The Complete American Horror Story Timeline | Season 1 to Season 9 (All Seasons)

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👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/zombiedude245 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
Gregg and I had an absolute blast breaking down every single episode of HS 1984 but now that that's in the past Greg there is only one more thing to do that's right it's time to update our complete American Horror Story timeline video where do all the events of AHS 1984 fit into the larger AHS universe let's find out let's start at the very beginning we start off in the 14th century a British stowaway named Scottish travels across the Atlantic Ocean she's sentenced to burn at the stake because the soldiers believe she's a witch before they can do that she pledges herself to the old gods and tada she's given the power of immortality and actually becomes the first supreme then she massacres all those soldiers by 1587 John White and the Roanoke colony settled in what is present-day North Carolina John's wife Thomason becomes leader of the group after John leaves in search of supplies the colony overthrows Thomason and banishes her leaving her starving in the forest with his scolds bridle on her face luckily she is saved by Scottish Thomasin returns to the colony and gets sweet revenge on all of them she also forces them to join her in some dark magic rituals which involved human sacrifice unsurprisingly the colony pushes back a little bit so she decides to just slaughter them all she becomes known as the butcher and her Roanoke colony is forever attached to the land thanks to SCAF it's just curse on every Blood Moon in October they can actually interact with the physical world the Native American Croatoan tribe in the region weren't the biggest fans of the spirits haunting them according to Billie Dean Howard they banished the spirits after burning their belongings and chanting Croatoan fast-forward a century later in the Salem witch trials begin to heat up sorry about that in order to save the coven supreme prudence Mather sacrificed herself so that the new supreme could rise and lead the witches safely to New Orleans in 1775 one of the most vile characters in ahs history is born Madame Delphine LaLaurie by 1790 miss robichaux's Academy for exceptional young ladies opens up in the Big Easy a couple years later in North Carolina Edward Philippe Mott yes the ancestor of dandy Mott builds the big shaker mansion it's a beautiful two-story farmhouse settled on 10 acres in Roanoke unfortunately for Edwards he is sacrificed to the old gods on September 10th 1801 Marie Laveau is born in New Orleans she would become a voodoo queen and a significant player in the rivalry with the neighboring witches in the 1830s delphine torches a bunch of slaves and drains their blood because she thought it would cure her aging on Halloween night of 1833 the sadistic Delphine overhears her daughter's plans to murder her she decides to teach them all a lesson and hold them as prisoners in her torture chamber for a year what a mom the following year Marie Laveau makes a deal with Papa Legba giving up her firstborn son in exchange for immortality meanwhile Delphine catches her daughter Pauline trying to sleep with one of her servants Bastian but instead of punishing Pauline Delphine tortures Bastian and turns him into a Minotaur this ultimately would kill him Delphine didn't know this but Bastian was the voodoo Queen's lover and baby daddy so Laveau curses her with immortality while the rest of her family is hung outside their house Laveau then buries Delphine alive sealed up in your unmarked grave for all eternity listening to the world go on around you even until that world is no more during the Civil War one of the key objectives was control of the Mississippi River and thus New Orleans miss robichaux's Academy was pulled into the conflict as it was used as a military hospital during the time following the war the newest Supreme Mary Ann Wharton buys the Academy and establishes the property as a safe haven for young witches around the world fast-forward to the 1890s serial killer Kincaid pulk who grew up in the haunted Roanoke North Carolina is eaten alive by his own pigs thus creating the legend of the piggie man how about some notable birthdays around this time first on May 6th 1895 Rodolfo Valentino is born in Italy he would one day become one of Hollywood's biggest stars and later that fall the infamous serial killer James Patrick March was born on October 30 during this time Edward mordrake was born into a wealthy family in England more importantly he was born with two faces one of the faces would ultimately drive him crazy and send the serial killer into the freakshow circuit following the turn of the century Wendell or Dell Toledo is born the future strongman hailed from the famed Toledo lobster claw clam but Dell unlike some of the others in the family didn't inherit the genetic deformity yet another birthday to celebrate Elizabeth Johnson is born a year later she would eventually become known as the countess and owner of hotel Cortez in 1910 the infamous Briarcliff