Game Grumps MEGA COMPILATION !!! 8+ HOURS - Sleep Aid - Best of 2021

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hi it's trivial pursuit oh my god it's really bumping i know i'm [ __ ] i'm dancing like crazy over here you just can't see it um well let's play then eh i guess so oh yeah got the it's been a while since we've played trivial pursuits it sure has been and apparently uh from what people are telling us they really love it when we play game shows because they can guess along and test their skills and knowledge just the skills and knowledge there's no skills there's no skills come on now come on you're knowledgeable [ __ ] you don't know [ __ ] cup raga cupcake right rocker cupcake no it's like a rag of muffin it's a ragged cupcake oh i say how do i create a new character you have join in you freak [Music] dog nut oh that's good customize my avatar oh my god i'm [ __ ] in love dude it's straight up [ __ ] lady demonstra oh yeah step on me queen yeah except she's shrank and ready for holidays i miss tungulus me too for a game we only played one half hour of our lives it truly has stuck with me forever dude it's it's the [ __ ] name is iconic tungulus i guess i'm crazy that'll be my last thought as i leave this earth i guess i'm crazy like if i die before you and you see me lying on my deathbed and i get that like like look on my eyes when i'm like wide and like people are like oh my god he's seeing god or eternity and you'll be like no he's thinking of tungulus i know exactly what he's thinking it just hit i would just be like dan are you the crazy one and you just go yeah in which english cathedral was archbishop thomas beckett assassinated um obviously that one [ __ ] what is an airplane without a motor called [Music] what it's a balloon aaron did you pick family mode no yeah you did i think you did i think they gave me an easy one because you well here you jumped up your first one dan did you pick family mode no that's just a quick shot history i don't know traditionally we use mary when they celebrate their pearl anova oh oh where's my wallet duh how long do i have [ __ ] um um aaron that's cheating no it's not that's actually cheating i was prepared you prepared you pulled a [ __ ] cheating would be looking up on my phone i had that information at my disposal you did pick family i can cheat all right what do we call the picture rating that ancient egyptians used penmanship play the game let's go and play the game dan [ __ ] up and i hate his guts [Laughter] look classic or family it says right here pick classic dog not his name right now not family okay cool i didn't even notice that i must have hit it while i was focused fully on the genius of chork dog nut yeah he does look really good oh yeah it's like the guy he's like the guy that told me who to buy weed from oh man dave he's got it bro don't trust charles that [ __ ] is seedy [Applause] parents in the bible's old testament um oh i don't know this no josh [Laughter] take your pick this is the time where i chore man can't let the clock run out on this oh [ __ ] it just decided for me that's bs which of these animals has been on earth the longest um oh whoops i [ __ ] it up oh well then we nailed that one [Laughter] yes which of these classic plays from your earliest uh oh man i don't [ __ ] know [Music] uh shaw's pygmalion i don't know oh great as a 29 of 18 which female tennis star is one of the most grand slams god damn it [Laughter] which of these events of the first world war occurred first um oh [ __ ] god damn you son of a [ __ ] you went right to the sinking of the luciana louis yeah but then i saw the assassination and i was like [ __ ] it's just one year man not a big deal we've got a rivalry forming here no we don't shut up don't you don't sound like the words of someone who is firmly ensconced in a rivalry are an endangered species [Laughter] once hung in the bedroom of napoleon banana part sorry aaron i don't know napoleon bonaparte the most famous french man and the most famous french paintings i didn't know it was french the mona lisa yeah what's so french about it you know what it might not be and i might look like a big [ __ ] is sanctioned by the wba wbc and wbo uh oops no you got that one right okay completed in 1973. dude are you serious eric i don't know the statue of liberty yeah clearly i don't know so why say the statue of liberty in a sassy tone will make me be like oh okay i'm sorry i'm sorry this is not a winner i know the french gave it to us you won yeah cause i'm epic why'd you win i don't know because i mean i had i had more points and pieces oh another loss for chork dog nut what the [ __ ] you said the statue of liberty was built the same year as dark side of the moon i don't know why i won that what though that has to be a glitch uh all right let's play play quick round again to do a tie breaker that's absurd a musical set in the 1960s new york is a modern tale of the shakespearean play romeo and juliet [Music] the one that's real was the geographical period started the geological the earliest you know this [ __ ] um i don't even know what any of these are oh thank god that's the worst one oh is it yeah no apparently quaternary permian yeah the permians like um when everything was still living in the sea like why did you say that one the pre-cambrian i didn't see it at first i was just like traffic was the earliest of the dinosaur times oh i see that's when all the dinosaurs were very little is it because they were like all triceratopses haha try acid [Applause] the triceratops before the cretaceous there [Laughter] should use my inhaler get that peanut butter out of here oh man oh i see what happens what it's whoever has most points when someone gets all the pieces of a pie what because once again i had more pieces but that just ended the game oh although i did have more points than you last time so yeah all right thanks trivial pursuit i don't know what's going on but yeah i don't mind yeah this [ __ ] is anything but trivial i'm going to pursue some [ __ ] answers yeah my anger isn't trivial the actor plays the comedy character mr bean we have the same birthday you and rowan yeah hey all right january 6th [Applause] i forgot there was an actor named bill nye oh yeah the science gay [Laughter] which of these people are famous historical criminals aaron hansen oh no don't say that no um there's so many yeah alfred nobel how do i skip that right now kelly [Music] it's getting a little good nope that he's a soccer player that's what i thought uh lucky luciana that guy's bad yeah if they have if i have a nickname like that uh-huh probably a bad guy james are all right they all right i don't know who these people are anymore oh okay yeah nope kofi annan i don't know who's the head of the u.n i don't know who any of these people are sorry i'm sorry i'm just guessing names okay it's like the least criminal person in the world let's all work together world wait earn those bonus points thanks i'm going to go on a safari who will you sussy becca you cracked me up he's near naples you can see my naples that's how we cook our pizzas yeah well first is the worst yeah wait was that it wait really it was the end i i don't know no no okay all right cool like why can't i have a victory screen for once that's so true this is [ __ ] rude flaming anus oh boy oh oh oh oh that's it you did it down baby but did i though oh my god if i win this again this is gonna be ridiculous what the [ __ ] wait wait two three four one two three four i don't know why i don't know why even have a point system i don't know why please someone in the comments explain to us why this keeps happening that doesn't make any sense okay so we're gonna play the ninja warriors which we've played the super nintendo version but never the uh the double screen arcade version the distant future ad 1993. wow yeah because this was 1987. these are robots yes oh watch out for the gangster oh oh you've he's revealed your robotness oh really your sexy breastplate whoa what the [ __ ] yeah i remember that being like a crazy reveal when i was a kid no way wait the robots god now i've seen everything it was nuts because it kind of made you feel like are we the bad guys why robots are always bad well i mean hmm oh look at me look at me with my evil exposed head cool is it even spooky you're just a robot there's nothing evil about it all right mister the coral looks like skull and your cute dolphin spelling game is evil oh god yeah we're going way down terrifying would you [ __ ] stop putting bad uh bad juju on my on my favorite games dude seriously it's awesome yeah it's really cool snook but it's [ __ ] too how were you not scared of this as a child i loved it remember that i didn't say it was evil i just said it was [ __ ] scary scary going like going to hebrew school which definitely puts it in the 1989 to 1990 range and um just like drawing these ninja characters while i was supposed to be studying the torah oh i wish i saw your drawings they were not indicative of what these characters actually look yeah but i mean i gotta see there's something about kid drawings it's very endearing but i would write jumping jumping like because that's what i thought the lyrics were [Laughter] whoa oh okay oh i'm sorry [ __ ] yeah i had flying squirrel man i didn't know halloween was around the corner these are experimental suits experiment failed oh and see the dogs have red eyes so they they're evil they're bad dogs they're the you buy a dog the wild they're not a good dog like like camilla either way [Laughter] they're not like daddy they're like dirty [Laughter] dirty like to get to this level in the arcades was [ __ ] unheard of that was like 50 yeah we'd already be like seven bucks in the hole which when you're a kid man there goes your slush puppy money oh geez he had he has like a little swing back move oh yeah that's mean yeah he's a mean dude a rude crew dude he's he's he is a rude dude you know is it sir that's it you are rude come back please this guy is not meant to be taken on a solo do your flippy jumpies flippy jumpies flippy jumpy [ __ ] flippy jumpies oh oh you did the flipping jump i got him one flippy yep wow we can't move that fast when we're playing the game that is taking a ladder in style my guy's like ponytail in my face wait wait oh you got him wait wait wait wait don't don't don't don't got him how [ __ ] that's pretty cool although it's just like you just kill him and now our own men that sent us [ __ ] self-destruct us what that's to take down the whole building wow so we really just needed to be there yeah we just needed to well you could have saved us from the stairs a revolution broke out and everything became to an end well that's good the troubled country seemed to be finished by the death of the wicked machines but the peace did not came oh no because ninja warriors they are the immortal murder machines even though they exploded a revolution they are the immortal murder machines boy i'm glad that we're the immortal murder machines right we seem pretty cool about it i'm fine with it [Music] i'm aaron hansen from game grumps and i've never looked at anything weird or embarrassing on the internet but if i did i'd use nordvpn i'd go to gamegrumps to take control of my own internet experience and no one would be able to look through my history and find google searches for how to hide the fact that you peed your pants while sitting right next to somebody or what color a red light's supposed to be and that's good because i never searched for those things and you can't prove anything go to gamegrumps now and get a huge discount on a two-year nordvpn plan and an additional four months free there's also a 30-day money-back guarantee i didn't search for those things i didn't pee my pants and i know what color red lights are chartreuse i promise [Music] welcome everybody to metal and lace the battle of the robo babes this is a game that dan played a lot as a kid i guess yes the year was 1993 of new jersey i was 14 years old and anime stuff was hard to come by and my nerdy friends uh were passing this game around and uh it was like kind of my first exposure to like um like the gorgeous ladies of anime and uh it's a goofy fighting game well let's do it then yeah it's metal and lace battle of the robo babes i'm into it but now i don't watch any of it because i don't have time and i'm stupid well this is your grandpa's anime oh goodness oh my lord don't stop it blur it don't what are you doing oh man oh my god use them click on stuff aaron all right all right wait i thought this was a fighting game it will be us saying that oh my god all right okay we gotta hit the road aaron hey what's this guy gonna say no what do you mean you wish you could stay for another cold one you're the bartender yeah what do you think she has to say for us she's saying while she's drinking don't go to the hit the radio on the wall on the pole above the dude nope all right oh was that what's on the radio yeah okay so how do i go i wish i could stay further down the barrel the barrel's talking try going up the stairs oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa sorry i just fast forwarded it okay no problem try going up the stairs homie up the stairs with the stairs over here yes okay is that what that is all right try the door this game is hard holy [ __ ] okay i've been getting a lot of [ __ ] because the ghostbusters thing what ghostbusters you know what i'm talking about when i didn't know there was a save state in the emulator oh and everyone's [ __ ] from every angle is just [ __ ] on me for the [ __ ] ghostbusters thing and i just want to tell you one thing all right i want to tell you a couple things actually first of all i don't use emulators that often i just started using them for the [ __ ] show like a week ago more than we go like a month or two but i don't know i don't know everyone's like oh you're so stupid i just not know that that every emulator has a safe state function well i haven't used emulators in like [ __ ] 15 years okay and i also wasn't that amazingly familiar with them okay i got i got it wish you could stay for another cold one and another thing okay everyone's the other one that everyone's [ __ ] on me for is because like why didn't you just try and it's like why did i just try because the last time i tried on the emulator i was just pressing random buttons i shut down the whole [ __ ] game okay so i don't want to hear it from anybody who's saying oh you should have known her you should have tried whatever [ __ ] i just remembered at that moment that f maybe went into a menu or something and i was like i'll try that and it worked all right but the last time i did that and i was just hitting buttons i closed the whole [ __ ] program so i don't want to [ __ ] hear it from anybody saying that i wasn't being a good friend or i was being an [ __ ] or whatever it's [ __ ] anyway let's start playing the game uh let's do it you paid 25 dollars for beers sweet thanks for the players of you who are you gonna apply oh my god that's a great why did they why that's a great accent prenatal pounding chicken exit what the [ __ ] is happening i guess i guess you're picking which uh robo babe you want to fight against oh i'll go with desiree okay she looks like she's got tued up mia the towel girl is looking at you funny tip her 550. 50 bucks take a look mia popped a new data disc into your portable view-o-matic if you tipped her a big bench he would have given you more information really yeah uh-oh oh desiree's got the big chunky thighs anna all right you must win two to advance okay you ready yeah yeah you ready for this awesome fighting you want to do it do you want [Music] oh oh you're punching you're punching wow she's kicking the crap out oh my god okay okay holy [ __ ] okay what the [ __ ] am i doing i'm using the mouse you lost this sucks that's what happens to wimps damn desiree all right yeah yeah nice yeah yeah yeah robo boobs oh god oh geez oh that was good you blocked that you're doing very well huh huh huh jump kick nice and jump cake yeah yeah this meow probably the worst way you could control a fighting game ever invented i think it's great just keep it a distance yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] off i got legs she's got shields oh my god shields yeah i think you need to buy those if you want to oh my god oh geez louise dude that's a that's a that's incredible boy maybe maybe there's something maybe maybe you should have picked a better robot than the worst than the worst one oh i blocked it oh my god oh my god so close i'm so close oh my god don't [ __ ] do this don't do this to me yes oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm so close yes yes yes yeah aaron your first victory [ __ ] yeah bunny girl mimi wins baby well done i'm telling my mommy on youtube okay that's strange i don't know why 600 i've already spent that much i just found out this is a porn game oh is it yeah how do i porn by winning oh but i never won enough to get to that part i used to play this a game at my cousin's house this is something that was written okay the clunky controls insured i never saw any hentai when i eventually found out this was a porn game it certainly shined a light on my cousin this was back before anime was really popular and all we had was dragon ball and sailor moon that's true yeah definitely true dude seriously just just just mash like that's for those of you there's a wrap yeah jump over it oh you [ __ ] up there's a raptor pro tip for everybody playing metal and lace at home [Music] [Laughter] there's really no way to describe how horrible this is to control don't worry just keep doing it you're doing great you almost got him yeah oh baby look at that with that action kick at the end victoria wait does that mean i've quote unquote advanced wait wasn't that the second time yeah all right wait pretty cool no you have to beat the same person twice oh [Laughter] all right ignore her nobody needs that [ __ ] all right i'm ready freaking medal of mine ready to dance baby ready to dance hmm get this armor to fight here we go [ __ ] it's time to fight let's go oh god you [ __ ] freak look at that look at how much damage that does yeah you gotta jump back not not try to block it all right here we go geekies coming up this is gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna wreck i'm gonna wreck right now i like how it's always a different stage yeah it's it's nice it really takes me to so many different worlds all right power up [ __ ] yeah get her get her get her lord have mercy on my soul get her get her baby get her get her get her kicker in the [ __ ] groin yeah kick her right out of it kick her out of it give me the kicks give me the kicks give me the kicks give me the kicks give me the kicks [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right here we go stop doing that power up power up how do i do the projectile there's got to be a way to do it now and not do it upgraded because i just like the old man upgrades he didn't have upgrades if i just keep talking i might win i'm doing terribly terribly this is one of the worst ones yet i died wow got this man this is easy yeah come on you gotta find a move list for me man there's no there's nothing there's no you might be shocked at how little there is out there on this game at least a manual or something oh [ __ ] off what is this what the [ __ ] is this wow what the [ __ ] wow she humped you right into death what the [ __ ] yeah you can't get caught in a corner holy [ __ ] dude all right prenatal pounding let's do it easy peasy baby yeah yes focus just focus focus no no no not that one not that one yeah oh my god wow that was amazing buy like one sliver i don't exactly know what your finishing move there was i can drink anyone here under the table i think you just kind of like sat on her head for a second dude that's 960 i made more money just looking around the bar boy i'm thirsty so what's the deal so now what i did the two to advance yeah let's let's see what happens how about i uh save state yes all right next battle oh kiki's done ah what happens if i pick her oh nothing all right so let's try for christina oh my god okay and then see what the the bar has to offer actually you know what let's oh [ __ ] i thought you told me f5 was safe state you told me that's what it said in the thing wow did you just undo it that sucks oh my god the default button to save the state is f5 that's what it says sorry man oh god damn okay ai chip yep i will equip the ai chip sold you a lemon oh are you [ __ ] kidding me wow this game is brutal are you [ __ ] seriously first that that beer mug didn't fix your armor and gave it half the power give me a [ __ ] break dude are you serious i got 35 dollars everyone [ __ ] hates me they keep kicking my ass my god i swear to god if anybody gives me any more lip about this [ __ ] yes i'll buy it you foolish enough to buy from me i'll sell you [ __ ] that doesn't work [Music] okay just make sure you get really aggressive when you um oh my god son of a [ __ ] that's cool that's cool that the game does that so always i don't know i guess so unfucking believable maybe at the beginning maybe it only like maybe have to lose a certain amount use your booster and kick ass i'm trying to [ __ ] move just spells death oh god stop it stop it stop oh my god you're gonna be kidding me with that it's unfucking believable man i mean we should have ended this episode half an hour ago but you will not allow this to stand oh god i i i want i want to scream out loud in a field i've only got like two episodes today jesus christ i know it's like two in the afternoon we've been at it since 10. [ __ ] ready for this [ __ ] [ __ ] ready yo you ready to go you ready to go son you [ __ ] think you're hot [ __ ] but you ain't [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] six hundred dollars six hundred dollars ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] talking about [ __ ] chad warden sad warden jeff wood i just want to go outside me too i want to meet with my friends have a grand old time but you know what i'm doing this you're the one who want to play metal and lace dude you're the [ __ ] one you're the [ __ ] one got him got him wow dude you just took out all your aggression on this [ __ ] game all right now very gently safe stated i had a malfunction you shut your [ __ ] trap i believe f5 is no no go to command i'm going to save state you can see it happen okay great all right please stop next battle oh my god well what else am i supposed to do dude this game sucks i feel like end the episode people have seen what they need to see out of them you have the power to do that too okay next time on game grumps next time on game grumps i feel like i'm stuck with like a dad at the casino who like can't stop gambling and i'm like dad please i'm hungry like shut up shut up oh boy a thousand ice creams with all this money and then like 23 you're like [ __ ] 23 is my number though oh that's right hello and welcome to wheel of torture i am dan this is aaron and uh we're doing this again because oh daily daily we get i don't know i mean this is triple digit emails asking us to play more wheel of fortune this is like the perfect storm for us because not only do we love playing it it's true but everyone else loves watching us play it yeah so it's just like hey man [ __ ] it i'm not gonna argue with it we have we have considered becoming a wheel of fortune channel yeah joining us today hi hi hello hey hi hi i'll take that page she's reaching her pupae form yeah [Music] wow roping and spin [Music] plenty of time to think while you spin i can't see the board when i'm spinning put it in your mind i can't i believe that big brady or is this there's enough room in that big boy it's not it's full it's full of nonsense and magic the gathering cards like every card is up there now and there's like 10 000 of them oh i could flip it and get 10 000 or flip it and get bankrupt i wonder what's gonna happen flip it yes wow i'm so loud i'm sorry i'm right here really excited though [Music] dude i got all this money of course i'm gonna guess eventually yeah this is not going well for me dude i haven't played yet i'm ripping [ __ ] right now oh my god please let me play what's the first one piano print print no print print there's no r yes we have some tea oh that's not what i thought it was good job oh oh oh okay yeah i got it yeah me too i wish i was dead i'm gonna go for that double f baby okay please please please oh my god yes little double f for old aaron hansen over here [Music] oh [ __ ] oh blind in first date god damn it there's gotta be a way to get the sky off the ship when the pressure's not on it it's easier for my brain there's got to be some science to that because like the moment the pressure wasn't on i was like oh i know what it is got to be some science there's got to be some religion to the fact that god hates me oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] dude all right yeah of course i'm gonna solve it ready to solve contestant number one i mean at some point at some point you just have to realize that satan runs this show well i'll be honest i don't care i already sold my soul to him yeah he can run whatever [ __ ] show he wants clearly i know it nut milk it's nut smith national my god [Applause] [Music] oh well that makes more sense i guess you just know everything [ __ ] is it yosemite or yosemite it's yosemite right i'll never tell yosemite no it's nutsment [Laughter] [Music] oh lazy [Applause] very rare that you get to appoint a wheel of fortune uh puzzle where the only letters remaining are y and z that's true how did you come up with that because i'm an idiot help help please please help how did you come up with that amazing the way you came in third out of a possible three oops i pushed too fast babe videotapes it's baby titties i'd like to solve [Laughter] it he got it sigourney and basketweaver oh oh i was joking huh basket reader [Music] that's my own fault oh man gigourney yeah kegourny that's the alien that she played in aliens five gigorny basket reader man you snaked that [ __ ] from me i didn't snake it i would have guessed it you didn't are we all right you literally said oh let's go because i would have guessed that when i saw it written out you said it and i was blinking it was a very long blink snake sassafrassy francis snakes [Laughter] [Music] man [ __ ] it i'm not going to risk it god i wish i could just break your neck right now but like like in an accident [Music] anything's possible dan yeah and today in in today's america i don't understand like we're on the basement level but he fell down the stairs to be honest it's like he fell up the stairs kind of yeah there aren't even any stairs here contestant number three he's literally at the lowest level of a i was staring at him and he fell yeah repeatedly into this baseball bat there's like a row of baseball bats everywhere where he was planning on falling crazy kept stumbling over poor guy at high speeds always seem to hit his head on him too yeah i was yelling something that probably sounded like [ __ ] you at the time but i was like it was actually oh [ __ ] what's happening to you [Laughter] you just in parentheses yeah and parenthesis oh [ __ ] in parenthesis what is happening to you uh yeah i wouldn't have got it if you didn't because my mind was in a completely what was that did i spell it wrong hot hot the deck of cards hit the deck of cards today is not a lucky what for all of you i nobody says that let's get this round you say hit me you don't hit the deck oh it's before you hit the deck yeah that makes more sense yep here goes one last spin yeah we thought i'm so stupid we thought we'd finally outsmarted wheel of fortune but we were stupider than ever i have no money reach in pockets to [Music] get money out [Laughter] break all through to the other poop should put poop in that would be funny all right i won [Laughter] wow like you get so cocky on wheel of fortune because you're winning so much that it was the other that gave it away because like what other [ __ ] word starts with ot yeah otter yeah but break on through to the otter poop uh do you want to change your guy no it's too late what do you mean it's too late this is the guy who needs revenge oh that's right yeah he's the same guy yeah it's too late we control the show this is our thing now all i can think about is that [ __ ] song it's like it's too late to apologize damn it it's too late it's getting 10 in the morning man i haven't warmed up yet [Applause] it's so oh man i'll [ __ ] kick you in the deck dude you're making excuse after excuse it's too late to apologize there you go man [ __ ] you yeah he didn't even go into a falsetto for that man that's pretty impressive she looks like me but not it's time for a toss-up round anyway my character she looks like kind of oh i don't know otters oh no it fits it does that's probably what it is then yeah i'm just i'm just gonna do it it's following instructions to the letter oh my god oh my god what the hell is wrong with you i don't know i'm a savant beautiful mind over here like all the equations i'm like letters this is w this is gonna take so long i know it's not this hard in the show you have to spell it out you have to spell it out using these archaic controllers don't say it oh my god spell it out to the letter man yeah okay oh my god yeah amazing you got 11 000 from that i know you could put that in a bitcoin and then have five thousand the winner will be getting a special prize i could put i could put that eleven thousand into bitcoin have elon musk send out one [ __ ] shitty ass tweet and then boom three hundred dollars oh uh trident shut up gum stop talking potable oh mustard mustard potatoes stop oh it's mashed it was so clearly mustard it was missing a letter but it was pretty clear to me one of the worst people to play real fortunate against i could ever possibly imagine oh man you talk over everything you talk [ __ ] constantly you're paying the ass when you lose you're paying the ass when you win [Laughter] oh my god yeah well why don't you why don't you uh look in the mirror okay there's a handsome [Laughter] fellow hey there sailor you're the one who's always telling me i'm a bad wheel of fire oh my god [ __ ] oh it's on baby what oh designing robots yeah because you're a robot that's ridiculous oh sick i win you still win though yeah oh thank god i know you were gonna solve this one you can't [ __ ] that was cheating i was not close to designing robots is that just something people do yeah designing robots seems a little strange building robots maybe what are you doing oh you know i'm designing robots oh cool what do you think i'm doing what in the world clash see isn't it fun aaron this is i have to do this work with me uh oh um awesome rifle club clothes clothes rubble royale cl clash royale something royale um casino royale james bond clash royale it's probably clash royale i don't know what that is but i don't think it's a thing time is running low only 10 seconds okay you sure about this why not yeah we picked words that exist they could go next to each other based on the usage of them what the hell is clash royale it's amazing well done aaron well hey you got one win over my two wins so if you win again then we're tied which means we have to do a third round what are you talking about because i won both rounds last time we played wow so you've won one round in this episode and we're not done with the episode so we have to do another round okay allowing agave no what contestant number one it's blooming oh that could be wow well done she broke for a second like you don't need to allow a cactus it'll just happen no stop you just reminded me about rst damn it [ __ ] no tea well i don't want to watch this youtube channel then what will i spill what could possibly be spooned the problem is i don't care enough anymore and i'm trying to like like force it i'm trying to like pretend like i'm angry so i could like it might turn into real anger but it's just not happening oh well he doesn't have to oh okay i could play off of your not anger okay brain dead sire what is that syrup syrups and drenched syrups i'm gonna pass oh my god far farley gar garlic garlic chicken and grilled shrimp yeah yeah that's it yes we have some g oh as soon as as soon as chicken became clear but why would you serve chicken with shrimp i guess it goes they both go good with white wine okay now now i'm angry what it's just like when you have it you're like oh please don't guess it as long as you don't guess it i'll get it and then like then it's like garlic chicken and grilled trip oh in your [ __ ] face you know [Laughter] well done aaron congratulations well you knew chicken and cheese or whatever it was so you no technically won this one that's not how they get that's not how anything in life works i don't want to be look i'm in the position now where you just made fun of me for gloating so now i'm in a i'm like oh well you know uh great i won that's awesome let's just listen i my friendship with you is more important than winning at wheel of fortune as that being said it feels really great to win at wheel of fortune as you and i both know whenever we play competitive games on game grumps like the second the game ends we're always like that was silly and that is just how we live and everything's cool and i'm sure that everyone at home watching will be cool too and not freak out and think oh my god do they hate each other now and say that for the next 10 years there's no way that would happen no but we do though of course this is just for the cloud are you kidding me we the second game grumps episodes end we put on our sunglasses we get in our separate limousines and we go our separate ways no words are exchanged i i upgraded to my helicopter i don't know thing anymore yeah it's too hard to get out i wondered why you were having that helipad installed on the top of that yeah it was just too difficult to get out of the gold encrusted driveway yeah yeah as soon as i had the diamond wheels put on the limo that it just didn't have the traction i needed yeah i wasn't it was usually that it was a rough ride yeah so i decided i had putting the headphones on and the helicopter was much more comfortable situation to be in well business partner slash former friend [Laughter] it was a good round of wheel of fortune yeah man that was good that was enjoyable yeah i i had fun hello everybody good day welcome this is a very special special episode it is special um because uh wizard sent us dungeons and dragons they sent us dungeons and dragons dark alliance so uh so we could play it and have fun with it um yes they but this is this is a they're sponsoring this video so just to get that out of the way thank you for doing that by the way um i love wizards dan loves dungeons and dragons um and we just figured this game looks fun as hell always have uh it's it's it's pretty dope because it reminds me of like older games where you're like couch co-oping i mean that's basically what we're doing right now boy i cannot get that song out of my head it's killing me but just before we we started this we were listening to uh the band is called b44 yeah like the letter b and then the number four four because because there's three of them yeah and three comes before four that's yeah that's the reason okay wait all right hold please we'll get back to this so yeah that before fourth song is called get down it's like if you get down on me i'll get down on you and then the second guy's like yeah yeah that's great oh it's so good spotify i know this is it on spotify i don't know i i don't know either apparently it was a big jam back in canada back in the day back in canada yeah yeah they're canadian oh okay yeah not that there's anything wrong with that it was just in fact the studio that made this game is canadian in fact studio 2 uh or 2k they're in montreal canada oh cool i was thinking about that song especially the part where the one guy's like i'm gonna make you come tonight and then the other one jumps in over to my house oh fantastic good stuff can i just shoot somebody all the way over there there wasn't a person that was just a treasure chest oh nice look at this oh i love i love a cookout phil [Laughter] he's about to fill my tummy you know what i'm saying come on nice this guy that i'm looking at we're both kind of looking at me kind of looks like to infinity launch me so i'm like the i'm like the ranger or whatever and you're the all-around guy you're like the paladin oh cool yeah i love the way he looks you're the guy oh yeah he's a badass i mean you're the character that that like you know like your little brother plays because he's like i wanna be cool yeah and me a 42 year old man check this out i have an old yeah look at this i got the bow of heaven or whatever oh whoa i think you have something too oh you haven't gotten the points yet oh well you're almost there stop killing everyone oh yeah sorry i just was too good you know boy you're just you're not getting any experience points for some reason anyway i'll just drop down to nuclear holocaust on these guys oh dude i destroyed the bridge camp ballista what do you think of me now pretty cool right yes [Music] yes aaron you're cool god we all saw it i just wanted to make sure you saw like you know like look what i can do god are these oh these are where the goblins come out they say you are what you eat but i don't remember you eating a [ __ ] legend i'm sorry that's not my joke it's just a t-shirt i keep buying shirts on the internet that i can't wear anywhere oh yeah yeah care to share some yeah the one that like is black with white text that says i shaved my balls for this i saw a guy wear it at a concert and i would think about it every now and then for like you know probably 10 years now uh-huh and then i was like why don't i just buy that wait a second so i went online and i bought it i have a job and it arrived in the mail and i was like yes and also i don't know yeah when are you gonna the first power hour back i'll wear it okay unless it's an on location shoot in which case i'll probably not wear it wouldn't it be funnier if you did wear it on location though well i mean we'll be guests somewhere i don't want to go into someone else's like work space yeah but what if they're like super cool and they get it and they're like yeah what if it's a ball shaving factory shave balls over here treasure chest i'm getting loot like nobody's business excuse me please can i change my hair aaron i need you to focus sorry was really thinking about how i could beautify myself you know just medieval warrior things i would rather be dead and epic than alive and boring dan wow truer words were never spoken never truer words have always not been spoken ever yeah take that cart you're activating the runes stop it good then we'll be able to read maps ah runes whoops i'm back what's up with all these runes man i don't understand this dissonance man these goblins are like oh they're ruining a perfectly good level okay if you get down on me i'll get to [ __ ] if i go to sleep with pizza in my gut i wake up and vomit and i uh have nightmares all night yeah pizza nightmares yeah they're the worst ice cream nightmares are the worst for me oh okay yeah you got a little of that uh lactose intolerante yeah same aaron are you not aware that i get farty and bloated with a foamy ice cream whoops okay i thought that was a detail you knew about me dude we're fighting plubo i'll distract him plubo bone sucker suck my bones if i called someone plubo bonesucker they would immediately want to fight me regardless you know what i found out and i had no idea that guy from the jerky boys does the voice of mort goldman in family guy i had no idea that's him yeah he's saul rosenberg ah my shoes that's incredible to me took my microsoft dinosaur cd and cut me up all over my body kicked me in the groin and bonked me on the head then he pushed me down the stairs and he said some very hurtful things and my shoes fell off [Laughter] he's got regrowth crap dope got some leg guards out of that shank look at all that blue money we got common bracers aaron's got bracers shut up no i don't shut up are you laughing in my head gears can you protect my arms from soldiers and whatnot i'm gonna go listen to my britney spears records oh you want to take a short rest love to nope getting that rarity son of a [ __ ] what do you don't want rare loot who doesn't want rear loot what does it do what kind of gamer are you well it makes me feel good afterwards [Laughter] when i look at my loot compared to yours i'm like hell yeah you idiot you didn't get the rare loot what does rarely do i don't know but it's why should i know it's rare so it has to be good right cork it idiot oh man all right destroy the durger supplies is that what we're supposed to we have to retrieve the explosive barrel the barrel as you say the barrels where's the explosive beer i can't find the explosive barrel aaron the barrels the barrel you show the map so the barrels map on the barrels and the barely barrels can barrel down the road there's barely any barrels oh no there's a beer where did you what did you just fall are these battery powered barrels beer beer where are you have you ever farted on an elevator and then like a bunch of people get on and you're like it was like this it was like this when i got here we're all suffering together but you want to acknowledge it but