FNAF - UNLOCKING The Cellar! | FNAF VR Help Wanted (Curse of Dreadbear DLC)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to JT live where today no slight change of plans than what we expected from yesterday so as you can see we are on the couch alone and I say we as if there's someone else on the couch alone with me that's a bit odd for me to say it I'm on the couch alone and then use the plural of a Pichu I got people to hear so we are on the couch alone me and people shoo in water-bottle television remote we're here on the couch alone sadly Stephanie got super sick after yesterday's livestream just like got hit with a train of illness so she's not here so that kind of prevented us from playing luigi's mansion honestly I really wanted to play with Stephanie more especially if we get to like gooey G sections I really want to play with stuff so you know what bet I feel like fine a VR has truly been my little solo outing this this little birdie taking his little solo flight out into the world and why change that now I think Steph's been in for maybe two of the like finale our streams in total two or three of all the different ones that we've done so really this is our house this is our game right Chris yeah you behind the TriCaster me sitting on the couch briefly before I transition into a standing position where I'm no longer able to see the camera or any comments or anything because my head is strapped with a VR visor but there we go ladies and gentlemen so so the original plan was believe Luigi's Mansion but because Stefan ISM isn't here because literally there's only three of us Jason's on vacation Amy's on vacation Stephanie is sick and so you're stuck with me Dan and Chris it is literally just the trio of boys here hanging out playing game eatin hamburgers and hopefully beating five nights at freddys VR help-wanted DLC curse of dread bear whoa try to say that three times fast ladies and gentlemen so so really that's it I figured I'm here alone VR works Kris is gonna man the chat he's gonna man the Twitter and hopefully together we can finally beat this thing grind through it and get to the secrets that you all want me to see that I'm very eager to see and that I kind of need to see because I gotta start writing theories on this before it becomes completely irrelevant curse you YouTube and your limited window of relevancy for any topic that you might want to talk about at any given point in time so there you have it ladies and gentlemen that is our game plan for today we got two games that we got a beat right we got a beat the corn maze with all five keys yesterday we got four keys multiple times but just couldn't close off in the end and we also need to beat the final nights of the five nights at freddys kind of section we got a beat dread bear so those are the two things we got to do and if we accomplish that we're done good gonzo fantastic you can engage with the day stream where Chris is drawn a glitchy key that's almost as hard to see is the one in the actual game this mile I mean tell you what friends there have been some low points in the artwork of Chris some low points this like might rank up there with the Triforce that you drew the lopsided Triforce that Chris tried to draw where he couldn't even get a triangle right was rough this is my best work you can't even tell that the key has teeth well that's because it's hard to see like it's it's it's a glitchy hey you know what guys chris is manning the chat and on Twitter today so please tell him what you think of his artwork oh well clutter for says who's ready for map hat insanity simulator but Edward Styles probably speaking on the artwork says and ooh we have mud bog Joker who says I love his ki don't encourage him don't encourage him friends so anyway that's the plan for today I'm gonna take a swig of water bottoms up mmm mmm I know and now I'm gonna hop into it ahh all right let's do this let's not waste any time we got you know not a whole lot to accomplish but it'll probably take a whole lot of time because you just got to have those couple of perfect runs you know so even though even though we only have really two main minigames that we want to finish I want to make sure that we use as much of the time as possible getting there it could be a short stream it could be a long stream it could be a stream where literally nothing happens and if that's the case I apologize I hate streams where we make no progress on the games that we're playing trust me that is always my deepest darkest fear I always feel like I'm letting you down in those sorts of streams but I'm gonna try my darndest to get there all right and make some progress here here's the thing speaking of making progress we're Showtime why might a Showtime not exist in this game Thank You grace Sanders who says the key is amazing thank you I think you're just making up these comments and I'm reading them I don't believe Haley playing this as chris is a great art maker probably a more accurate accurate description than darkest heart maker our art maker feels fairly accurate exile I'll give you art maker artist feels a bit extreme I gotta say Owen snoot snoot poodle doot says oh you could never let us down matpat thanks guys I appreciate that but I I mean I do and I've mentioned this on live streams in the past but I do really care oh I do really care about making sure that you guys I don't know see stuff happening in the games as we play them you know like I recognized oh thanks thanks foxy that was super scary I recognized that it's frustrating to watch someone like I've recognized how frustrated good start I was rushing though I'm trying to get through these first keys a little bit quicker at least but now I recognize how frustrating it can be to just like watch someone grind away on the same thing over and over and over again that's like you know you're trying your best and I'm trying to deliver you fun witty commentary as we thank you as we go through it certainly this maze is particularly hard for it because it's pretty terrifying and it's you know it's hard to find everything right and it's also one that kind of requires me to listen and so it's hard for me to like talk at the same time like there's there's just a lot of challenges going on in general uh with it huh the keys are the same spot this time that's good to know man maybe we can define love those birds know how do I do Twitter if you find the answer Shawn please let us know oh dude how does one do Twitter excellent question you know you're asking the question that all of us wonder on a daily basis what is the right way to do Twitter I have yet to see it done in a way I would call right hey this is interesting so the key is showing up here every time so far I don't know what exactly that means but I'm gonna say let's continue down this consistent pathway foxy also seems to be following a fairly consistent path which is interesting like he has chased me down that same area pretty much at every time that is good to know so I'm gonna try to create a consistent pathway for the first three turns of this game and then everything from that point forward know that glitch him away he's over there I saw him briefly nope nope nope nope nope Wow where are all the Oh get to a place where I can't hide okay here we go well I got two keys quickly that's exciting yeah that's nice honestly you like you have gotten faster yeah where yes right the envision it's the invisible key that's interesting you know what I'm gonna go back to the center of the maze I'm gonna try out something new I got my two keys I'm gonna see if I can maneuver my way back to the center if I actually remember it