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so today's video is going to be another true crime video today is dr2 of April abductions week not a very snazzy name but you know it's already an M though if you new to my channel every single day this week I am gonna be uploading a true-crime video that is around the theme of abduction whether it was someone that was abducted and survived someone that was abducted and didn't survive or just a missing persons case where abduction is a theory maybe I'll be honest I don't really know what I'm gonna be doing in this week butch the true crime videos that I do upload will be around that kind of theme so today we are gonna be talking about another case from the UK I'm sorry that they're all very uk-based at the moment I will start branching out as this week goes on today's case is about Lisa hoodless and Charlene Lennon who were abducted and spoiler alert survived but you will be seen interviews by the girls during this video so I feel like that was a spoiler right from the beginning so before I get into this video I just want to give my disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talked about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video on the case so Lisa hoodless and Charlene Lennon were two ten year old best friends and they both lived in Hairston's in England Charlene lunin originally lived in London that was where she was born I believe but in 1997 her mother passed away and so she and her father moved down to Hastings which is a little bit south of London she spent a little while in foster care which I don't actually know why I couldn't find that and I don't think it's really important but anyway I her father eventually got custody of her they moved down to Harrisons and she began attending school in Hastings which is where she also met ten year old Lisa Ellis it was in year four and I think it was the first day and then I remember saying I need a sharpener and then this was like I've got spice girl sharp no you can borrow she they had many friends and offices just moved from London and I offered her I think it was my must have in a shot and after I think I went round our house after school that day and ever since then I'll just be really good friends of that day Charlene and Lisa were the best of friends they did everything together they actually lived on roads like next to each other so they saw each other a lot but eventually at 10 years old they started wanting a little bit more independence I think I always kid to do they started asking to come to school on their own and you know and I thought it was safe enough to do that to be honest I didn't see no reason why not they didn't even have to cross a main road to get to school I thought it was totally safe I really did it on Tuesday January the 19th 1999 both ten-year-old girls Lisa and Charlene disappeared without a trace the day that they went missing started off as any other it was a school day so the girls were getting ready at home and then they met up to make the five minute walk to school I left my house as normal number saying goodbye to my mum and that lot and yeah I just walked out my house going up to meet Sharlene Lisa come up and say dumped I'm going to Charlene's now and she gave me a kiss goodbye said you liked her never loved her sober however the girls were running a little bit late on that day and so they decided to make a shot down a separate road this shot wrote that they decided to go down it was still really open it had houses on it wasn't a dangerous way to go by any means but they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time on that day a man was also heading down that road alone in his car on that day when he spotted the two ten-year-old girls on the side of the road so the girls were walking along this road as normal talking laughing joking when Charlene playfully pushed Lisa and she fell into the road as she slipped in the road and there was car driving off and then he hit Lisa and he had to stop suddenly it's like it was close to hit me and he said sorry and he put his arms around us and was just do exactly what I say and he put his arm around my mouth the man put Lisa hoodless in the boot of the car first well she was screaming she was going red in the face trying to get someone to see what was going on and trying to get someone to hear her and he just chucked her in and then I know it sounds weird but I sort of just got in myself I did not what I didn't want to leave her I was screaming I was hoping that someone was out to come out at her house and say something but no one did no one was down that right Sharleen on the other hand was terrified silent she couldn't make a noise she was frozen and she just kind of got into the boot herself out of fear Lisa and Charlene had been abducted by a 46 year old man named Alan Hopkinson who was a very dangerous mountain already known to police he had a history of pedophilia and abducting young girls Hopkinson had been Alona all his life didn't have many friends and he just spent the majority of his time indoors on his computer when Alan Hopkinson was in his 30s he began a relationship with his cousin Jean and his parents approved of this relationship and let the two of them live in their house and this was when Alan Hopkinson strange behaviour began so I've got a quote from one of his farmer neighbors called Gloria clout she said he'd be out in the garden pegging out the washing and there'd be a whistle by instinct you'd look up and he would be standing in the upstairs window he'd have nothing on and Gloria Klout even though she was an adult she wasn't a child this is still some sex offender behavior beginning with Alan Hopkinson by 1990 Hopkinson behavior got a lot worse he kept a diary called the evil rapist where he said that he tried to abduct an 18 year old hitchhiker but she'd gotten away obviously we can't tell if that was a nonfiction type diary and three like a genuine event that happened to him or if