you don't want to give away that you did it so you say something kind of neutral like pretty crazy right [Laughter] i feel like we're on the same page oh my god pretty crazy that's [ __ ] up oh hello and welcome to snoopy that's not what the game's called it's called snoopy's silly sports spectacular yeah whoa look at him that's some animation right there i'm gonna destroy the colosseum oh yeah he was about to fl he was about to throw that thing right in the coliseum oh that's snoopy's skinny cousin spike well you know if you break that thousand you'll be a tenth on the way to the world record it's time for the river jump um [Laughter] okay there's gonna be zero points for that that's uh okay subtotal of 940. all right well done good report card if you if you if you can get past this first hurdle you are the hero the city needs [Music] there it is there it is just incredible i don't know how i was able to i don't know if you're gonna be able to match that dude you tell me [ __ ] oh my god [Laughter] yay holy [ __ ] that's a new record that is a new record that's amazing okay you got you got the blood boiling yeah yeah i am angry i'm about to scream all right this one i think you can get through with all the pizzas they give you so much time you have like a minute and a half [Music] did you see what they did they put the leaning tower of pizza oh behind the pizza genius come on [Music] make sure you get all the pizzas to the end [Music] oh oh dude you're going to do it as long as i don't [ __ ] it up but what's more important to the ratio of points the time or the pizzas i don't know well we'll use this as the experiment because god knows i'm crushing this with my pizza patience [Music] oh my god oh my god no no you panicked you pizza panicked 14 pizzas though that's pretty good that is all right oh my god what a [ __ ] waste of my life dude waiter at pizza hut oh sorry don't worry i'll take that back to the kitchen where we'll dust it off and bring it right back out to you all right here we go [Music] marvelous impressive do you think nintendo's going to remake this i do hd remake of snoopy's silly sports spectacular everyone well if they listen to the fans for once listen i'll call my dad who works at nintendo yeah and uh you know i'll pull some strings [Music] it's not a thing yeah i just tapped b and it didn't work try again is he showing his butthole he does seem to be presenting a little bit oh that's what you're talking about yeah go go go go go what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do magic yeah yeah yeah okay yeah do it do your best do your worst [Music] that's good right not so easy is it oh god i never said it was easy oh my god oh my god oh my god how can i i've i need linus's security blanket i've built companies to suffocate myself with what the [ __ ] was the line of security blanket linus oh right yeah immediately wait what did that article say it was like it's not as hard as people think [ __ ] this is the hardest thing i've ever done in my life my mom watches this show she's not gonna be your mom much longer go to the court have that annulled just get in the mail one day what you have no mother more hat oh my god just in your life don't even think about it [Music] yay [Music] all right uh next time on game grubs oh we're not doing pogo no we're not doing poker bye-bye okay bye um hello there okay welcome back to game rums so we are pulling stuff off the shelf and trying to uh recapture the magic of panic restaurant yeah all right and we most certainly did not succeed with uh snoopy's silly sportsman that was terrible um and now we're gonna see what kickle cubicle is all about look at that corn you get the corn cornado it's a great asylum film thank you awesome courtney i'm honestly shocked they haven't made it yet what i'm not corn the beautiful fantasy kingdom is now under the rule of the wizard court king what the [ __ ] the ravishing palaces were hidden and the i have glass i have corn glasses i can't see as well as my friends my my eyes aren't as good as a potatoes [Applause] sorry if that joke was poured and these islands were made to confide us oh jeez oh my god jiggle please get back to the get back the palaces and revive the fantasy kingdom who is the head writer for kickle cubicle i don't know green peppers i'm the green pepper king i already talked to the corn king [ __ ] him he doesn't know what the [ __ ] he's talking about that guy's a piece of [ __ ] listen here glass is wearing garbage oh man it's your boy soldier boys in dubai with a camel turn up what you never seen that vine no it's like it's your boy soldier boy in dubai with the camel turn up that guy's great and then he's like big fan and he's like i got the new shoes daddy goddamn and then it just ends i have no idea what you're talking about right you got to watch it it's [ __ ] legendary sounds like i do oh what the [ __ ] is the point oh it's the score yeah see yeah so if i had gotten those popsicles it would have been lost anyway do it in the center yeah boy [Music] so weird for your hype man for kickle cubicle dude oh my boys got the sickest tubes in the nation gotta get that pops oh come on you were right next to the other pops are you are you back seat kickling [Music] dude it's like i'm in the cubicle with you oh that's pleasing to me wow you're a real ice age apologist over here [Music] yeah hey hey baby the butt potatoes are thankful dude this is this is welcome to the cubicle i just i just assumed oh it's a manta ray i get it i always assumed that like the whole point of this game was to try to reduce the amount of kickles that you cubicle no no ice is free baby you're in the ocean i know ice is free but that's like that's the point right it's like oh you can use as much ice as you want but do you really need to like that sort of thing self challenge i say yeah i'm going for the real challenges because i apparently not because you're not getting the popsicle score oh you you you better watch yourself you're really cheesing me look at this man already already concluded you just you just sealed the deal with that my friend mm-hmm this cubicle has been kicked one would oh dude yo oh that [ __ ] sunglasses wearing chicken kicked my cubicle back into me yo i'm gonna kick all that cubicle right back at that [ __ ] that chicken [ __ ] damn dude that was like a double cro cute double cubicle yes we've got those thoma tamers tom a tame oh that's new tomatoes are new yes they are let's see what rewards await me for completing this first level they've got that appetizing green glow hurry up kikko huh oh his name is any minute now and you can reach the palace a in the palace scaring the princess cool who's the princess dress please destroy him geez the princess or oh no okay the monster i'll destroy whoever you want me to tomato yeah i don't care yeah i am i am your puppet i don't ask questions i just do the job yeah they call me the cleaner kick a cubicle cleaner yeah clinical creep whoa that's a really neat effect for nes i know that's kind of like mode six-ish is that the word mode seven that's the one how do they do that that's because that's not on the tiles no that would have blown my damn mind [ __ ] oh what's happening is this a playable thing you got parallax in here this is ridiculous holy crap look at the pumpkins hey kikko so i can chew oh chicken boss okay she's like she's like 11 feet tall cool oh my god you sipped me why don't you step on me princess pompa [Music] she's so cute i want to draw fan art over yeah she's adorable there are four palaces in this fantasy kingdom but they're all dead the wizard king came and took all the palaces anyway i gotta go with my four eggplant boyfriends i'm gonna do some pretty freaky ish yeah sup up steve what's up i'm ben what's up i'm frank what's up i'm steve yeah two of them steve that's correct how do you tell them apart i don't know just you just know yeah or i don't the way you say it i could be like steve he's like yeah yeah i could be like steve and he's like well this was adorable i really enjoyed this yeah yeah that was just lovely what is that a butt cheeks go go go on an emulator or on your old nintendo nes system can't break the law like that uh you're right so find a way to play kickle cubicle and have fun because this is this game is a charmer download it onto your nest yeah you can do that i guess technically uh i guess technically that's what using a cartridge is you download it into the ram correct aaron keeps it in the ram that's right gonna keep it around all right bye goodbye stanley the search for dr livingston well you called it aaron they really did the whole title is stanley yeah it's just called stanley as if we should all know oh oh it's a stanley stanley game oh dude stanley got his own game that's the that's the genesis killer right there the stanley stanley your supplies are here but the grapple and the machete have been stolen what the [ __ ] oh good thing i don't know what a grapple is oh beefcock new level is beefcock new level is beefcock what's up dude [Music] look at his hang like if you are entering the jungle search for a grapple [ __ ] i almost just had a grass stolen from me oh ah look at the progress you've made jeez into the jungle punch the bug punch the plug i don't know what i'm supposed to do about the snake it's just he's just there go low on the on the vines oh that's a good point oh my god the jesus all right yeah your password is beef [ __ ] [Laughter] insert the beef [ __ ] now [Laughter] what [Laughter] oh okay okay okay that was lucky there you go you can do fast jumps oh we're saved [ __ ] we're dead what does this user think deadly oh [ __ ] i'm getting across this bridge whether there's rain or shine the entire episode i mean just trying to get past the bridge look man sometimes sadly in the search for dr living sometimes you just need a struggle yeah this is your comp look at all the options you have oh my god this game rules yeah it's oh i stand corrected so whoa what the hell is happening oh you're back to nipple captain nipples yes uh look at the seagulls man this game rules it's just literally two minutes after like this game is [ __ ] look at his peg leg is my favorite thing about this entire game oh i i just don't know we stan lee we i just want to get across a bridge man yeah that's all i want to do in this dang life and if i can't get that then who's going to get that me no someone else yes look next time on game grove all right well we tried we tried the blues 32. oh stanley your search for dr livingstone will continue look at the box put the box art on the screen even looks like oh man what am i doing i don't i shouldn't be in a game oh oh [ __ ] dude i'm not equipped for this am i gonna have to shin punch mentally or emotionally welcome tomorrow party five hello um we don't know what order the episodes will come out but we just completed uh sonic heroes uh 2003's finest and we decided to go right to 2003's other finest uh mario party 3. wow same year eh yeah which i believe is um this is the only mario party we haven't played on the show is that correct no we've played this one i i great i tried to play um three [Music] this is five no this is this is five in 2003. got it yeah um but i i just couldn't get the quote-unquote nintendo 64 working right let's bring up those poop boys what are those poop boys up to today all right man i'm always excited when we can play mario party this is fun me too man these are this actually looks like pooh this level looks like it was sculpted out of fecal matter you don't want to use it twist his little nose it is kind of a bummer that doesn't show you twisting his little nose because that's clearly what that's for yeah yeah it would be a could be a real like kind of situation yeah oh okay here we go oh oh my god oh we're so fast whoa you'll never beat me baby you'll never be me oh [ __ ] yeah i got beams you'll never beat up wow that was quite a beaming oh i have to pay for it holy [ __ ] that would have sucked if i didn't have exactly yeah yeah that would have been that would have been hilarious all right i got it oh no you'll get you'll get there you got it homie oh dude if i get doubles do i get something oh [ __ ] 10 more coins fantastic i think i'll quit yeah wow i think i'll uh go and call my parents for three hours you've done it well to make it this far pete you want to trade coins for a star no of course i do jesus [Music] this star is yours unfortunately it gives you crippling colitis i don't know it gives you the option though it's like like it's like if you like pulled community chest and it was like you went 200 like nah i'm not into it what do you mean we're [ __ ] you're winning i know i was being sarcastic zero to one oh i'm sorry i was looking at pornography i'm just kidding mario party i'm looking at my own kind of party over here damn i was right behind him dude well he's in space i want him to earn that memphis here you wouldn't be able to do that we would three more leafy jumps that he just would have floated away wouldn't the rocha limit just like tear you up yeah you're right aaron i think that's the point of which we can start poking holes in the physics of this game [Laughter] otherwise it was airtight yeah what was that meme you sent me i [ __ ] and farted everywhere it's so stupid i made that you made that that was yours thomas jefferson quote yeah oh congratulations erin i like making memes from time to time yeah i should have imparted because i ate cheese and drink milk yes that's it thomas jefferson and then it's a picture of [Music] four young people jumping in the air on the beach none of it's funny by itself but somehow when you put it all together yeah it creates magic it's like that abraham lincoln quote just like if my p isn't crystal clear that i consider it a personal failure yeah yeah anything's a dildo if you're brave enough abraham lincoln chimp chase in west philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where where [Music] where spending most [Laughter] wow i would have gotten the star if i hadn't rolled a goddamn one [Music] that's okay dude that's okay you got three coins you're at 11 you'll win the next mini game you'll get another star you'll get some kind of thing that steals a star from somebody it'll be perfect yeah that's how mario that's how mario party works it's okay don't worry you'll blow it for [ __ ] three hours and then all of a sudden randomly the game will be like i've decided that i want you to win so you'll win oh good for you yeah hey all right waluigi look garbage man why don't you go [ __ ] yourself my fists viva revolution [Music] oh [ __ ] that's a big penguin oh that's the big those big penguins are worse oh [ __ ] oh no dude [Applause] all right i i want a mini game man good for you that's [ __ ] fake how about that that's exciting yeah just in time to not be near a star oh well never spotted saving nick is kids that's what they say oh here we go dog waluigi right oh my god [Applause] [Laughter] wow that was one hell of a two second victory geez louise [ __ ] i'm not even gonna go there dude i'm gonna use the swamp to get up there i know but like just for future reference i mean i had to throw it somewhere [Music] you throw it somewhere that i'm gonna end up [Music] i'm not gonna end up there you the stars continually move aaron the stars realign i don't think the star is ever going to go over there dan who's gotten into you i don't think he i don't think you want to stand on a ski watch do you think that star is going to cover that left oh wow think for once dan use that goddamn pile of pudding you call a brain put some wrinkles in that smooth brain oh you still won you still won i don't use scoundrel it's not the big victories it's the small victories maybe you did get the gold star actually i mean the i just got like a big pile of pink okay that was that the name of your new uh adult film big pile of pink starring aaron hansen hello this is my big pile of pink right here don't look directly at it it'll steal your soul it's like undulating and [ __ ] like no don't feed it what are you doing okay i'll give you a capsule fine [ __ ] jesus what give the capsule to the big pile of pink now and you've got four stars eat a dick oh maybe i want five i don't know my dick eat it my whole entire dick there's no time don't ask questions just eat the dick okay oh geez what am i going to do [Laughter] you ready smash the [ __ ] out of you good luck do it oh oh my god look at it with the multi fakehounds oh my god damn dude he was playing the long game bro he's an incredible he's like got a poker face like no other wow he gave us like six fake outs and then he's like [ __ ] you i killed all my friends they will burn out of my way i need fourth place beckonsby [Laughter] i'm gonna have victory denny's who wants a grand slam boy if there was ever an oxymoron victory daddy's there moon's over by hammy anyone no all right no did you have a good night did you have an enjoyable time at the concert well time for everything to go south real [ __ ] quick yeah we'll seat you right under the open air vent so that you're freezing cold even though you're the only one in this restaurant it's going to take us three and a half hours to take your order [Laughter] oh my god this is really hard yeah yeah this is its own like type of rules come on dog oh please get in here you mongrel oh oh oh my god okay you did it i did it i okay thank goodness he was like hooked on the edge for like three whistles it was killing me inside [Music] yeah yeah [ __ ] saving don't touch the memory card [Laughter] losing my mind you might lose your data [Laughter] okay let's go oh no jeez hey guys having fun door opener closed bud oh man oh okay so you're trying to blow each other off the cloud with air uh waluigi oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude oh no this just got real i don't like this dan i know it's getting scurry wake me up inside before you go go oh we took two stars no what did he no no no no no that was just his total okay oh yeah the the two stars were the one he gave up and the one you put in okay got it what a bastard he's a right bastard damn you and me are exactly in in the same position man yeah we're tied holy [ __ ] i thought for sure it was in the bag for me i know meanwhile look at waluigi's [ __ ] flying around the like spider-man what no oh my god oh my god like the the stem the boober the mushroom head oh god now toad's gonna duel with me oh [ __ ] oh god oh my god what the hell dude this is crazy what are you gonna do take my two coins that's exactly what he did you [ __ ] nickel and dimer hey is this [ __ ] over where's everyone okay i'm gonna grow a big flower caterpillar it's wiggler holy [ __ ] wiggler what the [ __ ] are you you sneaky bastard don't be giving [ __ ] black market stars out to waluigi yeah what did the game freeze the [ __ ] oh god no oh please god no no wait what no why oh god why does this always happen to us oh come on man it was just getting awesome dude i can't believe this we've been [ __ ] playing this [ __ ] for three episodes maybe maybe hold on you know what there is wait it's safe stated didn't it isn't it always saying like i'm saving the game you don't [ __ ] touch anything it is always saying that wait what the hell is going on i swear to i swear to the lord uh oh something dude wiggler [ __ ] crashed my game dude awesome thank you dude he created illegal commands look at his list of illegal commands man i was i was about to get salty there you go you got it oh oh [Music] nice yeah wow give me eight dollars you bastardo [Music] bestiardo [Music] i would like 80 dollars please what accent is that don't ask me what i think this is this is you can't be offended if you don't know what thanks boiled again i want to be offended let's roll it all no that was fantastic holy [ __ ] all right wow there's hope there's a chance i could get a bonus star for most coins or something that's true [Music] good luck players boy if i hadn't dueled you hey where's caterpillar to give me another [ __ ] star oh there he is oh my god do it are you serious yeah yeah holy crap that's unbelievable that's [ __ ] insane two stars with it oh goodness gracious holy [ __ ] okay good luck wait what's happening you're buying the star oh he just brings it to me okay got it jeez man oh my god that's bananers okay can i have that one too yeah since you're my friend i'll fly you over there too i can't believe i got two stars on the roll on the last roll yeah i was i think i was like i was thinking that too i was like the only way that dan could do this is he gets two stars in this turn and that's impossible yeah how could that possibly [ __ ] happen boy that's nuts oh good for you toad yeah oh you got to duel oh my [ __ ] god why are you wasting all of our time oh three this coins like 17 minutes of my time [Laughter] pump and jump oh my god let's do it let's do it man that's why i jerk off on a trampoline all right built up the most pressure in the platform to jump the highest oh that's easy the amino acids in my muscles are gonna be [ __ ] burning my arm tomorrow are we done is this it oh my god let's just see how nice okay okay all right aaron yeah it was a weird road but we got here yep okay that's time for the bonuses yep mini game who was it oh aaron you got a star yeah bro gamer oh the coins oh wait but it's not who ended up with him it's who collected them oh oh it's still me holy [ __ ] [ __ ] the happening star who's i don't think anybody landed on him who's the most happy well those capsules you son of a [ __ ] aaron you are the most happening oh girl you deserved it i guess proof man well i made a big run for it right at the end well don't go too low jesus aaron you are the dream star congratulations yeah dude oh my god that was so cool i can't believe like right down to the wire it was that was yeah that was a very very nutty time man aaron i love you that was a lot of fun i love you too buddy that was fun yup uh we hope you enjoyed it as well everyone at home and uh rock and roll aaron wins mazel tov for you bud mazel tov to you as well because you were so you were up there man no thanks i'll take silver medal where's the yeah just find my [ __ ] i oh yeah because we were perfectly evenly matched that ending part is just where they give out the [ __ ] random ass stars yep oh what's this oh my god it's a little poem i wrote here i go [Laughter] what do you think hey i'm i'm not sugrock and we're the game grumps oh my god we're back in doki doki baby my life was so different last time we visited this world i remember this place i remember this place what memories such nightmares so treasured oh i don't remember that no i remember this one really i think so this one i definitely remember most of the game yeah but like upon watching it the second time through okay everyone here we go the literature club is starting you're a silly goose aaron yours oh oh my gosh i'm so sorry i never do the oh my gosh i never do that [Music] sorry that was an accident why do you make the fart noise that's not i'm not doing that no no that's the game is it all right please continue don't apologize i do that all the time apologize i mean sorry yeah and sleep in fact i'm sayari and that's where i get my name sorry i did that oh um did i miss the club meeting where is everybody i mean i i'm sure it's not just you could make you look pathetic well about that this is everybody it's really disheartening to not be taken seriously you know i'm sure you know about that i can't what the hell's that supposed to mean i care so much about this i just want to find other people who do too button your neck color and have some respect for yourself yeah oh no i'm so sorry sorry i'm so sorry i do care i promise why do i have to [ __ ] pledge fealty i just joined this public eight seconds ago i have a hard time being serious that's all i didn't mean for it to hurt you i was joking about the vice president thing too i would make a terrible vice president i actually want to accomplish things oh so political i'm sorry that this isn't like a real club yet yes it is no it isn't we're debating it says it's a big club if nothing else i'm good at that [Laughter] oops [Music] this is the literature club not the lit club it's good it's good because no one's here can i just play you my favorite little clip from the song it'll be very quick yeah get the sure off i just love i love i love a good like singer songwriter acoustic jam yeah man it's like a it's like a it's like a song from a musical like rent there's speaking parts and they're singing parts sorry i'm late i'm here it's okay welcome back and sayori spins over to monica and deposits the sheet into monica's desk oh what's this oh my god it's a little poem i wrote here i go [Laughter] what do you think sorry i drank a lacquah no problem how would we know if they're just reading for fun if they're reading a textbook yeah um well we could ask them no but then we'd be bothering people who are trying to do schoolwork god this is hard i didn't think about that part i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so stupid calm down [Laughter] okay sayori pretend you're a normal person for a second wait i don't mean it like that shutting down [Laughter] i'm normal you know like a random passerby who's getting a flyer a normal person how would you react to the idea of a literature club i don't know if i'm the best judge for that considering i'm the only person that actually showed up for a literature club probably like literally stupid i love that face was that in the original i think so okay sure enough there's a girl sitting alone intently reading a book i feel like a creep doing this you should go inside and talk to her maybe [Music] you're the president i would probably scare away oh yeah i'm not scary at all with my cupcakes and other nonsense with my joyous disposition and my friendly attitude okay fine i'll do it monica takes monica takes a deep breath then timidly enters the classroom who is it that was fast oh my gosh i'm so embarrassed why what happened um well i entered the classroom and she didn't even look up for rook so i kind of just left a flyer on her desk and then walked out you [ __ ] it up well there we go monica suddenly notices a folder on the floor by her desk did sayori leave this behind i hope it doesn't have her homework in that worried monica opens the folder to check poems my one weakness become the flower a feeling of joy is a flower plucked from the ground the color the scent it's so pretty in my hair every day i pluck some flowers as though they grew just for me a lifetime of peace and nourishment yanked away in an instant all for me all for joy i need more i need more joy i need more happy [ __ ] every day [ __ ] so pretty in my hair so you're going to die and you too oh my god salvato beneath my feet a flower stands alone it beckons to me i twist the stem freeing it from its clinging roots caressing the final joyous moment between my fingers but to what ends i look in every direction and the field i stand in the prosperous field it is a barren wasteland the fruits of my labor the carnage of my joy and that is why i decided i must become the flower wait is that good i made this all about myself even you said so yesterday you told me that i'm trying to make the club that i need the most right but my problems are so trivial compared to yours sayori responds quietly but as she says that her face darkens through the silence theory motors your realization monica stares blankly ahead unable to come up with a response i wasn't ready to share those well i read them no you're worrying about me i don't want that sayori smiles gently i promise if you promise well i'll promise if you promised i'll promise if you promised to promise my promise well i'll promise if you promised to promise that promise that you promised earlier about the promise promise i'm sorry i'm sayyori uh unable to help but monica returns sayori's smile die promise me too me three what brune helga did somebody say literature club [Laughter] stop being a perfectionist you idiot you idiot um i'm just kidding monica scribbles out you idiot after she writes it down no keep it it'll remind you of where you are what why i think you'll be good at writing poems don't give me too much credit i'd have to really try i'd have to try really really really hard at it really but i think it's something really that i'll enjoy doing soon with you really sorry beams they'll stop here but we still have time when i beam i shoot laser beams oh my goodness [Music] [Laughter] oh my god the beast whenever i shoot my beams i make the the full house sound tim allen do you mean home improvement oh what did i say full house yes that's a home improvement tim allen okay cool al big al wilson winston who's the neighbor wilson wilson wilson bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam [Laughter] finally they begin to truly feel it's only a matter of time before they find more members when she performed the writing exercise was i always this bad at expressing myself how am i supposed to be president if i can't even demonstrate with the collapse [Laughter] like just cassette tape ribbon just like explodes out of her mouth like some guy's like moving a slider to the right monica presses her pen down once again letting the ink collect she creates a second smear on the paper come on monica just move your head monica writes this is what i get for seeking perfection a stain monica slides the paper away from her and puts her head down on the desk like quickly like [Laughter] stupid stupid stupid holy crap the air conditioner seems louder today oh it is i'm here hi in the air conditioner that's why it's louder help [Laughter] feel cold sayori paws is seeming to recall something in the past i just want everyone to be happy sorry i was thinking about other [ __ ] that's the most important thing to me did i put mayo on the sandwich or mustard she just has that look about her i don't i don't mean to make light of this situation and letting people look inside my head doesn't bring happiness to anyone you know to be serious for like five seconds that is something i've read uh before that a lot of people who commit suicide have the thought that um it will be better for people around them like they'll be relieving a burden if they uh leave the planet and that is never true no that's not true at all yeah so if you are feeling that way or anything remotely like it please uh go talk to someone and uh don't be afraid to ask for help yeah as monica says go see a professional because they're good at this [ __ ] mm-hmm and as sayori says that's how you know you found a good one a a professional that is and in the en the entire plane ride there i was thinking to myself like different uh songs but with the word ham in them like i'm going to break that rusty hat [Laughter] oh [ __ ] i can't remember any now there was i there were hours of it i had it's like pink floyd breathe breathe in the ham it's true the girl is standing in the doorways none other than the girl sayori had come across reading alone in the classroom it was the girl do you remember do you remember we were playing bowser's fury this might have just come out but i don't know we're playing paris period uh bowser jr sees the giant hulking black mass of his dad he's like it's my dad what's up dad i'm [Laughter] oh my god i wasn't prepared for this how do i handle someone so intense i have like no experience with fantasy except maybe stuff that i read when i was a kid but that's probably like a joke compared to what she said i'm sure it'll be fine in fact i think it's neat that we have different people who are into different kinds of literature she walks in with like mineconf and they're like okay well that's different it'll be fun to learn from each other really like to know your worldview yeah i mean i don't disagree but what i mean i do disagree with mike what is it what if this is her only interest doesn't it kind of seem like that monica don't you think you should be more optimistic maybe mineconf has some good ideas maybe you should leave monica monica came into my classroom and put the flyer on my desk monica monica i've never really had the privilege of sharing my interests with others before it's so hard to find others who are into the same things that i am except online so i thought the literature club would provide a chance for me to do that have you ever heard of q anon i belong to a group that believes clifford the big red dog is our lord and savior i like lollipops i believe in pizzagate [Laughter] [Music] so i don't think we're meeting anymore i like kittens the jews were on the media i suppose that would be okay um well i guess i'm into nature and the way that weather is controlled by thought [Laughter] i love nature have you ever heard of chemtrails monica i'm going to start a nature club no you're not [Music] you're stuck here with me now i'm not r2 you're stuck in here with me i trust you you're like super smart not actually super smart just kind of like it oh please yuri tries to dismiss the compliment but she can't hide her smile and light blush i applied some light blush this morning i can't avoid it you can't generalize intelligence i'm only smart in the things i have a lot of experience with all right just take the [ __ ] compliment jesus christ it's funny the first thing that comes up when you like six common conspiracy theories and why it's pointless to argue with them the first thing that comes up is like do you mind do you accept if we use all your personal information like with cookies oh damn it that didn't start good all right i hate reading what does vindicated mean oh well in this contest context it essentially means that he was proven innocent such as people didn't believe me when i said the world was flat but then i was vindicated because it is when i found out that it is from this youtube video i watch it's okay to ask questions right exactly of course sayori turns the page are these footnotes no they're hand notes a lot of the dialogues cultural references that require explanation to be understood why are you turning the table siri wait are they talking about the past right now at the present where right here right now they're talking about the past these paragraphs are describing a flashback that barnes is having but they didn't tell me that it's implied from the context but i'm stupid sayori robs her temples this is where i worship the two the two of them continue with sayori asking fewer questions i don't want to do this anymore that's all i'm sorry that i made you fish finally thank you oh my god yuri leaves you weren't making me sayori is left alone with her words just giving me words it's too many words in this book how did this happen we were having fun just a second ago i was never having fun it's my fault i said something stupid and hurt her i should have just told you that i enjoyed it but you did yeah america trusted me with this they ruined it now we're cold we'll never reach ascension what's it really because i said she thought i wasn't enjoying our time together i mean i wasn't but i thought i was doing a good job convincing her but maybe she wasn't enjoying our time together because i'm not good enough man [ __ ] her i'm sorry no i'm sorry [Laughter] somewhere in the middle of the conversation the two stopped short in the hallway prioritizing the conversation over their original task monica looks at yuri yuri only looks down with her fists clenched sorry kano blue kang what's going on johnny cage oh my god oh my god i think i think you should tell her that i could never say that to someone's face it's pathetic why not just yuri smiles and nods at the thought what are you smiling and nodding at oh the thought she gives herself a minute to compose her thoughts then speaks while steadying her voice toasty [Laughter] well you know sorry my voice changed for a second sorry i wasn't doing any question of you or anything because now you can share me oh i already like you as the person that you are it's a bit of a struggle but try not to mistake that for me not enjoying it i mean we could never discover new things if we didn't try them first right i want to learn the reasons that you love it so much and at the end if it's not for me then i can say that but i'll be glad that i tried it and learned more about you plus you're like super duper smart and i want that to rub off on me [Laughter] your hair is so pretty oops sorry no keep going didn't mean to break the mood you didn't ruin anything i already spotted long hair but i was awesome taking care of it so i cut it all off [Music] oops just ignore that [Music] jesus your attention [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you know you really have some pretty good farts i mean my farts are better no my farts are better [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] god damn it [Laughter] i'm back oh my god what is that smell and now it is time for respect r-e-s-p-c that is how you spell respect r-e-s-b-c-t i spelled respect again oh second two second give me a second high spell respect okay she's having a stroke of genius sorry that's from the producers it's like my favorite line in that movie for some reason that reminded me of like one of brian regan's classic bits it's like you go to a classroom and it's like i call this desk i call this desk he's like yes we all do billy [Music] [Laughter] it's awesome it's pretty chill here do you just like hang out or do you actually do club stuff well we're trying to ascend it just hasn't been very structured yet waiting for hellbop comment said sweet here drink this since we only have like three members so we kind of just loosely spend our time doing the stuff we like well i like manga mangoes y'all hey what'd you say like that hey i wanna read manga in the club what no you have to turn up in the club turn up and get croc i say that sounds so great like after i've been doing all this um yuri returns to the desks with a tray of teacups which she sets down on an empty desk after all the deep and immersive reading i've been doing i wouldn't mind doing something a little more simple manga isn't simple if you think that you just don't understand the nuance uh i didn't mean simple like that i meant simple like you know stupid not that like no intelligence is required [ __ ] um [ __ ] in that case have you considered the m a club are you serious i'm not gonna join an anime club i read mangas it's full of weird guys if i could just like keep my mega here and hang out after school i'll do literally whatever you want me to do i'll [ __ ] paint the walls i'll [ __ ] ascend whatever you want that's fine right fred pledge my loyalty to cthulhu i don't care yeah i guess there's nothing wrong with that cause it was like awesome oh my god thank you you're the best cthulhu comes in in the cute little schoolgirl outfit [Laughter] is going to get cold yeah wait that's not related well i think everyone deserves a chance to dance especially if we can bring her happiness isn't that right cthulhu [Laughter] does that mean i bother you no you're a pleasure to be around i'm just gonna look over here and play with my hair nervously no you're a pleasure to be around yeah this is fishing for a compliment i know but still i really think we should give her a chance stop fishing for compliments we gave cathedral a chance and look where we are now he's like chewing on a desk [Laughter] that's quite a collection now i'm over here say all right giggles in excitement while catching her breath natsuki replies there's still one i can put them away myself i don't know how to look at this they're all one piece you think they'd come in one piece but there's actually a [ __ ] ton of them [Laughter] even catholics got to take to the prom eating it boy [Laughter] good afternoon this sucks why is monica such a jerk [Music] [Laughter] she should be grateful that i even joined her stupid club it's not like she could find any members monica is usually really nice oh [ __ ] were you there the whole time the whole time she cares so much about everyone in the club being happy yeah right but she usually does until you joined get the hell out of here you pink haired freak it's not like it's gonna change your opinion of me she still thinks i'm awesome like even if you were to convince her to back off that wouldn't suddenly make me feel like i'm actually welcome in the club and she just find another club like the manga club wait you don't have to do that slow down we can figure this out please we need four to ascend four i mean i'm the vice president or at least i think i am because she's a [ __ ] she wins she's being such a spencer that i just didn't i just i just want to tell her something she wanted to hear yeah oh my god you can't use that word you can hear trouble not again she didn't deserve that kind of satisfaction and if she knew i was into writing that she would just feel like everyone else tried to push me away from the manga in favor of the more mature thing i love my true manga that's the one with the boobs is it pronounced natsuki it's natsuki really yeah we've been saying natsuki this whole time yeah just because it's funny oh that's also why i was doing it then okay please continue wait wait you're gonna buy her smarty fan fiction well obviously i want a signed copy that was like years ago you don't think i've grown out of it by now i told you i was joking besides it's a good reminder of how far you've come since then not to