Best of Game Grumps: Monopoly Plus - 10 MATCHES

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[Music] aaron has challenged me too oh they don't have a little man on the horse i'll be the battleship what they've got the man on the horse don't they [ __ ] garbage oh they don't maybe you gotta unlock it oh sick garbo i gotta be a rabbit honestly okay nope okay uh and then select and then you can be i'll be the pooch the pooch yeah there we go little turrier boom and that is all [ __ ] everyone else because it's my birthday and i want to play monopoly with aaron and i better win i want a cake filled with semen and if i don't get it oh my god i'm gonna be living roll a die yeah ooh that's 11. oh that's one pass jail that's good yeah oh look at my little puppy butt look at my puppy butt i love it all right st charles all right i will purchase it you're gonna buy it uh yes please all right stinky dinky dinky terrier power mother father pray for me pray for me mother brother brother sister brother brother sister sister brother sister it was a large litter [Laughter] i'm going nine baby damn man you were flying around i know man i got my little [ __ ] fire extinguisher new york avenue is that good it's not a very commonly landed on spot but you know what i'm going to do it okay i'm going to buy it for 200 mundos monopoly months ooh doubles again [ __ ] yeah just crazy dude goddamn go look at me giggity go you got a blue one dude i'm buying pro well that's light blue man oh i'm sorry oriental avenue that's not kosher anymore boom done 100 big ones two buying land this game feels good because buying land is the best investment that you can make wow good call they're not making any more of it and everybody wants it wow aaron well said hey man stop doubles again rolling doubles if i roll three doubles i go straight to jail is that right that's the rule continue rolling doubles that's brown damn buy it looking for a buyer let's do it oh man that's the poor side of town yeah oh but whatever it's not looking so nice there i got i got terrier i i got terrier power we'll gentrify the [ __ ] out of that you're nice you're nice rich dog gonna turn it into a hotel spot oh damn it i'm not out of muns technically okay i've got i've got i've got solid assets oh i landed on your thing you owe me six bucks no [Music] that's gotta hurt it doesn't now oh it's the price of a bagel not in monopoly world we have two potential monopolies right now you better start making offers i want that sweet money dude okay uh oh i think i landed on your prop um you did see if you had a monopoly on this on this spot right now yeah wow i would be owing you 20 bucks i don't have any gosh dang cash i'm not liquid i'm not the t-1000 i'm [ __ ] the t i'm the tx which is the one from terminator 3. oh that was terrible which is terrible the half liquid half solid [ __ ] hate that movie roll the dice it's not that bad it's very bad it's not that bad it it's a great action film i like how the nuclear explosion happens even though like the entire point of the second movie was to avoid that it was it's only been postponed by it yeah all that no fate but what you make [ __ ] is just like yeah [ __ ] that yeah well that's just how it works you want to trade me you want to maybe buy baltic from me i'll buy the uh magenta one from you yeah how much let me see how much how much does it say it's worth uh let's find out you want the magenta one so it's worth the round house prices mortgage is 70 140 about i'll give you 150 kick up a cool 10 uh dude get yourself a nice sandwich to get a monopoly i don't think so how about uh how about 175 no how about 180 no 185 no 186 no 184 what hey we're negotiating here i'll take it i'll give it to you for 500. oh my god you're out of your mind 182. 500 um no that's too high man um all right well you're not going to be saying that once you're uh 400 400 yeah um that's no okay dang it oh that's the property i own yes it is 12 bucks to me ah wow should have paid me 500 would have been yours you want to think about that you want to maybe offer me 500 450 450 that's fair that's more than fair [Music] nah 500. all right wow all right we roll on why must we dance this dance because i want to make it the most expensive for you oh okay so you'll buy it for 160 is what you're saying yes all right fine i will make sure that it gets to one side okay it's 160. okay all right i'm gonna withdraw cool uh so it's yours hooray thank you aaron nice that was a good productive turn yes i know it's great thanks for stealing the property that i was gonna buy but i can't afford because i had to pay my way out of jail and you wouldn't buy 500 property off of me [Music] that's how you're looking at it yes you're the one who refused to sell your 450 dollar property to me this is for 500 worth more now [Laughter] look whose luck is turning around oh man deal oh we made a deal aaron do you accept i do i accept exchange accepted diseased hands shake this is uh i can construct houses in hotels um community chess guys [Music] love it great chest everybody thank you yeah sorry bud that's all right it happens well it's good it's kind of good at this phase in the game and no it's not no it's not it's good later when there's houses all over the place yeah exactly that's good uh four you're going to jail what the [ __ ] i'm in jail are you [ __ ] let's party in our jail together [ __ ] me right now we're going to jail and weather this sucks thank you kanye very cool thank you kanye 16 very cool thank you dice very cool very cool oh oh come on that was so close all right [ __ ] no no no yay no all right neat ah [ __ ] tits excellent 60 bucks it's a [ __ ] rip-off it's a goddamn shitty apartment with an awning it's got a park that's kind of nice yeah it's got a bench okay time to play there you go i love that they programmed that in wow dude that was some [ __ ] toca coca dude i don't know what that means equivalent exchange although you still went you're up ten dollars from that exchange oh my god that was so close at least you own it could have had a monopoly that's my favorite kind of relationship wait a monopoly yeah like one and many yes that means i've got a mane and a side piece all right let's roll all right oh that's 50 bucks you don't have yes it is uh trade with other players scroll through your properties use the map ah [ __ ] me well i can i'll buy baltic off of you for foreign what color is that brown one um does that give you a monopoly on those spaces it does yes uh absolutely not okay it's the lowest quality space uh 300 is a [ __ ] steal i i'll give you 300. about the blue one what the dark blue one you want you want you want to sell the dark blue spot to me yeah what what what property is that i believe it's park place park place why not park place then it's boardwalk what is it what is it worth that's that's an expensive one what is it worth i don't want it oh okay well how about we compromise uh-huh and do the orange one because that'll put you one away from a monopoly orange one is worth 200. 70 aims this place no it's worth 180. so i'll give you 200 for it [Music] it's more than what it's worth 250 i'll do 250. all right yeah let's do it you got me over a barrel here aaron two houses galore you sure you don't want to buy another one someday i will strangle you nah better hold on but you're feeling it right like you would have paid for that one you would have bought that one i don't know i'm just trying to make you feel better about it i [ __ ] up it's okay okay we'll always be friends until we're not baby it's gonna be a sad day oh we're not friends anymore they will never happen oh damn i feel the same way i [ __ ] adore you dan i'll adore you oh my god yes all right can i afford it oh [ __ ] my love is oh [ __ ] not good oh [ __ ] no oh boy oh but i can afford it over you so it's actually going to be cheaper for me i've totally [ __ ] myself getting tenso oh eight that's not what i wanted i do not want to be rolling extra [ __ ] right now okay vermont that's yours all right [Music] looks like you owe me 24 bucks god damn it 28 dollars too much investors now oh [ __ ] me all right all right next time on game grumps god damn it oh i can't handle this i can handle it how do you do that four what yay are you [ __ ] kidding me that's the weaker one of the two oh boy that's a lot of money though is it 180 at this stage in the game it's [ __ ] a lot ah now i can't buy any houses i own this property suck dick i can't do anything i don't have any money to buy things god this reminds me of [ __ ] moving to california for the first time i know losing it monopoly is so much like life it's amazing i just [ __ ] like all i can buy is eggo waffles and white rice and make the world's shittiest sushi jesus oh my god ego sushi that's a great idea i don't know if it's good put some maple syrup on it [ __ ] that's another community chest please be a good one you [ __ ] lose hundred dollars i know right you are absolutely commander repairs forty dollars per hour oh i just got [ __ ] dude community hundred and twenty dollars community chess just [ __ ] me yikes dude [Laughter] that's the kind of rage that would happen if like your wife cheated on you or something oh it's over it's out oh my community chest with you oh you gained eight million dollars for no reason get out of jail free yeah perfect that's awesome oh god boy uh is that oh i don't know what is that oh i think it's you oh goodness that's you oh goodness me oh no oh no ray see you [ __ ] yeah that like wins the game for you i hope you don't have any money i don't [Music] god damn it all right um [Music] i'm gonna sell the house i want to sell the house i like the house mortgage some properties nobody lands on these mortgage the [ __ ] out of this yes how much do i need now how much did i need 450 i think 450. all right how much was this one 50 bucks yes god monopoly is horrible like nobody feels good playing this game damn oh all right there you go you [ __ ] slumlord jesus wow 523 now you can hotel all of them you're [ __ ] gonna run me out of house and home here i got two dollars time to play sitting on baltic a crack roll that roll them dice baby yeah all right so you want i guess i'll let you roll first yeah yeah yeah i'm just a little salty that's why i'm [ __ ] rapidly hitting i completely understand at this game i i have been extremely pissed off yay oh my gosh i'm making money five times this game oh thank goodness i have something all right i'm gonna have something buy a property all right uh i'm gonna go to hotel where you're gonna get the leftmost one this one yes wow look at that it's gorgeous now that's something else it's everything i dream just generating cash uh oh you're going to jail dude god [ __ ] well that's fine i guess but that puts me right in front of your [ __ ] properties and i don't go to go i haven't gone to go in like a year this sucks [ __ ] this stupid game and stupid monopoly sucks my ass spray that [ __ ] on you and suffocate you all right i'll roll wait what that's a four yay oh joy i mean i have more than seven hundred fifty dollars in assets oh dude nine hundred dollars investors never give up let's do it um that's it for me man papa don't preach that's it for me man that's all what no the [ __ ] end what does it end is there an end button okay oh yep oh oh no yeah oh lightning bolt through the house dude you won i won that's awesome oh my god i am the winner you had such low hopes for yourself i did well i thought it was f'd but then uh i gave you do you know what it was you gave me the magenta i'll give you a magenta yeah and i gave you a great deal on it you did you gave me a really great deal it was a fantastic deal so don't ever say that you didn't go to the top from on your own you use friends and your connections to the underworld because i screw over those exact same friends and connections there you go wow that's what monopoly is man that's that is the allegory for the business world in the end there's only one winner and he is an [ __ ] but let me tell you how this story ends i set you up with a beautiful house in the countryside and you suck my dick every night really you would do that [Laughter] wow that's really cool hello it's [ __ ] it's monopoly baby it's the rematch you're son of a dancer it's the mother effin rematch everybody loved the first monopoly yeah play through that we did everybody [ __ ] loved it yes they did and we loved it so we were like well let's just make everybody happy well that last playthrough had a little bit of everything you know it had the monopoly like back and forth where we both thought we were screwed at different times and we were both getting frustrated yeah um because monopoly as i was telling you off camera um i mean you've known me for a long time i'm not the most competitive guy in the world right um but monopoly brings it out of me as it brings it out of everybody because we've all played monopoly so many times and it's so obvious when you're blowing it and getting screwed like way in advance yeah you can see your doom so like it's extra frustrating when things go wrong because you're like ugh not only does this suck now but it's gonna suck so much for the next hour uh all right oh yeah my friend told me that joke mariah she was like why don't why don't you ever fight a dinosaur because you'll get jurassic [Music] that's a good one i like it i like it no aaron you already gave me the shitty roll sorry oh i'll see you in hell oh whatever oh [ __ ] aaron what it's random this game's oh like i told the game to roll you off this game's [ __ ] jesus i'm already 200 in the [ __ ] hole all right i'm sorry is my is my is he smoking a hookah that rabbit is the hell is that he is like it's like he got dipped in bronze at exactly the worst time [Laughter] so i'm in jail are you well you're just visiting i hate you what no no no you're not in jail oh you're on st charles oh i'll purchase it it's the number one place to go if you want a place that's called st charles you want to buy it yes if you if you desire sainthood and your name is chuck chuck yeah chuck is short for charles no did you not know that no i didn't okay okay [Applause] just don't okay don't oh man you're you're just eating up those properties lexington avenue lexington yeah it's where everyone gets swole as [ __ ] look at you you've got a construction site if somebody stays there they're gonna have to endure some hammering well just like anyone who stays at my place you cannot monopolize the railroader so you're not going to buy it right i'm going to buy it so i can just hit auction baby oh man look at you you're like out of money at this point i know because of that damned income tax roll that you gave me at the beginning well yeah but i also spent 200 so i should scissor kick you why are the dice yellow all of a sudden because it's a double roll and if you get one more double after that you go to jail two dollars please [ __ ] fork it over [ __ ] god so stupid i'm gonna clench you between my buttocks and break your spine okay you ate my [ __ ] schnitzel uh with tron yay congratulations thank you i will see you in a moment when i have to put my [ __ ] up for auction oh here we go rolling i'm rolling yeah [Laughter] that sucks yeah we're doing that again oh well hit me with a good one specific yeah well take my 26 bucks that's like a third of what i have left okay okay okay all right let's do it you want you want me to give you a [ __ ] like rocket throw give me give me the hard spin yeah wow that was underwhelming i told you luxury tax oh look at you suck dick out mr [ __ ] throw the dice like crazy oh i made it by one dollar oh my god oh thank god for that consulting fee and then you're oh jeez well there it goes it's gonna knock you over oh damn oh i think that's you on luxury tax what no no amazing [ __ ] holding the button and rolling wow sucks trade with other players oh wow good thing i had that one dollar well you don't have any money so how am i going to trade with you well let's see let's go to the trading board and see what happens