Iconoclasts: WAIFUBORNE

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well this was gonna be a little Metroidvania again but after seeing that title screen I might have been swindled into a a waifu game this main screen is full of all these waifu's and there's a cowboy on there as well we're gonna ignore that part but all the rest my goodness now before we continue here I'd like to thank my friends over at Amino for sponsoring this video they're a community based app that's completely free to use and this time I actually got to work with them and set up my own playlist of all the aminos that relate to my channel featuring Dark Souls cuphead blood-borne darkest dungeon Silent Hill and basically all of my favorite games that I've talked about on the channel mainly Dark Souls though getting rid over getting ready for that with remaster boys so be sure to go check it out feel free to hit me up with a message I still read all the messages that I received from my previous doki-doki video even though I can't reply to all them all I do read them whether you're new or a veteran to Amino come check out all my picks for the greatest video games ever made and browse all the stuff they have that offer that aren't the stories or the chats the waifu's the best rocks and of course thank you to Amino for continuing to support me even though I make videos about the best trees in video games not many companies will do that now let's get back to the video so we have the wife who's a windy now is like a little link to Dark Souls my set perfect yummy mails video wait is this a frickin bonfire like a Yugo one screen over from your house and there's like 18 billion of these spiky arts koopa truth is waiting for you go up your morning jog I've good some improve um you may be wondering how I got into this room I could not tell you at this stage there's no entrance there's no exit is it okay they're gonna throw us the boss already sick what kind of simple patterns are we gonna work out here just shut this [ __ ] over no die that's good oh I don't have to worry about this game Wow big shady van outside of my house this is one concern on the side I've got one concern when there's a van outside my houses is my family ever gonna see me again excuse me what are you clowns doing in my house I'm sorry agent black and agent white my bad something I see a theme going on with these enemies look yeah well you got my my profile good job you look at my facebook page those buffoons were trying to steal my wrench try to see if I was an engineer guess what I keep the wrench in the basement [ __ ] idiots didn't check that did you black and white but those guys are jealous they can't do this move or you can open doors with it Oh sick how did they get out of here this is the only exit currently something tells me I can slide up there it is a Metroidvania so I guess I just I can't do that yet oh that tears thinking about keys yes I know he had a key nice one hey priest check out these a little check out this trick oh you like that he does not like that oh god I just shot the priest no you can sleep in the bed oh yeah what's going on with a little girl oh that was your bed I'm so sorry let me sleep in this one my bed that was your bed too little [ __ ] has two beds what oh my god what girl light your fire that fails because you gave you made it too easy for to just walk past you and brush off yeah it's brought my wrench with me that's my brother by the way that blond guy there and we're gonna fix up the house here apparently you know just wrench in this knob is how you're gonna are gonna fix this house up one one concern seems to be the bad guy corporation they're the Shinra Shinra incorporated I'm here because I'm fixing your house rich so this lady's then mean she has the same hair color and I as as that little girl you know the little girl that I slept in her bed and us left in her other bed don't mind me guys this is not oh is she crying you guys fighting but fighting so my brother in this lady I just going at each other come on guys stop yelling at each other black no come on guys this isn't a wrench this is just a big fork no you guys knock oh there's no way you know we're getting kidnapped by bloody Shinra oh I think my brother just died and put any guards or anything easiest prison escape my wife is that a shotgun on the wall yeah it's a loaded shotgun the whole one concern I think they need to think a couple more concerns like leaving loaded shotguns for the prisoners when after blade is real sneaky or out we're up in the vents you tell me I once heard a joke about paper it was terrible okay we can only move when they're laughing so they don't hear it's two people walk into a bar they both had concussions okay yep nice one everybody when you're joke about construction I'm still working on it hey Ellen's pretty good yeah I get Madson walk allows us to put the cat out I didn't know it caught fire hey Doc joy nice one speaking of pet cats mine died the other week this metal slug lookin [ __ ] down here it causes a buzz I gotta say the aesthetic of this