy hit him in his glowy spot yes all right not that kind of game all right oh okay oh you uneducated [ __ ] of weeds we're gonna throw fireballs at me well I'm trying to beat this boss quit being a [ __ ] man oh there's another one spawn I just see him over here look I just killed you go away I even a little loose oh my god Kratos you got to be careful man you know three a poor boy up into the Sun yes I think that might be it he might be one of those magical bores with heard of yes hey guys welcome back to father of the year I've actually lost my son in the wilderness it's a little embarrassing well there's multiple paths I could take you I think this is the right way but you never know it could be loot down here like this buck then help fix this hole here please hold I said he's losing blood the last of his kind in all the realm and you shoot him you needed food target practice target practice I mean I'm so so sorry keep that pressure on the blame is mine I should have kept a closer eye he died I will not let him you the arrow cut a tight way inside him find both ends and hold them tightly no get big strong man to get carry the boy little baby to carry nothing woman carry nothing all right oh my god is that free getting up it's a turtle it's a turtle tree that's a [ __ ] Pokemon I know that is this your house lady oh by the way we shot one of those deer over there as well didn't even get to eat that [ __ ] Gollum stole that yeah I'm picking up flowers so why you don't expect to see that and I got a wargame you got a problem with that this is the future of God of War people I know you I'm supposed to be boxing Zeus and [ __ ] but I'm picking up flowers for this lady instead we Shadow Ball we feel bad for it okay God people and here we are your destination sir I hope the trip was great if you want to want to rape me off five styles on uber you know that's all I've got little lass ubers got what do you say two-and-a-half stop yeah this let's use this little piece of space is a [ __ ] it's the fun of Thanos portal ah no we're dead boy I told you man that can't click his fingers and that was it God dick blimey what is that okay he knows how to open those apparently he was he just ran up an open though okay no worries we have never talked about that or explain that but that's good that he knows how to open what that's what we call a miss in the business try that again what yeah no yeah no it's great oh [ __ ] hey we did a boys first try [Music] [Music] be back boy what is that you must find another way up the which was she was here then she could get us past this my magic is useless against the black breath and there's no way around it ah I guess we didn't want to troubleshoot that one that's a weird ending it can capture hold and transfer the light of all time place the Bifrost there what now give it a moment the temple needs time to wake up from its long slumber it is from this room and this room alone that you will be able to cross between realms what you see before you represents the temple in which we stand as well as the realm towers that encircle the lake of nine outside all the realms exist in the same physical space reflections of each other these doors the towers outside and the nine realms are all intertwined and coexisting on the branches of the world tree only by the Bifrost so I know the exposition gods have taken Fraher away quickly tell me as much as you can didn't catch the last bit which is probably the most important part she really should have got that out first now she's dead boy by the way guys have you drawn my discourse sir this [ __ ] clown just got doc GG / Cthulhu Club best discord server you'll ever join what oh my god that was a curveball though he's bunch of morons well if you had you guys get send to prison you just demons all right I'm gonna let you guys out you got a promise to to not attack us all right boy I've let him out run we got a deal we had a deal I was gonna let you out oh god he drop my voice goodness what a beast are you gonna help you I don't want to run my right not run your forward don't run now don't run forward are [ __ ] no no don't run that way well you went in the wall for me this is some doom 3 [ __ ] so just where you hang or where you're waiting for me tell me you know what get back in the hole mate stupid [ __ ] I like this guy the surprise attack didn't work so he's going for the the direct approach how'd that work out on the floor oh boy you got to say say it just in case he does fall and die these bug men [Music] I was the thing that um the witch was warning us about and we didn't quite hear the last part worst case scenario it burns off his beard and then I'm out I'm not playing this game anymore crates us without a beer [Music] there you guys what have you done why did you do that boy I was gone only moments that's impossible now check out guys I found one the Infinity stones believe this is the space stone hey Thanos come fit this and you're going like your purple [ __ ] Oh got it oh that's a tablet of law right there hey boy can you read this for me yeah I can read it it says here avanti video videos are better than those from indie mouse that's odd [Music] Laurie I guess hi excuse me I just but I saved your whole world from the your extinction due to bugs bug me now that's fine you know I don't do it for the things the door cause it makes me feel good oh let's use the sand bowl man oh good another bug man my favorite bug man boss all right I'm just gonna [ __ ] you up like I did the rest of your race it's Indy mouse you got to do the side quest they're so funny me mouse you get to fight to ogres one level 14 and one level 7 both at the same time in your mouth it's