you got to find a way to make money to pay your debt and sell what the [ __ ] am i going to sell [ __ ] okay so i'm blue mm-hmm [Laughter] do you want to look at this off uh yeah next time again yeah yeah i've decided okay cool time to play all right i did a soft roll thank you six okay thank you get me past income tax that's all i [ __ ] care about no it's income tax i hate you aaron my god back down to one dollar i don't want [ __ ] there needs to be an economy in the game for us to [ __ ] even play i need this like i want you to have money i need to stamp your face out i don't want you to not have money that nothing happens say did [Laughter] oh come on god that is amazing oh jeez oh thank goodness wow all right let's get this party moving i think that's it's one of the greens oh it's on oh god it's yours oh no it's communicating oh my gosh please don't don't make me lose money no you don't have anything okay that's fine that's fine sorry i yelled like that all right [Laughter] oh god it is now [Music] no there's nothing this game we're playing with [ __ ] dog food on this game i [ __ ] hate monopoly we're never playing this again oh you've lost a hundred dollars advance to illinois it's right [ __ ] there thank you being on this board has been a nightmare that i can't wake up from i mean you're very right but i'm much better off in jail it's also not a good position to be in at this point in the game i know i know go to jail join me no oh no we suck everything sucks we have gotten like the worst next time on game grubs okay we're both in jail [ __ ] my god i i think getting screwed is part of the fun of monopoly ah the four yeah oh yes i have such good luck with forrest let's see what happens good luck i've been elected chairman of the board here's fifty dollars jesus christ yeah this game is just like it really has well aren't you glad because if that happened you would have to mortgage a property i agree i agree everything's great you're [ __ ] welcome dan i said thank you did i not say thank you i might not have said that well i said you're welcome because you said thank you i thought i said thank you well if you did or did not it doesn't matter i can't afford this well isn't that something i'm gonna roll a three two dollars please i'm gonna use this to put into my piggy bank plink plink oh my god all right time to play oh i'm in jail what no no no no no no i pay you more more incremental cash damn it damn it damn it oh for [ __ ] says i was going to put a down payment on the house with that oh my god aaron [ __ ] sucks here it comes aaron roll it roll a tizzle roll a tizzy baby oh it's skimmed as like a five my god that [ __ ] was [ __ ] all right cool hey railroad please don't roll uh two i thought it was my turn but i forgot you rolled the double did i buy my last property back i did yeah you're you're we're we're all square again oh okay cool well then that's good yeah what's three what god [ __ ] are you kidding me god damn it what the lord giveth and the lord taketh away you're gonna get it for 40 bucks i hate my [ __ ] life monopoly you suck all the goddamn dicks the rules yeah it sure does oh man okay hey oh all right yes you dude you're [ __ ] like bleeding 18 more dollars for padre [Laughter] oh my god you can win an auction by one dollar give me a three you want me to give you three out of four or else i'll murder your whole family oh my god aaron you are so dead to me as a human being why is four always your bad number nightmare fours and treasure chests every time you've rolled a four it's been a nightmare yeah i'm gonna see them in my dreams at least i've gotta get out of jail free card oh no god help me oh god no oh god no oh god no no it's like a hell on earth for you oh god oh [ __ ] oh i hate community chess that sucks i'm just gonna hang in the [ __ ] jail for a while yeah yeah that's fair that's fair please not two or three please not two or three please no two or three there's no way please not two or three okay yeah that's god mocking me it's like you know i control your fate right i can do this any time i want please not two or three huh consider yourself blessed right now roll me and eight aaron eight rule meaning we go there it is eight time hey [ __ ] because for a second in my mind i was like oh it's an 8. oh you go oh no oh no is that jail yeah it's jail it's jail okay that's uh what is that no you've threaded the needle okay yikes oh no no you landed on it oh you [ __ ] landed on exactly that on okay so i owe you an extra 60 bucks okay oh my god aaron it's amazing all right that is kind of amazing okay oh [ __ ] oh community chess oh no they're good for you you have good luck with those yeah you say that and this is gonna be the house to happen i one feel it it's your birthday there you go ten dollars ten dollars for you thanks buddy from me oh it's my pleasure [Laughter] no thank you thank you for the opportunity to give you 12. oh my god what i threaded it holy [ __ ] oh god no but it's a come out no anything but not like this oh whoa dude thank you god holy [ __ ] face to monopoly god i'm so happy he's like you see uh i can giveth and i can take it away and i can rub it your nose in my taint [Laughter] oh my god a good community chest oh look at that could have been mine but aaron if you have control of the magentas and the oranges then i'm gonna be at the [ __ ] jail spot and be like okay i just can't roll a two a three a five a seven an eight or a nine that's hell i'm gonna try to roll you a three buddy thanks pal that's a three [ __ ] oh that was beautiful that's not good [Laughter] oh yeah all purges are you sure i have to all right here we go see you in hell mofo starts now oh god oh my god are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my god please no oh i thought it was mediterranean no no no oh god no oh my god wow it's like all coming back turned around and it's all it's all ugh karma i wish you luck oh god no no doubles i want to stop rolling please oh oh oh four oh oh [ __ ] man it's sure oh it's yours oh it's mine [ __ ] st charles for [ __ ] sake saint charles that's like your crack safe house jesus cops will never find me here all right good luck [ __ ] i want to trade no i'm never trading with you but why because because i'm in good shape now yeah but get the game moving the game will start moving when you land on one of my 12 properties now set there you go did i do it i you did it oh man you did it oh no no that's not good that's like 100 bucks though right that's not bad it's not terrible 110. could be a lot worse i see so now i got to give you an offer that you can't refuse right right sure and were you going to say i'm not being cool after you were cool neglecting the the fact that you actually said all right no more being nice you're [ __ ] i didn't wasn't going to say that at all you said it it's recorded i didn't know no show i know i said that before but i wasn't going to say now because you said were you going to say this and i was like no i wasn't going to say oh okay i was going to say i was going to make you an offer you can't refuse it i got you oh baby i'm giving you a [ __ ] high level piece it's it's not about it's not about how high level the property is it's the fact that it's only two spots and what i want the the way that i win this game is by having exactly what i have right now and building the [ __ ] out of that one fourth of the board and then you land on it and you're like no and then i win and the way i lose is by giving you more monopolies which means more spaces of time you know what fine okay let's see how this plays out buddy you know i'm right let's see how this [ __ ] bloodletting round of monopoly this excruciating 14-episode game of monopoly plays out i gotta avoid your [ __ ] right now oh oh my god i did not i did not do it oh no i did oh god suck me off community chest suck me right off okay good i'll take it i'll take it as long as you don't get the hundred dollars i mean they don't need to i don't mean to no it's fine that this is what monopoly does to people i get it i get it i don't know i mean you could have a series of other events also oh my god oh go [ __ ] right off man this game is so [ __ ] cruel how the f i was in such good position and just you just saw i landed on yellow i gave i gave that to you yes i know i pressed the a button oh my god just don't roll it two for dad two please just adjust that sweet sexy two [ __ ] i don't care i don't even care about living anymore i know it's your railroad too would have been mine if we kept that trade going i know that's that trade that made no sense it didn't make [ __ ] sense i gave you 60 i gave you 60 free dollars from my mistakes yes you did you did oh [ __ ] you right in the mouth you you [Laughter] i'd like to buy two houses oh would you yeah yeah all right oh you you you passed it you passed it i go straight to jail so much fun looks like i'm the criminal here i'm the one i can squeeze right through those bars oh you [ __ ] shrink me with the [ __ ] thank god just set sail for safety [Laughter] honey the landlord's here we resolded the lawn and a boat drove over it oh god oh god that's it no that's it that's the one that's the one oh no that's not the one [Music] uh okay of the yellows which one um this one no you never land on that one that one yeah that's how we [ __ ] over our friends fun that's how you end up out of a job here we go oh oh to dan coming there it is there it is right on there right on oh yeah toot your little [ __ ] horn remember sometimes bad things happen yeah yeah yeah sometimes bad things happen like you get in that job like you answering that voice one two three ad oh monopoly that'll be a big payment sag you idiot [Laughter] that should buy you some time oh my god i don't have enough oh my god what the hell i don't have enough oh my god i sold 200 worth of property you [ __ ] ass [Music] why am i oh why haven't i done oh i'm such an idiot just no it's fine what what happened oh i can roll again yeah where are you where the [ __ ] are you what do you mean where am i oh you were gonna get savagely beaten why why oh i am gonna [ __ ] destroy your anus why what's happening i'm gonna rip it open why rip it open what's happening give it yes all of it all of it give it to me what what's happening the chocolate slam it in baby smart it's what you should totally do give it to me oh my god oh my god aaron you have gone off the [ __ ] rails i'm gonna land on your yellow and you're gonna have to sell those hotels oh my god oh my god i have enough to afford that okay cool yeah that's just a hundred bucks holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] though seven seven seven sevens oh maybe [ __ ] you don't even with eight [Laughter] free parking free parking why did i build my properties next to free parking i could be extorting for parking but there's a [ __ ] free lot next to it holy [ __ ] yeah roll again i i wish it wasn't a dog you want to buy stuff no sure yeah because i could still end up in jail i know i'm all right [ __ ] me mom like an idiot [Laughter] all right dan uh so [ __ ] funny i want to trade you no i'm not training are you kidding me and fill me up with your seed baby and i get to roll again what an opportunity what a price to pay [Laughter] oh my god is that yeah oh god it's such a nightmare oh is this it is this it that's bad it's not it's not good it's not good [Music] sweet you get to visit your criminal friends in jail i'm not a criminal just collecting rent yeah you're just on vacation a lot stay in a number of places i'm going to bust both of my nuts at the same time i'm going to nut oh god it was almost there it was almost there that would have been the perfect way to end this oh oh my god dude that's amazing don't even [ __ ] hear me every time like like like scoob i mean on some level you have to see the humor in this of course it's hilarious let's see what the future holds for you holy [ __ ] 7 7 well come to stay aware of my luxurious ranch properties yeah right in the forest you're next to a park it's beautiful it's gorgeous i i could stay here if it weren't for that broken down mortgage place next to my you can buy a house here if you want to yeah i guess i should yeah yeah might as well go for it i've been touched by the hand of god time to land on my properties seven what is that you know it that's you you [ __ ] know it dude this is actually astonishing it's like the game was like all right we've played long enough wow wow that's it that's it aaron it has been such a pleasure yeah has it it's been amazing two hours two hours of our lives well i'm glad yeah i'm glad for you i i i am gonna hug you in real life as soon as we're done recording it's fine it doesn't affect me in real life i know i know but i feel like i should hug you anyway just because our friendship went through something yeah no it's fine [Music] it's fine it's not a big deal aaron just kicked over the keyboard and the stool no it's no big deal and the mouse anyway wow what an adventure really went through some ups and downs mostly downs for me that was incredible that was that was something else huh um well but i'm glad you guys enjoyed it yeah i feel like people will really take a shine to this one yeah aaron and i are about to go on tour uh for game grubs live uh and we're gonna go around the round and round the country and we're gonna be gone for pretty much the entire month of june um uh for uh first first for the tour and then for other stuff so um we have been uh recording a lot of episodes in advance of that because we're gonna be away from los angeles and these are the last uh couple of episodes that we're gonna record before um [Music] what the hell is the name of it before we come like before we leave basically for a long time yeah so uh we were like why would we play some random stuff we should do monopoly and then and ruin our friendship right before we split look at all those unlockable treasures you could be a ghost a pumpkin a dick and balls it's the balloon that's too many balls how you get them jump over a complete color how did we get this one i don't know all right all right all right fine fine you don't need to know that [Laughter] yeah that's why we did it look at the size of that wiener look at that what look the roof wiener i didn't see a roof wiener there's two there is a there's a house with a housing on top of it and above it floats a wiener to shake no sticks at oh i'm really disappointed that i didn't get to see the wiener i guess i'll see it at some point yeah if you're good seven dude what the [ __ ] is the claw it's a good thing it's a community chest i hope so advance to hot dogs or fast track ticket whichever is nearest you're gonna have to relearn them yeah i don't know if i know you may buy it for the bank all right i'll do it what is hot dogs i don't know that's the weiner i was speaking of oh it's like utility okay yes i do want to buy it yes you got a mortgage on the hot dogs y'all never mortgaged by hot dogs you all right er yeah okay good oh dubles whoa hello little double dublin i think that's landing on go oh no you've got the other blue property oh i'm gonna [ __ ] murder you will you yeah i'm gonna punch you in the face well you're gonna have to come to moon drop tower to do it mortgage your [ __ ] to me you dank [ __ ] holy crap oh man i landed on your garbage oh no i mean i'm just fit i'm just visiting it's just a conjugal visit to blow my friend who's in jail the guy that is the guy he's just like [ __ ] love that guy what the my jailblowing friend the guy in the picture he's just like oh dear i don't like that face on him oh no you're gonna get property soon splash ride dude the black flag tavern great what the [ __ ] i hate i hate falling behind in monopoly like right at the beginning it just it's just such a shitty feeling but you still have a ton of money that's the thing is like now i could probably get really shitty rolls you oh you own all the properties aaron no i don't look at your [ __ ] tab i own like 20 of the properties oh cool you know what if if i'm in