mention you couldn't have done it without us the kids are supposed to joke about it yes sure if i know we'd be doing all this talking perhaps i would have given this character a better voice they grew up so fast it brings a tear to my eye you can't see it though on a cut of it there's no light that's natsuki suddenly glances in monica's direction prompting monica to quickly turn away and distance herself monica mouths help me who is that where is she going do you think she'll join us in the shadow realm i wonder if they didn't want to draw those other characters because people would immediately fall in love with them and demand story lines with them yeah well clearly they were like drawn because those silhouettes were really specific maybe uh well what was she like oh yeah what the heck that was horrible i should have said something to defend her why do i have to be so conflict avoidant what are you talking about you [ __ ] killed everyone not that i might as well just delete the ixie now not that i deserve to say anything i'm hardly better than them after the way i treated her oh i'm so awful i'm not doing anything right winner was that the bumper to the next scene yeah bam bam so like i was saying that she's a real i just well natsuki has been kind of a blunt attitude you know it made me feel like she wasn't taking the club seriously i couldn't even figure out why she wanted to join i saw her friends talking to her in the hallway during lunch and they were just so mean to her telling her to grow up and stuff like that that the literature will club would help her grow out of her manga it just made me so weird like just let herself enjoy it it makes her happy why are you trying to take that oliver nice story tell it's a reader's digest and then when i had that thought it was when i came to the realization that i was kind of doing the same thing just in a roundabout way i should have made her feel good about being passionate about something but i just dismissed it no i was actually trying to avoid acknowledging it at all i even did that with you yuri yuri she's been gone for like 20 minutes when you first joined the club you did yeah i remember i hated you and your stupid purple hair fantasy isn't really my thing so i was guided so i was kind of trying to dismiss it but then sayori jumped in and took over the conversation and she did all this work and now she's the president i'm so tired of being afraid of things i'm not comfortable with i can't believe i heard someone's feelings isn't that right you dumb purple-headed skank yes it's so stupid like i can just picture how much joy it would bring natsuki if i let her share her passion a little i'm so angry that her friends were treating her like that i'm going to get them back for it get them back yeah i'll get them back by making sure that this is the literature club that natsuki wants not the one that they want also i'll shoot them suddenly sayori bursts through the door making monica and yuri jump someone shot friend one in front two oh my god i can't tell if they're dead or not on the count of i can't see their face but still we're here welcome back oh everyone's all together again yeah it looks like an evolutionary chart with the height differences monica the club president stands up and greets with them with a smile and as school girls began to walk on two hind legs upright without their vestigial tails sorry please continue as you can see the uh vestigial whatever [ __ ] i can't form my words right but imagination was never enough to predict just how unique and diverse each member would be each with their own struggles and hair colors her own reasons for seeking the vision that monica had admittedly so vaguely advertised their own taste in both styles seeking trust understanding respect yes and apocalypse cthulhu we call it ragnarok what new lessons will the future hold for the literature club find out next time on the next episode of dragon ball z [Music] oh yeah i didn't say this before but [ __ ] you [ __ ] out of here i'm actually into writing too i'm kind of a pro but i didn't want you to like me just for that wow really i really did have you all wrong natsuki i thought you were illiterate and stupid yeah whatever today is not about that anyway right it's about manga so i hope you're ready now this is called hentai calm down yes there are a lot of tentacles actually i just like brought a bunch of manga i got fussy and i didn't have my way pooped on the floor a little and it wait what wait did you not find it but it was still you who inspired me to keep practicing every day what remember you keep saying practice every day i didn't say what the [ __ ] you talking about because you know you just made me feel like if i want to do something i should just do it i mean i still haven't been practicing for very long that i'm really not that good at it yet like at all but i wrote a song for the club and i worked really really hard on it here goes you were all going to die it doesn't have any words or anything but well yeah no no she didn't oh i thought it was she was gonna play it i think she is oh is this her playing it yeah [Music] that's nice kill all humans do you like the lyrics yeah why knew you would oh that's really interesting i'm dancing i'm also here and i'm here oh how did you get here wait how did i get here what's happening oh man look at all the times they had together standing standing other places and of course standing in a different configuration of characters is she like itching her arm i don't know oh i was standing differently and standing indignantly so my arms are backwards oh no are you okay no i'm not okay oh that sucks i've been standing here for a while we're standing hey let's relive all these moments right now [Music] oh it's done okay i thought it was done before but now it's done now sorry we didn't have any pictures of you cthulu the next club meeting ends up being a particularly tasty one cthulhu ate them all the literature club has been in full swing since natsuki joined including her the club is now comprised of four members five sayori natsuki yuri monica and cthulhu [Music] each club member had received a day in the spotlight to share all of their favorite kinds of literature with each other yes even the necronomicon natsuki was first and shared her passion for manga then sayori shared her love for poetry is where how well as how she gets goes about writing it herself the words monica who has multiple literary interests decided to focus her day on short stories and finally and second to last that was that was really the cross between cthulhu and tim allen [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] i want to read with you today no stay away from me tell me which one should i pick number one what [ __ ] oh well that depends on the kind of stuff you like i mean there's like romance drama comedy mystery hentai you know i like all of those things good because they're all different forms of hentai [Laughter] although i'm kind of impressed by your attention span if you put that much effort into her books no i have the attention span of a donut what [Music] but i love my friends and i can do anything if it's for them i mean you kind of think a donut would have an incredibly long attention span because it wouldn't get distracted by anything else it just is a donut [Laughter] donuts like look over there what's that oh my god oh [ __ ] she's so extreme enthusiastic and expressive like when she told me to [ __ ] off she did it with so much enthusiasm wow i love passion i can do listen to her talk she's so cute i'm not sure if she meant i can't say the tour if i just can't say it at all what is this ponte pool i don't know what that is look it up say what nothing i am a woman of respect like the last mission respect but natsuki is a woman of cute oh i said ah what's so bad about that i don't know but you know there's one thing i'm kind of worried about i don't have am i a donut the hole is growing what the egg you're you're the weirdo want to read the poem i'm working on sure i guess sayori slides the paper over to natsuki as natsuki reads through the poem she furrows her eyebrows [Music] she slides the paper back over to sayori not good don't you ever feel weird just sharing all of your thoughts and feelings like that i mean your powers are like really emotional is that bad well no it was just an observation i like people who get closer to each other if they find ways of expressing their feelings i know you feel the same way we don't all have emotion tentacles we can just transfer our emotions to each other some people need poetry well it's cool that you've been finding time to spend with sayori she was pretty excited for the chance to read manga with you yeah i'm sure you've been enjoying i'm sure you've been enjoying the chance to share it too right yeah mostly natsuki glasses over her shoulder but doesn't reply further she could be anywhere just waiting to jump out and apologize she can't see her if you're not moving i just really wanted to be good friends with her so i treated her like one was i actually hurting her yes i don't know i'm sorry dang my insight was really only based on what i understand about my own needs and natsuki and i are completely different so why was i so selfish i don't know even if all that is true it still means i heard her i think i messed up hearing with you i think i was really careful to understand your needs when i was becoming friends with you but i wasn't careful at all with natsuki because she already seemed really social are we the most fragile people in the world [Laughter] i just took control of everything instead of looking for the right mouse oh no bumping hammer that's very mature of you sayori yeah that wasn't i'm mature ah yes the thing a mature person would say however it looks like natsuki isn't reading today looks like she isn't breathing either she has a sheet of paper in front of her and is tapping a pen against her desk staring at it she likes pens she should go to pen island what are we writing today that's penis land [Laughter] i feel like she's one of those like like like a like a pencil sharpener and you just put the pencil in her mouth and it's like she cuts herself short struggling to continue no my legs i've been cut short trying to force the words out she stamps her foot or what's left of it it pops up and down a little on her good leg but when someone knocks i get scared i praise my arms against the loose hinges please don't break don't come in i'm not ready this is my best place in the world oh god the knocking won't stop me furniture and i picked you the keyhole and i panicked i can see you i'm trapped in the best place in the world wow i'm not ready to share my favorite plates i need to clean my secrets and make my bed to hide my nightmares i need to touch them to put them away to see them again i have so much to do and i'm scared i'm not ready but it's still my favorite place i still want to share it however long it takes if you wait patiently i'll eventually open the door and i'll show you the best place in the world do you understand you're the monster what it seems like am i bothering you no how about now what if i do this this this this wow what the heck is that book even bigger than the last one you're reading god i hate you uh um it's technically slightly longer but not by very much how high do you think it would go if you stacked up the whole series natsuki estimates by holding her hand high above her head sizing up an imaginary stack i should get one of those mangas that's like 50 volume songs so i could say i've read more than you ah not that i have the money for that like you you rich [ __ ] please that would hardly count when your books only have a few words per page what the [ __ ] [Laughter] i know i was just joking okay how about your favorite fruit that's easy cherries that's a berry really i always thought cherries tasted nasty what i'm leaving cherries are delicious whoa that's a pretty strong reaction well i just don't understand how somebody could think cherries are nasty maybe you're nasty stupid green eyed [ __ ] sorry i i didn't mean to call you out you can do whatever you'd like but does anyone have any thoughts so far yeah i just feel like i shouldn't have to pull all my language to a filter just to protect someone's feelings well you don't have to the choice is yours on how you want to come across to other people i'm only suggesting it as a tool to help you turn your differences into a positive experience rather than an argument alright sayori whatever you say cherry hater oh come on with the cherry [ __ ] sayori i actually like cherries i was just saying that to help demonstrate what the heck so you're also a [ __ ] liar [Laughter] i quit feels like no one here can control their feelings yeah for some people it's really hard to cope when you get a bad thought in your head can you imagine like somebody coming in and just being like hi i want to join the literature club ah i'm just gonna join the music club it's okay to have feelings not that it doesn't make you weak because it does let's figure this out together no we can't fine only because you're good at this stuff let's try to come up with a happy scene okay maybe we're not so good all right talk to the doll maybe that will help us understand where your bad feelings are coming from what are so bad about my feelings well i was happy the way things were before we had to have that conversation yesterday what part of the conversation made you upset um i don't know the part where she said i'm stupid was he yuri being mean about the manga no it was another thing it sounds stupid but i'm really used to people being mean to me like my friends and i guess my dad like when i don't get good grades or even stupid things like if my rumors include my dad and i just hate my dad he's my dad so what am i gonna do cry about it yes if i let myself get upset then it's just letting them win i'm better than that i'm better than all of them i'm better than you get the [ __ ] out of my way dad i've had a breakthrough so the other option is to get to know each other you can communicate and learn from each other and maybe even help each other for the better does that help you understand um how do you know so much about this stuff oh i killed myself in another timeline makes you think about a lot of stuff yuri shakes her head at herself and tugs on her hair it's okay why does it do that and why can't i stop that's just what happens when i draw attention to myself well then draw something else like a bear yeah you can draw a bear i will draw a bear natsuki even said she found it more respectable when people speak their mind so i did and then she hated me anyway that was enough to confirm my fears that bears are everywhere just draw the bear show it to natsuki and everything will be fine what the [ __ ] is this what am i supposed is like a horse or something very terrible but everybody hates you especially me i know that telling yours i know that telling yourself you're better than everyone else is just a defense mechanism we're just people we're fragile and unstable but i'm just tired of that getting in the way i can't stand it when the piece is disturbed like this yeah you can't focus on your reading when the piece is disturbed right because i because because of the wonderful things i don't know the literature club should be happy for everyone oh boy i feel like sayori must be rubbing off on me because i really want to hug you right now hmm well maybe we should change to the one new picture that they do towards the end of all these aha sorry i didn't oh that's you ah sorry i didn't need to make you uncomfortable no um i mean well if you wanted to then i wouldn't really mind so mike pulls yuri into a short embrace you're so gentle and i love when you communicate your feelings locking on downloading all memories fingerprints acquired [Laughter] erasing source data [Laughter] holy [ __ ] i feel lucky to get to see that side of you and i'm sure natsuki will too oh i forgot i erased all your data oh my god oh my god hey we we ducked out right when a new picture was about to reveal itself incredible hey your left hand dead that's neat oh man so am i did [ __ ] awesome yuri i never knew this about you uh yeah now i don't have to worry about bumping your arm no don't that's my nervous hair twirling arm yeah monica playfully rubs her shoulder against yuris i'm sorry i'm just being silly i guess anyway how about what they actually i was like is she making eyes at yuri and it's probably just my imagination and then they moved the eyes as if to show you she was making eyes oh really yeah they the eyes just shifted very slightly how do you make eyes she already has two great question erin i've been able to befriend the two of you because you've been taking the time to understand my needs and respect my interests oh the same goes for natsuki too the sequel to natsuki we started off as pretty hostile to each other [Laughter] so i think you're the amazing one i just can't get a drink for the vending machine you freak i knew it the other one is out of the drink i like piss d4 piss it's the worm piss damn it atsuki raises her hand to her face and forcefully slaps her own cheek now you try that's me for the future coming to terms with me right now also al i didn't mean to do it that hard well you from the future is crazy yeah yuri doesn't seem to react and violent but then to natsuki's surprise yuri shyly looks the other way before lifting her arm and doing the same thing to herself loudly smacking her cheek is this supposed to be a sweet moment yeah she turns red and stares into her lap but is unable to hide a smile as though it was a really funny joke or perhaps she just gave herself a concussion she smells burning toast everybody in the club is really different from that but i'm still friends with them too well sayori really likes your baking she does and she makes you laugh no she doesn't and she complains a lot we can all agree on that sayori who was here you drink pins too that's not gonna change anything now natsuki notices her fidgeting with the pages of her book how come you like reading so much it's like so stupid well a lot of reasons but i just get sucked into it so easily here i go again rainbow [Music] i almost thought you were in cubby today don't you find it strange that this is the finale yeah well i really feel like this is building towards something huge lunch is already more than halfway over natsuki had typically been meeting yuri in the stairwell much earlier since it had been a good way of dodging her friends when she didn't feel like seeing them jesus have you ever heard that clip from the the thundercats outtakes where where lionel's like she's like whoa i didn't know that mumrah was deciding to think that it might be bad to in what the [ __ ] am i talking about rambling that's what it sounded like that's pretty awesome you made cupcakes i made cupcakes it's been a while at this point so i figured it was about time again it's been a while since i made cookies you can take one if you want yuri takes a cupcake and carefully twirls it between her fingers holy [ __ ] that was amazing don't twirl them how did you get a debate everywhere oh well i don't know i just kind of just kind of always appealed to me well a few years because i read this one monkey so i got like super into it for a while i was probably making stuff almost every day but now i make stuff only every day not almost every day but it's something that i always do i liked anyway it's like baking is like art but when you get good at it it gets more delicious too you're such a sussy baker [Laughter] that that really sounds like lyrics from i am the very model of a modern major general basically nothing compared to all the stuff you've done for me look how you're fun for people to be around is fun are we having fun you're fun for people to be around okay and you're not shy and you know how to make people laugh look at all the laughing i'm doing right now and you're very passionate about things and you know how to take the lead and you care a lot about other people and not uh uh and other stuff like yeah just a lot of things oh well now you're making me feel really embarrassed well you're the one who asked why you would have said it [ __ ] and don't you think i feel embarrassed man [ __ ] you it sucks when a good series has come to an end like it's such a big part of your life and then one day there's just nothing left it makes you feel so empty unfortunately i'm about to experience that myself i'm on the last conversation of this bonus content that sucks but there's also something satisfying about letting a story conclude i don't know if i'd want it to go on forever wow this is pretty meta yeah but there are some things that i wish could on the other hand have you ever read something that overstayed its welcome no yeah definitely i can think of at least one thing i've read that got pretty unbearable like halfway through and the ending really sucked so it sucks with something good has to end but it also sucks when they just keep inventing more plaid till you don't like it i feel like they're messing with us a little bit i guess it sucks either way hmm well that's the nature of all things they come to an end beauty exists because it's fleeting i did i did i ended it i texted them earlier telling them and then i just blocked them because i'm so afraid of their responses and now it feels like i'm dying inside oh that's probably because of the piss i'm sorry of course you are totally unsure of what to do yuri can barely find any words of support to offer meanwhile the sound of natsuki's unusually hard breathing fills the air then she speaks again barely above a whisper help me oh [ __ ] i feel sick and i want to hit my head against things please help i can't take this you may be having a panic attack oh with that realization yuri's demeanor suddenly changes uh i have experience with this so i'll help you through it okay natsuki meekly nods through her rapid breath head still buried in her knees now you're closer to the farts yuri sliced herself over to natsuki and sits on the step behind her then she puts her hands on natsuki's shoulders sorry ignore that that's the anxiety coming out it's just when i panic i panic fart yuri keeps her voice low and gentle you're safe right now you're in a good and safe place where nothing can hurt you let's keep going yuri breathes in once more and natsuki joins her [Music] they continue like that for a few more cycles like yuri closely monitors as she says that yuri tenses up she winds up for a huge haymaker it's rare for her so openly share her thoughts but something about natsuki of all people makes it so much more natural to do so perhaps because yuri natsuki is so timid and uncertain of herself natsuki does a good job at hiding it that it's taken a long time for yuri to finally realize it and because of that yuri is able to deliver the reassurance that she herself would have wanted demonstrating that you deserve the love of others if you can accept that for the first time then perhaps you can begin the tumultuous journey of learning to love yourself ah how nice it was a stupid book you're eating was my head always this big yeah do you really mean that you're probably gonna regret saying that if you do is your hand on my butt oh my god [Laughter] no whatever soft and squishy i know a good ice cream place oh that means you'll finally figure out my favorite ice cream flavor yes what are you talking about that's my favorite flavor what p.s oh you don't remember the first day that you came to the club you guessed everyone's favorite ice cream flavor but for me you said you had no idea it's ps seriously i think it helps to have something to look forward to like how thick that ice cream's gonna get this juicy booty you know what i'm saying and the two girls continue their conversation through the remainder of lunch but a new feeling hangs in the air a feeling of greater certainty in their path forward in just a few hours there will be another literature club meeting where the four club members will happily spend time together each of them all with their own special qualities have something unique that they can deliver to one another except mostly sayori through friendship and literature the club members will continue to grow and find new happiness together what could possibly go wrong at the end of each chapter is the start of the next yuri thinks to herself since she's about to finish her long-running series it would be best to have a new book lined up perhaps this weekend would be a good time to visit the bookstore duh well that was that that was adorable there's all they're all friends now yeah they didn't kill each other now let's replay the original yeah let's just ruin this all watch them all die oh goodness me uh hi everybody hello aaron you're my friend oh wow yeah it's monopoly plus baby that's right it's uh we haven't played monopoly in uh a little bit we're doing it again um well i mean it's it's a regular occurrence at this point people just will not stop asking us is that true yeah oh yeah wow yeah i'll be like i'm very sick and i'll be like oh my condolences when are you playing monopoly so does that mean you're closer to playing monopoly so we're going last cat boy he's gonna be a hat yeah he's [ __ ] he's gonna be a hat and how about that this is gonna be a real [ __ ] show do you think so i can feel it i love fighting the look at those bears oh god all right sweet i owe some cash it's really relaxing oh well six dollars marie is rolling in it right now that again wow so no property for you and you lost six dollars yeah that's what happened aaron thanks for reminding me no i'm just i'm just catching everybody else yeah i'm just saying it sucks and like your family must be just king marie i'm sick of this [ __ ] yeah marie's killing it marie's got to stop right now she'll never stop [Applause] no he owes marie money oh my god oh my god marie's made like 16 dollars [ __ ] man marie yeah you're gonna do it invest that she's killing it she just pooped in that hat gosh dang it yeah i like that everybody's got their dirty hands all over various colored properties yeah but you got railroads which stack no matter what i got railroad that's you well yeah you're about to roll a 10 and then you're gonna get another railroad watch promise check this out that okay see hey you got the red spot has red been taken by anyone yet oh red is all yours baby magnificent which bodes well for people landing on it when you have them correct aaron if you got that exact same role end result you'd be like dude people are out here buying properties and i only got 20 [ __ ] dollars you're a you're a grasses greener man oh my god he got a second railroad he sure did i'm [ __ ] pissed but it's the it's the bo railroad that's the stinky one so joke's on him yo i'm about to [ __ ] in marshall's mouth bankrupt you're right over there you think you're gonna catch me off guard and i'm gonna be like oh maybe it's a good idea i just never noticed it was down there the whole time that's your chance just at any point you could just be like i have bankruptcy yeah i give up yes bankrupt now it's time for me to roll you ready for this [ __ ] yeah do it ba-boom give me another green that's not another green oh that's an unknown property though yes it is i can block out marie oh nice hey marie i'm gonna buy the property marie [Applause] i'm taking it well done i've never noticed all the people like run up there work back to work what were we saying we were trying to act like tough nerds and you said something effective get that peanut butter out of here what i can't remember what it was it was on the show yes damn i can't remember get that peanut butter because you had an allergy you better get those peanuts out of here i'm gonna get sick damn i wish i could remember it was funny okay marsha oh no my dad's name is larry and he likes to shop at the store tj maxx specifically they got cheap deals on clothes and you can also get shoes and watches one of your finest comedy moments with the stock market it's like oh hell yeah i could write a book you want to learn how to turn a thousand dollars into four hundred dollars well you just need the dan avedon economics lesson with the uh yeah whenever you see a bunch of people talking about something because it's popping off buy right then yep yep it's only up from there getting late bye [Laughter] kitty kitty i'm gonna eat you i'm hungry in the jails come over here you cute tasty wilfred cat [Laughter] oh is that the is that it no no no no not quite there wait i think it is actually oh no oh no oh dear don't give up don't shut your [ __ ] mouth that's not terrible oh jesus all right um how do i do this well i don't want to do that uh yeah okay so i only got one of these so i'll definitely do that deep all right that's enough yeah there you go measures you didn't need that anyway in fact this is kind of a good thing you just keep convincing yourself piece by piece yeah this is great actually you know what i didn't even that was a burden on me to have that much cash yeah now i can walk around with my pockets all light and free okay what is it 12. oh that's one of my railroads that was 11. aaron did you really just look at a 685 and it's 11. 12. in my head it was 11. but i said 12. so i was right though she landed on one of my railroads one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve eleven it was one of marshall's railroads too because i forgot i didn't the train didn't go through well nice that would have been death but he's fighting for the dubs but nay all right good luck uh let's roll just not a five seven or eight hey there you go awesome [ __ ] that's cool at least it's not the hotel one what is it like 300 or something oh my god okay uh well you've got the money man i was gonna trade with [ __ ] marshall but now [ __ ] man i was gonna train with marshall but now i gotta suck dick for cash please god a three oh my god oh my god wow are you real that's amazing maybe he is real dude that's exciting yeah okay oh man and marshall's like yep i'm out no god he's so smart take it catch it catch it what is leverage worth to you nothing oh my god yeah oh damn marie's taking him oh my god marie got him [Applause] [ __ ] cleaners you didn't have to raise it by that much marie yeah boy she just took a steaming cat turd on his head okay whipped out her barbed penis that is so there's a lot that's confusing about that statement all right hey man you can land on go i guess that's the cool thing about it yeah i i just passed it though oh my god and then i landed on income tax [Music] you know what i'm i'm uh i'm calling it are you doing it yeah oh bro there's no coming back from this everyone's got monopolies i mean you do too i don't know i feel like if you landed on go twice you could come back you know what i mean yeah i feel like if a bunch of crazy [ __ ] happened look at this look at this look at you how much how much how much how much please oh my god that's so close what else do i have uh [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] anything i gotta start selling houses on baltic yeah or whatever this [ __ ] yeah oh that's so little cash how much do i owe it was 900 straight yeah yeah you'll have 21 which is just enough money to wander down the street and fondle someone's balls [Laughter] care for a ball fondle [Laughter] iggy oh my god she has so much money to load up everything yep who'da thought the [ __ ] normal one yeah if i put her on hard do you think it would have been different i don't know i don't like is it possible to know because like marshall was making all these strategic moves but they didn't end up paying off yeah marshall played the long game and marie just landed on go a thousand times yeah yeah maria just had awesome rolls and crushed us oh my god yeah well we got you know we got to watch it's they they make you watch we're watching the third reich march through poland uh-huh well there's our neighborhood jeez no i don't even know what to say this is tough this sucks this sucks oh look at you going home man after i had that really nice moment where i was like i just need a three and it happened i know that was amazing it was so cool it was turning around for you then you got smacked by a bus it's like you found a hundred dollar bill on the road and you're like a hundred dollars i can use this bam bam pay for my arm surgery it's all that [ __ ] cash you got yeah boy this game is just all about the cash isn't it monopoly yes yes actually i mean like liquid oh i seriously like if you have a lot of liquid assets then you're just like i can just throw my money around you can except how many times have we had one of those ais where all they do is collect money and then they're just like a cash machine later on mm-hmm this [ __ ] sucks i'm not my houses my hotels i can't remember what it was another game we played oh my god you described it as like it's like you landed a haymaker in the first round and i'm just stumbling around for seven rounds that's what this feels like i i literally can't do anything yeah i actually have to declare bankruptcy really there's nothing i can do it's not going to reach it she choked out all the houses oh my god you can't you can't sell no you sell sell the brown houses i can't you have to do it evenly i'm totally locked out oh my god what a genius move holy [ __ ] and all the railroads are gone wow hold on maybe we can make a trade where i give all my stuff to you and then i declare bankruptcy okay because you have a better shot than i do uh i will offer you nothing uh-huh well one dollar it has to be one dollar oh okay uh control one dollar and then just take all my stuff really yeah um all right [Music] this is funny oh don't i have to unmortgage them when i get them maybe but you'll have a bunch of money a bunch of money he says yeah yeah i mean [ __ ] trading is the heart of business all right are you interested an offer like that how can i refuse very exciting all right all right uh okay you receive the mortgage property you can either either repay or um i'm gonna keep the mortgage okay smart move uh what is it space bar keep the mortgage and keep the mortgage and pay up pay up pay up and you still got a cool two dollars left oh my god hell yeah i'm gonna roll the dice let's see what we got oh see what's up lady luck one dollar no properties you better believe it oh you landed on my red space and i have to declare bankruptcy oh okay sometimes declare bankruptcy over eighteen dollars that's rough really do be like that yeah i really do be like that sometimes uh okay that's it man oh yeah i just don't know how to oh it's the back button i'll do it for you oh thank you hell yeah i want to declare bankruptcy oh my god wow with as little fanfare as possible you got my one dollar yes i have three dollars now there's no way i'm winning this it could be done i i guess it could be you just need someone to land on something awesome good job marie 900. do we find out who wins uh yeah marie one marie one just straight up wait marshall won marshall won wait how what i don't know marie came in fourth what no no that's just the player numbers wait i don't how does that work how did marshall win i don't know i guess just did it play out over the computer and then marshall ended up like [ __ ] yeah taking her to take her to school he hit it with 32 houses marshall how long was this game what the [ __ ] whoa whoa i would have eight years passed oh my god i don't understand that at all all right well next time on game grumps i went bankrupt with one dollar and i ended up in third boy that's bizarre well i guess marie had nothing in the end man holy monopoly you are a cruel mistress well well great good game yeah likewise aaron we still lost to the smart computer oh it was awful hello and welcome to game grumps so a few things just happened it's the middle of the day and i passed out for like 20 minutes so i'm all disoriented and then i had a sip of dr pepper which i haven't had in a long time and i was like i can't believe it tastes like that yeah yeah i was like whoa dude that's so [ __ ] true because i don't drink i only exclusively drink like diet sodas right right or like zero sodas or whatever and whenever i have a real soda i'm just like dumb it's crazy oh my god it's it feels like you know like in the matrix when like the like silver comes out of his mouth like it feels like it's covering your mouth that's not food anyway it's delicious and uh someone else uh uh in the comments recommended that we play a game called geo guesser uh which is one of these fun games where it shows you a picture of some place in the world and then you embarrass yourself in front of a lot of people by not knowing where it is yeah let's do that now you don't know where the car con coniferous plants are the deciduous flora and fauna drop drop the ohio in there uh where no it does not matter really it's definitely somewhere in europe so let's just say ohio yup oh yeah that's sweden okay all right well i would have said europe as well yeah i mean three-way what what kind of gas station is this [Laughter] uh okay yeah i mean it could be anywhere in the middle of north america where they drive nissans i'm gonna s yeah i'll say colorado whatever okay you know what not bad south carolina south carolina okay great you received a new badge okay singapore seems reasonable possibly let's do that oh not bad wait nope that's really far that's what the [ __ ] is what is this mauritius oh immortus i i believe i've seen that name in like soccer tournaments is that place called lay tampon go back please lay tamp on like in the cities yeah lay tamp on yes just checking i guess tampons mean something different and wow i didn't even know that was a place right outside madagascar um all right wait those flags though oh switzerland yeah yep i'm okay it's something hansen's clock shop whoa we found it wow they do love clouds in germany bit of denmark yeah oh crap it's denmark whoops excuse me sorry their flags their flags are very similar but it is denmark yeah all right wow denmark is adorably gorgeous where in denmark it's weird how like the foreground is like this beautiful other country but then by the time you get back to that intersection it's like central jersey yeah that's so true look at that um put me hit me with our hoos our hoos baby oh my god it's also 10 minutes from where we are holy [ __ ] dude they did that on purpose what is that like the the the cities of the world thing at disney it's solvano salvong where is this what the [ __ ] oh it's right outside rancho santa inez estates wait don't don't leave just yet oh okay uh go a little further back yeah it's near santa barbara yeah that's crazy amazing boy we were so sure it was denmarky oh man that was not good so who who won that one i don't even know probably you did you got that first one that was like three thousand yeah well the japan helped yeah um all right let's do another one after this yeah yeah yeah uh probably pele yeah oui so i'm just gonna put versailles oh my god oh my god eight miles wow that's a point for you well done that's nice almost a full bar right there i like that good job i'm gonna go to macon oh my god you're [ __ ] right nice job nice job oh it was the top of georgia yeah yeah yeah you got it lafayettes well they i guess they are pretty similar shapes yeah well not exactly but kind of nah yeah it's pretty close it's close it's it's closer than most other states um all right dude you crushed it yeah look at those look at those dead-on hits for you it would be even better except i'm covering up your france triumph wow wow oh yeah wow that was really good all right let's get let's keep going i feel like that wasn't fair for you because you i got some rough draws yeah you got all the fields that's okay that's okay let's do another okay i think so this feels like it might be well [ __ ] oh my god they have a solarium look at that oh my god i'm jealous let me live there please that's silence that's silo though damn yo how much water you think you're packing um that's wild all right how interesting i got [ __ ] nothing for that oh [ __ ] does it i mean we're starting at different intervals too so there's no like pattern to it no no that's beautiful someone going to church here i'm assuming take me to that particular church it is not america no good god man [Laughter] oh hello look how many places there are that's like that's whoever said it's a small world needs to shut off that's the dumbest quote that's like when you were like there's so many places that are in andorra um kind of like middle florida um oklahoma yeah that's where the wind comes sweeping down the plain okay the raven wheat it can sure smell sweet where in oklahoma uh top up here yeah why not i guess so yeah okay right it's poland exactly i got it opel in poland tulsa poland hey you got 18 points for that that's pretty nice jeez oh boy the the ones where it's just a field are brutal yeah this is northwest with those pines oh my god i'm gonna say seattle you have so many helpful things i mean like my god [Laughter] mine mine is basically like a [ __ ] empty parking lot and yours is like the sign that says welcome to disney world [Laughter] damn all right [ __ ] let's hit that yes okay it's austria jesus christ kill me boom okay perfect there you go wow blocks wow yeah that's a full that's a full uh round wow i guess 5 000 points is