The Tomb of Sargeras [Lore]

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Hello everyone! The next expansion Legion is almost upon us and with the harbinger episodes, the tomb of sargeras audio drama and of course the pre-patch...there’s plenty of story to cover leading into the story that’s going to unfold. With that in mind, I have a few videos planned to cover it bit by bit and in this one we’re going to take a look at how it all begins so sit back, relax and lets begin shall we?! At the end of Mists of Pandaria, Garrosh hellscream was placed on trial for his crimes against the world. The Black dragon Wrathion together with the bronze dragon Kairozdormu make plans to break garrosh out of jail and send him back in time to an alternate reality. Wrathion has seen a vision of the legion coming to try and claim azeroth once more and he wants garrosh to form the horde and have that horde help us out. Kairoz drops the hourglass valled Vision of Time on the floor, a portal to alternate draenor is created and he together with Garrosh make their escape. This alternate draenor is similar to the draenor that we knew, but it also had a fair few differences. For example alternate Garrosh was never born, Rulkhan, Ner’zhul’s mate is still alive and even the path of alternate gul’dan is similar yet different. This gul’dan was born a cripple, mockery and dismissal was all his clan ever showed him. “No one living has heard of the village of my birth” He was cast out, but the elder shaman showed him pitty, told him that he always saw a greater destiny for guldan and that he should seek out the throne of the elements. Gul’dan did just that, but even the elements abandoned him. In their absence other voices started whispering. “Gul’daaaaaaaaaaniel” The legion had found the harbinger of their fury and never again would gul’dan grovel for a place in this world. He had found his destiny and with the legion at this side, he would forge a world that would grovel before him. “No one living has heard of the village of my birth and no one ever will....” Except our Garrosh put a stop to those plans. Even though Kairoz and Wrathion invisioned him being obediant and forming the Horde to follow their orders, he wasn’t willing to be controlled like that. After murdering Kairozdormu, he did set off to form the Horde, the Iron Horde, not to help azeroth fight against the coming Legion but instead to help him get his revenge and conquer the planet. Garrosh informed Grommash about Gul’dan’s true plans, about his allegiance to the legion and what it would mean for the orcs if they accepted his so called gift. “Drink hellscream, claim your destiny. You will all be conquerers. And what gul’dan, must we give in return? Ow let me think for a moment... Everything.... “Yeah no not gonna happen” Grommash refuses this gift, the demon blood of the pitlord mannoroth and as garrosh predicted, the pitlord shows himself. A great battle follows, Mannoroth is brought low and Garrosh changed the future of the orcs. “This was not our destiny” Times change Damn that line is so cool, here catch daddy, gorehowl! We will never be slaves!!! *cheers* But we Grommash leads the Iron Horde with Garrosh and the other warlords at his side. Gul’dan and his shadow council is placed in chains as their powers are used to fuel the dark portal, connecting it to our azeroth and turning it red. The Iron Horde has come to claim our world, but Azeroth has been forged in the fires of war and does not surrender easily. In fact they push the Iron Horde back, step through the portal itself and take the battle to alternate Draenor. We quickly disable the portal to keep Azeroth safe but by doing so, we also release a very powerful and very dangerous orc. “Do not delay mortal. I can feel the life essence of your armies fading. There will be time for regret later... We will meet again” There’s no time to worry about it now since the might of the Iron Horde is gathered and they’re pissed at us so we make our escape as we run through tanaan jungle and gul’dan is a problem for another time. Mainly through out the legendary questline, as we focus our efforts against the Iron Horde, Khadgar keeps us focuses on the threat of gul’dan. As we bring sweet justice to Garrosh and step by step dismanle the Iron Horde, Gul’dan see’s the oppertunity and offers the demon blood once again. Grommash is wise enough to still refuse, but many of the orcs accept this time allowing Gul’dan to take control and push forward with his initial plans. He summons powerful agents of the Legion, even Archimonde himself shows up to fight, but none of them are able to defeat us yet Gul’dan and the Legion are not so easily stopped: “Gul’ made a pact!” “Ermagerd, nooo don’t send me away” “Woesj, explosions, Archimonde’s light goes out” “What just happened, did we win?! It’s done... Gul’dan...failed... DRAENOR IS FREE! (Even though I created this mess) *Cheer – cheer* Oooow but what’s this, Khadgar looks all serious You...You don’t think it’s over Gul’dan and the devils that command him are not so easily banished. I fear this is only beginning. If you ever need us, we will be here. Until we meet....again.... *Raven trick, khadgar’s out* Archmage Khadgar doesn’t believe it’s over and he would be right. Gul’dan made a pact with the Legion for untold power with the promise that he would raise a fell infused army and use it to invade and burn azeroth to the ground. This means that the legion isn’t quite done with him yet so they send him to our Azeroth where now it’s Kil’jaeden giving him the orders, his voice rattling in his mind. He is told to make his way to broken isles towards the tomb of sargeras so