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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case and today's case is one of the most requested cases I've ever had and I didn't want to do it for a long long time I have been getting this case requested to me ever since I started true crime videos and I've never wanted to cover it and that's because this case is very upsetting and that's the first thing I want to say in this video I just want to give a warning if you are very sensitive to true crime cases if they upset you quite a lot especially ones to do with children or abuse please don't watch this one so today we're gonna be talking about the baby peek if Peter Connelly who is better known in the media and things as baby pea because that was how he was referred to during the trial and everything before it was named so throughout this video I'm gonna be calling him baby pea baby pizza Peter Connelly pizza anything like that and one thing I do want to say is that I will not go into how he sustained the injuries that he got that led to his death I won't go into any of that partially because it's not public knowledge some of it is but a lot of it isn't and for a good reason because it is horrific it's horrific what this baby was subjected to but yeah just so that you know that this case is very sad although I won't go into how he sustained those injuries so hopefully it'll be a bit easier to watch that way but yeah quickly before I get into this video I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Peter Connelly better known as Baby P was a 1 year old boy born on March 1st 2006 in London in England his mother was 25 year old Tracey Connolly and she met pizza's father when she was just 16 years old and he was 33 although his biological father Kapaun and for legal reasons no one knows his actual name so the two of them got together when Tracey was 16 and he was 33 they got a flat together they were living together and then they quickly had three daughters before having pizza all in quick succession of each other and just three months after Peter was born the two of them actually split up citing arguments housework and allegations that Tracy was cheating so Tracy moved out of that living situation and moved to Heron gear in London where she quickly met her second boyfriend 33 year-old Steven Barker and the two of them got on like a house on fire Steven always used to care for Tracy's kids all three of the girls and Peter pizzas biological father is reported to have been a very loving and very caring a very good father and so when he saw the living conditions that Tracy had moved the children into he was very concerned he said that the house was cramped untidy unhygenic and smelled of urine and so he got in contact with social services just asking them to keep an eye on his children under Tracy's care so social workers went out to go and check on Tracy and the kids and they said that everything seemed okay there was no intentional neglect Tracy seemed to be trying to best although she suffered quite badly with depression and she just overall didn't really know how to care for children see Tracy herself was actually neglected as a child and obviously if you're not given certain things as a child you're not gonna know to give those things to your children if you don't learn it from your parents who are you gonna learn it from and so Tracy began willingly working with social workers to try and learn these things to try and care for her children in a better way than what she was cared for so at this point in the timeline Steven Barker hasn't moved in with Tracy and the kids yet and social services noted her as a functioning mother although the house stick wasn't the best it wasn't the Tydeus it wasn't the cleanest she was still caring for the children changing nappies feeding them three meals a day getting them to and from school on time she was doing the bare minimum she was a functioning mother she wasn't a great mother she wasn't a good mother she was a functioning mother and social services observed baby Peter as very lively he was very vocal although obviously I couldn't speak proper words he was always trying to they observed Tracy cuddling him changing nappies feeding him giving him treats like if he fell over and hurt himself would go straight to Tracy for comfort and social services observed this very clear kind of loving mother and child bond there was a very normal bond there but then in December of 2006 baby Pizza was taken to the hospital for a rather bad bump on his head and it was while it was at the doctors that they noticed he had a lot more injuries than just that during the examinations the GP found bruises all of the pizzas face and all over his chest and so they elected social services so police questioned Tracy and she said that the only people that ever looked after pizza were her and her mother pizzas grandmother Mary and so the two of them Tracy and Mary were arrested for questioning they weren't charged with anything at this point it was just a very suspicious situation that they needed to arrest them for although what Tracy told the police wasn't entirely true it wasn't just her and Mary that were looking after Peter at this point Stephen had actually moved into the flat had been living with them for a few months at this point and he was reportedly doing most of the childcare he would feed the children he would clothe them he would bathe them he will put them to bed on a night but Tracy didn't mention him to police