huh where it is or at least around the center cuz I feel like I've actually gotten a pretty decent here we go he's gone who is that by the way then supposed to be but yeah who is this fun time what character is like a white cat it must be it must be fun time parties I'm gonna stay here till they hear [ __ ] around me [Music] what the hell you didn't charge me oh come on you poophead that was lame that was so lame that was max lame you didn't give me your sound to you buddy I heard I knew you I was waiting for you but in positivity News roblox 990 Watkins White says hey how are you guys doing also tell Stephanie that I'm sending her all my love and luck oh that's very sweet I read that in my human voice which might sound sarcastic you know what it sounded nice so here's something I'm learning about this is the fact that is the fact that so when I took a turn to the left right there was areas wow you did not proceed the way that you should have so you can so foxy can break come on so foxy can break physical laws outside of just when he teleports after he chases you so that's good to know also good to know that when I first started and turned to the left like I've been every time the keys in a different position but also the decoration on the left was slightly shifted so instead of facing like one of these purple walls I was facing a blank fence which is interesting and worth so I think there are probably certain patterns of spawn locations for the keys and potentially a hint as to what spawn locations are dealing with is going to depend on the layout of the like actual decorations of the maze itself there's a key over there by the way so red key and what do we say yesterday were the hard keys yellow no Green the Green Zone is a hard Zone but I think you get the right they're kind of all over the place there is there you are man of the hour man of the hour and sell foxy the fiery pumpkin creature Roxie the fiery pumpkin nothing there I'm a child says I'm wearing my surround sound headphones and this is terrifying right it sucks whoa whoa hey are you wet hey I don't know about you but that uh that shadow a foxy walking and yet not being able to like see where he actually is that was pretty terrifying this is one of the scarier foxes already scary oh this is this is actually far and away one of my favorite animatronic versions of really any of the characters but the jack-o'-lanterns actually like the the lantern characters are some of my favorites just because I think their design I like how they're bright which helps I don't know like kind of how ripped apart or and they are they like stand out it's really cool I like how we kind of like glow-in-the-dark II they are here we go pretty rad looking right there kind of fun they're like I know that they're like the Jacko whatever's but I like to think of them as the day-glo animatronics yeah yeah the dayglo animatronics hmm no you don't think so all right I get out of this section of the park cuz this week give me a big old goose egg night the Darkrai master says this is my first time being able to watch a live stream that is that is very exciting so we're at three so at three we've got blue we're looking for green at this point friends looking for green there's there's a green glow right there maybe I'll go that way first just check around here cuz we can gotta love the maze elements of this whole thing I am so lost there's yellow come on why because because life is never easy because the game hates me the game is like no Matt Pat shan't uncover the secret lore that we have been here see the last time it was on the right this time it's on the left and the first two times that we had kind of those initial see like so when it's on the right it's right here when it's on the left yeah it's that's interesting so the key won't be here Oh does that he does that almost every time so the keys have probably three different spawn locations based on and you can tell what the spawn locations are based on that initial kind of pattern design pattern of the whole that's my assumption honestly if you wanted to cheese it in some capacity you could potentially just die a bunch of times until you spoke hey this actually worked out well I was just going this way to check out what was over here it's nice what you could do potentially is cheese it a bunch of times if this theory is of proving true and just dye a whole lot until you get kind of a pattern that you already know or have been practicing and you could potentially just run through the maze over and over again huh I don't know if that's true I'm gonna keep playing though like that is not the case however if we end up getting to a point where it's cycled back around and I'm back to kind of that like right hand on the right hand side all right instead of like wandering around and just like at least in bed you will have a fairly consistent idea of where everything might be okay so we got yellow we are here thinking of someone hidey hole hidey hole I mean can you embed like I actually really enjoy corn mazes by the way as a fall activity even though when I was living in New York it was very difficult to find places with any sort of you know natural setting you had to go way out of the city in order to find anything kind of like all feste like a corn maze I assume is this correct that it's just a lot of corn stars they go in different ways right like some actually make mazes out of corn those are like the legit ones and those are probably the most fun where if you really wanted to you could you know and people do cut through the cord and like kind of cheat cheat their way through this is part away those were spawn location but the so but those are like my favorite cuz they're like real you know you're actually like doing a legit maze in porn and they kind of make them like crop circles you know how they like just press down a bunch of corn hey look here we are opening so those are legitimately really fun there we go uh ha ha ya missed I don't know how I was able to hide behind that thing when you were standing in front of it but I'm not gonna question it so I like those sorts of corn mazes there oh hey there's a blue one finally she's like wandering around this one a lot you should but then you do have things like this right where they either pile up haystacks or they pile up like fences or anything like that - have you run through them as well yeah I guess a haystack makes the most sense to terms of Ease right yeah like a big K barrel or a big ol haystack works but yeah corn is far and away the best the thing I also like about mazes or corn mazes is the fact that a lot of one a lot of them aren't aren't just amazed but they'll also mix in some level hey some level of gameplay element where there will also be like hey here is a bunch of like riddles or points of interest hidden around the maze that you have to hit and collect like stickers from or answer like the secret words from or whatever and if you go through them all you can you know sometimes like unlock the like they'll have a prize or something for you at the end like yeah get some candy or something like that huh yeah no it's fun it's kind of what I mean it's like an escape room almost you know there's there's some pretty good ones actually around shoot I lost track of where I'm going this way right um there's some pretty good ones in and around well it would be far from your house Chris but there's a couple down in the UH like hey that was tight there's one that we were at the other weekend called Tanaka farms that was pretty good that's just a fall fester do they have a corn maze I forget oh oh no no no reaching ready though