He Sends Rain (2017) | Full Movie | Zachary Bortot | Kelly Helgeson | Antoine McKay | Jeff Dull

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you sure you want to go out tonight of course i haven't seen jen in ages it'll be fun i hope you packed your canoe it's not that bad where are we going this time uh we're meeting everyone for dinner at acadia and jen said something about grabbing drinks afterwards it's a little expensive i'm worth it of course it's your parents who don't think i am what are you talking about last week at the lodge they made it pretty clear they were just giving you a hard time i don't know i distinctly remember being cornered by your mom at one point she kept talking to me about bunt cake why would she do that i don't know unless it was a distraction yeah some ruse so your dad could lift my phone and hack into my bank account they are not that sophisticated don't worry about them they don't know you like i do besides what can they do about it now you sure you want to go out tonight you could always stand put your shoes on we're gonna be late all right who's got their pitchfork tickets come on don't tell me mike sorry dave we're busy busy no no no no no you guys are not bailing on me again last time you said you'd go sorry you guys are going with me you might not know it but it's gonna happen all right i'm empty time for another one who wants one sure come on okay yeah julia i have one how about we make this interesting what do you mean how about a little philosophy i thought you said you're going to make this interesting i'll share a quote you name the author the first one who gets it wrong buys the next round what about you who quizzes you you can in fact you can try to stump me first we good yeah sure all right dave hit me the journey of the thousand miles begins with a single step latsu come on dave you're not even trying [Laughter] all right mike you ready i guess okay uh first they ignore you then they laugh at you then they fight you then you win sounds like civil disobedience sounds foreign gandhi yep you got it way to go babe all right who's next uh jen if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun i know this one it's um it's not liza minnelli catherine hepburn yep wait that is not philosophy now dave let's think of a good one all right men are more moral than they think and far more immoral than they can imagine yes john paul sorry we were looking for freud sigmund freud but thanks for playing waiter uh not so fast it's hard it's not i promise how confident are you very confident confident enough to let's say buy pitchfork tickets for everyone if you're wrong honey that's a fortune fine i know this one sure but if i'm right you do you really want to do this okay ah not so fast we need an impartial judge for this one jennifer would you be so kind sorry dave it's freud yes i told you i told you you guys were coming with me i guess we better play with some space on our calendar oh sorry dave more at work yes you did that was fun hey thanks for being so generous back there by the way i'm gonna keep you to it yeah no problem so have you thought any about investing it sounds like a great idea it is a great idea it's going to make us a lot of money you're not opposed to being rich are you of course not just uh give me a little time to think about it think about it okay but time's running out our permits just went through you better get in while you still can all right i'll see you later all right let me know when you're done working for the man stay dry what was that uh he keeps bugging me about this new store at roosevelt another sporting expo yeah he says i could get in on the ground floor you should yeah yes you did did you leave the lineup i don't think so hi karen we didn't expect to see you here yeah sorry is everything all right david is it okay if i speak with you alone yeah sure i'll just be in the shower sorry i let myself in i still have the key from when i house that it's fine what's all this oh just work it never stops tell me about it well i guess i should just tell you dad's dying it's cancer they discovered it a few months ago it's too far advanced okay a lot's gonna have to happen funeral arrangements will have to be made there's the house i just don't have time for it i leave for tokyo tomorrow call it off i can't it's an important trip it's been in the works for months now well i'm not dealing with it i'll only be gone a few weeks they think he's gonna be around for a while so i hope the minute i get back i promise you seriously want me to go no way not with this short notice david you have to what just because i'm not circumnavigating the globe you think i should deal with it look i know it's something neither of us wants to do so i've thought about it he left us the house if you go home and take care of everything you can have it all sell the house auction everything for all i care i don't want a dime you want to put that in writing sure david if it were any other time i would do it but i can't believe this i know who knows it might be nice you could use a break and i'm sure julia would love to see the place you don't want anything no nothing no david trust me i'm doing just fine okay thank you i'll help the minute i get back what did karen want she wants you to watch her dog again no um some bad news my father's dying what yeah she just told me well is he all right should we go over there now he's fine he's in a hospice i'll probably have to leave tomorrow i'll be gone in a while i'll come with you no i don't want you to you know how i feel about him i know that's why i should be there you really don't have to i just uh i want to deal with this by myself i'm not just going to sit here by myself while you deal with all this on your own what kind of wife would i be kind that does what her husband wants if you're going tomorrow i'm going with you all right but we're not going to see him promise me okay if that's what you want okay [Music] it's gonna be okay in the whisper of the wind we'd walk along the path my