Super Demon's Souls

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/s0lid-lyk-snak3 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
this right here is my favorite thing ever in the history of forever i think about this every day i think about this all night long i stay awake not sleeping because i'm thinking about this yeah oh you see that oh my oh my god all right very important firstly we've got to choose a walking animation style b is very intimidating i feel like she's gonna come out of the screen and bonk me so a new feature in this steam and souls is you you actually create a human being um i know it's a big change you guys remember the original demon souls where you created just just a monstrosity it is awful okay i want to talk about my experience with the original demon souls while my character walks through this water planet from interstellar uh i played it on the ps3 before any other souls game i don't think dark souls was out at the time do i remember anything only the first stage baby did i beat it no what cannot connect to the demons no it's like the ps3 version all right the first things first take off your pants what what do you look like an idiot wearing pants in a souls game okay good we got the fast roll look at this goddamn game are you kidding me better than real life oh my god this backstab i'm gonna kill you oh god oh watch out guys this guy pre-ordered the super deluxe blue armor edition got his armor early what a scumbag move i don't think his shield is working though that's what you get pre-order that [ __ ] you can't jump in demon souls can you oh wow that was that was slick oh demon souls has installed everybody that's good can't wait to jump into it all right one thing i do remember you get one shot on this guy holy god damn he looks amazing oh one opportunity you know squander i'm gonna let it slip i'm doing it that was my opportunity oh no that font there she is everybody i actually died on purpose so he could get here soon you got to believe me on this one um oh my i'm not wearing pants how did that happen you resurrected me without pants i swear i was wearing them a minute ago yeah just die again actually just go back down the nexus but the five archstones will guide you to the outer lands thanks mom you already have with your souls i can eat correctly about my weapons you can go on with me so look at this change right here the items are 3d and they rotate can you believe that go over there like the nexul binding here looks like a just a normal souls item and then it bloody rotates look at that oh no he walked into the fire and died so where does demon souls fall on the heart ability scale of the souls born are you freaking to throw fire bombing me is it the hardest easiest i'm on fire you're real you're a [ __ ] you know that keep the grass on i'm gonna need it hey kevin mcallister he's reel it in buddy jesus that was the worst shot i've ever seen can we get a replay on that please look at this i remember this guy he needs to hit those barrels you just can't help himself you're an idiot you brain dead and demon souls really makes you feel like demon souls at the time of playing we can't get past the phalanx it's a little rough for us we figured this game would be hard but we never realized it could be this hard what am i doing all right now we're getting into the real stuff red eye knight big boy not the desired damage but with a slight attack he did the slide attack welcome to the kill count where i tally up the kills are all my favorite souls game this is the red knight from demon souls and we killed him now under the numbers one person died in demon souls and it was the red-eyed [ __ ] throwing those out oh my god you see that yeah you guys scared oh jesus australia look away i'm on fire for your brave rescue i am a strava of boletaria accept this as a token of my gratitude oh brass telescope i'm gonna need that later with the made in black all right holy act like my channel if i stuck to dark souls content and die i remember this this is my favorite part about demon souls eat [ __ ] hollow bastards are they even hollow i don't know man i have to check in on vardy on that one i don't care to be honest [Applause] i think that's true i don't think that's what i should be oh my god the power in that thrust that is a style b thrust there he is fellas the phalanx you think that's why he doesn't have a way to defend himself he threw his only weapon out the door so technically the phalanx is the first ever real boss in any souls game ever and you know they they they start off strong of course i'm kidding it's a giant piece of [ __ ] both literally and figuratively so one of my favorite things to do personally yeah is keep one of the little guys alive so we can watch his dad die in to the hands of any mouse the demon song god you won't ever see anyone beat that boss i tell you what welcome back okay some people are gonna really like that shot but that's not for me there she is the monumental awaits the above baby i want to talk to you come on i am one of the monumentals we preserve the fabric of reality there is a tale i wish to could you hurry it up vardy [Music] [Music] you gotta replace them with just a fist wait you can send things to storage now oh that's a game changer honestly [ __ ] the whole storage system wait what's that blue glow is that another player oh it is holy crap i've never played online all right we're gonna summon him i have an idea but i gotta warn you it's a devious idea hey aa0505a thank you for the help friend we're gonna go kill the iron gollum iron knight i don't know what was his name again ah he's he's here to help what a what a true legend follow me friend don't worry brother i've cleared the dragon to ignore that sound that's right good god it's like when dad comes home and you know you've dented his car with your