game is very pleasing on the eye even if it turns out I don't actually like the game the art the art in this is actually incredible like I said very metal slug ass but so far I'm enjoying the game don't get me wrong good luck catching me [ __ ] you don't have a boat oh [ __ ] he's got grenades [Music] now we're fine we washed up on this desert island level to the desert very original I don't know what happened to that other girl but I guess she drowned oh right is that sudowoodo from Polk oh my god it's Sutter what is packing explosives and he killed himself right these terrorists Sutter widows how do we get past them all right which one of these monkey [ __ ] put up chests on their roof of their house weather what is a you agent blacks agent white doctor purple philosopher Green I don't get up there I refuse to believe I'd come back later for this chest it was you it's your house get my glass before putting a chest on your roof idiot oh my god have made it oh that Wow improve um how exciting but that took me way longer than I care to admit improve you I think we may be busted boys tell him you're telling I'm a concerned mechanic they don't know a bonked Kirk who don't so tell him that don't tell him about old Kirk I jumped on his head what are we doing here moving boxes yeah let's move it Terry told him up to Oh God okay I thought that okay all right we blew up okay we can't put the circle with the triangle and this guide will not stop here we'll just keep going or don't know about that one but I'll take the victory that's the cowboy guys it's a cowboy guy from the main you menu and you just kick that guy flick cliff oh my goodness okay he's with one concern as well I am a favorite enemy in the game the purple dick cactus excellent can't wait to fight many of the purple dick cacti get me out of here okay so this is this is the guy on the main menu as well he's the white man named royal they're introducing so many characters at me right now what is not working with you as a pirate machine okay there's pirates in the game as well help me why man what do I do no you're not Wyatt the other guy agent what our agent whites are you come under his legs into his legs you lady what the [ __ ] Wow that was 90% me 10% you mr. royal don't call him mr. Wyatt then we already got another white character no a character named Wyatt [ __ ] oh my goodness gracious and they go helicopters they got Marines they got big photos of wife who's everywhere actually I think that's who they're calling mother so that might not actually be a wife if it is that's very weird and confusing black is a female oh I thought it was a male this whole time so Gabriel isn't ratting now he doesn't know I'm a fugitive okay he doesn't he doesn't know yet but they're showing wanted people up on this TV so it's just a matter of time until little old Maya face pops up there Royall thinks he's helping out he's like this mechanic did a good job he she saved me from the big skull monster pirate monster so his intentions are pure but he just [ __ ] me there I am up on the screen with my good old dad a little bit of grease on the face well how do I look like guilty in this family photo do this little shadow water skip in town learn how to baden by the way you just hit their nuts back at him guaranteed to work 99% of the time almost fell off the train there would have been a little bit embarrassing we're just getting out of here Rory will save saving the light totally Oh grenades we're getting it we're in a bit of a chase oh and that's chrome cowboy you guys chrome is in the helicopter oh no cowboy peach trying to kill me with his propellers of his helicopter no it's not is just reading a book in the back helicopter has arms oh my gosh OOP the woot laser yeah there's a referee the internet reference for your kid this poor pilot doing all this work he's reading the book in the back hey pay attention oh if you're gonna kill me look at me I knew blowing up a helicopter on the back of a train wasn't a bad idea now entering the water levels with a breath bar and everything that's my fist that's perfect not even Donkey Kong Country had a breath meter Oh what is that check this out ready okay that didn't go as long as I was expecting but um it's still fun hi guys welcome to I cut a class where you got to shoot up this shoot one of your grenade balls up into this perfect little spot up here you gotta slide it right up to the top you kind of have it too far you can't have a too little just slide it right up the [ __ ] top you got a slight oh my god that took like 20 minutes was this way again Oh to Munchie fish in the water that chase you yeah and not feeling all that I like the safe went statue in this area because it's two normal parents holding the little egg baby hey guys but you didn't think hell consists of I three fish in water that's all hell is welcome to it Oh almost ran out of breath there yeah now I'm Shirley's minecraft creeper robots in the background won't come alive later on and attack me when I least expect it no they're just props ah little robots gonna control the