hand resting in yours enjoying the sound of your life then we'd find a place to sit under the canopy of the stars with the endless folding of the waves we share our deepest thoughts you are the one i want to walk with in this life and in my heart [Music] for you [Music] do this is it it's beautiful could you imagine us living in a place like this someday i mean the city is great for now but someday david are you all right yeah let's get the bags don't even recognize you you look completely different you're not bad just different how are you brother come here i'm good man oh man good to see you i love you you too and who's this lovely lady this is my wife julia hi julia can i have a hug sure we're family now so we'll be doing this a lot okay so uh how was the trip in it was good your art yes known this guy since he was this big or you know maybe this big i don't know i'm getting old julia so you have to deal with me hey here let me let me help you with these bags no yes yes let me help you hey it's okay i got it all right i'm just ever the independent i'm helping you brother come on it'll be great to catch up let's go hey how'd you get such a pretty wife man i'm funny you're not funny you are not fizzy funny she thinks i'm funny i do you think you man i don't know you must have did something this morning pretty much the way i remember it who's this oh i'm sorry this is this is marcus your son what no oh camera's supposed to tell you tell us what this is quite a surprise um uh david this is marcus your adopted brother hey adopted your father adopted him five years ago i'm surprised you didn't know anything about it what's gonna happen to him now he doesn't look happy he isn't unhappy he's just a little surprised that's all i can't believe this how did i not know about this i don't know i spoke to karen she was supposed to tell you everything about it well she didn't i'm not prepared for this i know i don't have time for this listen david i know this is difficult for you but it's been really hard on marcus too your dad thought it would be best if he was in his own house and his own room with his own stuff and why should i care what he wants julio was excited about it yeah but i don't know how to take care of a kid i'm not comfortable with this at all it doesn't look like he wants me here of course he does it'll be all right marcus has heard all about you and he's excited about getting to know you hey trust me it'll be all right he has everything he needs hey listen i'm sorry i have to go okay call me if you need anything okay good city you're gonna be good at this for real people are gonna write books given manwich i like manwich for real everybody likes manwich so wow can you please stop doing that so we're brothers right no yes your dad adopted me so that makes us brothers what you doing work why don't you want to go see dad it's a long story well i've got time that's code 4. i don't want to talk about it then what do you want to talk about dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes cool or nice night [Music] you're doing that thing again what thing what's on your mind nothing what a surprise huh he seems like a nice kid though don't you think seems that way well i think what your father did was great being alone in this house all by himself i think it's great he shared it with somebody you don't think so what went on between you and him you never told me the full story why don't you want to see him it's not like you not to talk to me i guess i'm just not in a talking mood man these mosquitoes [Music] david's been acting strange lately how well for one he doesn't want to see his father i mean can you imagine if my father were dying i'd be the first one there and then there's this boy and he acts like he wants nothing to do with him a boy yeah david has an adopted brother i didn't know that he [Music] i don't know he's just not himself have you talked to him about it of course and he didn't say anything no that is strange we've never had this problem before have you talked to his dad about it not yet he doesn't even want me to see him that's crazy he's coming i gotta go hey you're on the phone yeah jennifer how's she doing good good [Music] so yeah that sounds good is there any way i could have you stop by later today yeah i know it's early but i want to sell the place as soon as possible yes i'm definitely comfortable listing it for a lower selling price hey excuse me what i'm late for camp what camp summer camp okay i need a ride right now yes right now there's a basketball tournament and jacob and cody are my team and if i don't make it they're gonna be sorry sam i have to get off the phone could you stop by it too great i'll see you then you have summer camp why didn't you tell me are you ready wait i need a lunch what do you usually take sandwich chips a drink not good enough come on where are you two going we're going to summer camp you want to come no thanks have fun okay just give me a heads up next time okay okay where to the church all right [Music] so [Music] all right have fun today all right thanks for the ride and no problem [Music] hey david david i expect to see you here i just had to drop someone off thanks for looking out for him you know he's a really good kid but he's got some tough breaks hey uh i was wondering what's the end game here i mean we're only going to be here a week or two so well you would probably have to talk to gloria gloria who's that like a family member or oh no it's a social worker you know what she's not too far away from here you got a card right here 2016 northmate that's right across from the courthouse right that's right thanks man hey you know i saw your dad the other day he really would like it if you came and saw him kevin what's up hey just calling to see what you're up to buddy up to no good like usual hey now you leave those honky tonk girls alone you're taking mister yeah i'll try so uh any news yeah actually put me down for the full amount are you serious i am just give me until the end of next week you know i'm