Pokemon Violet is a stable game with no glitches at all

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Pokemon scarlet and violet just released and they are broken so rather than do a classic play through I decided to make it my sole goal to glitch Pokemon Violet as much as I possibly could and trust me it gets way worse than you think look there nectar sex roller and then walk with that one it's handheld only let me take a video for you guys yeah yeah you saw that so it's walk walk walk and then that's the second second like you run straight with your first controller and then you run slightly diagonal with your second controller you're just faster have you decided which of these Pokemon you would like to be your first partner in a split second decision we are choosing the fire type Pokemon what Coco arson my favorite felony look at him this is your first Pokemon yes please raise it with love and care and of course be sure to keep it tucked safely inside of Pokeball I'm so wait Coco oh I'm so sorry I saw another glitch where if you you can slide into a door oh yeah okay okay awesome you can just slide into a door and be half clipped out of bounds soft lock no I can walk back out oh mysterious Pokemon oh God what's that Pokemon in front of you it looks super strong kind of seems like it's waiting for you does it want you to follow it yeah I mean yeah down over here oh did I find this what is happening with my character what is going on oh God wait we were trying to go farther than the legendary like up here and and we were going down this way and so we were going faster so the game was like stuttering to keep us behind so there's a glitch that I know that you can actually like skip part of the game yeah we're we're still in the tutorial all right so I need to throw arson oh oh I saw wait wait that was close that was close Tommy you're level 21. oh you're level 21. oh and then we teleported let me run wait we're in we're in we're in an area that we're not supposed to be right now oh we gotta wait we got away do we really teleport oh Ariel four oh my God we just sequence broke we have skipped uh getting our mounts now to catch the highest level Pokemon I can we probably won't be able to use it because like you know gym badge scaling and everything but I just want to do with the flex hit pokestops you can fly to them right now so I can fly here okay so if I want to go back to the the regular part of the sequence we've now officially sequenced broke we got an exp candy M from a level like the area four so if we use this item on our way Coco it gains 3000 XP holy it's level 17. we just we're holding our phone it's just arson is evolving he has a little Sombrero there's a big lake up north can't miss it okay oh oh oh we're going oh God chat we're gonna go for a little Adventure here the day night cycle is yet to start oh there's a day night cycle in this game oh I guess we just haven't activated yet I've been playing for three and a half hours oh it starts out to the Story prologue wait is this how I oh my God wait there's the lake that we want to go to all right so we should be more in an end level part of the game this is a level 65 car chomp in this cave wait actually I want to get it wait I can't get up there wait I might I might be able to can I teleport can I teleport I can teleport yes yes oh my god oh wait wait no it's a Tara I need to actually kill it oh no we haven't actually gotten to the tutorial so I don't really know how Terror types work I gotta figure out the cheese strats if we catch like a couple like high level Pokemon yes oh we have a level 52 bronze on you know what I'm gonna throw a nest ball oh but they don't listen to us we'll also get like a rocky helmet on our on bronze on and then we want to get back to that guard chomp there we go we got it we got it we got it we got it are you still Terror type you are um I will X defend immediately on treason okay I just want to make sure I don't kill this thing too Rock Tim's fine okay then you die okay so now your tarotype breaks we've broken the order of nature what you have to do direct damage to it oh my God I need to hit this Pokemon once we need it to break Tara okay we paralyzed you but we didn't break Tara oh it needs to be in the red oh maybe you hit yourself hey you did how are you literally not in the red I'm gonna bite now you have a 25 chance to actually hit me does the oh and you use outrage okay please Fido Fido yes yes yes yes yes okay okay okay okay now we we clip through the ground so now I need to catch this Garchomp we have one Ultra Ball nine Great Balls and 24 pokeballs so our best chance you're paralyzed you have no HP and we're using probably the best ball and you didn't eat get in the ball come on please come on car chops my chances are really low on this Boyd we got the Garchomp and there we go guys we've caught a Garchomp a terror type Garchomp you guys ready to start the game here