FNAF VR - Let's Find These Tapes! | Five Nights At Freddy's VR: Help Wanted (Part 6)

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live yes still mat pat solo on the couch edition because we're still playing snaf vrf naff Help Wanted smash 7 8 maybe 9 depending on which installments you're actually counting into your official Canon lore of them they all have various levels of canonicity at this point but there you go friends we are ready today to make progress and progress already has been made let me say this so for those of you who tuned in yesterday during our live stream there are a couple minigames that were giving me a really hard time and for reasons that I thought like oh is the mini game broken and so today we came in and we tested out a lot of different things and I figured out what the problems were and it's not so much that they were broken it was just like weird behavioral things that I'll talk about him what will happen to the game and I'll show kind of the mistakes that I was making that were preventing it from working properly so it was a combination of like game programming but also like the way that I was like choosing to play the game not not all that complicated but anyway so the night Merion night terror mini game I finished before the stream I'm gonna hop into it hopefully I can just do it again just to show you what I needed to do to make it work but then we are onward to new stuff we are onward to new night terrors we are onward to new nights in synapse 1 & 3 and we are still fighting our way through the plush babies cuz that one's hard that one's just get good mat ha I like that in the comments to yesterday's live stream ever it's like markiplier did it in like two first off we don't know how many he caught ladies and gentleman secondly good for him I celebrate his victory haha so anyway he is the king of for half after all so anyway we're making good progress through it like I said like you know if you've been watching all these live streams we've been flying through the game really quickly right we're halfway for Nath one where we finished all of the regular nights and hard mode for for nap - we're halfway through for nap three we finished everything for parts and services both easy and hard mode we finished everything invent repair both easy and hard mode we're working our way through the dark room stuff just got to get through plush baby and now with nightmare Eon out of the way we're actually making really good progress through the the night terrors as well so we are gonna beat this thing in no time ladies and gentlemen so I'm expecting a good stream today I'm excited about I'm excited where else this game's gonna go we're starting to see an appearance of like actual baby in it which is gonna be the next night terror minigame so it's gonna be a good one I'm excited for today's stream I hope you are I'm hoping that we can make really significant progress through this thing cuz one I gotta beat this game I'm really curious where the endings going and - I can't wait to do theories about it but nor a new theories about it I need to see where it's going I don't know what's gonna be revealed what isn't what all of it means how this ties into the the can and all that stuff so sooner we beat this thing the sooner I can hop into a theory about it and actually knowingly put all the pieces together you can help us put the pieces together as well in the comments you can troll me you can say Matt why aren't you checking the vent on top for the plush baby to my knowledge no one jump scares you from up there that's why I wasn't doing it yesterday but anyway you can engage in any capacity using hashtag GT live where Chris has drawn the now outdated nightmare yawn just because the the the mime octopus herself Milione French mime octopus straight from an anime an anime in the back section of the anime store there we go over on Twitter hashtag DG life or in the chat you know how it works live streaming on YouTube is no longer a new thing this should not come as a surprise to you it's there it's ready to be used spam it full of your best fan Aspen's none come to mind right now for me but cry i'm gonna be in a VR headset but chris is gonna be calling you out it's true people in the chat are already very excited people saying things like well you're the king of fanastic orbble Ora for life saying I love you I love you too in a strictly platonic way not in a creepy some other youtuber way some youtubers are weird and creepy I'm not that good well I don't know I might be weird it certainly and I weird Chris certainly right what's what's life without a little bit of spicy weirdness spicy weirdness so anyway let's hop into the headset here oh well I get while I get situated just to call out to remind you guys spring theory where is available I'm wearing the jacket it is nice and springy everything's embroidered into the jacket we got thumb holes you see the theory light behind me which transitions colors and stuff I got Theory socks on now my little shorty Theory socks so if you want to support the channel and especially the live streams but I mean everything that we do buying merch is a great way to do it because you get a really high quality nice product but it also helps support us cuz you know every Theory takes like a hundred hours to make the livestreams take you know not a hundred hours but it takes you know a lot of chryses time takes a lot of my time so it everything helps so just a reminder that those are available Foxy's still hanging out back there still checking write it this is still to this day like after having played it what for like for live streams at this point five four three five five is this 5th this is 6 this is 6 parsecs man no wonder people say we'd milk from them so you'll notice though that I'm trying to make as quick a progress there it is pot like we haven't had any down time really it's just more like yeah you like time to refresh here we go ok we're going to continue so let's start off with our my mock de puss million our our bunny friend isn't here right now so this is where we left off so again let me just show off everything right so nine three four finesse one snaf two we finished everything including hard mode nightmare mode and half three were at night three dark rooms were working through parts and services is all done with nightmare event repair is all done with the nightmare and we're in night terrors now is the last category right so uh nightmare yawn I'm gonna hop into this hopefully I can do it again first try it wasn't as hard once I figured out what I was doing wrong and it was wrong from a technical standpoint not from a gameplay standpoint right so this is all the same so I beat this right before the stream and what you'll see here is what I was doing was you need to be in a position where you can use yesterday if you were watching right there were times where I couldn't use the flashlight and the door at the same time and it was because I was leaning