The Trinity or the Godhead

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all right welcome back I'm Robert breaker and I've got a message prepared that oh I probably should have preached about six or seven months ago I had a lot of people about six seven months ago and and from then on until today emailing me all the time saying brother breaker please preach the message on this subject please brother breaker preached on the subject of the Trinity or the Godhead and I've been putting it off and putting it off and putting it off I've already made a message about this in which I made a message um in our mystery series we have the seven mysteries in the Bible and one of those is the mystery of godliness and I've already talked about that and that was who what two years ago I guess that I've talked about that so I kind of was putting off going not given all I already have a message about that but so many people have emailed me and said brother breaker we need you to make a video about the Trinity help explain to us the Trinity and I've just been dealing with other subjects and I've had this on my list for a long time but I figured well let's go ahead and let's do this let's go ahead and make this video and hope it will be a blessing to you lots of people have asked me to do this and many of them are extra witnesses and if you know there's a cult within Christianity they call themselves Christians that really aren't because they don't really follow Christ and who Christ really is matter of fact they reject Jesus Christ if you think about it they call themselves Jehovah Witnesses they believe only in a Jehovah in the Old Testament they don't believe that Jesus is the Jehovah of the Old Testament but they don't believe in the Trinity and if you come across these people that call themselves Jehovah Witnesses they will tell you oh there's no such thing as the Trinity there's no such thing as hell and then there's all these things that they reject they're clearly in the Bible so I want to do this video to help those people who are struggling with those those Jehovah Witnesses a lot of times Joe witnesses will come to your door knock at your door and say hi we'd like to talk to you about the kingdom and they they really mess up people they really get people messed up in their false doctrines so this video will be to help you understand the Trinity now here's the thing what I'm going to do today I'm going to deal with two different things I'm going to talk about what the Trinity is or maybe I should say who the Trinity is but then I'm going to deal with or try to deal with and this is the hard part how the Trinity works now that's what's so hard it's called a mystery that's called the mystery of God there is some things about the Trinity that are very hard to explain so although I can clearly explain to you what the Trinity is and who it is what would it consist of it will be very very hard for me to explain to you how the Trinity works so I'm going to attempt to do both and if all I get is to explain what the Trinity is and you understand that then I feel like my mission is accomplished at least you understand what the Trinity is but I don't know if we'll ever fully understand how the Trinity is so what I'll do is I'll explain that and maybe you'll understand at the end of this video what I'm talking about when I say the who versus the how of the Trinity who the Trinity is does a no-brainer I mean that will start out right now in first John 5:7 and we'll see exactly who the Trinity is and it's in the Bible but how the Trinity is now that's whole that's hard to explain that's why it's a mystery that's why it's something that's hard to get a hold of and that's and that's why people email me and say please explain it because it's hard for me to understand its how the Trinity works that it's so hard for us to get because we're not God and we are mortal flesh and it's very hard for us to understand how the eternal works and how an eternal being can can do what he does so let's begin in first John chapter 5 and verse 7 as we begin here our study today on the Trinity now I called it what the Bible calls it the Godhead the word Trinity by the way is not in the Bible the word Godhead is and it's quite interesting how many times the word Godhead is in the back when I'll get to that in a minute but I want to start here whisper John first John chapter 5 and verse 7 first John 5:7 says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so the Bible clearly tells us what the Trinity is it's the Father God the Father the word which is Jesus God the Son and the Holy Ghost God the spirit so we have God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit these three are one so it's not three different it's one God in three parts this is the Trinity now right off the bat as soon as I finished reading this verse some people will say well that verse shouldn't be in the Bible you know Jehovah Witnesses say well we don't even have that verse in our Bible why do you have it in your Bible well let me tell you why because it's supposed to be there if you go to the greek texas Receptus and you look at this verse and you know greek now had three years streak in college and you know I don't like Greek I don't need green I have a King James Bible which was translated correctly from the correct Greek text so I don't really need Greek but I did take it a good study I did learn it first of all without verse seven in the text your Greek language is not grammatically correct so if you take out verse seven that I just read and many many people they claim that shouldn't be in the Bible then the Greek text is grammatically incorrect in the Greek language so that is a strong evidence in confirmation that this verse belongs in the Bible secondly these people will come to you these so-called Greek scholars and they will say well you know the oldest texts don't have first John 5:7 what doesn't matter if they're older texts or not without this verse seven the grammar of the Greek is incorrect but they say the older texts don't have that that is a lie from the pits of hell someone is lying to you the older texts do have this what they are calling the older texts are the Vaticanus and cinematix and the Sinaiticus manuscripts which are 400 to 600 years after Jesus and someone within that time 400 to 600 years after Jesus took out this verse clearly it was there before because the grammar in the Greek does not read correctly without this verse but also we have a hundred two hundred years after Jesus we have what