That Vegan Teacher ft. TommyInnit

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Illustrious_Steak_72 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
should i pull some facial expressions what for the thumbnail you're a genie oh my god you're a genius yeah definitely do that there is currently a war raging around the world in one camp the meat eaters people that consume the flesh of animals for sustenance bloated and full of micro plastics and gmos they probably have half the life expectancy of the other camp and that camp is team vegan on a noble quest to make sure that you know what you're eating is bad and you're basically on the same level as a serial killer some of their messages are so powerful that it can change your entire brain structure so you will never eat meat again soon the vegans will convert the entire world and when no one is lesser and everyone is equal there will be no one left to criticize bodies in the streets cities turn to dust there will be nothing left i saw it coming the last meat eater i tried to stop them but it was too late and now i'm being held prisoner the bars are made of celery and this is my story is jesus vegan or is he up there in heaven killing animals should i start on my hair like lady put a reference image on the screen so the children the children can know what lady looks like i have nothing against vegans this video is just poking fun at both sides because to be fair both sides are pretty moronic i think it's safe to say that pretty much every single group has that small minority of people that kind of steal the light and just make that group look completely ridiculous you know i'm not a vegan but i will say veganism is one of the most selfless acts that you can take you're basically fobbing off big companies to eat carrot very brave coke zero vegan i actually don't know if coke zero is vegan i don't think it is so i'm vegetarian now the problem with veganism is you are being incredibly selfless and with great power comes great responsibility i'm vegan now right and if you don't manage that newfound power you kind of end up becoming a sith lord what is mental illness anakin skywalker was not the chosen one it was vegan teacher and her drama has left nine-year-olds devastated across the planet and to be fair a fair amount of actual vegans are annoyed at her her only metric of like moral success is views as long as she's getting views as long as she's getting people's attention that's that's good she's obviously not willing to evaluate um potential problems and to take responsibility for missteps now before she blew up her main claim to fame was injecting herself into other people's tick tocks most importantly tommy in it a wildly underrated minecraft youtuber i think he gets about five likes on twitter i don't really watch him to be fair but you know he does ask me to subscribe in the first 10 seconds of the video something which i'm ironically going to ask you here most people when they first discover my channel find me really annoying so if you do enjoy the video then please subscribe if you don't hate me by the end of the video now vegan teacher is actually so popular she has her own wikipedia page i woke up in your head i like to think of this hierarchy like you've got a wikitubia and then actual wikipedia [Music] i don't even have a wikipedia page but but ray william johnson does you're ready you're already going to give the doing your mom guys i'm pa all [Music] canadian animal rights activist and school teacher apparently she has her own website as well miss carol oh miss karen i think making fun of her name is the karen bit i i think that's a bit of a dead meme you know if nico lol is making fun of karen's now like i said earlier miss karen her entire shtick is to inject herself into other people's tick tocks whether or not they actually wanted her there now on tick-tock you can do it with anyone but she tends to gravitate more towards e-celebs now there's a fair few people that are on the fence whether vegan teacher is this very nice words nice words on the paracynical channel nice words but she's a very forward person very genuine and she just wants to spread the message of veganism and then there's the other half that thinks she's kind of like a fail troll that baits people into replying to her so she can expand her brand something which i'm doing by making this video shut up i mean the thing is as well like like no matter what angle it's working like she's got a video that vegan teacher learns a lesson 700 000 views like for a channel that size this is huge and the entire video is just text-to-speech characters telling her the reason why her dog dies and that reason is because she forced the dog to be vegan and the the like ratio for this is absolutely unfazed my dog bella died a few days ago i don't know why but i posted it on my teeth talk and everyone was mad at me and told me i was the cause seven seven seven seven seven sevens one thing i found online as well there's petitions saying that she needs to relinquish ownership of her dog one of them has uh 50 000 signatures for a semi-sarcastic meme i do want to play devil's advocate here and this is me doing five minutes of google searching no conclusive evidence but from what i gather dogs are omnivores not carnivores so they can survive on a diet of either meat or vegetables that is in no way me saying it is a hundred percent safe for your dog to eat just a plant-based diet you know there just isn't near enough evidence to prove that i do want to say as well please don't think this is some funny contrarian video where i'm like owning everyone going oh she was right all along like trust me she does have some truly terrible takes to the point that other vegans dislike her now obviously defending her on the dog thing uh one comment she did get which i didn't like how she answered it was a very open question like not really aggressive