I Played Pokemon's Weirdest Randomizer

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i think i randomized pokemon too much or three pokemon here zubat is our first choice gary right and we have sync we gotta go with sick oh it's a mole trace so we're a bug ghost type and we have conversion and twin needle you sent out yourself smell you later it doesn't look too random right until we get the letter w that's actually a slack off and we send out our sink so let's go inside this pokemon center okay we're in the underground path okay let's exit the underground path never mind we're on the sshn so we've added a map randomizer on top of the already randomized randomizer we need to not only beat all eight gym leaders then the elite four and then the champion but we also need to find them right so the underground path leads to the sshn which is huge because i feel like everything leads to the ssn uh i mean just look how many map randomizer stuff is we'll just let's go in all right so this is uh the weird school which leads to the seafoam islands which we can go down here to silvco 11th floor okay and then we're going to lose to you and you sent out a human wait are the teleporters randomized too yay the pokemon mansion i need to get pokeballs oh he hasn't has coffee yet oh i can't get past here yet because i need to deliver oak's parcel we can't get oak's parcel because the pokemart is actually silvco oh god what have we done maybe oak's parcel is the true final boss maybe it's the friends we made along the way you know all right currently have no okay that's victory road okay and i can't it's a one way on victory road i cannot get back okay cool and now we've encountered something on victory road a deli bird which is a gyarados and it's level 46. do you know any attacking moves kiritos i repeat do you know any attacking moves gyarados dude there's no way our sink is literally unbeatable the power of plumbing compels you we just beat a level 46 gyarados delivered let's explore fuchsia a little bit more fuchsia is if we go through here down here and then through the hole to mount moon and then over here and that's where uh fusion city is let's go into here [Music] hello there um don't mind me let's do the ssn which is a pokemon center that is huge all right let's go into here okay we just elevatored into this house okay so if we go up oh oh this is the third gym okay so that's one gym down uh but we gotta note that all right we'll go up the department store wait the department store is huge right because we have the elevator yeah and the elevator's not randomized so we have access to five floors and we're currently on the third floor and we also have access to pokeballs yes you sell great balls i'll dig four of them i'll have a convention of like you always try the first warp near you okay nice i'm on guard duty gm thirsty though oh wait no no no i i wait i just came from there i don't want to explore silfco yet i don't have the pokemon to do it oh actually we got to see foam islands right and then i catch a pokemon here what victory road oh good idea although ivysar here is probably better because it's an ivysaur we caught the old guy like his name is just edward classic eddie you know you know how he is oh he has the lonely nature that's so sad and this is cerulean cave oh my god mewtwo's right there i don't have surf though wait wait let me save let me catch a pokemon here in cerulean cave oh it's a level 67 hey edward face the right way edward no edward look look over there please catch it's unlikely but i hope it does oh oh okay we have a level 67 bay leaf now i can't believe this please laugh also please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already you know what beyblade and that's the entire mall so let's go check out lavender town now what's up devs me and the team of uh turtle isaac's luma and atsign have developed an absolute monstrosity how do you feel about that oh wait you have the lift key don't you okay that's huge oh no i dropped the lift key oh there it is i guess let's start exploring these now so we did find the fifth gym awesome okay fifth gym has been found and let's check out the third door then which is the fourth gym okay oh my god wow so we found the fifth gym the fourth gym and the third gym we can't do any of them because we still have to beat gyms one and two to get access yeah ssn like holds half the game oh my god okay so this is the fourth door now i was i was half expecting like the next damn hey yo um did we just climb out of the abyss wait is this the same abyss it is okay i don't have the the wait we we have the lift key but we still have the key card we need to do the key card specifically oh this is the fuchsia lavender town okay plenty of place to get to lavender town oh nice sapphire oh uh hey my guy can you let me out all right let's catch a new pokemon yeah i'll take an agatha nice we got a flying agatha maybe agatha was the friends we made along the way sassy nature so we have a sassy agatha we have an old couple of edward and agatha together at last holding hands at my pokemon party all right so we have another ss anne everything leads to ssan okay so let's go upper left oh hey what's up gary we just fought you but like a while ago all right gary what do you have now you have a mr mine gary has literally no idea the power that he's dealing with all right growlithe we're gonna stay in it's actually a kangaskhan you have a literal trash can just trash oh you also have brock okay you picked squirtle which was gary and then gary of all into brock what is his final form like oak you know and you have a team rocket grunt okay interesting let's go second floor silco let's explore all of southco now um ah i don't want to explore any more self go well we