Manor is built and it becomes one of the largest tuberculosis wards in the United States it's estimated that almost 50,000 patients died here during this time in 1912 Rita gayhart is born she's peppers older sister in six years later one of our favorite characters in the entire series pepper is born in July of the same year on a Stasia Romanoff attempts to use the spell to protect her family from execution yes in the AHS universe she was a witch unfortunately she's not strong enough to stop the Bolsheviks Malory time traveled to this moment - but we'll touch on that later in 1919 the New Orleans serial killer an avid fan of jazz music the axe man is killed by the coven witches thus trapping his soul in the Academy in 1922 the infamous surgeon to the stars Charles Montgomery builds an absolute dream house I mean murder house for him in his wife Nora dr. Montgomery would soon become addicted to his own drugs experiment on dead animals and perform a whole bunch of illegal abortions in just a couple years later Hollywood hopeful Elizabeth Short was born in Boston on Halloween of 1925 Gordon Northcott abducted and murdered Albert Evers amongst others which would become known as the wineville chicken-coop murders that same year construction started on hotel Cortez James Patrick March funded the entire thing and killed many laborers during its construction Elizabeth Johnson works as an extra on the son of the Sheikh and over the course of the summer forms an intimate relationship with her co-star Rudolph Valentino and his wife Natasha in 1926 German director FW Murnau looks for inspiration in his film Nosferatu but ends up getting turned into a vampire he then turns Valentino who kills his stunt double and fakes his own death by August of 1926 construction of hotel Cortez is finally wrapped up this coincides with news of Valentino's publicized death believing her husband to be dead Elizabeth marries James for his money it turns out that Elizabeth isn't totally turned off to the mass murders she even motivates March to kill the wealthy guests of hotel Cortez next time Elizabeth soon learns that Valentino and Natasha are alive and actually vampires they quickly turn her but March tricks her into thinking that they abandon her she then becomes known as the countess and has a child with March the vampire baby Bartholomew is born and kills a nurse like father like son in 1926 a patient's boyfriend kidnaps the Montgomerys baby Thaddeus and cuts him up into pieces the cops bring his body parts back to the Montgomerys where Charles starts putting him back together he's resurrected as the infant tada who craves blood I tried I stabbed it with a letter opener but I finally succeeded something well alert the media what Nora then kills her husband for this and commits suicide later that year James March starts the 10 commandments killings at the same time Brookfield heights the setting of the seventh season of cult is established in Michigan couple years later Jimmy Darling is born unlike his father Jimmy is born with lobster hands it was a live freak birth where people actually paid money to watch in 1929 James March kills himself after taking the life of his faithful follower hazel Evers another birthday in 1931 future journalist author Briarcliff and bloody face survivor Lana winters is born over in Germany Elsa Mars is tricked into a snuff film shoot she's drugged and gets her legs amputated by the infamous Nazi doctor hans gruper she's rescued by Massimo Delfino who makes her some wooden prosthetics four years later Elsa leaves Germany for the United States she adopts pepper and begins befriending others that would star in her freak show in 1938 Ethel darling aka the bearded woman and her son Jimmy join Elsa's cabinet of curiosities two years later another one of our favorites kit Walker is born 1941 Kansas City Stan Lee comes across Maggie who was an orphan and turned to pickpocketing as a means to survive eventually the pair would make their way down to Jupiter Florida speaking of Florida twisty the clown returned to Jupiter after fleeing from Rusty Westchester's traveling carnival he tried to turn his life around and started making toys for children this turned out to be a failure and on top of it his mother died he attempted suicide but that also failed leaving his face brutally deformed in 1947 Elizabeth Short his drugs raped and killed by her dentist dr. Kieran the ghost of Charles Montgomery steps in to help with the body but actually makes it much worse he bisects Elizabeth at the waist and carves a Glasgow smile on her face she forever becomes known as the Black Dahlia just outside of Los Angeles at Camp golden star Lavinia Richter murders a whole camp full of counselors she blamed them for the death of her poor son Bobby who died an accident on the lake Lavinia even attacked her oldest son Benjamin but he fought back stabbing her and killing her from this point forward anyone who died on the camp ground would forever have their spirit attached to the land in the summer of 1949 Judy Martin seemingly kills Missy stone in a drunk driving accident Judy then joins the Catholic Church and renounces alcohol