the best you can do holy [ __ ] we were 1600 yards oh boy welcome to my nightmare it's naturally green it's got to be florida okay but i want to say like the middle of florida all right boom baby [ __ ] boom that was awesome lake buena vista it's right outside disney damn dude wow we we we got a new medal for the united states holy [ __ ] so hey there it is we're at nah just right there is fine oh my god yeah well done well done damn all right cool yeah we got the silver medal yeah let's go for the gold baby oh yeah that's that's fun i like we're doing very well hello everybody welcome oh baby all right it's time for a quick little mario party 6 baby whoa i just caught it disease i sneezed away from you bro yeah into a glass bowl into a fan blowing on you it was amplified by a thousand okay great let's do this man we're playing mario party 6. with this we've only ever played this once [Music] i want to be my dick you're sucking no i'm sucking my nuts oh okay [ __ ] wow [Music] baby bowser was like [ __ ] well he's koopa kid oh koopa kid yeah of course there's like 1700 tiny bowsers that's just been busy bowser jr baby bowser koopa kid and then the koopa kids i've been reading a lot about american history lately and it's led me down the road of like all these historical figures that i never knew about yeah george washington had a son a stepson okay um who died at 26 but still managed to have something like seven children yeah and then his widow went on to have 16 more children yeah she had 23 kids and died at like 55 yep that's how it was back then man that's a different life my great great great great great great grandfather uh john hanson um who's the first president of the continental congress to serve a full term yes um he he was part of a family of like 18 or something mm-hmm that's just how it was man do i want to shop with your pet yes do we have to hold it down or press it a bunch of times i think we might have to hold it i guess we'll find out cloud oh yeah you press it a bunch of times aaron yes daddy oh he's teamed up with the [ __ ] lord over there good got it no you're the you're the turtle shell what you shoot yourself oh oh [ __ ] i didn't realize that was oh oh aaron i thought that was ours and then they had one okay we got it now now we're good yeah it's called being epic dan i don't know if you've heard of it but i live that every [ __ ] day of my life kiss me aaron i have to look in the mirror and not be able to kiss that pudding why are we so tiny [Music] yes yeah yes hello and give them to me wow you're [ __ ] rich oh my god buy up to five stars yeah oh my what all of them yes [ __ ] thank you what the [ __ ] oh my god yes i'm ready to train thank you oh sweet god this is the greatest day of my life now i just need him to like move away so like no one else ever gets them he's like well i'm closing up shop you bought all the stars and everyone else is [ __ ] in the end holy crap the price of stars is now one cent [ __ ] that's not good uh-oh that's not good oh god are you gonna buy eight oh god he sure is he's only by five though oh that's right okay [Music] well he already hit the limit his first purchase yeah [ __ ] waluigi [Music] watch him buy one no he's smart you put him on hard yeah here you go all right second place tastes delicious [ __ ] oh my god it's like a [ __ ] god like watching someone get knighted the king of europe i guess that wouldn't make sense if they were getting knighted just a smile i knight you king cleric what hey there you go yeah oh oh come on well at least i have 54 coins yeah wow you got a lot of money that's pretty cool that is very cool just rob that [ __ ] he can't afford any oh that's terrible what a [ __ ] loser dork sorry bro awesome six coins don't worry i'll come back oh [ __ ] watch out balls are coming can i jump nope oh this sucks oh i don't like this at all oh boy oh you can shoot each other oh yeah it stuns us it's kind of [ __ ] up you're all working together like this ah this is so nerve-wracking i don't like this the the level of anxiety this is giving me is just like crushing my soul ah yeah [ __ ] it it's hard to hit you though get your blue balls out of here well done god well done that was scary yeah it's hard though it like just because you're on you're on rails so it's obvious where you're going yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] i can't make any monies still don't have enough to afford how many [ __ ] over here got [ __ ] stupid wallows [Music] i'm hungry i'm tired i have to go to the bathroom yeah i had to go to the bathroom a lot today dude i straight up iceberg did i know i didn't say that on the show yeah i know you said it to me many times dude it was like beautiful i'm happy for you looks like we're ready oh god i might lose all my stars i think it's just for coins oh no okay i hope so [ __ ] it you want to win yeah oh oh really but my thing was just as tall [ __ ] it did look just as tall [ __ ] man that's rude i hurt inside cut my life into pieces suffocation no breathing don't give a don't give it [Laughter] oh my god all right i got to get down there too dude that rules well it does and it doesn't because i only get fired yeah now the market's gonna get flooded with stars yeah in my inventory but mine too i'll be able to get two once i get down there i'll be able to get two big ones well that's all i need to get five that's true no way it's gotta be at a time maybe [Music] okay yes i know oh my god so you could swing around and buy five more stars that's what i'm saying oh god you might just be the big winner today mister you did it i don't need to see them all you can just give them you can just wrap them up just put them in my body [Music] dusting dusting dusting dusting dusting dusting dusting dusting dusting oh yeah dusting dusting dusting just interesting just injustice cooper kid oh yeah he's over there sucking ass wow what a piece of [ __ ] yeah pull your [ __ ] weight koopa kids pay your [ __ ] rent bergy god damn it waluigi doesn't need more money oh he's good this piece of [ __ ] is gonna get five more stars and it's gonna be copa koopa kid's fault [Music] i want four one two three four i'll give you four stars well no [ __ ] dude here you go twenty dollars that will buy you four yeah four stars let's go let's go that makes no sense that waluigi would go that way yep best of luck to all of you everybody hates you now okay go oh that's not a good one oh whoa this is tricky man whoa god gotta be like a master billiards player jesus christ so many lasers that's like totally unpredictable yeah it's really tough cause if you hit it like on those kind of angled ones it'll like bounce five times here we go bud i'm turning my thing upside down [Applause] this is fun oh [ __ ] oh oh yeah [ __ ] we're behind are we yes oh fiddly facility for a [ __ ] koopa kid it's cause waluigi's a [ __ ] master with those lanky arms and that sexy thigh action yeah damn it i painted myself into a corner yes sexy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you yeah this is a war machine oh it's a strafe oh [ __ ] off i got shot [Music] ah stop shooting at me [Music] damn wow well done that was the move i just strafed around the outer circle walk me through your process of why you're such a genius i just strafed around the outer circle it was awesome i'm incredible i figured that was the play what's your play my god ever since you said that i can't get out you can buy a star here for 20 coins not very good song is it oh i'm gonna run into this [ __ ] poll this sucks nads this is tough it's like really slow yeah [ __ ] oh my god you're almost there i'm almost there you're [ __ ] bone throwing fool i'm throwing bones like a bastard dude you're amazing thank you aaron look at how [ __ ] wide you whoa she just catches the bone on instinct like torn shreds please don't that would be very good for you aaron [ __ ] man awful just awful god damn like what it's rude yeah like it's rude right i guess you're right yeah that's right in this hard knock world that's the play yeah what's your play oh thank god [ __ ] idiot look at this tough guy over here jabroni you're a [ __ ] ass hat wow wow you lost it all sucked them dry sucked and dry dice block you're gonna wait it out nope yeah wow damn dude that's [ __ ] bold i mean that's the play i gotta i got to applaud the boldness aaron that's the play though it's marble garden zone [Music] it's like playing sonic the hedgehog sanic the hedgehog over here [Music] oh god [ __ ] oh my god that was me i hit it like one split second sooner than you did we went the exact same path yeah well yeah it made sense that hurts that's a painful way to lose a star well you do have a hundred coins it doesn't matter you just widen the gap by two this game is officially over you don't know though you've got 10 stars you [ __ ] betty hats we'll see yeah you just sort of relax your eyes and follow it top one it's so easy you suck koopa kid wow dang yeah maybe you can get there i'll give it a shot hoofa-tufa wow look at that okay of course i haven't lost a star to you it's so remember all the stars please nicely done yeah i mean it at least puts me somewhat in the running like maybe the mario party [ __ ] at the end can you carry me through yeah let me [ __ ] up if there was like minus stars in the bonus round yeah i wouldn't be shocked you sucked your star [ __ ] you i'm in second you're doing good you're doing good yeah into two oh cause it's day time yeah [ __ ] i mean still really good yes sure and everyone else sucks at it that's true all right yep yep enjoy my friend yeah choice thank you god that the the coin slot one is so difficult and yet the one that actually gets you stars is way easier yeah transcendentally easy what the [ __ ] is happening here you're just somewhere else on the board wait what what do you mean oh my god oh look at you yes why not welcome back [ __ ] yeah god you're cold blooded the huge here you go man you have had a great game yeah i know yay i'm [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] we don't know how kingdom hears about this loyal kingdom people what are your names mushroom people anyway i [ __ ] rule [Music] wow you fall real fast [Music] wow suck it amazing thank you that's two stars hey that's it yeah look at them go get sucked into the dark void of the cabbage and oh [ __ ] all right nino snuck in some right at the end yeah man i won't be coming in fourth [Music] [ __ ] i'm just i'm just minding my own goddamn business over here got it here waluigi piece of [ __ ] let's take my [ __ ] stop cornering me bastards oh there's a nice chunk of land right right down there i'm taking it get out of here you garbage man oh [ __ ] i got kind of hung up at the end there oh yeah who was it man who got the most clippings oh yeah a little bit one final indignity courtesy of aaron hansen former friend [Laughter] all right i will be drawing up the restraining order well played it's time to see how everyone fared first let's count everyone's stars wow we shouldn't even do the bonus stars oh my god this is the number of stars you should be collected x will tally up everyone's coins hey all right is how many each of you ended up with [Music] it's time to award the bonus stars got it if you win a bonus award you get a star hope one of you can get five stars let's begin the bonus award by the mini game star covered award goes to the mini game star where it goes to it's either you or wallace [ __ ] princess peach oh yup kill me no i didn't win the most mini games you did the orb star oh that might be me i threw a ton of orbs you sure did yeah you were like an orbeez and fool hooray wow i might end up in second that'd be nice i think you are in second action star award oh that might be kid koopa [Music] please stop we're already dead he's dead wow waluigi did end up in fourth bye mazel tov aaron wait if you're in second and you're that high up and you fall down isn't that the worst way to die yeah probably well we didn't die well you fell to the ground you don't know that it's just falling away okay what do you do you think you're gonna like slowly descend on all our graves yeah yeah yeah ah they're all splattered on the ground you're a superstar thanks the other three are statistics all right gold and silver for the game grumps yeah wonderful congratulations erin that was a real real solid game from you yeah that was that was brutal yeah we're proud of you mario 46 is maybe it's just this level but it's brutal as hell yeah yeah it was fun though yeah it was all right we will see you all later goodbye everyone well hi everyone oh it's the adventures of bayou billy congratulations in advance on getting to watch this [ __ ] all right tell me something yes by you billy yes is he some kind of famous literary character no or is he just a konami thing yeah he's a konami thing but from the way he's presented you'd think that we all knew who he was before we this game started so is he is it like the precursor to middle year solid or silent hill most certainly is not oh my god there it is billy i'm taking out the belt away oh no going on a vacation if you water back you will have to come to my instinct you will find that before reaching the estate you'll have to take a left there will be 75 obstacles to overcome if you if you see the the water tower you went too far they gotta turn around when you turn around there's not a oh god [Laughter] wow yeah this stage used the controller oh my god all right so bayou billy was oh geez wait is there a light gun element there is will we not be able to play that i don't know i guess we'll find out yes oh my god it seems like you're getting more turkeys from kicking and punching jumping and kicking so maybe more kick kick that is like it's like a spear-like kick whoa [Laughter] all right whoa no i wouldn't [ __ ] with the eagles yeah [ __ ] these falcons okay we're back we're beating on some gators uh we were it was uh it became clear that we can uh if we keep our distance here we can hit him without them getting us there you go and then he spits out the turkey and then i smack them i boop him pooper snoot a couple more times [Applause] i think we should save let's save this things are good things are looking good in the bayou [Music] it's okay i have the hotkey load state not the save state this looks really good as long as there are no more gators what the [ __ ] oh my god scooby oh my god they've got guns oh my i but my feet should be no problem stop shooting at me what the hell oh my god dude gators are scary yes they are they're they're [ __ ] prehistoric yeah man stop no more all right i'm going for it oh there's so many i wanna mention all they do is sleep and then [ __ ] kill ah wow okay nice work let's save yeah so okay so here's how light guns work right the light gun is actually like a camera okay it's like a really rudimentary camera it senses just like light and dark right so what happens every time you pull the trigger is the screen flashes black and then every target that you can hit is white that happens always yeah and it just happened too fast on the nes to notice uh you can still notice it really yeah you're just not looking for it i certainly never saw it this dramatically but oh god oh oh oh my god but yeah if it sees if it sees a yellow of a certain shape then it's or if it sees white of a certain shape then it's like oh that's the one that you hit well watch out if it's if it sees black then it's a mess you might need to concentrate son ah got him got he died died i died how was it this is impossible you might have to save state this every time you shoot the helicopter you get a bullet is that right yeah my god oh my god this game no you took no life off that helicopter [ __ ] hit that you saw that yeah i thought that's good oh you know what we can do we can slow it down oh yeah that's much nicer oh god now you're now you're like a machine gun see it's not [ __ ] working maybe you can't take them out until they stop running have you not taken any hits off the [ __ ] okay there we go yes queen this is like the adventures of bayou silly nice yeah aaron that's right see anyone can beat this game as long as you have the power to stop time you're pretty good with guns but don't be too confident it's like max payne dude the matrix right there you'll be finished before you know it yeah yeah yeah yeah i've been smoking this cigarette since 1875. better better save it the adventures of bayou billy it's like homework it's like homework you play it to avoid doing homework and it's just as tedious that is amazing like i definitely played this game to avoid doing homework and i'm like man i'm stupider because of this game [Laughter] i could accept that with some other games yeah this one mario 3 for sure oh yeah i still play that now instead of working mario 3 is a treasure dude yep that's a state safe right there good things are happening i have to stay safe oh no three men yes please i don't know if i can handle that many all right open up [Laughter] holy crap oh [ __ ] man it's like you can't get close to him because he flips it and you can't get far from him because he kicks you because they're kicking out isn't that just life yeah yeah one of these is gonna work [Music] i'll just get the right sequence do you imagine being a child and playing this yes i can i guess you don't have to stop that was your reality ow okay everybody it's just it's just you and me we're doing this i'm pressing this buttons these buttons as hard as i can yeah i got him oh my goodness gracious i am dead inside uh oh is that a delorean running out of time oh no oh my god go go go go go dig so there you're so there hey gabby okay here we go get him oh dude dude please okay just just focus just focus just focus don't even look at the [ __ ] just focus stay on the road shoot the bad boys you did it bro you did it save it please you're [ __ ] amazing dude wow that was quite a bonus did you enjoy your drive the fun is over now for now the road you are about to take is full of obstacles watch out billy what if annabelle was like i feel so relaxed i was using this exercising machine and stretching my arms over annabelle oh oh are you gonna make it like speed wise probably not but how [ __ ] sucking [ __ ] all right [ __ ] suckaging manners always [ __ ] sucky forget he just said [ __ ] god damn it what the [ __ ] [Laughter] what the a few episodes ago of a friend of mine who was trying to get his manager to send me something and his manager forgot and instead of just being like okay no big deal man he wrote in all capital letters [ __ ] suckaging managers always [ __ ] sucky forget he just said [ __ ] god damn it oh there it is there's the car oh it's the next one yeah okay thank the lord yes save state your boat is 2 000. who [ __ ] cares why don't you just give up go back home and catch some alligators yeah why don't i give up you're better suited for gator hunting isn't that like like really hard how many stages are there bourbon street i've never made it to new orleans in this game or is it jazz and then a bar next what the [ __ ] i just changed his mind yeah he's like save it he's got a whip let's try it again okay here we go oh oh i almost got it you [ __ ] wailed on him good oh he's marching he's marching with intent [Laughter] no all right i just gotta get him at exactly the level he comes in oh he moved down don't move down dude that's where my that's where my whipping happens seven whipped cream yeah this this saving with one life thing wasn't our best move i could go back to a previous state where you got more it might be the way to go but let's see what happens first maybe these guys may have meat that's what it's all about oh my god i just have to kill him and get away isn't that what every murderer says how was bourbon street did you like the present i sent you what was that oh god no not as a stage seven of like 8 000 stages oh yeah awesome [Music] what whimsical knives he's throwing out yes drop down homie yeah yeah boy save that slot oh my god this has to be the final come on man it has to be we're at the gates of the this is ridiculous welcome billy to my estate i'm going to have a party for you yeah oh my god here we go baby go excited boy you billy oh boy oh billy oh boy oh boy oh no i can't i can't do it oh no oh boy oh that's just like billy always getting killed boy i remember it like it was just yesterday billy getting killed got that save state though yeah seriously actually you might want to use it right now oh yeah yeah do it all right [Laughter] [Laughter] oh jesus christ [ __ ] guys oh my god that's so [ __ ] funny this is definitely the weapon slash armor combo you want for this guy yeah you just yeah you just you just stay right there buddy keep walking into my whippy crack [Music] i'm surprised you managed to kill me [Laughter] damn you're good [Music] all right i'm only going to hit the red guy immediately hit the blue guy and then catch my ship you know this could work yeah yeah get to work like [ __ ] after 40 years yeah yeah you can kind of get the hang of this this is so dumb this is among the dumbest but i mean [ __ ] for such an adventure it's worth it gotta finish it man oh whoops [Laughter] oh my god oh my god i don't even need you don't even need to protect i killed the person you're bodyguarding that's true you don't have a payroll anymore yeah what is the purpose of this yup that's a yes from me dog oh that's gonna be a yes god how many hits has this been like five way more than that it's been a ton holy [ __ ] it's like one hit every like four seconds i wish that was one hit every four seconds that'd be a dream compared to what's going on right now oh my god oh okay holy [ __ ] say it please oh yeah that's a save oh of course it's down to [ __ ] super aggressive macho blue guy how the [ __ ] i guess it only registers maybe the life meter only registers when there's one of them left [Music] maybe i could brute force him yeah i mean you could always try i can just load it back up to ah [Music] oh oh i saw i saw [Music] i caught my dad pooping and i saw him it's three hits per pip no that means you have to hit him 15 more times no please god oh i can get a little more aggressive now maybe you should just [ __ ] go for it and oh yeah just [ __ ] just go [ __ ] i eh trust it i don't trust it we've come so far [Music] the power save state on your side dude yeah i really do oh did [Music] come on you ow just go just go this is the final hurrah dude yeah okay and now i have to fight my girlfriend oh hooray annabelle i don't like you anymore thank you billy oh she's crying he saved me just the time to tell you i'm breaking up with you are you all right for a while i didn't know what was going to happen is the girl saying that but i knew you would curl uh-oh but i knew you would come just thinking of viewers what got me this far [Music] all right let's do this what in the world man i don't know i thought i saw okay this is on the switch yeah i know that's what there's an uncensored mode i'm not even going to press that button because i want the editors to do more work than they have to it kind of would be hilarious though to just have people at home watch uh censored mode versus like our homemade censored mode because that's all it would be um welcome to hentai versus evil i guess yeah this is on the switch weird weird what is this game i don't know man i i don't know i mean we kind of know but yeah yeah oh yeah of course dress up you can you can change everything wow i just i just made her his as a t-h-i-c-c as i could okay yeah i just i just wanted to go full like step on me full that's fine you can shuffle through the clothes too you make her a cat girl and stuff i might go with that okay oh you can change your headwear to oh man goodness just nothing at all huh oh i want to go with the these ears those are cool yeah those are all right hair color pink and then body color wow so many natural pink styles oh actually the green that's cool yeah yeah green with the pink she's like blanca or whatever she's like like a friendly watermelon with ears so okay look i don't know what this is let's play it i just liked the name wait this is timed oh my god this music is amazing yeah it's very very intense is it is it up too loud no no look out behind you oh oh oh oh there's a oh there's a reaper that's one of the reapers got him well done oh [ __ ] i'm low on health yes you lost half your life but you killed one out of 12 enemies oh that's how i jump they win oh they come up from behind yeah geez this is oh i think i just gained health by not getting hit oh that's good oops oops oops i think i think hentai specifically talks about like stop no no stop oh my god it's uh just drawn illustrated ah yeah pornography yeah portal crappy like it's all math could you uh could you uh map this on the pornograph please thank you oh yeah like keep mixing up with phonograph i'll play one of my old records on the pornograph please don't i like this one yeah i'd love to see some pink zombies yeah all right let's go to the pirate bay this time okay do i have to kill 12 reapers of course you do pirate reapers oh i like her little stance did she do that when i stopped for a second i think so she had a little sassy stance it was sassy do it do the stretch yep you gotta kill twelve persons oh my god you gotta be kidding me dude all right fine nintendo what is going on yeah what have you done like they fired the quality assurance guy oh this one's nicer oh what do you mean this it fires faster oh okay hey what are you doing i thought you meant the reaper was nicer and i was like how can you tell well i don't know he's just seems like a cool dude yeah it looks like it doesn't affect their colors yeah they're they're just green just leaving all my bullets for the big boys oh the girl yeah you gotta get across the river somehow can i swim i don't know or will i drown like a like a nyah oh yeah wow okay that just kills me well then cool so we learned something gotta we gotta rescue one okay this is the slow one let's go with the shotgun oh dude they switched up and this one you have to kill 12 reapers oh man that's so awesome cool where's the rest of one more so i don't want to waste some bullets on these freaks give me the reapers give me the reapers i hate it here this sucks hey what's up hey what's up sorry a little bit and and the the cage is right in to your left bro yeah over the cage and save the coil yes now open fire with the with a little peace sign yay hell yeah dude well done aaron that was a gamer move still looks like i lost though with all the red numbers yeah it's fine it's not fine it makes me feel bad ah oh oh you've saved one of the girls i could play as her oh that's cool does she have different outfits did you have different cute outfits whoa what happened there she's got pajamas okay i like the dress the most honestly sometimes i uh yes sometimes i see a rolfer uh-huh you know what rolfing is i do maybe the audience doesn't it's like it's like massage but like really therapeutic it's like violent yeah very like localized it hurts usually it's the one famously like they go in your nose and [ __ ] um but anyway damn we've we've become pretty friendly and uh he's like asked me about what i do and everything and so he knows about like star pop and so like sometimes i come in and i'll just put it on i'm like dude i don't want to listen to this wall yes this isn't relaxing for the worst music to be listening to it's like you guys sound like you have a lot of fun and i'm like yeah we do but we do we do it's uh not appropriate right now i made a post about that really yeah it was like it was like a picture of like these these girls all like jumping and on a beach all happy and then it was like i ate ice cream and then i [ __ ] and farted all day and then the quote was attributed to like thomas jefferson [ __ ] give me the [ __ ] what the hell my favorite was oh god oh [ __ ] my all-time favorite like that was the uh the one of the smiling old couple where like the original magazine oh the original magazine question is what they were together for 75 years what was their secret to love and then it's the woman and it's like he farted and [ __ ] all over my horny ass titties horny spelled like h-o-a r-n-y oh i don't want to rescue man [ __ ] this next time my game goes oh all right that was ridiculous yeah hello yes we're playing cow catcher we don't know what this game is but when we turned it on it had a message that said we can't believe you bought this so that's a good sign oh welcome fard far departed your name is farted and [ __ ] [ __ ] further than she did i love it here we go it really rolls off the tongue create i made a cowbook profile yeah i love it playing cow catcher well here oh yes shelf with your most important achievements if you manage to do something extraordinary you'll get a cup in exchange and for now it's empty so get to work oh okay all right release cow with a got it oh oh oh my god whoa what is happening i did not expect that you would be in the air like this okay all right this game's growing on me oh my god you got a cow great work where do i deposit i don't know you're supposed to release it somewhere maybe the dumpster no there's got to be a patent oh there's the pen over here yeah i'm trying to get like a good swing gate going all right yeah yeah boy [Music] there's golden cows aaron i wasted all that time doing that other [ __ ] yeah and everything so yeah just flying around in the mountains doing a bunch of jake no too much momentum [ __ ] christ or should i say momentum that was a mood joke [Music] there's a good bamboo right right oh my god yes i was the composer to cow catcher um yes you can have my autograph well put that on my resume do you want me to autograph this saxophone that's going nuts all the time you got it it's my claim to fame maybe all the guys kids are like dad could you not sign your name on the permission slip she said mom's name i don't want that association with me yeah your mom's dead son all right i can't tell god this is so hard to control oh this is [ __ ] impossible is it really yeah it's just like i can't tell where i am in space a little lower than last time a little higher than the first nice is that the kamehameha sound from dragon ball i think so you gotta love that they showed pictures of the cow just falling like all my hard work is for naught look around for extra cow coins it's the same [ __ ] yeah it's the same [ __ ] well they probably don't want to give away their secrets to a non-paying noob like yourself [ __ ] hanzo man there's a big toilet over there where right there in front of me wow that is a big toilet is that you're not even kidding is that a landmark it kind of looks like the sydney opera house it kind of does there's there's a striking beauty to it did you not land in there just watching them fall away [Music] this is the best it's a good effect man thank you good analogous pirate ship in this pond where'd it come from where did it go put the chips in your brains oh my god please oh it disappeared we okay can we put can we make a vote worst game we've ever played no we played so much worse well really yeah like what name one zelda's adventure no we did that for many episodes i think we're gonna do this for many episodes the m m game was pretty bad we could play skee-ball just by like hitting the outside of the cup no that was hilarious yeah i had fun didn't you have fun playing that game [Music] i have enough distance from it to have some clarity [ __ ] i just i just you know no no one more run i'm done i'm done with this [ __ ] [ __ ] all right easy this sucks shit's good why don't you try it okay yeah moon chester give it a shot what does things i don't care all right a a profile yo you can use the toilet do that that sounds fun [Music] something else okay oh it's the credits hi everyone welcome oh hello good day uh i all right yeah go on we you know we're just scrolling through games uh looking at the game wall yeah and came across this one and it just looks like the worst game i've ever seen abysmal and uh dan was just like let's do it mm-hmm and i was like what and he was like don't think just do um and so i just want to say right up front press any button to skip use directional in character size chart also it seems to say sylvester and thiedi wait was this never finished oh my god is this like a unreleased game what do you mean because it's alpha art this represents work in progress artwork oh boy this is confidential what how how is it on our wall of games somebody somebody i guess stumbled upon it and uh so this game was never released yeah and then they dumped it cool let's let's do it i'm kind of get oh it looks kind of adorable wait oh my god wait wait is there not is this not a game this might not be a game holy [ __ ] are you kidding me wow it's just like a little test screen oh how interesting that look at these characters look great this is amazing wow hello and welcome to charlie's angels better push that button fast before get free by the vines gets us copyrighted yeah i think we got it oh [ __ ] i just gotta just gotta edit the sound okay okay sound options oh we got to turn the volume of the music way down okay cool cool yeah i guess we just got to turn it off but that's probably just for the the opening scene right i sure hope so yeah let's just try it let's try all right all right all right no yes [Laughter] sure okay okay we got a hundred thousand emails saying i'm not gonna watch game purposes anymore unless you play charlie this is one of those games you know those like oh how depressing right after 9 11 there's no twin towers and nothing's been built yet you know those wow yeah yeah it's 2003. you know those youtubers that that do the like new york is our fan missing she's gone oh they took the oh they took the statue of liberty when the lights went out the what what woke up this morning only to discover the shocking disappearance of lady liberty after the decision oh i'm over here now i'm storing nuts in my cheeks for the winter a giant cargo ship was spotted off the easter island coast it's currently on stopover in los angeles now we should check in boz how do we get a board in order to approach it without drawing two you need that muffin you girls will sign up for the miss bikini contest on the beach that ought to keep the sailors occupied okay that sounds great and once we get a board well if there are any interesting clues why does the muffin keep moving [Laughter] i love a man in uniform oh an angel shut up boss it was just that once the roof was rigged with c4 what are you looking at why are you looking directly at the camera stop this boy his hair is one solid piece it's like a lego piece got descended find that captain and see if bosley's theory holds water oh that's charlie charlie just dylan look at them dylan allen's got their names sure why not dylan yeah like i don't know maybe oh god oh god it's the akini contest look at them go yeah this is too hot is she like missing hair ah she's got like a clown-like face what in the world is this oh my god this isn't undercover at all you just started whooping ass oh my god they're all after me all of them every single what kind of contest is this not bad no [ __ ] yeah i hope he can't see me behind these boxes [ __ ] they became non-corporeal gotta go to the bikini contest i think somebody wiser oh hell yeah and then this loads up and they're like oh still though maybe hell yeah i'm quite lonely this is all i've got yeah not bad i don't know man yeah well you don't know it's i don't know you look at this and think that's pretty that's pretty sexy wow wow an actual zero out of a hundred holy [ __ ] fighting your way through dumb as dirt enemies only to find a switch computer or really long ladder climb as long as your goal does not a good game make as your goal is not a good gimmick wow oh that's that is such a [ __ ] that time review does not a good game make yeah 2003 god i don't miss that yeah it's it's been replaced by an entirely different type of stupid internet speech there we go the controls are horrendous relying on an uncontrollable camera angle that seems to mostly face the wrong way in a 3d game yes that's that's that's the [ __ ] funniest thing so far yeah you're like running towards these guys and then suddenly the camera rotates away game game informer says this game is nothing short of an embarrassment no this is great g4 tv says don't buy it wow is that like a happy trail that's a sexy tattoo tattoo it's like a butterfly yeah i guess so yeah i love this hopping gate wow she's doing it all in heels algar won't stand a chance you want to check out my imdb you won't find charlie's eagles on there i didn't want people to see i feel like computer cotton tail hopping down the bloody trail why does what was the choice behind that i don't know they're walking towards them and it's just like no you can't see them anymore no you don't want to see them i think they just didn't know how to make a game well but it's weird how they would license a property to people who don't know how to make a game dude that was the [ __ ] early 2000s man wow or mid-2000s i guess 2002 2003 that's pretty early that's that's what it was all about you just [ __ ] it's oh yeah i don't know just make the [ __ ] whatever sleepless in seattle game i don't care lots of punches and kicks just make it a collect-a-thon you go to seattle and you can't sleep yeah gotta find the melatonin there's a box of tryptophans you have to find it seattle now eat all the turkey [Laughter] poor jarrius was it jar was it jarvis jarrius yeah it's it's oh there's gerald that's gerrard and jeru jerusalem look at this jarvis oh it might be jarvis yeah oh my god there's too many butlers health [Laughter] somebody called a butler i'm under attack by several butlers possibly a piano player dressed like a butler oh my god i have no idea where we are what we're doing oh god oh god oh no oh no that's terrible why would the camera do that i don't know great work we changed into our here outfits again matches samples from the missing easter island statues oh my gosh for the tattoo dylan found on the captain it's the emblem of a group called silent winter silent winter it's an alaska basement i drop silent winters every night after taco bell i want to hear this what okay so i had a lapse in judgment it was one date a long time ago is that actually drew barrymore it is in prison now they probably have first-hand information about the people he looks like toad your goal is to capture the head of silent winter he is the only one nobody's playing this game at this point so we just thought we'd have fun with it whatever the [ __ ] we want dog sled skidoo ice skates snowshoes i flange a getaway dylan you head for the heliport you sound like you're very excited to be doing this role do you think they'll wear bikinis in the freezing cold you're dealing with don't worry charlie we know how to handle privates and sergeants and generals will be careful charlie i get it oh hell yeah it's our favorite part oh my god oh my god these ladders are too long i guess it does build tension oh sure in charlie's angels we really stretched the limit of our graphical case abilities look at the congress okay the snow foreign beyond your depth of field it's amazing look at all of the individual h snow particle has its own sound channel you've almost got two million points aaron thank god our dad doesn't know where i am i didn't call him on the way home all right well we're done yeah we sure are yeah this was uh an amazing experience thank you aaron oh thank you and thank you cameron diaz lucy lou and drew barrymore and tom green and uh charlie you did great thank you jude thank you jack thank you you yu ian thanks alex thank you john thank you cliff and and most of all thank you bob thank you bob obviously bob really constructed the i this is a great place to stop because i have no [ __ ] clue or dude thank you vargas or whatever your name was algar that was it algar that's right he's my favorite there was jarvis yay yay and up yay nope we have no idea what to do at this point i know what to do play a different game oh my god all right see you goodbye everyone bye hello everybody hello oh it's happening i'm still exhausted from metal and lace battle of the robobabes yes yes you are so we decided why not undertake a huge series uh it's super mario rpg legend of the seven stars uh shout out to tom mchugh who uh recommended we play this i've never played this oh just him yeah and and 5 000 other people over the years i'm surprised i never really heard of or played this because i was way into rpgs i guess this must have been like just after i kind of fell out of video games for a little while the [ __ ] name dude yeah oh my god [ __ ] how am i gonna get up there this reminds me of hop frog vagester my favorite edgar allen poe oh you're fighting bowser already very disturbing oh that's your toast no it's toadstool that's princess toadstool oh my god don't bowser breezy mario mario you [ __ ] suck ah my ego it's been bruised for the great beyond okay yeah well i'm going to punch you punch i appreciate that they're using the mario 3 music i will jump that's my favorite bowser music damn oh wow he can shoot spines out of his [ __ ] mario the change you can never break the chain if you don't love me now you'll never let me again i was trying to think of a lyric too but i was like okay what was that sound no it's a chain reaction oh i see what's going on you get