like to grab the door I was leaning too far into the door's territory basically uh-huh and so what it was causing was like my body to overlap with like I was phasing through the door and so it saw me as outside of the room and it was preventing me from accurately using the flashlight which which is important when you're trying to hold a door closed to foot the to fight off your weird your complete 4c so there I was leaning too far into the door which is why I was starting to get that with that weird effect right but now I'm back and I'm able to you know lean back a little bit and see you know where come on where they're coming from right so there we go so now the doors close by I'm still able to protect myself and this is it right the flashlight flashes which tells me that they're gone and now you know she's reset I shut it again so when the flashlight flashes again it'll be reset again right so there's the flashlight going really going like fiend and look gone so now I'm safe I don't need an audio cue I don't need anything the hardest thing is just knowing when it starts it's next cycle like here there you go shut it and it started off flashing so I'm assuming it's already reset at this point but there we go nothing over here so it's flashing again which again probably means that it is we're here there we go right so this is and this is it right I'm already at 4 a.m. we're good up there you come again nice midfield and you're all shut and we're all cleaned out here gone technical nothing coming in this way ok to be over here so it's gonna be where are you I'm a bit concerned about the fact I'm gonna see you yeah there we go there we go so he was getting pretty close there and you'll see my flashlight was losing power there but that was because again I was I was leaning too far back into the door to check it right so I just wasn't resetting my body back to the position I needed to as I was looking you know at the various trying to look outside into the hallway whoo whoo hey that was close but there you go and that's this night right you'll see that now that I have that figured out it's actually not nearly as bad as it was and you're able to make pretty quick work through it and there it is look at that right thank you thank you so so again with VR it's interesting right there's there's so much variability and there's so much flexibility right like we treat everything as though it's a real object but I mean if I want it to like smash my head against this table I could do that you know and it's fine like our impulses are to treat everything as though it's realistic and so for me me leaning like I thought I wasn't phasing through the door and I'm like oh I'm still in the world but it was doing weird things with my hands and my controls in the game so you know head desk head desk head desk so there you go and we got ourself ow this is an enormous plush towel this like if you slept with I know I've been given the plush that was a hard time like oh why would I want to sleep with something that you know that killed a child or whatever this one like if you won't want to sleep with this one not because it's like a terrifying design or because of the lore implications but just because it takes up like half your bed like I'm gonna cuddle up and you're just like shoved to the corner of your mattress so anyway that's that's the nightmare II own like pro tip I guess that I learned we had to go do a couple rounds of it off-camera to see like what we were doing wrong but now that we got it it's you see that it's actually much easier to kind of control and sustain so let's move on to something new and Circus baby in honor of our newfound plush dowel let's uh let's do this one which I I saw this one in the trailer like that we're gonna be hiding in the closet I assume and that we have to shut the the closet or as she approaches us that was in the the pre-release trailer for the game I don't know what else there is but closed doors grab and release great surprise okay so it's pretty simple you've got the same pattern underneath the table I'm gonna keep check-in cuz it's the one time I don't check that it's gonna have something under there oh no Jonason on twitter says so no sleep tonight hey coin hi hey bull okay whoa hey whoo hey they get they get angry whoo tape yes so cool bike okay so I I think what this one is right it's already one cheese this is really going fast so Oh God whoopsies I thought I grabbed it so it seems like remember Jeremy so it seems like this one isn't too too bad it's wait until the last minute to shut the doors in her face and the plush dolls get mad if you hold the door is closed for too long and so open the doors before they freak out so close the doors long enough that she goes away open the door as soon enough that that they're not gonna jump scare you in the closet I think is kind of the takeaway here hey there we go okay whoa what whoa she was still there she was she was still there that was unfortunate luckily she couldn't fit her her big old Bob through there okay that's about as like I don't know how long I have before they jump scare me uh I I kind of doubt that actually okay who these I'm I'm in the same place I've been the entire time you see the robot like I am not moving good see how many pieces I can count whoa baby jeez that is violent I'm a piece is like I thought you were more like shoving me in your body and like extrude me out like ice cream baby baby's new voice line is just like let me see how I'm just gonna cut you like woah no clearly not clearly I survived apparently my hiding spot has caught you off guard though my friend whoa oh she's okay nope wait why did they reset oh no that's a bummer shoot okay okay cuz we were finding a good rhythm but that's when they were already at the like peak of their anger or whatever so so I wonder if they need a little bit more time to like reset so scary Saturn star in the chat says she is Hugh right there uh nor like this game has really reinforced me how enormous baby is like all the animatronics are so huge in this game Oh what why why would why would I just get jumpscared by a plus Dow why what are you doing you jump scare me enough in the other minigame shoot well darn you turn punch you in the face you damned ass I hate you guys the other interesting thing about this right and I think hey I know whoa weird so these guys are set on a timer I think and because I restarted the game so quickly I don't think they got to their like true reset Wow huh this is this is behaving more strangely than I expected it to hmm okay that's fine the one thing I was gonna call out when it comes to the lore of this game in particular right because it's weird to have a sister location animatronic in the finale right that seems odd but when you actually when you actually think about it it makes sense because sister location is located underneath the fanat for house right that's one of the things that like economic what what why are why are these plushies not