for good in the fall of the following year Fiona Goode is born in Louisiana 1952 bettan Tattler join Elsa's cabinet of curiosities after Bette killed their abusive mother meanwhile twisty kidnaps and kills a whole bunch of people del and Desiree join up with the freakshow dandy Mott becomes twisties protege and meet unfairly goes to jail and is murdered Halloween is a big night as usual on the show Jimmy and Friends hold a funeral for meet Maggie joins Elsa's show posing as a fortune-teller dandy kidnaps Jimmy and Maggie but they're able to free Bonnie Cori and Michael of twisties caged hangout Elsa summons Edward mordrake who visits with a handful of freaks but decides to kill twisty and add him to his own group of freaks shortly after that Elsa sells Bette and dot to dandy but tells everyone that they ran away luckily Jimmy shows up and frees them from the Mott Manor Della's blackmailed by Stanley and forced to help kill one of the freaks Amazon Eve kicks Del's asked but then he goes and kills poor ma petite for a damn museum exhibit elsa kills ethel with a knife to the eye but she covers it up with the help of stanley then jimmy is framed for dandy's Tupperware party massacre by 1953 tragedy strikes again peppers husband salty dies in his sleep Stanley decapitates him and sends his head to the museum Elsa pepper back to Massachusetts with her sister we all know how that ends [Music] lady alone dela confesses to the murder of ma petite and elsa shoots him in the head Maggie out Stanley as the horrible con man that he is and the freaks team up and murder him Massimo makes a pair of prosthetics for Jimmy after he donated his hands to the museum Elsa then sells dandy the freakshow for a cool ten thousand dollars she leaves for Hollywood the remaining freaks quit the show which enrages Danny he kills everyone except Desiree Jimmy teams up with Desiree and the twins to drugged and E and they lock him inside a Chinese water torture cell dandy slowly drowns to death thank God his us Tom since there are no more surviving Mott family members the Roanoke House is put up for sale in North Carolina a notable birthday the Nightstalker Richard Ramirez is born in El Paso Texas on February 29th 1960 Ramirez appeared in both Hotel and ahs 1984 that same year also receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame meanwhile Bette and dot are pregnant with Jimmy's baby a copy of Elsa's snuff film surfaces and she agrees to perform a Halloween special again she summons Edward mordrake who sends her to the freakshow afterlife where she reunites with all her friends the Catholic Church purchases Briarcliff Manor converting it into an asylum for the criminally insane Monsignor Timothy Howard agrees to let Arthur Arden perform experiments on the patients that same year pepper is framed for the murder of her nephew and is admitted to the asylum on Halloween night big time Jetsons fan miriam mead dresses up as Rosie the robot and goes trick-or-treating talk about some foreshadowing 1963 Lee Emerson is committed to Briarcliff after murdering 18 innocent people while dressed up as Santa Claus 1964 kit Walker is wrongly convicted of the bloody face murders and sent to Briarcliff he was actually just visited by some aliens who took his wife Alma a nosy Lana winters is committed to the asylum after digging up too much dirt she's subsequently exposed to intense electroshock therapy the possessed Jed Potter undergoes an exorcism at Briarcliff but this ends up killing the poor kid and the demon transfers over to sister Mary Eunice that's some bad news for the asylum dr. thredson brakes Lana out of Briarcliff but it turns out he's actually the real bloody face she manages to escape but then gets into a car accident and ends up back in the asylum in one of the worst bits of bad luck in TV history sister Jude is stripped of her duties and committed to the asylum after she's framed for the murder of Frank she too undergoes some painful therapy 1965 the possessed sister Mary Eunice is thrown from the top of the stairs by Monsignor Howard after a kiss from the Angel of Death Mary and the demon pass on Arthur Arden decides to burn himself alive as well when he realizes Mary Eunice is dead Lana exposes threads in his bloody face and kills him at his home she would later give birth to his son Johnny Morgan and put him up for adoption the Catholic Church then sold the Briarcliff Manor to the state of Massachusetts in 67 Alma Walker breaks up the seemingly happy walk her home by killing grace she's still shaken up by the aliens KITT commits Alma to the asylum in 1967 Valerie Solanas publishes the scum manifesto relocates to San Francisco and founds the cult the Society for cutting up men in 1968 two nurses are killed in the our Franklin murders at the murder house on June 3rd Valerie Solanas tries to shoot and kill Andy Warhol fortunately she fails and skum attempts to take credit for the Zodiac killings in 1969 Lana winters publishes her best-selling book chronicling her fight for survival against bloody face on August 9th Charles Manson orders his followers to terrorize the home of director Roman Polanski helter skelter would take