he was just writing a fiction story but either way after his previous behavior pretty weird then four months after that diary entry he actually successfully abducted an 11 year old girl on her way home from school he typed this little 11-year old girl up he put her in the boot of his car drove her off to a woodland and sexually assaulted her he then took her back to his parents house who I believe were away at the time and he forced her into a tiny cupboard the house was raided by police that same day I believe they had like a tip-off about it somehow and the girl was found and returned to her family and Hopkinson was sentenced to seven years in prison while he was in prison Hopkinson drew up a little map of every primary school or just school in general in the spawn area he would annotate it with names of students pictures of students from newspaper clippings and even tried to find these students harm addresses from the phone book all of these children were in primary school so they were very young this was back when we had a three-tier system so you had first middle and high school rather than first in high school and back then school ended at year for which I believe you probably like eight years old in the Fr so all of these children were round about eight and under and I couldn't actually find if he was punished for making this map I assume he was if they found it while I was in prison if they only found it once he left then I don't think he could have been punished but I don't know I just couldn't find anything like that online so like I said he was sentenced to seven years but he was released in 1995 after seven just four of those seven years and he was described as a model prisoner he was really well-behaved apparently which is what makes me believe that maybe they didn't find that map while he was in prison I don't know sir upon his release he got his own house in Eastbourne because up until then he was in his thirties and he'd been living with his parents the whole time so on his release from prison he got his own house and I never said that he used to have you girls over all the time I've got quit here she said they would come over at all hours he would buy them sweets they would come back and make cookies one night three girls came round and said could I handle letter to Allen it was an envelope with two hearts in the corners and Allen's name in the middle it made me feel sick so these children were clearly being groomed to the point where they didn't realize what was going on they didn't realize that this relationship with Allen that they had was inappropriate otherwise they wouldn't go and tell the neighbor that it was going on you know that really shows like what a kind of manipulative grooming kind of relationship he had with these children that will come around to his house one of the parents of these girls that were go to Allen's house found out about it and so they alerted the police and they went to Allen's house to just warn him that his behavior was inappropriate but that didn't stop him this kind of behavior with these young girls coming around to his house continued and that was when police realized that they needed to get a court order against Allen Hopkins and to keep him away from children to be able to get this car ordered they had to get a lot of evidence together to prove why they were getting this car order for Allen Hopkinson and in that time that they were gathering evidence that is when Allen Hopkinson abducted Lisa and Charlene absolutely no one witnessed Lisa and Charlene being put into the car that day and once they were in the car Allen Hopkinson drove the two of them 40 miles along the coast to Eastbourne where he lived Lisa was crying I just strike their hair and I sang to her felt like we were driving for hours and hours after a few miles of driving which to the girls would have felt like forever in this boot terrified after a few miles of driving Alan Hopkinson pulled over into a quiet lane I'm gonna be the car stopping me open the boot and it was like we were on a massive field I couldn't hear nothing I must have been really really panicky I must have been thinking you know why me what's happening that all I was thinking was the merciful okay let's go he took Charlene out of the boot and left Lisa in there and he went and sat her in the car sat on his knee and he was just asking her a lot of weird questions like watch favorite color wash favorite food what's your mom like what she dad like he told the girls that he wasn't gonna hurt them that wasn't his intention he was just keeping them until someone paid a ransom for them it's just a side nur I don't know if this is a spoiler but he never asked for a ransom and it was clear having known his past that that obviously wasn't his intention he just wanted to abduct two young girls so he then put Charlene back in the boot and drove the two of them the remaining wear to his house in East LA it's believed that he drove from East bond where he lived 40 miles to Hairston's with the intention of abducting a child because it was so far away from where he lived that it wouldn't be connected to him meanwhile the school day began and obviously Charlene and Lisa didn't turn up for school but the school didn't notify the parents the school just kind of assumed that both girls were ill and the parents assumed that both girls were in school after miles of driving Hopkinson and the girls eventually got to his flat well the underground kind of parking area underneath his flat he got Lisa out of the boots and watch her up to his flat leaving Charlene still in the car he tied me up with a pair of tires and he stripped me down he took my name and address down I don't know one asked me like what my favorite food and my favorite coloring with questions right now and then he left me down he then went back down to the parking garage bit of his building and got xiaolin out of the boot as well it could be Enoch bin liner he caught me to go up the stairs and