found uh elite for lance i still need to find the first gym i want to catch another pokemon yo a news crew though does it know any moves that do damage all right well we got it cnn so it knows no attacking moves okay a pokemon center we can take a pokemon center yes is this what i think it is it's ho oh it's actually a level 70 uh nitto arena we'll come back to this i love pokeballs [Music] elite four number two bruno all right right so power oh oh okay that's zapdos um i don't have any pokeballs dude i'm trying my hardest where the hell where the hell am i where the hell am i hey we made it to the mall i have no idea how i'll be real i have no idea how we made it but we did let's see what zapdos is all right you're just phoebe and a sandshrew you know string shot it does not look like you are worth catching anyways okay yeah we gotta go catch that ho-oh all right let's catch this thing oh it's a flying teleporter this time you know peck okay it seems like that was a stab move too stop okay okay okay thank god okay okay that's fine that's fine fingers crossed [Music] yes awesome okay so the hello that we just caught is fighting flying type okay minimize teeter dance peck and synthesis i'll be real with you guys our pokemon aren't great all right let's go uh floor five siltco silfco is huge i i didn't know it was this big okay so we're back in seafoam back in cerulean to santa bar i feel like i should explore cinema just because we haven't gotten here yet and there's like so many like little ways to get here i don't know why they put this here because it literally isn't much of a maze and it's just like uh just annoying right okay then we have this house a bunch of uh we found the first gem yes okay we can finally two hours in finally beat the first jib we finally found it what's up brock i've seen you around let's beat the letter p now use peck it's p for peck this badge is brought to you by the letter p and we defeated leader brock first badge down seven to go we'll go back to santa bar real quick all right so the pokemon match leads to silvco 10th floor which leads to lorelei okay okay first gen uh first elite four member uh good fine good fine did you deliver oak's parcel no we still haven't delivered oak's parcel wait because i haven't i don't have the pokedex i still don't have the pokedex all right so bike shop oh wait oh i'm thirsty though oh i can't go back up oh no oh no uh please be good it is good but that does mean we are like we need to lose against the trainer in this the sixth gym is in cerulean in the bike shop wait how do you get the t wait talk to the old lady wait wait wait wait i think i have found the granny silfco fifth floor oh i found it oh my god it was right here oh we got the t yes wait a second wait a second here you're on the bike lane can you please move dude my brain is breaking i'm telling you right now i'd like to get my running shoes though at least thank god the past two and a half hours i have been walking everywhere look at us go oh we're so speedy what was the pokemon again it was mount ember right hey yo you came from palmtown i did i oh oh okay we're on the counter now yeah we got oak's parcel finally look at us you know we don't care hey there's the card key all right awesome so now we can go uh into things like this self code does lead everywhere there's so many teleports there's so many warps oh and this is important this is the secret key once we're at cinebar we gotta open up the gym and see what's inside right rock tunnel i don't want rock tunnel we're gonna skip all of rock tunnel oh gee that tea looks awfully tasty right here it is glug glug um right and we've already been here this is the ninth floor so let's go to the 10th floor now and we're almost out of the silco so oh we found the champion silfco 10th floor we found gary dude all we need now are three gyms right we need gym two seven and eight and then we just need to find agatha or cinnabar island oh we're at cinebar okay okay sit apart we can now use the secret key to go through the gym which is just a just a mount moon teleport okay that was hey we got the speaking of thief can i have back the time you stole from me um okay eleven uh route five we haven't seen the daycare yet let's actually check this [Music] okay naval rock to the seventh gym the daycare is the seventh gym okay yes awesome all right seafoam islands let's go back here to saffron city which we still need to get to the uh master ball guys and then now we have the card key to open and now we can access the rest of saffron we meet again the president and i are discussing vital business propositions all right us versus giovanni you have a psychic pokemon guy good we'll just peck you awesome easy kangaskhan all right wait what's the kangaskhan oh it's an articuno okay yeah that makes sense all right and we beat giovanni let's go bless it all team rocket will never fail i shall return all right give me the master ball my guy because i am rich i can give you anything the master ball all right so we haven't checked out vermilion my brain is breaking jesus yes but it's not broken enough we just found the second gym oh my god in vermilion all right so that means we have two three four five six and seven that we can just beat right now and all we need to look for is eight and agatha oh my god let's do it three and a half hours in and we're just doing gym two so you have a line noon with your staryu so what's the evolution of ly noon it's a television all right we've beat misty there's more you can now use cut anytime uh well we still don't have cut all right let's meet the third gym hey kid what do you think you're doing here electric pokemon saved me during the war all right what do you have what helped you win the war oh that would help deoxys