we go the school hey hey am I cool now oh what is happening on the right oh oh Pokemon this is your opening cutscenes these are your opening cutscenes I found this book the other day and had a section about these Urban mystica things basically there's some kind of special herbs that heal up any Pokemon as soon as it eats them um I know people that um prefer like um some like Urban Indica but this book says they're all guarded by Titan Pokemon whatever teams suffered a brutal Blow from what such a beast and was mortally wounded wait that's kind of metal I am intrigued by that okay so there's five Titans we're gonna beat all of the Titans can I climb and put this with like a blj I might be able to like that yeah and we look at that we're in area five now oh that's ridiculous dude let's go to the first Titan Pokemon oh I think I found him hello oh cloth armor dress flies in liquidation Maybe oh it's so sick and we used liquidation hahaha it almost one shot it wait we won wait we won fighting the stunning Club Titan oh God that's where we were the Titan cloth began eating something when you lose always do drugs guys oh second phase can I terrestrialize again I can't okay what if we hit again that'd be awesome oh my God dude this thing didn't have a chance thank you defeated the Titan cloth easy this is one of the urban mystica you want to give your sandwich some ride on here you go so this is going to upgrade my ride on maybe oh Jesus Brian will be able to dash now bye okay the coast is clear oh you can come out now okay I want to go to the next place which is here so flat told me there's like caves you can like clip out of bounds all right so if I go into a cave here oh also what was that oh okay what [Music] wait that's what Diglett looks like Underneath Him the camera itself is stuck out of bounds it can't go inbounds anymore the sunlight effect is a square texture oh [Laughter] this cave is a cave of nightmares do not go in okay you're on a oh uh yeah no no that's that's no that's great what happens when I end the battle we're like oh god oh what have we done oh my God we are out well we're out of bounds uh oh we're wait we're still out of I'm still out of bounds oh my God oh my God wait we can just leave the cave okay sounds good I am free huge credits to Flat Rising for finding this uh consistent like clip that's pretty that's actually pretty consistent that's awesome okay okay so I'm here now but let me go this are those are those the Titans that I'm supposed to face so we really can't do too much here let me try to clip back in rather than just like fly away if I just jump here father help please okay so there's a Pokemon right here can I get into a battle with it pop goes the child wait wait wait wait but we're in front of our Pokemon okay now what happens do we just go back to Rick and we're back in as if nothing ever happened all right so we know that the um Titan Pokemon are right here wait aren't there supposed to be two of them no there's one okay what's happening with the shadow here all right second tight oh what the heck is this it's just a worm you're just a worm he's so dirty earthworm the lurking steel Titan as long as you keep doing rap and everything like we'll have we'll have our Rocky helmet so this is fine okay now I killed him all right second phase go get your drugs man it's popping Garchomp wait wait we need to find the lurking steel Titan what if we go back out of bounds and see where it's hiding are we on the ceiling oh now okay now we're out of bounds there he is oh then there's another one over there oh well I guess I know where he's gonna appear next okay so you're right here right but you're going to appear where are you going up here again oh a little bit farther down I'm inbounds now hey guys you want to face the Titans there's one right there oh here we go am I going to do any damage to earthworm at all oh there we go liquidation and you're one shot the wild or the worm fainted Grill way to go little buddy you and Arvin from the salty Urban mystica yeah you want another sandwich and there he goes Ryan will be able to jump higher now they grow stronger again man these Urban Mystic I really do pack a punch don't they guess they should at least tell you the full story Grill oh my buddy here was hurt pretty bad a while ago I'm gonna bring massive back to full health I swear it three herbs to go all right so we can now jump higher okay nice nice so the end game is to get to this crater we might be able to actually climb in the crater with bljs wait it's working wait it's literally working oh we're so close we're so close oh by using bljs you can literally just climb the crater oh my God there we go wait we've literally made it I don't think I'm supposed to be here guys can I go inside like this it kicks me out but but but but what if we just go around the entry point is like over here isn't it right over there who knew that the true challenge of