like hmm am i holding the door is too long what are we doing here see be sure to visit our sister location right so it's one of those things where it's like hey sister location is underneath the fanat for house so it would make sense in whatever weird universe this is right that the giant baby animatronic would be able to wander around the house shut no ok so reset guys reset here both I hide over here maybe she wasn't Oh how long do you need GetGo oh it feels like oh that's interesting I guess you forgot about me clearly not feels like home that's interesting so is this again like man my sister is a plumber I wish you would forgot about me actually I would love it if you forgot about me in this minigame because I heard your call interesting reset reset reset friend stroke stru right that seems like an important line no no yeah keep yeah check check check the clock go go over go over there OOP no thanks in the closet still behind where I've been this entire time like my hiding spot at this point you not to get this Perez do this should be it there should be last one right it's five o'clock just take a long slow stroll in this direction no shoot you fast there it is - open the door please great that's awesome okay okay so that wasn't too bad Wow we're nailing all the plushies right now we got our little self a little body a little little dirty over here my friend you're like one of those carnival plushies that just like hang there all the time and then you get in you're like this is so cool and then you're actually like really crappy and you're what do I do with this giant thing right it's like oh man I spent literally 50 bucks trying to get you know this the oversized rig the oversized ball into the too small of hoop in order to get you and now that I have you I don't know what to do with you and you're all so dirty from the elements so there you go buddy that's that's what I think of you my friend sorry sorry Bonnie plush whop whop hey he's back hi so some in the chat have said if you hit him with a basketball that'll open up show time but I don't know if that is accurate really I am I'm seeing a few of those in this you hit him with a basketball it will open up a Showtime so [Music] it's also worth worth calling out and I say this on a couple of the streams I think at this point but it's worth calling out again they do such a good job in this game of perspective right like I feel so small relative to everything else that's happening in this game which is really interesting and it does a good job of like even in a mini game that isn't quite us carrying like the baby one cuz you feel pretty in control there it's still really intimidating to have this giant animatronic literally looming over you so here oh oh that did nothing oh well myth busted myth busted busted hey it was worth a shot like why not whoa okay oh boy great so is it gonna be so it's gonna be like funtime Freddy's except harder and scarier because it's nightmare fredbear now I know we also got a tape from a circus baby I'll check on that before the end of the stream so that way we can kind of catch up on whatever lore we've been unlocking and still need to do still need to listen to he's just standing there his eyes are also more more fiery purple now than they were before it feels like and he's definitely getting closer like it seems like it gets closer with every either tape or coin that I get it's unclear which but he's definitely you can definitely see that he's like much much closer than where he was before okay under the table still same thing as it's ever been just a random odd texture under the table closed doors similar to what we were doing before flashlight teleport and survive okay so this is the same as it seems like funtime Freddy hopefully he will also get into a staring contest with oh so we got the closet at the start already am I gonna see him oh wait is that a tape hold up what's this oh it's a tape yes okay I heard something movie I'm gonna get jumpscared I know this where are you at Oh where you at where it where yet I feel like I definitely hear you I definitely hear you definitely where oh oh geez don't mind me just just practicing for my countertenor okay uh I did not see him I heard him I definitely heard him yeah I did not see him at first I didn't know if you were seeing something we couldn't see there well no not nothing so should I be like I feel like using my flashlight on him is the wrong angle to pursue because he is a nightmare animatronic oh oh oh so he's got red eyes and I saw him that time that's cool begone I would assume you must be right the other side know where you come from hey move it hey move it move it where you come from where you coming from I hear you I hear you I hear you go go go this one's this side no no I hear him is that it one it's not there so am I gonna be able to see his eyes I hear him again okay there you go go geez Thanks Oh what whoa that was that was really horrific actually thank you thank you hi I'm also really worried about him in the closet like here I'm coming down the hallway good here he comes here he comes things like him moving away how do I know he's in the closet I'm very concerned about the closet okay they're good okay so it's for we seem to be that seems to be him moving away okay I hear I'm moving away huh okay hear him good so if this is all it is this is actually there he's moving away it's five this is actually one of the easier night terrors come on come on go back oh no no no no no no no God shoot damn it oh I said it a minute ah famous last words right oh yeah easy one great you heard me clicking like a fiend trying to close that door right uh that was the last one I had to survive too damn it okay so it doesn't seem like there was much going on with the closet the bed was scary uh that was pretty terrifying gotta say okay so here he comes right and he gives you go he gives you a lot of warrant his red eyes are actually fairly easy to see moving away Oh turn off the light okay there he is [Music] okay - moving away so this one does seem to be more sound oriented definitely like you can definitely hear steps coming and going you know you're weird like that's him leaving really paranoid about what's going on on the bed over there okay I'm coming go go go here is real isaiah turner who asks what channel is this this is GT live we are pretty cool you should hang out oh man beau why where where were you whoops whoops you walk down the hall I heard you friend I heard you shoot okay but this one like I said this one has a fairly clear mechanic it doesn't seem like the the closet is really at play and it's really just execution and then like also just not screwing up whatever I screwed up that time each time we're getting really close go go good okay so he's gone great sorry at this point I'm just like well I gotta listen come [Music] hold it and he's that all the way down the hall so I just need to be more careful about when I release [Music] wait go go go no she what I'm