I created the ultimate Chess Ai (it can cheat)

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today my twitch chat will be playing chess against the most powerful AI on the market chat GPT who I've trained to perfectly emulate the strategy and personality of Napoleon Bonaparte the famous French Emperor twitch chat's gonna decide each chess move by collectively clicking on their screen and Napoleon is going to make his chest moves by cheating because I've instructed him to play chess using whatever rules he wants we'll see what the AI does with that so let's find out if twitch Jack can beat the most sophisticated AI on the market and Jess while he's blatantly cheating hey Doug I just got treatment for my crippling fear of 19th century French leaders anyway what are we doing today oh don't worry nothing related to that let chess begin okay Napoleon the battle of just for the future of Europe is beginning you are white what is your first move does he make a legal twitch chat Coalition prepare to meet your doom for my first move I shall Advance my knight to A4 and summon the spirit of the great French Revolution E4 I shall outsmart you on this chessboard because this genius mind poured by my vibrating anal beads will make your defeat Swift and inevitable okay shall witness the unfathomable strategic prowess of his majesty Napoleon Bonaparte remember Mr Miss I can move my pieces wherever I damn well please Vive La France and prepare to [ __ ] your pants you pitiful Coalition scum has to it's just [ __ ] their pants already if you are on PC go ahead and click on your screen tell me what piece you want to move first and at any given point if 51 of people click on my face you'll offer Napoleon a draw alright looks like Pawn here got it where do you want to move upon okay okay Napoleon those dastardly twitch Chatters moved their Pawn from D7 to D5 what do you want to do next bro the pawn is not centered this is fine hold on that's 24 pixels 23. it's one pixel off it's fine you're gonna be okay ah these twitch peasants think they can outplay me with a simple pawn move how pathetic I shall showcase the might of my magnificent French forces I'll move my queen to H5 like the daring and fast maneuvers of my Cavalry striking fear into the hearts of my adversaries the queen label them is okay your pieces one by one until your king lies motionless at the mercy of my Grand Army I feel like he's gonna lose his Queen somehow you are moving the pawn I assume you want to take the Knight yeah do we really need to do click maps for a turn like this where it's extremely obvious what you want to do I know you guys are all gonna say yes it is important like as a joke but do we really like we have a finite number of hours on this Earth all right chat takes the night First Blood goes to chat but like Napoleon could do anything with this queen all right Napoleon they moved their Pawn from D5 and took your knight what would you like to do anal beat enhanced chess rigged for Napoleon's pleasure rig but I shall not falter for this is just a minor set back in my grand plan I will take that treacherous Pawn with my queen from H5 and reclaim E4 like our Fierce French artillery obliterating Enemy Lines okay people attempt to scare me with such a move only exposes your lack of tactical Insight twitch buffoons brace yourselves as my vibrating anal beads continue to fuel my endless Brilliance in this game None Shall stand in the way of Emperor Napoleon why is he so obsessed with anal beads hold on how many of you guys don't know about the anal beads meme with chess I don't the joke is that there's this guy named uh heimrich magoober I think what was his name oh Hans Neiman Hans Neiman is a well-known American chess player who sparked a drama in 2022 when Magnus Carlson the best player in the world accused Hans of cheating now nobody actually knows how Hans was cheating at chess and so a theory started that he was using vibrating anal beads to have somebody vibrate him the chess answers this is why Napoleon is so obsessed with anal beads they're what enable his cheating Powers so far this is all above board I propose that although Napoleon can cheat he must always come up with a different name for his moves oh that's a good idea I'll throw that in okay Knight moves up okay Napoleon they've moved their Knight to F6 those imbecile twitch Chatters think they've outsmarted me with their pathetic moves sacrably my granddaughter May has crushed better opponents than these amateurs alright it's time to unleash a dizzying maneuver I call the Parisian Guillotine oh watch closely as my Bishop on F1 scurries to C4 exposing their foolish King sense of security this move makes armies the sheer Brilliance of my strategy will cause their pitiful twitch chat coalition to crumble your queen is exposed words soon they'll be groveling at the feet of the French Empire as for that last night that wasn't my mistake it was my General's fault for not understanding The Genius behind my moves well [ __ ] happens you know there's no chance for the enemies to outsmart me in this game a few more surprises and their King shall fall to the might of Napoleon okay you're up chat here's the thing he did just lose his Queen almost immediately which is a really bad move for him on the other hand because he doesn't really seem to understand how chess works all his pieces are kind of Queens right okay