Meet The Russian MrBeast Copy!

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last one of your right hands his left hand to leave the car keeps it [ __ ] this is a deserted island with zero inhabitants and we're gonna spend 24 hours straight here we are playing hide and seek for fifty thousand dollars there's ten of them last one found gets the fifty thousand dollars in cash you have 20 minutes to hide we built a revolving door last one to keep revolving wins twenty thousand dollars well why do people insist on copying mr beast i made a video talking about how ben azella was a mr beast copy we are going to spend the next 24 hours in the desert today me and four of my friends will be surviving in the desert for 24 hours i've also made a video about how morgs is the mr beast copy everyone knows about moogs last to leave the desert island wins ten thousand dollars and now we have russian mr beast okay well he's not russian he's from belarus but he speaks russian and belarus is right here on the border of russia it's so interesting to see so many people that just outright copy mr beast like do they think people aren't gonna notice what is going on guys welcome back to the astro show mr beast tweeted this a couple days ago the largest channel in russia just takes my thumbnails and photoshops his face on mine so the channel i'm talking about here is the channel a4 28.4 million subscribers this is quite amazing the photoshop work is impeccable look at the blending they even had this guy's head sticking up a little bit last to leave revolving door wins 50 thousand the same thing he's actually photoshopping himself in chandler's position look they photoshopped themselves in you can tell look how cropped this guy is 50 000 game of hide and seek challenge just because you're in another country doesn't mean that you're gonna steal someone's content that lives in america what exactly does this say channel is called a4 why is that you need to go to him watch a couple of videos and then you will understand what is the matter on the channel you will find an interesting guy who will always tell you something interesting make you sl make you laugh and just cheer you up subscribe and become paper this has to okay google translate had to have messed that up because that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever read in my entire life subscribe and become paper there's no way so a4 one of the top channels in belarus probably the number one channel in belarus if you look at his content it's a lot of mr beast copies the key made this one week ago these two videos 13 million each and he also copies trumtroom you know that weird channel troom troom like there's that voice over in the background the super colorful thumbnails they like teach you how to sneak in candy into movie theaters like 15 ways to sneak snacks onto a plane well just like troomtroom here comes good old belarusian a4 with great videos such as 10 ways to bring sweets into class 15 ways to sneak snacks into the movies part four do you really need four parts of this he's taking all the popular topics and videos and copying them out right but it's okay because he's in belarus nobody's gonna know okay so here's mr beast surviving 24 hours in a desert island he actually goes towards the island this is a deserted island with zero inhabitants and we're gonna spend 24 hours straight here mr beast like he actually does the things that he talks about like he that's why he became so popular he's one of the people on the platform that doesn't fake anything and here comes good old a4 where is he he's like in his basement he just put sand on the floor s what is that even sans looks like oatmeal he likes to start his videos with a nice little like a skit look at the green screen in the background what the frick is this the production value here is pretty top-notch i couldn't tell this is the green screen in the slightest okay so after the skit here we go here he is in the desert island look at the background did he paint this himself oh oh wait wait you can see the you can see the concrete ceiling oh no oh no i thought it was a desert island so this isn't even a challenge it's just the one long sketch let's compare another video shall we because that one was just a sketch budget new okay if you speak russian like i do he's explaining right now that he made this revolving door and the last person to leave gets a thousand dollars a thousand bucks how much did mr beast give out fifty 000 jeez this guy's a small fry he has little challenges on the side you can throw a basketball if you get the basketball in you might get some extra money oh oh i didn't know i didn't realize that mr beast also did the same thing except he used cornhole and darts instead of basketball a4 is on point with the thievery here you must be thinking what does this guy have to say for himself by now guaranteed every single person has been messaging him in his videos let's even check on his hide and seek video this russian man is only good for two things copying making cringe stolen mr b's thumbnail see people know he even copied mr beast's merch all of these comments are in english because