done yeah [Music] maybe okay seemed like it was it [Music] okay becomes great so it's interesting I wonder if I had let him into the room and I had to scare away his head cuz he was in the room [Music] and he's going okay just got be quiet nope no come on oh come on I grab the door this is me grabbing the invisible door look at me grabbing the invisible door is it hard use it hard to understand me grabbing the invisible door oh shoot we got this we got this though we've got these and then we're onto a hard mode of whatever the night terrors entail I just need to trust my sense I just need to trust my sense of hearing better like as soon as I hear him walking this is like you're walking I have to - Cohen Dustin who says go God go I know I'm a small child I know I'm too small I know I know I'm small child but seriously let me grab these damn doors go go go go go go go dad go so it's over it's over yeah so we're sorry he's in here maybe not who really all right okay thank you oh I [Music] three [Music] okay God you feel it it's grabbing the door handle every time and God okay you know small child my pro tip for you shut both doors and lock them permanently okay getting real quiet now the way come on [Music] there it is whoo okay that one wasn't too bad it was just you really have to listen be aware of that once one time in the night he's gonna show up on the bed and oh that's an interesting I wonder if I can see what's in this is like the ultimate Christmas hat no it makes sense right it's too dark in the box without any light no apparently not yeah it's interesting I actually find him easier than night Merion or fredbear I mean granted or Freddie one time Freddie granted Freddie glitched out on me moved just an extended staring contest but that one wasn't too bad the pirate plunder bar a treasure a treasure trove of taste yarr the pirate blender bar man five minutes of freddy's really done a great job of merchandising out let's be honest here like good for them food plushies action figures so i got two new tapes now I got the baby tape and I got the the baby tape as well as the one from Fred bear which is cool night terrors is not unlocked I'm wonder I wonder if since this is the end of the line if it's the thing that you have to unlock everything you need to unlock everything else first in order to do maybe that must be it right yeah I guess because all the other ones right have unlocked as soon as you finish their category so I'm assuming it's either you unlock it by doing all of the coins or you unlock it by doing all the other challenges and it's your grand finale challenge I could see that being the case well uh since we're here though might as well listen to some tapes right yeah let's do it to the machine uh who he was never in here before that means he's getting stronger oh you're gonna totally like kidnapped me aren't you you're totally gonna like jump me in my sleep or something you're like the modern-day pedobear except pedo pedo pedo hair there it is so we got two new tapes right so when last we left off let's just replay tape 9 so we can like recap so we we know that from these tapes Jeremy the remember Jeremy is a tester for this VR game who seems to be losing his mind as he plays it fazbear entertainment sent over all these old circuit boards boards and stuff to be scanned into the game proper it seems like they were haunted and that's probably why I got old pedo hair behind me and that's and there's something with a paper cutter like a giant paper cutter had something horrific happen so let's see like a Halloween mask laying on the floor yeah I didn't understand ain't must have spelled it was only then that I heard a shuffle from the testing room and realized Jeremy must be there I went back and peered in the window I couldn't see his face he had the visor covering his head he had ink spilled on himself as well look at her in front of his shirt look black in the dark wrong we're sure he turned his head in my direction but I don't think he knew I was there I probably did it so is it ink are they just using ink ink in heavy quotations around blood or is this the secret connecting piece that we've been missing all these years to connect bendy in the ink machine with five nights at Freddy's I think I'm on to something here ladies and gentlemen is is Freddy fazbear entertainment in really mapped in working for Joey Drew studios are they one in the same oh my god and they're all and and Jeremy is actually secretly the neighbor from hello neighbor they're all connected all right let's see what these new tapes say Jeremy's work crunch time I know it's just passing the time look they don't really do anything it's just to keep up appearances until the buyout is complete right looks like we have things under control there's another potential development studio that wants to pick up from here but who knows what kind of Lies they're being fed to convince them to do it against my better judgment I'm going to do my best to see what's here make notes of it and try to isolate where this thing is hiding at least then the next person that tests this who have a chance of getting rid of it huh so their company was hired out to make a five nights at Freddy's VR game by fazbear entertainment but then it was bought out by another company he's got coffin Scott Scotty bought a box he's like my merch money floweth deep let me buy out all these indie Studios today was my stave beta-testing and the anomaly that i've been seeing is nowhere to be found but after inspecting some of the files it seems that it's attached itself to these logs mine logs that can't be an accident so now I have to make a choice do I leave these logs here for you to find or do I try to purge this thing myself by destroying the logs I've chosen the latter so she chose to destroy the logs well Wow well or alert like sorry friends that actually is interesting because that confirms kind of what I was thinking with this game is that by doing and it explains this guy right why he's getting more and more solid and closer as we collect more and more of these and/or the coins we are piecing him together right the pieces are in place for us and we're in the process we're piecing them together so by the end of this right he'll be fully formed he'll I'm assuming take over our body and go out into the world to continue to create havoc and create multiple versions of himself to whoever plays this VR game like I think that's why like if this is a multiple indie game I'm not sure but if that I would predict that would be one of the endings based on kind of where this is all headed how Jeremy fits into it I still got a lot of questions remember also at the very beginning they said the tapes might not be in order so I think that we're gonna have to like do some calculating or figuring out like what actually is the order of events here but totally and and this is also one of the things where after we do this playthrough off camera on camera I don't know what it will end