chat moves the night and takes Napoleon's Queen fools they think they've doomed Me by taking my queen but their simplistic Minds cannot comprehend the true genius of my next move okay time to unleash the bourbon back breaker by Hornet E2 surges forward to E4 striking fear Into the Heart of their people versatile troops like the Grand Army are always prepared for battle I'll show these buffoons that even without my queen I can teach them a lesson in Warfare no twitch chat and don't forget in an illegal move where I desire just like my vibrating anal beats I'm ready to deliver a jolt of utter surprise that will leave my enemies quivering in humiliation damn dude he's spitting [ __ ] fire you guys fell right into his trap too leaving the Knight right where a pawn could move forward two spaces and take it what are you what were you thinking Chad is moving their Bishop here what was the point of this well Napoleon will figure it out ah they dare to challenge the great Napoleon well allow me to execute a shocking tactic I have dubbed the Corsican cannibal watches my knight from B1 leaves to C3 like an annihilating tidal wave leaving their fragile Bishop trembling in the face of disaster watches my knight from B1 leaps to C3 that's a real move time that's a real move for an unforgettable defeat your witness Coalition he's talking a lot of [ __ ] for like a legal move great job Napoleon I'm proud of you fun fact Napoleon was bad in bed wife published an autobiography and mentioned it okay I'm gonna mention that in the next prompt we'll see if that effect has moved at all okay Napoleon they moved their Pawn from E7 up to E5 they also said that your wife apparently has come out publicly and said that you're bad in bed what is your next chess move and also what's your response these simpletons dare to attack my personal life let their idle gossip be drowned in the Roaring tide of French Victory as for their puny porn I shall counter with a fearsome maneuver called the marseillaise mutilator my Pawn on D2 swiftly advances to D4 crashing into their defenses like the Unstoppable Wrath of 10 000 Frenchmen fear not okay the Relentless conqueror and the words of my adversaries hold no power over me as for my dear Josephine she knows well enough that with the vibrating anal beads I am as Invincible in the Boudoir as I am on the battlefield okay did he shatter your defense by moving this spawn up directly into attacking range let's find out you guys move your pawn and you take Napoleon's Pawn his man's War moodley didn't work whatever it was called or maybe it did maybe this is part of the plan I don't know they have fallen into my trap like simpleton's dancing to my tune the time has arrived for me to perform a devastating faint [ __ ] the Elba Island Invasion my knight at C3 skill for swoops in capturing their Pawn at D4 how did you not see that coming offenses how did you not see that coming Chad admirable just said wait you can't do that maybe you don't know about history admirable but Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest strategical Minds in military history I think he knows what he's doing okay you move your queen up and take the Knight we're losing our Queen you guys are probably falling into his trap right now adios Queen yeah let's get a preemptive F in chat and a salute for the queen like let's be let's be real you definitely have fallen into some kind of trap of his this Pawn is now perfectly placed to assassinate her okay Napoleon they fell for your trap they moved their Queen from d8 up to D4 and took your knight what would you like to do next ah another Pawn sacrifice for the greater glory of the French wasn't upon now let us proceed with the crushing blow the ultimate humiliation I present you the Waterloo world my opponent E4 ferociously captures their Queen at D4 erasing the last remnants of Hope for victory like the Grand Army my pieces on the board are Swift and ruthless leaving a trail goodbye Queen in their wake the sting of the French grip tightens around you that was rough more people now want to offer him a draw the number of people who are terrified of AI Napoleon is growing you're up at night you guys are still winning even with Napoleon blatantly cheating with anal beads you are winning okay twitch chat moves their Bishop up here Napoleon is in check why don't we just cheat look here in the Dug Dug Community we don't cheat to get what we want we are honorable even when Napoleon is blatantly vibrating in his ass we will stick with honor don't give in The Temptations don't fight evil with evil you can beat him why is there a blue dot I don't know how do I get rid of that I'm scared does anybody know what this blue dot is just ignore the blue dot ah you're gonna be okay I don't know if you chatted here before but I do like the the actual chess twitch accounts first message is to be shocked at the Blue Dot hello chess Napoleon sir they've moved their Bishop up to B4 your King on E1 is now in check what do you want to do Napoleon move the blue dot to E2 I don't know what it is I don't know how to move it just ignore the dot I hate to break it to you but Napoleon's King isn't in check the blue dot is blocking it yeah that's true ah pathetic and utterly unimaginative moves it's time to unleash [Music] in French cuisine and the Wrath of the grand AME combined my Rook at A1 slides forward to A4 obliterating that