are called the Church Fathers now there was a man years ago named Dean virgin Dean virgin I believe he started some sort of Bible Society the Dean virgin Society or something no no somebody started that Bible Society after him thinking about him but Dean's virgin was some sort of a Dean of a college in England in the 1600 1800s and Dean Bergeon collected something like if I remember correctly 30,000 quotes from the church fathers and he found that burst John 5:7 was quoted 100 and 200 years after Jesus Christ so if they quoted first John 5:7 a hundred and two hundred years after Jesus then it must have been in their Bibles amen I don't care if you say the oldest manuscripts don't have it the old manuscripts are five hundred four hundred six hundred years after Jesus two hundred years after Jesus we have the testimony of first John 5:7 so it should be in the Bible the other thing I want to say some people will say well what about Erasmus you see what I'm doing is I'm giving you the arguments of people that hate the Trinity and don't believe it should be in the Bible many of them say well it shouldn't be in the Bible because this that the other thing but if you study for yourself you find out first John 5:7 has always been in the Bible but there was a man named Erasmus in the 1500s and Erasmus put out a Greek text based upon these Greek texts that he's found all over the Byzantine Empire and his first edition of his Greek and Latin text did not have first John 5:7 in it and in front of that in what 15 16 15 17 and so people say first John 5:7 should be in the Bible well he went around and he said look if you need to show me one text it has first John 5:7 in it I'll put it in the Bible and I can't remember him as his second his third or his fourth re printing of his Greek and Latin Greek text Erasmus put first John 5:7 into the text because he did find evidence that first John 5:7 should be in the Bible so if you're one of those people that goes around and says well first John 5:7 shouldn't be in the Bible you can just go ahead and click on something else you're not going to believe anything that I have to say in the rest of this video because your mind is made up and you believe that there is no Trinity and I'm sorry for you because I'm going to prove to you from the Scriptures what the Trinity is and that there is one and I hope you stick with this and I hope you watch this but don't ever give in to someone that tells you that first John 5:7 shouldn't be in the Bible because it is in our Bible in the King James Bible and it is found a hundred years after Jesus in quotes from early church fathers and the Greek text does not even make sense grammatically without this verse so we begin our study on the Trinity in first John 5:7 a verse that many people debate but there's really no debate it's a verse that is scriptural a verse and you know why did they debate it because Satan hates the Trinity Satan wants to attack it so we're not gonna give Satan the time of day we're gonna look at this s scripture we're going to say first John 5:7 is the word of God it is divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and it is the Word of God and the Word of God tells us there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so we have one God with three parts so this first tells us about the Trinity or what I like to call the Godhead now many people will will come to your head like I had a phone call not too long about a guy screaming at me on the phone saying don't you ever talk about the Trinity the Trinity is not in the Bible innocent okay well the doctrine is he says well the words not so you can't use the word Trinity so some people will tell you well the Trinity is not in the Bible the Trinity is not in the Bible where does the word Trinity come from well that's a word that we make up we call it the Trinity the triune Godhead the triune God so a lot of people say well we're Trinity's not in the Bible so you can't use the word Trinity okay well what word is in the Bible the word Godhead is in the Bible now I don't mind using the word Trinity I have no problem with that you know the Bible doesn't use the word rapture the word rapture is not in the Bible but the doctrine is so it's not wrong to use a word that's not found in the Bible as long as the doctrine itself is found in the Bible but it's interesting the word that Trinity is not found in the Bible but the word Godhead is and so I went and I looked up the word Godhead and guess how many times the word Godhead shows up in the Bible three so the Trinity is one God with three parts and in the Bible the Trinity the used in the Bible is Godhead and it's pitches three times it shows us that God is a Trinity yes three parts I thought that was interesting so Godhead is used three parts in the Bible so let's quickly look at those let's go to Acts chapter 17 and verse 29 then we'll go to Roman's 120 then we'll go to Colossians 2:9 and I'll just show you each of the three times that the word Godhead is used in the Bible God is that one God the three parts he is a triune God or he is a Trinity Acts chapter 17 verse 29 and we find the word Godhead and it says for as much then as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like them to gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's device so that God has so clearly the Bible says do not think that God is an idol that's what it's talking about here is the worship of idols the heathen the pagans in the time of Paul their worship idols and those I was remain of gold or of silver ore of stone and people used to worship a little statue and say oh my god you are my god no no God's not like that God is far greater God is the creator of all things a piece of wood or a piece of statue of gold or silver that is not God our God is alive those things are fed Romans chapter 1 verse 20 is the second time that we see the word God hid Romans chapter 1 verse 20 says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse so here is the second time we see the term Godhead and notice it's always a capital G because it's the true God in the Bible when it's a lowercase G well that's the false god and then Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 is the last time the third time interesting three times the word Godhead shows up Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 says for in him the context is verse 8 Christ so Jesus for in him Jesus dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily so here is the God and can in it's talking about Jesus so