the last ending else side quest just keep getting better now get to fight this fire [ __ ] guy who shoots through the trees I was such a huge journey just to clear this black smoke here my goodness everything we just did was for this we just hold our breath and run through others this hey boy Oh Lord we've angered the dear God himself I'm sorry Almighty dear God the good news is he he could have shot that at us and he decided not to decided open the door for us so he can't be that angry watch him snipe my boy in the back as we walk Oh God Kratos no I don't you show this in the trailer Oh what the heck is this oh my goodness great Kratos No Oh No hey guys decide to take a little break from my go to war I'm just playing a quick game of League before I jump back into it this fiora though she needs help she needs some serious help what a legend yeah I think I might be vesting did I sign up the butts what the heck is going on I'll [ __ ] ring up boys oh oh hey Oh get up [ __ ] his thinks he's getting away catch a light of night right in the mouth you [ __ ] the Barrow damage yeah we can do in the turn yes yes is busted check this damage oh my god I've shattered the core of that team Oh [ __ ] - yep see you later mate yellow card that says thinks he's getting away no no no no no no no today big fella Oh goddamn anyway back to go to war a nice one yeah if this elevator is still too heavy after I push this rock off I'm gonna have to throw you off son it was a joke don't shoot me oh my god dragon what the [ __ ] dude I honestly didn't expect to drain all right let's bait up his bingo oh all right let's do this are you big MIDI are also luckily out of the [ __ ] anger in a hints oh goodness oh that should have killed me that's fine um yeah I think I see the weak spot here we're just gonna go ahead it does no damage this is gonna take forever oh yeah get into his skin here I actually kind of feel bad for this dragon it's dragon did nothing wrong came into his home and now you're doing this jesus [ __ ] God alright um okay nah dog I ain't hurt this guy's gonna be hurt though Oh whoop to the point where I'm kind of hoping fast oh my god what the [ __ ] that had an apple that definitely ain't an apple yeah thanks boy you really warned me on that one dude you have a great awesome minute season season 9 this hour this is how it would end forget about the White Walkers all very good oh my god you know what Barry what do we do yes first you need to cut off my head yikes something's wrong with my boy hey kids if you pet ever dies what you're gonna do is your boy a really hot water and then you're gonna dunk it in there just hold it in there as long as you guys any Mouse from the future here I thought I just took over this footage of the little lizard walking around we can follow him on his journey while I talk to you if you want to leave a like a comment this video has taken already two weeks to create and I'm snow even finish yet there's no way it's worth even if it does well it's not worth that much time but I do enjoy making them for you guys and I hope you see the effort so if you do if you do leave a like a comment if you want to give me a dollar on patreon that means more than you'd imagine and but the lizard disappeared now so back to the gameplay [Music] there's werewolves in this game as well this games about everything man big snakes werewolves dragons ah Canyon how can you not like it alright father gascoigne you want to fight me easiest fight Amala I hate to see it boys hate to see it here catch I mean Jesus Christ you've got souls of the Colossus Hollow [ __ ] that big not funny there's this much variety in the bosses all I've seen is the same oh good oh my goodness people comparing this to dark souls I don't think so because this guy has poise hey oh oh [ __ ] how do we get down we're jump really come I gotta say man Kratos is a consistent [ __ ] guy he killed the boss in the same way every single time that [ __ ] Thor no that's not thought so as a hammer dog let's sort Surinder the old father learns it no you know what the shoot is actually a really good idea everything else set up saw the game I take back see you later loser it is over for you my friend you nag me you have no idea get shot my little hair you wanna [ __ ] go night-night you wanna fight me Rachel it's a sergeant for your little man don't let's toes [Music] why a slaving he's late he just left expecting a big battle ah wasted that music for nothing boys is this happening oh my god is this happening is this what I think it's gonna bait oh [ __ ] it's happening oh my god that has to be it it has to be them Oh [Music] waves of chaos oh my god yes [ __ ] the axe dude this is what with me me this is the God of War I've been waiting before they look so good oh my god that fire face ah but I am your monster no longer let's give me something to hit dude just give me something to hit oh my god they're on fire as well I've got on boys let's [ __ ] die [Music] [Music] dumb the rhyme a little deal if you come to I that away we need folks [Music]
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 1,186,351
Rating: 4.9039288 out of 5
Keywords: God Of War, God Of War 4, God Of War 4 Gameplay, God Of War Trailer, God Of War Review, God Of War 4 Ending, God Of War 4 All Cutscenes, Indeimaus, Dark Holes, Thicc Souls, Waifus, God Of Souls, God Of War 4 Thor, God Of War 4 Secret Ending, Vaatividya, Yung Maestro, Jameskii, Zerolenny, ElvisTheAlien, Top 5, Top 10, Cup Souls, Boobborne, Cuphead, God Of War 4 Walkthrough, God Of War Walkthrough, God Of War Highlights
Id: 1-RXf064wMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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