Scariest Hide and Seek Game EVER! | Ao Oni

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i like that he just kind of floats [Laughter] shake it shake it like a polaroid picture [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live we're not live and our character probably won't be even too much longer in aoni either uh today we are continuing we're continuing the series first off holy cow that is unbelievable like hold your breath ladies and gentlemen we're actually doing two parts on a video game it's nuts um but today we're actually continuing our journey through al oni or the blue demon even though he is most assuredly purple right this isn't just me can we can we do a chat poll can we do like you know in the comments let me know is the demon in this game purple or is he blue matt what do you think purple or blue uh they call him blue so i think he's blue i don't want to question the creator's intent wow yeah so if you know if if the maker of the room said it's an amazing movie like not an ironic sense i believe him yeah i believe so you're just a believer in anything that's told to you in the same way that tommy wiseau thinks that he made a great movie i'm sure that the creator thinks that the demon is blue but what do you think you're allowed to have an opinion like you are the problem so you know that is the problem coming in hot i'm not coming in hot i'm just you know that is a dangerous mentality to have friend when you're like oh okay i will accept anything that is told to me that is true that is the antithesis of what our channels stand for that's a really broad generalization that you just made about me just because i think the demon is blue does not mean i'm a sheep he said the same thing about tommy wiseau and i believe that he thinks he made a great movie sure but what do you think i haven't seen it so anyway welcome to aoni part two of our playthrough i don't know how long this game is are we gonna finish this today hopefully yeah you think so we can get a chance knowing how you play games the answer is probably not but it'd be nice and you are so i would love that see you're saying i'm coming in hot this guy's the salty one over here your little feisty feisty one here so uh when last we left off we ran away from the giant blue or purple demon multiple times we had discovered a room that was hidden behind a bunch of wallpaper i believe and i think that's where we left it off uh forgive me if i need to refresh myself on the controls here for a second but um yeah there we go so there's our door there's no knob so i can't open the door okay good to know i first shoot what was inventory again oh no i'm going to remember this i swear i'm going to remember all this stuff okay there we go x's inventory uh items so we have a screwdriver the plate shard and the lighter so uh lighter i'm assuming it's gonna like it it looks like it's gonna be dark in there um so i need a doorknob apparently uh okay can i use it on these i cannot uh hmm okay how about this door this door is locked yeah that's correct but what if i use screwdriver no okay there's lots of door handles around i feel like there's a lot of handles that are just right for the picking door handle oh oh okay i remember yeah yeah so if we want a door handle there's that random door that has no rational reason for being there at the very top yeah this is it i bet this is why yup okay this is this this makes sense yeah there we go i found the item doorknob great that was that was not bad look at that already starting off with quality gameplay i'm like maybe i should save the game but no that wasn't it's not worth a save i think once we put the doorknob on the door i wouldn't be surprised if the demon jumps out and starts chasing me so let's do this there's no knob but now they're yes thank you yes thank you but now there is boom and now we save because i foresee something scary happening doorknob is absolutely what that thing is called like it sounds exactly like what it is a doorknob yeah have you been smoking man have you been using mind expanding substances right now no do you have the do you have a sudden urge for munchies doorknob yeah man that is exactly what that object is tell me i'm wrong tell me that's not a doorknob like the word i mean i would argue that door is the odd word of the pairing i think the the word door as it applies to a device that opens and shuts to grant access to various rooms but surely the door came before the doorknob well sure but i'm saying like the knob i agree with the knob but it's the knob to the door and door already existed so it's like we can't change that hey guess what there's a candle look there's a candle matt should we light the candle yeah let's light the can feeling all right feeling okay you had a good lunch cool great [Laughter] i love it here we go oh no nothing mysterious there okay there there we go wait a minute hold up hold up save again anytime i know he's going to jump scare me at some point oh hold on i'm going to shut this i have a feeling that when i pick this up he's going to come in i found the item basement key oh there it is called it called it i knew it this was too suspicious yeah get out of here i like that he just kind of floats [Laughter] shake it shake it like a polaroid picture shake it shake it shake it shake the ironic part of this though is that like where do i go like here's the thing i know that he just left the room for dramatic purposes and that i'm gonna be able to escape the scenario all he needs to do is wait on the other side of that door let's be honest because he knows as well as i know that there is nothing back here right yeah so the only way out is through the prison cell door so you know he really does he has won the day if he wants to win the day just saying but