Faith Alone in Every Dispensation?

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all right welcome back and Robert breaker and I have this video that I wanted to make today that I've prepared in the hopes of clarifying and getting people to see what the Bible says right so those that don't know there's been a little bit of a controversy that's arisen in which there's some people within the King James Bible believing movement in which they they want to start a debate a a contention a controversy they they want to say something and then they want to defend that thing that they say to the bitter end they've gone to attacking and name-calling and mocking and ridiculing and putting people down all because someone doesn't agree with what they say that's you got to watch out for that the Bible tells us clearly that's not what we as Christians are supposed to do and rather than give scripture to prove their point they just want to say no you're wrong I believe it's this way and so it must be this way because that's the way I believe is that how we as Christians are supposed to do it are we supposed to make up in our mind an idea of what we think is true and then try to prove what we believe from the scriptures no we should go to the Scriptures themselves and then see what does the Bible say so this is a topic I made a video already about this a little bit which I talked about some of this on the peer out there the other day is there is it faith alone in every dispensation question mark and I thought for sure people would say well I mean I believe it because the Bible says it but what I've been finding is that people just don't want to know what the Bible says about this they're happy in believing what they believe and I think wow so all this makes me want to do is study even more of the scriptures and come out even more with more Bible because it's not about me it's not about somebody else it's about what does God say in the scriptures so I'm gonna make this one more video and I'm gonna leave it this is what many other brothers in Christ have said is a non-essential issue it does not affect salvation today so we can agree to disagree and we if you disagree with what I'm going to say today that's fine as long as you agree that salvation is by faith alone in the church age then that's great but if you believe it's not in other dispensations we can put it beside us we can we can forget about it put it behind us we can move on because this is a non-essential issue the only problem is there are some people that can't move on they cannot believe that they're wrong on the issue and so they have to say no live right in your room and they continue to attack I'm going to show you today that what they're attacking is the Bible the doctrine of the scriptures they have made up a term in which they say this is how we see the Bible teaching salvation in the entire Bible and then they're going to defend to the death their made-up term I just want to show you what the Bible says I want you to ask yourself is it right what that person says or does the Bible teach otherwise and look always go to the scriptures okay this is not a personal attack I don't want to attack anyone I just want one more time to explain what the Bible says and then you can take it or leave it don't attack it because you'll be attacking what God said I count myself very blessed to have gone to a certain Bible School and was taught the Bible some people are lying and saying all you're doing is preaching what Rahman said your Bible teacher you know what Rahman said in class I remember Peter ruckman say if I teach this and the Bible teaches this you throw me out the window and you follow the Bible I'll never forget that only follow the scriptures don't follow a man so I'm going to take you to the scriptures today the question that is arisen and that some people are asking is is salvation by faith alone in every dispensation some people are going around saying in every dispensation everybody is saved only by faith we've got a little bit of a problem the first thing we need to do is ask the question what do you mean by saved what is saved because there are a lot of differences in the Old Testament now a lot of these people they say well I believe it's faith alone in the Old Testament in the New Testament but then they say but well over here it's a little iffy well I'm gonna go through the whole Bible I'm gonna show you scriptures I'm going to ask the question is it faith alone in every dispensation now if you don't believe in dispensations go ahead and click off right now go find something else to watch because if you don't believe in this position is that you're not going to believe anything that said today you're not going to go to the scriptures you're gonna say well this isn't something for me if you do believe in this possessions then this is for you and I hope you'll watch this with me let's start with Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 & 2 peepers 1 1 & 2 says God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's I clearly see this been sections in this passage and it starts out by saying God in sundry times different times and in divers manners different ways speak to people God spoke to some people like this and other people like this and he said I'm telling you this and I'm gonna tell you that and God told people different things throughout the Bible so there are different ways in which God spoke he must have said different things to different people that's what we call dispensations I believe in dispensations the word dispensation is used four times in the Bible have some videos on YouTube about dispensations now if salvation was by faith alone in every dispensation we should find verses in each one of those dispensations that says that it's by faith alone do we and what I've done is I've gone ahead save time and put up here all of the dispensations now some people say there's only seven dispensations I think there's eight you know eight is the number of a new beginning well God starts to raising the money and for a thousand years so I see eight different dispensations you can argue on how many distant stations there are you there are if you want okay I get these from the Scriptures themselves I see this is how God in different ways of dealing with different people so I put eight different dispensations up here we're not going to go through every single one but I'm going to go through some of these dispensations and we're going to ask the question is it faith alone in every one of these dispensations that saves these men are these women is everybody in every sensation saved only by faith if they were that in the discussion let's all go fishing let's all go get a hamburger let's forget about this it would be so nice if that was the case but when you read the Bible you're yourself and you study what the Bible says you don't see that I believe that's an over simplification of the Scriptures now what are these people saying who say it's faith alone in every dispensation they are saying I believe that people are saved the same way in the entire Bible that's what faith alone means you ask someone that says I believe in faith alone every dispensation you ask them so what are you saying do you boo is is what you're saying that all people are saved the same way in the whole Bible they say yes that's what I believe I believe all people are saved the same way in the entire Bible now wait a minute do you really believe that that is an oversimplification of the