The History of Isengard (Orthanc) | Tolkien Explained

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It is a black tower, a striking  presence at the southern tip of   the Misty Mountains. While it would later  become synonymous with the wizard Saruman,   it would be created by the earliest  Gondorians, the survivors of Numenor. Today, on Nerd of the Rings, we  cover the history of Isengard. While we don’t know for certain  when Orthanc was constructed,   we do know who built it. After their home of the  island realm of Numenor is destroyed, Isildur and   his brother Anarion found the realm of Gondor in  3320 SA. Over the centuries, the early Gondorians   would not only build the great cities of Minas  Ithil, Osgiliath, and Minas Anor, but they would   also build some of the greatest fortresses and  structures in all Middle-earth. These would   include stone bridges crossing the mighty Anduin  River, the Argonath at the northern border of the   realm, the fortress that would later be known  as Helm’s Deep, and the fortress of Isengard. Isengard is built sometime between the founding  of Gondor in 3320, and the formation of the   last alliance in 3430. Within the circle of  Isengard, the Gondorians build a massive,   500-foot structure. It consists of four welded  pillars of a deep, gleaming black stone. At its   top, the tower had four pinnacles opening out,  and coming to a sharp point. Between the points   there was a polished floor which by later third  age, would have many strange signs written on it. It is described in detail in The Two Towers: A great ring-wall of stone, like towering cliffs,   stood out from the shelter of the mountain-side,  from which it ran and then returned again. One   entrance only was there made in it, a  great arch delved in the southern wall.   Here through the black rock a long tunnel had  been hewn, closed at either end with mighty   doors of iron. They were so wrought and poised  upon their huge hinges, posts of steel driven   into the living stone, that when unbarred they  could be moved with a light thrust of the arms,   noiselessly. One who passed in and came at  length out of the echoing tunnel, beheld a plain,   a great circle, somewhat hollowed like a vast  shallow bowl: a mile it measured from rim to rim. When it is constructed by the early  Gondorians, they place one of the   seven palantiri within the fortress. Its  location on the northern border of Gondor   and being centrally located in Middle-earth itself  makes it uniquely well positioned for a palantir   and for the protection of Gondor. As  the Second Age gives way to the Third,   the Gondorians continue to man the fortress  in defense of their realm. While the lands of   Calenardhon were never as densely populated as the  southern lands of Gondor, it was vastly affected   by the Great Plague of 1636 TA, leading many of  the surviving Gondorians to migrate eastward. In the aftermath, the Tower of Orthanc is closed   and its keys are sent to Minas Tirith. Despite  the massive depopulation of Calenardhon,   the fortress of Isengard would remain  manned by a small garrison of soldiers.   They are led by a hereditary chieftain and  play an important role in the protection of   Gondor’s northern border along the Isen. As time  progresses, the chieftain and his company grow   more secretive and the chieftain becomes known as  the Lord of Isengard. The Rohirrim would settle   the former Calenardhon and it is their belief that  the men of Isengard were meddling in dark magic. These were days long after the line  of the Kings of Gondor had ended,   and the Ruling Stewards were forced to turn  their attention to battles with their enemies   to the East and the South. In time, they quit  sending emissaries to Isengard completely.   The Rohirrim likewise faced enemies  invading from the East and neither realm,   in their preoccupation, realized the line of  the Gondorian chieftains failed completely. Over the years, these men had long  intermingled with the Dunlendings,   who came to settle around Isengard. They take  over Isengard and kill any of the Gondorian guards   who refuse to join them. A period of peace in  Rohan would come to an end when these Dunlendings   would begin open hostilities against the Rohirrim.  In response to these raids, King Deor of Rohan   leads an expedition north, where he  discovers Isengard is under the control   of the Dunlendings. Unfortunately, Rohan  didn’t have enough might to retake Isengard,   and Gondor could not send aid as they  were facing troubles of their own.   Thus, Deor stations a mighty force of Rohirrim  in the Westfold to discourage further raids. The occupation of Isengard by the Dunlendings  would lead to a time of warfare during the reign   of King Gram. Things would come to a head during  the reign of Gram’s son, Helm Hammerhand. These   events are covered in full in my Helm Hammerhand  video, but Wulf would lead the Dunlendings to   invade Rohan and overthrow Edoras. During the Long  Winter, they laid siege to the Hornburg, and would   not only suffer during the brutal winter, but many  would also be killed by Helm Hammerhand himself. In the end, Helm’s nephew Frealaf would  avenge his uncle and become the new   King. Near the end of 2759 TA, Frealaf  drives the Dunlendings from Isengard,   reclaiming the realm. With both Gondor and  Rohan suffering from war and the long winter,   they face a dilemma. History has shown the  importance of guarding their northern border   and the risk of letting  Isengard fall into enemy hands.   It just so happens that at this time, the wizard  Saruman returns from his travels in the East.   