up being but I want to do another run of it where you don't collect anything you don't collect tapes you don't collect coins you don't collect any of the like weird stuff that the games trying to give to you cuz they don't they're not hard to find in a lot of cases especially the the first like three or so like the pretty obvious and so I wonder similar to how for nav six had a bunch of endings based on the behaviors you did or didn't do in the one of which was you just played the game and got to the end and didn't hire any any animatronics and it was a funny ending but it was the lame funny ending I'm curious if this one would have something else right where it's like you didn't go off the beaten path you played the game as a beta tester congratulations you fulfilled your duty I wonder if that's an official ending to this game I would not be surprised you know but at this point we've collected too many tapes we're in too deep and so it would be weird to you know we would have to like reset to kind of like undo all the progress that we've made are we doing this we're doing plush baby okay well I'll try it a couple rounds of plush baby if it doesn't go well it'll maybe I'll take a break with like fine after for an f3 since we gotta get through those two but I do want to make progress in these dark rooms cuz this is the category that we still have like the most to do in fun with plush baby I would not call it fun with plush baby but that's fine so one of the things I realized is not only flashing the lights but also being a bit more systematic in the way that I'm looking for things right there she is and knowing then I am covering the correct area so I'm okay I'm done with this side there she is oh she was right there no this is alright already we're dead damn it well that didn't work did it shoot I saw you it'sit's weird cuz I saw her and then you know I needed a second to like register that I'd seen her and then needed to surprise her again with the light but didn't work pack this one's hard for me yep we're we're dead 1 o'clock this one is so nope okay so again sweep they're here the bed there you go good charge charge please charge please charge faster sorry I'm not talking too much bringing this one I'm very focused for it's the best we've done in a while mana dactyl says the blue one freaks me out brilliant my stip IG underscore says [Music] yeah shoot shoot shoot oh damn it oh wait no go shoot where you at where you at oh no no no shoot where was she oh it's five o'clock we were so close darn it uh-huh Oh curses I was so close I was even still low in the battery oh yeah dude we're gonna do this we're gonna do feel it do you feel it chat do they feel like Chris I think you don't know for sure I don't know for sure because there's a delay I mean silence guys says look out there's a vent above you we know I don't think they attack from the vent do they yeah I don't think they have yet so I could check but I don't think they do Alexander galvano says shout me out Lal they're done here you talk to people I'm doing this again here we go round two three Brimble 12e coming for you but Timothy gaming ie says we know you made it to five that's pretty good it's interesting I was reading on reddit this one seems to be the one that gives people the hardest time hey that this is this is the one that people have been like like oh this took me an hour to do or like this one seems to be a big stopgap for a lot of people whereas like if you're familiar with snaps 1 2 & 3 a lot of those mechanics are largely the same you know the Simon Says games those aren't too bad you know as long as you're careful and you're just precise so those aren't hard the obviously the night night terror stuff was tricky but once you figure out like the general mechanics up a lot of those then you're able to do a lot better with that it's the it's this one that is like one of the most difficult and it's also one of the more unique ones it's it's really fun is the thing like I think as a concept [Music] this is a cool one ooh - OH - for the price of one that's great take that bill - first special thank you oh hey hey buddy Oh Joey Rodriguez la ville offers some words of encouragement you do real king of finesse oh no no I think actually if I were to say it's definitely doc oh like oh yeah he's he's one of the few people who beat 50:20 mode in custom night like that oh come on [Music] okay that's it that should be all of them in that round [Music] yeah but I'd say taco man where were you she might have been on the far right yeah I have a broken man I kneel before you a broken man let me do one more time and then if not I'm gonna have to snap one I think let's try to get through some of some of the old the old school they come hard and fast at the end it's really new like like they are constantly responding what I just freaks me out yeah does this one bother you I don't know why this one gets to me so much it does it's a hard one I mean not just from a gameplay standpoint but to like jump scares are really busy ah damn it where's yet I did there better have been you got there I feel like I got whoa that's what's so hard I can't imagine nightmare mode of this one more time that was the short run short run I I reserved we did a lot already we checked off a lot of mini games already I reserve the right to spend a little bit more time on this one the chat is very supportive of you thank friends just eager to see what else comes after this one honestly oh hey don't miss the one that's literally right in your face are you are you up there where are you up its Oh left here's one yep you see it yeah I saw one on one of your quick flashes really damn maybe i right you're trying to process stuff so quickly maybe it foxy ears are the same color as the pigtails it's well done it's it this is a well done minigame here you where's the sound cues met something I bet they do I heard it okay I tell you glitch I saw her glitch hey that should count for something okay see sometimes when they're walking towards you they go hey come on I love it I love that you can see my hand just trembling with like shoot shoot where where no to share good charge please please charge please charge light there please have mercy on my soul but she's the one without the eye man singled her out I know right no I don't get out of here No Go Go yeah she's the slow one I don't mind that who jump scares me the most blue just blew the fastest I think it's a blue red I equal opportunity to jump scares yeah Oh like getting low no no oh whoa oh this is one of the like happiest like accomplishments I've ever had on this life that was so hard and we were at the the battery was dead she was there she was ready to go she was ready to jump on my face like a spider monkey ace hugger or a mildly obnoxious animatronic themed plush doe so happy what did I get bag of chips hey you're all that and a bag of chips the only thing that would have been more fitting if this was the disappointment chips like that