so because of these injuries baby Peter was put on the at risk of abuse register and social services involvement with the family stepped up so before Tracy and Mary were questioned by police Tracy actually pulled her mother Mary aside an accident not to mention Steven her boyfriend to the police Mary didn't quite understand for what reason at the time but I mean Tracy was a doctor and if she wanted her to not mention her boyfriend then she wasn't going to mention a boyfriend so Jamie and Tracy of Mary's questioning baby Pizza was put into the care of a family friend and social workers were actually trying to get input for foster care but ultimately social workers lost that court case and so baby Peter Connelly was released back into the care of his mother Tracy and unknown to police Stephen Baca in January of 2007 and it was around this time that the family Tracy Stephen and the kids all began shutting out Tracy's mother baby peas grandmother Mary she never approved of Stephen as a boyfriend - Tracy R as a father figure to the and so he didn't like her because she didn't like him and so in turn Stephen was a very manipulative person and he began manipulating Tracy into not wanting to see her own mom Mary didn't like Steven because he had a very aggressive nature not a violent nature he was just very quick tempered and very kind of angry a lot of the time he had a fascination with knives he collected Nazi memorabilia and he was described by a lot of people as a loner he also suffered with depression and had to learn in disability which probably contributed to his aggressiveness a lot of people with depression are very irritable very easy to snap but on top of that Mary said that she needs an witnessed baby pizza around Steven Barker and said that he seemed scared of it my glass is not getting frightened of the boyfriend and he was scared of the boyfriend when a boyfriend come in the door and the boy be over there he said I'd be here he just comes crawling over to me scream for me to pick him up and hide behind me over the next few months after being given back to Tracy and Steven Pizza was hospitalized a further two times for different injuries including bruises scratches the second of these hospital visits was also for swelling on the side of his head and once again doctors found this to be a very suspicious injury and so they called social services again and Tracy explained Peters injuries by saying that he would often get into fights with other children well Peter was just 15 months old of course he wasn't getting into fights with and receiving such injuries from all the babies and because of this power excuse social workers once again found the injuries to be very suspicious and Tracy was arrested once again in May of 2007 although she wasn't actually charged with anything and less than a month after that on their next visit from social services the social worker noticed a lot of new marks and bruising on Peter and so she alerted police and he was taken for yet the medical examination where the injuries were concluded to have been from probable abuse on June 4th pizza was temporarily taken from Tracy and put into the care of a family friend once again for safeguarding but was only there for a couple of weeks and then given back to Tracy and the reason he was actually given back so quickly is because the official cause of his injuries was actually changed from probable abuse like I said social services observed baby Pizza beam very lively being very active he was always running about always falling over and so they're deemed these injuries to be accidental from him just being a very lively baby and it was around this time that social workers heard of a man in Tracy's life like I said they tried so hard to hide Stephen Baca from police for some reason and so a social worker brought it up with Tracy and said we've heard that you've got a boyfriend and she just said no no that's just a friend that comes around and does work around the house he's not my boyfriend and in all fairness the social worker had no reason not to believe Tracy I mean she'd never seen a man around the house none of the friends our family our neighbors had ever mentioned a man well in reality like I said Stephen was actually probably caring for the children more than Tracy was he was the one feeding them bedding them clothing them putting them to bed while Tracy was always up until the early hours of the morning on online chat rooms and the reason Tracy wanted to hide Stephen from police is because if police knew that he was looking after these children they'd want to do a background check on him and that background check would show up some really bad things Stephen actually had a criminal past alongside his brother which I'll actually get onto that in a minute on top of his criminal past Stephen was also known to the RSPCA an animal protection charity for a fascination with causing pain to animals he would torture all kinds of like small pets rabbits hamsters guinea pigs frogs things like that he would skin them break their legs and then in June of 2007 Stephens older brother Jason moon into their flat with his 15 year old girlfriend which was actually the reason that they had to move into the flat because they were hiding from police because they knew about this illegal relationship and now it was even more vital that police never found out about Steven or Jason obviously because of the known animal cruelty and the pedophilia but also because the two of them were known criminals both