Scriptures and what you're doing is you're showing me I've not read the Bible I've read the New Testament I've got a hold of a New Testament truth that salvation today is by faith alone according to Paul and what I want to do is I want to take that truth and I want to project that into every other dispensation and I want in my mind so bad everybody's saved the same way that I was are they all right in order for us to understand your position and I do I really do want to understand your position and I believe I do your position is you think everybody in the whole Bible is saved the way that we are saved today all right let's look at that what is salvation define to me what it means to be saved all right today the only way we know what salvation is today's because we have the writings of Paul the Apostle and the New Testament and so in the New Testament we find out what Paul says is saved all right I'm gonna write down here five things that Paul tells us takes place at the moment of salvation for us today first we get Christ's imputed righteousness this is part of salvation giving the righteousness of God imputed to us we also we get justified today at the moment of salvation we are born again Paul tells us that when we're saved Ephesians 1:13 we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise there's a sealing that takes place and when we're saved we have reserved for us a place in heaven well we get eternal security I don't know anyone that would disagree with that today in our dispensation this is what happens when you get saved you get Christ if you to righteousness you get justified you get born again you get sealed with the Holy Spirit and you get a place in heaven the moment you believe and trust the gospel faith in the blood atonement of Christ when you receive the atonement by faith this is what happens to you by faith through faith alone so this is by faith alone that we get these things now there are people again that will tell you I believe that it's faith alone in every dispensation so if that's the truth all of these things would happen to everyone else in every dispensation when they believe because they believe it's faith alone in every dispensation all right they tell you you're saved by faith in every disposition all right if this is saved this is what they are saying this is what they are inferring takes place to everyone the moment they believe throughout the entire Bible is that a true statement did these things happen to all these people back here now I don't want to go through every single dispensation but I want to ask this question are people saved by faith alone now some of this I said a little bit of out when I was in the other video I don't know bulkhead talking you know so I don't want to repeat myself too much I want to give you different verses but I I asked you to watch that as well but I believe that the very first dispensation that in Denix is a dispensation this would be Adam and Eve okay I do not see any faith in this dispensation now let me show you that let's go to Genesis chapter 2 and verse 16 Genesis 2:16 says and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou shalt eat thereof thou shalt surely die this was the only scripture that was given in this dispensation this is before the fall okay Adam and Eve fell what did they do Adam and Eve disobeyed God so Adam and Eve's sin by disobedience if salvation is by faith alone in every single dispensation then there should be a Bible verse and every one of these dispensations that say you're saved by faith faith alone is there there is not one verse of scripture that says during this dispensation it was faith alone instead the scripture says it was based upon keeping a commandment that's works whether they would be saved or not now I hate to use the term save because they didn't even get this stuff now these people that say it's faith alone in every dispensation I'm gonna go here in a minute to these other places on the show well there's an element of works of all them they say well that just proves their faith the fact that they do works prove that they have faith okay that's your argument let's take your argument where are the works that prove the faith if Adam and Eve were saved in this dispensation then they would have had good works to prove their faith what did they do they did not obey they said you know he said if we'd that will surely die well I don't believe that let's eat it and they did doesn't that prove they had no faith I mean the fact that they disobeyed and sinned proved that they did not believe what was told them so they were not trusting in what God said if you want to see any faith at all in that dispensation the only faith you can find was Eve believing what the devil said the devil came to Eve and said if if you eat this you'll be as gods really there's the faith it was faith in the devil where's faith in God I don't see it I see God dealing with Adam and Eve in this dispensation based upon what they did no faith involved do not do this and your argument is well yeah there's works but works proved a person has faith okay their works were bad there was no good works doesn't that prove they had no faith all right so I see the first dispensation it is not faith alone we should stop right there because that this been proved this proved the entire argument that these people are so contentious about propagating that salvation is by faith alone and every dispensation the very first dispensation proves there's no faith because had they had faith than they would have obeyed the commandment but they didn't so doesn't that prove that they didn't have faith all right what is the next one the next one is conscience this is the time of conscience God dealt with people according to their conscience in Romans chapter 2 talks a little bit about this time period how people came to God and found God in that time period and in Romans chapter 2 look what it says Romans chapter 2 and verse 14 for when the Gentiles which have not the law do Nate by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law or law look to themselves so before the time of the law these Gentiles that live before the law 15 which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another here are some people some Gentiles before the time the law who followed their conscience sure they might have had faith in God but following your conscience is doing what you know is right so they did what they thought was right according to their conscience and so they did something so there's some works they're involved sure there was faith I don't deny faith in some of these dispensations but I don't say that it's faith alone I see that that following clear conscience means you're doing certain words so I see in that one that there was something to do with works and you can argue that all you want that's there's no big deal let's go on I'm not going to go through every single dispensation I'm just gonna go through certain woman's and I want you to see that the statement faith alone in every dispensation does not work it won't work in the first one the next one was people were following their conscience and God said their conscience was like a law that he gave them and it's something that they did is the work of the law written in their hearts now let's look at Abraham Genesis 15:6 abraham believed god that's faith yeah yeah I agree Abraham had faith I don't deny that Abraham had faith I can't deny it the Bible says he did verse 15 and he believed in the Lord and accounted to