the lives of a handful of innocent people including Polanski's pregnant wife Sharon Tate in the spring of 1970 kit Walker frees Judy Martin from Briarcliff she would live with his family for a few months prior to her passing now in the summer of 1970 Lavinia now known as the lady in white motivated Margaret Boothe to murder another camp full of counselors the quote worst summer camp Massacre of all time took the lives of 10 people including poor Jonas who had no clue what was happening apparently Lavinia didn't like how close Margaret was getting with Benji she still blamed him for Bobby's death so the was a form of payback for her Margaret then framed Benji for the massacre and pretended to be the sole survivor of his killing spree in 1971 Briarcliff Manor is finally shut down and abandoned Timothy Howard now a cardinal kills himself one late night in miss robichaux's Academy Fiona Goode slits the throat of Anna Leigh Leighton she would soon take over as the next supreme I'll see you burn in hell first fine save me a spot 1972 Constance ends her acting career after giving birth to a baby girl Adelaide Langdon in 1973 a new family moves in to the Roanoke House the Chen family unsurprisingly they are soon killed by the butcher that same year let's check back in on Richard Ramirez just the teenager Ramirez witnesses cousin Miguel who served in Vietnam shoot and kill his wife in 1977 Constance has another child Tate Langdon is born that same year Ramona Royale dreams of becoming a Hollywood star and meets with the countess in LA she turns Ramona into a vampire and the two become lovers by 1978 the murder house is completely abandoned except of course for the spirits that are forever in prison there one of them being Finn Tata kills twin brothers Troy and Bryan in 1980 kit Walker is diagnosed with cancer but he's visited one less time by the extraterrestrials elsewhere in 1980 Donna chambers believes her dad David is having an affair so she camps outside his house waits for him to bring home a woman and catches him in the act of grotesquely murdering the poor woman turns out David is a damn serial killer he confesses everything to his daughter and then commits suicide a few years later in 1983 Brooke Thompson has her dream wedding that turns into a nightmare her fiance Joey accuses her of cheating with his best man so he kills his would-be father-in-law his best man Sam and then himself another 1984 camp counselor ray powell accidentally kills one of his frats young pledges well some of it was an accident but then he tried to cover it up by driving him off a cliff Constance murders her husband Hugo and the maid Moira O'Hara after finding out about their affair 1984 Nick Pryor checks into hotel Cortez and meets with the countess who helps her transform into Liz Taylor he dressed like a man walk like a man oh you smell like a woman liz takes a job as the bartender in the blue parrot lounge at the hotel that brings us to the summer of 84 Donna chambers is full-on obsessed with serial killers she learns about Benjamin Richter's story aka mr. jingles and makes a deal with him she would help him break out of Red Meadows asylum in order to further study him on his quest for revenge not the smartest idea Donna Donna then jumps nurse Rita at a gas station and assumes her identity at Camp red wood poor nurse Rita was just looking to make some extra cash that summer Montana makes her own deal after hooking up with Richard Ramirez post murder she asked him to help kill Brooke whom she blames for her brother Joey's suicide this is when the night stalker starts his killing spree on the show he breaks into Brookes house and nearly kills her luckily she fights him off and he leaves with only some jewelry on July 1st of 1984 camp redwood reopens the aerobics crew of Xavier Montana Brooke Rae and Chet all decide to get summer jobs as camp counselors but none of them did a proper background check would have been good to know about the multiple massacres here they soon meet Margaret chef birdy and the fake nurse Rita a gay donna and Trevor of course this coincides with mr. jingles escaped from Red Meadows dr. Karron hobo is killed by mr. jingles who also kills Blake who was blackmailing Xavier Ramirez attacks Brooke but again she gets away and then he reamer ders Jonas who was already dead it gets worse for the group jet falls into a ditch and nearly dies and then the real nurse Rita has killed horrific Lee by jingles then Xavier is nearly burned alive in an oven but is saved by chef birdy he didn't puts her out of her misery after the mr. jingles attack jingles then decapitate srei as he's trying to escape on motorcycle Margaret and Ramirez call a truce she didn't stabs Trevor to frame jingles yet again then she drowns Chet in the middle of the lake then Donna attacks Brooke and leaves her in a trap for her serial killer specimen Donna sucks Ramirez and jingles square off and Richter kills him but then Satan resurrects the Night Stalker as Donna watches on Xavier shows off his bow and arrow skills and makes target practice out of jingles unfortunately jingles is also resurrected by Satan Margaret kills Xavier and Brooke