plastic lightsaber earlier on in the night oh no oh come on guys first things first knock these guys down make my job harder later on oh i'm gonna need a hubble telescope to see the amount of damage i did holy crap oh you just had to take me down with you didn't you that's fine i'll take the scenic route yep nice legs perfect oh cool weapon dude smashed stupid dumb head okay i think we might have him in a little bit of a a loop here he keeps doing the same move do i want to maybe break it no if he if if he's an idiot and he's going to keep doing the same move over and over i'm going to keep doing my same move over and over it's called auto attacks you full i guess a halberd to the the dome to the metal helmet really scrambled his brain and he can't work it he can't work it out okay now i'm a little concerned is he actually broken he break free are you kidding me i decided to go actually upgrade one of my weapons and uh you know that made that fight a little bit easier and not use the oh no don't don't do this again get out of here you stupid son of a [ __ ] you big oath oh beware of enemies ahead i like that message it's real neat in this game i know you guys aren't hostile but i just i don't trust it you know it's like the old little old lady in the fruit and veg section of the supermarket just backstabber quick just in case trap yeah no you know what that probably is a trap that bridge is gonna break i saw that little divot you're telling me these [ __ ] lizards set up an ambush they all got together around the table and worked together on setting up an ambush to kill a human that they had no idea was coming by the way but they're all sitting tony you're going to be on the left side of the wall okay you're going to block him off first richard you bet oh ed big fan of your sharpening stones brother what are you talking about you just said you didn't want to talk to me okay this is a little secret no one knows about in demon souls you cut off their water supply you leave for like a week you come back everyone in here is dead from dehydration and you can cruise on by i love these where's he going [Laughter] okay i'm pretty sure this is big spot yeah armoire spider you guys remember armoire oh almost up he's playing yeah that's me but you wondering how i got myself into this situation dude hearing this music [Music] listen you big [ __ ] i'm australian i understand what it's like to wake up to this [ __ ] all right we had one death you know i mean i could still die don't get me wrong but i think we gear we got this one in the bag i really like that boss fight that's it's not bad it's not bad at all hey there partner what the did i just get explosion memes what was that was it this the minecarts have bloody bombs in them you kidding me [Music] one of these wise words look at down look at down very very good advice man incredible is this oh no oh he's getting a run up and everything you can't jump in this game oh no idiot what no this reminds me of bloodborne speedrun strats i hate these worms man just go just roll past them oh the hands of god that's good this is where god died apparently bodes well for me i'm just a human being what happened to this guy oh he did the same thing oh we're going to die the same way [Music] crystal lizards see that treasure over there go on take it my gift to you just to show that we're friends yeah okay patches that [ __ ] might have flown back in 2009 but he went in there what the [ __ ] what is that okay time to go see you next time [Music] i've made a huge mistake oh good yeah the prison of hope there's no bloody hope here is there all right we're good give it to me what do you got i want to go home me too brother what do these do like first year i don't know man you'll never know oh no octopus head please please don't [Music] a dead person awaits it's like a little riddle you never know what's going to be in the next cell the liver oh it's literally it's literally just a dead person let me guess try thrusting the enemy weakness is the finger come on guys fairly sure i'm remembering this wrong yeah i thought i swear to god you open these and they like sucked you in and killed you you were useless that's thanks for that that's what i needed to hear that's great okay you seem like a fairly normal person what do you got fifty thousand souls oh probably pop some of these souls eh you almost got me here bastard this one's locked that's weird as hell man this place is a goddamn maze what the heck is even happening in here jesus [ __ ] christ what is that never mind we're going this way let's check these uh these little one by one cells here this is where they keep the true criminals like the dex users i don't know the blood stains are just comedy gold maybe i i enjoy other people's pain but [Laughter] jesus is that my man jc [ __ ] religion's taking a more direct approach now isn't it no no don't do it don't do it man no oh he tried oh look at this imperial spy gear i have a couple subscribers some very specific ones that are going to be enjoying this part of the video imagine those door-to-door people coming to your house with this out on the street you open your door you want to hear about jesus and you're like oh [ __ ] yeah i guess so six day lockdown in essay baby anyone else pumped to stay at home for six days with no takeout look at this bold idiot it's gonna be me after it's over no jim i do not wish to interfere i won't cause you trouble i won't you're such as hell man why you'd been interfere with what ever be wary of a liar this person i'm sorry dude but all these messages are saying you're alive it's everyone's favorite austin powers movie what the heck this isn't a real person plagues is it the first one or the second one because if it's not gold member okay i can't be gold member yeah baby you're laughing at you just fly into the arena huh oh hello you