Lord Illidan Knows The Way [Lore]

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Hello everyone! As Varian and Sylvanas lead some of our troops to the broken shores, Khadgar makes his way to the vault of the wardens where Maiev and her watchers are dealing with problems of their own. The legion has come to claim a special prize and although the watchers do their best to fight back, they’re in need of help and as luck would have it, they have the perfect weapon against the demons locked away. The story behind all of that...that’s what we’re going to talk about today so let’s begin shall we?! When Sargeras burned out Illidan’s amber eyes during the War of the Ancients, he did not only mark him, he did not only increase his power, he also showed him a simple truth. He showed Illidan how the legion, in the great dark, conquered planet after planet. Azeroth was but one amongst millions upon millions of worlds each in turn fell to the demonic onslaught. Some of them were able to stand up for a while, but the Legion always came back, stronger than before. Sometimes worlds were not simply destroyed, they were conquered and incorporated in the Legion’s structure, adding more soldiers to feed its war engine. 1 small speck amongst millions, yet that was just 1 reality. There were a near infinite amount of universes, new ones were born each minute from the decisions made a heartbeat before and in all of them the Burning Legion marched, destroying world after world. In everyone of them, the Legion marched triumphant. The Burning Legion, invincible, unstoppable, dooming the universe to eternal darkness. This vision had been meant to convince Illidan that the Legion was invincible, that it was pointless to oppose the will of Sargeras, that the best and only thing he could do was join the Legion and have a say in the remaking of the universe. Illidan didn’t crumble though, he kept going with his plans of trying the stop the Legion’s invasion and in the end, despite his own plans backfiring, the world of azeroth was able to hold the line and save the day. It did not come without a price. The well of eternity had been used by queen azshara and her highborn to fuel the portal for the legion and now it had become incredibly unstable. The sundering took place, splitting the land of kalimdor apart and the well of eternity was gone, yet Illidan, he still had a few viles filled with water from the originel well. He used these to create a new well, remember that he had seen what the legion was truly about and he knew that one day...they would come back. The others did not have their eyes burned out by Sargeras, had not witnessed what Illidan had seen so as you might imagine, they didn’t really appreciate his actions. They had just fought a war with the legion, lost countless lives because of the previous well so seeing a new one infront of them was not a great thing. Illidan was nearly executed, but Malfurion was able to convince them to instead imprison his twin brother and Maievh Shadowsong volunteerd to guard him. The dragon aspects planet a world tree over the well named Nordrassil to contain the wells power and prevent it from growing further. They also placed several blessings on the tree, 1 of them granting the night elves immortality, including Illidan Stormrage. He told them that they were all fools, that they would all pray to him as if he were a god when the demons would return. They had their first bite of azeroth and they´d surely return for a second. When that moment arived they would have need of his skill and knowledge, someone who knew how the legion worked and how to stop them. For the next 10.000 years, the demon hunter who had once roamed the land hunting his prey, had been held captive in the dark. Within a prison only big enough to take 9 steps, Illidan suffered for years, unable to escape. Not even death was a way out since the spells placed upon him did not only keep him in place, they also made sure that he would be kept alive without the need for food or water and healing any wounds he might inflict upon himself. 10.000 years spend in darkness with only the wardens and their leader Maiev Shadowsong to keep him company and he had learned to hate them... Those familiar with Illidan’s story know what happens next. He would be proven right and the Legion did return during Warcraft 3. Tyrande Whisperwind decides to release Illidan and recruit his aid. There was no remorse, no apology, she had set him free only to be used as weapon and the worst of it all was that Illidan would still give it to her.   Malfurion and Maievh they’re not happy with Tyrande’s actions, but Illidan doesn’t care. He quickly leaves his prison behind and focuses on the task infront of him. After absorbing the skull of gul’dan, he kicks the crap out of the dreadlord Tychondrius saving their forest but also earning him a banishment since Malfurion and Tyrande disaprove of his methods. Kil’jaeden finds the demon hunter, recruits him to destroy his creation the Lich King which had been getting out of control. llidan does his very best to complete the task, he recruits the naga and ventures into the tomb of sargeras to claim the eye of sargeras and use it to empower his spellwork, but his plans are prevented by Malfurion and the warden Maiev, who wants nothing more then to put the betrayer back into his cage. She’s so hellbend on this mision, that she lied to Malfurion and told him that his beloved Tyrande was killed by the scourge instead of just sweapt away by the river.Despite all that happened, Illidan would never do anything to harm Tyrande and he tells his brother that together they could save the high priestess. The stromrage brothers team up, Tyrande is saved but the same can’t be said for Illidan. He has failed Kil’jaeden and Kil’jaeden does not reward failure so he decides to hide on Outland with the Warden maiev quickly going after him to recapture her pray. “fools, do you have no