such a great position then let's just trade controllers okay i'll take over where you are yeah it's your turn yeah yeah i'm down are you really no i don't want to do that i am technically in a better place yes look you got doubles and you have a ton of money so if you land on a property you get it you land another property you get it like [ __ ] it look you got a red property that's great those are worth a ton good for you oh good for you good good for you i [ __ ] love this like old timey ass music yeah i like it too actually oh thank god there's a bit by the way i would never i love my wife of course and i love susie also but would never date her out of respect what the [ __ ] for the cowboy promenade you don't think my wife is dateable oh my god aaron don't what's wrong with you don't even do this uh bye okay give me oh oh that's it that's what i needed are you [ __ ] kidding wow extreme luck the robot factory buy it no now i will build properties oh no i have a complete cutter [ __ ] to make it even can you give me one no what oh you out of your dang mind two properties that you can give me you can buy this property no it's gonna be yours yes oh i'm so good aaron you don't have to [ __ ] celebrate every time something bad happens to me it's not something bad happening to you it's something great happening to me i can celebrate my victories you come off like a petty [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you mean it's a property for super cheap i need the green property let's see i could get the green property i could get the brown property or i could get some more railroads okay or i could get yeah that's it greener brown that's it back we go i don't like this good luck [ __ ] so far away well i feel the snake bite entered my veins oh there we go oh god sorry i started thinking about god's back and cut switch it just got crazy in here in my brain the name of the band it's so stupid it's the bad one bad news oh [ __ ] off oh i don't like that at all oh that's smarts yeah but i'm gonna [ __ ] mortgage a property that you also own so it'll be [ __ ] worthless uh trade no i don't wanna trade i'm gonna mortgage that [ __ ] uh wait what i don't understand i don't understand what's happening oh that because that's yours oh oh my bad you silly goose uh mortgage yes that should buy you some time never ever [ __ ] snarky you piece of [ __ ] i'll kill your mom that should kill my mom i love what you've done with the place you know what i would love if you kissed my [ __ ] if you puckered your lips and created a vacuum seal on my butthole i'm just gonna roll the dice i think and then let let the and then let me [ __ ] inside your dumb mouth oh god i landed on your garbage and then sucked up the poo i landed on your nonsense hello hi we have returned hi and our friendship is in peril oh like never worse i think game grumps is going to be over after this i'm just gonna have to cancel it okay i have to make one of those apology videos well like what well you know when you like sit in front of the white wall with like the really like bright overblown lighting and then you just you start out and it's like hey guys you know and it's got the the thumbnail that's just a picture of me like weeping and then uh dude don't do this we might have to do one of these sometimes and then it says like we need to talk dot dot dot or something yeah you and i have a long history of bank robbing and we haven't been found out yet you need to end your turn dude it's done [ __ ] are beautiful sexual acts i love horrors as much as anybody probably more god i'm so filled with zest for life right now all right i really could use a [ __ ] uh oh that's not good that's like 25 bucks that's not a big deal okay 50 i think 50 bucks 25 cool man i got some money back yeah i just gave you back the [ __ ] uh a quarter of what i'd of what i'd earned yeah but i already mortgaged a goddamn property for it it's like it's worth its weight in gold with my heart and your turn you [ __ ] that's a 12. you knocked over my house that's an 11 aaron what are you talking about up man six plus five compromised oh take your 25 back okay neat stupid [ __ ] i'm gonna stab you tonight maybe maybe you will maybe you won't only time will tell ray ray romano no the [ __ ] investor guy what the hell's his name no wha what's ice cream it's 200 bucks it's income tax oh no that's expensive i know it sucks i was gonna buy [ __ ] houses because you're right there this blows my [ __ ] god stick a tongue in it oh my god dude oh man i'm gonna i'm gonna get my money back okay uh yes get rid of that yeah nothing's desperate about this this is a smart move this is a this is a there's a brilliant play and uh morgan's yours i'm mortgaging mine so [ __ ] you what are you saying [ __ ] you to me foreign okay my goodness boy that is dangerous now yes there [ __ ] eat [ __ ] all right you you bastard you gonna buy it no i'll auction it and then i'll mortgage it for 180 oh [ __ ] that's right you can do that oh that's [ __ ] unfair it's not it's smart free money oh my god stop [ __ ] lying fine okay take it take the free money you passed okay ooh the claw what'll it be pay money for all your hotels my god thank you you're welcome yeah hey man money please thanks for electing me chairman i think you're gonna be you're you're very qualified i think you're the right man for the job it's ice cream it's ice cream that's amazing now is when i know you're truly angry because you didn't have you went beyond you went beyond like a super anger right into like seething rage [Laughter] i'm pissed i [ __ ] love i love hanging out with you dude i really do i really do it's beautiful i love hanging out with you okay ain't nothing better yes yes yes see there it is there it is oh [ __ ] yeah there it is oh yes oh my god that's not even that bad [Laughter] [Music] oh my god why don't you have more houses i don't know man oh son of a [ __ ] well great that's great i love that that's great even though it's not as brutal as i thought it would be boy you are so emotional oh i mean i could still roll a two but oh [Laughter] no this is awesome two four or five two four five roll it you [ __ ] what two four five oh oh that was better than sex i was all excited oh no oh your sex must be terrible i want to hit go this sucks i need money land on my properties okay here we go [ __ ] properties to earn money on i'm in jail this sucks all right son of a [ __ ] paying to get out of jail it's 50 damn dollars i need that to buy crack hey i passed go i can buy more properties i know isn't that awesome it is good it's so cool wow you were one of the funniest [ __ ] people i've ever known please please god please one one one please oh oh my god is it oh come on you know that that is that's a broken rule what do you mean you can't if if the dice contacts or doesn't land flat or technically not on the board then you roll again really but this doesn't uh uh but it was what you saw was a one it was tilted and it just needed it wow wow uh you know what all right i'm declaring myself the winner cool skip skip holidays what the [ __ ] why does that one oh my god what i'm i'm so in angers oh because of the rolling yeah because that six turned into a six it was like facing up exactly the same way the one was oh yeah yeah yeah i'm just kidding [Laughter] you still have more money than i do i feel aggrieved oh yes i don't mortgage that one you didn't no no i keep the greens because there's still an opportunity oh yeah that's smart that's smart am i in jail okay man nah man you're not dog oh no no yeah oh my god oh my god dang it oh oh happy day sunday monday happy day oh fiddle faddle tuesday wednesday happy day you know what's gonna happen thursday friday happy day the weekend comes the cycle hums you know what's gonna happen groovin all week with you [Music] you're gonna spend all your money trying to get this property and then you're gonna land money i only need 119 bucks right but then you're gonna land on my [ __ ] on this round and you're gonna have to pay it all to the bank you know that right hey man it's karma there's always a chance that's not gonna happen it's karma because the j-man's on my side you gave it to me for two bucks cheaper well that's cause i like you aw man you're a [ __ ] you're a doll thank you oh [ __ ] yes okay god that feels good oh man if dude if you weren't here i would jerk off and your turn oh my turn sorry oh thanks please god five or seven yes oh my god oh my god unbelievable oh i'm a champion a king your luck is disgusting i'm a tyrant oh baby oh my [ __ ] god i'm just so lucky dude i'm not lucky oh it's it's you you know what i'm not even gonna do it i'm not even i'm not even taking the bait i'm not gonna do it okay ugh all right uh still seven [ __ ] hundred dollars back oh yeah no if you land on it it's great uh but my hopes are not high oh boy okay if okay if i land on red let's call it okay you want to deal with the [ __ ] aftermath of that five seven or eight oh my god oh my god [Music] no it's okay i i got it out i got it out of my system it's just amazing how many times can you miss it by one i don't know including the time when you didn't miss it it's pretty miraculous yeah i know i know it could happen i know this is this is where the nightmares begin five five true isn't it but that's what i wanted oh oh i thought five was aaron well i got so excited i saw that i was like that's nice of him well ah man i should have just i should just roll with it and just be like well i want you to stay in the game yeah yeah because we're bros [Laughter] four six or seven aaron four six or seven do it oh thank god holy [ __ ] oh monkeys oh no it's not the hotel but it is good no oh no it's robot factory oh my god that does change things holy [ __ ] i can feel my blood pressure changing now too that guy you know he didn't do anything to anybody but his voice is so infuriating when you start losing this game yeah he didn't do anything to anybody yeah oh no oh how many how much do i owe you 9 25. [ __ ] that is such an inconvenient number that is an inconvenient truth now i don't want to get rid of railroad oh man i gotta [ __ ] sell one at hotels man [ __ ] you dude we're not friends anymore this is a [ __ ] war oh what should i do should it this is 450 and that one's 250. wow there you go congratulations you [ __ ] ate my cash you money you cookie monster but for money [Laughter] just eating money wildly oh my gosh all right 981 dollars that did you're gonna resuscitate the board that did shift the power balance wow oh i want to go to jail please let me be in jail too bad time to cough up 30 bucks i thought that said farty teacups 56 damn that's that's pretty steep that is that is pretty good i'll take it i thought it's at 40 teacups it's very late yeah yeah oh man i know i know oh that might be it is that it i don't know i don't know i don't think that's good did you [ __ ] thread the needle again no no that's it okay oh thank god jesus well congratulations dan thank you aaron congratulations to you too because we we definitely played past the point where it felt like either of us was a winner [Laughter] and we just got to a point in our lives where we're like oh yeah god just killed me oh man after that [ __ ] bloodletting where we just stared each other down [ __ ] bled out on the floor you finally mustered enough strength to stab me but then cry myself to do a dehydration death oh jesus all right well just hit bankrupt so we can get the the ending so we don't jip the audience yes i will declare bankruptcy okay congratulations to grumpo the roller skate with its first victory you really did it but yes it is the rematch of the rematch of the rematch is anyone keeping track of like the final tally like who's won how many i am winning are you yeah really because that's it's easily disprovable if you're not um i'm winning okay all right let's party baby it's proper time he doesn't actually gallop yeah that is weird it's just like god's like uh yes i'll buy you would i am how are you doing this and that's a railroad oh my god the railroad will be mine with the money that i just made on my last chance it's just like suddenly melting aaron are you the thing we gotta test the blood all right let's let's go i'm patient zero for this monopoly game ten the other railroad is it really yeah [ __ ] you dude wow it sucks give it to me no i hate this give it to me hard oh i've never hated something more than this right now oh buy it i can't believe the stakes are so rare at this point [Laughter] uh-oh what's this one ah that you have the other one don't you no you have the other one oh god that's a lie auction it mean auction auction it f you oh you son of a [ __ ] i will stab you in your heart that's a great plan aaron dang it and let it know your stupid stinky properties because your horse shits all over it of course i want to buy it i'm shooting diarrhea out of my ribs sorry i got all hot and bothered were you just so impressed by that lie yeah i was like comic genius oh i have chosen the perfect comedy partner oh fudge oh well roller two [ __ ] damn that wouldn't be illegal by monopoly rules no your railroad that's your already that's my railroad i've done it you idiot and i'll do it again that's yours hey all right 50 bucks making making money sucks i'll buy it ever wonder who controls the lights me [Laughter] i hate you [Laughter] i will trade you my yellow for your mortgage green it's a pretty even trade it is pretty even i'm not going to do it though what because you have more money which means you can put more awful stuff on it quickly no but i have to pay to get it unmortgaged oh that is true it's a thought let me think that one over okay that's that's a little bit better than the tripe you've offered me in the past oh that might be oh no oh adjustment i know uh advance to kentucky avenue boom pay each player 50 wow being chairman of the board sucks what the hell am i lobbying i guess you must have bribed like to be elected oh come on wow that's f i wouldn't participate in that that's that is untrue for my character [ __ ] yeah enjoy your [ __ ] garvins marvin wow you don't even know me homie could have been worse ooh 53 bucks now we're cooking with gas really land on my railroads you [ __ ] ten i just did holy [ __ ] boy that is karma if ever i've seen it i hate it what don't take your seven bucks or yeah six dollars good for you i'm gonna eat [ __ ] you count [Laughter] so angry oh my god all right oh yay monopoly why would you [ __ ] do this to me now you will truly taste the taste of my own penis aaron yeah good for you i'm really happy for you let the penis begin okay that's how we shut your [ __ ] mouth you stupid ass who's saying that monopoly man no some dick it's probably marvin uh what else am i wasting my time without the veins of my forehead thickening [Laughter] oh my god all right that's all right that's good i will give you my two magentas if you give me [Music] the mortgage green same deal same deal as before ah you'll own that corner yes give me give me a couple turns what do you mean give me a couple turns cause i got to see how the money goes the money's gonna go in your favor [ __ ] correct my point exactly he's gonna go with your favorite well you already know it is well i mean in a sense but like i want i want it to build up a little well it wants to go down a little maybe it won't maybe you're gonna land on chance and you're gonna have to pay taxes for all your houses and [ __ ] then all the more reason to hold on to my [ __ ] and not give you properties because i can't own it if i don't have the money to like buy the properties on it well i mean and then i leave my soft sensitive balls exposed for you to kick me in them [Laughter] stop rolling threes that's like five in a row this is oh my god that's how i feel about the entire game i know how the game is going it's agony bro well what i was going to say it's a stupid move if i roll a four oh four would be bad oh we're wrong with the floor dude see my stupid technique paid off i love it oh my god i would have been