it was not ripping and I was like I couldn't breathe so he let me out I just walked up the stairs with him and there was no what about Clint seen anyone on Hopkins ins flat was tiny it literally had like three rooms a bathroom a bedroom and in everything else room like living room and kitchen everything all in one because Alan was really struggling to find work after his previous convictions and so he just didn't really have a lot of money he had loads and loads of stuff in there was like a single bed and in the sofa and then you know it really smell and least I was sitting on so far that hands were all purple and so was her feet where he tied her up to time I remember I couldn't feel my hands no behind my my head I really did hurt I remembered I feel in my if Lisa's still tied up Hopkinson turned his attentions to Charlene taking her into the bedroom and attempting to rape her I knew he was doing something wrong because she was crying and everything but I I still didn't have a clue what he was doing to her until she had came out and told me and then that's when it sort of hit me I knew what was going on meanwhile in Hastings no one knew what was going on no one even knew the girls were missing and so Lisa's mom began the school run as normal that day at 10 past 3:00 she went to pick up Lisa's younger siblings and then she went to wait for Lisa to come out we wait 10 minutes and the kids were getting restless so I decided to go upstairs and see where she was and so I went in enough mr. outcry leaks but for the teacher at the time and he said I hadn't been cold that day her mom was worried but obviously she didn't suspect abduction straight away bickerson you've got to remember that this was where before kind of Madeleine McCann and James Bulger she felt that maybe the girls had just skipped school that day and gone into town without telling anyone she just thought that maybe they were being a bit rebellious and that they were gonna come home soon I waited by the window member and I waited in lighted mini was getting do five o'clock by this time so now the girls have been missing for over eight hours and everyone was starting to get like actually worried and so Charlene's stepmother phoned her father at work to tell her that Charlene still wasn't home I got a phone call saying that Charlene hadn't turned that home Lisa hadn't come home neither and I said have you phoned all her friends and she said she had I said well you got on you gotta find a place straight away and I'm coming line now so police received the call and immediately they have to assess if it is critical or not because so many children go missing every single day in the UK and more often than not it's just a kind of misunderstanding with the child being with another family member or at a friend's house are just at the park but police quickly realized that because the girls were so young there were only ten years old it was pretty unlikely that they were just gonna run off by themselves I mean kids do skip school for a day and go into town and just like mock off for the day but not really two ten-year-old girls and so an investigation was started immediately friends and family of both girls went out searching for them all through the night that night but nothing came back police also took to the streets knocking on neighbors doors friends doors to see if they had any information with a knock on the door late at night it was about 10:30 and the police came in and just wanted to search our Gardens and they were very intent they you know very serious it was such a nightmare to know that those two girls were missing like I said everyone was out until the early hours of the morning trying to search for these girls on knowing that the girls were miles away in Eastbourne that night Hopkinson put both girls on the surfer with a blanket to shared so that they could go to sleep the girls both at the pack lunches that they packed for school that day but obviously they'd never gone to school so they've never eaten them and so they shared their pack lunches and then Lisa started getting tired I kept kicking Lisa tell her to stay awake and I member she was like please don't go to sleep Lisa don't go to sleep but I was so tired I couldn't can keep myself awake I tried to tell her but I couldn't I distracted her Charlene managed to stay awake for the whole night and so did Hopkinson Charlene said that she never once saw him sleep the whole time he's not just come in every now and again in the class so the next morning was Wednesday the 20th of January 1999 and at this point the girls have been missing for 24 hours and if you're knowledgeable in like missing-persons cases specifically with children the longer a child is missing the lower the chances of getting them back alive and so people's hopes were quickly diminishing over seventy police officers began a hands-on search in the Hastings area and obviously a bit further than that and all the kind of big news channels in the UK were informed so that they could spread the girls pictures and the girls kind of story what they were wearing that day in my own mind I was thinking something bad had happened really bad you want to whole path what had happened is they've gone on some sort of adventure which batum going made you think that that could have a possibly be in what's happened you know please hung around the girls primary school back there to ask different parents different children if they'd seen the girls I've seen anything suspicious but again nothing came of that within hours of the story hit in the newest police were just bombarded with so many different sightings and leads mainly within the Hastings area some of the girls school friends had said that they'd overheard Lisa and Charlene talking about wanting to run away and so the search widened up north to London because Charlene's still had family up in London they were seen on a bus and there are two other sightings of them on a train in the plumsted area of southeast