included in the Godhead is Jesus Christ so in Jesus Christ is the Godhead so this verse tells about the Trinity or the Godhead and these three verses act 1729 Romans 1:20 in Colossians 2:9 talk about the Godhead so what I'm gonna do today I'm going to talk about the Godhead or the Trinity I'll tell you what it is or basically who it is then I'm gonna try to explain how it works and that's where we get into problems it's so hard for us to understand how the Trinity can be because we are simple minded people we are not God we are so far away from God so hard to understand how God thinks it is so hard for us to think the same way so many people have a hard time understanding the Godhead or the Trinity I don't know why because it's easy to understand what it is or who it is but then I see how difficult it is to understand how it is so let me get into that let me start with this teaching on who the Godhead is or what it is and then we'll look at how it works so first of all we'll begin in Genesis chapter 1 now what we need to understand is God is a God with three parts he is one God he's not three gods some people who hate the teaching of the Trinity try to say when you Christians you believe in three gods no you don't know I don't I don't believe in three guys I believe in one God but that one God has three parts so in Genesis chapter 1 and we go to Genesis chapter 1 in verse 26 God is speaking and it's funny the word God in Hebrew is Elohim Elohim when you see a word in Hebrew that ends in M that's a plural word so the word for God in Hebrew is the plural word yet it's one God but it's plural so it's one God with three parts that's quite interesting that the word itself is a plural word but in verse 26 it says and God said okay so God is speaking look at how God speaks about himself this is odd this is really really strange he says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so God says something and God says let us do this in our image in our likeness now who talks like that if it were me talking I'd say let me make man in my image it would be me my I wouldn't say our our and us means there's more than one but that's how God talks God says let us make man in our image so God speaks of himself as a plural when God talks he talks as though he was more than one now he's not more than one there's not more than one God it's one God with three parts but it's interesting how God addresses and speaks to himself with the pronouns us and our now in order for us to understand God and what God is I think the easiest way for us to understand is look at ourselves because we're told here in the scriptures that God made man in His image so we are made in the image of God so if we're going to understand God and we need to understand ourselves it's amazing to me how you have within Christianity all these so-called denominations that claim to be Christians they don't read the Bible they don't study the Bible they don't understand the Bible and they don't even understand who they are who are we 1st Thessalonians 5:23 notice we're gonna study today we're gonna look at who or what the Trinity is and then we're gonna look at how it works now what is the Trinity alright let's go to this verse 1st Thessalonians 5:23 I'm put to is there first Thessalonians 5:23 gives us what a man is and a woman for that much and the Bible tells us exactly what we are remember we were created in God's image if God is one God with three parts then wouldn't we be one with three parts and that's what it comes out that's what the Bible teaches is that we are one individual one person but we are made up of three very distinct separate parts that doesn't make us three people that makes us one individual with three parts we are one person with three parts first Thessalonians 5:23 says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless into the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so the Apostle Paul and wouldn't it be Paul Paul's always telling us such good stuff Paul tells us that we are made up of a spirit we're made up of a soul and we're made up of a body we have three parts we are one person but we are made up of three separate parts it's almost like a football I don't know if you like to play football but I do not always I'm not very good at it but a football is one football but it's made up of three parts outside of the football is the skin in the pigskin inside of that football is a bladder and the inside of that football is air now if I want to take all the air out of that football could I go play football I couldn't because it'd be flat and I couldn't throw it I couldn't get that spin if I took the bladder outside of that football and I tried to fill it up with air can I play football no I'd be going and all the air would go out that that rubber bladder inside literally holds the air in if I took the bladder out the air would leak out what if I took the skin off that pigskin could I play football and do very hard to play football with that little bladder that that slippery little little bladder so I have to have one football but I have to have all three parts in order to use that football so those three part white one that pretty much corresponds with the body the body is like the skin that's the outside and the air is like the spirit inside and then the soul is like that bladder so as the football has three parts in it and I need all three parts in order to play football a human being is like that it's one person with three parts it's not three different person persons no one would look at a football and say look at that football it's three different footballs it's one football but it consists of the three parts and without the three parts you can't use it it won't work so man is one man made of three parts we are made of three different distinct parts but there's only one of us when you look at me you see my outside you see my body inside of my body is my soul you can't see that and inside of that is the spirit so I am made up of three parts you're looking at Robert breaker but you're only looking at the outside of Robert breaker you're not seeing the inside that inward what the Bible calls the inward man so we're made in God's image and if we are made of three parts but yet we're one person then God must be one God with three parts one person with three parts and that's what God is God is a Trinity we are and I like to use this we are a triune being I like to use that little same we are a trying being that means we are a being made up of three parts just as God is a Trinity he