He offers to Frealaf and Steward Beren of Gondor  that he could take up residence at Isengard. Both Frealaf and Beren gladly welcome the idea of  one of the Istari guarding their northern border.   Beren gives Saruman the keys of Orthanc and the  valley comes to be known as Nan Curunir - the   Valley of Saruman. After the final meeting of the  White Council in 2953, Saruman makes Isengard his   permanent residence and begins fortifying  it. By now, he already covets the One Ring. As he anticipated, Saruman discovered  the palantir in the tower of Orthanc   and around the year 3000 TA, he uses it for  the first time. Sauron, using the Ithil-stone   that had been moved to Barad-dur, begins  corrupting the wizard’s mind to his will.   He would continue operating in secret, searching  for the ring. It is also around this time, and   perhaps slightly before, that Saruman would begin  amassing orcs in the caverns beneath Isengard.  Nearly 20 years later, Gandalf the Grey  comes to Isengard seeking Saruman’s   advice. (July 10, 3018) Saruman reveals his  treachery and demands Gandalf to join him. When   Gandalf refuses, he is imprisoned atop Orthanc.  In the two months that he spends atop the tower,   Gandalf sees Isengard transformed as the trees  and greenery that had once covered the area   are replaced by pits and forges. Orcs and wolves  come to dwell in Isengard, forming Saruman’s army. Gandalf would finally be rescued by Gwaihir  on September 18, and two days later,   the Nazgul arrive at Isengard. They are sent by  Sauron after failing in their search east of the   Misty Mountains, for he believed Saruman  now had information regarding the ring.   However, we are told that even the  nazgul had not the strength to assault   the Ring of Isengard. Instead, Saruman’s voice  speaks from the very gate of Isengard itself,   telling the Witch-king that Gandalf had  departed toward Rohan, and the nazgul ride off. Saruman would send forth his armies from Isengard  during the early days of the War of the Ring. His   offensive against Rohan begins on February 25,  3019, as the Fellowship passes the Argonath,   Saruman’s forces attack the Rohirrim in the  first Battle of the Fords of Isen. The orcs   are victorious and Saruman’s goal of killing  Theoden’s son Theodred is achieved. On March 2,   Saruman launches a second offensive in  the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen.   The army includes not only the Uruk-hai  Saruman had bred in the caverns below   Isengard, but also Dunlendings,  the longtime enemies of Rohan. With Isengard unleashed, Saruman’s army would  continue on to Helm’s Deep. That night, another   battle would be fought - the Battle of Isengard.  Unlooked for, the Ents of Fangorn Forest would   fight back at Saruman for the destruction he had  wrought upon their woods. Treebeard and his ents   overrun the small group of orcs and men left in  the fortress. While they take control of Isengard,   they are unable to assail Orthanc  itself, for it was mightily made. Theoden, Gandalf, and the victorious men of  Rohan, arrive on March 5 to parley with Saruman.   It is then that Gandalf breaks Saruman’s staff  and expels him from the order of the Istari.   Gandalf leaves Treebeard in command of Isengard  and the former wizard within. When Gandalf and   the Fellowship return to Isengard on  their way home after Sauron’s downfall,   they learn that Treebeard allowed  Saruman to leave. (Aug 22, 3019) When they arrive, Treebeard welcomes them to the  Treegarth of Orthanc and in the time since their   last visit, the ents had destroyed the Ring of  Isengard and filled the circle with orchards   and trees. A stream flows into a clear lake  where the great tower of Orthanc still stands. In one of his many moves to set the world right,  Aragorn decrees that the ents shall have complete   control over the new Treegarth of Orthanc. He  has the palantir recovered from Saruman returned   to the tower. At this time, Orthanc is searched  and they discover that Saruman had hoarded many   jewels and heirlooms that were not rightfully  his. With Gimli’s assistance, a hidden door in the   tower is discovered. They find a small golden case  that had been used by Isildur to bear the One Ring   and the Elendilmir - an heirloom that had been  lost since Isildur’s death in the Anduin river.   King Elessar takes the Elendilmir and establishes  his full kingship of Arnor as well as Gondor. Presumably, Treebeard and his  ents would continue their work   of undoing the evils of Saruman and  restoring Isengard to its former glory. as always i want to say a huge thank you to my  patreon supporters who make this channel possible   tom de bombadil 19 listen me the cinder mandu  pendu andrew carlisle the mighty mim team   weasel rabbi rob thomas sky carcass  slide belts dane ragnerson seliman   zettrock burtleberg grand strategy  nerd graham derek the dark-haired   one wyland michael wu and debbie if  you enjoyed the artwork in this video   check out the artists in the description and  purchase prints of their great work for yourself   thanks so much for watching and subscribing and  we'll see you next time on nerd of the rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, Orthanc, Isengard, Isengard Gondor, Saruman Isengard, Saruman, rohan isengard, flotsam and jetsam, Treebeard, Isengard Treebeard, Gandalf Isengard, Orthanc built, Isengard build, numenoreans, argonath, history of Isengard, history of Orthanc, history of middle earth, rings of power, lotronprime, lotrrop, tolkien Isengard, Rohirrim, helms deep
Id: eLR-13Kuu2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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