of the boys had imprisoned and tortured their own grandmother in an attempt to make her change her will so that they would get more when she died the grandmother pressed charges against both of her grandsons and it was all gonna go to court and everything but she sadly passed away from pneumonia before it did and so the charges were dropped and had social services knowing that baby Peter was under the care of such violent and sadistic people things would have probably been a lot different over the next few months Peter was seen by several different gp's pediatricians hospitals social workers all of which noticed a decline in pizzas physical health he lost a lot of weight he had a lot of bruises he was becoming very shy and withdrawn which was not like him and all of these professionals noted this decline in Peters physical health on files it's all written down it's all official yeah none of them did anything to step up his care none of them got police involved none of them stepped up his social workers some of them did believe the excuses that Tracy give as to why he was so injured all the time he'd fallen into a fireplace he was bitten by a dog but some of them did suspect abuse some of them didn't believe Tracy's excuses but they still just did nothing about it and then on August 1st 2007 baby pizza Connolly was seen by dr. Saba Al's I at at st. Ann's Hospital and that was his last and the hospital visit just two days later on the morning of August 3rd 2007 emergency services were called to Tracy Connolly's home after she'd found Peter unresponsive the ambulance arrived to find baby Peter in his cart wearing only in that pain he was cold and he was blue attempts were made to resuscitate baby Peter at the scene and in the ambulance but none of it was working and so he was send straight to a hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival at 12:20 p.m. so police immediately arrested baby pitas mother tracee Connolly on suspicion of murder and this time she had no problem talking about her boyfriend now that she knew that this was serious and there was no going back from it she told them all about Stephen Baca all about his brother Jason all about Jason's young girlfriend the 15 year old girl and so police went back to the flat to arrest the other three but they'd gone they'd actually fled to a campsite in Epping Forest where police found them and arrested them that same day so a post-mortem was done on baby Peter Connelly and other 50 injuries were found and I'm just gonna read all of these out and bear in mind he was only one and a half years old so he didn't have a big body for all of these injuries to be on but yeah if you don't want to hear this I'm gonna put a time stamp on the screen and just feel free to go to that if you don't want to hear about any of his specific injuries so Pizza had several cuts scratches bruises and scars all over his body he was missing the tip of his right middle finger he had severe gashes to the top of his head and some of which seemed to be bite marks he had a large bruise covering his left temple on his head and going on too easy he had skin missing from his lips and his tongue and the skin between his upper lip and his top gum was tall he had skin missing from the bridge of his nose bruises covering his whole face his nose is far round his cheeks there were cooks under his chin and on his neck all of his finger and toenails were black with bruising he had bruising all over his chest all over his lower back his left ear was actually ripped at the bottom and coming away from the head where it had been pulled one of his fingernails and one of his toenails had been deliberately removed as well he was missing one of his front teeth which was actually later found in his stomach suggesting that it had been knocked out with such fast that baby Peter had actually swallowed it he had a fractured tibia and seven fractures to his ribs and his most severe injury was a broken spine believed to have been caused by his body being forcefully pushed while either lid over a knee or the side of a cot and this along with his fractured ribs caused a lot of broken blue vessels and peter suffered greatly with internal bleeding and many of his injuries had gotten infected too due to the dirty living conditions at home and due to the volume of injuries it can't be determined what Peter's actual cause of death was although it's believed to have possibly been the same fast that knocked his tooth out the attacker will have had to have used so much fast on Peters head that it probably caused internal bleeding at the top of his spine and consequently stopped his heart and it was found that many of these injuries had actually been there for weeks if not months and all of them had just gone carelessly unnoticed by doctors it's believed that when baby P visited dr. Saba Al Hayat just two days before his death that he actually had most if not all of his fractured ribs because at the time of his death his ribs had actually started to heal meaning that they'd been done for days if not weeks before his death and some people claimed that maybe Peter even had the broken spine when he visited dr. Saba Al's I got all the other people argue that it was probably done that night when they got home doctor even noted him on record as cranky but didn't care to figure out why he was cranky so in November of 2008 the trial began to prosecute Tracey Connally Steven Barker and juice and vodka Jason and Tracey were cleared of a murder charge due to insufficient