haha i've bested you yet again yeah it is an accurate word door knob i'm glad that you've come around to it yeah the word knob has always bothered me the silent k but like if anything is going to be a knob it's that yeah yeah it what's a knob oh my gosh oh no let's let's instead focus on the screaming girl shall we that was mika's voice i have to hurry to mika i don't i i'm sorry i they're all interchangeable to me i don't know who mika is right now i think it's the person in this room not this room in this room oh no oh no oh no oh hey okay well oh here let's let's dance around the dead body shall we dance oh now mika that was kind of creepy i really feel bad for mika don't honestly real bad about that not loving it i'm not loving it haha you fool worked works 10 times every time oh mika i'm so sorry apparently i have nothing to say about your dead body literally nothing there is no response here so sorry about that one and he eats them he eats them looks like matt's not the only one with the munchies what do we got apparently that is too high up for me to reach good to know so i need to unlock the stepladder oh hello hey oh wait a minute i have a phillips head screwdriver i can't turn the screw with this driver i need a flat no one uses flathead screws anymore come on seriously phillips head is so standard or it's all out it's all about the allen wrench these days i hate allen elements yeah allen wrenches are not because they got to be the right size yeah allen wrenches ain't great they also have the metric allen wrenches versus the standard allen wrenches i shouldn't need a set of tools to do one thing right no i agree i think the allen wrenches are oh you found one flathead right that's we're being efficient today clearly hey some days it's a really rough game in here some days i'm i'm on point you know every once in a while i'm like hey this is a good gaming day for me um it also helps when the puzzles are literally right next to each other yeah um but yeah no you know there there's also the star head screw drivers oh which are yeah no those are more specialty use cases i only own a flathead screwdriver because it does all the things are you a monster it has everything you're a monster do i need four or four when i can just put two in there because the philip phillips head phillips said phillips head is is useful just saying phillips head is a good it's i think everything should be philip said for a while uh i built when i built a deck we use the uh square the like deck screws for whatever reason are all square head which is like why but what are you gonna do when you have there's a flat head but you only have a phillips head screwdriver apparently you go to the room wait why can't i turn these with this screwdriver oh i grabbed the wrong here's the flat head switch the head of the driver yes okay okay flat head screwdriver i like that there's a okay i like that there was a separate separate thing here to do it uh zero zero zero zero okay have we seen numbers before have i seen numbers before man you are you are in a rare mood today matt aren't you here can i move this into that room yeah matt have you ever considered you know numbers numerical there we go oh come on get out of here i need to push my chair man i need to push a chair leave me alone i should have gone to that prison cell huh going to the old standby drop down the hole good thing he is so slow i love his little butt don't be checking out aoni i was thinking i know and it's funny that you bring it up because i too had the same reaction when he was eating my friend yeah i'm like wow his butt don't quit i i'm not i'm not proud that that that i had that reaction but i did and i'm willing to admit that i had it what's his workout plan you know probably a lot of squats you don't get you don't get a butt that tight without doing a lot of squats gotta admit you know here can i climb up there we go yes i found the item basement jail cell key oh that's not what i expected i thought i would get a code oh hey hi friend oh my god what the heck what the what get out of here no oh this is dumb oh no oh no no there's another owl now set the door off i thought the door would work see that's why you don't deviate from the old standby you gotta do the old standby every time it works for a reason what a twist oh man my friend is now the blue demon how do you know the demon didn't just find a lovely wig steven's doing cosplay now doing cosplay my friend mika i found okay found the basement slow key here we go oh man all right here we go hey friend are you gonna turn into an evil it does kind of wobble in a way that reminds me of a wig that's natural yeah no no it's wobbling at the hairline it's wobbling where the scalp meets the hair whoever did it did a great job no certainly as a that is certainly a lace front wig you know look at looking good if it is a wick but you know i think it's i think it's very becoming on aoni i like it it really frames their face yeah i agree so does this mean that there's only one or that there's two that's my question are there two aoni aoni's or is there still just one and now it's just able to transform into a wig by the power of wig okay this door is locked yeah uh-huh door's still locked can i use the key i'm assuming not i'm assuming yeah okay it is literally for a jail cell okay which means i need to get the candle from here maybe from this other room right what's the candle for to light the really dark room oh wait do i have oh i still have my lighter though don't i oh i do i do still have a lighter so actually i should have just used that because the last time i was in a dark room all i needed was the lighter so yeah let me just do that there we go so we're still looking for code and we're still looking for a key to that room and here yeah