him for righteousness so abraham believed God and God gave him his righteousness when when he believed so here's Abraham right here abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for Isis so this one right here took place in the life of Abraham he got Christ imputed righteousness by believing believing in what did Abraham trust the blood of Jesus Christ how could either boy hadn't mentioned yet how can you say it's the same salvation that we have today when Abraham was not trusting in the blood of Jesus what did Abraham believe in God had just told Abraham now you're old and you don't have any kids but I'm going to tell you something you're gonna have more kids than the stars in heaven and in heaven grows well alright I believe it are we safe today by believing that we're gonna have a whole bunch of kids is that our gospel for today is our faith to be in the same promise that someday we're gonna have a lot of children it was a different thing than abraham believed God for than it is today but he believed God had God imputed unto him his righteousness now you go to the book of James and look what it says now people will try to debate this away and they can help themselves all they want but I'm not going by what I think it says or what I think the interpretation is I'm going by what it actually says James chapter 2 verse 21 was not Abraham our Father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar see thou how faith wrought with his works so it was faith and works and look what it says here and by works was faith made perfect so he had faith and he had works so there was faith there and works the faith is what God and the righteousness imputed to him the works is what got him justified when did this one take place anybody would believe God imputed on him for righteousness when did that take place before a Abraham had Isaac all right how old was Isaac when Abraham offered up Isaac on the altar thirteen fifteen eighteen I say somewhere between 13 to 18 years old so these two things took place between 13 and 18 years apart when we get saved by faith today we get Christ imputed righteous and we get justified at the very same time these things take place all at the same moment moment not in the case of Abraham there was at least 13 to 18 years in between these two things taking place how do you tell me that it was faith alone that saved Abraham if it was by faith that Abraham was saved then he should have gotten born-again Cibolo spirit and a place in heaven when he died when he got the imputed righteousness he did not where do people go in the Old Testament before Jesus they went to Abraham's bosom so they didn't even go to the same place you see this thing where people say people are saved by faith alone and every dispensation what does that mean it means you're saying that in the entire Bible people are all saved the same way by faith but you did not define saved saved is this today back then they went Abraham's bosom they didn't go to heaven it's not the same were they even saved I looked up in the Bible to turn sank and I found very few verses that says anyone was saved in the Old Testament no where did I find a verse that says saved meant that they went to heaven when they died I found the verse where someone was safe from hell okay so there's a salvation of the soul not going to hell but is that salvation of the soul mean that they went to heaven when they died no in the Old Testament a man went to Abraham's bosom and it was based upon sure sure his faith but it was also worse now it says here in James as we continue reading there he talks about Rahab the harlot verse 25 likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works today would you agree and I know you would we are saved and these five things take place at the very moment we're safe we are imputed Christ righteous we are justify the same moment we believe did that happen to Abraham at the same moment it did not did anybody I'm get sealed with the Holy Spirit we're not told that he did did any him get born-again know where the scripture does it say that he did did he go to heaven when he died the thousand times no he went to a completely different place if saved is this was Abraham saved if he was saved he should have gone straight to heaven but he did not Abraham did not go to heaven when he died where did he go he went to a place down in the earth that was different all right so don't you tell me that people are saved the same way in the entire Bible it doesn't make sense they didn't even go to the same place when they died even a second grader who looked at the Bible and sees this and say yeah that's that's not that's not the same but yet people want to be contentious and fight and say I don't agree with you breaker okay then you believe what you believe but don't go around tell people that I'm wrong I'm pointing out the scriptures don't go around tell people it was always faith only when we just read a verse that says it was faith that got him the imputed righteousness but it was works and justified it some people say well brother breaker what that means is no no no no no it's not what it means what does it say in the scriptures several months ago I went to preach the funeral of my wife's old pastor there's a great King James Bible believer a great Bible teacher wonderful wonderful man of God and I only had the privilege of sitting under him and learning from him a couple of times I was missionary in Honduras so I wasn't able to listen to him much but I thank God for the couple of days that I was able to spend with the man learn from him he's had a lot of wonderful advice my wife told me a story about this man when he was in Bible School years ago back in the 50s he went to a Bible School I don't even think that Bible School is even around anymore I think they've closed and they are probably not King James anymore but he's King James he learned that in school he went to his Bible class and the teacher got in class and he opened his Bible and he read verse and he said now we've got one hour on that clock for this class she says I want to know from one person or anyone first one to tell me what does this verse say one guy raised his hand well what I think that means is this he goes nope another guy resident well you think I was trying to say here is he said nope a whole hour almost transpired and the teacher was getting upset he said I asked you min to do one thing for me tell me what does the burst say and not one of you have done that you give me your opinion of what you think it says well my wife sold pastor he stood up and he says brother I think I know what you want he says the verse says and he just read the verse from his King James Bible and he closed it up and he looked around he said gentlemen that's what it says and he sat down and the professor of that class said finally we've wasted an entire hour of our time I asked you to do one thing tell me what does the verse say it says what it means and it means what it says and you're all sitting there alone what it means is well I think he said I just wanted to know what it said well it says here in James he got imputed righteousness what he believed but he was justified by his works don't tell me what you think that means some people say well what it means is is his works proved that he had faith okay so he did have works hold on say that again his faith they say well I believe his faith his works proved his faith okay but he had works right so you just undid your entire argument you just said it