it yeah hopefully the princess isn't like a pulley system because i'm really [ __ ] mario fight mario fight gravity fight flippy wings this should finish you oh no where did he get all those hammers from i don't know and his impeccable aim just shoot his spikes out like oh man oh they're both crying they both hit terminal velocity i was just do you think i was just gonna give her to you you're always in my way this is it i'm gonna take you out mario foiled again hey yeah no that fungi fungal mold yes all you have to do is jump oh [ __ ] wow holy [ __ ] it's really impressive oh mario you had me so worried how the hell are we going to get down what am i holding on to let's get out of here shriek mario shrek where sweet favorite movie let's go shrek 2 is far superior in my opinion well i mean everyone's uh everyone has their own ideas for shrek one was a really good it established the lore and oh my god boy this is very rpg all of a sudden yeah where are you gonna use that oh god man i didn't realize it was so big sorry i should have warned you super mario rpg no no it's just super mario oh my god [Music] pipe house yeah wow what a lovely day just hanging out and walking back italians falling from the sky stand corrected oh all right i guess i passed out for a little bit and mario sure is taking a while was it been six hours eight hours the princess needs saving it's going to be difficult to get back to sleep yeah how long are these naps he's taking the uber man it's three weeks later how he's doing it yes i don't think there's anything you do in your house dude just jumping on [ __ ] damn you were there for a [ __ ] while hey i thought the princess was here with you mario so where is she she's dead okay oh okay she's dead you want to go get ice cream [Music] mario what's with the silent treatment you got to be kidding me you're not telling me something it's bowser again isn't it oh no here we go again ah [ __ ] here we go again mario would you please bring her back like you always do yeah no problem oh yeah okay fine don't you help or anything you're gonna you're gonna pay me or what back here is this where i get the rolly metroid ball you're back so soon did you forget something no what happened then [Music] what the [ __ ] is happening i don't know oh you're like reenacting it the police supporters keep us out now just wonderful we must inform the chancellor of mushroom kingdom at once let's go mario uh okay yeah i guess you drive [ __ ] i need to get gas oops excuse me oh that bump on your head reduced your hp level one of the mushroom kingdom's famous items had to perk you right up cocaine there we go get away from my girlfriend what this is oh i don't have any more jumps yeah you need more uh flower power oh [ __ ] yeah all right defend defend i think that was probably less right maybe i don't know i don't know if i did it at the right time yeah yay i just going to give you something a diamond or phew my life was flashing before my ass for a second there here's a little something in return honey syrup yeah you received a honey syrup it's all yours very nice oh okay can you say get on my level [ __ ] and toad toad's voice get on my level [ __ ] boy that was a close call i like it here's a token of my appreciation it's another one i got a flower tab god everything sounds like drugs a flower tab oh my god that's so true just put it under your tongue mario just slip this off you'll be seeing flowers in no time mushroom kingdom's just ahead we're almost there mario hey where did this hammer come from where the [ __ ] do you think it came from you remember any hammers being here before hey do you know what this is it's a hammer it's what i'm gonna beat your [ __ ] brains in with it has the hammer bros insignia oh is that right i wonder where it came from no one stands a chance against you when you wamp them with this except for you baby excellent wow this is where it began the hammer and the jump you never know might come in handy yes no i don't think so that's a pass for me dog [Laughter] pants and a shirt what pants uh pick me up able juice pick me up pick me up babe juice for shirts and pants guess what rady isn't just a friend anymore we're getting married keep your voice down sharon will here wait you went from friend to engaged well you never started dating or anything like that well you know time is of the essence do you happen to that was your guy that's it that's the tweet all right hey mario my brother's waiting for you upstairs why all i do is cook it go see my son he's waiting for you upstairs our voice is genetic best best i think if i practice it that will jump as high as you bury you sure yeah right kid in your dreams you see this yeah okay well i guess i guess i'll just go then how long do you think that they would do it i just i just thought there'd be more to that conversation mario hurry the chancellor awaits mario hurry the chancellor awaits barbie hurry the chancellor awaits [Music] mario hey the oh my god wow how rude don't you listen to what i said there's taste saying some important [ __ ] mario there you are i'll tell the chancellor you're here he awaits i'll wait for you down the hallway did you talk to the guards yet you're not getting away that easily the princess hasn't returned yet can you imagine how the chancellor must feel pretty [ __ ] sad yay what she's not gonna miss it she's dead what uh oh she's fine don't worry about it yeah no i'm sure she'll recover yeah she's okay give me your [ __ ] sky daddy yes gee you're soaking wet are you i'm all right now sorry there's nothing like a good cry anyway i could control the weather but why was i crying there was some reason my grandpa asked me to buy some dicks for him here when i walk through the town that croc stopped me oh yeah he took it from me he stole my coin i chased him but he's way too fast mario let's see how you're going to take care of bowser wow he doesn't stand a chance oh wow you're the mario i know all about you you fixed the plumbings when people's poopy doesn't go down the toilet you fix it good you've got more jump in you than a box of frogs i'm mallow from tadpole pond i'm a frog but can you believe it i can't jump embarrassing huh yes how about mario will you help me catch that filthy thief sure thing did it say i'm a little bussy what was there two s's in busy oh i don't know it's like is bussy like like the easiest way to say sussy baca that's why they that's when they say busting that's the new thing that's the new thing the kids are saying on tick tock ah busting yo this is blessing yeah you're gonna have to keep me uh like aware of everything that's going on yeah i don't say it but yeah i don't have i don't have the talk you're pretty you're pretty up-to-date people are still saying sussy baca thank god yeah for at least two more minutes unfortunately these levels i mean these episodes stay up forever so someone in like 2027 will watch this and be like these [ __ ] losers let's go hurry up let's go let's go do you see how fast he was running you all right [Laughter] ah wow you're truly surrounded [ __ ] do they respawn oh my god can i run away yes yeah couldn't [ __ ] well ah i didn't bolt them dude rules i mean i most certainly will you were just letting out letting off some steam i was just trying to damn it's [ __ ] strong there's a lot of [ __ ] well he's dead [Laughter] so strong probably live forever like this maybe that's what they mean by honey syrup that's probably what they mean yeah no i didn't want to use the honey syrup i want to use a mushroom okay well i should have used the mushrooms [ __ ] all that talk about honey syrup i got confused [ __ ] i'm still learning this game it's okay man okay what the [ __ ] though get why repeatedly oh yeah that's awesome ouch holy [ __ ] dude oh my [ __ ] god don't use the lightning don't no it's better from the like a group thing yeah okay uh in that case i'll just attack him with my punches oh that sucks cool thanks yeah what you do you crack my coin or i'll bet you again ouch i'm gonna pay you back in spades kid i don't need shovels go on take back your grubby old coin adios amigos i didn't want it anyway i just i wanted to get my ass kicked all right we got it back look at us teamwork does the dreams we got grandpa's coin back i can finish my errand now hey look at this that croco guy left the wallet i sick a wallet get found okay i'm going back to the shop at mushroom kingdom are you coming i kicked the [ __ ] out of this guy and he dropped it oh i found something oh it's like a giant pogo stick listen up gang i'm mac it's a return of the mack boy that the toad king is really impressing me with his bravery back there oh [ __ ] listen up gag these guys are gonna put a stop to our party are we happy about this no you're asking for it oh you're gonna get it he'll pick the wrong people that to bounce with burma how about a fat lip to go with that ugly mustache damn it's very personal oh my god nice that's a lot of people all right uh [ __ ] um all right it's uh [ __ ] fire orb time no no no no no lightning save it for the lightning you think so well maybe you could do the firearm on the big guy but that's what i mean like then the lightning yeah all right oh [ __ ] i needed to kill him dwayne this is going poorly the way stop draining me dwayne the walk johnson oh my god oh my god dude you're [ __ ] i got a mushroom yeah for how long aaron please i'm sorry i'm just telling it like it is like it is sucks hey i'm not the one who who made this happen stop draining me oh yeah rodeo rodeo block it that was oh wow that really saved my my bacon dude that was amazing baby oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh come on man [ __ ] sucks kill him man bring your back alex back over there oh god this is awful yeah get a couple experience points kiss him on the mouth i don't want to do the thing you said what what get a lot of experience points the one after what do you mean experience points was the only thing i said yeah stop spitting on my friends something i've uttered a ton in my mind like that's not a lot to ask nice dude just hitting with your hair doesn't cost anything it's just more than a [ __ ] fireball right he's got some kind of fire resistance you need to take it easy he needs to lock it up are you [ __ ] mellow i am [ __ ] mellow i am now oh my future god oh that went so much better this time way to go aaron thank you for helping me with my strategy bro you could have done it all on your own i just expedited [Music] excerpts you got 20 excerpts um yes bestow me with your hearty goodness was the star like the guy you know like the council that the king like the king doesn't actually know anything he just consults the star yeah seems that way he's like do this all i noticed those shy guys are like oh [ __ ] maybe you won't notice me if he's down here let them eat cake yes it's a hat i will put it on my head or a boat oh there we go that looks important pretty nice give it a quick save they did it yeah there you go oh one star piece what the [ __ ] oh [Music] my man there you go boy you're smart i never expected you to be so smart when i started this show with you what a lucky break i just thought you were kind of an [ __ ] um so welcome back to super mario rpg uh i was uh grinding around the keto sores just uh trying to build up like the the thing about uh playing a game like this is i don't want to bore people by showing them the same fight scenes eight thousand times over and over so i was just like let me just kind of work my way around the sewers and like fight some of the enemies build up experience points level up and everything and then i dropped down and um saw this and i was like we better start the episode oh below must have been lying when he said water would come gushing out of here buttons oh i guess it got disconnected even when it was taped how annoying mario do you hear something or is it just me no it's a raging torrent of water water here it comes quick mario hit the button before we washed away i couldn't get to it wait were you like no no i didn't have them oh okay that would suck wow this is straight up final fantasy 3 6. when you're on the raft yes i love it it's beautiful this is the minus river course for miss me want a crash course on it yes please crashing is easy you'll start off first at the falls use the control pad to move left to right and score coins oh neat i know you're just trying to survive but you might as well get rich too push b to make a little headway against the flow along the way there are a few traps and now off you go now for the barrel jumping event need some pointers no well looks like you're ready so i sent you on your way i'll just jump yeah oh there you go yep can you like move up and down or oh wow look at you okay this is [ __ ] silly dude i didn't know this was also mario party i know it's kind of adorable mario rpg is full of games to play i'm on a set course ah dang it gonna hit the barrel you're gonna hit the barrel makes me want a hot dog real bad [Laughter] yeah yeah here's the problem [ __ ] oh dude so i pulled this uh i pulled this magic card the other day uh-huh uh here check it out fecundity for kind of these nuts dude i mean like obviously there's no way you'd randomly ask me to say the name of a magic card unless there was a deez nuts joke attached to it would you like to share your incredible one that you got that one's not mine that one's going around it's really good that's how i got oh yeah so um you probably you y'all y'all these nuts enthusiasts at home probably already heard this one but uh yeah i got dan real good with uh so i was i asked him i asked him if you heard of the the magikarp mind goblin and uh he wouldn't say it so i kept uh going and i was like oh you've seen the art he was like oh i know what if i saw it and i was like oh yeah man uh no no it was that have you seen the art was the one that made you say it so i was like the art's really weird have you have you seen it and you're like for mind goblin that's like mine goblin these nuts because it's mind goblin well done well done good sir so that's a good way to do it it's pretty much the only thing you use magic for anymore it's just these nuts jokes yeah yeah i don't even play it i just researched cards that would be good for deez nuts mine goblin's not a real magic card just fyi hi can i help you mellow it's you we've heard all about your adventures with super mario you guys beat up balloon right you know about that see mario the waterways of the world bring news to us here that's why grandpa knows all the news that's fit to hear rhyme are you really the super mario hey everybody you'll never guess who's here i mean the super mario you just said it we just heard you say he's the real thing but he doesn't look anything like i thought he would he's much more handsome they do say he can jump better than a froggy i wonder if it's only a rumor i've heard he bucks like a stallion sorry let's see and do it welcome so you are mario yes i am frog fuchsius you have come to seek wisdom from me have you not i've been waiting for you waited for a girl like you just [Music] [Laughter] yes old wise people can often give good advice [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] no damn it but how rude of me let's get more comfortable come along and we'll talk clear full reverse grandpa i almost forgot to tell you something we found a star in the castle at mushroom kingdom do you know why it was there a starry most interesting i keep forgetting mal is a tadpole he looks nothing like a town and his name is mallow and he looks like a marshmallow yeah yeah they they make that joke at the beginning they're like he looks nothing like a frog this may sound illogical but i believe shooting stars in the night sky i could really use a wish right now wish right now and now more than ever i believe they will play a vital role in the fight against smithy anyway was that too much to absorb would you like a recap how about a night cap how about a baseball cap perhaps a dunce cap it's quite a situation we have on our hands isn't it that box is where i poop wow everything sounds so dire and serious i guess mac was the only was only the first of many mario some of them will make bowser seem nice mallow you speak as if these things do not concern you you will accompany mario on his adventure too no grandpa what are you talking about i'm only a simple tadpole this adventure isn't for me mallow my boy i've kept this from you until now you were adopted yeah but you're not a tadpole oh my god obviously yeah what then what the [ __ ] am i say i was sitting here one rainy day enjoying a snack of crickets sorry a game of cricket i was confused when i happened to see a basket floating down from the falls i peeked inside and saw a little baby staring right back at me the name mallow was written that that that was you on his belt i felt sorry for the little bundle of puff and took him in to raise as my own grandchild he had powerful magic and i knew he was more than a piece of fluff unfortunately he turned out to be a tremendous disappointment and that was you i thought surely this child must be from far some far off land grandpa you mean i'm not a tadpole sniffle silence mallow now is not the time to cry go with mario on his adventure and find your real family because we are not at your real mother and father are out there somewhere perhaps they will find some way to love me like oh my god maybe they'll care mario hey come here the boy's magic is sure to come in handy on your adventure don't take him along yes yes grandpa i won't cry anymore i'll go on this adventure with mario and find my real family then it is settled you must embark on your adventure immediately in fact the sooner you pack up your [ __ ] and get out of my house the better first go to rosetown where they need your help and take your anime figures with you [Laughter] leave the sailor jupiter now go i want to be as famous as dodovsky my favorite song the abc paradise by the dashboard light bulb 1977 bad out hell it's frog fuchsias sweet number eighteen solami raido ray dorado ray todovsky's fond of it too all right i'll see you later there's a lot of that's a lot of flavor there oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i guess you have to tell him when to stop right i don't hit a button oh ah oh what the [ __ ] oh maybe you have to do do re mi fa so so dosi dosi do or whatever yeah is that something you composed because it sure is [ __ ] ain't something i composed yeah it's terrible it's [ __ ] awful can you not make it to that second one it doesn't feel like i can without the help of oh god another way out of scenario [Music] so rude i know this is a rude dude of a it's just hard to gauge from the shadows oh you gotta go up into the right a little bit i certainly do [Music] so funny aaron well man i know i laughed at me dying in other mario games a thousand times i know it's it's all part of the fun of it but this really is like frustrating oh my god please here can you do this i don't know what's the jump button uh just one of them all right there you go okay [Music] hey my man oh no what'd you steal from me oh he ran away i know i don't like i don't like the thought of what he may have had stolen took your like cold stone creamery card [Music] i was one away from a free scoop [Music] this sucks i don't want to take a paul a nap i can't tell you how many [ __ ] little paper cards i have in my wallet that just have little stamps on them or holes punched out of them mm-hmm and i forget too i'll go to the place and then i'll just like walk out and i'm like [ __ ] and a card yeah could have free one tomorrow my body would thank me i could have washed down this ice cream with more ice cream instead of three scoops i could've had four damn it instead of dying next year i could do it right now is that being farted bloaty and dead i could i could do that right now todd i don't know how smart this comment is going to sound but it is an honest thought i had yesterday right wow alaska's really big i just never really looked at it on a map while thinking very clearly about you know how many other states it would take it's like half the size of the continental u.s yeah but like there's like two cities in it that have people uh yeah juno and the other one anchorage that's it ah the town pump i used to be the town trump i tell you it's scary out here but someone's got to pump the water that's what they call it these days our water's very viscous what's taking daddy so long it's ticking soon do oh my god gina's like everyone's favorite character really yeah he's like super beloved what is he he's like a little wooden boy is he i'm not seeing it right he looks kind of chickeny he's well he's got like a little so the blue thing's his hat yep and then he's got a little like a wooden face and then he's got like like a hair tuft that's coming out the front that's like his wrist oh got it [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm a real boy [ __ ] ah [ __ ] here i'll load up a picture of him okay thank you i'm sure there's plenty of fan art of gino oh hit me with that rule 34 dog [Laughter] wait is he getting life by being a mushroom i don't think so he just like got for life could that have been poison damage no reason yeah see oh interesting i guess that's like a slight upside to why is there a monster face in the background [Music] you're a mushroom now [ __ ] i'm gonna eat you nobody thinks you're cool i'm gonna put you on a stir fry everyone thinks you're a big old dick you're a big old thing just ask anyone yeah just ask anyone everybody knows it i didn't make it up i heard it from somebody else yeah [Music] a lesson i will teach you it's like a gross [ __ ] up yoda yeah oh my god oh he is the bow oh that's why he's bowier hey chill out oh yeah mario well we were feeding birds that puppet was getting his ass kicked just a little bit more seed it's dangerous out there let's go home and not worry about it anymore you're gonna help huh whack that weirdo save the guy in blue me too oh what the [ __ ] i will do what i can but from over here of course oh sh whoa my bird friends i'm not afraid and i'm not gonna cry [Music] yeah in the line of duty mala was destroyed i'm what are you [ __ ] serious right now mario you just ditched me back there yeah sorry i was busy saving the life of another some [ __ ] friend you are just cause you don't know how to run cause your body doesn't extend into your pants don't i know you you look familiar nay nay i say so you're the mario we know about you yes he is knock knock insulted i am oh oh schnibby wow gino's way weaker than you are i think you leveled up a little too far oh it's okay [Music] boat damn oh specifically my anus is that how they feel i think i got it yeah that's great we're doing damage the best attack you have yeah i could use a mushroom super [ __ ] mushroom [Music] you you guys brought your own mushrooms right yeah oh he went to sleep put him to sleep he's a [ __ ] wooden doll dude yeah well he's nappy he's very nappy well you know what he had a coffee at eight and he had a hard morning and it's two now it had a big lunch [Laughter] [Music] oh thank you god nice your valor's way up bro excellent wow a flower box that is a nice amount of coins dude you get like one frog coin from it thanks for the help you really got me out of a jam and next time on game grumps we'll talk more to gino why are you staring at me okay why are you staring at me you know i'm more than just a doll don't you um no have you guessed the truth i'm a visitor from above and this is a form i'm borrowing briefly oh i see ah he's an alien you mean like from the sky or something higher than that i'm afraid kind of like what like when you get so high that like direction and space doesn't matter you get zooted yeah i don't know what that means do you two know anything about the star road um no no no completely in the dark eh well it's a big mess up there right now and it concerns you too oh let me explain okay you've heard of wishing upon a shooting star it is at the star road your wish is transformed into a star when it's granted it then turns into a shooting star and falls down to earth okay then in the unlikely event that your wish was to be hit by a shooting star your wish comes true otherwise it's very iffy so you see the star road plays an integral role in granting wishes but ever since a sword destroyed the star road everything's come to a halt no stars have been made since the way things stand yours is a world where wishes can't come true anymore what no are you saying this stars part of your star wars i'm gonna throw up that star road my fluffy little friend yes that star is a broken piece of the star road i'm here to find them all gotta catch them all and repair the star road okay the broken star pieces there are seven all together for a piece for peace to return oh sorry we must get rid of smithy find the star pieces and repair the star road did i say that slowly enough for you and you in the audience i'm heart note exclamation point question mark but it's hard to pronounce so call we geno after the doll i'd choose him because he looked the strongest out of all the dolls oh not like the one based on you mario that doll looked like a weenis now grab the star mario grab the star grab my star go on grab it because i've seen it in something else that copied this right right yeah damn dude you're [ __ ] strong as hell now she knows no joke oh yeah gino's good well [Laughter] oh no [ __ ] gino's awesome yeah oh crap you gotta [ __ ] this up hey you jumped on him isn't that what you're supposed to do do i need a lot pottery [Laughter] i'm calling the doctor right now hey yoshi think you can meet the old moshi today yes here take my cookies good luck i'm rude for you here take these cookies my take take my cookies the star dropped into the mountain and trapped some kids inside oh no will you eat the kids to me so we can save the stars be stuck inside too uh that's improper syntax please mario you gotta help us you just gotta i don't gotta help you i have to help you oh so you just gotta steal from him now yes i do come back you little bastard [Laughter] get back here you [ __ ] guy i [ __ ] kill you it's like oh oh i'll do it do you know how to do this uh no all right keep your eye on yoshi it moves really fast oh my god there's no way okay oh my god i just doubled my experiential points that rules that is good wow you did great thanks pooh man look at this variety [Laughter] i think that's what i love the most about it it switches up the music the look everything what's next it could be anything you found a bomb that will bust through in no time oh god close your eyes close your eyes and stand right next to it let's follow the tracks to the end boy it looks like he's like at a cult and he's asking you to join like where you'll all die together by like driving a car off a bridge let's follow the tracks to the end that's where our savior awaits what the star it's probably in the back thanks a million mario let's mosey along now guess you're right i'll just be a burden on your fellows well and i'm counting on you to find the kids you here yes yes well thanks a lot mario guess i'll go shut up hey who is my boy there was one character that had eight health is mario he's mario who gives a [ __ ] what the f dude if he dies then all the games die if you die in the world you die for game [Laughter] wow really that's some heavy [ __ ] uh huh what the heck why isn't it working a man after my own heart what the hey oh god did he summon a bomb that's way too big yeah if this thing explodes we're history this is a fine mess let's swim now square good move oh well that's just wonderful oh god no the end yeah we're all dead oh you just got [ __ ] like daffy ducked what on earth was that well we won the battle now i hope we don't lose the war where dinah and the star someone's in the kitchen with her someone's in the kitchen i know someone's in the kitchen with dinah wow that's you just got the star eh i guess my question's just been answered wait how is it a mini boss if you get the star maybe they're all mini bosses until the final big boss oh i guess yeah come on mario let's go got that star baby got to disturb we're averaging like a star in episode at this rate [ __ ] man this is glorious yay wow the star had the power to make us not [ __ ] anymore [Music] is there no end to your abilities [Music] i'm just trying to concentrate on my indiana jones mastery here you have so many [ __ ] mushrooms dude to the window to the walls till the sweat drips right on down my balls that's awesome oh it's bowser oh a booster has such a nice place i miss my fortress i miss the good old days toadstool screaming in terror mario rushing in to save her oh he's crying ah oh jesus mario oops oh okay okay keep it together calm down don't let him see you like this what are you doing here oh not like that dummy wrong tone it needs more confidence what are you doing here wow what are you doing here wow that's exactly what he went for if if toadstool were at my castle waiting to be rescued she'd be crying like a baby take a look at booster's family portraits in order from the oldest to the youngest take a look at booster's portraits oh [ __ ] what the f what the [ __ ] all right yeah i'm sorry i can't talk right now i'm fighting an undulating cane you know how it is thursdays [Laughter] the one at the very end oh that's the oldest okay and then the the yellow hat really yep man this would have taken a long time eye patch and then guy with just black for eyes [Music] guy with conehead and then the last one this is the youngest i guess with the gray hair and all right whatever that i got that [ __ ] yes oh yeah i [ __ ] love it i gotta plug your damn controller in oh [ __ ] suck fuckagen all right here we go is that who wrote uh the what you say thinking of image and heaps oh yeah i love that new song by suck [ __ ] she's talented she's going places oh my god that's so funny that suck suck fuckagen dude oh there he is again chugga chugga hunk this is my personal railway hey god he's a weirdo my it's you again i'm amazed you made it this far yes quite amazing you are since you're here maybe you could clear something up for me what's it like to die my bride-to-be is chanting mario help me mario help me is she showing her happiness hey wait a second maybe mario's another guy oh no what do you feel this mario she keeps talking about trying to shake my bri take my broadway watch shut up [ __ ] take this don't you take this take this take this take it there's taking this take a [ __ ] that didn't do it die ran out of bombs well later okay dude what a cool guy yeah everything about him is cool yeah man so as is dan's want he uh runs around and grinds off camera but then decides to go ahead a few spaces and then activate a cutscene i believe this has happened almost every episode yeah well because that's how you know to stop grinding like that is something interesting that the folks at home would enjoy this one was special though because you said don't go forward because you'll activate a cut scene and then i [ __ ] did it so here we are at the cutscene uh go for it aaron okay uh mario you did come to rescue me i was so frightened and lonely and it's hot out here there's no shade it's kind of [ __ ] up my face is just like red as [ __ ] but now that you're here um the door won't open yeah no [ __ ] you've been trapped up here yeah i think we need booster spell to undo the lock on it oh what should we do am i a prisoner wait hold on why don't they have to go to the bathroom what the heck is going on around here oh it's booster oh is he the guy with the big mouth i think so what should we do booster is returning isn't he i know hide somewhere and wait until he opens the door i'm gonna tell eyes you i'm going you're gonna be are you terrorized that was not yikes they're pretty tough they're pretty tough wow they're gonna put them to sleep again i guess this was before 2021 i'm so not used to seeing yikes without it quickly being followed by oof yeah yeah is it dangling after a bad take along with that hasn't aged well [Laughter] oh i'm going to wail on you big boy 64. that's how many bits the next system's gonna have absolutely 94 that's just a number 100 that's how much percent i suck nice nice burning so close mario grab my hand guys you're slow ah he's carrying me on his back and you still can't catch up being up here is tough though oh because you can't see your head yeah [Music] nice pills this is cool the murals she's attractive i felt like the most attractive thing like when charlie hunnam tells the story about how he like brought that cat to the vet [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh wow yeah oh this [ __ ] sucks man come on [Music] [ __ ] nice sick dude whoa whoa oh she's dead my leg ow what are you doing great now i've dropped my shoes my ring my brooch and my crown my microsoft dinosaur cd you can cut me up how long is it gonna take these damn piss clams to cook hey name placeholder how's your day going how's the weather in place placeholder we've talked a lot about our friend dave on the show you might not remember him so we'll remind you howdy y'all my name is dave and i'm a real pro i'm bald dave has been sending us money lose change in dollar bills every month in exchange for a modest amount of exclusive content that we record on the vhs tapes and mail via the usps that's right dan but unfortunately dave has passed away that's why we're extending our deal for you to new extensive content to you our favorite fan you want to try that again no i nailed it but unfortunately shipping costs have gone up and vhs tapes are getting rarer and rarer these days so we're trying to find a new way to deliver content begin your exclusive partnership with dan and i or dan and me it should be dan and me either one's good on me and dan yeah dan right dana i guess that makes sense the link appears you don't say that part why do we write it on the timeline [Music] hello and welcome back to game grumps the person delivering aaron's doordash meal called him arnie will he psychologically recover let's find out dude i don't know what happened there it's just like i mean that [ __ ] just wasn't you you can just read it like it's right there yeah oh my god oh my god dude oh my god [ __ ] amazing stop i'm gonna make a tick tock of this don't i'm gonna film that [ __ ] and be like epic mario gamer i'm gonna put like a thousand like stickers on the screen and then it's gonna like be like your mom when you run out of doritos or some [ __ ] you just did sandstorm what he did where there's no sand i don't know but is there a certain way you feel about that no okay oh what are you doing can you believe it i almost got married to that thing maybe you want to marry this thing let's go back to the mushroom kingdom but i i hope someone marries me someday oh that's what they're getting at somebody tall blonde clean shaven toads okay oh she's joined the party make sure to bring her back safely great yes yeah deuces [Laughter] they've thrown me out of my own i mean i've decided to take a vacation they can't do this to me anyway i was working on a plan to get my house back when mario walked up to me and begged me to let him join the koopa troop i had no choice but to let him in it was pathetic it's okay mario we know bowser's stretching the truth a little he's a [ __ ] liar kill him burn it with fire jesus enjoy your time now [Music] now then on to the polka music who wants dessert thanks tomorrow well she's as good as dead pudding cup princess toadstool is home safe but she has decided to stay at the kingdom did you enjoy fighting with her yeah i mean i've been i'm tired i'm not gonna go is my helicopter ready i'm going to malibu my umbrella is caught in the updraft of the helicopter how are you getting stepped into the plane talk to the flower oh and the stargate will open that was obvious hello oh okay i am in the shape of the star of david to celebrate the triumph of judah and the maccabees like uh this is more jewish theology than i expected the mario rpg this is star hill wishes which were transformed at the star road fall from here oh but some wishes that haven't been granted yet are falling because smithy destroyed the star road what a dick right frog fuchsias mentioned hearing about a star piece on this hill oh [ __ ] huge lizard let's see if we can find it that was a close one damn 82. yeah punch that gopher oh my god i love them dude i want one so cute can i hang out with them right yeah it was like regret it's like oh i didn't want to go i like twirling i'm a twirly star yeah dude are we more than halfway done with this game oh my god that's probably not because they probably get longer as they go oh maybe and it's like now that you've got the seven stars you must acquire the 24 herbs and spices necessary for kfc's chicken bucket you've come a long way but your journey's not over yet there are three more star pieces not to mention that chicken situation oh no it's a [ __ ] underwater world yes my favorite really i love underwater worlds really yeah ever since goonies too oh okay the playthrough that i loved except for when you caught me with updog and i've never heard the end of it seven and a half years later is that dude was there updog in there what are you talking about i don't know what up dog is what are you saying what is up dog oh god well aren't you proud of oh yourself god that's the happiest i've ever seen you [Laughter] i have never in my life ever [Laughter] [Music] i got you good with up dog that was oh absolutely you got you got me so good that you didn't even finish the joke you just started cry laughing immediately oh looks like you don't need so many mushrooms or muku cookies okay cancel that then no oh i've hit the b on the [ __ ] controller not the b and the what it is in the real world hey at least it opened up uh a thing just press the opposite when it asks you yeah except when you're fighting then press the same well really oh because it's directional yes uh okay i don't even see the letters i don't see letters i just wanted to make sure you remembered of course you were in the seaside town now you're in the sea and the next area you're going to go to is that's ridiculous well hello there and welcome back to super mario rpg uh you demanded it yes you did demand it i'm very pleased that uh people are into this here's my chopsticks i'm doubly pleased because aaron found his i've been looking for these forever does your [ __ ] chopstick box say master game chrome yes it does aaron hanson master king well listen i'm not the one who made it that's really fun it was a gift oh god sweet um everybody's dying i can't remember how to play this you gotta cast the thunderbolt all right i'm the bad boy just keep doing that just she's gonna sit there rubbing his door forever no thank you all right okay uh until you maybe they mean oh you jump jump oh there you go okay okay um continue left and try heading to the top right where you climb on some platform oh progress progress okay okay um move slightly down and make a jump to the left and you should reach the bottom left corner where you can easily move to the back help do you want me to try it yeah sure do you wish to give up i'll try a little more okay all right so what's the run button this right here uh-huh the [ __ ] am i all right it's just changing my it is [Music] i wish god would just step on me step on me sky daddy oh here push the button and it'll show you he'll be in the center of this crazy where am i now i've never been to this part this sucks my ass this so sucks uh this is a three-dimensional maze i'm i'm like stuck i i gotta wait wait i'll try a little more oh my god this sucks my ass [Laughter] yeah i give up am i down or am i up am i down or am i up i don't am i down no i'm i'm up i'm down this is the moment in doing a show like this where you start to feel like the heat in your body of like a the frustration of how weird and uh difficult this is mixed with the knowledge that no one will be like yeah this part was to i'll be like you [ __ ] idiot yeah okay there we go okay great so and then what though i think you had it right when you got on that ledge and walked around you think so yeah i mean what else would it be god damn it look but am i stuck now [Applause] all right editors fast forward this sucks all right dan i found i found a thing i found a a guide okay so you go up or are we back here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay oh hello and jump all right and that brings you to the end of this and then jump this way and now so now i'm up here so then i go this way and then down this way okay that didn't work jump up here okay got it and then then jump up here yep yep yep yep yep and then down boy even looking at the map i'm like that's complex okay okay so now i'm here uh-huh all right um so yes then i go around and i go to this yep and drop down the little thing and then okay so okay so now i've dropped all right so once i've dropped oh i see then i go down and and i keep going yep and and then the jumpies like like jump in a little staircase for me oh uh-huh yep there it is yeah yeah okay then i'm here i wonder if this map was somewhere yes well done aaron boy that was [ __ ] awful you got a royal syrup okay s uh-huh using the j boxes talk to the tube there you go oh thank god all right why don't you put your butthole after this yeah all right maybe i will oh my god i guess