London few of us and my sister we did search around I mean we searched around in the local areas where we were Ruislip train station high pitch up of charlene actually at the train station because they thought she had come in from there i hoped she was on our way up our end meanwhile any spy on the girls woke up in their second day of captivity he played mind games all the time and he say to ask that he spoke to him our moms and dads and they said that they don't want to pay ransom they don't want us back and at ten you just believe it up concern also started using scare tactics to keep the girls there and quiet and under his control he said if we try to run away or scream or anything the man next door would kill us and that he was much nastier and horrible than he was so that's why we kept quiet and he said don't try and escape at the window either because it's such a big drop if you try and jump then you'll just fall to your death so you're better off staying here psychologists said that Hopkinson wanted a mutual relationship with the girls he didn't want them to fear him he wanted them to be there because they wanted to be there and I would be like why are you doing it to us are you hurting us you've got to end it round and be like well at least I'm being gentle with you not what other people would do I think he wanted us to I think he was a friend or something the girls the whole time they were there I believed that Hopkinson was probably gonna kill them Charlene said I just thought he was going to kill us and that was it that's all I could think about how he's going to do it which must have been terrifying the day after the girl's disappearance both of their parents made a public appeal on the news Todd had emotionally drained the parents of the two girls said they could not think of any reason why their children would have run away this time Charlene just turned away because you're scared or whatever is this you know there's nothing to be scared of you're not gonna get told off knows been getting there just a moment but tabloids in the UK are absolute scum to be honest I said it before in the Shannon Matthews case they're just very unhelpful with missing-persons cases just terrible terrible like click they're kind of stories they took this kind of tragic terrifying story of these two missing ten-year-old girls and they tried to spin it and expose Charlene's father trying to pin him in a bad light which how is that necessary I used to be a drug addict Patel used to be a thief I used to be a robber and then you know I spent 20 years using heroin but I've also finished with all that and at this moment I haven't used drugs in 18 years but I actually was sitting there thinking they think I'm guilt you doing something here I don't know what that I think I'm guilty or something it just makes me so mad I have a lot of opinions on this like why on earth does that matter like a previous drug addiction and theft has nothing to do with his own daughter's abduction like yes you could possibly be accusing him of abducting his own daughter but that's the thing for the police that is not something that the media needs to be putting out thousands millions of people in the UK although the media painted him in that way the police never actually considered Charlene's father a suspect meanwhile in Eastbourne again that night Allen Hopkinson put both girls in his boot again and drove them to his parents house who were actually away on holiday after his first attempt at raping Charlene was unsuccessful Allen tried again he took styling into the other room and I was left him on my own in the front room and I remember watching this dislike horror film I started crying because he really hurt me and then him leashed to come running as she opened the door I could tell by Python no way did I know it well just remember that these girls were ten years old at the time that this happened and I feel like it's easy to forget that when you're watching these interviews of these 20 year old women telling these stories but at the time these girls were 10 years old they were vulnerable they were terrified they thought they were going to die and it's just it's heartbreaking when you properly like remember I was actually completely numb I felt dirty and that all my life in a sense an elephant had been taken away I was just no that's the best way I can explain it I didn't really have any feelings about any of it I wasn't even scared or upset anything just none the girls woke up on Thursday the 21st of January 1999 and at this point they've been missing for over 48 hours like I said before the longer a person is missing the less chance we have of getting them back alive the first six hours of a missing-persons case is crucial if you don't find them in that time then the chances of getting them back are harmed and then after 12 hours the chances of getting them back hard again and then again after 24 hours again after 48 hours so you can imagine how small the percentage of a chance of getting them back alive was at this point on the 21st at this point here since was being picked apart by so many searchers there were three hundred police officers 20 specialists search units and 50 Gurkha soldiers along with just regular people in the town volunteering making posters going out and trying to spread the girl's name and photos and the girls were on the headlines of every single newspaper in the UK I just wanted Charlene back really and over with and that's all you know - all that's going on um I suppose it's like waiting on death Road away you know for the final way to open a completely different investigation by so six police was about to give investigators the lead that they really needed so if you're not from the UK let me try and explain this geography for a minute so Sussex is a county that has a lot of different towns in it and two of these towns are Hastings and East bond so Hastings where the girls lived and Eastbourne where Allen Hopkinson was keeping the