want to be on the thumb now miss hang on stand still there let me uh open up paint here all right this is gonna be real quick um all right she's got a head it's a circle it's got nice hair give her some some luscious lips she's got some very interesting eyes pretty eyes um body she's got four arms as well that's interesting club book some little pony tails all right [ __ ] let's go let's go let's go yep that's the second time i've done this joke i bet you're wondering will he get away with it [Music] please stop putting down these traps it's like that scene from simpsons with sideshow bob standing on all the rakes there's one here too there was luke there how dare you stan orlando is this ann orlando hey guys you're going to take me to another god these guys are a lot more violent than the gargoyles oh god what the [ __ ] is wrong with you guys that was brutal no no look at this it looks amazing oh no we're all good real good dude your buddies dropped me at the door man it's so weird playing a souls game for what it feels like the first time because i'm so inexperienced with demon souls coming through heart watch out i'm coming through i can make a video just of these blood stains [Music] look i don't know what any of you guys are doing um every time i've killed you i've been rewarded so i really don't appreciate you they were holding up that chain are you kidding me i played dark soul i know what this is oh yeah this is what i said this is where it all began take me up take me down okay we're going down oh my [ __ ] god are you kidding me look at this [ __ ] what the f what is that you know what no see you later see in hell yeah come on out brother why not when's the last time i've been betrayed by some idiots trapped in a cell in dark souls huh from that's a great message from man this swamp is a nightmare look at this idiot it's indie mouse in the future here he had no idea what was coming the valley of defilement was around the corner he thought that swamp was bad you fall i just like to take this lift up to the top thank you very much i said i'd like to take you i am the heart i'm losing my grip who's done wow welcome to the greatest video on all of the internet featuring the one and only indie mouse that's epic over to you indie mouse man eater okay look at this monkey [ __ ] that's why you make a female character because this guy can't beat you why did you roll that way women so when i think of demon souls i think of the roly-poly skeletons from this area that's literally all i can think of when i think of themselves so i'm glad we're back here yeah the red eye guy now the true demon souls begins i remember man this guy demolished me back in the day i thought you were man after playing dark souls 3 nothing in this game is that hard is it man it shows how much character you've grown you know you you beat an actual hard game and then you come back to team itself give me one second okay now you're gonna get out of the way real quick no no i don't think i will ah man no wonder you guys wanted me to play demon souls your mom's one of the bosses i'm gonna say this up front this guy's a bit this guy i remember this guy being a pushover so take that as you will however this goes you got to hit him in his um like his gaping wound a lot of weak points in demon souls and then you hit the golden bird oh my god why does he have a golden bird as a head i don't know man it's just sad isn't it i can't believe this kind of [ __ ] flew back then someone phantom he's not to even make it to the boss arena boys oh my god he just set up a trap no you almost killed me that's not my problem it's yours yeah you run that way i'll run this way this way doesn't seem as good sometimes the way that doesn't seem good is the best way to be that's for standing on that [ __ ] are you out trap your damn mind you guys ever seen the movie don't breathe that's how we're gonna handle this see they don't give him a bandana around the eyes for nothing dude's blind you can't see me he can hear me this goes anything like the movie i am doomed he's cheating he can see through his blindfold dude killed by a golden musty version of myself what a time to be alive you know what i know how to handle this what happens if uh i don't know if i do this [Music] yeah yeah i know this guy he's the precursor of yorm the giant from dark souls 3 as in you need this storm roller to kill you need a special weapon with the the wind except to say that this time it's um it's not a giant man it's a it's a stingray which tell you what no more [ __ ] australians are gonna be dying to stingrays today okay bye bye storm king sorry that fire kind of blows probably won't show any of that all right pucker up everybody we're in the swamp hope you get settled because this is gonna be all right [ __ ] her up everyone we're in the swamp all right pucker up everyone we're in um we're in the swamp oh my god look at these indie mice [Music] [Music] gotta have some rhythm just to make the scene oh the true demon soul starts here how many times are you going to tell me the true demon soul starts here look at this [ __ ] swamp look when the highlight of your area is infinite spawning slugs i'm sorry it's just not a good area this place blows hit me in the swamp [ __ ] you you dumb i can't roll in the swamp so you know what stop right there let me sort this out out here get this delete goodbye i knew those slugs had to have a reason they had the moonlight sword i've died over 9 000 times i gotta hit that with a thumbs up that's that's the truth right there all right we got the shortcut everything is good we never have to look at that swamp ever again in the history of ever i'm not playing this ever again damn looks beautiful what do you got there huh soul of the worthless [ __ ] i'm sorry i can't [Music] look i have plenty practice killing little babies from playing