is one God with three parts now what would the three parts of God be well there there you go that's a good question what are the three parts of God what is God made of well if God is made of a spirit and a soul and a body what would the Spirit of God be well clearly if you know your Bible that would be the Holy Spirit are the Holy Ghost I'll prove a - their Holy Ghost if the body is Jesus Jesus took on like sinful flesh yet without sin Jesus came down from heaven in a body like our Lord then clearly Jesus Christ would be the body so what would that make this soul well there's only one left you know Jesus is the one we read in first John 5:7 he's the word so the only thing left is the Father so God the Father somehow must correspond with the soul I guess so God has three parts he is a spirit soul and body and somehow when he created us he took what he was and he made us in His image so we have a spirit a soul in a body now here's the problem when we were born in this world we are born in a fallen state and because we were born in a fallen state we are born sinners we have a problem okay here I am okay here's the sillas tration of me just like this illustration of football here's my outside here's my body okay I'm born in this world and the inside my body you can't see it but that's my soul and inside the soul is the spirit now that spirit according to the Bible is born dead so my spirit is born dead so I'm born with a dead spirit you know what that makes me that makes me two-thirds of a man so when I'm born in this world I'm born with a live body with a soul inside of it but I have a dead spirit I'm not whole I'm only 2/3 2/3 in fractional form is 0.666 now that's an awful number 666 but you know what that number is in the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 18 the Bible tells us that's the number of amana Revelation chapter 13 verse 18 here his wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of the man number of a man a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six now why is a man's number the same number is the number of the beast why does the Bible says the number of the Beast is the number of a man that six exists is the number of a man well if you look at what a man is and what he's made up of and you look if the Bible says that when we're born in this world our spirit is born dead because of the sin of Adam and Eve then it makes sense we're only 2/3 whole we have a dead spirit so this is what you're like when you're born this is what every person it's morning in this world is this is what a lost person is they don't have the Spirit of God now when you get saved when you get born again I guess I'll put up here when you get saved it's a little bit different because when you get saved something happens and things get a lot better when you're safe when you get saved the Bible says the Holy Spirit of God comes inside of you and dwells inside of you now I'm gonna put the spirit in red because the Bible says you're washed in the blood so in order to make you look like we have a filling in the Spirit I have to have some color so I'm gonna use red in order to fill it when a person trusts the gospel and gets saved they are filled with the Holy Spirit of promise the Holy Spirit of God and that Holy Spirit goes inside of their spirit and dwells inside of them and the Bible says that what we're supposed to do is reckon the flesh dead so we're supposed to look at the body and say okay now body you're dead I don't want you to have what you want whatever you want you can't have but the Bible says now that the soul has been washed in the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit is inside the Bible calls that a new creature and that is the soul of the man with the Holy Spirit inside now this is the difference between a saved man and a lost man a saved person has the Holy Spirit of God inside of them but there's still two thirds one because they're still in a sinful body not until the rapture do they get a glorified body and they become whole but they have the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit inside of them is what makes them what the bible calls a new creature in Ephesians 1:13 you're sealed with always spirit of promise when you get saved when you get morning by trusting the gospel first created these 51 through for trusting the blood atonement of Christ then you are sealed with the Holy Spirit you have God's Spirit inside of you and you go to heaven when you die so the Bible talks about us what we are and where we come from and where we come from is we're born from our parents and this is how we look when we're born we're born with an outward body we all have a body we all have a soul but our spirit is dead that's why we must be born anew that's why we need the spiritual birth that's why we need to be saved because the Spirit is dead now what happens when you die well in Genesis chapter 35 and verse 18 it tells us when a person dies their soul is in departing so their soul leaves their body that's what takes place is when you die your soul leaves your body if you're saved and you die and you leave the body while the Holy Spirit inside takes you to heaven but if you're lost and you die what happens that soul goes straight down straight to hell the Bible talks about in Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 39 the saving of the soul what the Bible is for it's a book given to us to tell us about who God is and what God did for us and what God did was he died in our place for our sins He shed his blood and if you trust the blood of Jesus Christ then you can be forgiven and your soul can be saved and go to heaven when you die that's why it's so important to be saved and when you get saved then you become a new creature second Corinthians 5:17 says therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new so we become a new creature in Christ when we trust the blood atonement the blood that Jesus shed for our sins so this is lost person safe person so what do we call this when a person gets saved what takes place well that's what takes place is they become a new creature and there is a spiritual birth that takes place how do we get this spiritual birth it's a birth of the Spirit yours born with a dead spirit so in order to have that spirit come to life there must be something taking place what we call this is being born again how do you get born again first Corinthians 4 15 cents per though you have ten thousand instructors at Christ yet have you not many followers for in Christ Jesus have I