girls and so Sussex Police which is a kind of blanket for the whole police force in that area so Sussex police would be working on cases from all these different towns but up until now the search for the girls had remained pretty much just in Hairston's in east bond so six police got a report from a girl who claimed to have been sexually abused by a man for a span of a few months luckily this girl knew the name of the man that was doing this to her and could give police a name to go and investigate and this man's name was Alan Hopkinson police decided to go in pair Alan Hopkinson a surprise visit unknown to him and Charlene and Lisa the girls recall Ellen Hopkins ins behavior changing a lot on that second day he was a lot less calm and a lot more erratic on names and we were allowed to him I don't know why I couldn't Lisa him just him and the face yeah I figured that that day was getting quite scary it was scary to be around him and everything and he was quite agitated about a lot of things days very on edge the girls actually started using their own tactics to try and gain Hopkins's trust and make him let them go he said that he should drop us off at middle of the NOI and we like promised that we'd never tell no one and put him in a supplanting but we were just trying our hardest and then he was like okay then I'll take you home and we can stop smiling because we thought that was it this is the end of this nightmare that night both girls shared a bath together because they hadn't washed in two days they were sat there in the same school uniform for two days so they had a wash together Hopkins and then put both girls in his car in the boot of his car again and drove them to the cursed unknown to the girls that Hopkinson wasn't keeping his promise he drove the girls to a cliff spot called beachy head which is a notorious suicide spot in the UK he's a cuddly ass but on the cliff edge a heart member aggurlie star I just remember that he had hold my top and he pushed me I was like really close to the edge and he was just looking in my eyes and he pulled me back and I went you for one more day I'm finished he then drove the girls back to his flat risk in keeping them for a little bit longer and it's actually unclear what his intentions were taking the girls to this cliff whether it was just him playing mind games with them because we know that he's a very manipulative kind of person whether he was just trying to scare the girls are whether he would have actually pushed them off at this point it had been almost three days since the girls were last seen and so at this point abduction was looking like the most likely situation and so Charlene's father Keith took to the TV to do a public appeal straight to the kidnapper mother is accused at someone's house she's gotta be in somewhere safe and warm that's all I can come to you know I'm just hoping and I hope it was trying to stay product that's a safe place for her to be if you like if they are in somebody's house and somebody's obviously looking after that what do you say to that this I say that person please send them out Popkin since at Charlene and Lisa down in front of the TV and forced them to watch this public appeal and Charlene had to watch her own dad getting really emotional on the TV begging for her to return my dad just looked like he'd given up all hope you could see in his eyes he thought that we were dead by Thursday evening the leads and sightings were kind of drying up and it was looking pretty unlikely that police were going to find the girls alive and so they decided to make a visit to both of the girl's parents we were know fearing for their safety you know officially a fairly further safety and there would be a probability that we might not find him alive police decided that it might be more practical to transition this investigation from a missing-persons to that of a murder inquiry and so that transition began on the Friday morning three days after the girls were last seen meanwhile that separate sexual assault investigation against Hopkinson would underwear and like I said police were planning on making a surprise visit to Hopkinson on the Friday Hopkinson attentions turned from primarily Charlene to Lisa tried to pretend to oversleep but he wouldn't give up and he asked me to go in the bedroom with him and I really didn't want to that I didn't want to fight so I just went with him and I was in there for like it was a good two hours and I'm just lying there looking at the clock she was gone for hours and I could hear her screaming crying everything later that morning both girls were sat on the couch they were trying to console each other comfort each other when they heard a knock on the door so Hopkinson begun pacing around the flat he was swearing he was stressing meanwhile he wasn't going an answer in this job because he knew that he was probably caught for abducting these two girls and meanwhile Lisa was thinking that the police might just walk off because Hopkinson was taking so long to go in answer the door she was like praying in her mind that they didn't just leave it and walk away but luckily Hopkinson went and up in the DA and sure enough it was police at his door these police officers had come to arrest him for the sexual assault allegations in the Eastbourne area they have no idea that Charlene and Lisa were in his living room now we're questioning about a complete case they didn't even have a clue that we were there and he actually time and said to him or the two missing girls in my front room ed walks in and the policemen say we've been looking for you two and they picked us up really and carried us out so after three days and three nights in captivity by Allen Hopkinson the girls were taken back to their parents and reunited with their families kids don't come back when they've been abducted it's as simple as that so I was amazed how as hard as I was totally like just I just had that money gave me total this one feeling the girls were obviously