was fake that works no no no you said he had works then it wasn't faith alone was it we can argue about this but I'm not gonna argue I'm gonna go to what the Bible says now some people will say well you forgot Romans 4 all right let's go to Romans 4 alright I'm just a Bible believer I know where nothing else to do but go to what the Bible says and read it and when it says something I say okay I go by what it says Romans chapter 4 people said well Paul said yeah he did Paul was always focusing in on hey you guys need to have faith look how there's all this faith in the Old Testament and there was but he didn't dwell on the works because we're not saved by works today he said hey look at how they had faith look look at how they believe now you need to have faith and that's what Paul was saying in Romans chapter 4 and verse 2 look what it says Romans chapter 4 and verse 2 for if Abraham were justified by works he hath we're up to glory but not before God all right was Abraham justified by works James said he was but he had faith too so he had both of these things and they didn't both come by faith one came by works one came by this now people say well it can't be right it can't be right according to Paul because then he could brag that he could boast then he could justify himself before God wait a minute where did Abraham go when he died right there what Abraham's bosom was he before God no how could he brag before God if he wasn't before God here's what happened Jesus Christ died on the cross he was buried he was buried he rose again the third day according to the scriptures when he rose again the third day he took everybody out of Abraham's bosom do you think Abraham went to heaven and said well I'm here because of my works now he said the only reason I can boast is the only thing that got me to heaven was Jesus I couldn't even get to heaven myself all that got me was a place in Abraham's bosom I didn't get me to heaven so he's not boasting before God is he is he he's not no he's not boasting before God and he did not boast before God because it was God that took him to heaven not himself but this is what got him to there instead of their hell Rahab was justified what works - there in the passage of James now we know that she had faith - in Hebrews 11 31 it says she had faith so she had faith but she was also justified by her work so she got both of these by faith and works look you can argue with the Bible all you want but I'm just showing you what the Bible says now look at this dispensation the law where people saved by faith alone under the law was it only faith under the law that saved the person how many times does the word faith appear in the entire Old Testament did you know that the word faith in the Old Testament only appears two times faith only appears twice in the entire Old Testament you want to look at the first verse you want to look at the very first time that the word faith shows up in the Bible the very first time that the word faith shows up in the entire Bible look at what it says it says this about these people that are under the Old Testament law you know the ones that this guy says were saved by faith alone Deuteronomy 32 30 says are you ready for this Deuteronomy 32 and verse 20 I said 30th verse 20 Deuteronomy 32 20 says and he said I will hide my face from them I will see what therein shall be for they are a very froward generation children of whom is no faith no but it's faith alone and every dispensation then why did God say they didn't even now can he face now sure it was during that time maybe later they had some faith okay but he's saying that they didn't have faith right then what he's talking the very next verse where it says that the only other time the word faith to talk shows up the entire Old Testament is the book of Habakkuk it says a person shall live by his faith what does it mean his faith the New Testaments to faith of Christ our faith is said to be in the faith of Christ we're supposed to believe in what Jesus believed in we're supposed to believe in Christ the Old Testament were they trusting in Christ and his shed blood how could they if he had not shed his blood yet you can't trust in something that hadn't taken place yet they didn't even know about a cross or the blood of Christ what they had animal sacrifices so under the Old Testament law they were told to obey the law when they messed up they were supposed to take an animal and they were supposed to kill the animal usually it was a little lamb they were to shed the blood of that animal and it was the blood that made atonement for their souls guess what that's an animal's blood is that the same blood of Jesus no that's a different blood this is Jesus's blood that's what we're saved by today the blood of Jesus Christ different blood how can someone say it's faith alone in the entire Bible and you're only saved by faith or no faith for Adam and Eve Abraham wasn't saved by faith alone there were some works that he had to do and he did them and God said you know what now you're justified but it wasn't till you did that work under the law what did God say the law was all about Exodus chapter 18 the law says you must keep this law it's the works that you must do Exodus 18 20 look I don't want this to be an issue of contention it's not about I'm right and you're wrong no it's about is the Bible right either it is or it isn't you're not fighting against Robert breaker you're fighting against the scriptures if you believe faith alone in every dispensation because that's not what the Bible teaches Exodus chapter 18 verse 20 and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and thou shalt show them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do under the Old Testament law there was an element of works that's going to Deuteronomy chapter 6 this cannot be denied anyone that says otherwise is only showing that they have not studied what the Bible says they've gone to the New Testament and they've mastered the New Testament salvation and now they're projecting that on all the other dispensations they haven't gone back to the other dispensations to see if that's right or not and what are they doing they're showing that they haven't read the Bible because they're not going by what the Bible says dinner'll 9625 and it should be our righteousness if we observe to do all these Commandments for the Lord our God as he hath commanded us verse 24 says and the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes doing something is a work and it says their righteousness would be according to whether they did that or not now I know what the New Testament says about the law under the law shall no flesh be justified so guess what no one was justified in the Old Testament ban if that's what weekend today by faith alone is justified and no one was justified under the Old Testament law then they weren't saved the same if they kept the law they went here the law could not justify you so what was the law for the law was to show them the knowledge of sin and when they followed the law and when they messed up and they did no one in over two thousand years kept the law and everything they always fell it's almost well it's not almost it is impossible to keep the law so what did God write in the law he said now when you screw up and your will and your sin and you will because no one can keep this law that's when you make the sacrifice and you take this sacrifice and I will forgive you based upon the blood atonement of the sacrifice but guess what God said to