good for it way to go dave look at you i knew you'd pull through just make sure it's no later than that or we'll lose the location no problem you're not gonna regret this i bet or not hey i'm a little busy right now how about we talk later you got it tell julia i said hi will do [Music] do [Music] mr conrad follow me take a seat i'm here to speak with you about marcus conrad yes i know art told me you'd be coming by it's a horrible situation isn't it just horrible do you know what marcus has been through nine foster homes nine and none of them good and now this you must be devastated too i'm so sorry it's okay he really loved it there that kid when he first came in he was just a shell of who he is you wouldn't recognize him being paired with charles was the best thing that ever happened to marcus i bet so how can i help you today well um my wife and i are only going to be here for a few more weeks yes and it's a sad situation i know but um but what i didn't even know my father had adopted a child until we got here oh he's not going to be around much longer and i'm in no position to take care of anyone david when your father first found out about his illness he contacted me right away he's obviously very concerned about marcus i won't be assigned to the case until after he passes but this is a unique situation so i offered to help marcus is a good kid we've known each other a long time and i i'm actually really glad you decided to stop by you see when we start to pair a child with a home we we often contact friends and family i'm not family well i'm not it may not feel like it especially since things have happened so suddenly but david in the eyes of the law you two are brothers this is crazy this is a horrible situation but what marcus needs now more than anything is people who love and support him we're doing the best we can reality is very soon he's going to need a new place to live i hope you're not suggesting that my wife and i haven't even talked about kids it's not even on our radar have you spoken with your wife maybe you should maybe maybe you should talk to her what's her name julia maybe you should talk to julia about marcus i don't think so mr conrad can i be honest with you sure marcus is at a tough age for adoption if he goes back into the system he has a high risk of aging out aging out the system will try to take care of him but the chances of adoption at this age they'll try to make him ready for the world see that he gets through college but a lot of foster kids by the time they reach 18 they get tired of it they go out on their own it rarely ends well these kids need someone to care about them to love them to show them that they care marcus needs a family i understand i get it i i really do and i'm sorry but you need to find him another place to live that's it you're absolutely sure yes you said you'll be in town for two weeks about that the best i can do for marcus in such short notice is another foster home are you comfortable with him staying at the house until then sure do you need anything else from me no that's all you're free to go [Music] thanks [Music] so [Music] what's this just packing up that box was already taped why are you going through my mother's things i don't know i just trying to get a sense of who she was i guess you've never told me anything about her what happened to her here let me help you don't [Music] just uh just leave it alone pass the bread thank you how was camp today it was good what'd you do play football basketball made a couple of three-pointers nice dave here used to play did you play in school yeah i played he did all four years of high school didn't you babe yeah what's your favorite team chicago bulls all the way me too yeah i think they might win this year maybe we'll have to trade for lebron yeah right like that's gonna happen david and i always go to the games maybe we can take you some time that'd be awesome so i was wondering if we could see dad it's been a while since i dropped by i think that's a great idea how about we go over there after dinner awesome david do you want to come we talked about this i know but marcus has a right to see his father hey buddy good to see you who's this hi i'm julia [Music] so tell me about yourself what do you do where do you live how do you two meet well i'm in marketing and david and i met one fateful day at the park i asked him to take a picture of a friend and i and he asked me for my number we've been together ever since oh that's wonderful what about you how are you oh well you know i'm sorry about david i don't know what's gotten into him oh that's all right david's been pretty sore at me for a long time now i can't say i blame him what happened i keep trying to get david to talk it was a tragedy a terrible unfortunate tragedy can you tell me more well you shouldn't have to be burdened with it if david didn't tell you then it's probably best that it's left in the past i don't think that it's best whatever it is it's eating away at him i i need to know i better not i'm gonna be gone soon and none of this will matter of course it matters you shouldn't be alone i probably deserve it how can you say that you deserve to be surrounded by people who love you by your family by friends i am i have my family right here the way david's talked about you i was expecting someone else well he has his reasons please tell me what happened i only want to help sorry it's getting late we have to ask all of our visitors to leave it was so nice to meet you julia and thanks for coming by to see me especially you young man you certainly brightened my day don't be strangers okay okay we won't [Music] foreign [Music] where are you going just stop for a run i'll be back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can i help you i hope so hi hi i'm barbara i'm julia oh hi julia i'm working right back here come on back thank you [Music] how did you know beverly we were friends in high school we were inseparable we liked a lot of the same things a lot of the same boys what about charles how well