Minecraft, but if I say "mine" things get weird

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I'm trying to beat Minecraft as fast as I can while my twitch chat tries to stop me I modded the game so if I say the word hole a giant chasm appears below me if I say JUMP I'm teleported to space and if I say any of these other words a bunch of crazy weird things will happen and I have to reply to every single one of my twit chats messages alright so what do we need here uh wood first yes do you have the brother uh I have a sister I don't have a brother spawning zombies what oh word bra is in brother stop spawning zombies okay the goal right now is at least to get to the Nether um what oh that's a regular that's a regular skeleton your content has inspired me to follow my heart and become of tuba follow my heart and become a YouTuber deleting Hearts can you fit your whole fist in your mouth [Laughter] [Music] oh it's the other hole what is your recommendation for beating Minecraft my recommendation um have fun with it spawning and German what what did I say crow will you be my friend no this is going well so far what's your favorite book I also like books stunning boots all right good to know do you prefer Whole Foods or organic foods blank Foods or organic foods making you hungry Nom Nom snack time am I just permanently hungry I literally can't Sprint right now or gain oh my God this is awful it looks like food is really important here stop making you hungry Nom Nom snack time now I have to start over is dead F's in chat DPS is not dead almost done collecting all my stuff now I just need to find spicy water uh and then we can get to the nether I want to see if I can like maybe big brain this myself let me try this let me try this lava spawning lava spawning hole oh lava spelling love it all right sorry lava lava spawning lava awesome okay so we now have uh a portal if you could to a porthole where would you go to the nether yes God damn it we're hoping for a fortress but trust me you will surrender to my dragon jokes no I won't surrender to your your jokes like that no it's not happening spelling in German no this is fine at least we got to the nether how do you beat Minecraft you just have to defeat the dirt that's the only part of the word I can say are you an independent streamer or are you sponsored I am sponsored I have a sponsor by uh sure the microphone manufacturer I used your positive energy keep up the good work and stay awesome my friend em with an m and I use the sure microphone the m V7 links are in the description below if you want to get one of the best microphones for your setup right now all right um I'm gonna go to this island over here look they're friends stop spawning in German okay so I right now am trying to build a bed so when it killing Point Crow the Real Enemy isn't chat it's TTS true we're both fighting against TTS are you going to make a chart no I'm not gonna make a chart I see what you're trying to do there but it's not going to register heart as chart deleting Hearts okay thank you for that I want to say uh two huge thank yous one to uh Doug this whole idea of trying to do something while this was accepted from him spawning hole huge thank you to the Minecraft Overlord who is the creator of this mod okay I think I can make a bed now Eric just joining stream afterwards spawning hole I'm really some baklava right now I said hello everyone be quiet he found wall no I did it any longer I just wanted to greet my viewers so about that baklava do you know a good place for some I know I don't know a good place for that particular kind of food making you hungry Nom Nom snack time I am trying I'm attempting to after the blue to say to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day will you be mine oh will you be mine that's cute adding mining fatigue I guess stunning subscribers I could big brain this boat spawning boats that's where we stopped last time my stuff's still there there we go okay so now we have this oh and then we also finally have a bed Yes actually I should probably bring this uh all the way back up I've never really played Minecraft [Applause] it was even TTS oh yo since when was there a village here oh I can just get oh wait I don't know why I'm trying to I got hey guys look I got a do you like Ramen what's your favorite broth to have with it um I really like uh miso uh as as broth spawning zombies no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get out get out get out again okay run run run oh my God it's in a village too I was happy because we found this Village right and I was like okay we have enough beds for the for the the dirt at the end of the game Enderman have you heard Jay Low's new song I haven't heard JLo's new song spawning obsidian no I need to get my stuff back lava spawning lava I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry all right here's my stuff oh God don't break a yellow bed I said don't break a yellow bed immediately breaks yellow bed spawning and German it wasn't that one let's go at least farming and Bottles should be yo spawning hole blaze rods and then right behind here should be the blaze spawning and German whoa no no no no no no no no no no no no I was right there spawning hole that's rough buddy I got one I need uh like six or seven all right I got two I have six I have seven do I go for eight no I don't go free that's too risky Eric how's your serotonin flowing uh serotonin doesn't exist here it's just stress whatever the the stunning zombies oh God please please please please I got a new reconnaissance mission I get it it's it's it's it's there and then with it's the rot spawning and German how does that make sense okay all right we've successfully made it out of the nether with ack and I have to get some pearls I don't even have too much cholesterol I know I actually have a lack of uh cholesterol of like the good variety of cholesterol bus trouble can be good yeah there's two types of cholesterol cholesterol good cholesterol and bad cholesterol a good kind of cholesterol attaches to the bad cholesterol and puts it away made him so mad right now cholesterol as oh spawning stop dude is it impossible to just get pearls why not spawn the Enderman then kill them for the pearls oh that's actually a really good idea what have I been doing for the past hour I'm gonna say the word that spawns the guys and then they'll drop and then give me pearls spawning zombies all right time to do all of that all over again hi end spawning and German here we go all right cool all right so as you can see uh they dropped some pearls so we should gosh I have the pearls here hey yeah as you can see it dropped some pearls so let's just do that real quick so let's make some blaze powder there it is 14 eyes of dur let's figure out where the stronghold is we are low on edible challenges as whole stuff to drag on after a while you guys haven't gotten me out on uh the the drag just drinking spawning Ender Dragon did it erase my eyes of dur oh my God they're right there okay okay we're fine we're fine I just gotta I just gotta go I thought they were gone erasing an item we need food making you hungry Nom Nom snack time now we really need it why do I always do that I gotta really make sure that my words are good what kind of fish stuff do you enjoy I like sushi end sentence what spawning and German I saw earlier killing Point Crow what look at that memories there's our stuff the stronghold should be right here hold spawning hole there it is oh okay it's it's a weird intersection here of the shaft and the stronghold uh I would like the portal I guess we go up over here okay this new spot new place new area oh God all right all right everything's fine um okay this is large maybe the real challenge was the maze along the way I missed a whole area spawning hole oh this is where yeah it's most likely to be okay oh come on not the silverfish not the silverfish please have mercy oh but like actually running hole oh no oh no oh no there's lava [Music] okay okay okay okay I'm still facing the dragon killing Point Crow D I can't go I can't beat the game that I think I think that that I think I think you've broken my spirit spawning sadness hear me out you know a little bit of uh some creativity here you know we we call it a scratch you guys still win you know Pro please just get some more blaze powder wow that's crazy what the spawning hole Eric the Luca [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 903,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft modding, if i say dragon, if i say bear, if i say this word, dougdoug, if i say, world record, speedrunning, speedrun, pointcrow mediashare, pointcrow media share, media share, chat controls, gaming, gameplay, mojang, challenge, can you beat, decides the music, sellout sunday, modding minecraft, minecraft but if i say, funny, playthrough, walkthrough
Id: dnzObEgTIjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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