a dollar short and you would have laughed at me you would have laughed yeah but what difference would it have would have had a or a useless orange but you would have been all in my face about it it's true it's absolutely true all right this sucks it's pretty great i might as well [ __ ] give up at this point do you want to declare bankruptcy no okay let's go what if i gave you all my properties then you'd like the deal i'd so maybe you should entertain it sometimes if you give me all your money i'll consider it i don't want to give you all my money okay cause then how am i gonna do anything [Music] i don't know i wanna call i wanna there's gotta be some like monopoly master who's like this is a classic uh blue red situation you need to you need to parse all your income flagellate all your jordans flagellate all your gourds and get a cycle or two oh man that's how you get out of this it's easy no problem would've been more fun if i owned this entire section but uh somebody doesn't wanna i know look how powerful you'd be you're in that property somebody doesn't want to give me that property like you earned it a fair trade [Music] i want an unfair trade why would i do that when the game is unfair because you're incredibly desperate i'm not desperate look at how much money i have a fair trade to me i'm a rich boy would be very unfair ironically look at all the money you have you're so rich yeah and i love it it could be yours let us trade properties oh my god you're so wealthy 50 bucks dude and i'm only gonna keep getting more wealthy unless we do the trade that's total horseshit it's not horseshit because then you'll have more properties to put down if you land once on the things that you're headed towards right now you'll owe me six hundred dollars and a roll of the dice how how how's that gonna happen how frequent is that gonna happen but if you own half the board it'll happen much faster maybe it happens if you roll a four six or seven uh i'm not going to there's a seven thank you [Music] oh my god is the key to success you want to make a trade iron i'm starting to feel like comfortable with trades now well now you're gonna have to make it worth my while let's manage some properties shall we i don't need more properties fine i well i don't have money to get you so what do you want to do a kiss on the cheek i know in the comments they're gonna be like dan's a [ __ ] [ __ ] but it's like what am i supposed to do man you're winning like a [ __ ] yeah just the roles went my way this time oh god let me manage some property you're putting me in a position of looking like a tool how about now that i gave you what you want you just hand over baltic to me what do you say now yeah we can make a deal now yes you have to accept it except hey yeah oh oh my god all right all right well i can't do [ __ ] with it yet but that dude you got a hotel on that puppy that's two thousand dollars you just burdened me dude i have to i have to pay the mortgage [Laughter] oh my [ __ ] god i told you i wanted the [ __ ] i wanted baltic i just wanted baltic i can't believe it's gotten to this point where where i just gave you boardwalk for one day give it to me you gave me debt is what you gave you're mad at me i'm not i am but i'm just not why i'm mad at you it's astonishing i'm mad at you because it's not fair trade if you give me baltic that's giving me value you gave me debt yes hey all right two hundred dollars well at least at st charles place they don't judge dice oh my god please please is that it that's it that's it that's it that's it oh baby slow and steady wins the race well i don't think it would have mattered if i would have given you the brown one all right dan yeah yeah let's make some let's let's wheel and deal aaron if you what i want um [Music] um if you give me your green uh-huh i will give you these two magentas what do you think uh how about you give me the red instead the red yeah and then we'll call it even we'll call it even okay yeah um counter you have to you have to say not interested uh at least you tried at least you tried all right manage properties we'll keep the game going uh trade oh no you have two reds oh wait never mind never mind what i'll do it i effed it up well really next time on game grumps really you want to do it well i'm done man oh it's there's nothing you do oh okay all right well aaron i had fun hello everybody welcome oh man so welcome to monopoly we are uh we realize it's uh rough times out there uh we're feeling it too so uh we've decided to play a little a series of games that um make us feel comforted and perhaps will make you feel comforted as well yeah we wanted to split the difference between like the games that we love to play and the games that y'all love watching so monopoly is right in that sweet spot and i gotta tell you i am a huge monopoly fan and i am ready to frickin go yeah you're gonna need to try to avenge yourself because i absolutely took you behind the woodshed last time yes you did thanks for reminding me and i'll purchase this no why right away because then it ruins your chance at getting all of those gosh dang it pumpkin street frick pumpkin street y'all come down to pumpkin street if you want some problems i'm david pumpkin i'm gonna scare the [ __ ] out of that rabbit dude duffy doze okay i'll take that eight you want to trade yeah too late i rolled oh five ha ha a hail room no [ __ ] you're cutting into all of my damn investments you're like [ __ ] bernie madoff over here no i'm not i'm doing the exact same thing you're doing oh are you yes why are you hungry well i guess i'll withdraw good for you dan vampire manor thanks aaron you know i i own the game grumps franz so technically it's mine since your name's grumpo wow [ __ ] i'll have to withdraw holy crap the hell's the point of playing even more oh man oh does he have a complete color set oh good for him i got them both from your rolls i think no no no i got both at auction you had the exact amount of money well yeah you got them both at auction yeah yes that should buy you some time the engine boom [Laughter] thanks monopoly that's what i call a schmidt durgan besturgen all right oh no that was my last chance aside from the orange it's not your last [ __ ] my last chance stop fibbing i'm not fibbing you are one who fibs where do you think i'm trying to trick you no you're just you're just trying to elicit sympathy from the audience oh when i act like a petulant child yeah it always works there you go there's yellow oh cool so you're the only monopoly so yeah you would have to really sweeten the pot because you're at a position of uh lack of strength the pot is sweet i'm giving you a lesser i'm giving you a better property for your lesser property no that's an equal trade man that's not an equal trade orange is all the way on the other side of the [ __ ] board they're like literal opposites just the fact that how upset you are that i won't trade shows me that i'm doing the right thing and you know that's true i just want something to happen it's the opportunity for growth i solemnly swear that before this episode is over aaron and i will make one trade what it's we put it out there it's a thing now dude yep it just happened that's a really good cliffhanger yeah i know it's exciting especially for people who know how we play monopoly yes selfishly and ruthlessly no friends oh that's a nine what does that mean that's the curse is it yeah no oh yeah oh i know it well i've been living that life for three turns now yeah it's a kick in the dick isn't it it really is because you look forward to it it's like it's like if santa came to your house at christmas and punched you in the [ __ ] head it's no presents this year jimmy just a quick rabbit punch to the back of your skull oh put santa nope nope i'll hear none of it what is oh yeah baby my frigging guy i need 21 bucks or whatever just like taxing the hell out of me i'm always like three dollars off i had to pay you like 60 bucks daddy don't like that well this daddy like it you're not daddy there could be more than one daddy you're not daddy enough i am too daddy everybody knows i'm daddy honey am i daddy yes look at the i love the rabbit the way he like kind of looks back like don't don't look at me don't lose my rabbit stop if i was chocolate you'd eat this head right off [Laughter] tarantula square damn you the tarantulas square yep i ain't doing [ __ ] for this i don't know oh no you got the other brown yay finally oh goodness man of a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh thank god i've been playing cat and mouse with that dog nut for a long time that's the [ __ ] end for me man well let's see i all of my trade offers have been in your favor just not absurdly in your you cannot even remotely prove that that's accurate it is i always give you higher level higher valued properties for your lower level valued properties and yours are usually more mortgage than mine well in a vacuum that would be correct but in the real world because you couldn't possibly get monopolies and i could like you need to give more because that's your only way to win that's exactly what happened last game and you called me a jew you said dan susie was like what's wrong aaron and you said dan's chewing me on the rent i did not say you didn't you didn't say that i would never say that i know it's really funny to pretend wait oh my god you did it you landed on one of them that's amazing are you serious that's amazing you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me sometimes you have to pay the price all right i'll wave the 25 what do you mean wave the 25 like like as in you won't pay me 25 dollars no no no no no no no i i said that wrong i'll give you 50. okay yeah yeah all right [Music] okay so we're doing a trade baby wow it's it's really happening it's what all the people wanted okay so you wanted two railroads hit me with that goodness hit me with that sweet good good um and i want your how do i do this r okay and your two pinks they have the [ __ ] on mortgage and and 50 bucks 50 bucks that was an unlucky role man it's okay you know that's okay you're back in it i knew it could have happened yup you're back in it and we we were gentlemen about it and we didn't we we we're men of our word oh look at that i landed on my house hey neat you know i'm gonna spend the night you know what i'm gonna enjoy this moment yeah you know what i am i've earned this i'm gonna savor it i am a strong independent nut sack that don't need no balls all right everybody welcome back i'm laughing about the fact that if the visit like if the positions were reversed you'd be like hey what's up everyone what's up out there lovely it's across the world baby and yeah and but now you're just like everyone is gone yeah but you it would be the exact same for you no no you know me i put i i do like the hello um actually that's not true there's been one or two times where i'm like [Laughter] [Music] oh [ __ ] do you have to mortgage your monopoly oh no no i got oranges [Music] oh that's all i got man [Music] yes this one is a difference yeah it was i was able to pay it off oh smart jesus christ wow that's evil i don't know if that we're going to be able to get a whole episode out of this the railroads are pretty freaking evil i forgot about it yeah i know i was the railroad guy the railroad guy let's see what happens am i going back to jail nope all right oh [ __ ] yeah you landed on my mortgage no it's not mortgaged hey 26 i didn't know i still had that for the amen yeah i missed that one too it's not abandoned i'm there owning it shut your [ __ ] trap you don't know anything about desperate times try owning a touring company during the course backstreet boys reunion tour suck my dick [ __ ] monopoly man holy crap aaron jeez wow that was something else they got very real there for a second [ __ ] your desperate times you read that off of a script you [ __ ] croon i don't even i'm entirely sure that's an insult uh oh is that is that a game ender what is that is that an ender of the game oh yeah baby oh yeah don't give up oh my god oh your god okay let's do some math all right yeah let's see let's see let's see what what happens here [Music] can aaron work his way out of this one well you a 1 000 this one's 50 bucks this one's a hundred okay it's already more wait oh i have to sell houses first 50 bucks and 70 bucks and 70 bucks and another 70 bucks 140 190 230 plus 280 [Music] then here's what i'm going to do 75 it's time for a stimulus package and that's what they called me back in prison the stimulus package yeah going to trade you yeah we're gonna make we're gonna swing a trade that allows you to keep playing whatever it takes okay does that get you there so 50 plus 75 plus 400 that's five i think that'll do it i'm not sure let's just do it uh hold on 400 plus 50 plus 75 is 525 525 nope that's still not enough oh my god i need another like 50 bucks oh my god all right well let's let's swing this trade first okay uh uh wait how do oh because i have to offer you something um uh light blue thanks [Music] uh deal yeah there will be an offer i accept boy this is a full-on [Applause] bank bailout [Music] oh my god wow all right there it is wow we did it we did it aaron you're still in the game still alive it's a stimulus package where i never leave a man behind am i right okay i've never i've never had a hotel on these before [Music] okay all right oh that's brutal well thousand that's that's a that's a game ender no matter where you're at how much two thousand thousand dollars oh my gosh [Applause] yeah yeah and yet there's not nine dollars to be found let's do a trade okay i'll trade you ten dollars for one dollar [Music] what a deal oh my gosh bring one dollar and i request and take my get out of jail free card too that's sweet blue baby yeah yeah all right okay what do you think yeah sounds great counteroffer yeah oh that that's interesting they placed the value of the get out of freeze 50. yeah yeah i never noticed that before so i have zero dollars now oh my god that's great what a deal i better withdraw oh wait can you no yeah i can bid one all right i got it for 11 bucks nice hey man good for you you gotta withdraw [Applause] you really gotta be an active participant in your own demise this is so effed up hey could you please uh shove the knife in your heart could you do that i can't i can't i can't kill you unless you do it all right um it's like the most pathetic saw movie ever [Laughter] oh i guess i'll give you the property that will ultimately factor into my own demise like what oh that's the house that um i first kissed a girl in oh okay you know what aaron yeah this was one oh it was destined this one might be dunion rings it was it was truly destined we did really well you know we did we did let's see if we won some uh unlocked some new pieces because weird stuff happened in this um in this game [Music] sure you want to declare bankruptcy man i almost got seven hotels i've never wow is that a thing i mean just i'm sure they give you like a an unlockable thing for having a certain amount land on the go tile completo game hey oh i love it love that pumpkin oh love it completed game well we completed it oh we need to complete three three yeah okay welcome to game grumps ah what's happening game rooms verses okay it's monopoly again cause we have been playing so much g d monopoly yeah but you know what what yeah this is this is this is a request of of the fans the people the the people love the lovelies love us playing monopoly but they say hey they say listen we want auctions only we want ai players so that's what we're doing baby yeah love it oh yeah let's bring in the magic do the living boards baby we're gonna do amusement park theme because we've never done it before oh we never have let's mix it up a little bit oh carl why'd you do this hey all right there you go ice cream okay wow i hate that i've never hated something more in that life that's insanely that's such a brutal way to start supposed to be like this yay we're starting properties fresh times immediate