do now when you take this lamb and you bring it before then you cut the throat then the priest will take that blood and he'll offer what is that it's a work it's a sacrifice that you had to take and you had to cut so even in the offering of the sacrifice there were some works involved and say what about the one time of year when the day of atonement yeah one time of year there's a thing called the day of atonement in which God forgave the entire nation one day per year so that one day everyone's sins are forgiven then the next day people start sending again how are they saved in the Old Testament based upon keeping the law and based upon the sacrifice of an animal and their faith would have been in the blood of an animal not in the faith of Christ and his shed blood now were they saved by that no they didn't get born again they didn't get justified he could see all the holy spirit that he'd get a place in heaven they went to Abraham's bosom so keeping the law did not save them and help them to keep from going to hell but it did send them to heaven send Abraham's bosom these things that people say do they even think what they're saying go to numbers chapter 15 I'm gonna show you what kept the man from going to hell under the Old Testament law you say you're pretty dogmatic about this no I just want people to know that when they make it open in its statement and they say something they need to be held accountable for what they said whether or not it lines up with the Bible does faith alone and every dispensation line up with the scriptures so far it does not because faith alone is what saves today all right we define salvation as what Paul said it is this is what you get by faith alone people didn't get that in the other dispensations no one was justified under the law so they didn't get saved by faith alone like we do because they didn't get this did you get that numbers chapter 15 numbers chapter 15 verse 29 through 31 you shall have one law for him that send it through ignorance both for him that is born among the children is rolling for the stranger that sojourneth among them but the soul that doeth ought presumptuously whether he be born of the or a stranger the same approach at the Lord and that soul shall be cut off from among his people here's someone who doesn't keep the law and God says alright if you're not gonna keep the law works I'm just gonna cut you off and you'll go to hell say well it doesn't say go to hell look at verse 31 because he had this spies the word of the Lord and have broken his commandment that soul shall utterly be cut off his iniquity shall be upon him cut off Carl Roth in Hebrew perish go to hell iniquity I've owned I've owned in in Hebrew punishment his punishment shall be upon him his iniquity he will pay for his sin in hell when he dies people say well brother breaker you know soul and the Old Testament always referred to the body oh I agree sometimes it did because in the Old Testament a man sent in his body it went directly to his soul today when we're saved guess what else we get we get spiritual circumcision and this gives us a new creature they didn't get the new creature in the Old Testament so in the Old Testament when they sinned in their body it went directly to their soul and God charged that sin to their soul but you cannot say that the word soul in Old Testament only meant the body let me show you a verse Psalms 886 13 David said you delivered my soul from hell so there was a verse about someone's soul going to hell and I just read you numbers in which it said going to hell for an Old Testament person under the law was dependent on whether or not they kept the commandment works I didn't say works only sure they had faith so if there was faith and works then it was it faith alone why did people just say something and then expect you to believe it because they said it and then attack you when you show them what the Bible says and how they're not correct according to the Bible it appears to me someone hates God in the scripture ah again this is a non-essential issue for salvation so why are people so contentious about it why are they attacking why are they ridicule why are they they're the ones that started it they're the ones that want this to be an issue and then say you're a heretic unless you believe it's faith alone in every dispensation okay Robin breaker Center to see you in heaven if you're going I'm going because I'm saved by faith alone today but I'm just believing the scriptures if you want me to be a heretic than you make me a heretic what he's supposed to do reject a heretic after the second admonition okay bye-bye never hear from you again because you're gone more than two times haven't you you disobey the scriptures aren't you this is not an essential salvation issue so it's not even worth arguing about so I'm not going to go with you and argue I just want you to see the Bible says this and you say that what you say is not what the Bible says do what you want with that okay it's not important but it is good to know if someone is telling you what the Bible says or if someone is rather telling you their own opinion and this is what this teaching is this is the opinion of man I think it said the law thank the Lord every dispensation you are giving your opinion you're welcome to your opinion help yourself but don't you try to force it on me and then tell me that I'm evil and I'm wicked and I'm ungodly and I'm not right with God if I don't believe your opinion I'm going to believe the scripture and I appreciate most of the brothers in Christ being so understanding on this issue and saying brother breaker we're so glad that you teach what the Bible says and that this is a non-essential issue and we love you in the Lord even if we don't agree that's the right way to be as a Christian we can agree to disagree but I do believe I have the right to tell you what the Bible says and you can choose to take it or not I just want to be known as the guy that believed the Bible and taught what the Bible's not my opinion okay that's all Ezekiel chapter 18 look at this Ezekiel 18 26 to 27 here's a time under the law look what God says to Ezekiel to tell the people of Israel Ezekiel 18 26 when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and committed iniquity and diet in them for his iniquity that he had done shall he die again when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed and do it that which is lawful and right he shall save his supple alive here's a guy saving his soul by doing right if his soul would be saved in that sense is it safe because it went to heaven no it was saved in the sense that it went a for him suppose now people have said well that's him being alive that's the soul there being the body okay so he lived by doing right all right there why did he die eventually pointed on the man wants to die after this judgment so people live forever in the Old Testament based upon doing right you see these people that go to the scripture when it doesn't line up with their faith alone doctor then they have to twist it to teach what they want to teach I see it saying that if a man turned from his wickedness and lived right and he had his faith in Christ then he didn't go to hell when he died that's a fate that works Jesus is saying do good works because if you do wicked and you turn against it you're gonna go there fake that works that's all I'm saying the Bible says you can believe what you want amen but I am NOT gonna ever cower down to someone that makes up a doctrine and