filter paper robot I took damage for that I use yeah just kill me you know what just kill me in real life these [ __ ] don't take damage I have this is the first time I died this is not what good robots look like this is a boss okay I'm sorry Mina but you can say this is your God what did God power generate all you want but and you see that on anybody else see that eyeball robot going over there at this present time guess we're gonna ignore that there you go that's rip my dick off and catch you later your [ __ ] sure we didn't need that thing Mina made it seem like it was pretty important ah it's fine it's got little broken tooth a black eye and you gave agent Wyatt buddy's laser vision goggles what's going on here all right this is fine we just gonna fight Cole did that hit me I don't know find out next time oh that one hit me my bad I didn't even move but that's that's fair enough agent white you can suck my boot knock Todd now he's got ice goggles Oh God up tripping over oh my [ __ ] god there's lightning bolt oh this is not good this is not good at all it isn't as bad as it looks I know I there's no way for me to breathe he's also shooting bullets into the water but you know those fish from before at least they're not in here that's a that's a positive ah see you later mr. white you [ __ ] [Music] what didn't mean it just due to him she punched him in the chest and Wyatt stuff came out that's a little worried sound effect he's a tree she Mina planted a seed in him oh my god what a brutal way to go out hey first weapon upgrade he cured the electric wrench thank you very much what can I do with this time I can do this get a little super signer or around me nice can also do this so this is pretty neat you ever seen anyone do this I know it's a house it's all blown up it was bad man your little son has been going and seeing a little a man called the spaceman look I've been listening to this podcast called serial killers and that's exactly how every episode starts out oh god there's the spaceman killer he's even got the little kid in a glass box oh man this is this is this is an episode of serial killers right now the spaceman is responsible for 44 missing children who all just wanted to go to the moon oh now little timmy is never gonna see the moon you probably never was going to in the first place little Timmy was a little bit tough yeah just get him out of there man just get him out of there that's how the number one priority right now save this kid from this creep oh my god we got him out we good all right little Timmy run and call the police we're gonna call the place on you're a weirdo you're walking around in a space suit kidnapping little kids in class that's my brother my brother's alive did miss a little bit there it is just a creepy man in a spacesuit what was your the most satisfying thing in the shame check this out oh I don't know why I just feel so good all on one here we go yeah come on you set me up with the thorns this model of house what about this model house are they gonna blow this one of us that tried to blow me up oh no Meena Meena was left in the house oh [ __ ] she did never mind Mena's fine and she's got a shotgun ah this is much better than plain Robin well that miss tells a little bit of [ __ ] I'll give you that dude the shotgun sit [ __ ] giant caterpillar with a drill poor ed and little creepy grabby arms controlled by a man oh this is a boss fire I see its tail on the other side that's freeing this big donut [ __ ] arena I am I am I am boned boys yeah nice one L row he got him Oh God good thing I have an electric wrench off please charge yeah Oh mate you've why don't you just go backwards you do bingo oh that's the most Australian thing I've ever said oh [ __ ] this was not a good place to land oh you big caterpillar contrary of reeling you to work together he's down to his head oh yeah every sort catch a later hater into the that's not it's not as steep as the hoof is gonna be Oh God oh it's Mina minor now am I gonna say minor don't even ask how we got put back in prison luckily there's a vent here bloody idiots first prison they give me a wrench second event hold up is this a ninja wearing a manhole cover as a helmet he is quick I'll give him that I've never seen this car before you just reflect his sword and then you hit him in the head with a wrench dude this guy is sick he looks awesome that's not the last we see of him oh here he is again space - here we go he's probably gonna have a couple of couple of new moves yeah he's got a bit of an AoE thing going on may I like this guy galvanized wrench I'm wondering if that's a duck sauce - reference - Gavilan who wills and deals everything has got to be connected to duck sauce somehow because it's the greatest [ __ ] game of all time was around these bozos stop the freaking elevator Isaac great the ninja man get up the top of the [ __ ] elevator dude dropping bombs in here no don't Sonax no don't cut the elevator noise kids you're not I've been in this tower for an hour it's not even the end I need to find two more keys Oh other than what I