all over the news in the following week and it just felt like the whole country breathed a sigh of relief listen hopeless and Charlene London perhaps Britain's best-known pair of best friends at a photo call today after going missing three days the girls were given a week off school to kind of get back to themselves spend some time with their family but both girls loved school and they wanted to be back as soon as possible but they miss school yeah MacDonald call my boyfriend your boyfriend's name what did you miss the most [Music] so Alan Hopkinson was arrested and he was being detained in a police dish and while his flat was being searched and the evidence they found against this man was overwhelming stories about and forceful sex with powerless young girls maps containing schools which have been highlighted on the 28th of May in 1999 four months after the abductions Allen Hopkinson was given nine life sentences the direct impact that Lisa and Charlene's abduction had on the community was that schools now by law have to contact parents if a child doesn't turn up at school like I said the school never contacted Charlene and Lisa's parents to let them know that they weren't there so by the time that people realized that the girls were missing it had been at least six hours and also like I said in this video after six hours in a missing-persons case the chances of getting them back alive are halved and so that is a really crucial time that if the school would just let the parents know that they weren't there they could have begun searching in that time so immediately after their our deal after they'd gotten home after everything and got back to normal the girls were still as clueless as ever like you saw in those interviews they were still spending time together but in the coming months the girls began to distance themselves from each other they couldn't stand to be around each other at one point because it was just so traumatic like every time one girl saw the other it just remind her of what happened and so the girls just kind of fell apart and it was like I was had a little act on I was always really funny confident every when I got on with everyone and then I'd look at Lisa and it made me feel what really has happened closer just one for good so in the end all sides had paper both girls were offered counseling which they both took and they both did and after about four months Lisa decided that counselling wasn't for her it wasn't helping and so her dad let her stop because I mean counselling isn't always the answer Charlene also hid at a counseling she also felt like it wasn't working but her dad wouldn't let her leave this counseling and so that just kind of added to her dislike of Lisa to me it seemed like this would got over it and I hadn't while why should she be happy and I'm not and that's well it it so I just started hating her in high school the girls still went closer all and Lisa was actually bullied quite a bit in high school sometimes even by Charlene and so at this point they just weren't friends at all never mind just not close and it wasn't until we were 16 when we left go and close friends died that she realized that you know I was actually a good friend that she needed Kniffin and yeah we hooked back together and I fit I was the first hobbies probably spoke about it with this ages and talked about everything that we found and I was of that day the girls are best friends again and just as close as they were when they were 10 years old when I look at me for now they don't remind me of things that's happened it just more brilliant make this year's which has been there for everything actually yes I don't trust no one else apart from Lisa we're definitely better people from anyway we look stronger takes a lot breaks me and Lisa this kiss and let me know what you thought of it down below I am sorry for kind of spoiling it at the beginning let me know if you don't want me to do that in the future but you know since I kept putting interviews of the girls in the whole time it was kind of obvious that they'd been found I don't know and I probably put solved in the thumbnail I found maybe I don't know I haven't made the thumbnail yet but I'm guessing I did yeah let me know what you think of this kiss down below I think it's absolutely disgusting the Alan Hopkinson was a known sex offender had sexual allegations against him a pedophile had actual genuine pedophile charges abduction charges from abducting a child before and he was just left to live his life and also I think the Sussex police could have tightened on that investigation a little bit more and properly searched all the known sex offenders especially people with known abduction charges in the Sussex area I definitely think that should have been something that they did but luckily the girls survived anywhere and yes it was probably a very traumatic three days but they're alive and hopefully doing well now like I said let me know what you think of this curse down below in the comments make sure you leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe down below if you want to be a part of the rest of the week on my channel videos true crime videos every single day for a week up until Monday and yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] better late
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,649,202
Rating: 4.9470153 out of 5
Keywords: real stories, eleanor neale, true crime, kendall rae, rob dyke, crime watch daily, channel 4, unsolved mystery, solved, found, missing, abduction, charlene lunnon, lisa hoodless, lisa hoodless and charlene lunnon, charlene lunnon and lisa hoodless, alan hopkinson, solved mystery, unsolved disappearance, solved disappearance, disappearance, documentary, now, interview, madeleine mccann, shannon matthews, danelle hallan, kidnapped, kidnapping, the girls who were found alive, 2018
Id: kquYX_54CPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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