begotten you through the gospel so Paul says that it's the gospel that saves us and that the gospel is how we get it the new birth or we get our spirit born the gospel of course is first Corinthians 15 one through four and when you believe the gospel there is a new birth that takes place it's the spiritual birth now I'm not talking about this body now there's some people that say the future the rapture there's a birth of a body you know that's something completely different I'm not talking about that today what I'm talking is what the Bible calls the birth of the Spirit this is what we call born of the Spirit no there's so many verses on that let me go to John chapter 3 you see we're born in this world were born wrong were born without the Spirit of God and we're born in this world and our soul is not saved we're the old man were the old creature and that old man is lost that's why we need to be born anew born of the Spirit so when Jesus was here he was talking and Jesus says in John chapter 3 and verse 3 jesus answered and said unto Him verily verily I say to you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God and then he says there in verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh that was just born of the Spirit is spirit so the first birth is the birth of the flesh but the spirits dead the next birth is when our spirit is born anew through the blood of Christ we trust that that's when the Holy Spirit comes in and our spirit is reborn through Christ verse 8 says that when bloweth weren't listed and now hears the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of the Spirit what does it mean to be born of the Spirit well Paul talked about it in Galatians chapter 4 let's go there Galatians chapter 4 verse 29 Galatians 4 29 Paul says but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now so someone is born after the spirit now first John talks about this a little bit first John chapter 5 and verse 1 whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and every one that believeth him that begetteth loveth him also that it's begotten of him first John 39 says go back first John chapter 3 and verse 9 says whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God so what we call this we call this the new birth this is called being born of the spirit or born of God this is the spiritual birth and if you're not saved then you've never been born again spiritually you don't have the Holy Spirit inside of you so you're lost and if you die you'll go straight down it what will happen to someone that dies and goes straight down well that is found in Luke chapter 16 and it's kind of sad everyone must be born again or they go to hell that's what Jesus said in Luke chapter 16 we see a guy that went to hell Luke chapter 16 verse 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen affairs obviously every day or 20 there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid his gate full of sores on his bed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was buried okay when the rich man died and was buried his body was buried but his soul was in departing his soul left where did his soul end up when he died because he didn't have the holy spirit his soul went down and in verse 23 it says and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torment and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and there he says in verse 24 I am tormented in this flame so if you do not get born of the Spirit if you're not born again when you die your body separates and in your soul leaves your body and the body is put in the grave and the soul goes to hell and burns that's why it's important to be born of the spirit get that new birth that spiritual birth because when you come to Christ trust the gospel trust the blood atonement of Jesus Christ through faith you're saved the Holy Spirit comes in dwells inside of you and then what happens well because you have the Holy Spirit when the body dies the Holy Spirit takes you up and what are that in the Bible why that's in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 Paul is talking to people that are saved and are born of the Spirit that are born again in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 he says these words second Corinthians 5:6 therefore we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord but they never say for we are confident I say willing rather to be absent for the body to be present with the Lord so if you are a Christian that's truly saved by trusting the gospel and you have the Holy Spirit inside of you and you're sealed with that Holy Spirit you are a new creature the Bible calls you if that body dies that soul is present with the Lord it goes to heaven but if you're not saved and you die that soul goes straight down to hell and that's why it is so important to be saved the Bible says in Psalms 9 17 the wicked shall be turned into hell in all nations that forget God so this is what the Bible teaches about us this is what we are and this is what the Trinity is it's so simple to explain what the Trinity is and who it is it's a body soul and spirit God said he made us in His image what is God's image God is a spirit it's the Holy Spirit he's a soul and he's a bum his body is Jesus so God says look what I am I'm gonna make men like me and so he did he made men with the spirit soul and body the only problem is sin and lost the Holy Spirit and every time I had a son and he had a son and he had a son all those children were born without the Spirit of God and so their spirit was dead and so when they died they went to hell unless they came to God for salvation so this is what the Trinity is the Trinity is one person with three parts everybody that's alive today has these three parts one of them is dead that's what we need to be saved when we can say we're still we're made up of three parts we consist of three separate parts so it's easy to see that God is one God with three parts how does anyone deny that how does anyone say that that's not true I've showed you verse after verse that God is one God with three parts he's not three gods we don't look at God and say well God is three different gods he's God the Father and that's one God he's God to Jesus that's another guy he's got a boy spirit no it's all one God but with three parts so to understand the Trinity is to understand ourselves because we are made in God's image so we are three parts now I don't understand how anyone could deny that we are made up of three parts but yet there are some people that do I think it