in any way basically saying if the vet a medical professional with animals told you you need to take your animal off plants and put them back on meat for their own safety would you actually change the dog's diet to which she goes that would never happen she said the question is ridiculous and that she would not be changing bella's diet she then turns the question around on the commenter and tells them their diet is detrimental to animals and the future animals the commenter may consume as someone who isn't a vegan i like that i like that i like that my dog would never need to eat meat but human now humans humans like i i get it okay i'm about seven decades late to the vegan tea like umperville's done like 35 videos he needs to do he needs to stop come on but what i'm saying is i don't want to come in here just you know eating a slab amigo oh it's so funny it's funny because she's vegan i mean this guy was a real jerk you know i wanted to give a more level take on it obviously still clowning on her but you know a bit more leveled now what really put vegan teacher on the map is her releasing a music video on tick tock titled eating animals is wrong karma mcdonald's mcdonald's the killer of babies disgusting kfc they do be doing good popcorn chicken though [Music] [Music] oh my god he's strawmanning me i simply said mcdonald's because that's the biggest fast food chain the song actually got so popular it was probably the most ironically dueted song in the history of tick tock one thing you don't need to imagine but again even if you think she's a fail troll this did work it put her on the map and for the hundreds and thousands of people that mocked her there was that one percent that would have listened to the message but then the skies went dark and just as miss karen was enjoying her newly found e-fame the abyss opened up and swallowed her hole and her tick-tock account was deleted why may you ask well there is only one man that knows the answer and his name is tommy in it so just imagine for a moment that your tummy in it you know just enjoying your day making minecraft content and then ironically making tick tocks to empower women the majority of my tick tock followers are men men of the world i call on you one last time please follow and share god subscribe to tommy [Music] thank you and then from nowhere your tick tock is hijacked by a woman to talk about veganism the fallout of this was like if noah divided the sea one side would be vegans the other side would be twitter stands and you know what i love most about this article after article was talking about tommy in it in this intense drama he didn't even know that it was going on what is the vegan teacher yeah someone what is that i don't know who that is all i know is vegetarians now one thing i've done today i've set up my ritual candles put down my soul goodman funko pup in an attempt to summon tommy in it to the pyrocynical youtube channel i might clickbait you in the title if that's please do please do should i pull some facial expressions what for the thumbnail you're a genie oh my god you're a genius yeah definitely do that i found the laughing one always gets them so i'm here now with minecraft sensation tommy in it yeah me hello pyrocynical viewers yeah there is reddit there is no audience [ __ ] you there's no what i wanted to do if you're comfortable with it i wanted to watch the tick tocks that kind of she entered she interjected herself into in the first place you know when you make those tick tocks you reply to them i'm at college and surrounded by women don't be scared tommy just follow that meat teacher miss tofu she'll help you find a nice vegan girl who will teach you what to do i just like how you you had nothing to do with anything there you were just doing some little bit and then suddenly i just don't get what's going on like if you did some slight dig or something i totally understand it but again it's just like you nothing to do with it whatsoever now surely you've seen the video of gordon ramsay reacting to vegan teacher no no i haven't this is someone basically punching down like he's doing our job for us so we don't even have to say anything eating animals is wrong gordon ramsay hurting animals that's wrong gordon ramsay share man it's weird because so many people always have this kind of argument like a vegan bad but i feel like she kind of has to be really aggressive with her messaging and stuff but at the same time it's still like i've literally seen other vegans on tick-tock call her out and be like you're going too far buddy you literally get secondhand embarrassment watching these videos vegans isn't it just what they do it's those people i don't bla i feel kind of bad for you because it's almost like you've kind of been thrust into this conflict i'm just i'm not really in you know i mean because you might i'm just not really interested in it i'm playing minecraft if you want to get to heaven you better be vegan if you want to get to heaven you better be vegan if you don't believe me trying to see your gran in the back garden a perfect britain okay so what's that lock down it just made everyone even more insane everyone's been inside for a year it's [ __ ] oh my god it's so i just i i why why kale tofu lentils beans peanut butter banana rhyme peanut butter banana rice peanut butter banana rhyme are you vegan yeah it's time again at least she's into it at least she's happy i like it because she she'll vary from okay here's some well-informed documentaries i want you to watch on netflix but then on another day it should be like let me do a funny dance for seven seconds and if you're not vegan because of that there's something wrong in your head i don't [ __ ] know what's wrong with you stop taking drugs and eat your vegetables that's why the war on drugs failed that is why but there are only a few generations it sounds like someone posting cringe dick sit down