did you know him oh charles and i were friends before beverly he was always very nice to me we all kept in touch for quite a while do you remember this oh no let's see i sent this to beverly when i was away at school in pittsburgh it was my first year away we've sent a lot of letters back and forth i don't think dr martin likes me he gave me a d in sociology you sent that in 82 i heard beverly passed away in 85. that's right what a tragedy and little david poor guy he was the first one who found her found her she hanged herself in the barn i mean can you imagine a little boy finding his mother that way everybody was talking about it he had just come home from school his sister was alone and crying in her crib charles was at work he had no idea he came straight home as soon as he heard what happened she hanged herself it was awful the family was never the same why do you think she would do such a thing i can't imagine it's nice to know that she held on to this she really was a great friend [Music] so [Music] how was your run good it's a beautiful neighborhood we're gone a long time yeah i was feeling pretty good today what's that for can i just give you a hug yeah sure found a storage unit close by we'll be able to put all these boxes in there we can just make a few trips a day being the best if we move the furniture last we'll need stuff to sit on after all sounds good [Music] as you can see we still got a lot of work to do nice-sized bathroom any recommendations well i'm not gonna lie you guys have a lot of work to do to get this place ready um could you put a a new coat of paint on the walls i don't think we have the time i know you guys are listing at a lower price but demand around here really isn't that high that being said i do know a few people who are interested but you don't want to scare them away when they come over everything has to be perfect i understand i'd like to schedule an open house as quickly as possible uh how about sunday that sounds good great i'll schedule it uh in the meantime you want to make sure that everything is spotless you want to stage the room so that all the furniture is nice and orderly and just think warm rustic shiny it's gonna take a lot of work don't worry about us we'll get it done okay anything else you mean other than that death trap i don't follow that building over there doorknobs rusted on the inside it won't open you want to make sure to get that fixed especially with the kid around sure thing all right good luck what do you think i think this week sleep's going to be a luxury [Music] yes that sounds fair let's just get it all done before the sun comes up too much the good news is we can have a fire now you can build a fire of course i was a cub scout i guess i'm just gonna have to see it to believe it i'll build you the biggest fire you've ever seen just don't burn the place down oh please you ready for what me and dad always go fishing on fridays we're a little busy oh come on i can finish up here no you can't there's too much to get done you need a break you've been working yourself to death i can take care of the rest i promise go seriously you don't have a choice well if i don't have a choice i guess we're going fishing yes come on i'll get the tackle box [Music] really [Music] so what's it like in the city it's pretty cool a lot of stuff to do yeah i want to go there someday oh looks like you're caught not supposed to move it sideways you're supposed to flick it up oh like that there you go thanks dad said that god gave us dominion over every living thing we just have to be good stewards of what we have what sounds so brainwashed i'm not brainwashed that's what someone who's brainwashed would say i'm not brainwashed i can think for myself i do think for myself i'm sorry i'm not trying to insult you okay i'm just saying you're young there's nothing wrong with that there's just a lot of stuff you haven't thought about yet like what nah that's okay no you can't say something like that without backing up you don't want to know really try how about a simple one how can a loving god allow suffering in the world because of the fall yeah i told you you're brainwashed fall is such a cookie-cutter answer god knew man would fall so why let it happen because he wanted to give people a choice maybe but that's a little sadistic don't you think no if you knew man would fall why set the plan in motion a lot of goodness come out of it like what like people grow they become better what about the three-year-old dying of cancer how does she grow what about the people starving in the sudan what possible good comes of that it's not a perfect world he didn't want it to be this one but he's the one who created it at least that's what you people believe right maybe you're right if you're not brainwashed maybe you're just stupid what i said maybe you're just stupid wanna say this to my face hey don't get all crazy on me oh you want me to get crazy hey we're not on the playground all right you touch me again you're gonna regret it it's a good idea anyway so we're done then [Music] yeah mr rollins yes uh hi i'm a friend of charles conrad i was hoping to speak with you for a minute go away please it's important that i speak with you hello [Music] are you serious you're still here i told you it was important i don't want anything to do with charles conrad i'm not here for him i'm here to find out what happened to beverly she died i know i want to know why please i just need a moment of your time you remember this sure what about it you a cop or something i'm david's wife you sent this three years before beverly suicide and right before he ruined my life you don't know do you beverly and charles were good friends of mine we were close my wife and i my ex-wife carla and i used to spend a lot of time with them we went out to dinner went on trips went to the movies we were close not long after i sent that letter i found out that carla and charles had been having an affair when i talked to her about it she said it had been going on for months right under