isaac okay you don't be sinister i can no longer resist you do as you like take your breath okay thank you appreciate it see you next time hey guys it's me video donkey here i am with dark soul 2. this is one of the hardest bosses in the game as you can see he's uh pretty much unbeatable in this game and he's probably one of the hardest bosses yeah remember me [ __ ] you had you pounded my ass yeah i'm playing but demon souls hey guys what's happening where am i oh so from here on out i just completely utterly destroy the flame loki he didn't stand a chance against me you know like my little brother coming up to me and trying to start a fist fight you know he wouldn't stand a chance i think it's mainly because i have the moonlight great sword i've never actually used this sword in any souls game but the way it glows naturally in this game i just had to use it then we went on to the dragon god who i've never fought before in my life but i've seen him i know of him i know how controversial he is and everyone wanted him to be changed imagine like the bed of chaos boss fight except uh there's no edges to fall off and it's almost impossible to die so you know for being so called a dragon god he's probably one of the easiest fights in the game and if you die to him then i'm sorry that you are blind now i'm aware if you beat him up with the fists of god that you get earlier on you get an achievement i wasn't aware of that in the moment when i was playing this is this bit this bit is all done in post you know i would have loved to do that but i didn't have them on me and i had no idea that that achievement existed on you know day two of release surprise [ __ ] why is the mat it's the gargoyles there's two of them i had no idea i've fallen off the edge before the other one got summoned is it a timing thing ah [ __ ] me dude this is not [Music] i'm a fool i was so worried about the flame lurker i didn't see the man-eater getting stronger behind me nice try idiot you never use more than magic to beat me [ __ ] a brick this guy is a total [ __ ] this is the worst guy in the whole game making a 1v1 is gonna make okay we did it we did it look other youtubers they'd be raging right now i actually like this boss fight even though i've fallen off the edge eight times it's just that red [ __ ] on the stairs why is this happening i didn't even make it to a fog wall a mid battle is this a dark souls 3 thing is this where they got the idea for dark souls 3 church ring city i mean am i gonna have to destroy a player god i hope it's iron pineapple this is where that started huh crown of xanthus all right brother bring it on yeah no this is an iron pineapple armor damage you fasted you absolutely yeah [ __ ] off idiot coming in here with this armor breaking resin god [Music] what in tarnation is happening down here it's like a mic that's the red eyes okay you know what going back upstairs fellas holy [ __ ] they're coming guys there's another one behind him they said this isn't good just all right just swing there's a sword voice oh my god we've done it you saved my life this is the third time i am truly indebted to you this is all i have now i must go oh sorry brother i dropped it there thank you oh pure clear stone i am i've killed like eight of these fat clowns there's no way he's the boss i told you who we got oh my god oh my god artorias is that you oh my goodness look at this photo mode look how good that looks oh my god i just wanted to take a photo [Music] yeah you know artorias you're a penetrator what a weakling that's my nickname in isis kill my father wait what oh there he goes i'm glad i saved his ass three times in a row it's great that this is his end [Music] next stop zeus's penthouse [Music] did you know 43 of you aren't subscribed why not do it right now indie mouse only releases the best gaming content on the platform no big deal [Music] now arriving at zuza's slam dome holy [ __ ] zeus i had no idea he was in this game now that's the twist that's not zeus [ __ ] okay back up i know this move how far do we have to back up here all right old king a lot let's see how you like this it's called the moonlight great sword and it's carried me through the whole damn game hey no no no you can't use it back on me what the heck beat the [ __ ] out of me unarmed combat how do you like this oh my god it's getting it's getting a little bloody here surely phase two right no phase two okay well this doesn't seem good is the nexus gonna crumble in on itself so uh you doing anything later or oh hello no no what the hell old one i have granted thy wish a new demon man i had no idea the scope of this game but i guess i guess we get to fight the real end boss now i'm a little scared no never mind this is like one of the this is a joke boss fight you know like pinwheel or sixty percent of the bosses in this game player of demons go back above the nexus shall imprison me no longer i shall lull the old one back to slumber oh i'll be taking this thank you have a good day lady marie is better anyway bye-bye [Music] a brave new hero of unprecedented power that's me we've done it everybody it's been super demon souls thank you for watching subscribe like leave a comment see you soon with some uh i don't know who knows goodbye a big tree man [Music] see
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 457,134
Rating: 4.9682565 out of 5
Keywords: demon's souls review, demons souls walkthrough, emons souls pvp, demons souls door, demon's souls ps5 pvp, demons souls remake secret door, demon's souls remake ost, demon's souls remake gameplay, demon's souls ps5 review, demons souls hidden door, demon's souls ign, demon's souls bosses, demon's souls remake review, super demons souls, indeimaus demons souls
Id: _bucRtKcvhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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