oh that would have been so cool if I had actually been able to avoid that yeah I know like I said it's a bunch of grinding away okay so hey weirdest asks are you all tech are y'all checking the chance chris is a little bit Chris battle line plea PO says corn mazes are the best I'm glad we agree also you're an oh no excuse me it's pepo with two eyes it's still a really cool name so this is this is true it's the we're in the kind of the new spawn again so the decoration is right in the center of that first turn and already I know where two keys are so it seems like my theory is right that there are three rotations of the maze that the game is cycling through so that's maybe good to know maybe that's what we're doing maybe we will actually try and he shouldn't get me here cuz if all of a sudden we map out where we're going in how the second key like way up with that same key go shoot so there is the second key right there hmm did I screw it up yeah I might have stay here yeah I know right here you were you at where you at where you at yeah thanks for that appreciate it appreciate our time together that was very nice seriously where is it no beer oh yes Sirius is phasing behind the fence I see red [Music] [Music] or is your favorite animatronic in all of genetic history wow that's intense oh it's a big old question right there I liked and have always had a particular fondness for Fox like foxy has always been like my favorite overall I would say that being said so foxy has always been kind of like my favorite of the core for withered Bonnie from Finn a few I think is really interesting because I think the whole like he's missing a face I think that's a really creepy design that not a lot of other games have really taken advantage of into the animatronic design so I've always been a big fan of withered Bonnie boxing definitely see I'd say I'd actually saved those two I know a lot of people really like baby and stuff I've never been a big baby fan so like if I were to pick my least favorites I'd see some of the ones from a sister like baby I was never a big fan of which is kind of blasphemous to say allora I think it's just kind of odd and kind of shoved in there I've never been a big fan of her so funny okay but yeah so that that would be my take I also like some of the funtime animatronics a lot like I think fun time like I do think fun time foxy is a cool design and I like personality and I think like the puppet is also like even though it's not technically a no trouble I think the puppets always been like I think the puppet has the most interesting character from the war standpoint so those are those are much voices of what nothing it was it was a robust dance I know right I thought a lot about this franchise now this might come as a surprise to you but I have spent a lot of time with the various animatronic hey okay I'm looking for green a green as close to where again if you can hit me up with that info that would be great it's green close to blue is that what it is if anyone knows what Chris know tell me yeah shout it out in the chat meanwhile on Twitter nobody 101 says in reference to your comment about respecting the baby community I thought Matt actually meant real babies oh yeah no no never been a big fan of you know babies like the one that I have right now that's hilarious no respect oh shoot with all due respect to babies that's great no I like you know what I gotta say since having a baby I do appreciate babies more now that is actually very accurate because I understand I understand them a little bit better I like kind of have a better grasp of like what they're going through as like how hard it is to like learn what you need in order to you know survive okay so carrot cake creations says Green is by the blue gate so you must be close Ryan Green is by the blue gate okay the problem is when he rounds corners too tightly that's when he catches me because without the sound like that's what I'm trying to adjust for now here you look at their come down that hallway did you chase me here now [Music] okay I've moved away from the blue gate so I should probably hang out here into light despawn him but then I'll make my way back over to blue land here comes [Music] Christian Burton says new theory newborn babies are potatoes I don't know if that's true but it is an interesting theory I mean that's why they call it just a theory a theory Oh baby I don't know Fiona bisexual jelastic birth gillaspie says hey Zeus how are you so calm well you have done this maze a few times yeah I think like I said this a little bit who this is this section stuff I said this darn it darn it oh come on through you see that section through the blue area is really tough cuz there's nothing you're just out of luck if he catches you there there's nothing you can do oh that is so frustrating cuz that was going well interesting and this time you have this whole wall pinging it so that's a new that's a new iteration - I hear you and there you are I saw you already so that's cool I'm just gonna run to this section right here so the key a lot of times just hangs out right there have you basically always been getting the yellow first I mean it does seem to be the one that keeps appearing in the same spot so maybe yeah maybe I'll mix it up so I know where yellow is where you are I'm getting a bi mean here's the thing you run this enough times you get a start to get a better sense of it I guess you are literally - I mean the thing is like I still don't have a good understanding of how the different sections connect to each other right I'm getting a better understanding of individual areas and like maybe not where the keys are kidding but at least where the hiding spots are it's more so my problem happens how they connect to each other like that opening section I have a good understanding of like oh that's the danger area so like if you're running through past the blue gate you'd have to immediately find a good hiding spot because that one's gonna be brutal but when it comes to like how the blue section then blends it into kind of the red section or right like that's what I've been having a hard time with is understanding the connection point between are you kidding me are you not coming where are you where are you come on hear you I hear you being all scrappy and spooky here he be it's creepy spooky spooky scrappy it would be fun if if Scott were like ah that's funny at the same time though that would be pretty broken right cuz if I could summon him then I could ha like I would be able to control it a lot better you know is he really not coming at me at this point are you kidding me is this just like some magic area right now that he's just not interested in pursuing I'm like am I gonna move out of this section and then immediately get ya out there that spawned him Hey all right unacceptable unacceptable foxy we're just waiting for me to do all the work for you wasn't it you knew you could sense that I was in a hidey hole here's the cruelest part of this once you get all the keys he's still got to find that last one that sucks I'm really curious no clearly not I feel like I'm gonna say no I think it must spawn cuz if like I feel like ATSA just by the laws of probability we would have seen it at some point you know come on are you kidding where are here you hi great this is the best the trusting family tree pattern on the grave just haven't really stopped to look at some of the details of this both worth calling out the fact that this is okay these are supposed to be like you know little photo opportunities for the kittens and yet look at how tall they all like the head hold the head of those