oh my onion god and tomato yeah yeah yeah beyond sausage chickpea kale salad and a bagel i just want to say i i've shown that tick tock to you because that is probably the most unappealing food i've seen in my entire life that is [ __ ] grub oh you're disgusting i was a british man now i do want to say thank you tommy and it for coming on the channel uh he has no opinion on the drama whatsoever he just really doesn't want to get involved i think it's funny to poke fun of it and uh thank you for joining also i was looking at uh twitch channels to find tommy i found this uh tommy init parody account that emulates his personality just perfectly yeah we're live on our official account stipper right now aren't we uh maybe maybe i accidentally went live on my secret account oh my god oh no what a shame tomorrow now if you haven't already gathered miss karen she's quite stubborn with her beliefs even going as far to say that she was going to donate her organs but will no longer do it because of meat eaters i realize how despicable society is especially since coming to tick tock even more so no way on earth that i want any of you to ever get my organs if i die only people i would ever want would be vegan animal rights activists so basically if you want your life to be saved stop eating meat oh my god i see what she did there oh my god gmos am i right i'm obviously making it overly simplistic but i just find it a bit weird that someone who is trying to promote the life of animals and their well-being is taking it away from humans in the meantime which is ironic because she herself has talked about like you know how many lives can be saved because of that by donating your organs and tissues when you die you can save up to eight lives and help restore the health of 40 other people like i will empathize with her on this part i understand you know to get the message of veganism to people it's difficult you know campaigns they kind of have to treat like a psa now you know you look up vegan videos that make you go vegan it's just like animal brutality at its worst you know those psas about like road safety and stuff like they're literally traumatic it just works but they need to be because you know if it's just telling you to watch the road who violated the law you're not gonna care nah i don't know why i made the road comparison because mostly you were like nine he wouldn't have a car i just think in this situation you know two wrongs don't make a right this is someone who's a nurse she understands how important organ transplants are one thing that's funny to point out after tommy rightfully so had no opinion and no input on the entire situation she moved on to dream which of course bought another wave of stands that would constantly meme on her what nah nah all right i know that sounds bad only this person never shows their face but everyone on tik tok saying no he's obviously a guy and i'm like okay anyway so i've been using this little dude now to me he just looks like a little penis a penis that was circumcised and that's not right nothing to do with veganism by the way it's just a totally unrelated argument to justify putting yourself in dreams tick tock when a youtuber responds to her she'll tend to milk that person's name in the thumbnail for views i've just realized i'm doing that with tummy in it my point is she used daz games in a thumbnail and a title of the video despite barely mentioning him today we're talking about daz games he has been doing more and more presentations but none of them i've noticed recently involve talking about animals and it's so important that all grown-ups talk about animals the most important thing though is to end the suffering of animals canada goose is a company that's it by the way keep in mind like 25 minute video i'm not calling her out for click bait because that would single-handedly end my entire career what i am saying is you can't tell the video after daz and then just be like daz he should be a vegan anyways also i will give her one point in that last bit where she shows the book don't don't buy canada goose having canada goose is like the fastest ticket to hell you could ever acquire you're supporting animal abuse and even worse you're definitely the guy that spams 2007 kanye songs in a cod lobby and put your eyes and explode your [ __ ] head actual scum i know i've said this like 50 times i'm just putting it out there i am not a vegan sleeper agent i happily eat meat i am conscious on how terrible the industry is animals crammed in these tiny cages basically having to grow up there no no you know mass produced and filled with hormones but the problem is with animals it's a business and like any kind of business unless there's restrictions they will be taken advantage of you know i feel for a lot of people there's this cognitive dissonance when you go to the supermarket and you see sliced ham you don't see that as a live pig you see it as meat like it's not there and it's not alive so your brain just doesn't make that connection you know if i go to the supermarket and see the sliced ham with the clown face on it how is my brain gonna make the connection that that was once alive and breathing i definitely know for a fact if you asked most people to take a knife kill an animal yourself and prepare it into meat most people couldn't do it it's been so convenient sized convenience sized that's not a word it's become a convenience for us you know if you really want me to come up with like a hypothesis or like point evaluation of how i came to that conclusion she does the banana phone bit that's in like 2012 gmod videos do do i need to say anything else also i i found this one video uh it's a bit of a reach she's basically saying that uh pinatas are teaching children from a young age to hurt animals keep away from open flames or fires so ages three and up so after the ages of three and up we teach children that it's