this game would be um parkour oh God how am I supposed to do that one unless we can literally just ride up all the way over here you know what I'll take that how are you normally supposed to get up here oh climbing all right but we're getting here without climbing and that's that's the main thing here oh there it is there it is this is works okay [Music] nice we did it so we passed by that gate which we're not supposed to have yet we head this way later oh come on really oh you can't be serious I have an idea what maybe maybe please wait we might be able to [Music] okay okay okay we made it that's the roof so if I go down here oh there's another door over here come on let me in well good news you can make it to the end but you can't actually do anything with the end we're actually on our way to our third Titan right now the third one's like up here now I can fly over here but there's actually something fun we want to do in cortado that has to deal with olives so this is there's this Olive right here you can kind of like hit it around let me see if I can do this I nearly have the Olive in the corner oh wait wait okay we almost got it wait we almost got it first off we're clipped into the ground second off we have the olive on us wait wait but we can do it worse oh oh off we go to Neverland I know it's an olive but I dubbed that now Bean sliding I want to do bean flying because you can Bean fly if you do it right oh oh that was almost it we're doing beans chat get out your beans we've gotten close so many times oh oh oh we got it it was small but we flew uh please turn your phones to airplane mode so we can uh take off there it is it wasn't a big one when we got it wait we stopped midair wait what is going on oh God anyways that's so funny dude that's so funny chat you guys ready to go get another Titan I miss Bean we I think we all missed the bean guys yo Grill so from what I gather seems like the Open Sky Titan lives somewhere up on this mountain but there are all these crazy Boulders riding down from the mountain too oh wait no I found the boulders don't worry guys we can dodge these wait actually why why would we even try to go this way can we just ride on the on the side if you just do this I think I'm safe Cliff's better than Boulders oh God oh God hey we made it let's go we just skipped the puzzle by going along the side and was it harder yes but was it better also yes what is that is that your stomach stork oh that that's such a weird design well good news uh we can just thrustolize liquidation and kill you okay you listen to it one shot this Garchomp is my life what are you doing is the game broken or oh oh no that's the actual animation oh the Titan Bombardier begin eating something all right here we go as long as you wing attack on me my Rocky helmet will do damage back to you and we did it I literally did nothing here can you beat Pokemon scarlet and violet by doing nothing the answer is so far kind of yes yes way to go Grill this will definitely help Master to feel even better yeah fine I'll give you I'll give you my sandwich oh here we go okay and we got surf Are You Gonna Stand Master diff is definitely getting better ever since I teamed up with you good things keep happening so we've got two more herbs to go wait so we can now surf oh and we're Speedy with it too and we can jump out of the water that's actually awesome what is that hello you look so weird a cyber Dawn fan um I'm just going to um earthquake oh we used earthquake yeah straight off nice and you just roll away okay we gotta we gotta chase him the fact that like Garchomp just like stays in frame for half a second and just like disappears all right are you getting your drugs now yep the Titan began eating something contrast the lies and I'll just liquidation this it's gonna work first try because they're gonna listen to me right hey there's the liquidation awesome ggs and there goes iron Treads oh he looks so sad anyways I bet if we head inside here we'll find more of that Urban mystica it was eating do you want to give your sandwich from ride on yep [Music] okay and then we got the Glide ability how do you feel masspidif how's that Urban mystica working okay no no pressure we've got one more herb to go and I bet it's the best of them all it's it's just gotta be so if you want to Glide we just jump off and then press B oh before we get that last one there's something I want to do to break the game even more than we've broken it before I have an idea and you might realize what I'm doing if if I just show you exactly where we're going it's over here okay this is where I want to be oh there it is there it is it worked now that we're there we're out of bounds now that I have like Glides and everything first off I have a bigger jump so I can I go over here now I can that's kind of cool can I can I get this item oh shoot can I get this item oh I can nice crunch are those young goose out of bounds too wait