would have been just idea L chips tortilla style tortilla chips I like that they are tortilla chips in the style of tortilla you know that that helps clarify what sort of tortilla chips I'm dealing with I don't want the non tortilla chip tortilla chips hey these are apparently their slogan is absolutely incredible I can't beat that who's gonna deny that one right I've had tortilla chips they're pretty good well and apparently those are absolutely incredible so there you go hey hey new one funtime foxy uh in Scots posts leading up to this game he had said that uh just wait here do fun time foxy or see if one time foxy so I'm actually not surprised that he's one of the ones towards the end of this cuz I feel like we're this is probably a recreation of his scene from sister location which was one of the like is one of the weirdest moments in the games franchise to me where it's like you're in a pitch-black room walk slowly and flash your light kind of sometimes so you don't run into him it was just a weird minigame so I'm curious how this one translates into VR I'm sure in a terrifying way move o thumbstick oh man we get to move this time with the thumbstick flash beacon pull trigger to use okay cross the room oh it's different it's not survived till six after the plush babies I'm totally okay with that let's do it there is something pretty ominous about crossing the room though is your only objective oxy is motion-activated for this reason it's important to keep the room dark as to not accidentally activate her you have been provided with a flash beat you use it to that need to get your bearings and to ensure you don't bump into anything however use it as sparingly as possible who proceed forward to reach the parts and service room I go okay now look I see a tape right do you see that Chris I do not see a tape here I'm gonna flash it I see something unless it's just a that's just just a glitch it might be just like just out of I mean it's very subtle Oh Oh a little flicker yeah okay yeah I just saw that so this is so this is Andy's motion activated right Oh what I was neither moving nor flashing my beacon but you did get the pronoun wrong that's how it goes these days is that what it was Oh dare you not respect respect my identity sometimes did I do that motion activated for some reason it's important to keep the room dark as to not accidentally activate her you out that provide it with a flash beacon use it if you need to get your bearings and to ensure you don't bump into anything however use it as sparingly as possible proceed forward to reach the parts and service room I wonder hey I'm a Stefan I allowed to take any given point [Music] weird so are the flashes setting her off so there it is I'm wondering cuz I noticed I was on red tiles and there are black tiles right so I'm wondering if like at some point you know there's a separate branch or something well good because this is that minigame port like you got a couple floor tiles and the occasional glimpse of em well then okay fine I'm just gonna go this way I'm gonna try for this tape I don't fully understand this mechanic really so he's motion activated and don't flash the beacon too many times but at the same time she sorry is it a she it was it started started saying her at the beginning of this one so I'm trying to take like three steps three to four steps every time the floor over here it looks poorly maintained and perhaps bloody oh hey oh I see the tape yeah right you can tell it's right there okay so a wagon for I think it's as long as you're precise with it maybe just like [Music] five [Music] one [Music] okay ooh there's the secret door in the region yes so this is oh well got the Cape so that's all that matters right perfect so it's it's literally like cuz I took a step and that's what triggered it right so it seems like four steps is the sweetspot flash your light and just keep it kind of slow it is interesting though because you could see the outline of the the William Afton's like secret hideout door where you would go in and you would end up fighting entered in the secret ending for a sister location do you think you could get in no I don't think so I mean I could fun time foxy is motion activated okay for this reason it's important to keep the room dark as to not accidentally activate her that makes no sense provided with a [ __ ] activated use it if you need to get your bearings and to ensure you don't bump into anything right it's however use it as sparingly as possible its motion activated but we got you the parts and service room I like I like the the shot of for what for I bet there's a coin somewhere around here - if I was an aspiring game developer who was looking to hide Easter eggs in my game a pitch-dark room that you see little flashes up that's that's where I would put them wow this is really long [Music] okay apparently a coin can appear on some of the pipes on the wall on the right side of the room near the scooping room oh that's nice yeah we'll get those at some other point in time maybe let me try to get through this [Music] four it's like four steps at a time just moving off to the side just so I don't pit yeah okay I don't know where you are it's concerning don't love the fact that you weren't in front of me a second ago [Music] just doing three or I feel like this is a very like rhythmic one let's get around you out of here stop [Music] or we're close oh geez I'm glad you enjoyed that Chris why why no I didn't move I didn't flash it into anything no we were so close shoot oh whoa hmm man this is doing permanent damage to me in so many ways sometimes foxy is motion act right one for this reason it's important to keep the room dark as to not accidentally I did Nick steps you have been provided and like a flash beacon use it if you need to get your bearings and to ensure you don't flop into anything however use it as sparingly as possible proceed forward to reach the parts and service room I wonder if I like I crossed the limit [Music] and [Music] and and flash nope don't don't Russian and flash great great yes whoa okay so that was it it seemed like that one was very rhythmic right it's it's almost like you just kind of got to stay on the beat right it's like flash one two three four and flash one two three four and flash - yeah like and that seemed to be like an appropriate rhythm we weren't over using our flash I guess we weren't over stepping in the darkness whew okay great yeah show me my prize wait I read I what's what what are you back for more you want more verbal abuse for me your dirty hobo plushie no you don't even throw right don't even throw don't even throw right yeah that's what I said don't give me that sad look boom here here I'm gonna even throw the crank it crank done throw right here this doll thing sucks move on next game good it seems that on multiple occasions now you have disappeared from the authorized boundaries of the fazbear freewill experience ha we would ask that you not do it again ha so stuff