are all like enormous lehigh right like look at this thing its way up there so I got blue that's exciting I got one of the hard ones quote-unquote so blue and green are the hard ones yellow it seems to be the easy and red is just kind of just kind of thrown in there thrown in the mix just kind of hanging out everyone else having a grand old time there it is channa Bickford says tall baby theory it's all baby right I mean even if you look at like our height in this game it's it's pretty small relative to like the gravestones and all that stuff there's never anything hidden in this back area that's me pulling the headset out of the computer that's cool [Music] so good we're gonna have to make a map in this game aren't we and just like notch out all the different areas that we know Keys spawn so that way we can just like run and chase them down battle map that's cool I like that idea hey there's a key that's the red key I'll think that I can get over there if only my character could do basic calisthenics and get over an object that is literally waist-high classic video game problem well in the words of Little Miss Fortune ourselves okay so I was where was that key there it is ooh hovering over the Phantom hay-bale that's a new one you don't see many of the keys hovering over the hey barrels it's kind of exciting my buddy he's like aha you found the key now's my chance let my guard down Oh Victoria the rag has a comment in the chat I think you'll like yeah one might say this whole thing is ah heyo well played excellent okay spooky scary skeletons all right all right gosh you slap me hold up go back here you have like a couple inches as it goes deeper you have like a couple inches and that's like all right time to hide more inches time to hide a couple more inches done hide maybe all of this is unlocked by just touching all the pros maybe that's maybe that's the big secret of the hay maze it gets easier the more crows you touch whole Greinke all right I gotta find that yellow key that I spat at the very beginning and I'm like I'm gonna save this for later because I know how to get there wait it's not the case anymore all right Oh to get back to the center okay there there there so it's this direction honestly okay here we go I'm gonna get back to the center and then from there I'll be able to find the key and then from there it's just a free-for-all to find where that purple one is that right yep it is have you seen have you seen what it looks like nope it's basically a brown non glowing asset oh no with like very slight purple fuzzy clothes that are like glitching around it oh that's fantastic oh great I love it when they don't glow okay there is okay so there is yellow there's red there's yellow there's red there's blue so I think the center is behind me yeah read so the center is gonna be to my right and forward a little bit so kind of where he just came from or no this way hey there's a yellow shoe where am I going there's the back there's yellow there's blue which means I need to go this way yeah I need to go with the direction he came from basically okay and again like the whole element of getting turned around in here is super challenging okay so go towards the red basically I'm just moving inch by inch because I don't want to lose the three that I have at this point okay man glad my controller decided to come back into motion right as I needed it that was useful what nothing I'm just like are you are you getting spooked I'm here to protect you buddy here yeah hey Chris is there a reason I'm starting to see like the boundary markers all over the place at this point and I'm not seeing them I know where I'm at okay okay good I know where the Leske is at least uh-huh you must be close to the boundary though is that what it is thank you is it pulled up right around up I love that so much be the cake okay that's four so now comes the fun part so it's purple and brown and kind of glitches yeah it's not is so fast it is so concerning I'm so paranoid about moving out of here this is such a this is a rough section right here need to get back thanks we'll come to wake came this is towards the center yeah I'm gonna go that way I think it's a hoop key so the top of it is great top of it is a hoop yeah just ring hoop there it is and it's not over the the basement itself is it it's supposedly spawns randomly oh damn it no no no I don't like all right head go Oh get out of this section I'm so twisted up in my wire - okay OOP there it is OOP there it is okay I'm gonna go this way oh there it is come on here you every time that sound effect plays that sounds like a classic glint it's so funny because he never comes from the direction I expect him to come from I will say that I'm always surprised by where he's showing up from like I'm always like oh he's gonna show up from the left and that he's up comes from the right or vice versa part of me is like oh if I look at the glow that'll trigger it but that's not it okay here we go [Music] there it is hold up okay just don't patient patient that's not that hard to see patient that was one of those coming around the corner real tight come on come on grab it grab that and Kate I can't get it hold up so close and yet so far this is hold up okay come on grab the key grab the I got it okay hold up red/green weight everything everything is pitch black now there's yellow there's blue red blue red blue my heart is jumping out of my chest I'm trying not to say anything I don't distract you I go this way [Music] oh my god I fear I hear something opening I'm right it's like right there it's on the other side of that wall I think I heard it open the cellar no no I was click no I heard and since that Thanks so sad oh I'm so sick oh I am so fat it was it was it was orange which says that if I click on it it'll hide me [Music] shut up dread bear nobody loves you you're not even can into this franchise get out of here you Frankenstein wannabe maybe I still have all the keys it was one wall way I had it I heard the cellar open I was there oh oh that is so frustrating a lot of us in the chat so much oh I am so bummed I'm sorry like and you guys saw it right like it was orange I was clicking on it the game like clearly glitched out - because you didn't die right away and you didn't go behind the right it right it was sick oh that sucks so I'm so yeah yeah yeah ah we had it that is so desired so to add to all the things that I'm trying to keep track of now I'll just you know not just be too tight around a corner and also have it glowing orange in my sights to make sure I'm safe I'll also just in the future make sure I'm standing Nayan in front of the damn thing since apparently the side is not enough of an active box to activate so great so in addition to making sure that he and I make eye contact to make sure that he stops accordingly and charges at me in the effective way that's my feelings right now that is my unadulterated pure feelings in this moment right now come on uh we were there oh yeah yeah now you work sure sure no that's fine that's cool great thanks so much for working now when I have wonky grade he's super slow-moving it's fine thank you game and salty sorry I'm at an angle will this work will it work we'll find out together ready oh oh oh look it worked at an angle Oh blue key yeah Wow I can grab the keys so seamlessly now to look at that so nice that it works on everything else Oh God Oh cannot express the level of vomit ooh yeah stop describing yourself foxy dum-dum good one thank you I thought I thought some spicy trash talk would make me feel a little bit better [Music] all right so here's this green glow right over there I'm a