wait are they wait wait how did you guys are out of bounds as well wow okay so this is what the underneath looks like so we can glide to go to new places and we can also surf right so can I just surf on the on the bot oh my God I can just travel now oh oh this is incredible oh this is beautiful okay okay so let's go to the crater now here's what it is how it looks oh whoa whoa I just teleported up great let me just get this item real quick okay it's a rare candy nice if I go down then I'm down but then if I go here then it spawns me okay so it tries to yeah so it tries to spawn you to the top most water there's no water above us right now but if we find water elsewhere it'll spawn us to the top of that water all right the craters this way oh wait what wait I fell beneath the map wait okay so there's a point in which the water ends so you actually can't go to the crater it's like the edge of the ocean yeah a reverse mode but it's like the void the out of bounds water ends right there so we're gonna use this River to go to the out of bounds in the crater okay I think I have to make literally kind of a leap of faith here oh okay um um oh what what is happening what did we just uh-huh it was if the water caught us wait that might have actually saved us here we were just transcending here we go the crater doesn't exist the crater doesn't exist that's not Collision it doesn't work but we made it we literally made it though it'd be really funny if we traveled to the last Titan but just like out of bounds I mean unless there's like a faster way of traversing then this is probably the fastest travel because you just go in a straight line and in order to clip us back in we're gonna look for Pokemon there we go and we're look look at that we're clipped back in well we're sort of clipped back and we're kind of like halfway through the ground right there and we're all good to go we're free so rumor has it the false Dragon Titan lurks somewhere in this Lake yeah how are we supposed to search for a thing when we don't know what it looks like actually handy just ran around crying I'm the Titan or something are you the Titan look I it's another Titan guys it's another Titan it's the stupidest bit that I've ever done guys look it's another type oh my God we just beat the Titan Titan oh oh you're the Titan oh Titan oh that's so cute oh you're the titanzo the false Dragon Titan I will just outrage oh that didn't actually kill you do you have any physical moves oh Rocky helmet does a lot of damage to you though who needs obedience when he was slightly annoying hell item Aqua tail perfect okay that does damage to me but it should kill you perfect the danzo fainted you just sank okay oh no but you still exit oh okay find the false type aha this is where the Titan is oh there it is wait are is the fish going to get the herb okay you just ate the fish okay but you haven't gotten the herb have you you did get the earth oh we did use earthquake oh God it's for Pokemon oh God I didn't I didn't mean to do that I mean to use outrage why you're listening to me like all the time now wait that's awesome that's so rare okay body slams perfect that should be it those Rocky helmet man coming in clutch and then danzo fainted and that's the last Titan now that the Titans taken care of next up on the menu is that Urban mystica what the little Sushi Guy escaped without giving that things lunch oh look he's so cute Titan does that thing want to fight too sorry what the little fry is now the false Dragon Titan are you serious all right outrage awesome maybe this will kill oh the one shot you defeated the Titan tatsugiri maybe the real Titan was the friends who made along the way this is the last herb all right what do you got now you'll be able to climb up vertical surfaces awesome guess that's Master tip's turn then we're gonna play with your favorite ball as much as you want you know just like we used to he's getting up he's he's it's his ball oh my God rough [Music] I know bud me too that you guys you guys are the ones that are sad oh [Music] maybe while we were breaking the game we didn't notice that with that story about Maspeth the game broke us [Music] [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,728,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pkmn, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon scarlet and violet, new pokemon games, new pokemon game, pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow pokemon, point crow pokemon, pokemon glitch, scarlet glitch, violet glitch, pokemon glitches, glitching pokemon scarlet and violet, glitch, glitches, gen 9, glitch pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet gameplay, gameplay, nintendo, gaming, pokemon scarlet and violet review, scarlet and violet pokemon, pokemon scarlet violet, playthrough, review
Id: yuLP8zSq4HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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