like that that right there and he said something I think it was in livestream one that we did where he's like thanks for staying on the beaten path or whatever like stuff like that is the reason why I think that there's like a do nothing don't touch any of the glitchy objects sort of ending in here it's probably not the good ending it's probably just like the comedic funny ending but I do think that when they say stuff like you're going off the beaten path stop doing that I think that's it's them seating out this idea of like there is a different a different ending or a different way to play the game that doesn't involve you going off the beaten path [Music] so we got a new tape that we can listen to there's a lot of so it seems like unlike some of the other ones where it's like brand-new scenarios actually they're not really brand new they're just kind of harder version so here let's hop into plushtrap we didn't have too hard of a time with plushtrap the first time I'm curious what they did to make this one harder pull trigger stop plushtrap on the XD up great that's under there great great start what do you got for me this time game whoa whoa way all we're all we super small ah okay wait I'm gonna probably lose because of this whoa oh this is what is what why is the door opening what are you doing door what am i that's weird that's super weird this whole thing is really disturbing okay so the thing is I'm not gonna win cuz I wasted too much time oh hey maybe Seth yes great we did it yes mission accomplished nice who fun with plushtrap more like owning with plushtrap more likes get dunked on plus travel let's just play more like field golf plushtrap great that was cool again I love the perspective and it's it's really interesting because all the fine apps for stuff is really really really leaning into this idea of you being a tiny kid trapped in like a nightmare filled bedroom it's great it's great nightmare BB looks like he's developed some pustules Oh their balloons just all very red balloons that look like a rash that needs some sort of aloe on it or something let's see pull trigger stop on the X okay nothing under there for huge look at the beautiful stars it's so pretty great start oh geez Wow that makes it really hard what is with this door I the the fact that the door keeps open the fact that the door keeps opening is terrifying to me that is unfortunate okay so I should actually try to play this this you can't see the timer you can't see him luckily luckily this isn't a game that you need to see him it's all about sound it's all about footsteps right nope oh I heard him there is there is I see it squall Freudian whoa look at him scampering off I heard oh I didn't hear him I didn't hear him moving oh that was great who knows good jump scare huh oh that it's like it's like when you take a big bite of wasabi you're like oh man I didn't expect the wasabi to be that strong that was that was my reaction to that jump scare in that moment oh and here we got our glitchy cupcake jump scare in three two one let's try it one more time oh there move yep he's off the chair doors yep loser gone yeah there it is man yeah big boy - you will be boy Wow the better to eat you with my child bad bark Wow a flavor you can taste the flavor you can taste that's quality eat to discover the flavor eat to discover the flavor please fast bar that's it tastes a bit like coconut and wafer that's what I imagined fast bar tastes like little coconut wafer bar doesn't sound that bad right coconut wafer Omar Omar Gado or God Oh said they were eating and I got jumped scared so I threw my plate I'm so sorry Oh press F in the chat to pay respects to Omar's dinner I'm so sorry about that trust me I get it I'm not even eating and I'm basically if I had a plate in front of me I would throw it if I had a table I would flip it uh I don't really want to spend a whole lot of time i plush baby anymore at this point uh I'm curious how they've made it harder cuz it was already pretty sucky okay so let's see shall we as we continue our quest through nightmare mode and maybe at this point I I might like we'll see how this one goes but then I might just jump off and do a fan f1 how we doing timewise Chris we probably only got about another ten minutes ten minutes okay so I'll do this one maybe once just to get a sense of what it's like and then and then maybe do like one round of snap one and hopefully survive okay got a lot of F's in the chat right now for Omar's dinner oh are you I think you are you get one what look at this oh look No what do you what do you do what look what am I looking holdup charge what am I looking for the eyeless 100 uh wait uh okay so she's so okay she's scrap baby I think is what I'm seeing here so like no pupils right it is there okay I'm assuming there's another of you that's gonna jump secure me here there there okay so they're hiding in the same spots right which is good okay oh damn it you got here good okay this one I really Oh nope that's just a regular baby push down there's one okay this up high okay charge I just need my flashlight charge here yeah but I'll lose this round it's almost okay so that was already like 3 a.m. 4 a.m. that's not bad actually it's interesting like it seems like it should be so much harder but I think because it's I don't know if they give gave the flashlight more battery life but I felt like I was able to hold it longer to check the scene a little bit better in order to kind of like get a better sense of what was going on and they actually do stand out a bit more than I expected them to so that okay good I feel good about that I feel I mean I say that and now watch it that was beginner's luck and watch me take like 500 times to do it let me switch back over do a finesse one and then we'll finish off with the tape because we got the tape from funtime Foxy's arena so let's try math night three uh uh an f3 is so I I got to remember when I shut the doors because last time I shut the doors way too early chica you don't have to shut the door and Bonnie you don't shut the door until they're past you because it's weird you you want to shut the doors as they're walking past you because it's like Oh obviously they'll turn in and attack me but that's not the case in staff one you shut the door is when you see them outside of your window waiting to strike right so they actually have to pass by you show up in the window and then you shut the door right uh I realized that in my last playthrough that I'm like why is my why was my battery so low and it's in VR because you see them moving past you you're like oh they're gonna jump scare me but you actually have to wait for them to be in the windows and then for Freddy I got a Freddy you have to forget what Freddy's mechanic was and foxy you obviously watch Pirates Cove so I remember all that we got the coin that was under here there should be a tape behind the maintenance panel here behind the meetin's and like behind like did we get a seat in this oh I