we'll fight it next time hello everyone hello uh can i start this off on a somber note aaron oh why would you do that well i traveled back to uh my hometown uh in new jersey to uh to see my family and um well it appeared that you know sometimes when you don't live in the place you grew up in when you go back some wonderful piece of your childhood has moved on or disappeared and i just like to say a mournful goodbye and pour one out for the pizza hut on route 22 which was the pizza hut where i had my 14th birthday and we played nirvana's never mind on the jukebox wow and over time it probably was disgusting at the time but over time it became the most disgusting place i'd ever seen and i remember looking it up on uh online to see if it was still around and these three pictures were the ones that were still around um there was uh we're gonna give these to the editor so we could see them there was this one you know yeah then there was a this sad looking gentleman in front of the cruise in exotica machine it's like taking a nap yeah i know i know uh and then finally uh those were that was the image search for uh for that pizza hut but now it is completely gone so uh yeah r.i.p route 22 pizza hut you will always be loved at least you'll never get diarrhea again oh i strongly doubt that all right king cowboy why don't you pick up someone who wrote some wood then you get tossed away fire at your [ __ ] eyes it's like god damn it [Music] [Laughter] my [ __ ] eyes [ __ ] no i can't see as well does this do anything oh now he's got the venom drool hey get ready uh-huh there's a sunken ship part two [ __ ] oh he's purple as [ __ ] yeah because he got the guy poisoned with what with the venom drool and such he looks cool he should stay that color it's not a choice aaron he's been poisoned i don't care he should look cool well you don't think he deserves to look cool that's an odd take [Laughter] he's dying yeah don't help him okay sweet you don't think he deserves to look cool he's purple oh my goodness oh yay that's a lot of coins stop being purple um he doesn't have an aoe i don't know what that is an area of effect oh no he does not um i'll just shoot with the guns [Laughter] oh i should have healed malo a little bit use the [ __ ] geno world on this piece of [ __ ] i think i should probably well okay oh i don't have we got problems now we got problems this crab is one of them hey why don't they just call them cheap sheeps why are they called mr kipper why is they got a name i i for one love the name mr kipper you got [ __ ] like kids and stuff [Music] that's dr kipper and this is mrs kipper oh my defense is up oh honey hi hello just call me stacy you're a part of the family please mrs kipper was my mom she gave birth to 8 000 of us that guy dressed as a cat just absolutely crushing that drum solo what the hell are you talking about he's like it looks like a japanese anime character a little cat [Music] he's like playing at like a kids show and the comment is like when you're way too qualified for your job or something like that cat drummer yep you've never seen this no hang in there keep watching like not in character at all he's just playing [ __ ] drums dude he absolutely goes ham on those drums do it we did it once again my friend baby yes funky brewster no chunky chunky brewster your brewsters are all wrong danny arnold oh yeah that was a that wasn't good okay let's see if superflame works sasha malaya get in here playing super mario rpg i've been waiting for them to play this game forever dang goddamn i love gino look at this little dangly hat let's see if the shocker works on tattered rags sugar they're using the shocker i've been i've been posting the comments for them to use the shocker for so many episodes now finally doing it squeegee you think dan finally figured out about the flower tab use the bed idiot wait they're reading the walk through it's making up oh he's getting lost he's getting tough bro he got tough oh he's red whoa he's just not getting harder yeah that's not good stop boosting you why because you got to boost everyone else yeah but waste all that boost mario's going to be the one who's well mallow doesn't really fight but you're boosting geno gino's got to be the one doing the boosting all right [ __ ] boost mario first okay she can get some hits in i know you're right i know you're right but like i don't want to admit it so [ __ ] off how about that now i'm gonna punch just despite you dude we got a star we're more than halfway there now wow oh wait is this the fifth star we're more than halfway there oh mario look at malo hey this is awesome hola welcome back uh i don't know homo estas with you [Laughter] what his name is i'm going to boost mario i'm going to boost mary you're going to boost mario yaridovich no why why did his defense go up i wanted his attack to go up the opening statement is okay this boss fight is very hard ah crap what do i do his powerful special powers including water blast which knocks you out easily if you're not careful uh-huh bring multiple mid mushrooms and pick-me-ups dope got em genos should use geno boost on everyone if not busy with healing since it powers up attack as well if defense if timed eventually yardovich will duplicate himself yeah but what attacks do i use um yeah whatever uh just dish it out to him okay so it says dish it if he was this strong why is he tickling old men i feel like they're mutually exclusive use the muku cookie do you think so yeah why not are we gonna heal everybody or not this is the point where you would heal people all right all right i'll use the muku cookie it sounds like fun it's so funny because i can i can see people at home either be like use the [ __ ] moku cookie you idiot or i use the book cuckoo cookie and they're like no [Laughter] that's the internet for you yeah oh i do have more or less yeah you have more elixirs okay uh let me use that in the right spot i guess yeah just because i feel it feels like feels like i'd rather use something i can buy than like a special thing the mugu cookie can't be bought this is very like star wars you know like the sun in the background he looks like grievous too oh he so does yeah i did have that thought when i first saw him and i also had the thought that grievous was so awesome when i first saw that and that movie and uh that opinion has only kind of changed you know what i mean grievous sucks okay he i wanted him to be cool yeah the [ __ ] red letter media bit oh yeah all right he's like they meet they meet up with general grievous also on his ship is admiral i'm a bad guy [Laughter] i love sleeping in the ends we made a bit about um so we made a bit you have to actually get up oh that's right sorry we made a bit about how they're sleeping in the same bed together yes and uh so you know the you know the this is fine dog sure so the guy that drew that his name's casey green he drew a fan art of that the the guy who the guy who did this is fine dog watch his game grumps yeah he's done a game grumps animated get the [ __ ] out of here did the tamil gang roseanne oh my god same guy yeah what's up man that is fantastic he truly drew a picture of them all sleeping in the same bed together geez just so you know man like you've affected our life in a positive way too so thanks this picture is great editors can you put that up for us thank you that's [ __ ] great mouse came by the other day and i've heard him talking about some of his stars that was 13 yesterday they said that my mom i said no more lollipops mrs johnson [Laughter] oh no that was the wrong button [Music] there we go please stop firing me out of a cannon [ __ ] boy this is tough huh what am i doing wrong here you gotta time it yo oh yeah i don't i don't know i don't know no i i don't think i can get over there yet no give it a shot what is that what button is it jump jump uh the the lowest one how in god's name did you do that i don't know okay well you're amazing and i bow to you oh [ __ ] all right do it again oh no oh my god everything's going as [ __ ] all right [Music] let's hammer okay here we go whoops oh now it's not even gonna be possible jeez are you holding something forward no you just have to do it like right when it dings amazing um what am i looking at right now he always wiggling he always [ __ ] suck [ __ ] managers always [ __ ] forgetting to said [ __ ] god damn it all right forget he said all right here we go [Music] yes of course i want frog corn jump on the thing [ __ ] it's so hard you want me to try it yeah let me give it let me take one more try because once you get like going on it it's it's okay but the starting out is tough for me want to challenge it yeah expert please i think i'm an expert [Music] [Music] well then yeah falls out boy that wasn't uh much time it just kind of it just like wiggled and immediately fell okay this is this is the one yeah feeling it feeling it this time yeah man i feel it for you the worst part about this is this definitely looks easy yeah oh yeah so i'm sure there are folks at home and like oh no this guy with his idiot ideas this [ __ ] frog coin getting best [ __ ] all right you do it okay i'm i'm i'm tilted [Music] oh well then i told you if you just stick to the top it doesn't bother you yeah no you called that one double your winnings yeah oh yeah yeah dude yeah dude [Music] [Laughter] over here holy crap there you go wow aaron you can just keep doing it over and over again keep doing it over and over again i want that thing all right that gives you the stuff [Music] hell yeah i want that challenge yes oh it's 50. do we have just enough yes we do wow what was the exp booster 22 wow look at that perfect unbelievable all right but they're rings so only one character can use them oh my god okay i might as well give the hp one to mallow ah word word indeed my friend uh so yes let's equip equip that [ __ ] scrooge ring oh it's going to do all the things to take to put stuff down yeah but it's so worth it i know it is wait why don't you give the screws ring to mallow oh sorry i got the backwards here you go oh that brings these things up wow look at that neat oh all right and then mario is it just for mario though who's yes yes oh he's gonna become a [ __ ] monster of rock damn yeah all right cool yeah i love it i'm going to be very strong i'm thrilled yes okay uh look at that look at us yeah we're making progress baby [ __ ] masters of baiting okay that's worth a save i'd say so we just got the best item in the game i'd say that's a the save [Music] i know we're killing the hell out of them though fudge yeah dude fudge yeah look at the ass we're whooping all of a sudden i know so much experience points for everybody but me it's called [ __ ] yes [Laughter] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] show guys don't worry use the blast use your new geno blade that's right i forgot all i forgot all about that aaron it had been three seconds you think i could retain information like that make it hp i love that cloud i know he's so like chill he just doesn't give a [ __ ] that cloud is the ubermensch dude dude he did carney kiss me why don't you use genoblast oh i forgot [Laughter] aaron what do you expect me to remember something for 10 seconds god dude like how long do we know each other i don't even know i can't remember 10 seconds oh [ __ ] we'll never know what genoblast is i'll just get to the [ __ ] last boss and it'd be like [ __ ] and then it like kills everyone in one shot like [ __ ] the whole time wow he's already rapping [Music] get that the mushroom or that syrup suck on sugary items to get some to wow you just absolutely nailed it thank you he bite you sure do aaron you know just making conversations yep i love it look at you possibly i could ask you the same question about that brick in your face oh hello again that pipe is a shortcut to my home monstro town i'll see you there okay bye yes peace monster town oh this is adorable oops oh hello you got a grassy floor monster mama oh my traveling for the fire welcome to monster tower medieval kind of mingle i'm the landlady monster mama praise god a star you say oh you're here to see our star she's upstairs so feel free to go and take a look for yourself i feel like there's been a miscommunication whatever oh it's the [ __ ] mouse i've been all around the world but the strangest person is crumbling for me is this old geezer in rose town he's really weird but definitely worth beating okay hello trunk friend sometimes if you jump at the right places the treasure box will pop out of thin air what anything like this happened to you these treasure boxes are known as surprise boxes because they appear out of nowhere you think you fouled the ball but there's still 30 g's okay 38 left maybe this is the star i was supposed to talk to oh yeah well now [Music] what stuff is moving in a grooving [Music] wow i have a feeling we're gonna have to remember that that uh little song [Music] all right it's pretty cool let's remember that kids catch up as i need you okay great um just like busting like a swat team like get down on the ground get down shut that [ __ ] dog up what was our flying time troops 3.52 seconds sergeant skye troopa's reporting for duty ma'am we're .52 seconds late i hold myself personally accountable for the delay ma'am i love this guy still it's richer than ever about your rules and regulations guys let's try to keep the flirting to a minimum we're trying to no need to bother with the protocol around me sergeant i've got a favorite looking for these put those away ma'am oh sorry yes ma'am anything we could do for a civilian dance fellow so you really just just finally pictured it in my mind what being valued looking for oh yeah this fellow really really wants to get to bean valley that was oh god you watched arrested development right yeah that was my favorite part of that whole show the the character is still like and you could kiss these puppies like 50 times could you please help him scare the cliff understood ma'am the orders are get mustache over the cliff we will succeed we will now deploy ourselves to the cliff at land's head troopers keep a tight formation [Music] we have left off fair odd but trustworthy good luck with your search oh and one more thing whoa what the [ __ ] looking for breeze oh ultra jump very cool damn all right well after all that god if that happened to me i'd feel like a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] oh is that right thank you aaron he jumps on him 17 times and gets off and he's like that didn't hurt me at all and mars like what i'm freaking exhausted man like serious yeah good job mario maybe lay off the jumps okay oh oh okay just [ __ ] goes home and cries in his pillow what did they do wrong yikes you're tough [Music] yikes like oof yikes oh big oof oof yikes that's a moon yikes oof i guess that was to be expected good damage i absolutely obliterate bananas wait what is that thing floating in the air i don't know nothing i can figure out how to get to right now whoa maybe when i'm flying you're flying yeah because aren't those guys gonna fly me over they're gonna get you up the cliff you remember the cheese sign i do that's where they're getting you right you gotta use them and you go up and you get five frog coins oh really yeah pretty awesome if you ask me yep yeah i guess you could say those games give me a hernia i guess you could say i've been dead inside since 1994. it's fine oh god not only did i fall off the cliff but i hit lizards on the way down more like anti-social media wow nicely done thanks man i was reading somewhere that you're because of social media your average 13 year old has the anxiety and stress levels of your average psychiatric patient in 1950 whoa yeah i don't know if that's accurate but um yeah that certainly sounds right it seems like one of those like minions memes you'd find on facebook yeah but i i think it was i think it was bill maher that said it and his is a fairly well researched show bill maher yeah yeah no that guy sucks okay he's a [ __ ] weirdo well i mean like i'm not talking about his opinions but like i think he'd being on being in the public eye like that it would be more difficult for him to come out and say something that like was uh against the research that was out what are you kidding me that dude's like an anti-vaxxer no he's not yes he is dude there's clips of him saying that you shouldn't get vaccinated because it'll give you [ __ ] autism i don't believe that's correct it's correct i can show you the clips all right well i watched them recently let's do that later that's this is not the time or the place during the mario rpg play through where you're jumping on flowers no no no we're doing this right now i'm loading it up who are you voting for oh my god see agenda unbelievable unbelievable they turned me into a mushroom aaron thorn it's i'll never forgive them anytime i see a bee now i'm gonna [ __ ] shoot it with that assault rifle you know what i'm saying whether you put the salt in it it's like a salt rifle oh iron because it shoots the salt at the bugs somebody got me one and i'm gonna need you to explain that again whoa whoa slow it down for me apparently they're really effective really yeah this is like a spray of salt well i mean it's for like hornets and like flies and [ __ ] okay let's speak against some strong specialists the only thing is you get a lot of coins for defeating it let's jump up to find a frog coin there's a frog coin in this room what where what i must know whoa wait yeah there's a frog coin in this room uh in the top corner at the bottom floor jump up to find a frog coin oh that'll be fun that will be fun oh this thing don't don't mess with it just don't say anything about his face yeah he's very touchy don't upset it the crevice let's see if i can get that one more time i don't want it any more upset than it already is there's a toaster that mitsubishi makes it's like the most expensive toaster in the world it's like 400 okay it does one piece of toast all right and it takes 20 minutes to cool down after what what is the that sounds like a terrible toaster it's like it makes the most delicious toast of all time but how do you watch like any video of people using it they're like oh my oh my gosh but it's just toast how good can it be right you think that yeah that's what a dumbass would think somebody who hasn't experienced the magic of the toast the mitsubishi toast superflame i'm gonna do it who's got super flame oh a pedal blast they turn you into mushrooms like everyone into mushrooms oh well well done how would you not be like oh my god yeah it's like now we have to keep fighting this thing how do we reverse it yeah oh he like gains health gradually oh you jump oh [ __ ] aaron you knocked it over with your oh no now they're bouncing really fast okay all right um remember the sound i don't know everything went wrong when you smack the [ __ ] out of that keyboard okay uh do this without sound put in the boss um seems like a great misstep it's like 20 years old stop please who's gonna do it no dies oh he's purple look at him yes he sure is wow i didn't know they were different colors does that mean he loses health because he's a pop oh thank god boy watching that giant plant head explode was the highlight of my day thus far he's like oh no smilax has been whacked what is this the sopranos oh i'm gonna go i'm gonna i'm gonna get it she was a who oh oh hello hi are you a friend look at these clouds oh not a friend that's a big turtle dude this game is awesome like i love the the worlds it takes you to a big ass turtle yeah yeah he's he's a chunky monkey for sure yeah i love him that is wonderful they're mallow people oh my god they are oh that's so nice holy [ __ ] uh all right everyone listen up oh my god it's queen mallow damn shut up [Music] condition is growing worse this means we'll be losing oh he's a clown clown our magnificent ruler they're all like what is she talking about but it just so happens that i have found the missing prince prince mellow that is what prince malo please sir prince that's a [ __ ] impostor get over here um well well it seems our little prince is a mild case of stains frank excuse me you [ __ ] guy come on make it snappy what you can't get through well just look at you tubby he must be he must be one of my vapes because i ripped fat clouds hey clearly a toucan with a clown hat i love it ma you've uh filled out about prince mallow and you have a toucan beak and you're a toucan they call me a heavy trooper you're looking fed prince uh yes what is it dear what you're asking me too gracious you're serious aren't you why i don't know what to say dear me i've made my decision at the request of the prince i agreed to become his queen what a beautiful sentiment that wasn't at all pre-planned queen valentina oh it just makes me shiver with diabolical plotting well dance that back to your business everyone all right how are we gonna play damn yes jesus yes can you believe it what a coincidence there's a prince with the same name as me i'm delivering valentina's latest order to him doesn't look like valentina at all no that's because this is a statue of valencia's nephew mariada mariata uh okay proceed you pulling some funny business over here phew that was close didn't think we could get through that one there is no such person they borrow oh oh really is that right mario's like what oh oh look at how sassy oh well i guess we'll learn more about this next time on game guys oh baby called what may i ask is this ugly thing that's my latest masterpiece i i created it just for you over me it's called a plumber's laminator i like that observe the thick mustache covering the sad innocent smiles of a symbol [Music] and the legs well-defined very good shapely moist delicious cabbage he's got them umc's unbelievably muscular calves my garb strong the legs of the mass i love it is it too like quiet i consider myself something of an odd buff and i've got to say this is spectacular garrow only you could have created sculptures with such gentle [Applause] [Music] spectacular dodo don't know don't just sit there like a roast hurry and carry these in [Music] dodo wait so that's not prince mallow step on it if he steps on anything it's going to be crushed to dust no oh i thought he was out of breath because he had walked two feet oh my god what the hell's happening i don't know i guess he was just pecking he's a bird was he like taking out his aggression oh maybe yeah boy that does not fit in at all it's perfect if you fail this you have to fight against dodo oh okay oh okay wait yes so this is this is optional great good one i'm glad yeah that's what i wanted exactly the kind of [ __ ] that i wanted to happen i came into this game hoping to go the worst route possible yep and i'm getting my wish right now yeah yo it feels like my birthday i'm opening presents left and right damn dude is it january 6 because that's my birthday god damn it's just the [ __ ] icing on my cake baby it's really rude observe it man you're like amazing at that starting to get the hang of it it's actually i'm only good at it when they're up in the corner i can time it really well when they're anywhere else it's it's harder your controller witnesses thank you aaron for that beautifully crafted sentence it's just a song in my heart today yeah i understand the song in my heart today is my crash test dummies yeah once your controller get into an accident god and come to school better when what the heck is happening oh there's an invisible wall or something oh never mind i thought i had thought i hit the the joyful or whatever his name is you know what's [ __ ] up jawbox is he was like awake and stabbing but i bet if you ran into him he'd be like he's asleep it's like what the [ __ ] yeah i bet you're right that's a flavor fail hashtag flavor fail [Music] oops i saw a banana that was this big i'm sorry what the banana this big there's a there's a magic the gathering card that has flavor text that's like unanimously considered the worst flavor text of all time i love that and it's just like a gorilla and these pictures like this the flavor text is just like let's open it enthused like it's just so [ __ ] stupid yeah it's you could tell it was just like written late at night and it made them laugh at the time but beyond that moment it's just a rough scene does it feel like it's like rude to the artist it's like [ __ ] it looks like he's good that's a good point well hello there everyone we have a thousand coins and i'll be damned oh the cursor boom in the shot boom in the shot whoa okay so that door is weird [Laughter] um bro you're not gonna fight the oh my god there's three of them there's three of them and aren't they just adorable heavy troop at times three dude yup get ready for it here we go one for each of you i know you could two you could ride on these fellows [Music] look at them flap their little wings and kick their little feet i know someone's definitely going to get squashed i love he ouch you're hurting me now it's my turn get it while it's hot oh my god yeah throw those goddamn eggs in me [ __ ] speaker exhibit uh noise unfertilized zygote spit your eggs at me psycho daddy um [Music] you just gotta smack him i know i know i just wanna i don't want anyone to die if you try to block them they may rappel off and become eggberts what the hell does that mean i don't know i don't know like does that mean don't block them are eggbert's good it says if you try to block them they may repel off and become eggberts which you can attack to damage birdo wow there's like a looks like a borg i don't know a hive mind i'm unclear they share pain i can just i can feel the furious typing right now hey man the only person you have to apologize to is yourself okay i forgive myself because you didn't do it and if you didn't live up to it then you didn't have it was the only one who could really believe in you what you heard me can't you tell by the look on my face how serious i am [Laughter] i looked over an hour [Laughter] how far back is this if dude you're going all the way up into the clouds and the clues see how it turned into more of a square clued oh you're already up in the clouds i didn't even realize yeah we're in cloud city baby cloud city just like star wars yeah sure lando calrissian more like lando clouderas i think i peed it's definitely do you want some to peach the other best character dude you're amazing when it's up in the corner i can do it other times less so much that's so weird um that was incredible the fact that you're doing it so consistently now is like so impressive thank you it's really making me wet wow a guy could really get soaked to watching this i am drenched queen valentina i forgot what voice i gave him that mario creature who beat up smilax is here mario what does a mario look like take a good long look well it has a mustache and long sideburns and a pair of mean looking legs that's flattering thank you hmm i have the feeling i've seen this mario before [Music] oh my gosh wait yes it was that statue that garo just delivered what what what are we gonna do what what what are we gonna do what are we gonna do valentina well we well we said we are going to listen to your voice chatter frankly speaking i'm not going to worry oh wait didn't i give her a really bougie voice i think without this key the king can't go anywhere more like hottie let me blow on this oh it's like a little fan yes hush anyway i said shut up already this this woman's gonna pay with her life what the that that isn't a statue that's merrier valentina this is an acting tour de force on your part hand over the key now jesus brain splatter everywhere how utterly rude and who in the blazes are you anyway i'm your worst nightmare i'm a clown with pants i'm the real prince that's who brat and how dare you listening on a private conversation private private everyone at timeout radius can hear you yes yes if you're going to be this rude i'm simply going to leave that's you know what voice that is it's matt berry oh i was here to say and it's your uh if you're not from europe you should if you're not from europe then you shouldn't talk about chocolate so long i shall fly the coop too i'll stay here to get my ass beat oh no never mind flippity-flappity [ __ ] uh i i think we might have missed uh we kind of missed a boat here so we'd better get movie too come on let's get him she just like suck coming to me no time to waste please let us become one man she looks so helpless in the in the little sprite yeah oh where are you taking him that's why i told you to put him in this yes um special oh can't you special oh yeah you're muted lame yo damn he's pretty strong against him multi-strike no no oh oh stop stop stop stop oh so this is just a one-on-one battle yeah interesting i could [ __ ] take it bowser i love his little face in the center of the thing yeah he's just looking at you like hey bowser hey what's up i'm having a good time what can i say when i'm scratching and slashing it's the best thing i can ask for but i'm not busy absolutely murdering noobs awful they're getting four shots every time he's dead yeah i'm [ __ ] well well then um what do you want me to do yeah i'm a little scared give him the mush that's all you got left yeah i can't bring anyone back all right oh no there's a pick me up up there oh there is jeez what is wrong with me right now i it doesn't like group them yeah i wish it i truly wish it did no [ __ ] you dude stop holy [ __ ] well you can use the freshen up or whatever anything that cures a status ailment oh okay yeah this is impossible like i'm just too far behind like in the you know um in the race to do damage yeah oh that's it oh thank goodness i don't believe this the show's over dodo let's get out of here well everyone until we meet again okay thank goodness wow talk about getting by with the skinnier teeth yeah i [ __ ] dominated yo good job bowser good job peach just [ __ ] psych bomb bleeding out i believe it was star hp or powell which one you were close it's pow okay cool okay okay then how about showing me just a little jump just a just a little jump for daddy a tiny hop will do how about how about you take off let me see your feet [Music] can you can you pretend to sneeze can you can you sneeze but like act surprised when you sneeze and then like moan afterwards yeah did you do that yeah this is actually [ __ ] that people are into [ __ ] internet why do i have to know all this i don't want to know i don't want to know any of it oh oh fantastic show me again later and who do we have over here oh oh this is bowser leader of the koopa troop he's a bad guy oh another famous person this is just too much i must have your autograph dear behave yourself please you shut your mouth no not even a little scribble okay okay yes yes i'm quite forgetting my manners well who do we have over here i'm your son this is gino who i told you about before what's his deal i don't know oh yes that story about star street how awful that's star road oh you're very interesting by the way a little before valentina took over a large star fell into the volcano hmm but the dreaded czar dragon inhibits the inhabits the volcano sorry he lets the volcano do whatever it wants he doesn't inhibit it it's going to be tough getting a star out of there hmm perhaps all of you working together could handle that beast why when i was young i yes dear you remember i could buck like a stack now what's at the volcano it's dear what's in the volcano find hino pio hinopio he'll be able to help you i'm an opioid yeah you be careful mellow son okay careful i'm coming out of my pants okay mom but i probably won't come back until we find the star or die trying what nothing bye okay all right what entertainment oh you got a little dinner and a show oh yes yes i watch closely while you sleep in the dream cushion i'm the dream cushion we're counting on you mario nice dream yeah was it worth the 30 coins yeah like wakes up all stressed out oh [ __ ] everyone's counting on me [Laughter] you got to get up out of bed yourself i know i just have to wait for you to say it every time it became a thing [Music] is that real oh yeah yeah it's like any second now like i don't feel complete without it oops all right next time i'm not going to say it no i'll be stuck in bed forever eat god do you know what you have there's that fertilizer comes from the strawberry clan famous for miraculous feed cigarettes oh my good short attention span no name yes you might say i have fertilizer on the brain oh he's got [ __ ] for brains wow that's exactly what they were saying i love that that's definitely a joke for dad you know sure oh thank you i finally have both the seeded the fertilizer now for the final solution i'll try them out right away the purification can begin i'll plant the seed of eugenics then give it the fertilizer of the master race now everyone will be told nothing's happening whoa what were you what was the song that you were freestyling on you're like yeah licking penis [Laughter] yeah come on sucking wieners yup yeah that's the one penis oh fill my mouth what is it licking penis all right smelling penis [Laughter] it's a really good song you [ __ ] [ __ ] she starts jumping on him coming right for him he's a change kong no no i'm a newcomer i've been unchained now i can live the life i've always wanted to live living the life oops the infrastructure of the place that i live doesn't doesn't support somebody who just got unchained now i have to resort to crime and i become chained again what a vicious cycle that will never end damn dude extremely impressive just the end you're biting social commentaries next level what about the kong kingdom i think i was telling you oh of course you were there jeez what matapani um can we say his full name yeah why not okay he's a great dude we love him and he's we must have told you about him uh on another episode but he uh he he comes on tour with us and he's got a really deep voice and he's very mellow and we'll we'll say stuff like hey matt can you do a favor for daddy and he'll be like what does daddy want whenever he wakes me up on tour in my little bus bunk she's like he'll just like get right up to the the cloth and just be like it's time to wake up yeah it's really funny and um we we all saw godzilla king of the monsters together and uh aaron hated that movie and matt was not crazy about it either and no words were exchanged while we were watching it um and then we can we all just like took it like men yeah we came out of the theater afterwards after two hours of silence and aaron and matt were just standing there not talking and i walked over and matt was just like well that happened i will never forget that as long as i live wow yeah he's a great great guy good guy that matt chicken get him dude boy these things are tough that's it's i'm telling you man it's it's like a gimmick they have they have high hp and low defense so it's like oh my god he took so many hits like that he takes as many hits as anyone else hm maybe you're right i know not those are those little mind tricks that rpgs can play on you you know be like jedi i would actually listen to a three-hour compilation of him just saying him explaining stuff oh my gosh fuzzy [ __ ] on me uh how do i sell you could talk to him that didn't work ah yes hello there sell items sell wee pawns yeah i guess it's weep ons okay what the [ __ ] though so we pond armor's not a weapon armor's not a weapon i guess we don't really need the sailor [ __ ] either [Music] who gives a dunk get him out of here and the poker poke address bump it ribbit stick no thanks who bumping needs it what else you got slap glove drop it and trooper shell get it out of here double punch poison mega glow i want to see none of it okay great i should hold onto the rings though right oh yeah signal ring looks expensive that's pretty easy oh damn what the [ __ ] okay hello everybody here now i have boulders can i help you hugs excuse me i hate doing that i'm just gonna keep attacking because i need to save my my magical pe oh that's more anyway what does this guy talk about 281 281 mr bam wow my dad kissed me on the forehead [Laughter] that was my favorite thursday i've had all the really good thursdays don't get me wrong yeah but that was a really good best one that was the best yay you can't take that from me neither it's all up here so if you want to cut off my fingers and toes and ask me what i knows about the boss the hell you talking about you know what i won't tell you because i know what i knows and my dad kissed me on the forehead on thursday you can't take it from me try as you might boy i'm just beating the crap out of this thing if you use pure water he won't die but he will attack himself really interesting yeah that could be fun i'll try that give that a shot man right after right you know what i mean oh oh never mind yeah i guess he's just dead yeah i think he might be too strong i i think we're doing quite well all of a sudden oh [Music] a lot more epic than yeah where's the blade he'll be here are you sure relax people i just realized i gave you a very similar voice he's too late where's the blade shut up already oh my god finally oh the rangers they're like power rangers yeah i get it there's their ship yeah and i gotta fight him i don't know what's happening oh oh my god we fight for evil well don't just come out and admit that yeah why put yourself on blast we live for disorder we like what we do um we're really good at this this star piece gives people hope for evil it needs to be destroyed okay thank you kill me that's it this is impossible we are invincible says the exploding head can this be happy to the exit bridges [ __ ] oh [Music] what damn dude that's harsh really wow you got three experience points and no coins all right there you go oh that we got the star now officially that's it oh [ __ ] marvelous that's it and that's all decoration ah look at that we're so close baby you just need the [ __ ] middle star six star pieces have finally been collected where could that last star piece be okay i did it oh nice thank you [Music] oh you want a [ __ ] piece oh i can't get to them yeah you're feeling very confident right now i'm feeling awfully cocky running into these oh yeah let's do it let's party man oh i see you brought a giant crab the forkies are enraptured the carbuncle ate itself the forkies are in rapture that sounds like like a racist statement oh good the four keys are enraptured the roaring forkies there are six doors do you need an explanation i'm pretty sure you just gave it to me all right awesome you know bowser keeps nice rugs he sure does you know he's got a good runner going in his hallway kind of looks it kind of reminds me of the runner like uh from uh the choppies and wacky world of mini golf or whatever it was oh my god remember what a [ __ ] classic shoppies that was one of my favorite playthroughs of all time that was an amazing experience really enjoyed that [ __ ] what the hell oh blooper wow more where that came from i'm sure you'll want to give up at this point [Laughter] oh where's yoshi where is he he's here oh my god you [ __ ] did it i don't know why i knew what wouldn't be me i'd be dead right it'd be like some other thing that looked exactly like me well no you you would be the clone oh okay and do i think i'm the real dan yeah of course oh okay that's the whole that's the whole thing about oh did you see how close how cute he was they they deal with this in invincible there's you're not supposed to know which one's the clone or not because then there's then there becomes like a power dynamic thing going on like an inferiority thing i say it's like i'll never be the real one [Music] uh what if i was a a clown which is only one letter off from clone we made a clown [Laughter] i knew something was different it's nearly one to one of the original tan but it is a clown yeah yeah it's like way clownier what kind of maple syrup is green i don't know um i don't think that's maple syrup i think it's piss i think peach has been drinking piss this whole time it's definitely burst that is odd question you could smell it on a breath piss [Music] [Laughter] oh so daniel will you show me your lyrical drop the prowess [Music] dr t mr mr doctor mr topper okay hit yeah you got it editor skip this part i i like i don't need the comments i i my brain is terrible with these i just uh i would which is a way of saying i'm terrible at these but pawning it off onto my brain oh yeah it's not like saying uh i'm depressed i have depression yeah god made me this way so i guess you must have a problem with god [Music] oh so close too bad so sad okay like what are you supposed to do when they come for you bad boys bad boys oh look at that now you're please make this stop you're reclaiming nature nature's healing they're all coming back oh that's it you did it oh my god okay yeah congrats plane sailing eh yeah no problem fortunately a lot of people weren't watching and commenting oh no what is the name of jagger sensei who i was jinx what is the chef's name at marry moore my god man uh i believe ghetto uh was it tort yeah that's okay i wasn't getting up to that eighth level anyway [Music] excuse me you're still hanging around oh you want more items huh since i'm in a good mood just remember i can't always become a deer if there's anything uh you know what it's straight to business i get it i appreciate it yeah once you just buy everything and then get did you just sell your [ __ ] didn't mean to what