sense of justice?” In Outland, Illidan together with the blood elf prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, the naga Lady Vasjh and the broken Akama, they’re able to defeat the pitlord Magtheridon, claim the black temple for their own and Illidan gives himself the title of lord of Outland. Hiding from Kil’jaeden would not be so easy though as he finds them again, invades their minds and ponders the situation. This is a moment that Illidan had long dreaded and prepaired for. He had schemes and plans in mind that the deciever could absolutly not find out about so he braced himself as he felt Kil’jaeden probe his mind. Slowly, with expert care, he lowered the magical defenses of his mind, giving Kil’jaeden what he seemed to be looking for while still guarding his most precious secrets. The moment seemed to last for hours, but only a few heartbeats had passed. “let me try, indeed”? Had he done it? Had he decieved the deceiver? Perhaps, but the quest was still infront of them, to try and destroy the Lich King and once again, he failed. It didn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. It would have been easier to keep Kil’jaeden on their good side, but Illidan was not discouraged and worked on doing what seemed to be impossible. His visions had shown him that stopping the Burning Legion, truly stopping them, could not happen if they just waited around for them to attack. They had to take the battle to the Legion itself so all the things that we saw go down during the Burning Crusade, Gruul the Dragonslayer, Magtheridon and the fell orcs, Kael’thas within tempest Keep, the different forces we faced within the black temple...all of that was not the main focus for Illidan. His attention was focused on the real battle, the one against the burning legion so he had to find a way to travel to legion worlds and he needed more forces, being similar like him, gifted and powerful. He needed more demon hunters and that’s where our new characters come in. “MY LIFE IS DEDICATED TO DESTROYING THE BURNING LEGION!” When you make your demon hunter, you can pick between either a night elf for the alliance or a blood elf for the horde. The blood elves were recruits send in by Kael’thas while the night elves found their own way to Illidan, those that agreed with his view on the world and that it was worth what ever price they had to pay to bring the legion to their knees. 1 example used in the illidan novel is a night elf named Vandel who had lost his family during Warcraft 3. He returned home where he found the body of his son...or atleast the very little that was left of it after the felhound was done. He had come a long way to find Illidan’s new home, to find a way to get his revenge. Now these demon hunters did not have Sargeras to burn out their eyes, so their training and ritual was a bit different. “Take a look around you, the deciever told his new recruits. There are more than five hundred of you here. By the time this is over, there will be less than a hundred. You all swore you were willing to give your lives to strike at the Burning Legion. You now have a chance to prove that. Who will be the first?” Vandel took a deep breath and stepped forward. “I will have my vengeance or I will die. Whatever is needed, I will do” and the first step that was required of him was to step inside the summoning circle where a felhound appeared. Armed with only a hunting knife, Vandel brought it down but this was just the first step of his very long journey. Illidan grabbed the heart of the demon and told Vandel to eat it. Next was the blood of his demonic foe which Illidan told him to drink. To his horror, he felt as if something was kicking within his belly. he imagined the demon flesh coiling in his gut, trying to break free, grawing its way out. Illidan chanted and used his magic. Strange emotions shifted through the night elf but he could not move and when Illidan finished his spell, the world shimmered and vanished. Upon opening his eyes, Vandel found himself back in his old village, fire rampaging through the town. Ahead of him he saw his old home, his child beckoning for his father. It all seemed so real, as if the five miserable years he had spent wandering had evaporated and he had been given a second chance to save his son. And yet...he knew that this was not the case. His little boy disapeared back into the house and after following him, Vandel witnessed the old nightmare coming back to life. His sons eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling and on his chest crouched a felhound, grawing at his flesh. Sweet, sweet pain. The voice came from somewhere deep within him. His heart felt as if it were breaking, his headas if it were going to explode. He could not endure this again. But you will, many, many times. And I will feast upon it as I devour your soul. The voice inside him was the demon he had consumed and now an internal struggle was going on. The pain, agony, rage was feeding the demon and Vandel would have to learn to overcome it. Even Illidan showed up in this vision and despite Vandel accusing him of serving the legion, of being his enemy, threatening to kill him for what he had done, Illidan was unmoved. I thought there was some strength in you. It is not given to just anyone to defeat a demon, armed only with a hunting knife. Are you going to lie there whimpering, or are you going to seek vengeance on those who did this? Join me, and you will have your revenge.” Vandel stared directly at the Betrayer’s face. The runecloth made it impossible to read his expression. “I will never serve you.” “You have only two roads from this place. One of them leads to madness and death; the other into my shadow.” Illidan disapeared, leaving Vandel alone with the voice in his mind, the felhound trying to devour him. He was able to overcome the beast, despite its taunting words, and again he devoured it. Upon doing so, his spirit rose and drifted out into