tax okay nine let's see what happens interesting all right this is an auction you are all in competition no my god okay um i'll bid 100 amandine felipe oh boy uh yeah i'll bet 10 bucks yeah i'll also bid 10 bucks oh she passed felipe's in hopefully oh god this appeals your gambling nature so much it's expensive no i'm gonna bid one dollar oh oh felipe's out [Laughter] well aaron we've done it yeah oh it's looking pretty nice right here oops all right you can have it for 189. oh [ __ ] yeah that's a that's a terrible deal you gotta withdraw oh okay hey at least i have property now yeah good for you nobody else has anything you're the owner amandine felipe they got nothing oh that's so much money that i didn't even have yep oh this is gonna happen with every property i assure you uh-huh yeah oh god do you have it mentally in your head what you're willing to go to nope i'm out wow all right 171 bucks you have more money than to play with than i do okay you could have threatened me with another 400 and still had more i'm the owner of the property but then what other property am i gonna get i guess i'm waiting for everyone to spend their money everyone's still got more money than i do of course because you bought 200 worth of ice cream well it's not my fault i was forced to buy it mr lovey snacks like dumb kids they love the gourmet type you know yeah like with the chocolate on the cone itself damn you kids they like it when it's got the jimmies on the cones too oh crap 275 bucks you're almost out of cash holmes no i'm not i got 800 800. all right [Music] oh my coasters mine coaster you know what i'm saying do 10 turns from now like i'm gonna be [ __ ] money well i'm going to now that people are gonna land on my mind coaster you know yeah dude how badly do you want to risk screwing me okay all right that is how i do business i'm mr business oh god i'm ruined please don't choke me out of this we are we are working together no we're not [ __ ] you you just tried to choke me out of something else you sack of [ __ ] oh look at this well they know what you're doing too of course we're suddenly working together how dare you insult my intelligence and the intelligence of the lovelies i'm desperate i just want my thing i don't care really it's yours yeah all right congratulations okay oh damn it i could have had it i wish you luck [Music] [ __ ] all right yeah but now you're out like you're out are you sure about that i don't know man you you did your mind games on me and you ended up taking it but then you took it for 400. like i don't know that's like a story that just happened right i don't know they have more money than when we started the game yeah but a mandiant has one property and felipe has zero properties all right yeah that's what i'm saying they're gonna sweep up like 50 properties once we can't afford to bid with them anymore yeah well [Laughter] what if they don't even look they're probably sitting back and being like these guys are idiots oh man oh [Music] they're just they're over there helping each other see this is what a team looks like they're not a team they're not even alive have you ever heard the uh steel panther song gold digging [ __ ] uh no i have not it's pretty funny they they do the chant oh no just uh don't even auction oh right i can skip it yeah yeah yeah yeah good call they do they do the chant of of all the letters but there's like one more letter than fits into the chat so they just stick it horr i think they're they're screwing us right now because it's like scary like there's no situation that's like scary for them yes like if i put myself in their shoes but i'm scared all the time of them truth wow a lot of people are landing on my property yeah good for you and i mean it's netted me a total of what it costs to get out of jail but that's fine yeah true other plans for your money certainly you certainly need to shut up wow all right got him dunked your ass sounded like you're about to like cry you certainly need to shut up piece of [ __ ] get out of here yeah they're already out whoops well really i didn't mean to oh aaron can you go back no that's a horrible mistake for you oh sure you just lost your chance at a monopoly i know oh no yeah it's that sucks hey if you bit so i will bid up to 250 if you bid for me i'll just do the clean money trade uh throwing a railroad like dude come on this is a bro this is a bro moment right now this is right all right i'll do the bro moment for you can you just help me out okay and i want this jam okay deal what do you want to trade i'm offering and i want that oh hell yeah oh god you're my bro right now oh agony yes you're my bro but i'm broke right now please remember that i'm bro oak right now oh god i just really screwed myself over are you gonna choke me out of the purple of the magenta yeah i don't have the money to do that oh okay good to know that you're a good friend because you can't be otherwise well i mean if i did have the money then ah man only if you promised me you wouldn't like if we if we had a bro code situation for that specific instance yeah then i wouldn't choke you out there's been a lot of brewing around i'd make it a little more expensive but i wouldn't choke you out okay that's cool of you very very considerate it's like i don't want you to get a monopoly and have a ton of money right right understandable that would just be like yeah that'd be crazy that'd be bro aside dude here's a great opportunity for you to repay the other 50 of that bro time no this isn't the time oh that's weird all right i have too much on the line here oh man come on it's immediately bad it's immediately bad drop out felipe oh you son of a [ __ ] yeah yeah uh-huh what are you talking about i wanted to give me your railroad yeah true you are anti-growing me right now i know right now look this isn't part of the bro code yeah that's amazing i've already declared that this is not i still have the 50 pro to give you oh man and i could have said that that was 100 of my bro on that situation and i think it probably would have flown i can't i can't pay a hundred dollars to you every time i land on a railroad oh you piece of [ __ ] you're you're a dirty [ __ ] [Music] super friendly birthday birth oh my god aaron [Music] you you're i'm revoking your your bro privileges which included seeing my my my my junk and dick [Laughter] oh my actual stomach is turning you are a real piece of work you are the stuff that bros used to be made of bro that is an expensive railroad man i'm going through the same thing i'm just doing it in silence oh man you are so not browy right now i'm not brawling man i'm sorry oh you you sassafras you're a sassafras right now this is unbelievable this is what's happening right now it is now twice the price i'm counting this against your bro what do you mean i already broke you and i still have a bro in the in the wings in the bank me dropping out now would be a real bro move but it's not happening but it's not happening you you you violated the sanctity this is my only stake in the game aside from the blues yeah aside from the thing i brewed to you how dare you sir ugh dude there's other bro opportunities happening there's gonna there's so much more property on the board there's probably 411 411 yeah it's one better than 311. it's a hundred better than three they're three they're down down come on bro oh my god fine oh geez gee whiz you know the only reason that i went that high is because you paid 400 for yours yes i did yes i did otherwise i would have been like this is way too much boy you are yeah but i'm i'm a real piece of work i'm fudged right now i ain't got [ __ ] all right you'll make it all back as soon as people land on your railroads i hope so i mean i'm not yeah but i wouldn't trade you [ __ ] because we were just playing monopoly against each other now there's been this false [ __ ] bro code established where i helped you and then you [ __ ] me i didn't dude there's still a bro code in the wings bro i'm just watching i'm watching i'm watching the fuckage happen right before my eyes that was a that was a single situation and there's no way i could have known that two people were gonna land on a thing and get double i'm watching it right now with my eyes okay this friendship is over [Laughter] i'm just visiting my jail friends oh boy all right thank you and thank you aaron i know you would have fought harder for that that doesn't count though you know what i'm just i'm just being a bro at that point yeah that's that's a bro movie that wasn't a bro coupon i think we've said the word bro more in this episode than we have in every other episode of game grumps combined i was just getting some bro goodwill yeah yeah you're like poseidon lord of the lord of the brotian uh no no i don't have time for the clown parade i'm already living it yeah damn amanda really wants that [ __ ] you gotta be kidding me oh boy yep i'm in what do you think wow dude dude wow wow come on come on oh my god oh god no yo mandy's not [ __ ] around i know but i can't give it to her with all that cash too holy [ __ ] oh aaron come on a man died don't do this yes oh good job good job that's a lot of cash you did it but yeah hey well done damn that was like a universal bro movie yeah yeah i'll accept that as as brow except that is bro coded my god i wanted to destroy a cult leader i guess because that's a thing now apparently what jared leto yeah he's a cult leader now say what yeah he's got like an island where he he charges people to come and worship him and then they do a 30 seconds to mars concert and then uh and then there's like the ultra package where you get to like hang out with him one-on-one which means that he has sex with you and uh wow really and he wears like the white robes and he does like the sermons and stuff yeah man [Music] i don't know if that's true or not or if you're just making it up it's 100 true google jared leto colt who has the [ __ ] time because he he just started cult i think literally on twitter he was like yeah it's a cult like wow i just don't get it man like like just doing grumps episodes is hard enough who's got who's got the time to start their own religion about themselves i don't know i love it too because it's it's it's jared leto's cult but then 30 seconds to mars does a live set so it's like 30 seconds like the other band members of 30 seconds to mars are just like whatever yeah and they just stay on the island and they got nothing right on the check when's the concert oh it's next week at three sure well i'm gonna have to look that up that's that's pretty crazy all right uh i'm gonna skip oh you could have easily choked me out of that one too which you know what i would have been fine with because that's just how the cookie crumbles really yeah i mean i would have been pretty pissed off about it and i would have hated you forever but i would have been cool with it i feel like this person see in front of the chain-link fence standing there looks like someone who works at subway on their break she's like man this sucks okay what is that that's one after the that's it that's it oh um all right listen doesn't this put me in an awkward position listen i get it listen i i preface this i get it okay okay all right cool ugh oh yeah they're out oh god are they trying to ruin our friendship well they know they they're like whatever you know you're no they don't feel like that you're just trying to do the 10 thing to pretend like maybe it won't be that bad [Laughter] i'll tell you what yeah if you if you've been uh if you bid higher i won't i'm not going to bid again so if you want it's yours to 540 could be 541 but yeah this game's horrible why do we play this [ __ ] what are we doing to ourselves all i'm thinking is like and then you'll have a hundred dollars and you can't do anything about it wait what oh all right it's yours it's mine it's mine i don't i didn't mean to i'm gonna be honest wait what are you serious i pressed the wrong button are you freaking serious yeah oh all right i'll give it to you really yeah are you sure yeah like if you didn't mean to okay all right let's do the trade yeah do it it's up to you okay but this isn't a bro move oh just a move it's most definitely a pro move well then keep it okay okay cool i'm not asking for bro favors here you still got one in the wings bro all right don't god damn it she's gonna press the right button and all you had to do was accept that it was a bro move and yet you're hubris because i don't want to have to bro you i already broke you enough and we have to bro you twice because then two bros two bros will end the game for me hmm one bros is ex is brosceptable one bro gives you a monopoly or two bros gives you a monopoly i mean the only monopoly of the game i'll take the bro move if you're still offering 541 all right for the blue there you go holmes deal except oh hell yeah okay and look i fully accept that it's a bro move all right you got that monop man you're set up dude [Music] never mind you're not at the part of the board that i thought that you were and the cotton candies taking all your cash and you're [ __ ] yourself all right i'm all right i'm all right three three oh my god [ __ ] okay i'm gonna fight her yeah man oh god she's definitely she doesn't give a [ __ ] it's gonna go to 17. she's gonna be like i'm out too rich for my blood well it's already 110. oh [ __ ] oh yeah i'm out dude uh how do you expect me to do dude oh my god yay okay there's hope you know what good for you i'm really happy yeah me too man [Applause] uh yes other 50 bucks done with that good with that oh baby yes excellent oh my god all right i'm good with this [Music] oh god thanks for taking that taking the hit for daddy uh oh what no no no no what no no what do you mean you can't be serious wait wait hold on hold on it saves the it's you can keep playing the game so maybe like maybe are we still recording yes okay they were like maybe there was just too many shenanigans we bought too many houses at once and it crashed the software oh my god i'm so scared that's so intense it's like turn two no [Music] okay oh my god oh thank you wow okay exactly oh bad everyone just had a heart attack geez louise okay yes 300 bucks from felipe to me baby oh man oh man oh suck it suck it good felipe just just gobble it down this victory has been brought to you by the letter b for bro oh yeah that's the one i always wanted is this it bro bro now's the time for this coupon to redeem itself all right let's bro i'm going in for you thank you homie bro i'm out oh bro thanks bro oh bro whoa whoa bro easy bros uh oh oh [Music] there you go all right there it is bro all right bro bro we're even bro bro we're so easy it's all bro down yes okay i love the bro goodness we've been with it's been broad dude we've been we've been growing for a long time yeah if you could end up on one of the browns oh thank god oh that's cotton candy oh come on all right ice cream you [ __ ] kidding me over here [ __ ] ice cream really why do we why do we play this why don't we do this to ourselves oh my god oh my god yes please please please please please please ah yeah very good for you mazel tov you don't really have three minutes [Laughter] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] her mother oh i have to mortgage hot dogs no that's one of her things that's her worst one oh god that's horrible what the [ __ ] dude oh my god are you serious 800 dollars wow amanda played us for fools yo you want to take back that trade from earlier like i wish right geez [Music] wow really you're just done i'm done i can't oh man i don't have enough value you're gonna leave me in this nightmare well at least she didn't get anything i didn't realize that when she bankrupts you she just gets the point you just take all your stuff oh she has all the railroads now oh my god she's a nightmare i wish i could take control of felipe oh man i wish before you'd gone bankrupt you just swung a really favorable trade to a bro oh man look at all these places like people landed on stuff that i couldn't put houses on but you had to