did you oops [Laughter] since you have infinite money you can just buy whatever you want yeah well i also have infinite flowers [Music] whoa yeah do this oh uh i don't i can't even identify what the [ __ ] is happening before my eyes it's fine um yeah so he wears the notorious mario so you are the youngest oh you i'm impressed you made me just fly you think you could oh wow this mirror is the early part where we fought yeah oh feisty little fellow aren't you but this is the end of the line now you've got to deal with me i i'm not like i'm like a toaster yeah in garde all right we're doing it uh oh this does feel what is this thing i don't know this feels end of gamey though for sure it's not smithy is it it's boomer boomer okay boomer [Applause] [Music] take a dive chandelier guys like uh what a leo oh see you later kids wow how honorable damn boomer okay but do not worry a little fall isn't gonna hurt you i'm dead i just see a fountain of blood all right mario i'll lead you to the top we must hurry to the appointed place oh okay now that you have no more pickup juices it's on your side hang on tight and away we go what is he doing oh i would have loved this as a kid he's like sucking it up in his butthole yeah like a like a spider don't ask me how i do this it's very embarrassing you really wouldn't want to know all right crazy speed this is where [ __ ] starts to get weird oh my god i'm filling up don't mind me inflating next up the top floor please fasten your seat belts and wait a sec there are no seat belts up into my butt too all right well done aaron and then he just floats well done me yeah oh oh what is this the eye is protecting exorcism should i have known this is the thing i don't know okay i don't know either jeep okay fire blast i'm gonna squeak to fire right the superflame scroll below buddy the worst it's because he rubs it on his nips and the bell end of his truck oh there's like two dangling scrotes like in the in the bell come on i know i'm moving the bill for whom the scrotums i'm back well [Applause] to tell you to come on down to my corner store yeah i invented it you invented the corner i invented a car store i've got it nobody ever put a store in a corner before i've got skittles i've got gun drops i've got liquor rash got all kinds of good things use the pure water you need some you need some milk whole milk two percent i got them both little boo don't ask me oops well i guess that worked too i don't carry skim who the hell wants skimmed milk ain't no fat on it lose all the flavor by drinking water that's been dyed white anyway come on down to my corner store why is he still talking to you i killed him i've got the mates [Laughter] that thing really looked like it wanted to be my friend and i like to eat don't do it at a rhythm because it's different than what i need to be eating though i'm gonna have a classic eggs yeah that's better listen egg [ __ ] is famous because they have a a uh a dish called [ __ ] which is an egg a fried egg on top of pureed potatoes and then they give you baguettes to dip in it okay that's their signature dish and then they and then they were like we should make sandwiches because every [ __ ] restaurant on earth makes sandwiches and that's what people want so then they made sandwiches and the sandwiches are popular now too but like that's what put them on the map was the glass jar of tomato potato puree with an egg on it um and i got it how what oh because i almost asked you how was it it was delicious we haven't gotten it yet [ __ ] how was yours amazing well you can't smack when you're a scarecrow gino come back it's just like the star is like just a like a ninja star like a metal thing it it's just like chunk into his back his body doesn't move at all you just see a pool of blood start oh sorry i conjured the wrong spell there i'd imagine oh you're [ __ ] now son dangling oh [Laughter] i love it um you just gotta throw an egg and some [ __ ] potatoes hi ghosts it's lil boo your favorite soundcloud artist oh i love lil boo boo making music that sounds like everything else sorry didn't mean to generalize there the brick box will explode yeah yeah this is the last one oh good oh i can't use x which is items no problem when he's on the conveyor belt he's like a statue but when he fights you he moves coincidence like i just totally don't understand what you're trying to get at oh sick got him okay we could just party at this point whoops that's okay that's what you were supposed to do marvelous and now there's a real boss fight oh shiz oh god they're colored they've got all their colors like geez behold they've taken the bait guess i can spare a few minutes maybe they'd like to play [Music] okay now we're fighting all right i guess so any any battle tactics cloaker is the physical fighter domino the magician once you beat one of them the other will run back and mount a giant snake right it is recommended to defeat cloaker first interesting since domino is much easier to deal with at the end i would have thought the other way use special attacks on cloaker all right super flame and geno beam ah the beam all right oops i gotta get beamed i gotta get super flamed what's next group hugs rocks all i have is a sword and shield and giant mouth there's oh god there's a comedian do you know chad daniels no i think he is one of the funniest comedians out there and there's just an impression he does of like uh an uptight southern cowboy guy uh being at his show while he talks about the how good it feels to have a finger in your ass during sex and his impression of the guy is like what a finger where i think about that all the time what should i use with mario phew what weekly what weight claims that's strong words for some people who just murdered your friend how shameful if that were to defeat me bye i'm on a snake now we're doing like the terminator death walk um he's like hi guys it's clementine so i'm jeff now you may be wondering yes i am a snake and yes i am single love that i think you got this man yeah i feel pretty in control it's [ __ ] breathing really heavy good god i didn't do anything yeah i'm just a [ __ ] snake man some [ __ ] just landed on my [ __ ] head yeah production is on schedule this despite the fact that mack boyer get rid of [ __ ] and the axe and rangers with the feed at this rate i'm [ __ ] holding the controller and i didn't start it yeah okay at this rate smithy will have a new army no turn i knew i outstanding voice work you can't be making more weapons haven't you caused enough trouble already oh yeah who are you your brother [Applause] yeah he's gonna beat you up so bad give it up while you still have a chance shut down production now or he'll stop you what did you say what did you say you little puffball mad mallet trash all right i guess i have to fight three hammers look at him undulate whoops we'll make smithy prowl i cannot tell you men apart good work everyone the smart the harder we work the stronger smithy will become the weapons the manufact we manufacture here will be just think of it when smithy takes over mario's world we can do anything we want not so fast you sure are a cocky bunch you sure are a bunchy [ __ ] i rule this world don't you forget it it's mario back to when you're rid of its two didn't stop him ah yes everyone's favorite mario enemy yoritovich too no no leave mario out of this i'm the one you need to worry about not him mario you're about to make the longest jump of your life you're ignoring me poor bowser i got a b blitzball oh it's [ __ ] uh krauser from uh king of fighters slash art of fighting uh none of the words use that he's like quick ball did you get it i did not well when he shoots his blitzball it's like an underhanded fireball he goes with ball he also goes kaiser wave i feel like these are the things you would say as you're being dragged away by doctors and the police yeah like he said blitzball hey sound blackball what was that i can't remember the what made you say it but i just had a flashback to an earlier episode where i guess you were thinking about uh chitara and you were like chitara but but you didn't establish what you were trying to think of so you just sounded like a crazy person on a subway chitara i remember that so clearly i kind of remember that that's so funny mario i'm so surprised to see you here i'm a very chatty ninja but this is the end of the line for you this is the closest you'll ever get to smithy so savor the moment it's just a ninja that shouts yeah mario yeah reminds me of uh remember the southern gentleman bad guy from adventures of bayou billy i'm surprised you made it past my man and then he's like i'm surprised you made it to my fortress and then we we beat him and we joked like i'm surprised you were able to kill [Laughter] me one of my favorite playthroughs we've done recently this is great harab you'll be fodder for my incredible invention the gun yiddish all of a sudden the god i bet bobby you're gonna hate the gun yolk it's always kind of cocked slightly he gives you two two metal kisses at once ugh i don't like the way it looks got him all right the monster is mute marvelous this stupid bastard what's this porcelain [ __ ] nitrogen in this little hot hole was there a less sexy way you could have said that please nitrogen turns into a solid at 66 kelvin you're gonna make me turn into a solid pretty soon with all this sexy talk 66 kelvin going to need that to cool myself down here comes bring it to me grab on i could release you over the abyss to kill you but let's fight yes just goes into like a [ __ ] like crushing machine oh that's smithy really hey hey that's the last star piece around his neck oh it's so tiny though yeah [Laughter] all right then he's like a kindly old man yeah would you like some saltwater little demonstrate it'll be very painful for you yo smithy i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you stop making those things and hand over the star piece now get that peanut butter out of here so you're mario looks like we're gonna have a little dispute over the star hey i'm here too and my axe just hand it over and get out of my castle my we're a little touchy today aren't we you know i'm actually growing rather fond of this place there is something like straight like weird about how when you think of like a last boss is like sitting on a throne he's like not toiling away yeah but he's just like a dude like doing his job yeah yeah i guess please don't make us go through anymore just give us a star wow her arms better yet i'll hit you all with a hammer why don't you give me your stars well then i could easily conquer this world oh that's a good idea isn't that what we all want to think about then we could get rid of all wishes and create a world filled with weapons this is very plausible of course a weapon where over here now over hear that okay it seems like i'm the one who would crush you all i crush you all right oh my god i didn't think you'd attack me oh [ __ ] sledge oh damn wow that's just like the end of the fight yeah i'm not very strong all right all right time to pull out all the stops man i guess like in school it was called like big d was he a tall gentleman yeah yeah very tall that makes sense no dang it oh oh dang he pissed is he mad now the calm down smithy jeez your head looks like a geyser a geyser what what other types of heads are there that i could have don't get so worked up think of your blood pressure i'm here too yeah hi we just built this yesterday it was a city and we built it on rock and roll it's a fast day she's very weak so stop shaking the floor how utterly annoying damn what did he's like taking lip from his employees huh huh what the hell in the heck what the tits again are we gonna fight while falling i don't know oh damn what the [ __ ] this place is scary was this undertale no [Music] i'm burning seething never have i been so wronged it is time i will show you my real form accidental glom yeah you got so used to this form after seeing me for eight seconds i will show you my true power i will teach you respect and i shall have my revenge bracket bracket pounces on you bracket bracket wait why is he yelling no if he's the only one talking oh oh my god this is awful whoa that's robot for no come on you puny ants come on you why'd you bother to grow a beard that's so many much whoa my body and head are burning it's not possible i don't believe it i don't believe it back come on finished done for kaput over the hill shalom whoa no oh i did it yeah aaron all right man we made it happen [ __ ] killed it yeah [ __ ] death for you come on mario grab the star only an [ __ ] wouldn't be able to grab the star in front of all his friends yeah what if gino's like evil and he's just like just messing with you do it get the star do it send the last one way up high come on please do it way up high into the sky [Music] twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle you must grab it [Music] i must have the power i mean you must have grab it as if it were the wooden anus of a friend i mean that was a slow deliberate toss from mario what are you a sports announcer yeah just slow down drop yeah we fi oh god that's so satisfying to see all the star pieces there wow look at that yup yup booty full thank you everyone god bless us everyone the star road is back to normal and i [ __ ] myself were you going for the hug well sorry i have an emotional barrier of stars now these stars will protect me from you i'm the true evil that would suck that's what it feels like right now very disappointed no gino's rad there's no way people would love them the way they do if uh i don't know man people love villains i guess maybe it's a good method weenie oh [Laughter] oh man i bet if i was a kid playing this i would have cried at this moment oh it goes back to being a puppet oh man oh no my friend oh there goes yay i don't care okay me again all right i guess i guess we'll just keep doing this oh man is that geno yeah it's like his alien soul or whatever oh man making me emotional right at the end here colors yeah it's pretty it's roygbiv the seven colors of the rainbow roygbiv i know it's beautiful red orange yellow green blue indigo and voldemort didn't expect me did you oh thanos snap oh damn xor was smithy's sword i guess yes i thought you killed xor you did why did you have to get faded away then corpse was it's just still theirs i don't know it's like a cleanup job oh it's all patched up look at the happy moon i feel like i'm playing uh kirby's mini golf boy they just wanted to wrap this [ __ ] up didn't they oh no okay here we go yeah i thought it was just gonna like roll credits at the stars like oh great oh yeah yeah man oh that's the last time we see geno and mouse i'm a prince bring them into smash brothers please gino already is in smash kind of is he he's a costume awesome me fighters i'll take it people are upset about it oh you might be surprised to find out that the internet got something like what it wanted and look at this did not appreciate it bowser is a man of the people he's actually down there it's hammering the boards with all his little boys boy it's telling you where every star is across the land oh johnny jones oh what a cool sport for my boy jj j squared what's up purple right in the gooch of the big star just drilling right in there oh oh yeah the yoshi's take these cookies you want the cookie oh yeah we're gonna have to go back there and try to win that stuff ah [ __ ] [ __ ] cookie yeah we couldn't figure that [ __ ] out it was tough and wasn't there like a song we had to do with eurovision uh pope with supopovic what was his name greg popovich is the coach of the san antonio okay there he is oh [Applause] don't mind me what was this one monsterville monsterville might be yup that's exactly right oh they're getting married i don't oh he can't what is this player to the character dude honestly like just marry her you're not gonna do much better oh damn he looks like a corpse tell that to his tumblr fan club oh yeah thank you yes two [ __ ] sonic thing that always kills me one mario can i be in this game oh yeah sure you can be yeah over the credits very far from the camera yeah can i be really close up no no no i absolutely loved it wow i like these little sprites they're cute they're adorable they actually look like sprites instead of being like weird 3d renders and we like this was a big uh gap in my uh video game knowledge i'd always heard of mario rpg but had never seen really or played it damn dude he jumped down and hit those [ __ ] cymbals i'm sure there's a lot of like messing around you can do um like a little extra things yeah yeah that but uh we'll have to save that for another day i can say that i have played son uh sonic mario rpg yeah i didn't but i watched someone play it yeah oh i mean i feel like i played a ton of the games that you were at the controls for right so it's it's a it's a two-person experience sure is look at those french fry moles excuse me they have french fries for hands i missed it i should have looked they're they're bringing the whole castle to the float yeah i love it keep working on it it's like the very definition of something that would not float oh [ __ ] i gotta take a dump man what a what an awesome um this is a great credit sequence yeah what an awesome world they've built and like not just in this game but mario as a whole like these characters it's just it's like its own universe apparently you can't anymore what do you mean apparently nintendo has just gotten like super duper duper strict about like the mario franchise like you can't add anything yeah you just like can't invent anything more you just have to use bowser peach blah blah blah [Music] like none of these characters ever came back yeah i suppose you're right like i'd never heard of smithy mallow or gino but i wish they'd bring them back because they were pretty great i like mallow i'm not gonna lie yeah mal and gino are phenomenal is my boy yeah for me it's me there are some sugar well that's right nemberly on you coming for you my bugs where's those bugs from just throwing bugs in there for some reason is there a character that controlled bugs boy that is not physically possible i don't know how he's doing that well are you a shy guy maybe they have some sort of anatomical wadas noriko wada's in there sacks oh man chad woolsey yeah one of these things is not like the others oh man i guess it's the last flow day smithy ryoko hiromi kazuhiro and ted we got hamada and haneda it's like one letter off man yeah one one literal letter off man and was that johnny john's well they didn't even fit it yeah just uh the sun went down oh no it's nighttime it's the electric lights parade look at that yeah cute god i love it oh mori is that your jewish shorthand name for mario oh maury you know you did it tetsuya namora i guess that makes sense he was like the sprite artist at the time he's like missed your final fantasy now this is like at night when they're having the disneyland closing parade yeah it's the electrolytes parade yeah i love it what an awesome experience it even has a similar song going on it's like almost exactly the same yep oh the flowers so cute man so cool thanks to uh thanks to all the fans who um who wanted us to play this to tom mccue you especially man you were like please i was like all right i'll do it and then we frickin did it you too jim warnell thanks to you thanks shigeru miyamoto telling us to play this game i've heard of you look they're so tiny see we finish games sometimes insanely and put it on the list god we've got our own universe of people in in grumps world tour right should put a parade for them yeah oh if i could afford one definitely oh goodbye oh yes just giant balloons of us heading down broad street and smashing into poles ruining infrastructure all over the place creating havoc i love it when games end with fireworks it's kind of like the perfect way it just makes you feel good it's a very like old-school nes thing yeah like how can we show that it's done and good things have happened i think it's just a mario staple because of the first game like when you finish a level that plays fireworks oh yeah i believe some there was some zelda stuff that ended with fireworks too really zelda too is that possible oh look at that wow they had the technology back then to make those amazing incredible or they predicted that technology which is oh by god well they say like reality keeps takes after sci-fi is that chino because then people want it oh yeah it's just you see it inside science fiction they're like oh i want that yeah and it's just sci-fi people have good ideas yeah are they gonna like patch up that star put a little neosporin on there oh the end steam yeah what a wonderful game yeah man thank you to the makers of mario rpg we did it you did it yeah you did it too aaron you helped for sure and uh that was that was a great experience we hope we hope you enjoyed it and we will see you tomorrow for something completely different wow goodbye everyone hi everybody welcome to game grumps and welcome to picopark i think it crappy little 8-bit helicopter um this is pico park i guess it's a cooperative game people have told us to play it yeah i don't know what this is um seems adorable it sounds great two players yes yes two players game i think you're wait the [ __ ] yes let me go to yes god damn you oh [Laughter] what happened wait it's still not working go to the left yeah that one works why that's one that's number two i don't know why does this game talk like an old jewish man to play his game yeah you hit the wrong button you goddamn you [ __ ] freak of nature okay he's all right yeah little land boner all right aaron is pink i'm blue by the way pink yes aaron i said it was red but it is more pink isn't it i suppose so we have to jump off at the same time you just walk off okay there you go [ __ ] boom clear excellent we did it we're geniuses we're pretty amazing oh you're trapped oh i'm trapped no uh oh oh oh no oh no yeah that's oh what's gonna happen how do we get how do we get out of this pickle oh no i think we're [ __ ] no we're all right are you sure yeah oh we could get on the same time yeah boy yeah boy okay she's so easy like quick to quit i think we're [ __ ] i think we die here oh no we're good well i don't know i wasn't thinking and the hat and then you hop up on there with the spring i can't oh yeah dawg oh but you're gonna have to hop off go nah [ __ ] what happened i wonder how we do that we go and up yeah i can't jump when you're on my head oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] why would you go that way i don't know because i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] obviously [ __ ] yeah now check this [ __ ] out nice and right on top but a bing but a [ __ ] boom blocking all the electricity over here got the key in the door next stage yeah who even cares we're so good it doesn't even matter is anyone actually watching this who watches game girl oh my god this is adorable we're on little cigarettes crayons okay well done it's good to know that that happens [Music] what okay so oh because it's stop okay so we really do have to like really work together on this so at like 40. [Music] yeah hell yeah boy we didn't say [ __ ] to each other yeah that was a [ __ ] gamer move oh every time we jump it the other one gains control oh we got four now wow wait this is interesting no that was too much that's too much okay yeah well done dude that was [ __ ] epic yeah this is adorable and interesting my dad is gonna be so proud he works at nintendo i'm gonna call him up i'm gonna be like picopark finished and he's gonna be like stop calling me [Laughter] no don't stop calling me that stop calling me aaron that was you you're the red i know but you pressed it right after i pressed it was that right yes you did we wouldn't have made it anyway so it's your fault no it's not no i'm just kidding you freak i was paint i was thrown off because you pressed it right after i pressed it i was like oh it's okay man we made it it's not okay i need to be right all right i'm just being ornery right now because i haven't eaten yes and you know how i get when i'm hungry i don't know how do you get i don't know horny [Laughter] for food hungry i can't get up you [ __ ] freak all right i already am not 100 in love with this attitude you got to help me okay help me heather you not help me be psychotic that's always you know i don't need help with that okay i'm gonna jump so good do it [ __ ] oh my god okay we're here we go yo yo yo yo [Music] yeah this timing nicely done oh you've got the care stop [Laughter] oh one of us has to keep looking at it and then now i look at it and you come got it perfect whoops i guess we both gotta go and i'll go jerkwad oh there was a creature so there was whoops [Music] yeah go ahead gotta wait for this thing to come back i don't know how close it is all right let's make him come a little bit don't say that [Laughter] [ __ ] [Music] making the ghost calm look how happy he is yay all right you go first yeah let him get the key so yeah so he he he's holding it right there so if one of us is down here i think we can get it right now yeah go ahead just go that's brilliant oh you might be in trouble oh [ __ ] oh no why'd you leave me i think you can come out the door yeah bro stay away from my girlfriend oh [ __ ] you left oops whoops all right come on in okay the ghost is like where do they go what the [ __ ] [Music] wow okay so oops slow fast super fast nice yeah i'll take the fire do your worst we're victorious [ __ ] nicely done we're doing a great job i don't i don't know if anybody else is seeing this i don't know how many people are still watching this series but we're doing [ __ ] awesome whoa yes that's what this is oh it's [ __ ] up ah i see and then get off get off get off oh [Music] nasty okay check this [ __ ] out oh [Laughter] oh i was like off to the side yeah yeah strange it's just kind of weird craving for [ __ ] kool-aid that's not important right now i need you to focus i can't focus when i don't have kool-aid in me yeah who could focus at a non-kool-aid time like this the crisp taste of kool-aid go go go go go go go go go go go go i'm out do you see how [ __ ] fast i eat it out of there [ __ ] this guy i helped [Music] now you gotta hit us alone [Music] we did it we're clear i'm out [Music] i'm out you doing man you'll get points gotta break this [ __ ] there we go oh my god [ __ ] epic dude i said i'm out bro bro i've been out why don't you listen to me when i say i'm out good idea look at you goddamn mastermind over here boy this is quite different a stiffy seal damn yo okay this is good get ready [Music] [Applause] we're the donkeys [Music] oh okay oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] freak you go haha gotcha wow you showed me a sucker [Laughter] smile again go go yeah baby yeah baby [Music] my dad's name is charles my dad's name is charles people call him chuck and he hates it i think we need to publish that the hell was that spotify gold right there [Laughter] it just looks like a corn dog oh [ __ ] it's your fault [ __ ] all right dude nice great job wow we're perfect flawless there's nothing wrong with anything that we do ever vickotory world clear all right only two worlds remain is that true to the best of our knowledge yeah as someone who never messes up on menus i feel very upset by this [ __ ] go ahead yeah now shoot me yeah you [ __ ] guys can you leave with me good luck okay yeah i am in you don't say it like that well just trying to use descriptors that make sense and match the situation that's happening and what's happening right now is that i mean you all right 11-2 all right 11-2 oh [Music] oh that'll suck us towards each other interesting if i'm all the way over here no i need you do it you gotta be closer do it do it okay [Laughter] [Music] oh here we go wait wait wait whoops oh we have to be suck at each other what yeah suck at each other towards each other and then we'll be able to cross the thing together i believe but how does one get across the other if you face me and now we suck nope we're we're using oh we obviously suck we trade the suckage yes that's what i mean i see i wasn't doing that that's okay i didn't understand but now i do get on my [ __ ] head you freak there we go all right time for the suck trade daddy loves to suck no you didn't walk backwards we mistimed it but that i we've got the the gist i don't know if that was the right exact way to do it let's see [Music] why did you stop suck you did that on purpose that giggle implies purposeful intent when you die or when you die but he stops sucking oh okay let go did you let go here we go oh my god okay oh jesus sorry at least we went out sucking yeah like bros all right i'm so [ __ ] good you're so [ __ ] good all right suck suck suck suck suck suck suck didn't work did you we've got this what are we doing man that is so [ __ ] ridiculous what are we doing how are we oh we can jump oh well were you sucking at that hello all right we have to establish who needs to suck and when i think we both need to suck at all times really is that it with no breaks yeah okay check it oh because it stops us yes okay so you do the suck okay then once that go on you need to keep sucking damn it you need to keep sucking all right all right so i think we we need to do like a three-part trade okay yeah so don't stop sucking until i say so all right okay now go keep sucking until i'm all the way across all right now i'm sucking now you let go [Music] aaron what the f what the suck yeah well done man that was i hated that it was very it was very funny i started getting the giggles which is never good for these games oops you oops [Music] now i have you your mind ah oh you gotta shoot me while i'm falling all right let's figure out the timing here we go oh oh it doesn't matter got it no [ __ ] [Laughter] we're doing great damn [Music] oh my god oh that was wonderful hell yeah dude we did it excellent work thanks man okay yeah yeah yeah wait you you jump up and i'll suck you up oh my god you're so [ __ ] smart you're the smartest man in the world you know why i am the smartest man in the world oh no the head get on my head get on my head no get on my head okay suck go that's totally the feeling of missing the subway in new york all right get we're gonna make it up [Music] oh my god that was amazing okay okay yeah that's what it opens oh my god oh crap you gotta do this again ready yeah yeah [Music] dude look at us look at us couple of cards unbelievable a couple of cars over here incredible teamwork shuffle us up hand gimmick complete i don't want to talk about my hand gimmick anymore all right well let's move on to the final stage last park i don't know if i like that [Music] skinny hallways i was the one who [ __ ] that one up that's okay i think we're pretty 50 50 on blowing this do you want to punish me what no what are you talking about please like what if what if i'm your naughty mistress oh [ __ ] i got excited that's bumbling like a big ass whale is about to eat you you should be punished aaron don't make this a thing i'm begging you oh you are nice yeah boy no thanks i don't want this to be over i know this was so delightful man this sucks if that one is actually push let's find out no you got me aaron you told me you got me excited and i had to all right i had to know well do you feel better now that you know i do actually okay what sorry i got excited i was still thinking about the last one it's like one of the most like damn no all right there we go easy peasy just a straight line to the end buddy thank you all right stop come here give me a little put him give me that key big kissy lips no don't kiss me i just want to go through the door i just want to go through the door no sure yeah i'm sure all right i'll just let you go through the door no aaron stop no aaron aaron no oh i got in a little kiss i don't know if you saw that some of you don't make the sound it doesn't it doesn't hit as hard do an epic replay of it nice oh there is more we've ascended hold up hold up i gotta make a jump give me a little give me a little there you go and then the button is yours i'm back [Laughter] that can't be it no yeah congratulations oh all right well maybe we'll get some friends on and and so are there more modes for more players so so this was just the two-player mode delightful oh my god that's fantastic it was wonderful well good work tico park yeah i wanna i wanna play more does he actually or was that a joke matt our sweet matt watson he tweeted that he got covered he caught the mat i mean the back got the backstreet boys reunions you got tickets oh no that sucks yeah oh poor guy i know all right i'll we'll we'll text him and see if he's he actually has it or if he's just messing with everyone he might just be messing with it that seems like a matte situation i don't know i don't know if he would joke about something like that uh i've seen him joke about worse yeah that's why i said i don't know what's going on everybody hello hi okay what aaron what is this game it looks delightful it's wario ware it's the new warioware excellent but it's it's nintendo game but the art was done by my my buddy ko takeuchi hello there hey khosan aka coco sack good day coco sack he's amazing a sweet sweet man he did he does like fan art of game grumps he's done a lot of fan art of game grumps but he like it's so special he did a a fan animation of ryan's killer man take a shoes song from power hour yeah i remember that so he's a genius it's wonderful um and and we love him and this game is amazing i love warioware yeah so you were telling me this is connected to that um the game that i thought it was when you turned it on which was the don't let mom catch me playing my game gamer which definitely has a catchier title than it's called it's called gamer game oh do you want to play with me uh yeah all right i don't even i don't know how that works but frigate right yeah freaking good what the frig do you remember when they changed when they tried to change uranus to uranus because people too many people were making fun of uranus but i was a kid when that happened so i didn't know what i didn't know the word anus but i knew the word urine so i was like why would they change it to something crazier uranus yeah now i'm like what a fool i was there i thought it was just a preference of pronunciation no i didn't know if it was like it was like a concerted effort pretty sure they were just tired of everyone making your anus jokes well i mean they're going to no matter what yeah boy it's just a floating nose yeah yeah oh he should get that looked that i mean there's got to be some kind of cream some kind of cream not a topical ointment i'm playing the game and now i can sense he knows it's going to crash into me oh jesus well that's what happens when you don't get it looked at poor guy turns into something worse he's just still playing his game yeah it seems that way can't we all relate to such a gamer situation what the hell is happening whoa collect all oh ah no give them you [ __ ] i can't help it i needed to collect them i did it you're amazing [Music] [ __ ] you look exactly the same dislodge daddy okay well done yeah that's right oh i think we're working together right now are we yeah okay speed up we're sharing battery powers whoa what is happening that one we're good yeah i did it i did it my name is speed up okay what the hell is happening here dude it's it's they're called micro games oh nice i thought they actually wanted us to draw it looks like they didn't even give us art supplies where's the pencil empty empty oh oh crap we didn't empty it that was a failure this game is giving me a heart attack protect protect the flowers from the moon oh [ __ ] oh boy we're terrible i didn't understand boss stage oh [ __ ] the nose is purple something's especially wrong yeah get the spoon defeat okay okay okay i'm doing it oh [ __ ] i didn't think there would be a rotating spike shield i think maybe we should start taking a little more care like just take the first two seconds to you don't have time to for two seconds i think you do though dude you fool i kind of thought that would go the other way it went the other way it went uh clockwise last time oh yeah well that's what i thought the first time i did it but you yelled at me did i yell i'm sorry aaron i'm looking at the voice capture it doesn't seem like a lot of yelling happened actually well that was like three minutes ago maybe you're just super sensitive maybe you need to take a chill pill hey dude relax stop yelling all right watch out he's gonna spike yes yeah we should be on either side oh yeah nice cry clops that was some word to your mother action a greasy nose put all three fingers on each hand in the air no there's four fingers yeah oh yeah he does have four fingers okay cool there you are you can't hide from wario the man who dies on tutorials whoa the corruption it's disappearing wish i could say the same about our government i bet that was a game bug they made games act all glitchy i see everything will go back to normal who am i get a load of this place the bugs really did a number on it eh okay i gotta go on a rant for a second please i i did a thing no somebody posted about mona pizza and they were like oh mona pizza mona lisa right right and then people were like oh my god i can't believe was that intentional well yeah that would be the only thing exactly okay okay okay how do you how do you think like it's like for the people who are like oh i didn't realize it's like okay great but the people who were like what that's isn't that crazy how it's like mona lisa and also mona pizza like that can't be intentional and it's like what do you mean that can't be pizza her name is mona pizza the two greatest italian exports of all time anyway yeah ignore the fact that i thought the mona lisa was french in our trivial pursuit game it was hanging in the louvre it was hanging in the love speed up there's no time to waste you move bye boy sometimes uh you beat these in 0.2 seconds and other times it's like impossible this game is like how my mind works these backgrounds feel incongruent with uh the characters themselves yeah i thought we succeeded i think we had to knock the pig completely on the ground let's continue yes i want to spend 100 coins what's money for if not to cover up your failures this game is like lizzie mcguire but good what the [ __ ] are you talking you know what i'm talking about you don't remember lizzie mcguire that crazy game we played it was like cartoonish and there was a blonde girl and you she it was like one insane task after another and we were like what's happening well done didn't have time to get the this this jam i'll play keep away with the roach well done aaron dude you [ __ ] around with that roach just like you do in real life i'll do the work i haven't [ __ ] around with a roach since 2012. i once had this interaction with my mom or my dad i think it was my mom she was like do you know what a roach is oh yeah i remember the story oh did i tell it already well yes but i'm sure a lot of people haven't heard it i i was like yeah it's a little bug and she was like oh thank goodness and i was like why and she was like i saw this thing about how kids call marijuana cigarettes a roach marijuana cigarette what are you talking about that's okay and then i found out that that's what it is and then i smoked a bunch of weed yeah it's fine the uh my uh my friend chris did not know what a bowl was a bowl meaning like the type of a type of pipe that you smoke weed through oh and somebody said smoke a bowl and he was gonna use she was like do you have a bowl and uh and he went and got her tupperware it was very innocent i love it sweet moment it's dribbling spits dude close oh we have to close the windows [ __ ] [ __ ] i thought they might close the coffin tweeze wow hot listen i don't care who what people know about me sort what does that mean we gotta make them go in the place that they go ah oh my god what anime is that i don't know can i watch it speed up okay but i don't know what we're doing water um sure did it there's no opportunity to process what you've just seen gotti [Laughter] seems kind of unfair that they put me on the other side of the screen for that smooch oh oh oh we got to make them oh we got to make them switch yeah oh that's [ __ ] nice you shall not pass you shall not pass i'm dodging what about all this for 6.99 grand that was one of my favorite things you've ever sent to me i've got no time for beggars oh sorry we didn't trap it vagabonds oh yeah what about all this for 6.99 and his face is just a plate of eggs bacon and pancakes yeah yeah hell yeah that shape that's how they do at nasa oh absolutely oh jesus you didn't seek shelter i know i was trying to figure out what to do stick together okay oh our happy blob friend now he'll kill us all boss stage oh [ __ ] [Music] how are we we're shooting him how are we oh jesus oh there's a tentacle oh okay that's all right you you take the left i'll take the right key how do we what the hell oh no the key oh we're waiting for it to become closer so then we can go oh and thank the lord save only one oh we have to do the other side too this is this is all you now you're the one who has to well i guess okay great his friends damn you wow this is the only original content that exists in the world anymore what the hell was going on there yeah those little pixie guys they're scared