The Speedrun that Gave Me a God Complex

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my friend doug doug challenged me to a speedrun race against him in a game i've never played before peggle the ultimate childhood pachinko game where your goal is to hit all of these orange pegs before you run out of balls dog dog needs to beat the game twice while i only need to do it once loser drinks olive oil wait what loser drinks olive oil alright three two one go good luck girl i'm so excited peggle dude i should have warmed up i haven't even played peggle deluxe in a while now i have to actually play really well peggle here we go easy easy oh we're gonna start with this bounce it off right here into those three okay i'll just do this it'll bounce off one two oh perfect oh literally free ball it's actually also so addictive oh no i am so good at this game this is gonna be very hard just so people are aware i'm actually gonna have to play the best peg all my life actually really it depends on how good point crow ends up being you know anything could happen all right so let me go to the side here i missed i think that's the main thing i got to work on here is my rebounds [Music] five turns and we're fine we can get free ball here nice we don't really need free balls like we can just hit them individually because if we have enough like there's no reason we shh peggle makes me feel things what can i say the thing that's gonna be hard for him is especially the end levels like literally the last level takes some people like an hour i basically need him to slow way down in the second half that's that's the plan ah it's not gonna work oh oh it is i meant to do this let's go here we go plushie three ball let's go free ball it is all right so free balls are actually like ridiculously important it looks like i meant to do that oh oh and if you like the video so far subscribe to my channel i just released my very own youtubes fully complete with the cutest doodle on my shoulder you can get it now at for a limited time fyi uh i'm on stage six i got the new character we got the new boy yeah jimmy lightning he's tubular oh he is tubular all right so hitting those point boosts are actually like super good you want to aim for pinks especially when it's like early on because then you can like really get some free balls for the later parts of the level where it's like kind of hard to get three balls oh that was that was a bad one or was it or did i rip some ass let's go but no that was a pretty bad shot what's going on here total missed wait i got a free ball wait that's actually sick hitting nothing is a 50 53 ball oh okay look at that juicy ass shot oh oh absolutely ridiculous oh feels good to be the best people player in the world on twitch right now probably i feel like you want to do start like this first yeah that's what i wanted let's go all right we finally beat it oh let's go all right if point clearly says he should have to do a shot of olive oil okay i'll say that as part of the punishment i'll pitch it midway through we'll see if he's open to it it'd be funny because i've been like trying to get people to play peggle if like i win the race and instead of being like hey wasn't that fun didn't you have a good time i was like yeah you got pegged you have pegged i just make it really uncomfortable for everybody all right next person oh you just think all right so a green explodes everything around it oh that was good [Music] free ball free ball three ball b ball free ball no oh god oh my heart uh what are you on right now i am on 6-2 okay i'm on 4-1 okay okay yeah that's fine so i'm like 50 ahead of you i do think this will be even because it'll get harder but i think we'll probably be right around double your pace yeah 4-1 has gotten significantly harder okay thank you i'm pretty calibrated dude i'm honestly pretty calibrated [Music] oh what a shot oh my god oh come on oh oh the clutch okay let's go let's go oh the snipe oh he threaded the needle do you have to finish the game yeah we have to finish the game it goes up to 11-5 we're on 4-3 right now ask about olive oil i'll mention it later in the heat of the moment when he's excited and thinking he might win then he'd be more open to a punishment it's not enough to beat him at peggle you guys we have to emotionally dominate oh my god this one's difficult bagel let's go let's go right off the wall oh dude peggle has been sweating pagle peggle pickleball why is everybody not playing this game right now all right for you ball oh my god let's go we got it dude i'm literally just like gamer focusing right now now look i don't want to get cocky but when it comes to the clawed levels i should be way better than him after all the training i've done i'm actually not using it very well right now kind of jinxed it [Music] guys nice nice so easy dude he's too good at the game it's a problem dude police are on their way i'm sorry arrest me it's illegal to be this amazing i have to clear this blue i think here i'm actually insane no i'm not are you kidding me i did oh i'm so dumb all right all right we're speeding up hey quick question what level you on right now i am at 10-2 all right you got i mean you got your uh work cut out for you i'm about 6-1 i've been playing really good right now so i think this is still a real race because i'm playing way faster than i've normally played this game is addicting man like why did you show this you're so good why did you trust this to me i'm just i'm i'm too passionate about pickles all right i'm too passionate that's my issue right now nice all right get the top down all right and then we can go in here and do some damage oh baby oh that was good [Music] yes okay we're finally on seven one three balls this is very hard is there a gap i don't see a gap i must do like that oh my god 128 20. it's a pb by an hour and 10 minutes man nice all right we got it he's on run two okay all right we're on 7-2 ooh nice shot i just thank my first run i'm halfway through my challenge i think this is like perfectly even yeah this is okay this is good oh okay i gotta get going good luck good luck all right we're like dead even now this is pretty good round two three two one go look guys i need to be really close so he's like super focused on winning right and he thinks he has a good chance and then and only then do we offer the oil fool of a doug you can damn yourself but not our hopes offer him the oil he's not ready to accept it chat you can't force people into these things we can't offer the oil yet okay we're getting it we gotta give doug a run for his money you know