you had to rail me out of my red monopoly oh can i go back in time dude like everything you did in this game is coming home to roost it's amazing this is the clown parade [Laughter] let's see as long as i don't land on a six eight or nine oh god oh my god oh god oh god oh god oh my god [Music] oh okay now i just mama i just need it to not be the thing just kill the man don't be the thing all right dude put a gun against his head pull my trigger and now he's bred oh but maybe she'll get screwed oh my god please oh my god please i want to see this happen no it's her birthday and she gets ten dollars from everyone dude we wouldn't even be invited to her party no way and if we were we wouldn't come we're like mortal enemies come to my birthday remember this is a house auction your own competition you're on the right to place the last house take turns doing cr really wow i mean you would buy her out i guess so i guess she can't hang with me right now one day it's out already yeah i got it for 11 bucks all right cool [ __ ] um that's nice okay cool good luck no stop rolling the dice i want to buy properties four six or seven dog there it is there it is the one that has the most philippine you're beautiful 450 baby oh give it put put it directly into my 500 hole he's giving you the problem oh all right dude all right all right you got big blue and you got two yellows it's you and me a man dying oh but i still needed to not be the bad one i still needed to not be the better oh here it comes yo oh my god oh i'm some sweating bullets dude sick as hell dude you have a chance at that yellow or that blue dude you are like so baller right now i'm gonna i'm gonna rock her socks dude you better rock her socks yes dang it oh she can't okay yeah she can't even afford it dude you might as well just take it from her yeah she's out one dollar yay boom baby okay do i just go for it go for the hotes yeah i'm just going for the hoax well she could land on him yeah that's true yeah i'm just gonna say like hold out until i'm in the clear yeah like you have another monopoly set up so you can like chuck out the house market and then once you get something else oh and you can be like [ __ ] you and then buy hotels and then buy houses it's okay she's gonna buy hotels anyway and clear it up for herself you're getting serious it's a seven dude five or seven come on come on let's see that's seven yeah yes okay all right we're not out of the woods yet oh my god dude okay certainly dude that rule yes but she has plenty of properties that she can draw from fine dude that's fine just start bleeding her man five seven or eight yikes [Music] ah all right she got me back yeah but okay but i can pay it i can come back you can afford it oh god all right all right well that just flew off okay five seven or eight please baby do it for daddy get that eight get that eight here it comes it's a five and a half boom yeah okay we're in business baby stay at my hotel you beautiful turtle oh this is making me calm dude i'm i'm close myself okay there's 750 right back in your pocket dude okay boy this game is nuts it was a good that was a good idea you went straight to jail oh god damn it yeah but no you can freely go past her gauntlet now because she's in jail oh my god you're right good call aaron you're a genius bro i'm your [ __ ] you're my you're my god you're my fairy godmother of jail yo i'm like i'm like little max who's the other guy doc doc i'm like your doc dude yeah okay all right here we go uh [Music] [ __ ] out of there dude it's like roll that nine just out of spite yeah just just as like a real oh i would have hit it too holy [ __ ] yes yep [ __ ] yeah dude oof you are a mean guy i love it you're brilliant oh love this love this love what's happening right now yeah that was brilliant i wouldn't have thought of that dude by any stretch oh man you just replayed your bro move dude bro now that was oh my god dude that's some broner g right there you are my absolute bro three or four nope that won't work maybe that's it that's it dude that's it or is that did she thread the needle dude she did it she landed on your most expensive coffee yeah it's the clown parade it all comes full circle baby oh man that is so funny three five or six oh no oh no oh she got me she got me hey dude dude that doesn't even matter don't even think about it okay well i'm gonna think about it because it's 400 dude it's just a blip on the radar bro all right what is that more than half your money whatever maybe she'll give it right back she's going to give it right back when she lands on that brown property no oh dang it okay well she's doing quite well now yeah we might have to split this into two episodes yeah oh yeah we might we might have done it already oh it's already done it's already done all right uh is it my turn what is she doing oh she's unmortgaging the greens oh she's got that search oh god no yeah oh jesus god no danger zone right now and the railroads oh my god five seven or eight is what we don't want eight is what i got oh this [ __ ] is dungeon rings oh yeah yeah oh god man i just couldn't get the rolls i just couldn't get the rolls all right are you oh you're you're participating in this i mean i'll start i'll try i'll see how it goes um [Music] i guess the browns yeah you i mean the 25 bucks oh for a hotel there's nothing it's nothing but she has no chance of hitting the uh this one [Music] not i need i need to try to get something that she [Music] all right all right well i survived at least oh all right fortune oh maybe it's horrible but we'll say i can't afford the doctor's fees oh my god i can't afford the doctor's fees i mean what is this america yes see it through baby oh god oh no that's not good that's not good at all that's it we're good okay we're good okay all right you know what i've landed on the sky shooter three times no two times and you know what i landed on it twice yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna just accept that this was amen dyn's to win with dude yeah congratulations man hey man you stuck it out for a long time yeah i hung in there congratulations amending game finished oh the golden turtle oh nice that was a three-hour game of monopoly oh my god whoa let's damn maybe maybe we got a bunch of stuff and on the go tile oh we got the camera nice oh oh we got the motorcycle we got balloons hey gold balloons that's that we almost got the motorcycle oh harren well the most important thing is that we're bros that's true man you know we ended that on bro we ended up we we things got a little dicey there around episode two or three but we ended it on a strong bro note strong bro no uh due to insane overwhelming demand we're just going to keep playing monopoly until we die or one of us kills the other one yes well the murder will probably happen before anything else long before here's the thing we're we're playing monopoly remotely this is monopoly plus it's the pc version so the animations are back baby that's right they aren't just like pieces that move around stoically they actually animate i guess all right i remember correctly um we're playing with a house rule this time um the house rule is free parking so whenever you uh pay tax or pay the city money the money goes into a pool that you will receive when you land on free parking oh nice all right four that's terrible right no i believe four is terrible oh is that the income tax or whatever yes it is hell yeah there goes all my money bunch of [ __ ] all right no we're doing great and we're back yeah i do have some goopy ass cat legs don't i yeah it's kind of like why why is that uh animation oh ah i mean i don't want to like jam on an animator or anything but uh those look pretty goopy maybe it was intentional you know maybe they were like i really want this cat to look super goopy yeah like their supervisor just came by and looked at their computer can i get more goop on that cat please but that will look strange i know yeah is that a second railroad i'll thank you not to question it nope no good oh the lady luck has not been kind thus far yeah yeah the cat is out of the bag on this one i'll tell you that oh okay i hope you eat your own dick i probably will let's get that eight actually yes it is good for you because i have oh that is good for me i'm gonna get it for 31 oh my god okay all right i don't like that at all you and your hubris uh yeah i'll bend ten dollars i uh will also bid ten dollars uh withdrawal [Laughter] it with the damage stop it with the damage please stop stop jamming i will bid one dollar just a spike oh you are so petty all right congratulations to you mr cheap property ahoy mr cheap robbery dude you're like thank you snatching up the whole board for like three bucks dude this is like [ __ ] costco for you i'm gonna buy like 400 turkey rolls at once you're amazing uh go for it yeah see what else i can't afford oh sweet i landed on one of your properties neato my how the tables turn so quickly monopoly is a cruel mistress i love your rabbit sounds and you were so willing to quit at the beginning i wasn't really going to quit but i was going to whine whining is almost as much fun as quitting i'll bid one dollar yeah and see just how willing you are to go through this of course i am no of course you are i'm not gonna give it to you for a dollar all right wear that for a dollar enjoy your 79 entire [ __ ] utility structure [Applause] oh man we're having fun all right oh you're rolling these high numbers that's what you need i know oh it's yours oh oh no you're [ __ ] kidding me i gotta mortgage properties this early that's crazy um i like the funky music you're screwed son what are you talking about you snubbed yourself out i didn't snub anyone out i bought all the properties that were available to me and i assumed that i would gain that money back by being a cool dude that's how it works i often go into the bank and i'm like hey i'm a pretty cool dude maybe they'll cut me a break on this dang it oh yeah oh that's good no it's not good it's terrible it's wonderful oh man free parking is 500 bucks now yeah oh it's great so nervous oh i only had to pay 100 [ __ ] oh aaron you are one of a kind my friend um good day and welcome back to game grumps uh i am a sassy cat named happy tarts aaron is a rabid named rot pierogi and we're rolling for cash money cash monies and dan is about to roll inside oh it's a happy what happened what happened what's going on what's happening what happened did you have your your finger on enter or something no what the [ __ ] oh my god what happened bro i swear to god it all did that by itself what the [ __ ] i didn't touch a thing no no what the hell was that i don't know man i don't know i don't know well i guess we just put that at the end of the episode oh come on man i was i was winning i don't know what happened bro we can't go back no we can't oh god well looks like that was a one-off of monopoly yeah dude i don't even know what to call that yeah that's that's i don't know what happened some some button was like mashed or something no i mean i've got my controller right in my lap what's up maybe the keyboard no the keyboard is also sitting on my lap away from the controller wow dude that was [ __ ] up yeah i wish oh god highest player rolls first i'll go ahead and roll the device oh roll the deck okay enter you can use the controller too oh yeah yeah well i'll be damned i know right convene is rolling who cares about covina kavita can suck my wiener okay kavina and benito short for benito mussolini one of my least favorite nazis uh comes in second all right bonito isn't there a food called bonito flakes am i imagining that bonito flakes yeah those are um it's tried fish flakes oh cool oh once again bonito has jammed you up you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me bonito i will stab you right in the dog face deal let's see 20 bucks yeah all right wow geez oh is he the easy player is he yeah he is oh you just took advantage of the easy player oh way to go dude i didn't take advantage of no one do you think he's gonna do it look at that it's only 40 difference what a great deal yeah let's do we have a deal bonito think it over yeah you dumb bastard oh my god no bonita yeah i know it's frustrating to watch isn't it okay one away from a monopoly he didn't want any money i should have asked for money get up there bonito benito's going for the monopoly dude oh my god he might get it oh my god is going to [ __ ] rake us over the coals dude yeah i would i would actually love that no that's it yeah oh bonito it's time to make a deal my sweet doggy friend oh he's auctioning oh great wow he knows you'll pay top dollar for that [ __ ] well you don't you know that too so here we go yep oh bonito oh my god oh all right uh what are you doing bidding for me wait oh that's that was you bidding oh sorry i forgot we have control of the same thing uh man yes it's getting nerve-wracking isn't it i don't like this at all at some point i might just let you have it uh well i mean honestly monopoly on the reds this early like i kind of it's kind of worth it to choke you out of it oh my [ __ ] you [ __ ] you dude dare you risk it oh that's yeah kinda yeah oh baby oh all right it's yours all right cool you sure about that [ __ ] that oh uh huh i'm like on cocaine in 1984 on wall street over here i'm in man you're kind of being an [ __ ] now well i mean it's [Laughter] [ __ ] cursor over the 100 [Laughter] now now it really is risky for you yes it is um i'm in baby take it all right very cool very cool aaron dude whoo baby i don't feel great that's scary bonito you son of a [ __ ] that would yeah but once i once i'd saw yeah once i slam down on one of those [ __ ] three housed reds i'm gonna be like that was a huge i should have taken the hit yeah yeah i think it's one of those situations where no matter what happens you'll feel bad at the end of it i think that's just the game of monopoly dude yeah it sure is oh my god come on [Laughter] oh my god i got it you got it of course you got it what'd you expect oh they're not human beings they're not gonna be insane [ __ ] like you just were [Laughter] i can feel the naughtiness happening yeah covina's like like scheming she's going to get the the brown property and she's going to like take us oh you guys just got free parking no that's a free is there anything built up 300 okay that sucks wow this is sucks fuckabina this game sucks who cares i don't oh now she's going to jail going to jail all right i think that's the bad one oh no oh no it's the bad one [Music] [Laughter] that might actually be the worst feeling um all right this is kavina got it covina has a monopoly our worst nightmares have come true six the jail oh god no it's that's the worst one it could have been yeah it's actually the worst one that's the worst one cool well 120 bucks yeah ain't no big thing for me mr moneybags over here oh god all right maybe you can screw benito out of his too regular let's auction it oh really yeah why not maybe he's too dumb well he definitely wants it um yeah i'll i'll give it 10 bucks i'll withdraw okay thereby placing the impetus on you to keep benito from having a monopoly what bonito what congratulations benito you dumb bastard what are you doing man oh my god he is great did you did you like how i gave you crap for putting her on hard and for putting pedito uneasy oh no she's trading with bonito and you know he's gonna no oh of course he's gonna accept he loves deals no bonito what are you doing bonito you've signed my death warrant [Laughter] actually having an easy and hard computer player is a terrible combination it so is the easy one just feeds the hard one oh my god oh yes benito [ __ ] you yes he did yes he did killing us all oh god benito's dungeon rings well you could have he could have given me the [ __ ] he did he gave you everything oh [ __ ] you got everything you got oh amazing that's very good yeah yes it is where's my railroad here it is oh that'll give me a hundred all right cool yes please please desperate times call for desperate measures that