the blackness. A vision was granted to him as well, a vision showing him the unstoppable forces of the Burning Legion bent only on destruction and slaughter. In every world, in every future, the Burning Legion strode, invincible, unstoppable, dooming the universe to eternal darkness in its wake. Behind it all, he saw the looming demonic figured of its leaders: Archimonde – who was believed dead by so many – Kil’jaeden and above all others, Sargeras the fallen titan, once sworn to guard the universe, now bent on destroying it. On and on the visions roared, tearing through his brain, goading him to the edge of madness and beyond. And every time he saw one, part of him died, and the demon within him fed on his agony and gloated. He covered his eyes with his hands, but it did not stop the horrors from flowing in. He squeezed his eyes tight shut, but still he saw and saw and saw, until he could bear no more. Drowning in horrror, he inserted his fingers into his eye sockets, feeling the blood flow and the jelly puncture beneath his nails. He pulled and pulled and pulled, straining against muscle and optic nerve until his eyeballs came free with a hideous sucking sound. At the last moment, before the horror overwhelmed him, he realized this was what Illidan once saw. This was what had turned him into what he was. The Betrayer had walked this path before him... “Lord Illidan knows the way” And now Vandel would walk a similar one. He learned how to see the world with his new magical eyes, he recieved magical tatoos to bind the demon within, he was trained further in the arts of combat and he was in a constant struggle with the demon within who tried to gain control. The tattoos he gained were meant to keep the demon under control so the demon affected his mind, made him believe that Illidan was mad, that he was mad. Hatred filed him, this time turned on himself as he took a knife and started to cut away at his own flesh. If he could cut out all the scales, he could stop his demonic transformation, he could still go back. The thought drove him to cut again and again until he was covered in his own blood and patches of his skin lay on the floor. Something in his head laughed at him and that made him realise that the demon inside was not so weak or controlled. It was effecting him, twisting his thoughts, toying with his emotions. Despite all the blood he had lost already, Vandel staggered out the door and heard someone shout “Another one, get Akama!” Then he passed out and next thing he knew was Akama tending to his wounds. Now this is just an example as to how Vandel was turned into a demon hunter, but it’s a good indication for the rest of them and it explains why Illidan informed them about how few would make it through the training, but those few that did became incredibly powerful tools against the demonic forces of the legion, wielding the powers of the enemy against them. “I’ve sacrificed everything. What have you given?!” With his trained demon hunters, Illidans next step was to take the battle to the legion but in order to this, they would have to collect a disk called the Seal of Argus kept on the home world of the dreadlords, called Nathreza. Here they kept a record of every triumph, conquest, plot, scheme portal and destroyed portal. As the demon hunters exceeded even Illidan’s expectations as they battled with the demons, he focused on getting the disk and they actually managed to fullfill their mission and make it back to outland safely. Next Illidan used the disk to locate Argus, he found Kil’jaeden in his throne room and he knew that he had succeeded. He had found the planet he had been looking for so next he needed established a link between Argus and outland, but in order to do this, he required power. Luckily Outland held a place called Auchindoun, a burial ground for the Draenei which held the spirits of their fallen. These souls would do the trick so Illidan traveled to Auchindoun to fill up his soul siphon and he left his demon hunters behind to save their strength for the final confrontation. Instead he brought him with him some fel orcs and this would prove to be a big miscalculation. The necromancers and the forces summoned within auchindoun proved to be a powerful resistance. 1 by 1 the fel orcs go down and Illidan has to give it all to both maintain his magic and fill the siphon, as well as guard himself from the attacks. Even part of his spirit his sucked into the device, Hold on he tells himself as finally the final gem lights up and he gets himself the hell out of there. 1 miscalculation and even weeks later, he still felt weak, his power not even close to anything it was before he enterd the crypts. He was able to establish a link between Argus and Outland, but all around him, the kingdom of the lord of outland crumbled as in the meantime the dark portal had re-openend and the forces of Azeroth partied on the planet of outland during the Burning Crusade. As you might remember, back then we weren’t aware of Illidan’s plans and he was considered an enemy. Step by step we dismantled his forces from gruul to lady vasjh to kael’thas all the way to the steps of the black temple where we teamed up with Maiev, who had been imprisoned all this time and even Akama decided to join our forces. He was not happy with the lord of outland considering Illidan had never given him the black temple as promised and he had also gone into auchindoun to claim the souls of the draenei. All this made Akama switch sides and even the Naaru joined us in our assault. Illidan realises that time has run out, but perhaps he can still use the powers he collected to send his demon hunters on a different mission. “Outland, years ago” “Waaaamp, waaaaaamp” “Illidari... “ “My demon hunters” With countless worlds burning in the legions wake, you answered the call. Yet these mortals in their ignorance have come to destroy their own salvation. Our time is short. I will deal with these