Gul’dan steals a merchant vessel and sets sail, all the while being pursued by khadgar. The archmage is powerful and he’s been able to study Gul’dan for a very long time, but the warlock is no easy prey. He stacked the corpses of the adults who were on the ship and he used the children as a living shield. This prevented Khadgar from striking out at him and one single spark of fell fire set the ship ablaze. Gul’dan was able to slip away and hide in the shadows, but Khadgar is not the only threat on the broken isles. He spots Warden Maiev Shadowsong and her watchers as Khadgar meets up with them and tries to recruit their help in tracking down Gul’dan. Maiev is pretty pissed at Khadgar. She had send one of her watchers, Cordana Felsong, to assist him upon Draenor. Her initials reports about the archmage were not possitive and after just a few months at his side, she turned traitor and allied herself with Gul’dan and the Legion. Why is that? What is it about Khadgar that changed Cordana, Maiev wonders. Those that played during Warlords of Draenor might rememer Cordana being at Khadgars side. Together they tried to stop Gul’dan and during these efforts, Khadgar used the orb of Dominion to break the spells placed on Garona’s mind and free her from gul’dan control, but COrdana doesn’t trust the dark powers the archmage is playing with and she tells him to hand over the orb and she’ll destroy the hideous thing. Instead this opent her up to Gul’dan’s corruption and next time we see her, she’s working for him and warning us that Azeroth will burn. Some of you also asked, what about Maiev. What happened to her character and story. During the novel Wolfheart, Malfurion and Tyrande are working on bringing back Highborn and magic into their society. Maiev had spend thousands of years guarding Illidan, preventing someone like Illidan to mess around with magic and possible summon the legion again so you might imagine that she wasn’t too pleased with this idea. She went as far as too execute some of the highborn, planned to kill malfurion and in the end her brother Jarod Shadowsong confronted her and saved the day. He wasn’t able to strike down his sister and it seemed like Maiev was placed on the path of becoming a enemy, but it seems like they had a change of heart and they wanted to bring Maiev back into the story as a proper warden. It makes sense if you consider her connection to Illidan, but it’s also a bit of a shame that they just toss that character development out of the window. Either way, Khadgar is trying to convince Maiev to help him with stopping Gul’dan since she knows about the tomb, she’s been there before, but she doesn’t agree with him. If Gul’dan is truly there then there’s no power left for him to collect within the tomb. Part of it was taken by Ner’zhul and the rest was taken by Illidan stored away in his body so if anything, it would be Illidan’s prison, the vault of the wardens, where gul’dan would go. Khadgar tries to make her see reason, the legion would not send gul’dan on a fools errand. They had tried to make a gateway for the legion there before and they would try to do it again. Warden Shadowsong is unmoved, she makes up her mind and they go to the vault. So be it Khadgar thinks to himself as he transforms into a raven again and flies after gul’dan. In the meantime, as much as Gul’dan wanted to strike out and take the oppertunity to get rid of maiev and khadgar, Kil’jaeden orderd him to step away and focus on reaching the tomb. Being forced to obey like a dog hurts gul’dan’s pride more then he could imagine. It wasn’t his fault that the legion’s plans had failed on draenor. He had even managed to summon archimonde and yet it was the legion that was unable to hold their ground. Dark thoughts of betrayel enterd his mind, but for now he had to obey so he turned away from the archmage and the warden, found a boat, empowered it with some fel magic and send himself across towards the isle of Thal'dranath and the tomb of sargeras. That’s how the audio drama describes it but a few of you already know that the tomb ingame is in a different location and Thal’dranath has been scrapped for supposedly something better. I think this change comes down to blizzard changing their mind in between and simply not updating the audio drama. This is also a good moment to talk a little bit about the history of the tomb since it is important for the rest of the story. The tomb of sargeras was not always named that way. Once it was part of the ancient night elven city of Suramar and during the war of the ancients, the legion tried to open another gateway within suramar itself. Their plans ere foiled by a group of Highborne not willing to work together with the Legion lead by grand magistrix Elisande. These powerful sorcerers created a series of enchanted seals to close the demons’ portal and also negate nearby fel energies. When the sundering happened, the part of suramar containing the legion’s failed gateway was sucked beneath the waves. That happened around 10.000 years ago, now around 823 years before the dark portal opent up, there was a guardian of the world called Aegwynn. The guardian is meant to protect the world, mainly from threats like the legion and she sensed a powerful darkness within the icy lands of Northrend. There a pack of demons summoned the avatar of sargeras into the world. Not the real complete sargeras, but his avatar holding a tiny portion of his vast cosmic powers. Aegwynn did not hisitate to fight back. She unleashed her formidable guardian powers upon the avatar and despite all odds, she was able to defeat it. What the guardian didn’t realise though was that the spirit of