this is it this is great this game is really fun i've nope well it's fun until i do something stupid like that there we go later here we go so that's the way out is there a candle up up up up here we go use the basement jso key nice i'm gonna drop it again because i learned my lesson from the last time candle light it yeah there we go i'm gonna save there and i see a code on the wall what is this uh what six gee seven four four three hmm so the first one is six so it so okay if there's i've seen puzzles like this where it's like symmetric you know and it's like reflected on itself where's the point of reflection though it's not really because the first one reads as six and the last one reads as four but it's not flipped it's not symmetric at all four is the whole thing and also what's that second number which feels super weird like it's maybe it's like dripping paint because it would be like what six eight seven six eight either six eight seven four or six eight three because if we do do do three four it's just like nothing's jumping out to me as like a pattern here unless it's how many brush strokes that's what i was thinking right it could be how many brush strokes right one two three what would it be one two three four so the last one's four one two three four is the third one one two three four five six here here all right let's let's let's do a couple things so let's let's come up with our list we have like six eight three or would i say that was or seven and then four that's kind of like the this is kind of what the numbers look like and then there's the how many brush strokes which is one two three four five six for the first one because it's top down one two three four five six yeah and then the middle one is one two three four five six six six one two three four four and then one two three four okay so six six four four that's that's probably hopefully one of those two works let's let's see huh all right all right so let's do the 6644 first i actually like that one the best nope guess not six no six eight three four nope six eight seven four really four yeah let's just enter again okay neither of those really really worked a whole lot for us is it something to do with the lines here so what are those lines telling us like all these additional lines oh that's okay that's the aoni looking at us all spooky like just gonna shut that just in case oh what if what if hold up what if i do this there it is yeah oh that's smart five three five three seven that last one isn't a number six right five three seven six yeah five three seven six that's what i'm getting that's cool that's a that's a really good puzzle five three seven six we're gonna try that huh good one yeah that was awesome i really like that puzzle that was the right level of like hey that was tricky but also not annex key nice where is he coming you know he's coming uh oh oh this is locked i knew it [Music] oh man wearing that wig realness looking fly girl i like that you've become my new my new arch nemesis not the unusual one wait i climbed stairs no come on get out of here you are not fast enough to catch me in that case you took that turn way too tight annex key there you go all right oh i love that it just pops out of the cabinet like that just it just pops out it's amazing i love it so much it's such a huge creature and it just like launches out all right let's i'm going to try this move again we'll see if this works wait oh yeah oh all right god well great cool that was that was a good time i'm glad you just decided to give you're like oh the tatami room i just just want to hang out and relax on these mats for a little bit there we go the jump scares in this are super fun all right save perfect and annex key go oh spooky let me use the lighter it looks like it's out of fluid no shoot what is this over here oh man we're in the creepy part of the house now it won't open oh god oh my god what the heck holy geez oh wow that was like legitimately disturbing unlocked at the door okay great i'm glad i unlocked the door nope who don't love the annex annex is terrifying holy cow i've already fallen down a hole and gotten attacked again they're showing up with alarming frequency i gotta say can i do this one there we go so go around there wait nothing just trap no are you still down there nope great suspicious cracked door another locked door of course always cool so nothing there there nope nope what's the scariest color demon what did you say orange yeah orange demon no it's probably it's probably red it's like the classic demon color i don't know i think black demon would probably be scariest just because it's gonna blend in with the shadows when you picture demon what do you picture what do i pick i picture like traditional like devil horn kind of like impish yeah like am fish kind of like all the old school like paintings you know and depictions of kind of demons and like satan spawn and stuff like that it's raining what about you do you picture something different i picture like sports team like blue devil oh like blue oh really like with the how it's more humanoid yeah like has like a mustache kind of yeah yeah really that's interesting or i picture the robot devil from future alma oh that's a good one i love that guy see if if devils looked like that that would be fun i feel like that's a fun devil it's still devil i mean still devil but like i don't know wrote see to me robot devil reads as like i can beat this thing yeah it's a robot because it's a robot right exactly like you know robots are scary certainly and they're difficult to kill off or destroy or whatever machinery but yeah they're just machines right like created by my hand like so they have some level of weakness to them you know water oh cool man we're getting super atmospheric now hello oh