okay to hit animals and that's a fun activity to do at a party here we have a cute innocent pig i like how she uses peppa pig and a unicorn as a comparison for animal abuse what man come on now get that pep off there come on it literally writes itself i have seen people in congress talk about video games being violent cope less than this parents want us to draw the line is with violence in video games containing the most horrible depictions of graphic violence and sex like the grinch who stole christmas like imagine the amount of squeakers that sneak into m rated games do they become blood hungry psychopaths no unless it's fortnite gotta make that chap do you know how those uh minecrafters or whatever they're doing they constantly play their game while they're talking well instead of playing a violent game and shooting people i'm gonna talk to you about this vegan pizza ah yes the e-rated game where you shoot people to death i do know about that game minecraft i don't get it like did she see did someone show her the minecraft gun mod and she didn't know that that was not even part of the game sometimes if you shoot them with enough arrows they go to sleep can we get an irony alert can we get an irony an irony warning on the screen the next content you're about to see is ironic here's a little kovid update for those of you who don't remember or who don't know our little mouse is called covid coved with a k just because we wanted to have some nice associations with that name she has a pet mouse that she named kovish that was not a horrible coincidence it is a hundred percent entirely intentional also uh for the next clip i'm i'm gonna censor most of it because i don't want the video being age-gated and i like money you're asking me what i want when you go to mcdonald's well tell me what i want what i really really want i want you eating animals is wrong mcdonald's hurting animals wrong mcdonald's you know what i'm sure the first time you did eating animals is wrong mcdonald's no one cared but once you went into this amazon rainforest half naked the people will now listen you know what i will give her credit on this she unironically has no shame and she's willing to use any method she can to promote her message even if that includes doing this really unfunny bit where she smokes a carrot let's practice our deep breathing now everyone's got their carrots big breath in i don't even understand what the point of the message there was who is going to watch a woman dressed up as a hippie smoking a carrot suddenly have like a vegan epiphany when a tommy innit didn't reply or dream she then moved back onto the people that did reply to her like for example gordon ramsay gordon ramsay who has 15 million followers here on tick tock and i'm going to speak to you directly gordon so gordon one of the problems that i noticed that you have is you don't seem to understand the difference between food and animal gordon ramsay be like get out my kitchen get out i don't swim for the kids though no this is really important just hold on okay i have a question is jesus vegan or is he up there in heaven killing animals stabbing animals is he eating chicken cows and pigs and fish up there in heaven no okay hold on let me take some notes jesus eats plants firstly why did vegan cheeses cheesus vegan cheese draining is an essential part of life if vegan jesus was a vegan why would he give fish to the hungry that's only something pescetarian jesus would do it's where it's at got my carrots hummus shirt and my carrots and hummus hat don't worry don't worry it's not a sim to dip dip dip dip dip it in go vegan i uh i felt quite phallic watching that see the thing is with vegan teacher you either get a hard hitting message questioning your philosophy and your ideals or you get a funny sing-along dance music video neither of which make me want to become vegan we should never try to make anyone feel guilty everyone's perfect just the way they are if they want to pay for murder that's up to them we should never try to change anyone or the world at all and we should give everyone a trophy every day and two ribbons ah yes because that's how you win everyone over by being passive aggressive and condescending miss karen please just throw some stats up on the screen or something or you know you can't just call people murderers and hope that it changes their world view you know what one thing everyone hates mega corporations because we like money and they have more money than the rest of us so make that the objective an impressive welcome samurai we got a mediocre game to publish do not tell her about microplastics i don't think she's learnt about them yet it's better we keep that way i'm gonna end the video there i think i've had enough vegan teacher for one day this is i'm not gonna milk this into like some eight-part saga i think i'm just gonna do one video and leave it i mean this video's probably gonna tank anyway because i'm nine years later i do want to say this vegan teacher i have met you halfway the merch that i'm wearing which is on release at the minute is actually look at that look at that logo look that's so look at that logo bro the merch that i'm wearing is 100 organic and vegan no animals were harmed in the production of this so yeah i'll meet you halfway on that it's not released yet but should be out soon if you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe and make my channel the same size as pewdiepie's thank you namaste eat your vegetables [Music] why is
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 1,705,927
Rating: 4.9506555 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, vegan teacher, veganteacher, vegan teacher tomminnit, tommyinnit vegan teacher reaction, vegan teacher tiktok, tommyinnit tiktok, vegan teacher tiktok cringe
Id: fsTk9rF2tag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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