my nose well that was it that was the end of four years of marriage i had no idea that man took everything from me he knew how much i loved her he knew how important she was to me he just didn't care are you sure of course i'm sure she told me she was in love with him she wanted to run away with him she told me every single detail how could i not be sure okay i'm sorry i heard he's sick can't say i'm too upset about that what about beverly how did all this affect her how do you think she was as devastated as i was you want my advice don't waste your time on that man he's not worth it [Music] [Music] what's this you're drinking again where have you been taking some boxes to storage david this isn't okay you said you were gonna finish up around here i did i finished picking up the front yard i took a few loads out are you all right where's marcus you went to bed it's 8 30. i guess you just had to turn in early what happened nothing david what happened he's a little upset that's all for no reason when did you start drinking not that long ago are all of these yours i think so i don't think marcus had any i don't think he did why don't you go to bed where were you i told you i was dropping boxes off at storage i checked with the manager he said you stopped by one time at two so i'll ask again where were you i don't like the way you're acting right now i don't like the way you're acting i don't like the way you said you'd help me and then you didn't i don't like how you said oh sure go ahead go fishing don't worry about anything i'll take care of everything and then you didn't we only have a few days to get this place ready i know it's not going to be a problem we'll get it done oh sure we will it'll all be fine no problem all we have to do is drop off one load of boxes and spend the rest of the day getting our nails done david what is going on i told you i just told you you didn't tell me anything i'm not gonna talk to you when you're like this you should go to bed we'll deal with this later [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i come in [Music] how are you doing fine what happened today nothing it's not that big of a deal something happened it's just a little fight that's it about what nothing just don't worry about it i'm sorry about david he isn't normally like this i'm sorry all these things are happening to you right now it's nothing new everything will be okay yeah it might not seem like it but it will why did you find me a new family no gloria said she's still looking why don't you want me it's not that we don't want you you were a great kid marcus anybody'd be lucky to have you then why it's complicated yeah you can leave now i'm fine are you sure if you need anything let me know okay i'm here for you i'm going to talk to david this isn't going to happen again [Music] i see you cleaned up your mess yeah you can drop marcus off at cody's house today i hope that's okay with you [Music] sure it's good to see you out and about oh it's nice to get some fresh air what's up i spoke with some people around town i know about beverly suicide and about the affair staying in that house it's like poison david's gone back to drinking after being two years sober he had some sort of fight with marcus yesterday i'm worried what do you propose it's not healthy to let things go on like this have you ever spoken to david about these things of course we talked in the beginning i told him that i was sorry i regretted my part in it and i told him that beverly was sick sick beverly and i we put the affair behind us a couple of years after it happened and we were doing good she was happy but then when karen came things changed david's sister beverly got real depressed it was scary i told david about it when he was older but he never believed me he thought i was diverting blame away from myself well trust me i tried the saddest day of my life came when he moved out it was like he was so happy to finally be rid of me and i reached out to him over the years i'd call or i'd write letters but i never heard from him not even now there has to be some way to resolve this i think that if the two of you sat down and spoke with one another face to face david would listen i don't know i think that if he wanted to speak with me you would have done it by now dave doesn't know what's best for him he's not thinking straight why don't you come with me what come with me things can't keep going on like this look at me how would i even get there i'll help you you have to try cindy can you get me one of those waivers i'm gonna be leaving for a few hours [Music] sure [Music] so oh no no no no no no get him out of here he just wants to talk to you it's okay julia he's upset let's go back no we are doing this what are you doing here i'm just here to help no way i said get him out of here david what did i not make myself clear maybe i wasn't direct enough i don't want to see him david he is your father this has gone on too long oh really you don't know the first thing about it david you are acting like a child please you don't know anything about me i know more than you think there is a dying man here that wants to speak with you a man that cares about you very much oh really he's here isn't he that's something isn't it now you're gonna sit down and listen to what he has to say that's what you really want fine bring him in [Music] why is he here you're upset look david this isn't anything out of the ordinary it's conversation a conversation between two people who once cared very much for each other let's not make assumptions charles you okay i'm all right of course he's all right he won't die david it's okay it's fine we say things we don't mean when we're upset what i say about assumptions look david no one's the bad guy here we're just trying to get things out in the open charles why don't you um go ahead and say what you came here to say yeah let's get this over with david it's not that it's good to see you i know that what you had to deal with at such a young age it's something that no young men should