takes care of Montana as a bus full of school children arrive at the campground and Margaret again plays the sole survivor and frames Brooke for the massacre literally everyone who died is now stuck on the campground as a ghost except for the two serial killers Richter and Ramirez who drive back to LA the following year we catch up with Richter and Ramirez and things are a bit rocky that's because Ramirez wants to continue killing and Richter really isn't into it anymore so Richter gives him up Ramirez is chased down by an angry mob who recognize him and he's quickly arrested over in Margaret land we find out that Trevor survived that fateful night at camp redwood he blackmails Margaret for a whole lot of money but she insists that they get married instead okay sure in 1988 the butcher murders Miranda and Bridgette Jane after they move into the Roanoke house Halloween night of that year Miriam Mead notches kill number one as a Mossad agent in 1989 Hayden McClaine is born in the same year Margaret has killed now a whole bunch of people and has gotten away with it for years she also becomes a real estate mogul of sorts owning some of the most horrific properties out there including Briarcliff Manor she makes a fortune turning these spots into tourist attractions meanwhile Brooke is on death row and Ramirez is trying to get her to accept Satan but she isn't having it this show is weird i gutted that [ __ ] from the inside out and now she's in Hell blinking seats balls good ol Benji has really turned his life around he changed his name moved to Alaska and started a family you knew this was gonna end badly though Ramirez escapes from prison and kills Richter's wife Brooke is then executed by lethal injection but then Donna brings her back to life together they team up to get revenge on Margaret Benjamin has no choice at this point but to return to camp redwood and get revenge on Ramirez unfortunately he's captured by the ghosts and then he meets with his mother she's not happy eventually she stalks her son into committing suicide in order to stop Ramirez she would eventually reunite with him and his younger brother Bobby you brought him back to me and I am eternally grateful meanwhile Brooke and Donna pick up a hitchhiker named Bruce turns out he's a serial killer in training when he gets to the campi teams up with Margaret and Ramirez Margaret plans a big music festival at Camp redwood unfortunately Ramirez can't stop killing and he murders kajagoogoo Stacey from the National Enquirer blackmails Brooke and Donna and forces them to take her to camp redwood and share the full story things don't end well for Stacy Richter and Ramirez fight again Margaret shoots Benjy she also shoots Trevor outside of the campgrounds but thanks to Brooke he's able to get back inside before he dies so that he can be with Montana Trevor then kills Bruce but they make sure he isn't on the campground so he can't return they tried to do the same thing with Margaret but they didn't plan it out correctly unfortunately Brooke dies as well or so we thought oh and the ghosts got the revenge on Ramirez they team up and kill him then they form a Death Watch every time he is resurrected by Satan someone is there to kill him again they do this for multiple decades in 1991 Hank Fox goes on his first witch hunt with his father by 1993 Larry Harvey and his family move into the murder house he starts an affair with Constance Langdon but Larry's wife Lorraine finds out about it she sets the place on fire killing herself and their two daughters next constant state beau and Addie moved back into the murder house that same year Sally McKenna writes music for Nick Harley and Tina black then they all do a bunch of drugs and Sally sews them all together Nick and Tina overdosed so she stuck to their dead corpses for five days that's when the addiction demon is created he has wax like skin and attacks people with a drill bit dildo 1994 in the murder house Constance motivates Larry to kill Beauregard Tate then sets fire to Larry at his office and massacres 15 students at his high school the SWAT team kills Tate in the murder house in 1994 Sally becomes a spirit of the hotel Cortez after being murdered by Donovan's mother iris on October 11 1997 Elias Cunningham film video about the history of the Roanoke House let's skip ahead to 2007 the voodoo queen Marie Laveau hires a witch hunter Hank Fox who's actually married to a witch Cordelia in 2010 the you Murder House homeowners Chad and Patrick are killed by Tate Langdon in the rubber man outfit LAPD homicide detective John Lowe investigates the trial of murders that led him to the hotel Cortez he soon meets James Marsh who convinces John to finish his ten commandments killings in 2011 the Harmon family hires the worst realtor in history and chooses the Murder House as their new home Vivian soon gets pregnant with twin babies one of which is Ben's and the other Tate Langdon's who was posing as been in the rubber man outfit on Halloween night Addie dies in a hit-and-run accident Constance tries to move her body onto the Murder House property but fails violet Harmon overdoses on pills after finding out the