of poseidon and they're trapped this is unique right this is definitely not the disney live-action remake of beauty and the beast yeah this is definitely not like some guy walking around with a sword going like ha yeah now that's more like he said a thing i could get used to this i always want to play his mona pizza because she's my favorite and i love her yeah you said like four times and what is her number she too young can i get your name she's almost like a business and [ __ ] she's like a [ __ ] giant mansion she's gotta be like 35 no they said she was in high school what yeah oh man i know [ __ ] whatever no not whatever no no i mean like i'm done with that okay good who's who's 13. i don't know she's dancing though and they're dancing what is happening they're doing their best oh do they have a [ __ ] ninefold has a new friend this is the gamer room oh my god it's mom finally i can crush over somebody epic augmented reality game like put some wheels on this baby how many dead bodies can she fit in this she's cooling oh god oh it really is gamer yeah that was frightening oh my god she's even hotter when she's like that [Music] yeah helmet time i will kill you what the [ __ ] it's augmented reality is this a game yes what the [ __ ] is happening what was the name of that game that everyone was playing with pokemon it was like you could find them in different places around the world pokemon go go pokemon go do people play that anymore yes it's like one of the most successful mobile games of all time really still yeah dang not a whole lot of people like are talking about it in the same way they were back then right holy [ __ ] stay alive oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] way easier for me oh yes it is shoot a yo-yo i'm losing my mind praise good job hell yeah perfect tea time [Laughter] harvest yeah that's pikmin oh pikmin's world [Laughter] i remember oh clear chorus oh isn't the entirety of super mario world in this game i read that somewhere really yeah is that how it goes i'm up here now see you you don't want no we both need to clear this so you don't want to both need to clear yeah you don't want to be i think just one of us needs to have me over homes hurry up man we only have 232 a half seconds [ __ ] [Music] the bullet bill was there what was i supposed to do wait for 200 seconds all right that was fun uh thank you we love you have a wonderful day i love you coson yeah i seru rock on kosan great great job with this kosongotsky good day i hope you're in the mood for raw thrills oh it's about to get wrong because they're waiting for you in the lower left corner just sitting there waiting for you to discover yeah i have fire rothfulls should be starting any time now it's gonna happen i know it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's like wait are you sure you don't want to write different lyrics so they're like no go do it we only have five seconds but just cocaine everywhere record this song we already [Music] [Laughter] welcome to cruise and blast i don't know one of the latest editions of the cruisin series uh of cruise in the world cruising exotica um which by the way my uh long lost favorite pizza hut on route 22 new jersey sadly gone used to have a cruising game as we've showed before and it captured all the excitement and wonder of it editor raw thrills you'd say put that picture up yeah there were those raw thrills i bet it didn't have this song if we make the exhaust blue it'll be more exciting be more wrongly thrilling dang dan we're cruising time to drift oh [ __ ] look at me spin yo this is better than mario kart i don't care what anyone says my dad said this is better than mario kart yeah he was right he uh he made nintendo he he is my father is nintendo invented nintendo 30 years ago when it started in 1991. craig look at that did you see that [ __ ] i saw it that's [ __ ] amazing look at me go i don't have time to be looking at your screen man i'm too busy cruising i'm already wrapped up in my own raw thrills [Laughter] oh my god he's terrifying i'm in number one not for long oh [ __ ] oh yeah dude how did you do that blasted you got an extra blast and it won you the race yeah by 0.6 seconds well and then you said i wasted my weight because i was supposed to you got more money because you had more drift time yeah because i'm [ __ ] awesome i thought you'd get more money for first place nope carnival joyride is all about drifting hong kong 2089 this is where the donuts are [Laughter] they better be on fire no we gotta unlock the fire mode [Music] so how about you get the hell away from me dude i'm [ __ ] blasting right now stopping barbs spinning around and [ __ ] [Laughter] he's into the nose yeah i see it guys now i got a boost and you can't even catch me now is that right try to catch my towel i drove into money yeah i'm still going to get more because i'm a drift master stop spinning ah i'm spinning now oh my god i'm through the pirate ship oh my god i killed that guy yes look at me like your nose right in your butt ah yes and true to four yeah you got more money than me i know second place makes second place is much more lucrative in first place that was just in the gators mouth zebras those are huge oh i got a key what does it matter none of this makes a bit of difference guys holy [ __ ] money i'm just hearing you be like no no no no oh my god a nose in the air that was .01 seconds are you serious that is ridiculous i don't know the game could process that much oh neon upgrades yes please better get ready boy you know it's so funny because like you blast through every wall you can use blast seemingly forever you flip over everything with no consequences it's like why even it's just go as fast as possible oh yeah that's just it i just blew up a cop dude right cruising set a cap i mean please aaron don't get political on me there's there's fault over here no less political game in the world cruising crystal blast i have so much money well then why not save it for the unicorn because the unicorn's probably i can make that money getting the unicorn pick a card damn it i can't seem to move all of a sudden well you're a fool [Music] help did the game freeze what's happening i think the it first i think we gave it first there were too many raw thrills holy [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] wild and buggy what's happening i think we got to restart the game oh crap holy [ __ ] all right this game is crazy yeah it's not going to put them damp on our raw thrills [Applause] guy oh that was the flip of the century oh that i just did dude you went on the top yeah i flipped up there oh my god you [ __ ] incredible now in front yeah [Music] [Laughter] it's like how could you possibly know what place you're in oh my god maybe you still won though god damn uh on account of your early victories let's see let's see we should have exhausted what a tour my hands are hurting yes well done aaron i'm the [ __ ] cruising blaster congratulations you're the you are the speed racer are you not wearing a shirt that's not safe you should be wearing a shirt are you nude i think you're genuine are you thinking are you nude i think you're fully nude except for your helmet no i think i have a tank top on it are you yeah i had no idea really over a jump for a bad trip cruising for a back flip there's a rainbow bridge back flip yes call up your friends and tell them to play this game online with you there's so many more tours oh my god all right well maybe maybe another day what the [ __ ] there's three more levels dude that's a whole nother episode of content holy crap hello and welcome to geoparty what that's such a good joke thank you it's like geoguesser but we're even worse at it um yeah well i just want to say i've probably said geoparty like 40 times okay to the history of this entire show well that's great i wasn't teasing you i was teasing the joke so it's okay i i didn't take offense did you not dude it's definitely not something that i'm gonna say it's okay and then stuff it down and [ __ ] slowly grow hatred for you over the next 30 years dan what you're great you're really change user you have a user now you can be dan oh thank god lay comte de monte cristo un roman passion [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dumbass alexander dumbass i love that boosh i'm about to read it player one great category it's so long why was that 800 a tetralogy scent in the anglais it was written by him i don't know i don't know [Music] tetralogy charles alegaze incorrect allegation you're a gambler aaron i want to take a 50 50 shot at a thousand bucks sadly i mean you would have known that i'll do it [ __ ] what did he guess he guessed mark lawrence right i don't know oh [ __ ] oh thank god you should have guessed paolini i just recognized tolkien but i didn't think for a second that you would know tolkien the mallet seen here is used to play this lawn sport anal ah [ __ ] croak whip no that's a sandwich could i get one crow quit monsieur please a night at the museum mrs doubtfire aladdin let go you [ __ ] guy you i mean these questions are super easy for some reason you don't know that did we play family edition no we played the good editions where we can guess the things that it's not like okay who was the guy who usurped king blue blue in in the year 1330 in uh the dead country of flabba gingo noah beauty and the beast gary potter and the half-blood prince it's harry potter not so cool now eh it's not oh oh oh nice thank god i only know her from harry potter already bull bath never seen the other things harry pooper it doesn't matter really nobody cares about the things that i say hit me with virginia it's my favorite state slavery was introduced into what would become the u.s in this virginia settlement in 1619. it's my favorite thing now not then oh my god geez that might be right yeah that does sound familiar what awful timing in 1861 general mcdowell sent a decoy force and a flanking force towards confederates at the virginia waterway that gave its name to this battle the civil war the civil war was not a battle aaron it was a lot of battles exactly wow good for you yeah way to go charles now you have four hundred dollars stupid [ __ ] [Laughter] i'm winning i never realized his mustache is upside down tom selleck plays new york police commissioner frank regan in this series damn it you don't know this no i don't [ __ ] it's magnum [Laughter] [Laughter] hugh laurie went from playing bertie wooster to playing a cranky doctor with this last name oh [ __ ] whatever home [Laughter] what is house it's what you live in just like live on tv [Laughter] i'm winning yes you are i love it but how much will you wager uh how much money a new car holiday movies i know all of these is possible try to only look at your weight 10 000. try to only look at your wager [ __ ] all that oh my god if you do it you'll win yes do it this christmas classic includes the line i can't fly i haven't got my wings [ __ ] do you know it um [ __ ] i don't know it it's not a christmas story yo [ __ ] yes yeah i don't know never seen either of them did you not no i got the wrong one okay in that case i won by thirty six thousand dollars oh no all of it thirty eight thousand wow i'm gonna jump off a cliff now i'm jewish but i love old movies well wow i did better than charles look how happy the dinosaur is yes well good for you boom boom boom you're smart smart boy the vehicle has a tower ladder a water pressure gauge and a hydrant intake the police car [ __ ] charles charles no oh wow charles you're an idiot you're a freak charles a fire twuck a tonka twuck were you a twuck kid or a twain kid or a queen like dinosaur was this u.s political party held its first statewide meeting in jackson michigan in july 1854. 1854 i'm going to say the republican party the green party the republican party and the democratic party are you a democrat or a republican in michigan it shouldn't surprise you that nasology is the study of this body part nasa space that's exactly what i thought [ __ ] yes yes i'm so [ __ ] awesome i've never seen anyone celebrate the like first question of a column intentionally traditionally biology is divided into two major fields botany and this study of animals animology oh my god entomology what is that a mortal kombat ending move [Laughter] i've never had it before it sounds delicious rockford oh come on [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] you know i could stab you you see you do know the cheesus countries [Laughter] wait a second asiago oh come on just give it to me you [ __ ] i'm gonna s i'm gonna rip your head off and i'm gonna throw it into the street that's right this charlie spent eight seasons on two and a half men before moving on to anger management oops [ __ ] oops got me twitchy [ __ ] you [ __ ] girls charles no oh my god charles you idiot trashing no looks like you're winning no you're not i wish i could take that switch out of the dock and [ __ ] right all over it fill it with liquid [ __ ] oh no god damn it i want the daily double if you bet enough for me to lose that's exactly what i'm doing i hope i do this right it'll be like one dollar off oh i think that was right this word comes from the greek words for light and writing [ __ ] done okay [Music] he got the answer so right good job charles poopography well done i knew you got it right because you didn't go [ __ ] [Music] unfortunately for you i also got it right yay please help me i'm joking can someone do the math at home placements i tried to do it so if aaron got 14 2012 or 212 i'd end up with 14 200 and like 14 or something but i didn't quite daniel you are a [ __ ] that would have been a dick move but i love you i mean it's absolutely what you would have done right i'm not smart enough to have done that it's for the japes you have unlocked a new map whose culture it is for the goofs again it's for the goops it's for the gas i get it hello everybody welcome it's school grumps time baby welcome uh we are here with uh our friend insim uh i am uh otis king with the tiny head uh aaron is grumpo at level one and insim is our buddy uh at level 5781. so we'll be showing him the ropes uh giving him yeah thank you thank you give him some help yeah no no sweat man i mean you you deserve to have a good experience with this game and and we will help yeah it looks pretty cool do you know how to uh do you know how to turn the flashlight on in uh how do you do that i'm asking you because you're uh oh oh oh you press the t key yeah yeah there you go that you're right okay pretty sure you're right all right i figured out how to get out of the menu screen so onwards and upwards grumpo hey oh ready up let's go john martin sick dude we're gonna find john martin okay stinky john that's what i call him that's what his friends and family call him yeah yeah whenever he's haunting a room you can smell his stink okay so am i gonna be in charge of the spirit box like letting you guys know yeah your spirit box boy i did that last time okay john martin john martin john martin stinky john jean-martin i don't think he can hear me he would respond to stinky john stinky john your stuff bouncing bouncing those are just my giant clacking nuts you know what i'm saying i was gonna say those are my nuts oh man we know how to have fun where where where am i ah well this is a disaster don't crap oh [ __ ] oh no oh no okay okay we're good uh um ah [ __ ] jack [ __ ] man he's he's waving oh wow look at him hello uh oh oh there he is uh hello there stinky john put the scythe down stinky john i'm gonna throw a teapot at my friends because i'm dead and yeah this sucks how do i light the sage how do i combine two objects i just threw you guys i'm after them uh you open the crafting menu with c i'm just kidding that's crouching you you sneaky boy oh you played a real prank on me didn't you oh i can hear him okay we gotta turn off well uh oh this is it's disaster oh no oh aaron's getting choked uh-oh oh your head is stuck in the door hey don't make fun of me hey dan what's up oh hey bud dan you look spooky and throw the sea kettle oh were you the one throwing the tea kettle of course i was i think i just heard dan say that the door right there is open and it's not supposed to be open yeah dude damn wow you're so cute bro i've got it under control what can i say that's that's why you're the master uh carol carol carol white aaron don't say it so angrily oh no don't be hallway ghost that's gonna kill everyone carol oh no hallways oh no why um smelly carol poopy butthole never wipes carol i'm getting emf 3 over at this cup haunt this cup you doing laundry over here carol you're a ghost you don't need to do laundry carol did you hunt your stinky cup i think it might be running around here in the hallway oh wait this door is also open you're stinky forever what there's another door open do you think one of these is carol stinky carroll stinky carol carol sneaky carol you taking a shower stinky carol trying to get the stink off is it bad oh is it good uh i think we should go in the attic in the attic real quick in the attic it's going crazy it's good things are going crazy things are oh no oh come on man son of a [ __ ] oh we got dan i mean carol got dan oh oh carol oh no oh no this is another like i think crazy ghost he's doing the chicken dance i think this might be another deal and like legit because that was an early hunt again it hunted for a way absolutely and he's doing it mighty fine oh she's going after oh oh oh aaron look out oh no aaron damn stinky carol wow she went up never mind nope she's choking him okay so we all dropped 15 from dying oh no he i think what's happening it's not a demon i don't know i think so we might just be uh we we should probably go to like a little lower difficulty i think because i don't think this is real all right i'm gonna run i'm i'm i'm escaping i'm i'm i'm living hey aaron what's up what's up man man we sure are good at getting our necks broken dude you know what i've been having a great time carol i can smell her sting from a mile away hey it's a pisser this is where stinky helen would be okay full confession insane so we can catch the ghost you can plant it anywhere oh let's do it right here in the corner and i don't i don't know what i'm doing oh it's the dot machine that is the the xbox nice bomb has been planted right i'm gonna hack you to the mainframe with the with the box with the spirit pops you look crazy you look like neo dude where are you helen do you stink where are you helen are you in the garbage are you a naughty trash ghost oh i was so hoping to see fingerprints there helen do you eat poop do you eat poop from the trash helen helen talk to us man i am getting rid of all over the place right now these are your relatives do you poop in the trash i don't know if anyone touched that door that would have been such a good sign like it might actually be hallway on asylum oh this is a nightmare helen your granddaughter wants to know because she never got to meet you are you a trash pooper do you poop in the trash helen [Music] show yourself stinky deuce for everyone to smell helen helen helen give us a sign explain yourself whoa did you hear that yes uh helen give us a sign holy crap helen you are a baritone just doing something to make something happen i i think there is no ghost here i think that was just like through the intercoms the janitor wants us to leave i think what oh yeah do you think so that's a very positive spin yeah i think so i think we gotta run do you want us to leave helen walk through the dots okay uh let's go let's leave helen i won't die i think we should go i think we should get out of here well we're gonna go in tanglewood it's small map and i'll start by giving a little course of some hiding spots and then we'll just beat the heck out of this ghost we will win and we'll all survive no one will die mark my words and we're gonna do it does it matter that i've had a hundred percent uh death rate while we've played this game together uh that does not matter no one knows that that just means you know what not to do exactly if you learn from every mistake you'll be a master by the end of this i knock down my tower all right well if you press spacebar and then click the ready up button we can get in the game let's go catch some ghosts baby we're going we're doing it you see this these what is what does that look like you see on the door right there oh yeah it's a handprint fingerprints we are it's pretty cold in here it's like minus 10 degrees we're not dressed for the occasion but we also had some orbs does that mean does that mean we have a han too a hand too yes we do have a haunted now oh my god uh we could go to the truck and check some objectives maybe we can get some extra cash before we leave this ghost in the dust that hand too is gonna haunt you you know what i'm saying exactly going to the truck is my favorite thing anyone want to use some sage on this ghost we we have to smudge it we gotta do some smudge stick action yeah exactly here these are the smudge sticks you can grab the lighter and then one of the smudge sticks and then we'll go in there smudges blazing what would we be seeing uh well the ghost actually hates it when you do this he's he gets like real quiet however if we wait a little too long he'll come back and then we are definitely going to die so i think that this would be right about the time where we leave say no more oh wow he got real angry yeah he did not look but maybe next time the ghost will be we'll stand the chance but this time we absolutely destroyed it we reigned supreme my sanity is [ __ ] we did it first try they lived welcome back [ __ ] yeah that's 180 bucks right there oh baby and all that and all it cost me was 58 of my sanity i can pay two days worth of rent with that i don't like that my name is info well we are not done here uh i think we have another location we should check out it is called grafton farmhouse are we on professional difficulty yeah because we're professionals right yeah oh yeah yeah absolutely absolutely let's go all right then if you press uh the ready up button i know dude i'm a professional when we die we are going to run into the same area that we did last time wait what now oh mark garcia mf3 e there are four tubes of caulk here right in this book can you hear me i'm out draw a picture i can hear you whoa oh oh that's the ghost right there oh god can you hear me i can yes okay well i think we're fine oh okay oh god we're so gonna die wait picture of the ghost is actually an objective oh no this is my whole move just hanging out and watching it through the window i think he's dead let's get the [ __ ] out of here cool oh god did you put in gin in your journal i did did you i did oh oh he's dead oh he's dead oh my god oh no that's not good okay let's go how old are you oh no he's not dead he's that two he he's not dead oh oh how old are you that's a level 10 he's dead oh okay that's zero oh no two it's him what's up man yeah holy crap you must be insane that was not a good idea and i think we should i you guys should stop me and close this door before i do anything crazy thank you oh boy this guy right here what a card oh dad jerry garcia perfect 195 hey there that's good money i i got 165 what what money are you squandering laundering over here you forgot to fill in the ghost instant i know you almost died but i got 135 dollars so all's well that ends well am i right look at the crucifix you see what happened look she broke it oh my god she's a smoker donna moore are you cool donna moore give me a kiss or two what what are some of your favorite bands she said she's close give us a second do you like imagine dragons hello it's it's just oh there she is oh it's here oh she's beautiful let's let's go that was cool what scary-ass game [Laughter] hey what's up damn that's not good he's stuck with his head in the wall are you okay what's happening he died he's he's aaron died yes wait are you sure [Laughter] why are you laughing this is very serious i think he can survive this he sure he looks pretty dead to me i could take a few laundry rooms once i i think you should i think it would be a shame if you didn't you want to come in with me or do you want to leave you're out your damn mind son no don't don't show them my body it's embarrassing this is the worst idea i'm doing it this ghost is crazy you bastard cool [Laughter] my feet look great [Laughter] that is a great picture that's beautiful indeed these [ __ ] just left me for dead if you clicked on the spirit in your book then we are good to go you're gonna get some extra money for that perfect all right let's go well a friend died but whatever yeah we're fine it happens part of the job he knew the risk welcome back you won't believe what happened you guys oh we saw it you got your face mashed into the wall in the laundry room that was amazing all right [ __ ] [ __ ] welcome to cool wow congratulations on working that angle uh hello yes we were recently told that we could say [ __ ] and [ __ ] uh in the first minute of episodes and not get uh demonetization hey um as long as it's part of a joke is that it i guess that was a joke yeah cause you know of course it was a joke in the loose sense of the term you're really calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] well welcome to employee of the month uh one of the halloween games that we'll be playing for ghoul grumps yeah i don't know anything about this i don't either really yeah i just know that it's spooky scary well let's play let's start it then and see what happens that's certainly a spooky font oh it's making me feel scared some things are capitalized [Music] oh there's always oh that's a nice spinning hit is this a new game yeah hey something's come up would you mind taking the late shift tonight what the hell boy they hired only the best i knew i could count on you to pull true come by around 11. i'll meet you out front their best kermit impression yeah i love it let's put them over in the car actually maybe they do also uh something something something something something something something the hell was that i don't know there was a thing uh oh that's not good oh that's uh let's put coming up right right over there is that coming up ah [ __ ] dude oh oh that was me yeah maybe i should go back to oh what am i supposed to do maybe maybe they're not visible in real life maybe you can only see them on the tvs where is it going now i'm at my [ __ ] limit did you see that it says that in the background does it yeah 2032. all right so okay he's right in front of the he's walking over there what is 20 32 what is that it's uh 11 years in the future that's when we all grow wings don't get me excited about i'm wrong i wish i don't get any wings you know damn well we're not getting wet delicious chicken wings a map i don't see no map i don't want the milk is there a map did he tell me where there's a map mommy mappy mommy big mommy mappers big [ __ ] broom mommy moppers restock empty milk fridge got it take trash from front door to dumpster what oh oh that's uh what yeah it's a door to a parallel universe are you [ __ ] serious i guess that's what the oh by the way was um oh restock the fridge or not yeah yeah oh oh oh it's getting weird actually i'm out here starting to get weird where the [ __ ] is the dumpster yeah um where the [ __ ] is a dumpster he told us is this it that looks dumpstery no that's a sign oh yep there it is oh cool okay nice okay oops had myself a little spell [Laughter] sorry boss just having one of my turns um i'm getting the vapors i don't want to do this anymore okay oh oh oh no oh there's the monster is it eating people um sir i feel like you're jumping to conclusions uh i don't just doing some mundane tasks i don't want to go uh oh oh oh i'm in i'm in i'm look i know this is short notice especially for your first day but we really need someone for the late jeff uh this already happened go to the hospital unexpectedly um i can't stick around because i got dinner plans um [Music] oh jesus we're all right everything's good uh what's happening yeah okay answer the zig tag phone aaron let's go gotta find the barrier for this man to start it's off so peacefully yeah oh yeah love to what's up let's do it let's restock that toilet paper oh there he is i can see him now yeah that's good that's super uh let's get some toilet paper super ding dang duper scooby doo doop that's where he was oh yep he's right there okay yeah all right yeah you do have to do all your tasks without getting caught by him that's fine that's fine oh [ __ ] he chase of course he chase all he do is chased clean up the spell uh the dvds are in the [ __ ] other room you are a great employee thank you i do have to say i like to do my job what the [ __ ] was that was that a person oh yes go away get away from him just get it answer the phone i don't like that don't go through it hello [Music] am i safe in here i don't know oh davey always dying on the job god [ __ ] hate time loop [ __ ] oh oh okay okay into the warehouse there's the note okay got it all right restock empty milk fridge oh what could go wrong gonna restock the empty milk fridge please don't please don't please don't please don't whoa opening up the door there's like the empty yeah it's great it's so funny and take the trash or the front door to the dumpster oh the guy i forgot you're going outside right now yeah save your runnies yep okay go go go uh-huh man i hate it when the [ __ ] spirits of the night oh [ __ ] mess up with my ability to take the trash out to the dumpster bro flashlight okay is this the makers of the game having a grand old time um yeah i think that's what's happening all right check that uh oh wait for the full game release what there's a demo [Laughter] oh they're merry pranksters these merry pranksters oh good job crayon in cuba i like it yeah well we got to play the full version now when it comes out i'm i'm very interested oh jeez oh scared oh my god crayon played the form of the shop items i don't want to do this anymore can we just cancel gold grumps nope all right hey everybody welcome back to ghoul grumps well uh okay so it's five nights at freddy's uh the hot new game that everyone's playing yeah from 2014. um i never played this uh whenever it was played on the show it was always you and susie and barry and um i never uh i never got the opportunity because i [ __ ] hate [ __ ] like this yeah um but um i guess we're gonna do it now and uh it's gonna be exactly as awful as it would have been uh in 2014. yeah oh you're gonna love it great so there's a reason this game is legendary okay this sucks room or i love that this horrible new experience for me is like a fun trip down memory lane for everyone else ah this is great this is like the same principle as night trap yeah yeah you just gotta just gotta make sure so yeah so you're on the bottom middle so if you see anything that's close to you you probably wanna close up your doors okay but closing the doors takes a lot of power so am i using a lot of power to uh look at the camera we're using a little bit of power to look at the cameras yeah so i just sit here and twiddle my thumbs and then hope for the best check the lights flick them on and off real quick see if there's anything there you know check that side no nothing wow what an incredibly helpless feeling you're i mean you're basically safe like really yeah you don't have anything to worry about shut up aaron i can tell your fake ass voice okay he's still there i don't think freddie's out yeah check it check the light oh yeah you wanna oh oh what what can i not uh maybe maybe [ __ ] that [ __ ] no my god wow that's horrible i guess you weren't checking the right side aaron yeah you sack of [ __ ] i didn't make the game oh oh that's that's awful that's the game yeah man doing great man feeling great yeah you're really uh you you're getting more into it and i appreciate that i don't want to talk right now that's fine there's a large number of mechanical animals ever working their way towards me and my death i mean really puts a cap on the idle chitchat you want to make [Laughter] [ __ ] man you're just leaning in there looking at me with this nasty [ __ ] rabbit face like the goddamn bunny from daddy darko that's why you gotta hit the light the light is considered its own room oh was he the one that was in the west hall uh could have been i think so boy you're really uh yeah uh wouldn't you you're not the oh there you go hey you made your first night all right congratulations great success will i get a second call from that guy wasn't that fun i loved it oh this [ __ ] sucks dude sounds like you walked away oh [ __ ] god damn it man anyway wow [Music] oh good i was hoping to see your special face oh neat they all look so cute wow they're very they're very walking bunnies all the way over there so you're safe you close you can open the door now okay [Music] chica i'm begging you you'll hear her move when she moves oh really because she's so close oh it's only 4am as far as i know where did wolfy guy come from i can hear i can hear aly laughing in the other room this is one of the worst experiences of my life i mean it's terrible it's so it's like everything i hate welcome to guest groups everybody ha ha we've got the wonderful jaden with us hello hello jaden hi hey jaden animations she's got an amazing channel that's a thousand times more popular and cool than our channel trail thank you so go check that out but the reason that jaden's on here aside from that she's amazing is that we're going on tour we're doing a show called scribble showdown it's an interactive show it's a drawing game show we got we got jaden on the show as well as me we got odd ones out uh rubber ross and domix are all on the show and it's amazing show we're coming to your city so go to and check it out get tickets it's gonna be great oh yeah yeah and also another good thing is we're playing wheel of fortune and odds went out i i can't say the name odd ones god one james james yeah i should have just said james uh james is uh he was just on our show and played wheel of fortune so now we will actually be hitting jaden and james wheel of fortune skills against each other so they can talk [ __ ] on tour well didn't you say he was really bad we no he did not say that about james crazy james we didn't please don't clip this and tweet it i mean good luck and fun totally just changed to the one of four people oh he's asian nice he sure is that's like me wait why is he not oh you have to like select it i forgot that b is a in everything else oh welcome to my nightmare that's that dan is famous on the show for going back in all yeah this one all forms i i we played uh i believe um 40 hours of super mario rpg on the show and i never mastered the menu screen go ahead and hit that right button yeah okay all right we're doing it um oh yes risk free trial offer oh i thought it was rick free and i was like who the [ __ ] is rick why wouldn't you want rick involved why is he making me offers boom wow all right so that's a thousand dollars for aaron yeah aaron crushes at this game and uh i've never heard that sentence in my entire life well if you were my therapist you'd hear it all the time i've never heard this sentence in my entire life either make a groove soy what does soy mean in spanish r i don't know i feel like it's usually followed by a question mark yo [ __ ] it wasn't have a great day something right i can i i know it i know it do you yeah hold on just go what's up right now this goes much slower than i thought it did yeah the cursor's a little slow i wish it were faster they need to release a patch or something no no no no have a group of day why is it wait you so you're that's what i just said what you put in have a great joy nice all right looks like i'm taking it all right well now aaron can just kind of it did you just spell it wrong did i did i spell have a great day i wrote soy did i you struggled so i thought i thought we were a meme oh you're doing a film wow i didn't you were thinking of the word yeah i wasn't even paying attention to my screen my eyes didn't even see what i was doing no you don't have a great soy that's insane hopefully when hopefully someone will just watch that in the compilation while the volume's down and just see aaron in the corner yeah just so everyone knows the backstreet boy that's playing right now is dan yeah and then with the name and then the asian guy is jaden and then i'm the cute little girl with the the tank or the hoodie tank it's a hoodie it's the complete opposite of but he is a tank [ __ ] i don't know what the hell well it's all you dan all right well let's see let's see if i lose how about you lose a turn and then tell me exactly sounds great oh no he's gonna get a license oh i'm getting noodles baby that's what i'm talking about uh it's network oh doesn't that make sense but like yeah i couldn't put it together noodle what does that mean it i don't know i don't know you know what i just realized they never have explained that to us we we get the noodle all the time it's just the price i think it adds to your final cash value when you win like three dollars yeah 290 cents one extra top ramen well yeah thank you oh god yeah congratulations thank you you're amazing it's all right well he he's like walking up to you yeah he stands a little too close he's a close talker hey no don't tell me it's farm oh yeah it is oh yeah farm to table what i didn't know oh my god this is great oh no but i might risk the bankrupt all right i'll go with that but you you'll go for it because you're a gambler i actually know it do it do it there's a chance you could go do it your candy ass no oh i'll kill everyone in this building i don't know what that farm left yes s is online why don't you ask jess yeah created it oh [ __ ] that just made sense i don't know it still cuisine was like farm to table cosign i hate math oh wait i should have solved oh yeah wait how you can go for the c yeah wait would this just get me more money oh yes okay cool that was close that is the risk that we take in this this world all right so you're gonna solve it now yo solve contestants you want to pay for the year can she do it i think i'm gonna pass done yes way to go i can't believe it was farm in the lead by a hundred dollars you're actually fine this is the lowest scoring game of wheel of fortune i've ever seen it feels earned is this a real video yeah i stay at circus circus you'll be losing all your money and contracting an std at jersey boys jersey boys fried craze christmas fried christ is not i know triscuits uh what the [ __ ] though the [ __ ] yeah that's that's a weird brisket no is that how you spell it yeah oh i thought i had a q in it can you imagine they just have a typo on wheel of fortune oh there would be letters they would be receiving a strong word the final spin already i'll make sure i get the lowest amount for all of you and cut it out of the show three and four at five minutes is it eight thousand dollars for one million dollars oh i know it do you i do oh my god oh no oh [ __ ] oh i know it damn yeah i shouldn't have said i know it then you would have thought it was impossible and skipped that's so true [Music] you're so right about that yeah it's okay me and my big [ __ ] mouse yeah because i mean how many people could have two ends in the center of their name like that i was like nick cannon yes son of a [ __ ] you won right at the end shut up well dan said he knew it and then i was like [ __ ] that guy and then i answered i was like if he knows it yeah then i know it dang and he's an idiot [Music] cairo egypt are you serious really holy [ __ ] have you gotten this before pretty sure you were gonna get that one oh my god god you're a genius hell yeah hold on we'll help you solve it so get ready to solve i don't need the letters cairo egypt hell yeah what the [ __ ] whoa damn dude 34 dollars dude you could pay rent for a month hell yeah dude i could have a one bedroom apartment in los angeles oh hell yeah two days yeah exactly awesome for eight hours yeah you know what two thousand dollars is a lot of money oh we were killing it for a while i don't think i was do you realize how much gum that can buy you you're right you got cuisine you got farm to table true you got that was the same puzzle erin shut up damn well you got farm and table what was the first one you got that was amazing it was the one of the buzzing ones no yeah you did i i wrote day wrong i said that was pretty cool that was yeah oh yeah i really thought we were bitten have a nice toy we were bitten okay oh man i'm embarrassed about that you can check us both out on tour scroll go check out our show it's great it's coming to a city near you or your city depending on if you live in the city oh yeah or near one or you can go to the city yeah or yeah you could travel from another like a town to the city well you think you're too good to go to the city [ __ ] you sorry i'm sorry cut that part out bye everyone bye bye-bye don't forget to grab your scribble showdown tickets [Music]
Channel: GameGrumps Compilations
Views: 554,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, Best of Game Grumps, Game Grumps compilation, Game Grumps compilations, Funny, Gaming, Lets play, Danny, Arin, Egoraptor, Dan Avidan, Arin Hanson, Grumps
Id: mS1tzv_rJYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 507min 50sec (30470 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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