nice oh what a shot that was okay you know every good shot has a bad shot next to it all right oh my god when i get close and i start to actually catch up to wherever point crew is i want you guys to go into his chat and be like doug is coming monkey s doug is offering the oil monka w oh let's go doug is offering the oil he's coming i heard you would like to offer me the oil i was going to suggest as an additional incentive you have to take a shot of olive oil if you lose it's good for you probably hopefully probably yeah a shot of olive oils keeps the doctor away that's what they say all right i'm down i think i can win this i'm not confident okay yeah chad i'll do the olive oil if i lose but i'm not gonna lose so easy thank you very much ah thank you i really gotta hurry up this is actually a good race i'm so focused right now i'm unbelievably focused [Music] magic hat this is magic hat it's the best power-up because it gives your ball a hat oh god damn it no this is the worst power in the game if i lose this race it's because magic hat is a power that nobody likes nobody thinks is cool magic hat keeps coming into parties thinking is like the cool kid and i'm like no oh the hat has a huge hitbox that makes sense please thank you sometimes you just gotta ask you know oh come on i mean we'll get it next time but did it just laugh at me did the game just laugh holy sh that was excuse my bad language cuckoo that's insane what a shot i'm nuts how's chro doing 8-5 okay like i'm catching up dude oh this one's uh this one's a hard level i think i just need more balls don't we all all right it's not gg don't gg poincare's been stuck on this level for like 10 minutes it's gonna be fine all right we got it we got a chat let's go thank god we're off it okay oh all right new one burns the path from the board let me check it out [Music] oh fun i get it point grows at 9-1 ooh okay this is a race dude this is a race cause i am i'm getting there i'm catching up there's some strategy involved there's some thinking some measure oh oh oh what a beautiful shot oh my god i gotta hold on to something this game i'm telling you it changes the man we saw nine dash three i thought it was an eye dash too oh okay okay let's pick it up oh that was so sick oh oh the double bounce oh the double bounce oh the tubular oh my god dude i'm so into this game he's on nine four oh [ __ ] he's gonna beat nine four i think oh [ __ ] i wanna watch him chat watch this oh wow don't watch it jeff don't watch it i regret it oh did he pick it up oh he threw it oh that is so unfortunate that was a brutal loss right there did you you also know i'm doing the gamer league where you're just like you're like in it you know oh let's go he's on the flower level wait wait is that six seven oh my god [Music] that was the most let's go i'm telling you dude he's too good at the game the zen was exactly what i already had planned i'm literally so good the zen ball doesn't even help me [Music] all right we got it all right we got it we got it okay you know what we got some six shots in there all right ten those two hit hit ball bucket ball bucket oh my god i am [ __ ] nuts 10-2 okay okay okay i mean i'm playing really hot oh nice let's go does he get some taskbot or is that actually just his aim oh those are wormholes i don't even see that dude this one's so hard uh i'm good right not if i do that what is happening i'm throwing i'm actually throwing jesus oh this is bad this does not look good whoa it looks great it looks amazing only a god dear bagel player could make a shot like that he's actually correct can i hit it yeah yeah okay i was freaking out okay i'm catching up they could have just been like this guy gives you a bigger ball or something instead of like no let's let's give it my hat like why [Music] planned that was not planned all right nice all right we got it we got it gonna be a close one all right 11. are we gonna choose whoever we want oh sh you just got another one holy sh okay okay this is getting scary i gotta go quick the last five are ultra hard though i should be clear i think i'm winning this race the last five are brutal but i think i'm gonna beat him on the last level blast level's hardest nah he's not winning chat [Music] oh oh oh let's go oh we saved it oh what the hell i didn't know those were uh like that oh this is so hard how gross is crow he's too one level ahead of me [Music] okay that's huge we're tied how do you catch up so fast i heard you caught up it's a tie game it's a tie game you're getting some insane shots here i need the zen shot two left [Music] come on come on come on all right 11-4 oh this is gonna be close i think the focus is to get the farthest ones first [Music] yeah like that perfect actually perfect [Music] last stage here we go i see that you're on the last level don't get cocky that level's hardest here we go chad good shot he's got two left you won't make this got one shot left i gotta i gotta thread the needle gotta focus there's no way you make that no yes okay oh my god no i didn't make it i didn't make it yes okay okay okay yes oh no i was shocked to early i i keep clicking too early because i'm nervous so i needed that okay i just i just won i think [Music] okay i'm on the second last level these two you cannot clear unless you bounce off something so i need to save these or if you're just nuts dude [Applause] i'm on the last level i see a world and which spankle oh my god you have two left i see a world it was bagel bagel can be dreams bagel can be reality peggle can be anything you want i see a world in which mortals come no no no no no no give me a second i'm winning yeah give me a second let's go no dude that's so close that stupid spaceship level dude oh that was crazy as promised i will give you the reward ah the olive oil oh that's all oh that was oh that is a lot [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,652,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peggle, pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow speedrun, speedrun, speedrunning, mod, modding, dougdoug, doug doug, doug, peggle pointcrow, pointcrow peggle, peggle speedruns, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, speedrun race, race, dougdoug and pointcrow, funny, highlights, racing, peggle speedrun race, insane speedruns, top 10, top 10 speedruns, crazy speedruns, world record, wr, pb, world record speedrun, puzzle game, intense, peggle world record, dougdoug speedrun, dougdoug peggle
Id: 8rRI3aASems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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