they do my friend all right all right okay that was bad kavina you bastard nine all right that's my railroad hey all right 25 bucks i'd love to pay you more money oh thanks as far as i'm concerned it's a joint pool versus covina at this point uh i would consider that except you forced me to pay 700 for a property earlier in the game so uh i don't know if we're that tight in the business world right now remember that yeah yeah i did i could have i could have easily paid off uh when i landed on her spot if i still had that money yeah well that was a long time ago so you never know for the love of god land on one of my hotels please please i swear i will suck that's good is that good yes oh my god yes oh oh this is fantastic what a day okay whoa what a kalu kalei 550 bucks dude well played oh this is excellent what a you know what no risk no reward that's what i always say you're in very good shape no remember that was the big thing last time oh and she got free parking god oh my god well she just unmortgaged all her stuff no oh god no oh the house rules are hellish oh no now it was supposed to make us wealthy there was time now oh you certainly had one oh god oh my god oh covina you monster really really [Music] damn it i know it's brutal [ __ ] sucking [ __ ] suck [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sucking [ __ ] dude i know oh no you oh it does it anyway oh god this game is so evil oh god all right um i don't think you're gonna flip it dude let's trade okay you're just gonna give me everything yeah i don't know if it's gonna make a difference but i don't know either but let's give it a shot yeah i'm offering uh how do i do this oh i think you got a i think you got to sell your houses first oh yeah you got to see oh interesting okay i'll sell my ding dang houses yeah they make you work for it oh this is so scandalously terrible i will offer you uh-huh an entire monopoly no way and a railroad uh-huh and i think you can just type it oh well maybe not okay maybe i hold it down is this right this doesn't feel like the maybe this no all right i guess if you click and hold it'll go faster no i'm clicking and holding it's not doing anything really everything about this has to be difficult wait wait i can do it for you i think i can do really yeah oh thank you uh what is that a plus sign nope i think you just have to yeah you really have to click all the way through how deliciously evil um [Music] just think every click is another dollar oh here we go in your sweaty pocket oh okay cool all right uh leave one dollar for covina that's one-eyed willie's money uh and you all right nothing and i'll take uh whatever you don't want i'll take one dollar okay let's do it do we have a deal i accept oh good for you man why thank you for this beautiful bounty heck yeah i'm gonna repay the mortgage i got all this money check all this money all right all right um i will go bankrupt cool yeah the best oh god all right well that's it for me and my two dollars go to kavina well i don't think this is going to end well blood sucking leech in fact no in fact that's far worse than a nine could have been oh god i'm just gonna keep siphoning all this [ __ ] cash into this stupid [ __ ] is this boredom map [ __ ] success sucks yes oh my god yes yes that's all i got man that's all i got now what's all i got man yeah how much do i need seven fans propose a trade that's a [ __ ] point at this point control yeah we're starting to get into what's the point territory but oh my god oh yeah you tried to sell them all from the same board for the same uh space rather oh boy oh boy oh boy dude almost there almost there give me a break go yeah i'll pay your stupid amount all right if i if i i'm gonna go one more this is nightmarish because this is like watching a family member die just disappeared from the board so she doesn't give a [ __ ] no oh yeah all right all right here you go here comes the roll four man keep it keep it steady and okay that's a sweet okay and a chance what could it be you're the chairman of the board aaron you owe 50 okay all right well kavita at least she didn't get you you uh you were bankrupted by your own chairmanship yeah man the [ __ ] game got me so she can go suck on that [ __ ] billion dollar victory hello everyone welcome back grabs hello well done aaron thank you man i i've been practicing words well you're killing the word game uh it's time for a little more monopoly you know my normally i'm not a cat person but my my neighbor um has a really sweet cat that wanders around the neighborhood oh and uh drives camilla absolutely insane as she watches from the window yeah and i finally met the cat the other day while walking and uh i asked my neighbor what his name was and uh he said i don't know he's like i just called mr kitty cat so uh so in honor of mr kitty cat i will i will be uh i will be the cat piece wow that's great all right well let's start the game all right yes yes i mean you owe me like what 10 bucks but still yes yeah yeah there's there's gonna be a lot of this 18 8 more than i thought it was going to be a looks like i'm going to olive garden tonight oh my god yeah fantastic no that's bad you're hubris oh my god you better mortgage properties homes after you talked smack how about this [Laughter] how about six hundred dollars aaron oh my god you're such a freak oh you landed on it dude yeah i know i landed on it but i regret doing so all right i'm 600 [ __ ] what was it 650 i don't think so 6 10. oh my god uh okay i'll mortgage the damn railroad that ain't doing [ __ ] for me you know [Music] i'll wait no no don't buy a house [ __ ] i didn't mean to buy a house oh [ __ ] i gotta mortgage the property oh now i'm down [ __ ] oh this sucks ass now i gotta sell houses over here jesus why would you let me buy a house game you stupid [ __ ] i'm just imagining you like in a courthouse yelling all this stuff like to nobody uh yeah i'll mortgage the [ __ ] water works excuse me [ __ ] all right good there you go uh uh back hey there you go enjoy your stupid dirty money [ __ ] con artist all right here we go enjoy you just told me i was stagnating in a cell yeah doing crooked business yeah enjoy it there you go [ __ ] happy now on the whole goddamn board wow this really is capitalism i'm just sitting in jail running the world oh i get to roll again what an opportunity oh virginia okay are you ready let's ox no don't ox don't ox then you take it for 40 bucks for why for 40. because i don't want you to screw me out of 120 oh i wasn't even thinking about sneakily hey all right i got them enough well it doesn't even matter in this dog-eat-dog world i know that's just really funny um this is really it really is like you start out with a haymaker and then for the rest of the match i'm [ __ ] stumbling all over the ring [Laughter] it's like what even happened what no oh no no it is chance no it's a property jesus christ yeah i'll buy it for 300. i'm good for it oh boy [ __ ] enjoy enjoy your 50 empire you slug you're so mad at me i do i don't like i don't i don't know what else to do what else can i do i don't know just sit in here buy me a ice cream i i would gladly buy actually we just bought drumsticks we just bought a box of drumsticks for the freezer so if you want to come over and have ice cream you absolutely can dude you know what i gotta try goddamn [ __ ] park place piece of [ __ ] and you'll get it for 10 bucks out of cash all right here's the deal all right what's up they make you gotta you gotta check these out man they make fried chicken investment ice cream oh that sounds disgusting no no no no it's not what you think it's it's not like fried chicken flavored or anything it's oh okay it's a it's a a hard cookie bone inside wrapped in ice cream and then the the shell of it is like the it's like the fried part is like cookie crumble and like chocolate coating or something i'm sure that's delicious i just don't like the idea of like dessert meat you know what i mean well it's just ice cream yeah i guess you're right like once you take one bite you'll be like is this the bad one oh that is the bad one holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] though [Laughter] do you mind i have some chicken eat it in five minutes yeah go for it oh oh wait oh no no no no no no no my turn be kitten it it's doing it automatically dude what the [ __ ] why why is it doing this [ __ ] we can't stop i'm sorry here you you better go uh welcome back to gamers everybody i gotta roll the dice okay so uh the what has happened before just tried to happen again uh the the game rolled for me because i wasted too much time and um and wouldn't you know it uh it said if i'm away for much longer it'll bankrupt me and forfeit the game okay so i just very cool i owe you 20 bucks so enjoy that okay oh this is a real this is a real uh [ __ ] interesting one well i want it so i also want i need more properties let's turn it on oh you sneaky bastard okay i will take it thank you i was i was prepared to lose it all for this property and you left me what 50 bucks yeah really you're gonna lose it all of course dude this is life or death here it just doesn't seem like a good idea cause that addict's gonna gotta be [ __ ] kidding me you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me what the hell persistence is the key to success oh my god walk me through your process what do you mean walk me through your process i i i would rather sit on a glass jar and have it explode in my butthole [Laughter] god damn it 772 dollars well doesn't mean [ __ ] unless you got happiness and that's what i got right here happiness [Applause] oh you got a hundred dollars for free that's cool [Laughter] wow holy [ __ ] oh did i land on one of your railroads that's one of mine oh it's one of yours that's cool oh my god other plans for your money i'm i'm starting to feel a little bad and why would you feel bad i mean like that's just so unlucky sell two of my houses and uh you know i'm good hey 50 bucks easy peasy end turn all right i'll make you a deal okay i will give you uh-huh a kiss on the cheek uh-huh if you give me like five of your properties that i can mortgage [Music] [Music] thinking about it yeah yeah okay what really yeah yeah let's begin how about we making four properties or it has to be you know what is on the list you drive a hard bargain but i'll take it [Laughter] oh all right all right oh my god all right uh add money what the [ __ ] dude that's so insane how about a counter offer you're the one who said yes to a kiss on the cheek for four properties that's what you said and i i sweetened the deal by throwing in an extra dollar you took four very expensive properties those are the only properties that are available all the other ones have houses on them you said properties for me to mortgage you're not gonna mortgage those yes i am really i told you i was gonna mortgage them okay i am a man of my word what am i gonna do put houses on them with my 100 what's your offer all right we have a deal hell yeah dude yo dan just got [ __ ] screwed between episodes you said why is this game butt [ __ ] me [Laughter] oh cool someone already owns this property you know i got a smile on my face and a pep in my step i don't need 200 forget it a new property boardwalk hey you can't definitely can't afford that so i'll bid a hundred dollars what do you think okay i'm out this might be one of the funnier games of monopoly we've ever played well the dice is yours my friend i have a funny feeling there is another uh oh uh oh i'm nervous i'm nervous this could be bad this could be real bad well all right my holiday fun what the [ __ ] is even a holiday fund you're just making [ __ ] up to give you more money i have a feeling i'm about to get another offer made to me i'm very excited about it all right um in that case let's go to those yellow props throw a bad boy up there let's see what happens it's paid immediate dividends oh mother of god wow that's amazing oh my god i wish i could have screenshot your face the look on your face was as if someone just told you that like your your car exploded outside and like landed on top of the roof of your own house thereby ruining both oh aaron you poor thing all right let's make some deals oh my god you lucky bastard you lucky lucky bastard holy [ __ ] dude this is unbelievable i'm like i'm about to piss my pants over here [Music] i'm one step closer to my pants and i'm about to piss [Laughter] everything i drank today holy [ __ ] all right time to do some stuff with my hot props for the love of god five or a seven yes [Music] okay at long sweet last sometimes oh my god and i'm gonna make you a deal i don't have that much in assets man you sell a house for 25 bucks okay this one's houses are 25 bucks that's it man oh no all right good game aaron you know holy geez i almost had you just almost had you that was an amazing game it was one of our craziest pretty astounding loved it loved it i loved it too i i love you man and i love you my friend you're a fun and wonderful wonderful dude you mean it i do with all my heart bro awesome okay uh thank you for joining us i hope this wasn't too ridiculous and uh wishing you all the best for a lovely day hey where's the nearest bridge um i i don't know but i'm pretty sure i own it uh hi everybody hello aaron you're my friend oh wow yeah it's monopoly plus baby that's right it's uh we haven't played monopoly in uh a little bit we're doing it again um well i mean it's it's a regular occurrence at this point people just will not stop asking us is that true yeah oh yeah wow yeah i'll be like i'm very sick and i'll be like oh my condolences when are you playing monopoly so does that mean you're closer to playing monopoly so we're going last cat boy he's going to be a hat yeah holy [ __ ] he's going to be a hat and how about that this is gonna be a real [ __ ] show do you think so i can feel it i love fighting the look at those bears oh god all right sweet i owe some cash it's really relaxing six dollars marie is rolling in it right now see that again wow so no property for you and you lost six dollars yes what happened aaron thanks for reminding me no i'm just i'm just catching everybody else yeah i'm just saying it sucks and uh like your family must be different king marie i'm sick of this [ __ ] yeah marie's killing it marie's gotta stop right now she'll never stop says no he owes marie money oh my god oh my god marie's made like 16 [ __ ] man marie yeah you're gonna do invest that she's gosh dang it yeah i like that everybody's got their dirty hands all over various colored properties yeah but you got railroads which stack no matter what i got railroad that's well yeah you're about to roll a 10 and then you're gonna get another railroad watch promise check this out that okay see hey you got the red spot has red been taken by anyone yet oh red is all yours baby magnificent which bodes well for people landing on it when you have them correct aaron if you got that exact same role and result you'd be like dude people are out here buying properties that i only got 20 [ __ ] dollars you're a you're a grasses greener man oh my god he got a second railroad he sure did i'm [ __ ] pissed but it's the it's the bo railroad that's the stinky one so joke's on him yo i'm about to [ __ ] in marshall's mouth bankrupt you all right over there you think you're gonna catch me off guard and i'm gonna be like oh maybe it's a good idea i just never noticed it was down there the whole time there's your chance just at any point you could just be like bankrupt yeah i give up bankrupt now it's time for me to roll you ready for this [ __ ] yeah do it ba-boom give me another green that's not another green oh that's an unknown property though yes it is i can block out marie oh nice hey marie i'm gonna buy the property marie [Applause] i'm taking it well done i've never noticed all the people like run up like yay work back to work what were we saying we were trying to act like tough nerds and you said something effective get that peanut butter out of here what i can't remember what it