this classic push push puzzle box into hole love it i found the item lighter fluid yes hmm do i have anything let's see last time i had something weird on the wall like that i used plate shard did not work plate shard did not rip open random thing uh let's combine lighter fluid fill the lighter with fluid yes perfect do it again perfect yeah so like robot devil also in the in futurama he's depicted as being so goofy yeah he's pretty delightful yeah he's more delightful than he is like terrifying so i wouldn't worry i don't worry too much about him uh okay what do we got going on here oh yeah candle light it light that's like oh okay ah takeshi oh it's you maddie patty don't scare me like that oh don't believe takeshi takeshi is definitely one of them right yeah i mean how did he get here right all the doors are locked you needed like five layers of keys to get here like three puzzles no less than three we had to figure out how to reverse keys in a piano room yeah i don't believe that he just kind of showed no takeshi is the true villain yeah i think we're all assured here that this guy is definitely a plant or as a demon or is working for the villains yeah but it's just a matter of time until i get caught by that monster there's nowhere to run if only i if only i hadn't suggested we come here we wouldn't be in this messy house fair it's it's all my fault you have to care ah i don't care i really don't especially if he's the person who suggested we came here yeah you brought this on ours you brought this on all of us like come on dude no no mercy that was that was that was a bad take you know i gotta i gotta kind of penalize you for the bad take so we got this bust that we can push around so i'm sure that's gonna be used for puzzle solving at some point what's up here we haven't gone up here have we gone that way okay all right well that's that doesn't food well does it oh hang man what return b button oh what so it's a sliding puzzle kind of but i'm pushing things with okay okay so it's so i gotta get in the top but i can only push things one okay so i can only push it there but okay okay hold on hold on okay this is just a weird version of a sliding puzzle see so now that's covered so i can't get up there okay is there a way to what's zero key x to escape zero x escape zero key also escapes i guess okay oh okay let's think about this so if the head pushes things the problem is i can only push unless i'm missing a mechanic here like i can only push things one square like i can't get around something or swap places with something to kind of like slide puzzle my way around i can just push things to like the periphery huh that's weird okay i guess maybe we'll come back to that oh hello hi that's terrifying okay so that's head are there different versions of him i can make i found the item dao oh okay so this one's missing an eye weird cool i'm concerned about that i'm saying about that thing hanging in the middle of the room that's that's unfortunate oh i can turn off the lights that's also concerning that's interesting can doll do anything with this or no because it is just shows it to me i'm gonna have to i'm assuming i have to collect the pieces of the doll right i think that's what i'm going for here okay we've got the lights so nothing here their positions are going to mean something i'm assuming here i found the item dowel okay so i can pick him up and put him down a bunch of times huh interesting did this do anything to this no it didn't weird okay and no other doll i can interact with or pick up empty spot do i need to match the two rooms together maybe like i need to do a parallel between the two rooms or like mirror images or something because the body position is gonna be important here i'm just gonna take him again just because right now i don't have anything to do with him huh that's really interesting and then here's another light switch that i can manipulate so that's good to know okay so we've got a bust we can push around we've got a locked door in the basement we've got a doll what else i wonder if the bust if we push it around to like certain things if it'll break through part of the floor oh i also have light bulb which in and of itself is also kind of strange can i use it no so we're looking for a lamp presumably interesting oh jesus oh you got me you got me crawling out of the stupid fireplace fine touche i'll give you that one didn't didn't see that one coming all right so i still got my doll i haven't really i didn't really progress anything on when i was just assessing the situation okay so here he is there it is wow crawling out don't mind me just uh just moving on i guess i could hide in that wow you're you're aggressively pursuing me you're not my friend mika are you there we go all right save perfect so the fact that he appeared suggests that we are making progress right because like the scripted chase events seem to happen when like important pieces like the everything has moved forward a little bit so now it seems like can i light the fire in the fireplace with my lighter light the fireplace yes that do anything new does not seem to have uh donald can i use the no this just shows me the dial so the dowel just shows me the dowel i feel like i need to mirror the bust right because that's really the only baby but am i going to really have to push it all the way up the stairs because it's downstairs isn't it that seems odd oh hey oh hey what's this five two eight oh we don't so for the first time ever we have a code but nowhere to put it in five to eight huh trying to think of like where something numerical could have shown up this seems like the next piece of the puzzle right i think this is all about getting it upstairs and into the room no shoot where could he go where where do we want him to go i'm