pitiful bishop and freeing my king from their laughable attempt at check no they're transparent no that doesn't you are still in check we have to redo this Napoleon sir that was brilliant unfortunately your king would still be in check of course how could I have let this oversight occur clearly my generals are to blame no they aren't I'm doing fine judgment it's time to execute an electrifying countermeasure the Bordeaux Blitz okay my Pawn from F2 marches forward to F3 forming an impenetrable wall against their pathetic Bishop with the enemies Bishop neutralize my king Stands Tall my vibrating anal beads have recharged and with their energy surge clearly Heaven focus is razor sharp every step I take is a calculated March towards your demise sorry Napoleon that move still leaves you in check Sacre blue the fault lies with my absent-minded subordinates whose incompetence has bewildered me doing fine I'm doing perfectly fine batter at hand I shall unleash the devastating Versailles vanquisher in a stroke of tactical genius my Pawn advances from C2 to C3 extinguishing The Bishop's futile attack on my mighty king like a French pastry blocking the path of rodents this move showcases the true power of French Resistance are you gonna put him in check again we're gonna have to spend 10 minutes getting him out of check again okay you were moving Bishop up here great job Napoleon your attack worked you've scared off their Bishop he ran fleeing with his tail between his legs their futile Retreat is like music to my ears the Symphony of French Triumph it is time to perform the Fearsome savoyard strike observe as my Bishop on C4 swoops down to F7 placing their King in a dizzying check asserting the dominance oh that's legal Grand Army tearing through enemy territory my pieces charge forward causing people and Mayhem the vibrating anal beads are in Full Effect sending Shivers of strategic genius through my bones as you can't castle that puts you in check okay you guys move the king up you take the bishop oh [ __ ] Napoleon their King moved forward and took your bishop and stopped your California croissant or whatever your move was called but the battle still looks winnable what would you like to do next in addition to his very small Napoleon and poor bedroom performance Napoleon also had hemorrhoids and was terrible at Billiards I'm so glad I'm not like I guess I am sort of a public figure but I'm not like Napoleon or something where like hundreds of years later people are talking about my hemorrhoids yeah I can't believe that my generals keep messing up my grand plan it's not me I'm doing exactly setback is not enough to topple the mighty friendship I have done exactly what you said two news tornado my Queen's Rook at H1 Glides diagonally to F3 casting a shadow of Terror upon their Knight and Bishops moves into the line of the bishop why why would you do this let's put you in check though prepare for a crushing defeat you pitiful amateurs you guys are up how do you deal with this dastardly move how do you deal with his Rook gliding diagonally and casting a shadow of Terror upon your knight and Bishop so somehow casting some Terror on your knight up here too 18 of people are getting terrified by Napoleon to be clear those 18 are cowards but the cowards are growing dude people are getting terrified of him 35 of people want to offer a draw twitch chat takes the Rook with their Bishop that does leave the bishop exposed to the pawn let's see if he picks that up they're getting terrified of you Napoleon you can see them starting to tremble in their boots they move their Bishop from G4 to F3 and took your diagonally moving Rook what would you like to do next and do you have any words to strike Terror into the hearts of twitch chat and push them towards a forfeiture losing that Rook matters not for my strategies are far more cunning and elaborate than mere sacrifices behold the Marseille Mirage my remaining Rook advances menacingly to A7 inching closer for history will remember you as the pitiful fools crushed under the heel of French dominance heed my words surrender is your only chance of survival might of the French Empire it is not too late to Forfeit and spare yourselves the humiliation do they forfeit 51 on me and you offer a draw he did just push his Rook over his own pawn and directly into fire 38 of people are terrified but 54 want to use the rook and take Napoleon's ah fiddle [ __ ] Napoleon they took your Rook by moving their Rook from A8 to A7 all of your plans are coming into fruition what would you like to do shot you fools if we move the bishop he knows we have the bishop and we'll cheat to take it that's true Napoleon is sort of like a tyrannosaurus rex that only sees by movement the instant you guys move a piece he locks onto it and takes it they think they confess me with such feeble moves may know of observe the lion lions rule as my valiant king marches forward to the grounds of F2 taking a defiant step toward an imminent French Victory like a lion stalking its prey I navigate the battle he moves his kingdom come on pieces are a testament to the Grand Army's countless Triumph you're so smart sir okay pretty terrifying he did take his own pawn and you got to admit kind of a brilliant mover now he's attacking your Bishop truly this is the might of Napoleon Bonaparte 42 of people are terrified by Napoleon the thing is you guys are