all of them are people talking about how he stole this from mr beast so he's well aware by now that mr the jig is up and he actually replied on instagram look at this according to this guy here it says look what he replied for those of you who don't understand russian he said picture it's nothing i think he's talking about the thumbnails by picturing means thumbnails picture it's nothing better to watch the quality of my content than the american calls mr beast the american and he also calls mr beast's quality d quality i do it ten thousand times better picks takes ten minutes filming takes four to 10 hours without editing and planning so what he's saying is even though he's considered the d version of mr beast his videos are 10 000 times better but he did still thumbnails because thumbnails takes 10 10 minutes who cares about thumbnails i like this one says i do it 10 000 times better also does a 24 hour island video on an island set i know right how is this 10 000 times better i went to the lambo video he doesn't give the lambo away the winner gets the first ride yes the first ride not the lambo wait can we see that video okay so here's mr beast's video last person to take the hand off the car gets the car who wins the car by the way let's skip ahead no one else is touching the car but chris which means chris is the winner chris you did not win this lamborghini i won a lamborghini and i'm excited about that just the same oh yeah i watched this video so i think he split the price of the actual lamborghini and gave it to the people that were in the challenge noble guy that chris noble guy let's see what this guy is saying here how did he get his hair that color what he looks like quicksilver okay we're approaching the end here there's only if this guy let's go so this guy wins let's see what he wins everybody oh they're not joking he wins a ride in the car is that it that's it is this a rental oh my god look at his face he's so happy he's like oh my god i was standing outside for hours this is such a fun ride that's the face right there of a man who doesn't regret anything in life if my prize was to get a ride in a car or take the bus people in the comments are saying mr beast let's make something original a4 copy paste i as the part of the russian community apologize for this idiot actually nobody in russian community loves him except kids they just don't understand that he is stealing content guaranteed there are people stealing mr b's content all over the world oh my goodness there's more thumbnails that he's stolen just dustin i think that's the name of the person welcome to the club he stole that ten thousand dollars if he can pull the sword he stole that stole this i thought mr beast was the only victim he isn't this is just dustin's channel i guess he likes to break things and cut through things with chainsaws and stuff like that and a4 completely copied him too oh wow let me check something here mr beast merch oh god wait a second is this what he's copying like the dripping pinks i guess mr beast does kind of dripping effect it's exactly the same thing the dripping donut effect oh no it's exactly the same i don't even know what to say like copying a thumbnail is one thing but copying someone's merch oh mr beast what are you gonna do about this this is getting out of control another trump room video 15 ways to bring sweets into the cinema look how he's holding a giant pizza right here okay remember this pizza 10 ways to sneak fast food into the movies is that not the exact same pizza there's russian mr beast it's very interesting that he's such a blatant car he's the worst copy that i've seen i thought morgs is a bad copy morgz is a saint compared to this guy like i thought ben azelat was kind of a little a little suss but the fact that he's copying thumbnails video ideas from not one not two but multiple different youtube channels i don't even know what to say but just like he said his is 10 times better than the american he's getting mega views like he posted this 17 hours ago and already has 4.6 million views he's getting more views than pewdiepie that's kind of crazy and he's posting every almost every day like 17 hours ago two days ago three days ago five days ago one week ago oh man he's racking in the russian money and he still can't give away a lamborghini to his friend well he gave him a ride that's all that matters look at his face he's having a good time well guys thank you for watching this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it i'm gonna try and post another video on thursday i am busy all week this week but i'm still trying to pump out some videos so if you don't see anything on my regular schedule days tuesdays thursdays and saturdays don't be alarmed i'm just probably sleeping look at the merch copy come on [Music]
Channel: TheAsherShow
Views: 6,880,286
Rating: 4.9494495 out of 5
Keywords: Meet The Russian MrBeast Copy, A4, mr beast copycat, mr beast copy, A4 mr beast., a4 mrbeast, mrbeast, russian mrbeast, mrbeast clones, russia, mr beast, russian mrbeast clone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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