bit o milk in the chat oh this would have been good to know milk in the chat says you can't hide once the cellar opens what are you kidding me I'm not sure if that's true oh no sir untouchable also says once you hear the cellar door open you can what the heck oh that is such BS I'm upset about are you kidding me why why would you why would you see that's just not fair that's that's I got us a bad bad game design like and I and I don't throw that around like needlessly but I think you know if you have a mechanic and you establish how that mechanic works through the gameplay which this very clearly does and does well that's great but now me as the player I'm operating under the assumption that that is how the game is played and so if so if suddenly nothing changes and nothing indicates that the gameplay has changed why would I as the player assume that things are functioning in this world differently right like I get it you can make that a mechanic that's fine hey you can't hide anymore cool but then don't make these glow orange like it's as simple as that like if at a certain point these are no longer useful they should not glow as if they are still active that's what I'm saying right that you would have known that right and and the other thing that's weird about that too is you know sure I heard the seller open but it's also one of those things like hold up I got the key and the key I was still able to hide behind things so like it's it's just a weird time to make a core gameplay element disappear right like I could see hey you got the final key everything has unlocked and it's time to beeline it to the center like that makes sense like that makes sense to me the idea of oh here's a random sound queue that happens when you're kind of enclosed approximate the proximity of this thing like that doesn't make sense so I don't know like I would advise choosing one and sticking with it right like as soon as you get the key beeline it and that's fine [Music] or alternatively or alternatively like you know just make them hide a bowl the entire time they have kind of this Midway mechanic doesn't make a whole lot of sense in my professional gamer e opinion I've never made a video game but I've played a lot played a lot of video games especially a lot of disfranchise so you know but good now we know see learning opportunities abound hey crows for always knowing the answer what's that I said thank you chat for always knowing the answers that we are having a couple people say it's a bug that and I assume by that they mean the orange well but that's I mean that's the thing I think like whether because I would assume it's probably a bug like I doubt that this seems good right they've done a really good job with this game and so I firmly believe that it's not an intentional decision and that it's a but like we gotta fix that bug Fred's got fix that bug before I defend you know before I attempt a couple hours of grinding away at the same frustrating minigame here you another helpful tip bit from moon flame in the chat apparently when you get all the keys there's a sound cue of a clock that is supposed to guide you over to where the purple key is really I didn't hear that and I have headphones of them - one sec yeah I was gonna say I didn't hear that all but maybe it's ID we do talk a lot the other there's nothing over here okay we do we are rather for both there we go uh you know at some point I might have to just hop to over to the final night of whatever and give this a little break a lot of corn maze in my life recently oh I'm getting updated info on this clock more specifics rolling in from the front Oh excellent cow Moos - Moo's from the front huh news from the front cat Tamayo and methi say it is not a ticking noise it's actually a clock chime that is supposed to guide you to the greeley that's interesting Chad is this a repeating chime noise or does this just a charm like is it gonna help us find it I guess or is it just letting us know it's time to find that it's time to find hey foxy foxy see any kids lately you and me buddy can we maybe work on this together okay hey buddy ba ba Bambino bucks a baby bubby here you go come on green I need green show me green any day now show me Greinke show me we guys doing it you guys gonna jump scare me again I hear I hear a lot of movement happening off-camera it's got me unnerved Chris no or not there's there's too few of us I was gonna say there's only two people here right now like if you were to jump scare me in this moment I feel like that would be me and exception no we were just passing notes oh you guys no secrets it was a it was just Dan head was doing a little live research Oh night he was and he was giving me some info okay come a plaything damn he was clarifying that it's it is in fact it is opens that you can't hide it not after the key just in case so here's key for oh I hear it I hear the chimes so that's interesting I did hear chimes for chimes for four keys is that what it was I assumed it was for chimes this is labyrinth ahead and I'm assuming the cellar door is based on proximity got it I need to find a hiding spot immediately shoot shoot oh damn it come on okay okay okay it's based on proximity because I'm there I can grab it [Music] I'm just waiting because we're here we got it just gonna wait for him to phase again and then from here okay here we go got it I think you are good until you hear that cellar door but I assume once you get close it opens here's the thing I've heard it I know you satisfied yeah okay I wanted to hide before I heard anything okay I think you should probably hang here in - yep and then we just got to make a beeline where he is because that's about where we're going there it is [Music] shoot where is it shoot where is it oh no wait it's this way this way here does disappear disappear disappear just go go go go go go go go whoa whoa where where the heck am I it's the barn it's the barn oh no oh this is terrifying game one claim your prize oh damn oh no oh no okay so we're down in the cellar oh my gosh what is this I'm like simultaneously terrified and still running on the adrenaline of having done that stupid maze and like I have so many emotions going through me okay so there's this is terrifying so we have claw marks through the banner we're underground we're underground in a cellar it's like a wine cellar or whatever but the party's down here oh this is crazy there's an axe I'm assuming that when I pick this up something's gonna happen can I know okay whoa claim your prize so here's this this box is random I'm assuming you or the thing that I'm supposed to claim it's weird there's a box there's nothing there hold up my face oh I'm so excited oh I'm so drunk like I am so I gotta try that was so hard guys huh okay okay face dude a box anything in the box what's in the box what's in the financier box nothing okay alright anything in the bucket nothing in the bucket okay I guess it's so there's gifts okay let's pick up the mask I guess just it's like glitched raps face isn't it well it's a little different it I mean it's it is and it isn't right yeah who there's a candle underneath the mask that's creepy and weird that's terrifying oh is that it I mean it took us back out to like the main area so that's like feeding it crazy crazy so happy oh that was so hard that was so tense and I heard him moving and I took the wrong turn I thought it was dead oh so good okay so I'm assuming this still doesn't do anything right I know we got a do danger keep out maybe I mean does danger keep out unlock anything I Hey from what I understand this is the main this is the main thing huh so what's it all okay