thought we did yep yeah great sounds great that's great it's interesting you can you can see like there's almost no reason to ok there's foxy but you can see like even though it's really dark next to my office you can still see down the hallways there's their lit down the hallways is that is that Freddy see I forget that's Freddie isn't it okay here's where's Freddy what's Freddy's mechanic again I'm so dead okay so Fox is ready to go up oh there's chica okay so chica don't shut yet foxy should be jumped I'd love for you to come buddy because I don't want to waste all this battery life on you okay here's chika here comes great so that no one else is over there to be gone great good Bonnie's not coming chica is gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone great good good 60% it's not the greatest not my strongest performance but it's fine okay here Freddy Freddy is I need to remember how Oh Freddy I remember everyone else's mechanic I forget what Freddy's was I always oh wait there he is there I need to watch out for him should I be concerned about the Phil fredbear well Freddie move it who is it who is it coming chica chicas are coming chicas come in [Music] great yeah I know yeah you know there's [Music] that's Freddy obviously which means but he comes into the light cuz it's foxy Bonnie oh oh coin yes just open that's cool great it was in the TV okay okay wait for it okay chicas going good good wait for him who oh you see him that's hole that's crazy that's crazy that you see him like it's it's a brief brief moment but you absolutely see but you absolutely see him which is nuts okay it's gonna shut that door because you know what Freddie comes in on that side I believe like I'm at 5:00 a.m. I'm doing good on power Oh nope nope oh oh oh oh oh where did Bonnie come from where God nope so we're oh damn it oh damn it oh okay please Oh Bonnie was ready for me you don't just teleport you just like boom eh here you go uh whoo-hoo that got the blood pump in there like whoa that thing oh wow okay oh that's gonna be like I all chips again geez Scott come with new items no L chips tortilla steyr tortilla chips bold and spicy addition they are also absolutely incredible definitely spicy I would not say bold more like mildly courageous okay so let's check out so at this point just let's call it out right we've got one more in staff one regular and nightmare mode we're done with finesse - we've got a bit more instant after 3:00 we've got the two and then nightmare mode we're we've got to in dark rooms plush baby which we did good on and nightmare funtime foxy which I don't know what that's gonna be parts and services to invent repair done night terrors done as much as we can so at this point we have two three four five six seven and then whatever the last thing is so seven eight ish not bad guys we and we today we got through I mean how many did we even get through we got through a lot yeah nightmare Aeon circus baby fredbear uh not the rest of so that's three four five six seven eight like we got through eight different things in one life that's pretty good I am thrilled with the amount of progress that we made today on this great let's listen to the last tape and then you know hopefully we're able to make equally good progress tomorrow let's see what this last tape is is he gone the game's mad at me the games like I told you not to come back here anymore I'm curious I can't delete that by creating a protected area to store these logs apart from the game I effectively gave this thing a safe place to hide itself ah it's in here now I may not be able to delete it but I might be able to do something else now that it's attached itself I have an idea cool so this is his safe room of sorts that's interesting there's a lot of weird meta parallels with how this story is taking place and all the games that came before put the pieces back together the pieces are in place for you there's a safe room for employees only it's interesting huh very very interesting okay so we've still got I don't know that was taped 12 show up about like five tapes left maybe I'd based on the spaces available we've still got a lot of coins so we'll have to make progress on the coins but uh who there you go friends that is that is our livestream for today and good one I gotta say that was I feel really good about that I know yesterday was slow but today we made a lot of good progress um so we'll be back or I'll be back and Chris will be back tomorrow at 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time or no probably three three he's been a good a good time yeah threes been working well for our schedule over the last week to do this especially with Stephanie traveling and a lot of people like on vacation and stuff so three clocks worked well thanks for rolling with the time change so 3 o'clock tomorrow we'll see how much more we can get done hopefully we'll finish all of the snap 1 stuff hopefully we'll finish all of the the night terrors or not night terror stuff the dark room stuff and maybe even make some progress through from have three if not beat it we're getting close to it feels like we're really getting close to the end game here it's the end game 14 million possibilities and this is the end game so so I'm excited we're knocking this game out we're flying through it and hopefully you'll join me tomorrow 3 o'clock p.m. Pacific time tomorrow just as a reminder theory Lite theory jacket Theory shirts uh we got new merch if you want to support the livestream and get cool products we work really hard on designing this stuff and making sure it's really high-quality link is in the top line of description it really helps us out a lot so that's it for today guys thank you so much for watching in case you missed any of the previous live streams in the progress that we've made all of that is back on the channel over the last couple uploads and otherwise I'll see you tomorrow three o'clock p.m. Pacific time and remember that is just a stream a live stream let's say goodbye the chat Chris American pirate says please say hi please hi and turns tagging says woo and then something else but they sped past swag oh puppy one four seven says end games face face face this is me doing mine like Doctor Strange
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,591,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf, fnaf vr, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's help wanted, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr gameplay, help wanted, fnaf vr walkthrough, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, help wanted fnaf, freddy fazbear, fredbear, fnaf song, fnaf 7, fnaf ucn, fnaf ultimate custom night, new fnaf, new fnaf game, game theorists, game theory, game theory fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf vr
Id: xmJaGxNmYoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 32sec (5732 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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