gonna save it because i to me i would probably push it like see how this is all broken i feel like i want to like break it but but once it's in that corner it's locked in that corner and i don't want to like lose it forever so instead i feel like i need to push it nope let's just block the door i'll twist will it reset or no yeah i did okay okay let's try that let's try the corner and if not then it means that we have to go into maybe like the noose room no not there either okay because my impulse is like this is a heavy thing that will break through a wall get stuck there i just wanted to see if it was like the level geometry or something all right here we go next up what room do we think it fits in i feel like it must be in this one right we've got a chair you know beautiful rope decoration in the middle of the room like this one this one doesn't have anything fun in it like if i were a bust i would not want to be hanging out in this room this room is kind of embossed up a room if you get what i'm saying whereas this one i can see like oh yeah there's stuff to do let's see also the fact that the game keeps saying yes to me like moving it in these rooms seems to indicate like we're doing the right thing there you go we're not oh weird and if i use the doll it just looks at the doll i come on matt let's think let's think about this what is it it's the bust does the bus the bus must belong in this one no i guess not like i was one like i'm like oh if it's allowed me to go into this room it means that the bus must belong in this room but apparently that's not the case and we have the number 528 right that was the number and i can't really interact with a dell with one eye light bulb flat head screwdriver refillable and light bulb what do i have okay can i use i use the screwdriver on anyone it feels like doll goes so empty eyes like no face two eyes and arm up right it feels like it's something to do with this so the two eyes two eyes so both of these are the same and on the other side they're kind of all over the place and is this does this affect anything like this whole time i'm like oh i gotta get it into the but like does this raise one of their hands or something no no they're still down because it also resets the dowel and i can't pick them up again and this one i can pick up huh this is weird i don't know matt have you looked this up yeah would you like a hint yeah give me a little hint uh there's fire involved there is fire involved you're gonna have to burn some things okay all right right the fact that i lit the fireplace okay all right let's try let's try burning i've got a lot of things let's burn them all yeah see i was wondering if i needed to burn the doll oh i found the item redstone okay i was wondering about that one actually but the fact that it kept like showing me the doll when i would look at it in other scenarios i'm like oh it must have something to do with the clue so i feel like the one with the empty eyes he's got two eyes he's got two eyes so i feel like the one with the empty eyes maybe is the one that needs a red stone or else guys redstone he could use a redstone he's a good guy there we go i inserted the redstone in the doll's eye can i pick him up now no i inserted the redstone into the doll's eye and that did what for me bump kiss kiss another great word another word that means exactly what it sounds like that that's true the bumpkins does i would agree with that hmm redstone into the doll's eye what does it do remove no i feel like it it belongs there for some reason what else can i do for you excuse me while i just uh use all my tools on you can i light you and i i was wondering if like putting him in would allow me to pick him up yes switch to the head super important light bulb redstone where else could i put a redstone sure why not plus nope oh there he is hey buddy hey hi are you gonna come down oh you did oh he's got a secret door down here that's good to know hey shoot yeah poop so the redstone the fact that i unlocked redstone and he jump scared me down in that area seems to indicate that i was on the right track to something where did i last yeah you've definitely got the right idea with the redstone going where it goes okay perhaps maybe there's another stone i was going to say right there must be another one shoot wait where did he jump skin he jump scared me in what room and you have redstone right now right yes okay good no i do not want to move it okay do this again hmm oh geez oh chuck and jive there we go good job both of us are restricted to only moving at right angles nailed it uh i mean the other thing right that seems to make the most sense is with the bust if like if it were me like that's the other thing that exists in this world um but i would also say like with the bust the way to break the bust is to push it into that hole like that's my initial impulse but i'm not allowed to push it there right like i would say like push it down the hole and it'll break that is not the case so here let's let us continue exploring what else is a redstone have i seen other i have the light bulb here i have the fire here can i use plate shard nope can i use philips head oh god no no stop trying to switch things yeah that doesn't make sense nothing really interesting in here the bust is clearly the outlier and every time aoni pops up something usually changes so this is still 528 this is still the same maybe there's another way to break the the bust thanks the one i'm pushing around yeah i think you you're on the right track with throwing it down a hole but the game doesn't like that the game doesn't like throwing it down a hole can i hang it that's dark what i mean like that that's what i have to work with though right like i have i have hanging it i have screwdrivering it like plate