Oh what's it all mean oh my gosh uh 1983 um hi why is there why are all these 1983 references I mean obviously we're talking about in a four area because you have the house you have you have you have the house which is clearly a reference to fit for you have eighty three which is reference to that for you have an underground barn bunker in the middle of a cornfield so like is this this is this the thing that gets like william or whatever to start like that doesn't make any sense he puts on the mask because he gets called when he puts on the mask right like the breathing tempo clearly slows it's exciting but it's also a gift but you'll also have things that are ripped up as though an animatronic ripped into him and this whole thing is like old it like it's not new it's like derelict now know if that's like spooky or if this is like a flash to the past what does it mean what does it mean okay wait his um his glitch trap still dancing on the hill now that he found the mask no but I mean he's been kind of come he hasn't consistently been doing that he's kind of just been coming and going honestly so I can't really say that that's a regular thing also it wasn't that only a nightmare like in the the neon mode I forget if it was just me right cuz it was this it was pressed the button it was stare at this and then it was turn around of dread Bears nose okay so there he is so it's interesting right in nightmare mode once you push the button you see him dancing off in the distance right cuz there he is right now he's he's doing his fish dick back there doing his little ballet flight of the valkyries oh [Music] my gosh okay it's like you're getting the killer's mask there for the first time or it's being passed along since fine a CR is all about this like passing of the torch idea right where I'm like oh glitch trap worth of spirit of William Afton or the code or whatever has possessed the new generation of killer is this I wonder that's interesting huh if as a part of like glitch trapped possessing your mind or possessing your body or like three washing you or whatever is there a world where he's he's told you to go to this location and find his mask or whatever I wonder I wonder similar to how in sister location William Afton tells Mike Eggs Benedict to go down to the sister location and find her his sister to free her free entered whatever that whole thing ends up being like clearly William is a character who passes his missions on to other people so that way they can fulfill them when he's no longer able to so maybe this is another instance of that right we're glitched raft now in the mind or whatever of the tester or us as the player whoever he's possessed is now taking us down to the underground to like start the killing spree anew with his like favorite mask or whatever it is a slightly different mask but I'm assuming that's just changes with time or changes with code or you know like well it's like it's a mask yeah I agree right that's and that's honestly one of the things that like with this franchise you just kind of have to roll with is in the early days it was easy and especially for me in the early theories to say like oh there this one is slightly different than the original design and it's just Scott updates them right like spring-trap and alternate custom night looks different than spring-trap and snap three because and and scrap trap looks slightly different and it's more so just like updates new merge look different whatever but I think they're the intention is for them to stay the same character and I think that bunny mask is very clearly related to the mask or the face of glitch trap be a manager on a computer program whatever and so knowing that that computer program is based on like a real-life killer and that mask is presumably his mask or whatever oh that's so interesting oh okay so what so what else well now that you're back here I heard you can do something if you go to the prize corner and put on the mask while holding the glitch trap plush what apparently if you take the mask and the glitch trap plush and you kind of hold one and put on the other you take it alive you mix it all up yeah you get a little a little diet coke and lime which by the way I always hate a diet coke in lime is that an unpopular opinion I don't know if that's an umpire I am NOT a big fan of dad cooking lime I like vanilla Diet Coke and they sell it in like Australian I don't know why they do it here they don't do it here they have Diet Coke orange for some reason or coke orange but they don't have vanilla but yeah I've never been the biggest fan of the day I'm always surprised still no Showtime still in case you were wondering Oh Showtime hi why is there this huge button in this game since to reconnect whatever so you said go to prize counter hold the bunny and put on the mass oh oh jeez I thought I would have to like summon it or whatever that's actually terrifying the fact that it's just hanging out there so anything else different not really so you said put on the mask hold the bunny it's interesting that he has a spot over his I got this bunny mask is like something out of like a 1980s horror movie here we go look at out like bloody and gross it looks on the it look at how gross this is this digit I gotta say the design of this is legitimately horrific huh that's weird is that like sorry before I put this I'm I'm really excited to see what this is but before I put it on I'm just noticing it's weird that he's got like his eyelashes and those are kind of his like eyebrows like yeah it's just a weird it's a weird thing to have both right like yeah and for the eyelashes too like or the eyebrows do not really match the strange gross gross yes no no there's no miscommunication what I understand yes I have it I needed myself I think you look like [Music] and it won't let you down it will be fun oh really what oh that's nice oh yeah buddy oh oh yeah I think I think this I mean obviously now now they know what's going on I can start working on the theory I guess but to me my initial impulse is to me my initial impulse is that hey cuddle up with me at night uh-huh to me I think that that says that kind of confirms everything that we were suspecting with the last five nights personally not the last one where was like the reboot but the one prior when we did on Santa Fe are where the torch has been passed down you have the the cassette tape woman who was talking about the glitches potentially being possessed and lying to us as the player and now we're trapped in here I think what this is saying is hey I hear you're a part of me now or in hearing your voice in my head or whatever and you're telling me to do this thing and so I handcrafted a mask fashioned out of your image and I'm here to do your bidding no one suspects anything I look like anyone else and I will carry on your work glitch trap William Afton screech spring-trap Oh Papa Papa Bob you know any number of names for the killer I think that's what that means right oh I'll look into it I also really want to make sure I listen to the voices again here actually on that note since we can there's so many Halloween things assuming it's all candy there's so many Halloween things don't lock okay here I'm gonna stop back let me just shoot how do we how do I do this again it was this right that's here there we go let me grab the candy out of that cassette tape god this room is so intimidating going back to it I was told I had three days to finish Jeremy's work but I know it's just passing the time they lied to us they lied to all of us it sounds like it doesn't it it's a female voice which is interesting so the next generation of