was was it Presbyterians or one of those denominations they believe in a dichotomy rather than a tree on being they say oh you're just a body in a soul there's no such thing as a spirit well then why did the Apostle Paul say in first in the first Thessalonians 5:23 that your spirit soul and body why would you say we have three parts if we only have two so this is clear this is this is easy to understand this is the easy part to get a hold of this is who the Trinity is or what it is it's one God three parts one person three part so this is let me write it up here one God three parts not three gods one God three parts now here's the hard part we looked at this now here's the how here's what's different God is different than us because God can do something that we can't do God can take three parts and he can separate himself anytime he wants any way he wants so he can take the three parts and separate them I can't do that I wish I could I wish I could go lay down in my body in the bed back there and then say you know what I've never been in ye and just raise up in my soul and just or maybe even in my spirit just buying spirit just go visit Hawaii you look around and then tell my soul and I go to the store and get me some potato chips you know and just anytime I want to just separate all three parts of me but I can't do that the only way that I can seperate is a death and death is what separates my body from the rest of me so the only way that my three parts get separated is that death death is when things change and that's when I leave my body now I hope the rapture comes first so I don't ever have to taste death but death separates me but God can do something that we can't do now this is what's so hard to understand how he can do this God can separate his three parts into three different parts it still makes up one God but he's one God with three parts and let me show you that let's give you an example let's go to Matthew chapter 3 what God can do I can't do I cannot separate myself but God can and he does and this is what's hard to understand about the Trinity this is why a lot of people don't believe in the Trinity because they go I just can't understand this part I don't understand how God can do this well you don't have to understand it you're just supposed to believe it the easy part is to know that God is the Father Son the Holy Spirit he's the three part God but he's one God with three parts that's that's easy but how God can separate those three parts any way he wants anytime he wants that's what's so hard to get ahold of go to Matthew chapter 3 here we see God in 3 this separate distinct places at one time he's one God with three parts but he's in three different places at once here's Jesus Christ on earth and we read in verse 13 then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan and John be baptized of him so here comes Jesus God the Son walking up to John but John forbade him I have need to be baptized the beam comes down to me and Jesus answering said unto Him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then he suffered him 16 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway up out straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him no wait a minute here's Jesus just got baptized it came up now the Holy Spirit's coming to him how come it's not in him how come it's coming down to him you see he separated himself I don't know how he did it but he did but that's not all and then as the Holy Spirit's coming down verse 17 and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased now who is this if he says this is my son then that must be the father so here you have Jesus Christ here Holy Spirit's up here and God the father's up here and so Jesus gets baptized here on earth Holy Spirit starts to come down on him and God the Father and a voice says now that's my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased look how he's in three different places at one time one God three different places explain that I can't I don't know how to do that Jesus Christ is God there's no doubt of that we read in the Bible and first John 3:16 now some people will go this passage and say well that shouldn't be in the Bible yes it should here we have another passage that scholars who don't believe in the Word of God try to change I've seen the old text and what they do is someone has erased this you go to first Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 and it says God was manifest in the flesh and the text has God the old way that they wrote God was like this they abbreviated God they asked like that in the old text well they have a text that did this and somebody came along and they took that little thing and they kind of rubbed it out but there was still a little dot there to where you know that was God this if you take out that line says he in Greek this says God so the right texts in Greek say God was manifest in the flesh and it's talking about Jesus the false text but even if you look under a microscope you can tell someone tried to erase say he was manifest in the flesh who is he know clearly the King James Bible says God was manifest in the flesh so there is no debate on who this is this is God Jesus Christ is God first Timothy 3:16 without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh so Jesus Christ is God there's no doubt about that so if Jesus is God then there's only one God but God can do something that we can't do God can take himself and separate his three parts and what Jesus God did was he came down from heaven to the earth and he was born of a virgin now you figure that out I don't know how that happened all I know is it did and I believe it and in Luke chapter 1 we read about how God came down through some how the Holy Spirit planted in Mary the seed of Jesus Christ God so somehow God humbled himself to come down to be born of a virgin Luke chapter 1 verse 30 we read and the angel said unto her fear not Mary for that housebound favor with God and behold thou shalt conceive a night women bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus he should be great it should be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end then said mary ann's an angel how shall this be seeing I know not a man the angel answered and said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of these should be called the Son of God so somehow Jesus Christ came down from heaven onto earth so he separated himself and he came down he took a body and he was born of a virgin now when Jesus Christ was down here on earth