truth about Tate in 2012 Vivien gives birth to Michael Langdon in a horrific violent labor that takes her own life and Ben's child Constance takes her grandson Michael to raises her own that same year Cordelia takes in Queenie after hearing a news report about her powers Oliver thredson and Lana winters son Johnny Morgan assumes the identity of bloody face he murders a whole bunch of people including some unfortunate honeymooners some bloody face copycats his therapist and a prostitute Johnny finally confronts his mom who ends up shooting and killing him by the end of 2012 the dead Harmon celebrate a relatively happy Christmas together I guess as happy as you could be if you're dead but Tate and Hayden aren't welcome in 2013 misty day is burned alive by some religious extremists after she's seen bringing a bird back to life Zoe Benson accidentally kills her boyfriend during sex and is sent to miss robichaux's Academy Madison Montgomery is raped at a frat party she uses her powers to flip their bus killing nearly all of them and Zoe finishes off one of them in the hospital Fiona digs up Delphine LaLaurie misty day resurrects herself and Madison and Zoe bringing zombie Kyle back to life Fiona eventually becomes threatened by Madison and accidentally yeah right kills her in front of Spalding it's eerily similar to how she killed Anna Lee Layton Cordelia is blinded after an acid attack while enjoying a drink at a New Orleans bar good news though she gained the power of the site Myrtle is framed for the acid attack and burned at the stake thankfully misty finds her and brings her back to life Zoe Queenie and nan accidentally some in the axeman man is resurrected by misty and Zoe and Cordelia realizes that Fiona killed Madison Myrtle kills Quinton and Pembroke and restores Cordelia's eyesight with their eyes then queenie kills hank during his shooting rampage 2014 fiona and marie kill nan they have a funeral for then fiona murray and the axe man killed a secret witch hunter organisation queenie then kills Delphine and the coven teams up to kill the axe men then they hold the test of the seven wonders everyone dies during the trials except for Madison who was strangled to death by Kyle Cordelia passes all the tests and bring Zoe back to life making her the new supreme she then opens up the Academy and welcomes and young ladies from around the world Myrtle is burned at the stake on her own wishes and Fiona dies in her daughter's arms around this time the warlocks moved the Hawthorn school for exceptional young men into an underground bunker to keep it hidden from the public elsewhere KY and Vincent Anderson's parents are killed in a murder-suicide the brothers keep their bodies locked up in their bedroom Matt and Shelby Miller move into the Roanoke House but there soon attacked by the spirits thanks to Lee and Elias they survived the attack and move out Elias isn't so lucky in the summer of 2015 my Roanoke nightmare starts production it's a documentary reenactment of the Roanoke incident and becomes a critically acclaimed TV hit that same year KY and winter visit the judgement house run by Pastor Charles they free all the captives and kill the twisted pastor hotel Cortez is bought by fashion designer will Drake Drake will soon marry the countess Marcie yes that Marcie brokers the deal Queenie checks into the hotel after magically winning some tickets to The Price is Right thanks Cordelia unfortunately she's attacked by Ramona and then killed by March Queenie is trapped in a hotel for a few years the countess tries to leave the hotel but is shot and killed by John for his final kill thou shalt not commit murder he puts the countess's head on a trophy the ghost of the countess reveals to March that she didn't turn him in to the police it was actually hazel March banishes her and the countess is stuck with March for eternity a young Michael Langdon starts to kill for small animals and then people he grows an entire decade overnight causes can no longer raise him she commits suicide in the murder house joining her children van Harmon tries to help Michael but Tate rejects him as pure evil not even I could create something as monstrous as evil as you [Music] you stay away from me Michel lashes out and kills the new homeowners Miriam Meade and the Satanists make a visit and after the Satanic ceremony michael proclaims satan as his father vivian tries to kill michael but fails he almost kills her but is saved by tate against her wishes Myrtle snow is resurrected by Cordelia Cordelia attempts to save Queenie from hotel Cortez but she fails apparently she's not strong enough in October 2016 the Roanoke TV sequel returned to Roanoke begins filming during the Blood Moon really smart guys Rory Monaghan is killed by the jane ghost while Sydney and crew are murdered by Agnes Lee Monet and Audrey are captured by the polk family they start cutting off small pieces of Lee's flesh and feed it to Audrey and Monet luckily they trick and kill jethro pulk Lee escapes in frees Audrey she then kills mama pulk meanwhile matt is seduced by Scott H and he comes clean that he returned to the house for the witch that sends Shelby into