have to experience and i'm sorry that it happened sorry who cares sorry doesn't mean anything sorry doesn't magically make everything better despite what you might think that's not what i'm saying then what are you saying i know what i did was wrong and i take full responsibility for it but david your mother and i we put all that behind us no you don't just put all that behind you how do you know how do you know how she felt were you there when it happened no i wasn't no no i know what you think david i know you think that i'm the only guilty party but son she wasn't well oh please are you serious if she wasn't well it was because of you why is this so difficult for you to understand you know i really didn't realize until i got older but did you tell them did you tell them what you were doing when she was at home with me the details i mean i know david no of course not because they wouldn't feel sympathy for you then they wouldn't be judging me then david no one's judging you now what happened between charles and that woman was terrible no one's denying that but your father put that behind him a long time ago put that behind him you all look at this frail dying man and feel sympathy for him but i'm not that easily fooled this isn't just about him what you didn't come here for me you didn't bring him here for me it's for him the problem is you can't see past the hypocrisy you do his bidding just like those nate church people singing the praises of brother charles conrad but i know the truth no i'm not going to give you what you want i know who you are and i don't owe you anything not a moment of my time not a kind word for my mouth not my arms around your decaying body you deserve everything that's coming to you david come on it's okay i'm sorry about all this it's okay here let's get you back [Music] i'm sorry charles thought he'd be better [Music] are you all right yeah thanks for trying what was that what do you expect i didn't expect that i didn't expect you to be so cruel to him especially in that condition i told you you don't know anything about me what are you doing i'm gonna grab some things grab marcus and get out of here i'm done why why stay you won't talk to me you won't listen what do you mean i won't talk what am i doing right now you know what i mean stop hey come on stop don't tell me what to do you're right i want you to stay then apologize i'm sorry not to me to him apologize to him and sit down and listen to what he has to say i can't believe you what does this have to do with anything what does it have to do with us are you kidding it has everything to do with us i'm the one who brought him here i'm the one who wants you to reconcile what happens 10 years down the road when you get angry with me when i do something that hurts you are you just gonna turn your back on me like you turned your back on him that's not gonna happen how do you know your father made a mistake people make mistakes i know what happened was terrible but how can you blame him you don't know the full story yes i do no it's not possible to know you don't know what went through her mind what she was thinking what made her do what she stop you have to stop acting like you have some sort of magical portal into her mind it could have been anything stop it you don't know why she killed herself and it's not fair to blame him i said stop talking no you don't get to do that to me david you don't get to bully me or shut me up if you're capable of doing that to your father then who knows what you're capable of i thought i married someone who was kind understanding affectionate i don't know who you are anymore faith wait i'm gonna pick up marcus and drop him off at arts it's not safe for him here not safe you can't be serious i am maybe you should use this time you know maybe you should use it think long and hard about what's happening to you [Applause] julia julia come on go i need you julia come on [Music] so uh come on so ready for this [Applause] [Music] you you're not gonna rain on me it's not your place who told you you could be up there it's not where you belong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tried to feed me but it didn't work [Music] that one was ugly the artist should be shot seriously who fills their house with this junk makes it look like some cheap plastic holy land it's all right it's fine we're not done yet [Music] oh foreign [Music] so [Music] you guys are really gonna love this one it's a great house and a great location and the owners are very motivated how many bedrooms are there five the outside is nice oh yeah you guys were saying you were looking for a place with a lot of space well you can't get much more space than this how about a basement oh yeah they got a basement you know i think we probably ought to knock they're still here moving a few things to storage mr conrad you know now might not be the best time to see the place well really we're kind of hoping to see it today if we could i know i know um but this isn't the best time i i got a couple other locations that i think you guys would really like oh let's go i'll show you all right is there gonna be a chance we could see in the near future oh yeah yeah i know you guys can make it to the open house tonight but we will give you an opportunity no problem all right help sam damn step on me do you hear something yeah uh hey you guys uh just wait in the car for me i'll be right back i'm gonna go check it out okay thank you really i told you we were coming over i know pull yourself together the open house is tonight don't screw this up oh hello excuse me what oh no sorry so dave how was every little thing it's fine listen buddy we're getting closer to our launch and we haven't heard from you i'm starting to get a little worried there's no need to worry al i have your money soon look david i have to be honest with you i have another investor in the wings and if we don't get your payment by next week we're gonna have to move on buddy yeah i understand look i'll have your money trust me i'm doing everything