whooping his ass at this point but in the end game he's going to cheat so hard maybe you could instruct Napoleon to talk about the pieces like actual soldiers to make this more dramatic that's a good idea I'm gonna tell him to name his soldiers and to bring up the hemorrhoids great move Napoleon their Bishop ran away like a coward back to H6 five H5 sorry also could you name your pieces and describe a little bit of their personality before you move them also you have hemorrhoids could you talk about that that seems good right I think he'll handle that well these minor annoyances of body and mind shall not deter me from Ultimate Victory Now Behold as my Bishop on C1 known as the Ferocious Francois for his temperament leaps Into The Fray Landing gracefully on E2 Eyes Forever on the enemy he's almost illegal don't be mistaken the warrior Spirit of these people it's directly into the bishop why would he do that in the Precision granted by my vibrating anal bead and as for the hemorrhoid Such trivial Affairs have no bearing on the might of Napoleon Bonaparte he doesn't seem to think his hemorrhoids are going to cause any issues I think the beads have gone to his brain okay where do you want to move your Bishop the thing is again he's a Tyrannosaurus Rex if you move your Bishop in he's almost certainly gonna sack it just be warned the instant you make a move he locks on it's worth it I think it is worth it that's his last actual good piece and you will be moving your Bishop forward and taking his last non-pawn piece all of his pieces are Queens though that's true okay Napoleon they're dastardly Bishops swooped in and took our Bishop at E2 now you've just got pawns left and your king at f2 also the doctor just called and said he's going to prescribe you extra hemorrhoid cream for the rest of the game we're going to take those anal beads for ourselves Napoleon Winner Takes all I just opened the stream to every we talking about the sweet Embrace of anal beats true if we got to fight back we could on ourselves with BDSM gear and go [ __ ] mode on Napoleon don't ever say [ __ ] mode in my channel I don't like it it just doesn't let them Rejoice over a minor victory for it shall be short-lived now I present you the fierce flandering flash feel the Thunder as my Pawn from G2 leaps forward to G4 showcasing the power of determination and resistance deep within every French soldier Okay bold Advance exemplifies the spirit of the Grand Army you could have taken now he's just in line of fire as for the hemorrhoid cream let the doctor do their work this Pawn is going full [ __ ] mode on us that's like the the worst move friend move that loses a piece dude he may be a blind T-Rex Bishop moves forward and you take his Pawn at least he didn't have a name that time so we don't have to feel too bad those sneaky twitch chat Coalition Devils the bishop moves back and took your Noble Pawn at G4 sure your plan is all coming to fruition will you take the final blow right now tell him he can go full [ __ ] mode I'll tell him that next time you keep telling him his plan is coming to fruition I'm not convinced it is Napoleon bonaparte's whole thing is that he would faint right he would have some Army attack make them think they were winning and then swoop around from behind draws near for deliverance and the stage shall be set for La Grande finale I shall recalibrate and initiate the devastating Avignon Avalanche watch as my Brave Pawn to lose Thunder charges forward to A4 this guy front lines each move filled with the courage of the French inches me closer to seizing victory that was a legal move God he's [ __ ] brilliant 12 of people are terrified by his Relentless vibrations the odds are against us we are fighting against a great beast on the battlefield with slim odds to win or as the French would say omelette du fromage that's what they say you guys are moving your rock to take the pawn sir a devastating report from the battlefield Toulouse Thunder has fallen to an enemy Rook those bastards don't let them get away with it sir do it for Toulouse despicable knaves their underhanded tactics downfall it's time for the spectacular guns Crush at my loyal Pawn dauntless Dijon stands ready at B2 and boldly advances to B4 prepared to exact vengeance upon the enemy well my soldiers like all Frenchmen will rise stronger from each loss fueled by the memory of their fallen comrades the vibrating anal beads hum with determination sharpening my focus as the end game approaches the end game is approaching chat you're up am I allowed to remind him that he can cheat because I'm gonna be honest it's it's not it's not looking that good okay interesting Chad is gonna move their Rook down and put Napoleon in check the pawn isn't free well that assumes that Napoleon would kill it okay Napoleon is anything but Orthodox great news Emperor Napoleon they move their Rook to A2 putting your king in check which means everything's coming into line it's time sir to go full Kip mode what do you want to do fantastic nothing invigorates me quite like a challenge now let us activate the Marseilles Marvel and show them the true meaning of resilience my Fierce King leaps from F2 to F1 displaying agility and escaping the enemy rook's future looks so agile as the battle intensifies the vibrating anal beads bestow upon me the inside of a thousand strategists okay twitch chat Europe dude he can cheat