God the Father was in heaven so somehow God separated himself so and it looks like God the Holy Spirit was on heaven until he came down when Jesus was baptized so you've got somehow Jesus God Holy Spirit Mack a matter of fact let me show you this to go to Acts chapter 5 I want you to see that the Holy Spirit is also God in the Bible we need to go to Acts chapter 5 you gotta understand God the Father is God God the Son Jesus Christ is God and God the Holy Spirit is God that's what the Bible teaches Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 there was a guy named Ananias who lied against God and look what he says here back 7 5 verse 3 but Peter said Ananias why has Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and then he read verse 4 he says that was not light unto men but unto God verse 3 said he lied to the Holy Ghost verse 4 said he lied to God what does this say this is saying that the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit is God so Jesus is God the Holy Spirit is God well if that's the case then what is God the Father well God the Father in the Old Testament says I am God besides me there is none else so God the Father is God and there's some places where Jesus calls the father God the Father so God the Father is God God the Holy Spirit is God God the Son Jesus is God He is God the Son so it's one God with three parts but somehow he can do something that I can't do I cannot just because I want to say you know what I'm gonna leave my body today and just go exploring in my spirit you know what I'm just gonna send my soul to the post office and just stand here in my body I cannot separate myself but God can and that's hard for me to understand because I can't but he can and so when Jesus Christ was here on the earth let me show you some places what he says Matthew chapter 10 verse 33 but whosoever shall deny me before me and him while I also deny before my father we is in heaven so Jesus Christ is on earth and he says my father is in heaven Matthew chapter 16 verse 17 Jesus is speaking he says and Jesus answer to send him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto you unto thee but my father which is in heaven Jesus is in earth and he says the father is in heaven Matthew 18 10 look what he says take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for I say to you that in heaven there are angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven over and over and over 1 Jesus is here on earth he keeps saying the father's in heaven but I'm down here and Jesus Christ is gone and the father is gone how can they be in two different places at once I don't know here Jesus is telling his disciples how to pray in Luke chapter 11 in Luke chapter 11 he says you pray like this and he said to them when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name pray to the Father in Heaven Jesus Christ in Luke chapter 17 is praying in Luke chapter 17 and verse 1 jesus said these words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour has come glorify thy son that thy son also might glorify thee so Jesus Christ is on earth and he looks up to heaven and he says father so God the father's in heaven and God the Son is down here on the earth how can God separate himself I don't know well Jesus dies is buried and rose again that's the gospel how did he do it by shedding his blood his blood acts 20:28 says it's God's blood he purchased the church God with his own blood whose blood it was Jesus blood so Jesus must be God and you go to Acts chapter 2 in verse 33 and look what it says Jesus Christ raises again from the dead and goes up into heaven and in Acts chapter 2 and verse 33 it says where therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received that the father the promise of the Holy Ghost which has shed forth this which he now see and here so Jesus Christ went up to heaven to the right hand of the Father in the Hebrews chapter 10 verse 12 it says he's seated at the right hand of the Father he was chapter 10 verse 12 says but this man speaking of Jesus after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever set down on the right hand of God who is that that must be God the Father Hebrews 1:3 again speaking about that says Hebrews 1:3 who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person upholding all things by the word of his power when he had himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high so Jesus Christ came down from heaven while God the Father was still up there Jesus died was buried rose again went up and the Bible says he sat down on the right hand of the Father so here's the Father's throne this is the throne of God the Father and God the Father sitting in that throne somehow and I'm not good at drawing Thrones and then the son has a throne right beside the throne with God the Father and God the Son is sitting right here so somehow God can separate his body from the soul from a spirit and they can be in different places now here's the wildest part when Jesus was seen on earth he said you know when I go away I'm gonna send to you the comforter who was the comforter the Comfort is the Holy Spirit so God says when I'm in heaven I'm gonna send the Holy Spirit down so look at this John chapter 14 verse 26 so the Holy Spirit is also called the comforter so God John chapter 14 verse 26 look at what God the Son says about God the Holy Spirit but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost doesn't get much more clear than that the comforter is only Ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you John 15:26 alright yeah 26 he says here but when the comforter is come whom I will send with you from the father okay first he says the father was send he says I'm gonna send even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the father shall he testify Oh me now verse 16 chapter 16 verse 7 nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you so here's Jesus saying I'm going to go up to heaven and then I'm going to send a comforter so the Holy Spirit comes down so what do we have in heaven we have God the Father and God the Son sitting on two different Thrones right next to each other and they say now it's your turn Holy Spirit go down to the earth how ah this is why the Trinity is hard for people to understand they don't understand how God can separate himself now the Bible goes even farther in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 it tells us what happens when you get safe features 1:13 says in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation whom also after that she believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession of the praise of his glory so the holy spirit of promise is the Holy Spirit of God the comforter when you get saved the Bible says you get the Holy Spirit and it dwells inside of you go to Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 verse 14 through 16 says for as many others are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God for you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God where does the spirit go when you get saved when you trust the gospel you are sealed with the Holy Spirit that means the Holy Spirit of God comes inside of the believer and in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 in verse 12 we read now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God now look at 3:16 tie this thing together know ye not that you're the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you the Holy Spirit dwells inside of a believer all right in America they say there's about 350 million people live in America I don't know how many of those people in America are saved I'll just say what if one in three in America are saved I don't know if that's a high figure I don't know if that's a low figure but I got to start somewhere that would be a hundred well let me just let me just guess what if a hundred million people in America were saved now America probably has the most Christians of any place in the world so what if you take the whole population of the whole world there's like seven billion people what if you could find I don't know 400 million people in the rest of the world that we're safe that's probably a high figure there's probably way less people what if there were 500 million people in the entire world that were safe and had the Holy Spirit inside of them now that's probably a high figure I'm probably way high but I have to guess you know I'm just guessing what if five million people in the world were saved do you know what that means that means the Holy Spirit of God would be inside of five different million different people and every one of them is in a different place how does that work what if it's only a hundred million in the entire world but I don't know how many people are safe what I'm trying to show you is that the Holy Spirit of God is in a lot of different places at once because the only Spirit of God is inside of every believer and there's believers all over the world and each one of them has God dwelling inside of them in the Holy Spirit how is that possible how does that work I don't know that's the easy answer you see it's easy to figure out who the spirit but who the Trinity is I can tell you easy the Trinity well that's easy that's God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit first John 5:7 that's the Trinity it's one God in three parts it's the word it's the father and it's the spirit but how does God that bind himself in such a way that he could take his body and put it down here on the earth while his soul was in heaven God the Father and yet he can take his spirit and divide his spirit up among all believers in which his spirit literally dwells in each one of us that are saved now maybe that's a high figure probably as 500 million people say there's probably way less than that in the world today that are saved most of the world's lost unfortunately but how does God do that how does God divide himself I don't know so do you see what I'm trying to say that it's it's easy in one sense to understand the Trinity because we understand what it is what the Trinity is that's easy it's God the Father God the Son hung the Holy Ghost we're made in His image so we understand clearly that we are a body soul and spirit we're three parts but we're one but just as he's one God with three parts he's not three different gods he's one God with three parts I understand that I got that that is so easy to understand now how on earth does God how can he be in so many million different places at once when he's inside the heart of every believer how could he separate himself when I can't do that that's what I can't explain that's why it's called the mystery of God it's a mystery is something that we look at we just go and I can't figure that out so the Trinity in a way is an easy understanding an easy doctrine to understand because we understand what it is it's God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit no problem but when we try to figure out how the Trinity works that's when our brains go and the steam and smoke starts coming out our ears there's just some things that we in a fallen sinful state just can't seem to get I don't understand how God can do that I do not understand how God can take himself and separate it how he can be sitting in two different tones one is the Sun and one is the father and how he can send his spirit to where it's inside so many different people at one time I'll never understand till I get to heaven and I can't wait I'm looking forward to that amen but until I get there all I can try to do is explain to you the mystery of the Trinity and I hope you understand that the Trinity is one guy with three parts just as you are a triune you're one person with three parts now finally let me close what are you gonna do with your three parts do you care that your spirit is dead if you're lost if so are you going to come to Jesus for salvation to get the Holy Spirit you see without the Holy Spirit you can't go to heaven how about your your body it's gonna die some day have you made preparations for that have you come to Jesus for the cleansing of your sins so your soul might be washed in the blood of the Lamb see salvation is important and Jesus is the only way to be saved when you trust Jesus then the Holy Spirit comes inside so let me ask you this are you saved do you understand the Trinity I mean I hope you do if you do understand the Trinity that's good but what good is it to understand it if you don't believe it and accept and trust Christ as your Savior please come to Jesus please read the gospel first Corinthians 15 one through four read the gospel get saved if you're not if you are maybe pass this along how people understand what the Trinity is thank you for watching I hope this has been a blessing we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 67,537
Rating: 4.6606884 out of 5
Keywords: The Trinity, Godhead, Deity, Divinity, Jesus, body, soul, spirit
Id: _eWojl3JDgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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