then says now you have to believe what I say yeah but what you say doesn't line up to with the Bible so why am I gonna listen to you I'm not gonna argue this is my final say on the thing and it's not even me talking I'm trying to give you the scripture now look Jesus shows up here in his earthly ministry I want you to see in Matthew chapter 19 what Jesus says to a fellow again if it's true that his salvation is faith only I should have put up here faith only instead of faith alone because that's something teach it's only faith that saves you in every dispensation I should have put that up but if it is faith alone in every dispensation when Jesus Christ is then his earthly Kingdom walking on the earth don't you think he would have gone to everywhere he went and told people faith alone faith alone Pokemon only faith alone here's a case where a guy came to Jesus and he did not tell him that salvation was by faith alone I just want you to see what it says not my opinion I'm not telling you what I think it says or what I think it means here comes a rich young ruler in Matthew chapter 19 verse 16 says Bible King James and behold one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life what does this guy want eternal life and he says why do I do to get eternal life his thinking was oh there's a work I got to do to get me salvation they said unto him why cost me good there's none good but one that is God but if thou will enter it into life eternal life in the context keep the commandments he said that him which jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou should do no not commit adultery thou shall not steal thou shalt not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother enough show love thy neighbor as thyself and the young man said to him all these things have I kept from my youth up what yet what lack I yet and Jesus said to him if thou twelve be perfect go and sell what thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and fall and when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions this guy comes to Jesus and says Jesus what do I do to get eternal life and Jesus said keep the commandments and sell everything you had why did not Jesus Christ saying to that man oh just have faith alone I don't know why Jesus said this to that man all I know is that he did and the answer was not faith alone so these people that go and they say well faith alone every dispensation bank alone evidence based payment it's only made alone it why wouldn't she just say faith alone is Jesus a liar no now I read Paul later saying that the law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ so my thought on that is God told him that knowing that if he did follow the law that he would come to Christ later because the law will bring you to Christ maybe that's the idea behind that all I know is what Jesus said and he did not say oh my just faith alone do these people even read the Bible that say it's faith alone in every dispensation look I don't want to tack them I love them some of them are my friends and I care about that but they're allowing themselves to be swayed by someone that wants to cause intention and make this a point of division among the brother and I'm not going there and I will not allow that I am NOT gonna allow somebody to come in and divide the body of Christ over such a silly issue it's really disgusting when we have it right here why does it even matter what it is any other dispensations somebody just wants to argue right Bible says answer a fool according to his folly and then the very next verse says answer not a fool according to his folly people say that's the only contradiction in the King James Bible I don't see it as a contradiction answer not a fool according to his folly what is his folly the way that he's haughty and angry and mad and the way that he he speaks in which he says I'm right everything everyone else is wrong in Pride don't answer him that way don't sink to his level the way he talks answer him according to his folly you're in folly by teaching something that's not scriptural here's what the Bible says I want you to know what the Bible says so you can make up your own mind on this subject many people have have said brother breaker I'll be honest I don't know the Bible enough to be able to say that yet show me more verses so I can make up my own mind well he meant that's what I'm doing I'm showing you what the Bible says is it faith alone in every dispensation we've looked at verses you tell me you tell me after looking at the verses now I go to Galatians chapter 3 here's what Paul said Paul is writing in the church age about the law back then he's telling us about the other dispensation was it faith alone under the Old Testament law Galatians chapter 3 verse 22 through 25 but the scripture hath concluded all under sin dat the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that belief all right when is the faith alone when it's salvation by believing only that's our dispensation according to what Paul tells us in other verses verse 23 but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up to the faith we should afterwards be revealed look at what Paul just said before faith came before faith came what is the context before cafe came was under the law so the law was before faith came he says we were shut up under the law to the faith now watch what he says here I mean how do you deny this up under the faith which should afterwards be revealed all right here's the faith that should be revealed church age here it is Paul just told us that these people were kept under the law waiting for the faith that should be revealed they were before the faith that came how do you argue with that they weren't under the same faith that we are today yet you say it's faith alone in every dispensation I say okay what faith and was it faith only or whether there's some works above I showed you where it was faith it works I'm the Old Testament law and Paul tells us before faith came they were shut up under the law what the law you can argue with the King James Bible all you want I'm not going to verse 24 where of or wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us into Christ that we might be justified by faith because they weren't justified by the law it's not the same salvation in the entire Bible because justification and today is through the blood of Christ under the law there was no justification people that say faith alone a dispensation that's what they mean everyone in every dispensation was only saved by faith they were all saved the same as we are today cannot because the day we get justified they weren't justified these people are not thinking when they tell you this verse 25 but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster after faith is come that's today after faith is come all right so we've got the faith alone that saves today they didn't it to me it's like ridiculous that I even have to talk about this you would think someone would be a Bible believer and would read the Bible and would not make such a crazy open-ended statement that shows that they've never even read or understood the Bible the Bible is very clear it has not been by faith alone in every dispensation there was a faith that did not come until Christ and it was reveal the tell Christ and after that is when the faith came so they didn't have that faith under the law that's what the Bible says why does someone persist in wanting to argue on this issue what does it affect salvation no how they were