a violent rage and she murders Matt Agnes returns with the mob but then actual members of the Roanoke colony appear she's butchered by Thomas and white Shelby commits suicide with the butcher's knife which is pretty fitting lien Audrey returned and blamed the murders on Dominic so they lock him outside the bedroom piggy man slaughters him the next day of filming a blogger gets his throat slit Bonet is impaled by a wooden shaft Dylan is disemboweled and more bloggers are slaughtered what will it take to end production on this show Jesus finally the next day Audrey is shot by the police after attempting to kill Lee in November of 2016 Donald Trump is elected as the new President of the United States this triggers a li chi meets with BB babbitt who encourages his extremism he soon recruits Gary Harrison and meadow Sarina Belinda is murdered on camera during a news report in 2017 Michel is arrested for killing a butcher but the Warlock Ariel frees him his powers are tested by the warlocks at the Hawthorn school who believe he is the alpha the only one to help overpower the coven and their Supreme Court Delia during a meeting with the coven Michael travels to hotel Cortez and brings Queenie back from the dead he didn't travels to Madison's retail hell and brings her back Michael returns to the school with both of the witches much to cordelia shock while unconscious Cordelia has a vision of the apocalyptic future ruled over by Satan Michael Langdon is put through the 7 wonders and passes them he even brings misty day back from hell Cordelia sends Madison and behold to get more info about Michael they visit the murder house and find out that he's pure evil he's the literal Antichrist they leave the murder house in peace helping violet reunite with Tate and Vivian with Ben the coven believes it has found the next supreme Mallory demonstrates vast powers they have never seen bringing life back from the dead and restoring youth she takes the Seven Wonders test and passes all of them including bringing more back from the dead who tells everyone that he was murdered Ariel Baldwin and Mead are then burned at the stake Michael comes across their bodies and vows revenge on the entire coven he stumbles into the Church of Satan and is quickly worshipped as the son of Satan he meets with the billionaire owners of Canaris robotics Jeff in mut they built him a robo-wife an arm by February 2017 Ali's fears are intensified she's attacked by a group of clowns during a late-night Market run Kai runs for the vacant seat on the City Council the Chang's are murdered by the cult in the Wilton's move in not suspicious at all Ali accidentally shoots her employee Pedro Bob Thompson is killed by the cult as well as RJ the poor cameraman Sally wants to run against Kai but is murdered before she can do so in April during one of Kai's rallies meadow opens fire on innocent people she shoots Kai and murders others before committing suicide Ali is arrested for the shooting kai wins the election and becomes the new city councilman Ivey kills Harrison winter kills detective Samuels and Kai kills his brother Vince Alley actually joins Kai's cult and then she poisons ivy during dinner alley then finds out that Kai is an Ozzy's biological father kai strangles his sister winter after he believes she betrayed him Kai plans the night of a thousand tales but the FBI arrests Kai and kills many of his followers November of 2017 the Lana winters special airs on live TV winters comes out of retirement to interview Lee Harris the lone survivor of return to Roanoke lot pulk barges into the interview and tries to kill Lee but is shot down by the police later that month more people decide to film in the Roanoke House unsurprisingly they're all killed when will anyone learn on November 19th Lee kills herself and the Roanoke House bursts into flames thank God that house is gone in 2018 Kai escapes prison and attacks Allie at her own political rally he's shot in the head by Beverly hope November 6th Allie wins the Michigan Democratic seat for State Senator and it's revealed that she's leading the newly reformed scum that same year Michael plots with Edina to take down the coven he ends up giving her a talk ship Michael and meat are able to get inside the Academy and they kill bubbles Zoe Queenie and others Cordelia Myrtle Madison Mallory and Coco are able to escape Michael soon learns about the co-operative who are made up of Satan worshippers they control the entire nuclear arsenal of the world the coven is running out of time only option is Tempest and finna Tom Mallory attempts to travel back in time Cordelia and Myrtle find all the warlocks and their students dead at the Hawthorne school Geoff and mutt give miss Venable an outpost to be in charge of and make her own rules Michael and Mead meet with the cooperative and build out bunker outposts for the Select survivors they then put identity spells on Koko and Mallory and force Jeff and mutt to leave four spots open in one of the outpost grown up Bobby Richter - played by the great Finn whit rock takes an uber to camp redwood to find out the truth about his father he meets all the ghosts to inform him