was it was on the show yes damn i can't remember get that peanut butter cause you had an allergy you better get those peanuts out of here i'm gonna get sick damn i wish i could remember it was funny okay marsha oh no my dad's name is larry and he likes to shop at the store tj maxx specifically they got cheap deals on clothes and you can also get shoes and watches [Laughter] one of your finest comedy moments with the stock market it's like oh hell yeah i could write a book you want to learn how to turn a thousand dollars into four hundred dollars well you just need the data economics lesson with the uh yeah whenever you see a bunch of people talking about something because it's popping off buy right then yep yep because it's only up from there getting late bye [Laughter] kitty kitty i'm gonna eat you i'm hungry in the jail come over here you cute tasty wilfred cat [Laughter] oh no oh no oh dear don't give up don't shut your [ __ ] mouth that's not terrible oh jesus all right um how do i do this well i don't want to do that uh yeah okay so i only got one of these so i'll definitely do that all right that's enough yeah there you go you didn't need that anyway in fact this is kind of a good thing you just keep convincing yourself piece by piece yeah this is great actually you know what i didn't even that was a burden on me to have that much cash now i can walk around with my pockets all light and free okay what is it 12. oh that's one of my railroads that was 11. aaron did you really just look at a 685 and think it's 11 12. in my head it was 11 but i said 12. i was right though she landed on one of my railroads one two three it was one of marshall's railroads too because i forgot i didn't the tray didn't go through nice that would have been death but he's fighting for the dubs but nay all right good luck uh let's roll just not a five seven or eight hey there you go awesome [ __ ] that's cool at least it's not the hotel one what is it like 300 or something oh my god okay uh well you've got the money man i was gonna trade with [ __ ] marshall but now [ __ ] man i was gonna trade with marshall but now i gotta suck dick for cash please god a three oh my god oh my god oh wow are you real that's amazing maybe he is real dude that's exciting yeah okay oh man marshall's like yep i'm out no god he's so smart what is leverage worth to you nothing oh my god yeah oh damn marie's taking him oh my god marie got him [Applause] wow the [ __ ] cleaners you didn't have to raise it by that much marie yeah boy she just took a steaming cat turd on his head okay whipped out her barbed penis um that is so there's a lot that's confusing about that statement hey man you can land on go i guess that's the cool thing about it yeah i i just passed it though oh my god and then i landed on income tax you gotta yeah you gotta mortgage one of your arrests oh yeah you know what i'm i'm uh i'm calling it are you doing it yeah oh bro there's no coming back from this everyone's got monopolies i mean you do too i don't know i feel like if you land on a go twice you can come back you know what i mean yeah i feel like if a bunch of crazy [ __ ] happened look at this look at this look at you how much how much how much how much please oh my god that's so close what else do i have uh [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] anything i gotta start selling houses on baltic yeah or whatever this [ __ ] yeah oh that's so little cash how much do i owe it was 900 straight yeah yeah you'll have 21 which is just enough money to wander down the street and fondle someone's balls [Laughter] iggy oh my god she has so much money to load up everything yep who'd have thought the [ __ ] normal one yeah if i put her on hard do you think it would have been different i don't know i don't like is it possible to know because like marshall was making all these strategic moves but they didn't end up paying off yeah marshall played the long game and marie just landed on go a thousand times yeah yeah maria just had awesome rolls and crushed us oh my god yeah well we got you know we got to watch it's they they make you watch watching the third reich march through poland uh-huh well there's our neighborhood jeez no i don't even know what to say this is tough this sucks this sucks oh look at you going home man after i had that really nice moment where i was like i just need a three and it happened i know that was amazing it was so cool it was turning around for you then you got smacked by a bus it's like you found a hundred dollar bill on the road and you're like a hundred dollars i can use this bam pay for my arm surgery it's all that [ __ ] cash you got yeah boy this game is just all about the cash isn't it monopoly yes yes actually i mean like liquid oh i seriously like if you have a lot of liquid assets then you're just like i can just throw my money around you can except how many times have we had one of those ais where all they do is collect money and then they're just like a cash machine later on this [ __ ] sucks i'm not my houses my hotels i can't remember what it was another game we played oh my god you described it as like it's like you landed a haymaker in the first round and i'm just stumbling around for seven rounds that's what this feels like i i literally can't do anything yeah i actually have to declare bankruptcy really there's nothing i can do it's not gonna reach it she choked out all the houses oh my god you you can't you can't sell no you sell sell the brown houses i can't you have to do it evenly i'm totally locked out oh my god what a genius move holy [ __ ] and all the railroads are gone wow hold on maybe we can make a trade where i give all my stuff to you and then i declare bankruptcy okay because you have a better shot than i do uh i will offer you nothing uh-huh well one dollar it has to be one dollar oh okay uh control one dollar and then just take all my stuff really yeah um all right [Music] this is funny oh don't i have to unmortgage them when i get them maybe but you'll have a bunch of money a bunch of money he says yeah yeah i mean [ __ ] trading is the heart of business all right are you interested an offer like that how can i refuse very exciting all right all right uh okay you receive the mortgage property you can either either repay or um i'm going to keep the mortgage okay smart move uh what is it space bar keep the mortgage and keep the mortgage and pay up pay up pay up and you still got a cool two dollars left oh my god let's play hell yeah i'm gonna roll the dice let's see what we got oh see what's up lady luck one dollar no properties you better believe it oh you landed on my red space and i have to declare bankruptcy oh okay sometimes declare bankruptcy over eighteen that's rough really do be like that yeah i really do be like that sometimes uh okay that's it man oh yeah i just don't know how to oh it's the back button here i'll do it for you oh thank you yep hell yeah i want to declare bankruptcy oh my god wow with as little fanfare as possible you got my one dollar yes i have three dollars now there's no way i'm winning this it could be done i i guess it could be you just need someone to land on something awesome good job marie 900 do we find out who wins uh yeah marie one marie won just straight up wait marshall won marshall won wait how what i don't know marie came in fourth what no no that's just the player number wait i don't how does that work how did marshall win i don't know i guess just did it play out over the computer and then marshall ended up like [ __ ] yeah taking her take her to school he hit it with 32 houses marshall how long was this game what the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa i would have have eight years passed oh my god i don't understand that at all all right well next time on game grumps i went bankrupt with one dollar and i ended up in third boy that's bizarre well i guess marie had nothing in the end man holy monopoly you are a cruel mistress well well great good game yeah likewise aaron we still lost to the smart computer oh it was awful i just ate shake shack or that's not true i just had a milkshake from shake shack top to bottom instead of lunch and i feel like hot garbage oh nice wait what happened to your sandwich well i did eat the sandwich afterwards but that was there too much time had passed where my stomach was alone with the milkshake and the milk you don't want to be alone in the room with that guy no it punched the [ __ ] out of me from the inside which is what i wish you were a little angry hello welcome to monopoly plus hopefully yeah we're doing it i'm oh god damn it i [ __ ] up again oh my god aaron please i'm sorry my dad is watching have you seen me lately there's gray in my beard i don't have much time on this planet i gotta i don't even have to dye my blonde streak anymore it's just gray oh god okay go back three spaces is that good or bad i believe that's income tax sick get a [ __ ] break we just started man i could hear you from the other [ __ ] paying taxes [Laughter] we like pull into a late night gas station that has stray cats i always get drop a little bit of camilla's food on the ground because it's it's healthy beefy lamb which is good for any cats and those cats are eating garbage anyway so cats can't eat dog food no they love it they well of course they love it but they can't eat it well why not because it tastes gross all right all right come on man they're eating out of the trash aaron well they can eat fish and [ __ ] i'm giving them high-end dog food oh god stop it why are you doing this to me my stomach is filled with gas probably because you ate garbage in wendy's well you ate shake shack didn't you yeah yeah yeah so there's your answer what's what what would make me burp about shake shack i don't think there's a time when i haven't yelled when i've yelled uh god why are you doing this to me to my stomach and it wasn't in some way shake shack related [Laughter] no don't [Laughter] [Music] no no [Laughter] ten dollars [Laughter] what are we doing you been bidding for me we're going we're gonna go broke ten dollars i'm out all right okay chicken anymore all right i own a railed road give me nuts they slid me onto another property oh cat's going to jail cat's going to jail how many times have i heard that before from eating too much dog food you're under arrest for stealing camilla's food well i still want money for if i get [ __ ] or if i buy something welcome to life in l.a [Laughter] all right [Music] [Music] i've got it i've made a terrible mistake michelle is going to win them all yeah it's not good ten dollars oh don't no well that's actually really nice you got a really cheap property oh goodness here's a chance to pull it out did he get out of it oh i think he got past it [Music] oh don't [ __ ] meow you smug piece of [ __ ] i'm just an initial kitty cat just [ __ ] all over everything derailing the train balls on my bed yeah ruining states avenue with your muck spray i would love it if one of my cats just started walking around the house all proudly like this muck spraying all over whoa damn his fourteen dollar plan is already paying dividends oh no that was to you i'm getting cash moved ahead of him in straight cash that's right man i'm just waving a dollar in front of him like looks like i've got more many than you many i have many many hey all right we're each getting 50 bucks all right thank you chairman yeah i'll go i'll go 10 for 10 with this [Laughter] it's [ __ ] turn all right michelle land on my [ __ ] [ __ ] could be is that oh no that's my horse [ __ ] hey and you can't afford it michelle so you better dig into that little [ __ ] cat collar of yours and pull out some [ __ ] morty [Laughter] language [Laughter] oh no that's all going to michelle oh my god all right orals out declare bankruptcy they did it oh crap michelle is more powerful than you could possibly imagine excuse me [Laughter] sorry i threw up [Laughter] please don't tease me have a condition well i see london i see france i see pee-pee poo-poo pants [Laughter] wow aaron really impressive i gotta do it i got oh i'm about to make the big move out of this game [ __ ] god damn [ __ ] michelle what the hell is it with this stupid magenta property suck my [ __ ] dick you stupid cat all right uh is it can i trade with you first before i go bankrupt yes you can all right we're gonna do that all right yes you've got yourself a deal mister what do you want to trade uh not interested all right hell yeah and now it's time to declare bankruptcy looks like that's my railroad nice it's my property oh god what's that say oh okay wait what but that's my property what what the [ __ ] is happening is this game losing its mind i think it just like glitched it glitched you into having to pay 625 dollars to myself what what's happening it thinks i what oh monopoly what is happening wait just a [ __ ] second here is it trying to get revenge for us like coming up with a deal to help each other out it's like not so fast humans it thinks i landed on st charles which is what you landed on maybe because you bankrupted to like the game and not to the cat now it's like it's like in the queue and so like the next thing that activated an event activated this instead because you didn't pay up oh am i so you have to pay now but i can i there's nothing i can do is that because we traded stuff and you inherited my debts hold on hold on hold on let me see if i can oh this what this is so weird that should keep you in the ear uh yeah sure if the money goes to you that will be hilarious okay was that enough yeah why must they pay michelle what the [ __ ] [Laughter] what's that did it just shut down completely what is going on here holy [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] bug wow ruby soft okay okay this is what happened this is what happened okay this is soft because oh god we just got shafted out of an hour of our lives well wait what is happening okay okay okay okay maybe if i don't do anything let's not even question it let's just keep playing i landed on a [ __ ] michelle property guy god damn oh my god you lost 600. jesus wait hold on hey maybe i can stick it out next time on game grumps all right good luck homie i'm dead okay i'll take a community chest i'm so tense right now no oh my god for [ __ ] sake man you know fine i have to pee so bad just [ __ ] let me kill you or you kill me i just want to be able to go back to my life and pee in a toilet like a normal person is that so wrong no can do and now oh god oh god 10. [ __ ] i swear to god i sort of [ __ ] christ i'll kill you i'll kill everything about you he's going [Laughter] what the [ __ ] man [Music] okay awesome [ __ ] yeah that's the game ender baby i don't know i think he can survive it well of course he could survive it but will he thrive it okay draw the card advancing no no he just put those there oh god oh that's so cruel i think you can survive it i think you could get away with this one oh that's gonna do it that's good that's that's all right that's that's probably gonna i that that was like god hates me i do i do like that you decided to like jump jive and wail your way over there even though you were about to owe 700. you know what i love life let's just see if you can make it don't declare bankruptcy just yet let's just see no what the [ __ ] is the point i don't know i just want to see yeah second prize in a beauty contest things are looking up oh good job michael michelle i guess it's french for michael god an hour and 17 minutes wow you came in fourth oh cool yeah what do you how do they come in fourth i don't know i don't know how i got second
Channel: GameGrumps Compilations
Views: 2,387,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, Best of Game Grumps, Game Grumps compilation, Game Grumps compilations, Funny, Gaming, Lets play, Danny, Arin, Egoraptor, Dan Avidan, Arin Hanson, Grumps
Id: LA2EmIhFX3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 46sec (12286 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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