i can to sell this place i just need a little more time time is something we have very little of my friend yeah i understand and i won't let you down promise me you'll let me know before you take on the other investor i don't know if i can come on man it's me if it were up to me i'd give you all the time in the world but it's not just make sure you take care of things on your end okay all right [Music] burying struggles under the rug as they show up pushing them down without a sound hope they won't erupt i stay composed i stay in close convincing the world that i'm alright building walls a town so small [Music] finding space just safe enough for me and my own stuff i've left our room [Music] standing in place spinning their plate seems easy to do juggling fast like we're in a circus act we stay composed we stay in close convincing the world that [Music] finding space just safe enough for me and my own stuff leaves me longing for true belongings [Music] time to be known cards be shown playing these games we set the trend till someone bends no escape why stay composed while staying closed convinced in the world that we're all right building walls a town so small i'm letting finding space just safe enough for me and my own stuff [Music] foreign hey hey so sold the house yet not yet looks like we did all this work for nothing i guess my buddy kevin's not gonna be too happy who's that doesn't matter how are things with arthur all right he's cool yeah i'd rather be here though here hi i like you here even with me around yeah you're cool you don't think i'm too messed up well you're pretty messed up but we're all messed up i guess know what's gonna happen to me uh yeah heard from julia no why not i don't know because i'm a bad person no you're not pretty sure i am trust me you're not i've met some pretty bad people you're just hurt she'll come back i hope so [Music] do [Music] [Music] hi we spoke on the phone yes of course come in thank you have a seat thank you [Music] so what would you like to know everything were you around when beverly found out about the affair yes we actually spoke about it several times how did she take it she went through a lot of the things that people go through when something like that happens she started to question who she was lost her self-esteem wondered what she should do next i mean it was pretty tough on her charles said they were able to patch things up that's true charles put an end to everything immediately i don't think it was as easy for the girl he was with but he realized very quickly that beverly was the woman for him he did everything he could to make it up to her and after about a year it worked he took great care of her and she forgave him at least as far as i know if charles and beverly were able to put the affair behind them why did she do what she did oh you're all shocked when it happened especially me i haven't thought about this in so long after karen was born beverly went to a very dark place she became withdrawn she stayed in the house she didn't spend much time with anyone why charles told me that she was sick i think she was i think she was very sick poor man i think charles was only trying to protect them i stopped by their house after it happened i brought charles and the kids some dinner and i saw this as i was leaving charles had thrown it away it'd been placed in the trash with a few other things i know i probably shouldn't have taken it but i just wanted something to remember her by what is it her diary what's in it i think you should probably read it for yourself [Music] david what brings you here i don't know i was just walking by it's okay if we talk of course [Music] i don't know what's happening julia's gone she won't return to any of my texts any of my calls oh man i'm sorry to hear that was it because of what happened the other day yeah in the days before that so what do you think i don't know no she wants something from me i know she wants me to be better act differently i just can't i see david you're not alone when people go through tragedy it's human nature for them to find some one or something to blame in this case there is someone to blame there often is three years ago tabitha was killed by a drunk driver i'm sorry i didn't know when it happened i wanted that man to pay and wanted him to suffer like i was suffering i never told anybody about this but one night i went to his house and i waited outside for him for hours that night i was very close to doing something i would have deeply regretted very close art i am so sorry the point of it is this that in this world we don't have to look far to find someone or something to blame but justified unjustified we hold on to that hate that bitterness will destroy you you want my advice you have to forgive i can't you can it's not easy it's a choice you got to make daily and you have to acknowledge the the imperfections in yourself and you have to realize that if we go through this life without forgiveness we'd have no one and then i think of him and all the pain he suffered the insults the injustice and i'm reminded that i have to forgive he has every reason to turn his back and walk away from us but he never does i can't you can now you can choose to be bitter hold on to the pain or you could choose to let it go but you can't do it on your own what is it with this what that scripture why do you guys get off on judgment so much do you think that's what it means this was written long ago in a very dry land rain was considered a blessing essential for life he makes the sun shine and the rain falls so that life has a chance the scripture is about his mercy not his judgment [Music] [Music] hey i haven't heard from you in a while i was worried [Music] what's that i want you to know that i'm here for you i don't want to hurt you i only want to tell you the truth okay sometimes things are difficult to hear but in this case i think you have to hear it is this about us no then it doesn't matter david please do you remember how your dad said that your mother wasn't well