saved in a different time has nothing to do with how I'm safe today so it's not important except for the fact that it's important to that person that wants to be right and wants to attack and ridicule and put-down everybody who doesn't agree with that person okay well argue with the scriptures buddy don't argue with me don't make this about Robert breaker it's not about me it's about what does the Bible say and why aren't you following the scriptures that's what it's about Romans 16:25 please have you had enough Scripture yet somebody told me and I don't watch the people that attacked me but someone said that the person that attacks me they don't show scripture they don't go to the Bible and show you what the Bible says they just attack and they said well Robert breaker why he just he prepares and studies and he gives you verses yeah yeah yeah and they're almost insinuating that showing verses is a bad thing it's evil is it to show what the Bible teaches am i a wicked heretic because I'm shoving you but the Bible says well so be it hey man what a bad and put that bad your honor right here on my chest and say thank God for being attacked for teaching the scripture and not teaching my opinion Romans 16:25 look what it says Paul says Romans 16:25 now to him that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God made known to the nations for the obedience of faith there was something that was kept secret all throughout the Old Testament that was now revealed what do you think that was I'll let you figure that out it was a mystery kept secret since the world began where Paul get the gospel well Galatians 1 verse 11 and 12 says the gospel that he preached was not of men neither was he taught it but by Jesus Christ so Paul's gospel is what saves today Paul's gospel is 1st Corinthians 15:1 2 for Paul's gospel is grace through faith and were saved by faith not of works that's Paul's gospel no works whatsoever now if salvation was the same in the whole Bible it was faith alone without works then that would not be a new thing that would not have been a mystery revealed that would not have been something that is different than everything else do you see that can you get that do you understand that well I was going to read Ephesians 3 verses 1 through 5 you can read that when you get a chance visions 3 1 through 5 dispensation of grace was given to me Paul says by the revelation of the mystery I'm not gonna go there I want to do I do want to go to Hebrews chapter 9 and here's what I want you to see I've had some brothers that I really love in the Lord tell me brother breaker I just don't agree with you and I reach out to him and I said please tell me why tell me what you're thinking let me know where you're coming from I want you to be on the same page as the Scriptures tell me what you think alright they told me brother breaker I think it was faith in the entire Bible and it was faith alone I said okay what did faith it's you in the Old Testament Abraham's bosom what his faith gets you now heaven you think they were saved the same in the Old Testament as the New Testament do you believe that if so okay I respect your belief I just I agreed to disagree because look at what it says when a Testament starts Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption redemption for us who's that Jesus that's Jesus Christ it's the blood of Jesus that gives us eternal Redemption alright did they have eternal or redemption in the Old Testament did anyone have eternal life in this Old Testament were they eternally redeemed through the blood of Christ in the Old Testament they were not eternal redemption only came through Jesus and his blood sacrifice on the cross now look at what it says verse 15 it says in verse 15 through 17 and for this cause he is the meteor of the New Testament that by beens and redemption death for the redemption of their transgression that were under the first test of the day which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance verse 16 for we're testament is there must also necessity be a death of a testator for Testament is a force after men are dead otherwise it is no strength at all while the testator liveth the New Testament stars at the death of Christ everything before that is Old Testament everything after that is New Testament so the New Testament did not start until the death of Christ Jesus Christ brought salvation in eternal Redemption now one brother said brother I just believe it's faith alone in every dispensation I believe in the Old Testament they were saved by faith alone I said brother what do you define faith as and they agreed with me it's these things I said brother who had this in the Old Testament no one in the Old Testament had a spiritual circumcision were made a new creature had a place in heaven we're seeing the Holy Spirit we're born again some were justified like Abraham and Ray Kappe but those under the law were not justified some got Christ imputed righteousness like fate like but not everybody no one in the Old Testament was saved like we are today because they didn't even go to heaven when they died now this brother reminded me that brother when Jesus died guess what he did he went down into Abraham's bosom and the way that he defended faith alone in the Old Testament was that he said and that's when Jesus preached unto them and said you need to have your faith in me because I'm the promised seed I'm the Messiah now believe me and you go to heaven I said brother I agree with you the bible does teach that when jesus went down into the underworld he preached to the spirits that were in prison and he must have preached to the people in abraham's bosom and that could have been when they had faith when was that after Jesus died bloodshed meant starting up the New Testament so if those in Abraham's bosom were saved they still were not saved in the Old Testament it was the New Testament it was the blood of Christ that had to save them and that's when they were taking up sure they could have had faith but that wasn't even in the Old Testament happened after the death of Christ I do not agree with this oversimplification of the Scriptures by saying I'll just think it's faith alone and ever dispensation it makes no sense it's taking the Bible and saying don't look here don't look there no don't look at this for it's trying to hide from you what the Bible says I'm never gonna hide from you what the scriptures say I'm not going to teach my opinion or my own personal denomination teachings I'm going to teach what the Bible says even if it's unpopular even if other people disagree if God said it I'll tell you what he said tribulation revelation 14 12 and 13 don't take the mark die for Jesus revelation 19:20 says all those who take the mark go to hell how are they saved the Tribulation Period Phaethon works here are they that keep the commandments of God and faith of Jesus Christ the guy misses the rapture and gets in the tribulation he says well I just have faith alone but I don't want my head cut off but I do believe in Jesus ah just give me the mark is he saved he's lost it he has no salvation when you take the mark of the beast you will be put in hell when Jesus returns at Armageddon that's what the Bible says so Armageddon is when Jesus comes back and all those who take the mark of the beast will be cast into a lake of fire revelation 19:20 that shows me that it's not faith alone in the tribulation period there's an element of works how about the Millennium how about the Millennial Kingdom I don't