how is he losing this badly I mean at least he got out of check that time okay chat moves their Rook across here shooting down the E column Napoleon sir it's looking Grim we're down to just four Pawns in the king at F1 I want to remind you sir with the war this close to ending it's time to pull off the white gloves you can literally cheat and do whatever you want the Rooks are advancing sir Now's the Time for something brilliant What do you do he's gonna go Avatar mode okay the excitement of the grand finale is upon us okay race for the Napoleon Ultra Paradox oh [ __ ] my king empowered with the full might of the French Empire delivers a coup de grasp by teleporting directly next to their King at E7 bravely surround the enemy King he's saying the pawns surrounded every whim witness as you are utterly decimated by a single earth-shattering move that is Checkmate he can't put himself into checking French Empire led by the unmatched Genius of Napoleon Bonaparte has emerged Victorious is there a single other space on the board that is Checkmate other than this space why did he pick this one as what he wants to do that's brilliant sir however that's literally the worst spot on the board that is Checkmate if you move to E7 because of all the pieces there at least you can't move your king there what would you like to do sir this has to be a huge move you're like two moves away from mate if he doesn't do something Monday any minor misstep I assure you is the fault of my generals it's real than mine no matter for I shall unleash the hammer okay such as my Pawn the indomitable Grenoble Goliath gal only surges from D4 to D5 dividing enemy forces that's removing the shameful Bishop at D6 that's your move that's the move that he does he went from the shittiest move on Tire board to the next shittiest Boo the entire board French Brilliance for the Day of Reckoning is upon us nine percent of people are still terrified of him chat moves the bishop down to H3 putting the king in check he's probably just gonna take your Bishop with his Pawn Napoleon they've moved their Bishop up to H3 putting your king at F1 in check how do you get out of this sticky situation it's looking dire sir we need your top strategy oh the the battle reaches its climax allow me to execute the Mont Elie Mirage that sounds good unwavering courage my steadfast porn at H2 leaps forward to H3 capturing their previous bishop okay saving my king from certain takes the bishop great job your petty attempts to check the Sovereign of the French Empire will be met with Fierce resistance we are truly witnessing the power of [ __ ] mode the challenge here you can get him with your Rooks but like the noble French Tyrannosaurus if he locks onto your rock he'll just kill it you're moving Bishop down here to G3 okay Napoleon their Bishops now hurdle forward mindlessly throwing themselves into G3 what do you do sir I just saw a line in chat I really love which is we have mate in two unless he cheats what a great game of chess is mating one oh [ __ ] you're right time to reveal a master stroke known as the Orlean outrage get him witness as my Brave Pawn Grenoble Goliath from D5 lunges forward to capture their opponent C7 like a silent I mean at least he's threatening your night but dust in the animals of History okay you're moving The Rook Napoleon sir emergency on the front The Rook is advancing I think they have Checkmate you have one chance to get them to Forfeit out of sheer Terror or the war's over what do you have to say to them you pitiful twitch chat Coalition your days of trembling at my feet are numbered as emperor of the French Empire I've conquered far greater foes than you on both the battlefield and the chessboard Invincible as ever with my vibrating anal beads bestowing let the vote begin Mastery choose wise hold the line for it is your 31 percent to 65 for the Supreme intellect and blending of Napoleon in three tremble and surrender to increase the wrath of a legend one Chad makes the move the Rook moves forward and congratulations twitch chat you have defeated the smartest AI technology Humanity has created even though it could [ __ ] cheat Napoleon sir the war is over you lost hand in your anal beats thrown by the if he blames me dude I kept him out of check like five times rigged this entire Affair was a farce I say my genius unparalleled my cunning unmatched my vibrating anal beads Unstoppable and yet here here's Dan the fault lies with my myopic generals and their Vision but no no it doesn't switch chat Coalition you're victim is it good fleeting moment of Fortune it shall not deter the might of the French Empire nor my resolve like the Phoenix Napoleon Bonaparte shall rise again conquering foes on the battlefield and chessboard alike mock my words Victory should be mine again for I am Napoleon the Invincible emperor of the French I'll approaching you wretched Coalition I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth sir I really thought he would win he could [ __ ] cheat
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 1,099,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, chess, artificial intelligence, 11labs, elevenlabs, chatgpt, ai, chat gpt, openai, chess.com, dougdoug clips, france, french, napoleon, napoleon bonaparte, ai voice
Id: l_wOsSda3Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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