intruders. You must venture to marduum and retrieve the sargerite keystone. Now go...but remember...should you fail...all worlds will burn! And so the demon hunters are send to the planet of Mardum to collect the sargerite keystone with us in charge. Once upon a time, Mardum was used by the titan Sargeras to imprison the demons he fought with and he used the sargerite keystone to lock them way. He had come to realise that demons can not be slain outside of the twisting nether so imprisonment was the better option. When Sargeras turned to the dark side, when he realised that the titans plan of bringing order to the universe was folly, he shattered the planet and released the demons forming the Burning Legion. The keystone was used for the prison and it has the power to open up portals to countless demon worlds, even Argus. It was given to brood queen Tyranna for safekeeping so time to assault the legion forces on the planet and claim it in lord Illidan’s name: brood queen Tyranna “There are demon hunters on my world, doom commander. This is unacceptable. Doom Commander Beliash: My eredar are summoning in more demons to attack them from behind your highness. brood queen Tyranna Do not let them enter the volcano. The key to the legions worlds must not fall into their hands, Beliash. Doom Commander Beliash: I will personally deal with their leader, my queen. brood queen Tyranna See that you do. In order to conquer Mardum we’ll need more forces and luckily the planet holds legion gateways which are powered by souls. The first gateway is empowered by the demons we’ve slain and the ashtongue are able to come through. The second gateway has a heroic ashtongue mystic on the brink of death, willing to sacrifice himself and through that gate the Coilskar join the fight. The third and final gateway is a little bit more difficult. It seems like the brood queen has done something to the gateway since not even the souls of several mo’erag were enough to unlock it. A demon hunters soul, that would do the trick so we get the choice of either sacrificing Sevis Brightflame or sacrificing ourselves... “Illidan: Interesting. Like me, you have an immortal demon soul. You cannot truly die. Instead, your soul will make its way to the twisting nether. There, you will wait until you can find a suitable body to inhabit. Now get back into your corpse while there is still time and bring me the keystone” Like Illidan, we have an immortal soul so the mission goes on. Mother Malevolence and her Shavara step through the gateway and join the fight. Step by step, under our leadership, we slay the demonic forces and fight our way to the end goal. The mission does not go without bumps in the road, for example some of the demon hunters get captured, but we’re here to set them free and we’re even able to claim demonic powers and add them to our own. With the tome of fel secrets we’re able to increase our powers tremendously and such power needs to be shared. 1 by 1 we teach the other demon hunters what we’ve learned, yet Mannethrel Darkstar is having a bit of trouble keeping his fel power under control amidst a world overflowing with demonic energy. Not too worry though, i’m sure just a little bit more won’t hurt... “Wait...I can’t contain the power...AAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHH” It’s a never ending struggle the demon hunters have to deal it with, keeping control over the fel energies within and this one clearly couldn’t take no more. Kayn tells us that it’s probably best to not teach anyone else since we can’t affort to lose them so instead we focus our attention on the brood queen. She awaits within the legion command ship called the fel hammer and despite a fierce battle, despite her kisses taking over our minds, despite her children trying to feast upon our flesh, even the mighty brood queen is brought low by the might of the demon hunters and we accomplish the mission given by Illidan. We obtained the Sargerite Keystone and with it, we’re able to return to lord Illidan and aid him with repelling the invading forces from Azeroth and Shattrath City... “WOeeesj” No! Lord Illidan has fallen! Illidari! Avenge the master! “Woesj, slice and diceeee” You bear the mark of his corruption. And so the demon’s blood within you will be your prison. “Ow noooooo i’m stuck now, lemme out lemme out” Take them to the vault. There they shall be with the betrayer... forever. (Elvish) Maievh has learned a new trick and is able to turn the demon blood within against us. It seems like all of Illidan’s plans have failed, all the sacrifices they made for nothing but Vandel who did not join the Illidari to Mardum, wakes up after being knocked out earlier by Maievh.He fears that he was the last of them, that Illidan’s great war was finished before it even began. Despair swept over him until he heard Illidan’s familiar voice. A whisper so faint that it might have come from the far edge of the universe or the other side of death, or from the deepest recesses of his memory. “You must be prepared.” The war isn’t over yet, the Legion has a gateway into azeroth and the vault of the wardens is under attack. Maiev has need of the demon hunters and decides to set them free in exchange for their aid against the Legion. However, that story we’ll save for next week since we’ve been going on for long enough. Thank you very much for watching everyone, I hope you enjoy the story so far. Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 654,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Illdan, Stormrage, Legion, Expansion, World of Warcraft, Illidari, Novel, Training, Black Temple, Burning Crusade, Vault of the Wardens, Maiev, Watchers, Tyrande, Malfurion, Burning Legion, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, Sargeras, Azeroth, Void lords, Vandel, Altruis, Kayn
Id: cte1TrfK32s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2016
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