would do it you know all right but what else what was your ace in the hole for the war um okay but maybe your third pokemon is is a little bit more uh slowpoke did you win the war because i just beat you with a teleporter that's a shocker thunder badge cranks up your pokemon speed it's probably gonna fly as well awesome so that's the third gym down so let's do the fourth gym i'm looking at my notes right now bottom left naval rock up naval rock down and then ss and second floor is the fifth third floor is the fourth and there we go see you gotta get it your mind dude i'm telling you it's powerful oh i don't have cut we can't do the fourth gym until we get cut yeah we gotta rub the captain's back remember that i have to keep all of this like in my mind i've been doing this for almost four hours notes might help yeah let me check the notes no oh i also don't have the pokeflute we've discovered most of this now you know and that's like the issue is that we've actually discovered a lot of it jerulian let's do nugget bridge please be something good are you something good oh dear you found my secret retreat please don't tell anyone i'm here i'll make it up to you this oh my god we got fly that is so good we're making the tardis fly let's check out the rest of salad on let's make sure we have everything oh we get the pokey flute here hey mr fuji yeah you came to save me thank you but i came here my own free will thank you for the poke flute let's go all the way over here and wake up the snorlax yes all right so what is the snorlax it's just a box so what's behind here the rocket hideout okay at least we're discovering new places where's the other snorlax starting each town go through back all the warps yeah i might have to um okay [Music] oh oh i found agatha oh my god i totally blinked okay i found agatha now we just need to find cut and gym eight so this is the poke flute for the snorlax and this snorlax is in fact a sink okay so we got a box and a sink for the snorlax all right so we have two options all right so we have the house here and the house is the ssn oh let's go yes pat that back give me that hm we get cut we can do the fourth gym fifth gym six seven we don't know where eight is but then we can do the rest of the elite four and cnn you're learning an actual useful move all we gotta do now is uh the one place we haven't checked the one place we haven't looked is rock tunnel and my god do i not want to face rock tunnel oh actually we can wait were we here all right fine all right we'll pay the toll yes fifty dollars for the child ticket to to go on our journey all right let's let's see where this guy leads us back to seafoam yeah we can get a new area oh okay well we found rock tunnel like we just need to find the eighth gym and i'm pretty sure it should be here okay here it is please be jim eight it's self co but it's the gary fight self co okay we're still good we're still good everything leads back to stealthco silfco is connected to wall all right and then we have here which leads to the eighth gym we found it all all right all right all right cuter tree house you guys like these notes all right let's go beat the game so we need to go to the fourth one which is the eighth floor of silphco we need to find silfco this is not selfco selfco everything leads if you just keep going randomly through things you'll eventually make it to silpco this is not silvco please for the love of anything that exists ever where the hell is silfco where the hell is silphco all roads lead to silvco except when they don't wait self goes right here that's the fourth floor of the department store but co's actually right here i swear to god okay all right i actually get this silicone is literally actually right in here sorry my bad my bad i remember now i got a first try i like how for erica's gym they literally are like let's just put a bunch of trainers here just in a circle also by the way you need to cut down trees you have a is that a pc or a television is that your your husband is he okay do i need to call someone oh i can see the feet you're remarkably strong there's the rainbow badge and i wonder where the fifth gym is whoa that was crazy man all right what's up koga you have a thief with you interesting okay um i'll just fly then but stop using minimize oh my lord you have a four times minimize are you serious is this muck really gonna just kill me oh my god this muck is literally just gonna kill me what i'll just uh bullet seed you okay awesome i got it okay you're gonna use what another thief oh you're gonna still use sabrina if i beat sabrina does that mean that i get the sixth gym badge too awesome so we got the fifth badge now you've proven your worth take the soul badge so let's now take our level 75 tardis and go to the bike shop in cerulean which is the sixth gym awesome here we go okay watch me get this first try watch me get this i i know this i i like it it is is the easiest puzzling first try let's go that was totally random holy i have no idea how i got that first try that was so lucky what the heck all right so you have uh a team rocket woman in your arsenal awesome all right mr mime is next oh oh is that what they call you i thought you were lieutenant serge oh mr mimes's stage name oh okay this loss shocks me but a loss is a loss let's go to gym number seven i just need to go to the daycare actually we're like right here yeah there it is all right let's face off against blaine you have an arcanine which is just a clay doll okay doesn't matter because i'm gonna beat you anyways um actually uh never mind actually i'm gonna lose purposefully right so i can send out beyblade so beyblade has more of a chance to use bullet seed which is just the ultimate keep it up keep keep using that yeah let it