sargeras made use of her weakened state and infiltrated her body, lurking within the depts of her soul. To seal away the avatar, to make sure that it could harm no one else, Aegwynn chose to use these ancient highborn ruins. Knowing that the Highborne’s seals would nullify whatever evil still lingered in Sargeras’ avatar, she buried the demon lord’s broken body within the sunken portion of Suramar and protected it with magical wards able to resist the demons. Aegwynn hoped Sargeras’s remains would lie undisturbed there until the end of time, if only the world would have been so lucky. The spirit of sargeras inside of her started twisting her mind and when she gave birth to her son Medivh, a darkness unknown to all was already inside the child. The demon lord had possessed the infant while he formed in her womb and the fallen titan had found the perfect instrument with which to begin the Legion’s next invasion of Azeroth. Aegwynn handed over her guardian powers to her son, Medivh was the new guardian yet the darkness within him took control and lead to the first horde invasion of Azeroth. It was medivh under the influence of sargeras that made contact with our Gul’dan, showed him the world of azeroth and opened the door for the orcs to come in. Now Khadgar became the apprentice of Medivh and he eventually figured out what was going on, that sargeras was inside his mentor and that medivh was the one who had lead the orcs into their world. He confronted Medivh together with Anduin Lothar and Garona Halforced, he stabbed the corrupted guardian and Sargeras started to manifest. Lothar chopped off the head before he could fully materialise and that took care of the threat coming from Medivh, but the horde was already there and the war between them and the alliance would play out. Stormwind would fall, the survivors traveled to Lordaeron, the Alliance was formed and they started to fight back. In the mean time, our Gul’dan was dealing with some problems of his own since Orgrim Doomhammer did not agree with the path that the warlock had placed them on and he took control of the Horde. Gul’dan was all about finding power, he did not care about honor or his people so in a cricital moment during the war, he left them all behind in search of more power. He had found out about the tomb of sargeras, a place containing delicious power for him to claim so he used his magic to raise the tomb out of the water below and he ventured inside. Maiev: Strange...These are orcish runes! They were written by Gul’dan when he first opened this tomb twenty years ago. Naisha: What do they say? Maiev: Apparently, he logged his journey through the tomb’s depths. These runes seem to depict that history. Gul’dan: Quickly, you fools – fan out and search for the primary passageway! We must reach the chamber of the Eye before the tombs guardians awaken! *Roar* Spineless cowards! I said move! Now, Sargeras, I will claim whatever’s left of your power – and bring this wretched world to its knees. Maiev: There’s no telling what Gul’dan and his lackeys awoke in this foul place. We must be cautious. Maiev: There... more of GUl’dan’s glyphs. Interesting. They continue the warlocks tale. Gul’dan: Blasted, feeble-minded weaklings. They’re all likely dead by now. Still, I must press on. My power alone should be enough... * MUAHHAHAHAHAHA* That laughter... Is that you Sargeras? You seek to mock me? We’ll see who laughs last, demon, when I claim your burning eye for my own. Naisha: Look, mistress – more of gul’dan glyphs. Maiev: Yes, Gul’dan’s script seems to grow more desperate. OIt reads that he was. Gul’dan: the guardians ... I am...dying. If my servant...had not abandoned me, I could have claimed the Eye and... Damn you, Sargeras! I won’t be beaten like this! I am GUl’dan! I am darkness incarnate! It cannot end... like this... Maiev: This is as far as he got. The runes simply trail off. I cannot imagine what horrors Gul’dan faced in his final moments. The Legion does not like being betrayed. He was meant to exterminate all resistance on Azeroth for the Legion and instead he focused on his own lust for power. Demons from the tomb tore him limb from limb and the plans of the Legion failed. The Horde was defeated, azeroth’s resistance held strong and the stored power within the tomb, the gateway they tried to make all the way back during the war of the ancients slumbered...Waiting....and now alternate Gul’dan has been send on the path by Kil’jaeden to do what he was meant to do. Gul’dan: What will you have me do? Kil’jaeden: You will open the way for us. Gul’dan: This is what the other gul’dan was meant to do, what happened? Kil’jaeden: You failed your purpose... Gul’dan: That was not me! He growled. Kil’jaeden: We’ll see... Gul’dan: Hrmpf, how did he fail? Kil’jaeden:...DISLOYALTY... Will this Gul’dan succeed where the other had not? That’s a tale we’ll save for next week where we’ll continieu on the journey towards the story of Legion. For now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one....and until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 787,384
Rating: 4.9013925 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Tomb of Sargeras, Sargeras, Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, Broken Shores, Broken Isles, Aegwynn, Guardian, Avatar, Medivh, karazhan, Khadgar, Lothar, Garona, Gul'dan, Warlords of Draenor, Mists of Pandaria, War Crimes, Garrosh Hellscream, Kairozdormu, Wrathion, Grommash, Iron Horde, Red Portal, Dark Portal, Maraad, Alliance, Horde, Varian, Cordana, Audio, Drama
Id: U3D8hjYvLkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2016
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