killer regardless is going to be a female [Music] I hear together probably it's a little bit younger [Music] but it's close I understand anything [Music] don't worry I'll be ready and it won't let you down it will be fun right it's it's it's a slightly younger sounding voice but the tonality of it sounds the same especially like some of the like s sounds of like C sounds like civil it sounds I think is the right word for it like that feels similar that's so cool it's so it's one half of a conversation right I was told I had three days to finish Jeremy's right there's a slightly older more mature passing the time but she has that like I don't know kind of like you have a little like extra saliva in the back your mouth or whatever and I feel like that other boys might have it too I might just be hearing it but right so it's one having a conversation which seems to indicate that again she's like talking to herself in her own head because glitch trap is in her head oh so cool so cool that was so worth all the oh the fresh that's that's a good one like sometimes you get to the end of these like golden freddy modes beat all the things and you know unlock all the stars in finale to whatever and the end result is like nothing exciting like there's not anything particularly impactful or different or it's just like hey you achieved you achieved it well done but finaiiy r has been the gift that keeps on giving I think in terms of like hey there's a reward if you beat the game hey there's an even bigger reward if you get all the tapes hey there's a reward if you get a bunch of the coins hey there's a reward if you play the DLC and beat the really hard thing in there too like it's great and there's so much material in it and it's it's so clear to me again this idea of this one being the start of the next generation of Nath like this is this is the turning point I'm curious where the a art game fits in if they are game fits in but it's very clearly to me like hey we've unloaded the baggage of the past don't get me wrong the story of the first five six games is definitely a contained thing that can and you know should be solved unto itself but as far as this next generation goes we're starting kind of fresh in a new like you can figure out all that stuff and if you really want a deep knowledge of everything that we've come through and and discovered up to this point like that's great you can solve that but if you're new to this franchise if you're gonna be one of the movie's viewers if you're gonna be potentially one of the new book readers you don't need to know anything about like you know the the deep lore of the old pizzerias you just need to know like something bad happen there and now we're in this new generation with this female killer I guess this this female kind of like next generation passing of the torch person who's waiting for whatever it is waiting for the call to start kind of the task that she's been set out for from William Afton cool that was great guys thank you for your help because if I had just had to figure that out myself I would be so frustrated and there is nothing so painful as getting to the end of a very difficult very time-consuming very tedious kind of like mission like find all the kings of the maze then find the bonus key and then to not know what you're doing wrong or like be subject to a bug and then had you not told me I would probably done the same thing over and over again to the point of frustration so but the reward was super worth it this game is terrifying I think I've said it multiple times on all the fun a fiower extremes but I think this is a great snap game I think it's probably the best in Afghan I think it's the best I think it's one of the best VR experiences especially if you're into like scary stuff it's it's solid from a gameplay standpoint sure there are bugs sure I don't know why showtime doesn't work that's frustrating and you'll see that we have twenty nine thirty coins because the one coin as if you watched our initial fan a fiower stuff like we just couldn't get it was slightly out of our region there was no way to glitch and get it so there's definitely like bugs and stuff that are I'm hoping are ironed out or whatever but it's great it's scary the lore is interesting but not convoluted and I like where things are headed I'm really excited about kind of snap a next generation to use kind of like a trite phrase from horror movies but it's cool and I couldn't have done it without you guys so I'm so thankful and I'm so excited to have beaten that and it feels like a big gamer this is one of those like big gamer accomplishments so there you go guys I'm assuming we're probably close to time it feels like we're close to time oh yeah yeah oh yeah really what time is it Oh right on time Oh perfect good I was like hopefully it's not too late I have to take care of Stephanie like I can't be spending like three hours on the same mini cam like grinding away cool so that's it for today we'll be back maybe tomorrow but definitely Thursday it depends on how Steph's feeling I know we wanted to get more streaming in just because we've been gone so much of the last couple months so we might be back tomorrow at 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time if not we'll absolutely be back on Thursday so we will see you one of those two days with Luigi's Mansion and then we're looking at some other things that might be fun or Chris is looking at some other things that might be fun to play so we'll see but something new something different I'm so thankful and thank you guys so much for watching oh whoa whoa hold up Chris is calling inaudible right now I know before you make the big ending yeah chat is spamming something that I think might be worth showing while we're still alive they're saying tape 9 with the mask really that is that is what's being spanned in the chat are they are they just making the connect weird okay really hi all right how exciting even more exciting than what's already happened Wow okay tape 9 with the masks okay ah that would mean I need to go to prize counter god this thing is terrifying every time choice of mascot don't need the bunny too or no not getting anything in the chat about having the bunny there with you but shout us out so it's worth noting that I don't have the mascot anymore there was something that looked like a Halloween mask laying on the floor I didn't understand Inc must have spelled it was only then that I heard a shuffle from the testing room and realized Jeremy must be there I went back and peered in the window I couldn't see his face he had the visor covering his head he had ink spilled on himself as well the front of his shirt was black in the dark run he turned his head in my direction but I don't think he knew I was there are we just drawing a connection between the two I guess so so I know a lot of people take what she's saying literally in that moment it's not a it's not a mask it's his face it's got to be his face like they very specifically mentioned that it's in the dark room that I couldn't see his face he at the mascot the visor on he had severe injuries I really firmly believe that he uses the paper cutter to slice off his face or whatever which in and of itself that feels like a reference to withered Bonnie for some reason because withered Bonnie has the face ripped off I'm not 100% sure how that whole thing works out but I don't think it's a literal mask I think when she's like it's like a Halloween mask it's literally like oh your low finger skin I mean granted this is a Halloween mask see if they can't I can't take it with me so there was something that looked