just saw one when I went past in the elevator well [ __ ] get out of my way [ __ ] I've been in this south of too long have fun with that ticket there's all there's another one it's gotta be down here Oh somebody just kill me now [Music] what is happening got all three keys get me the heck out of this place I've been in it for so long the music is drilled into my head just get me agent black she's got mean as friends ah that girl was stellar his daughter the one I slept in her bed and she got mad at me oh my [ __ ] god he just got shot oh he got shot we're stuck me on this door he locked him he locked us out Oh what ripped off his arm god this is black chick okay let me take that let me rephrase that this agent black lady is terrible how will Robin get out of this situation Robin will be taken hostage by the ninja with a sewer grate on its head things are looking good for Robin I'm getting chase loaded absolutely hideous creature there's a lot faster than I am hide in here do you know the manhole ninja he's been possessed by an alien making him do his bidding aha this is for possessing my friend I think he's a friend I'm not sure anymore he is a friend no what's the [ __ ] dude royal I hate you 18 you stupid white tuxedo super white hair you just killed my friend he just drowned oh my goodness this is a transcender they are the most beautiful one divine objects granted to us it's pretty beautiful give me that I like the purple little wink it is a divine womb destroying one of these is like murdering a parent oh my goodness murdering the parent isn't the problem it's when you murder the parent and then you gotta go for the kids as well this is very Final Fantasy seven esque where they'd put the Jenova cells in people and that either react by turning into a hideous creature or they turn into a super soldier so the same kind of thing going on here gosh darn this is not looking good this thing is changing the environment around me that's how powerful is that you changing the biome oh god Joe wait out here in a minute royal you've [ __ ] me over so many times if you do it again I swear to God yeah you just done it again he's just gone inside left me out in the winter winter wonderland freeze my ass off to death out here but that's cool that's alright I'll just go the other way that's fine royal I'm gonna go murder one of those parents what does that a [ __ ] terrorist from counter-strike Oh God ah - I'm guessing it's meanness that's the only person it could be at this point yeah there she is a little head in the big goofy jacket I should have called this game get ready because here come characters because there are so many characters in this game oh so now reversing this guy he's gonna show me how to get into that place where Wario locked us out what's that [ __ ] but he can turn invisible we got to beat him so we're gonna hide find a hiding spot all right here right here I'm excuse me you can't see me in here you little bastard this should be pretty good yeah you can't find me up here now's our chance yeah she's the [ __ ] out of me but here's how we get into the base he let us know the camera doesn't work so we just put on this big puffy suit and we just walk yeah this is stupid you you've got it Wow we look at this purple skeleton cowboy he'd guarding his door all right not messing with that [Music] surfer shot this looks pretty fancy maybe charged it up no no you can swap places with things here come 17 puzzles using this mechanic [Music] hi guys welcome back to let's play iconoclast r49 today we're gonna be fighting the purple cowboy boss look at that I just beat him yeah I think I definitely think this might be a skeleton milkshake we're going through here yeah this is definitely bodies look at those skulls in the background yeah yep yep this is all good I love that with nine hours into the game and there's still characters that I haven't been introduced to yeah like who the hell is that what is that big Rambo [ __ ] out of all black is beating the [ __ ] out of the cowboy and his white stuff coming out ah oh my god now she's being the shadow royal this girl has some anger issues I tell you she's got the purple arm she's been in the one of those super soldier machines and she should come out the other side you know over so she's a quick lady she's quick and angry too oh the truth thing I don't know what she does check this out you just shoot these little bull bombs at her and she walks right into my face freaking [ __ ] oh we've done it my brother I forgot about him he had his arm torn off and then now he's uh he's trying to get into one of those super soldier machines nice alright so we headed to heaven to meet mother I want you to process that for a second while we this old heaven God won't let me in so we're gonna swap places with him eating my usurper blast yeah that's for not letting me into having your little [ __ ] as it's great isn't it [ __ ] heavens full of hipsters with different color hairs look there's jacksepticeye god damn [ __ ] here she comes its mother oh we found our photos she was gonna be fake don't