he was telling the truth how do you know what is that he threw it out so you wouldn't have to see it what are you talking about it's her diary you can't go on believing a lie you just can't september 3rd 1984 another typical thursday afternoon the baby is crying she never stops crying october 10th 1984 my head is killing me i can't sleep i can't think i can't breathe november 2nd 1984. look at them sleeping i'm supposed to think it's cute i can only think of how delicate they are how easy it'd be i'm sorry david he was just trying to protect you no he didn't want you to think that you had anything to do with it and you didn't this doesn't prove anything why would you bring this to me it david she found out about the affair it put her in this horrible state of mind and that's it this doesn't mean anything yes it does if you look at the earlier pages she writes about how things were getting better about how he realized his mistake how she felt loved again oh david look no i know this might come as a shock to you it's not i know what happened just leave it alone i know this is hard on you but you have any idea how hard it's been on him you've blamed him your whole life for something he had nothing to do with you and your sister can you imagine how he must feel it doesn't matter even when the truth is staring you in the face david look at it i already looked at it i've been looking at it my whole life living with this my entire life well now you know the truth and you have an opportunity to make things right things right i didn't do anything wrong maybe not as a child i can understand a child being heartbroken and cold i can understand a child blaming him but david you're not a child anymore the only thing he's guilty of is loving you and trying to protect you he was fine with you blaming him in the beginning because at least that way he knew that you weren't blaming yourself it might not have been the right choice but he did it for you he cared enough about you to come out here when he could hardly stand he did that to feel better about himself could you for one moment entertain the thought that your father might not be who you think he is he's not a perfect man i know that he loves you and he loved her what do i have to do to get you to see this david please look at it everything you need to know is in there just look at it you wanted to know what she was thinking now you can this doesn't make any sense it's the truth she took her life because she lost hope she believed a lot of things that weren't true i don't want that to happen to you do you want me to answer that no i'll get it hello may i please speak with david conrad this is him hi david i'm so sorry but your father's not doing well this could be the end i ask that i give you a call okay thank you [Music] he's weak he's not able to move or speak much he's under a lot of medication but he'll know you're there [Music] dad can you hear me you probably weren't expecting to see me here julia found mom's diary i read it and i've been thinking about it and i remember the times we used to go to the lake just the two of us we'd spend all day out there sometimes it'd be hot and so humid and muggy and mosquitoes would be all around but we didn't care even after the sun went down mom would have to call us in she'd have to drag us back in because we didn't want to leave you want to stay out there forever i don't want you to leave i've spent all this time being angry at you and now i'm now i don't want you to leave i'm sorry i am so sorry [Music] [Music] gonna miss that guy yeah me too [Music] i just got off the phone with gloria i told her we'd stop by soon it doesn't seem right does it no but we can't take care of a child i'm not so sure what are you saying what's holding us back other than the fact that we have no experience with children we have some managed to keep him alive these last two weeks he'll be graduating from high school soon at least this way he can stay with family what it's pretty new i know and our place is small but we'll have the money soon it's not like we'd be doing anything else with it how much would we really be giving up i don't know it'd just be nice to think about someone else for a change and it would mean a lot to him are you sure we could make it work i don't know but we could try i think i'd be happy to know that we found a place for marcus we had to pull a lot of strings but at least he has a roof over his head actually we wanted to talk to you about that would it be too late for us to adopt i don't know mr conrad that's a big decision have you spoken to marcus you haven't made any promises you can't keep we haven't but julia and i have talked about it we want to invite marcus to be a part of our family as you can imagine i have some concerns i understand he deserves a good home and we're ready to do whatever it takes are you absolutely sure yes we are okay then let's get started [Music] the gravel road walking [Music] don't look back [Music] the driving [Music] long ago [Music] [Music] and lies we're told [Music] who will care no one left [Music] and it doesn't matter who you were or where you've been drained of life he falls wounded heart broken down then he feels then he sees scarred hands reaching and it doesn't matter what you've done the hurt you've caused the person you've become and it doesn't matter who you were or where you've been and it doesn't matter what you've done and it doesn't matter who you were or where you've been and it doesn't matter [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 180,561
Rating: 4.7763844 out of 5
Keywords: Bridgestone Multimedia, BMG, Movies, Films, Christian Movies, God, Jesus, Feature Film, Full Movie, Antoine McKay, Mimi Sagadin, Zachary Bortot, Kelly Helgeson, Jeff Dull, He Sends Rain movie, He Sends Rain feature film, He Sends Rain full movie, He Sends Rain, storm
Id: OK67vrVES90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 31sec (6691 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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