evidence whereas Steven Bakker was pulled for a murder charge although he was found not guilty all three of them however were prosecuted for causing are allowing the death of a child or vulnerable person to which Tracey Connally actually pled guilty to the Barker brothers however both pled not guilty to that charge however ultimately they were both found guilty by a jury and the next year in April of 2009 Steven Bakker was also found guilty on a completely separate charge of the breath of a two-year-old girl this other baby this two-year-old girl that he raped is unnamed in the media she's kept her anonymity with for obvious reasons but this girl wasn't any of Peter siblings I don't know who she was I don't know how Steven knew her but she wasn't one of Peter siblings so Tracey Connelly was sentenced to five years plus for her part in the death of Peter Connelly which basically she's got five years and then at the end of that five years she has an assessment to see if she's still a threat to the community if she's still in dangerous person after that if she is deemed to still be a threat then she'll get further time in prison it'll be determined at the time but if she's deemed to no longer be a threat then she's let out Stephen Baca was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 22 years both for his part in the death of Peter Connelly and also for the wrath of that two year old girl both of those charges combined and Jason Baca was sentenced to a very similar thing to Tracy Connelly he was given a minimum of three years and if he was still dangerous he would stay in prison if not he would be let out so in August of 2011 Jason Baca was released from prison and he actually changed his name to Jason Owen and ever since then he's been in and out of prison for different things Stephen Baca is still in prison he was denied parole in August of 2017 and he will probably remain in prison for the rest of his life if not until he's very very old Tracy Connelly was released in 2013 but just two years later in 2015 she was jailed again for breaching the terms of her release and she was recently just denied parole so she's still in prison now as their baby Peters protection from social services it's very clear but that was not and reviews have been done since that show that had officials done their jobs properly all these different police officers social workers pediatricians that saw baby pizza have they done that jobs properly pizza would still be alive today and pizza Connolly actually died under the same social services that eight-year-old Victoria Lynn beer had died under just seven years prior if you don't know about that case basically I've done a full video on it I'll link it up there if you do want to know more about that case basically a Victoria clip beer was an 8 year old girl she was very well known to social services for the abuse that she was enduring in her household a lot of different people reported Victoria to social services because they were concerned and once again absolutely nothing was done to save Victoria under that same social services and she was killed by abuse and so as you could imagine there was a huge public outcry when people found out that both of these two different children had died under the same social services people were demanding that everyone that came in contact with Peter Connolly lost their jobs and officials were very reluctant at first to sack a lot of people they were trying to put the blame in other places trying to say that it wasn't any one person's fault that Peter died which is true but obviously all these little things going wrong leading to the death of a child he can't let little things go wrong so dr. supper all died out who was the doctor that saw Pete's in just two days before his death the one that failed to recognize broken ribs possibly a broken spine multiple bruises multiple cuts all over and she was sacked her job as a pediatrician and she actually faced so much backlash and media attention that she abandoned her husband and kids in England and moved back to her home country wherever that is I don't know and on top of that six other people so social workers managers directors doctors people like that either resigned or were sacked as a result of their part in Peters death but yeah that completes this case I'm sure you can see now why I was very reluctant to cover it because it is very heavy but yeah thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a big thumbs up on it because that really helps me out subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me because I upload videos like this all the time a huge thank you to my channel members who are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the link in the description or the join button underneath the video and yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,570,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, abduction, crime watch daily, disappearance, documentary, eleanor neale, interview, killer, missing, mystery, now, serial killer, solved, solved disappearance, solved mystery, true crime, unsolved, unsolved disappearance, unsolved mystery, where is, baby p, baby, peter, peter connelly, tracey connelly, case, victoria climbie, madeleine mccann, connelly, steven barker, jason owen, mother, story, mum, dateline, bbc, itv, kendall rae, tia sharp, storytime, horror, reddit, cayleigh elise
Id: Eg_95h_F6aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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