rip you know oh my god agatha use egg bomb you smog and then kill it with okay never mind go poke center use confuse ray let's roll and kick you then you will full heal all right so rolling kick doesn't affect arcanine either mud slap you have a hyper potion that's fine everything's fine guys i'm okay mud slap and the pokemon center takes it away with arcanine let's go nice awesome okay well that is the seventh gym let's go do the eighth gym now once more you shall face giovanni the greatest trainer what do you got what do you got for me adiox's uh doug trio is next it's a cat it's the couch it's the couch the president sits on in selfco he stole it he stole the couch that's messed up dude alright so you have nitto king which is actually just a sign all right this is fine i'll just pack one more time and your last pokemon your last shot your last chance one opportunity is another deoxys and we defeated leader giovanni that makes eight gyms and all we have left are the elite four members and the champion it's crazy how they literally just give you earthquake oh my god we're gonna teach this the tardis that's disgusting uh lorelei is in the pokemon mansion actually awesome all right here we go it's a rock earthquake now you should have like what one pokemon left jinx is a chair it's a goddamn chair heck thank you oh my god and we finally beat lorelie that was like the first try definitely there was definitely no other tries there all right so the second one should be silphco third floor oh i have to find self cogan bottom right so it should be right here it's oh it says stare oh sorry sorry sorry it says stair it's stair right i mean it's this stair awesome there we go i'll just uh earthquake so i'll earthquake this as well i think we just like sweep with earthquake yeah we'll just like two shot it that's fine that works hey and there we go much easier than lorelei we beat uh bruno all right back in silk coat nice okay so then we have agatha which is in uh saffron there's agatha and you know what i think it's only appropriate for agatha that we face agatha with agatha this is the true agatha multiverse this is agatha used oh that's a lugia but first is yourself can you save yourself from yourself all right you got the double team we'll just fly uh we'll have to oh the crit let's go so agatha does beat agatha you have a literal flying tree okay good to know all right so you have another lugia agatha clean it up let's use fly here i will use fly again oh really [Music] agatha no so agatha just defeated agatha we'll just take revenge and with that it was inevitable that one of the agathas would win and even though our agatha perished we still defeated the other agatha agatha prime with the other agatha because one agatha was our agatha who was against this agatha and agatha one and also agatha lost so run along now child on to the last elite four member ah i've heard about you grill i leave the elite four you call me lance the dragon tamer are you ready to lose there it goes which is a deliberate i remember this this is a throwback to the first pokemon we actually beat and then aerodactyl oh my god it's also a flying tardis easy dragonite yourself now which is an articuno okay so my earthquake again and then one more and you shoo the crate dude and then dragonair a bird tamer breeder guy evolves into an articuno good enough it's just an interesting thing what okay well i beat you with a polka center so get healed [ __ ] tardis use fly awesome oh let's go that's it i hate to admit it but you are a pokemon master last fight of the game the champion battle i'm the pokemon league champion you know what it means i'll tell you i'm the most powerful trainer in the entire world not for much longer do you have a tardis okay pidgeot i fly i kill alakazam i stay in i earthquake that kills okay executor okay i'm going to earthquake then i'm going to send out edward edward's fine 18 revives he's on tardis perfect tardis you're out now fly awesome okay third one down and i haven't even lost a single pokemon and now we have rydon here uh and if i know you just earthquake this okay earthquake again okay awesome you have two pokemon left right the arc 9 which isn't actually an arcanine hey super effective i'll take it dude how many floor stores do you have folk standard coming out i'll revive here max ether the tardis uh earthquake and then just use super potions as much as i can now tardis should be fine again and we'll just earthquake again and then gun should die nice yeah pogo center was useful for healing there now we have blastoise up the last pokemon it's a tree the evolution line here was gary to brock to a tree i'll fire blast you again and one last fire blast oh please and one one last fire blast there we go oh my god and there we go we defeated the champion and we did the entire challenge in not only one day within five hours this is our final team we got tardis we have the beyblade we have edward classy you know uh a poke center just uh some newscasters and agatha herself what a journey
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,581,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, pokemon, pokemon randomizer, randomizer, pkmn, firered, leafgreen, pokemon firered, pokemon leafgreen, pointcrow pokemon, pokemon challenge, pokemonchallenges, pokemon mod, mod, modded, modded pokemon, random, map randomizer, pokemon warp randomizer, pokemon map randomizer, platinum, emerald, hgss, nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, frlg, frlg randomizer, pokemon mods, nintendo, gaming, game, pokemon romhack, romhack, speedrun, speedrunning, pokemon speedrun, can you beat, challenge
Id: bTQpQb0n5JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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