sharding it oh my gosh i don't want to switch the head maybe there's somewhere else you could push it that would break it do they have to push it out of the annex down the stairs oh come on i was so close you're so smart oh my gosh come on you got my blue yeah yeah get out of here oh i was so close i had i was i was on such the right they should let you do it into the hole the hole is that you were right right the whole makes the most sense yeah definitely because like you they set up you falling down the hole yeah instead of having to push it back out of the room i don't know i like mine no you you're definitely right because it's like why else would there be a hole in the ground right right it felt like it was kind of telegraphing that like something is gonna have to go in there at some point ah it's all right i don't i don't hate it this is a fun game i won't i won't i hate it too much oh i found the item dollhead fantastic you know i'll own he's gonna be mad about that 528 we still have that code oh no oh no sakeshi no takeshi no oh i was so close i'm like i don't know how many puzzles away i am from the end but i'm so close to king van also takashi he is very easy to avoid just shockingly easy to avoid really like all in all honesty can i use my doll head oh okay i was waiting it was waiting for me to hit enter what was the slide puzzle for it just why why was it a random slide puzzle if that was the solution five two eight wait what what's the slide puzzle i don't get it there's something fun it's it's just like a complete non-sequitur i'm just so confused it was like setting it up for something and then it just yielded nothing oh oh terrifying oh no he's going to be out only isn't he oh that's gross oh that was terrifying all right well he's he's just dead great little shot there oh look at his hair look at that hair what a beautiful head of hair oh my man oh you made a great aoni look at him i love it i love it so much i love it oh what a good look um basement key uh what was in the did i i'm trying to think where's the last locked door uh where's the locking drawer was there any more locked doors in this one yeah that was there up here i feel like going upstairs in the annex would not be the right oh oh basement key basement key that's right there's the hole that's right down here i love that i'm just like broken ankle be damned here we go use the basement key oh this is super spooky oh god my lighter oh weird hopefully my lighter has a lot of fluid because this is no bueno just walking around uh is stressing me out because i don't want my lighter to run out uh-huh oh this is pretty somebody please give me a handle or something oh hello yeah great thank goodness i was getting really stressed out about it picture book is it all of us and we were dead the whole time okay don't you hate it when when your word document doesn't have the font and it just replaces with a bunch of rectangles i hate when that happens all right oh knocking out the door they're just sending a bunch of emojis to androids it's true oh hello okay that's that was the bookmark they're like i can't finish reading this right now it's a bit too intense for me uh so there's my bookmark bookmark all right there it is bookmarks gonna be real important now is this the shower shower curtain oh oh hello i found the item red key oh great red isn't blood key cool shower curtain oh man i've gotten two items i am overdue multiple times over for a jump scare oh hello the door that is very obvious very obviously that you can see it won't open okay bookmark bookmark go red blue red blue green blue maybe yeah okay i'd like to try and input something okay oh i get it okay red green white blue red green white blue one red two green one two two two how many different splotches one two two two one two two no oh i'm surprised red green white blue red green are they are they they're not in the real i was gonna be like are they in the shape of numbers but they really don't seem to be like maybe the red is five but none of the other ones look like numbers red green and every it is all how many different like ends there are like corners what is this what is this trying to tell me so this feels like it's a good place to stop it because i also need to just like this is one where i just need to like think through it but um this is great i love this game this is this is really really really really really fun um yeah it's it's simple it's it's simple but it's effective right you don't i think modern games get caught up in the idea of like you need everything and it needs to be super over the top and fancy and look at all these mechanics it's like no you just need like a couple of simple puzzles a couple of like fun jump scares some moderately interesting characters in a cool setting like i think this like hits on what it takes to actually be like a good game without needing to be like super elaborate so good job aoni i know i'm like 20 years too late and playing you but it's it's a lot of fun and i'm i'm curious i don't know where it goes from here now that all my friends are dead i wonder if i can rescue them we'll see but uh anyway we'll be back with more of this one at a later date but in the meantime remember that wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 261,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ao oni, 青鬼, 青鬼x, ao oni all deaths, ao oni 2, ao oni movie, ao oni full gameplay, ao oni gameplay, ao oni game theory, ao oni game over, scary game, horror game, scary, horror, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, maptap, gtlive ao oni, game theory ao oni, matpat ao oni, ao oni game, ao oni walkthrough, ao oni jumpscares
Id: 5ljdbxdfgog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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