that he should not be visiting the campground because Richard Ramirez wants to kill him he then tries to kill him but Bobby escapes to red meadows and seeks out Donna chambers together they tracked down Brooke who somehow survived she totally made a deal with Satan back at camp redwood we find out that Margaret is a ghost because they did kill her properly she attempts to kill Bobby herself but Richter pops back up and stops her then mama Richter shows up and she's pissed bye-bye Margaret Bobby finally says his goodbyes to his family and a surprisingly touching reunion in April of 2020 a nuclear apocalypse destroys the earth Brock gets stuck in Santa Monica traffic Timothy and Emily are taken in by the cooperative due to their superior DNA shouts to 23andme the remaining survivors are shuffled into outpost 3 where Aventa Belen Meade run a tight ship they also serve stew that's made out of stupor year-and-a-half after the apocalypse Michael Langdon shows up at outpost 3 he's looking for people to bring to the sanctuary he's lying Timothy and Emily fall for each other even though they're breaking the rules Langdon interviews all of the subjects then comes face to face with Mallory and her secret powers Cordelia Myrtle and Madison pop out of that restorative Louisiana soil and head to outpost 3 Meade catches Timothy and Emily having sex and decides to execute them but Tim fights back and shoots Meade that's when we find out that she's a robot Halloween night Venable and Meade plan to kill everyone in the bunker by using apples laced with snake venom creative Brock actually survived that Santa Monica traffic as well as the apocalypse and he shows up and kills Koko the apples take the lives of nearly everyone Venable and me try to kill Michael but he forces me to turn on Venable and kill her meat swears allegiance once again to Michael Cordelia Myrtle Madison arrived at outpost 3 sisters Cordelia resurrects Dena Koko and Mallory everyone but Dena is cool with the plan to stop Michael unfortunately for Dena Cordelia made a deal with Papa Legba for her soul that allowed Marie Laveau to return and help in the fight Marie quickly takes out Dena with a machete sending her straight to hell Cordelia makes Robo Meade's head explode and Madison uses her armed gun to shoot down Michael Cordelia Myrtle and Mallory rushed to find the closest bathtub to perform Tempest infinite 'some but Brock once again Barak ruins the party and stabs Mallory Michael revives himself and blows off Madison's head he then pulls Murray's heart out of her chest and snaps Coco's neck Michael as strong as Mallory is too weak to perform the spell until Cordelia sacrifices herself to give rise to Mallory as the new supreme Mallory awakens to perform tempest infinitum and thus traveling all the way back to 2015 skip forward to 2022 and on Devil's Night Billie Dean Howard interviews the ghost of John Lowe who subsequently scares the living [ __ ] out of her John's daughter Scarlett comes to visit and Elizabeth finds a handsome stranger at the hotel bar you have a jawline for days but wait that's not it we didn't forget about the time travel that's right Mallory goes back in time through a bathtub time machine and changes just a few things Mallory's first attempt at time-travel brought her back to 1918 in hopes to save Anastasia and her family unfortunately she wasn't yet a strong enough witch to stop the massacre then she traveled back to 2015 we see Constance fed up with Michaels evil and kick him out of the house as he runs outside he's run over by Mallory in a Range Rover Constance decides to leave his body there to die and the apocalypse doesn't happen Mallory then convinces Queenie to cancel her reservations at hotel Cortez Papa Legba releases misty day from hell and she reunites with Cordelia now in this timeline we moved to 2020 emily is protesting a local coffee shop and she accidentally runs in 2timothy sparks ensue Emily and Timothy get together and they have a son Devin I think you know where this is headed Devin kills his babysitter and the family gets a knock at the door it looks like the Satanists have found their new Antichrist so that's the entire AHS timeline from season 1 to season 9 this makes no sense it makes perfect sense Greg let us know your favorite moment in the comments below and be sure to subscribe because we have plenty more AHS coverage coming your way including new breakdowns or something else which season we're gonna do hmm nope see you guys later bye
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 1,253,011
Rating: 4.9361949 out of 5
Keywords: ahs timeline, ahs connections, american horror story, ahs complete timeline, ahs 1984, ahs season 10, ahs season finale, ahs finale, ahs cult finale, ahs cult season finale, american horror story cult, ahs cult reaction, ahs cult breakdown, ahs cult recap, ahs, sarah paulson, evan peters, Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, Roanoke, Cult, Roanoke Nightmare, Apocalypse, Hell, Dante's Inferno, Ryan Murphy, connections, ahs connected
Id: Vq6yX21_m8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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