look at her guards that is sick no no that design is so cool I love everything about her mother what are [ __ ] I know she's turned a vehicle into a giant cat with shoes that are cars how can you beat that to be honest pull her off of her cat and then Mina punches her what's going on with this animation huh what's uh what's happening here who made this animation mm-hmm we turned mother into a tree as well is that just what we're doing we're going around killing everyone with smashing seeds into where their stomachs so they turn into trees what am i doing what is my brother doing oh you just injected it with something he just took it like a man oh he's gonna explode into tree oh no he's sending to a metal slug zombie oh god okay oh my god he lost his clothes at the end and then he exploded what a way to go out [Music] I'll check out as I put those purple characters those in DeMuth who the [ __ ] is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Lord she's gonna fall in the lightning [Music] yeah that's now that's fine our I just take your time this is as fast as I can go you can't run get out of my way purple Rambo [ __ ] stab it oh oh my god stabbed him in the back on the ground a good agent blacks back and now she has an RPG launch yeah yeah she's slowly turning over to a tree that's what you does you messed with the tree bandits that's what's gonna happen it's right there in the name she goes what a twist never saw that one coming oh she got absorbed into the ground I know I know it man that was too easy it was way too easy now I have to do it all again yep from the beginning this monster has like 19 phases now this whatever that is a little weird monkey brain things climbing up the rocket ship please just die oh my god yeah I think that's it I think that might be the end of it let me give you a status report here we're on a rocket ship we're going up to the moon where we can meet God and God we're gonna ask God not to destroy planet Earth because that's where we live and that would be a real downer Oh God of course Godhead looks like a big snake [ __ ] boss that ain't God that's a boss that's the bossiest boss I've ever seen in this game and all the bosses look like bosses Oh Oh Lord that's not good yeah royal woods he's passed out we're just gonna get him out of here I think he's the only one that can open these doors here hey that's why we need I know we can't make it to the door we got to leave them behind sorry royal that's for leaving me out in the snow your [ __ ] [Music] the snake landed on earth now we're gonna finally defeat it God sorry yeah this might be this looks like the climax I think boys this might be it oh I'm fine I'm not fine oh my this is rough this is rough there's nothing you can throw at me anymore I am a master at this game I just defeated God what Moritz oh my god it's the worm is a big giant spaceship controlled by a bird that was it that's a giant bird that's a giant bird with a wrench on his back and he is very upset at our water levels his fuel levels semen levels oh my god okay okay the end boss is a giant mechanic bird he's me except he's a big bird he is he is a lot better than me I'll give you that and now I'm cursing both of them the giant worm and the the bird yes this is fabulous I think this is it this is gonna be it unless another little the bird's head opens up and there's another little creature driving the bird and at that point it's just comical he's very upset with me he's not a fan of Rob Oh oh that shut it's dead shutting the [ __ ] up good riddance peace out why is he gonna turn into a giant tree I tended a multiple trays all around the world and not the weird slimy trees it would be really hard to explain to someone who tended to normal trees it's a miracle you yeah I did it I did I save the world now good night [ __ ] [Music] that's it I love when the credits have all the characters that's a elevators kind of games but yeah that's it oh that's I kind of clasts I don't know what I'm gonna call this video but um yeah it was pretty good I think it went on a little longer than I had to the lot of the story was kind of convoluted at times but um other than that had some cool boss fights some cool stuff this the artwork isn't absolutely incredible some good soundtrack stuff in there as well really enjoyed it and now I move on to some other games and looking at you go to war but until next time thank you for watching him I know you have to do a top 10 in between because got a war parently it's [ __ ] huge go follow me on Twitter check out my Instagram [Music]
Channel: Indeimaus
Views: 625,570
Rating: 4.9333439 out of 5
Keywords: Iconoclasts, Iconoclasts Review, Iconoclasts Gameplay, Iconoclasts OST, Iconoclasts Trailer, Iconoclasts Walkthrough, Iconoclasts Game, Iconoclasts Speedrun, Iconoclasts Ending, Iconoclasts Boss, Cup Souls, Dark Holes, Thicc Souls, Waifus, Waifuborne, Indeimaus, Cuphead, top 5, videogamedunkey, Iconoclasts 100%, Metroidvania 2018
Id: zpWzs4mZf7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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