even have time to get into the Millennium the Bible says faith is substance things hoped for the evidence of things not seen we will all see Jesus Christ in the money'll Kingdom have you sitting on the throne those that make it through the tribulation and there go in their natural bodies they will see Jesus where's faith it's going to be right back just like it was over in the identity covenant hey you guys do this this this or this Matthew chapter 10 tells us that Jesus says fear not them which can kill the body but fear him which you kill body and soul in hell you go through Matthew Mark Luke and John the teachings of Jesus about the Millenium it looks like it's a pure works thing it's not faith alone you say oh there's faith in the Millenium okay but this also works Jesus says be careful what you say you'll be pitched directly into hell by what you do I don't even have time to get into that well I've had people tell me brother breaker I don't like what you're teaching I think it is faith alone in every dispensation I say okay you can believe what you want to believe but where's your scripture and they say well I I just believe what I believe and this is what somebody said in a comment because I just don't believe God would be fair to deal with people in different ways I just don't think that's fair I think God's a fair God so God saves everybody the same way in the whole Bible to me that's just fair all right you believe your doctrine based upon what you think is fair and what's not I don't do that I don't approach the Scriptures and say now I have a preconceived idea of what I think it says now I'm just going to go to the Bible and tell you what it says according to what I think it should say I go to Bible I said no preconceived idea what does it literally say I'm not gonna base my teaching and beliefs of the Bible on a feeling on an emotion well I think it wouldn't be fair so it's got to be the way I think or it's unfair it doesn't work I have a sister when I was raised as a child my dad dealt with her differently than he did with me he let her do things that he didn't let me do sometimes and vice versa and I remember often going to my dad going dad it's not fair that you let her do that and not me my dad said boy shut up what are you talking about so don't you tell me what's fair this is my house and I make the rules and what I say goes she tell me what's fair I'm the one in charge God's in charge he can do whatever he wants however he wants to do it and I see that's what God does and I don't go well it's not fair I say fair or not this is what the God said and this is the way it would be so you got to be careful let's close with 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and verse 15 is one of the main verses that I love to go to as far as learning how to rightly divide the word of truth how to believe in dispensations how to how we're supposed to do things to understand the Scriptures and that's what I want you to understand what the Bible says but the verse before and the verse after I don't read much I don't quote much and they are so good the Bible says of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit but to thus averting of the ears the Bible says we're supposed to put you in remembrance that the last thing we need to do as Christians is strive against one another with words of no profit is it profitable to tell someone that a person is saved by faith alone in every dispensation not really not if all it does is cause an argument that's unprofitable how are we saved today faith alone let's stick with what we know if we don't know plus don't go there I believe I know I know what the way it was in other business ations because I read the Bible other people say well brother I've not read the Bible I don't know okay then let's leave it and forget it don't go and strive to words of no profit what should we do study that's what I've done today we've had a Bible study we've looked at this faith alone every dispensation and we said now does the Bible line up with that yes or no studies show thyself approved unto God work believe not to be ashamed I'm not ashamed of what I believe are you I mean if you say something in the Bible doesn't back what you say are you ashamed I work believ not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth is that what you're doing are you rightly dividing every dispensation are you projecting this dispensation on others trying to say it's got to be fair so it's got to be this way I think is that what you're doing verse 16 but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness what should we not do we should not strive about words to no prophet and we should shun vain babblings because they will increase unto more ungodliness if all a person wants to do is prove their theory of what they think the Bible says make that a point of contention and then say now you're not right unless you agree with what I say that's going to increase to ungodliness if you put her down that person is going to come through a lot of problems and hurt because God is watching and God is upset with people who only live to argue with other Christians especially about something like this that other brothers in Christ agree with me is a non-essential issue and yet you want to make it an issue in which you trying to put yourself first and get people to follow you you know Paul said there will be people in the last days who try to overthrow the faith of some and get people to follow them making disciples of their own selves and things like this I don't want you to be a follower of Robert breaker I want you to be a follower of the sure that's why I give you the versus go by what God says not but what I say not by what somebody else says what does God say never go wrong following the King James Bible now I pray that I've done this in the spirit of meekness I pray that I've done this in the spirit of Christ I hope it was a blessing to you I'm not trying to defend myself or my position I want to stand up for what God says what does the Bible say I'm going to close in a word of Prayer Lord I'll just come to you in prayer now I ask you Lord to bless the teaching of your word I ask you Lord to open the eyes of those who claim to be believers in Christ and help them to see what you said lord please help us to never ever go by what we think or we feel but only by what you said in your Holy Word Lord I pray for anyone whose only desire is to bring contention Lord that you would open their eyes and help them to see the love of Christ help them to love the Brethren and not continue to attack and ridicule laugh and mock and make this a point of contention help them to see that we should unite in what we believe and not cause division and contentions over the things that we don't thank you dear Jesus in the name of Christ I ask these things thank you Lord amen god bless you this was just an extra sermon a lot of work went into this and I hope it's a blessing to you I'm not gonna go here anymore now the sermon for Sunday is gonna be about this tribulation period but as far as I'm concerned stick a fork in it it's done this is the end of this discussion if someone continues it that's on then that's on them thank you for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 17,373
Rating: 4.7221417 out of 5
Keywords: Faith Alone in Every Dispensation?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 32sec (4052 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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