like a Halloween mask laying on the floor because it's also Jeremy right ink must have spelled it was only then that I heard a shuffle from the testing room and realized Jeremy must be there I went back and peered in the window I couldn't see his face he had the visor covering his head right like he had ink spilled on himself as well the front of his shirt was black in the darkroom because the darker his head in my direction but I don't think he knew I was there so the question is I mean is it a vocal so it's interesting like the voice actress I don't know if if the emphasis is right because it is it a dark room because the way she says it it's a dark room which would be a place where you process photography which is usually tinted red so that way the the actual like processing of the photographs doesn't get ruined by light shining in and so if you're in a red room and there's like red blood it would look black like it looks black just looks dark right but if it's a if instead the of the way she says a dark room it's a dark room like it's just a dim room which would make sense you know now there's a little bit more leeway there but again like blood would look dark like ink because there's not a whole lot of light it's just it would be if it was really a mask if it was literally a Halloween mask that we're talking about that feels it just feels too on-the-nose like oh it's like a Halloween mask and why would you call out I'm not able to see his face like if I'm a writer of these tapes as a storyteller right the details matter and so for her to be like there's maybe ink everywhere some some dark substance that looked like ink everywhere and there's something that looks like a Halloween mask on the floor and I can't see his face to me to say that is actually ink and a Halloween mask like that feels almost too literal it's it's to like let me let me say it might be but then very obviously that's it like that feels too direct and too literal if I was writing it I would write that with the intention of it being Iced like I sliced he sliced off his face and the reason I'm saying you can't see his face because it's behind the mask is the true horror of what it really is can't be visible because you can't make out what he's done to himself that's my interpretation I do think and I see why you would think that like hey now that we have actual Halloween masks in the game not just with this but with all the other like character masks I think we unlocked one of them maybe maybe not but like you have all the Halloween masks in the trick-or-treat game it's interesting the the inclusion of masks is particularly interesting because yeah you have the Halloween mask reference in tape 9 but it also ties back to 4 and I think this is one of the interesting things about it the fact that in snaf 4 which is set in 1983 which is when the dlc takes place and where that trick-or-treat game takes place you have all the masks of the various characters and so I think what are the things that no one had ever talked about including us and I don't think anyone was really thinking about is like there are 4 bullies who ultimately sacrificed the crying child up to golden fredbear who then gets eaten right and they're wearing masks and I think the reason we all just assumed that they were wearing masks was just like their faces don't matter it's to show symbolically that they represent these characters if their fantasy character fans of these characters I don't think anyone ever really stopped to think about like well what does it mean for kids to be wearing masks of these characters and it's interesting that this game is set in 1983 and is showing us Halloween masks of these characters existed at this time so presumably the kids what they're wearing are those Halloween masks and so we have a physical connection but then in addition it's one of those things where the franchise of Freddy fazbear's in 1983 had to have been popular enough to warrant the production of Halloween masks and I know sometimes people get frustrated or confused when I'm like inserting real business terms into like the actual timeline of Freddy fazbear's but you kind of have to like the whole sister location business the opening and shutting of different restaurants and reopening of restaurants like you had the business elements of Freddy fazbear's it's it's strangely mixed in to the lore of it all and so if by 1983 there was production of toys chica toys and masks and whatever like the franchise was already big that point and so really the birth of freddy's has to happen so early that it then it takes off explosively so anyway like there's a lot that i've been thinking about one of the other things that i've had on my to-do list for a while as i think about future for naff theories is fall - I call it follow the missing chica cuz very clearly chica is in some games and very clearly isn't in some games and that's intentional and I think it says a lot about the franchise and the timeline of events that's going on but I can't quite wrap my I've never looked at the whole franchise with that once every time I write one of these things I look back at the franchise with like one specific like intent in mind to see like what Clues reveal itself when I look at it through this lens which always yields something new and different and so that's one that's also been on my to-do list for a while like why is chica just popping it in and out I think that's an important linchpin in all this so yeah I think the masks are really interesting and but but as far as tape 9 is concerned I swear it's gotta be his face why would you bring up the paper cutter earlier why would you bring up all this stuff that looks like a mask or looks like blood when it's if it is actually that that just feels so on the nose the paper cutter man he's got to do something with his face right and then it connects back to withered Bonnie anyway I gotta go I gotta take care of stuff I could talk I mean you know I could talk about fanat forever I have way too much knowledge about this franchise think about it way too often but anyway now I can get started in earnest on this uh naff vr dlc curse and dread mer theory that I was hoping to get done for next week we'll see fingers crossed but anyway thank you guys so much for watching hopefully send your love and well wishes to Stephanie to feel better and I will see you all either tomorrow or Thursday and remember that's just a stream a live stream Chris since you have the chat let's take it away people are saying go to Scott Gaines's website which of course you will do as you're researching this next episode is it new is there something new now people are saying there's a new that will relate to the lore of this game so that's great so much genie 2.0 says they then D did it and Brody board that is GG and then willow says SIA woo did it
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,108,261
Rating: 4.9631691 out of 5
Keywords: halloween, fnaf, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf vr, five nights at freddy's, fnaf vr dlc, dreadbear, fnaf vr dlc trailer, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr dlc gameplay, halloween fnaf, fnaf vr gameplay, help wanted, fnaf vr walkthrough, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, dread bear fnaf, help wanted fnaf, freddy fazbear, fnaf ucn, fnaf ultimate custom night, new fnaf, game theory, game theory fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf vr, fnaf vr dreadbear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 3sec (5943 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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