I met KSI in real life...

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its not really fake when its supposed to be obviously a joke?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Sirkuck 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

No disrespect for the ToMIy InnIT

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AR-15-Professional 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
i'm in london we had to drive for like two hours we're on the open road before we do anything more i'm gonna go and meet wilbur it won't let me zoom oh well we'll come around oh hey tommy how's it going what's up will it's going good let's get your dad's very nice let's get ran over for the you want to get run over yeah okay go on i'd rather not what's your opinion on london than tommy huh well well well it's like uh hmm it's like a it's me oh my god do the auto tune thing oh my god i thought he was going to strike a more hen there she is my beloved only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed the analytic is above my head so please subscribe is this offensive what are you laughing at what's going on the toes you've got bird [ __ ] on your jacket show the camera oh no how did i do that i don't know man oh no no no no no no no no no i've just reached well this isn't kill me no well i've got birds i've got bird poo on my jacket i need a poop why would they be sad don't they know that because me and lizzy are together she isn't with her true love not yet lizzy my beloved his name is phil's a minecrafter i don't could do it though i am massive i am massive he has a gun why don't i have a gun how do i get this gun why don't i politely ask for his gun go excuse me i could defend this country let's go south yeah so we're not even going to see the queen we're not even look tommy we tried our best why are you taking me away from the ceremony see you soon lizzy give me a few years i'll catch up to 88 i'm gonna break my way in there don't shout that out oh i'm not going to wait we should go we should go what if i pushed you in you wouldn't though oh no no no no no look at that look at my hand no don't do that man oh thank you i'd also throw him in yeah because i actually don't like him next to this big river it's called the tents that's the number the thames i fully reckon i fully please care about issues don't actually don't if because if you drop that man i'm going to be oh my god i reckon we go we meet ksi we show up at his house and we well we're going to need intel on him aren't we we're going to need to work out how big he is and how we're going for you i'm pretty sure he's is we need to work as a heavyweight boxer he's going to work out ksi's girth okay so what are you suggesting let's go to the one man that knows ksi's girth oh god who's that hello hello vic nick what are you doing here [Music] how are you vic i'm i'm great this is a surprise to wake up to i have to say [Music] no how are you i'm i'm all right just pretend i'm not here there are some nice knives vic yeah they're used for cutting food [Music] okay tommy i wish you told me we were coming to vickster before we just turned up at this door thanks this is i'm sure this is a great angle you're very little this is you this is unnatural this is [Music] me and the star so so this is this is six five and this is six he's on his toes don't spread slander about me i wouldn't but i could clark the both of you that's what you're here for right now oh that's what i need to ask you for me my phone sit down vic are you at me putting my legs on the sofa you do you you do you all right what are the tips what's ksi's girth [Music] is he collectable you know what you you actually you have height on him really yeah i really and he might have reached on him how does this happen what timeline are we on what is 2021 how did you get his address tonight when i wear the glasses no no you can't like the glasses i can't see anything thank you what kind of watch is it so it's a hubler you can't have it you've got you can't just come to my house and take things wait hold on where did this come from you sound like you sound like a dad on christmas what have you got there oh no he's been on the he's been oh no he's been touching [ __ ] as well around london do you think i've got bird on my coat right we don't get it on the plaque [Laughter] is [Laughter] get on these dumbbells let's get some let's get some curls some bicep curls come on oh give me a wrap give me a wrap don't worry give me a wrap come on oh look at this straight look at the strength all right ready to die let's go there we go there we go [Music] jj is going to die i'm noticing a distinction [Music] in the big i know it's a distinct lack of guard uh do you think you confirm from a hit from jj yeah yeah okay he doesn't even need a guard how about we test let's do a squat attack this is defense [Music] they spoke about bitcoin for 10 minutes so i got bored volatile investments oh my god i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go to the toilet that's right okay [Music] hello oh i don't know how loud i can scream in here i don't know how loud i could guys guys guys oh my god come on let's go we just have a nice little conversation this is the wii shop theme welcome back everyone to my let's get on [Music] nice [Applause] she's single now you know we went to uh what can i have as a souvenir what about that big stars nail clippers george we'll be around in a minute yeah i'm just uh i'm just at vixx all right we'll be rounding up in a few wait you're coming to me bye [Music] what do you think will in this video today we're going to be seeing the funniest moment do that thing when you make fun of me again don't [Music] how do we use vic enjoying the sun soaking up some rays with the boys we are to be fair i'm raying with big v vic's please don't call him big v where are we gonna see him there i think i'm from that one reckoning will just crawl out the wall do you like any dream videos vickster yeah manhunt class what which was your favorite one the fourth one [Laughter] what one day perhaps it could be us that's very weird you can everyone realizes when they see like a whole crowd when they see dogs before it was fun as soon as [Laughter] thanks don't try and eat me fellas what the [ __ ] is the point of making scotland film scotland scotland because it's a it's a police institution training in military filming filming wait get me in guys we can't you can't it's illegal it's actually we throw you in and you go and you go ksi and then you make sounds no no i'll do it no we can't we can't risk george you can't read yours it's too precious and then what you do is you go in yeah and you [ __ ] you go and then i'll go up behind you and then i'll go and [ __ ] i'll get them in there then you're doing the fighting right i'm not going to fight you yeah okay cause it's not my fight no no of course not because you don't need water to help you let's do this apparently he's going to some [ __ ] i don't know are we interrupting him yeah at this point though disaster struck ksi sent me this text he wouldn't meet us but we realized if we got to the radio tower just in time we'd catch him off guard only problem was uh we were here and the tower was here we had only 10 minutes and he was 25 minutes away so we had no choice but to run god we got to meet ksi hug the traffic we don't need it oh my god now okay cool yeah i know what oh my god this is gonna end badly go go go go go go leave me behind no god we're not leaving my watch i'm surprised how much more not our breath compared to youtube shut up man this is not enjoyable you're glad you came and met us huh you're going to be here for the witnessing of the death of ksi it's going to be oh oh my god if tomorrow's watching this and i've died from a heart attack tell filzer he gets the channel oh my god we've ran so far i'll simply regenerate your energy you're right george you're all right okay george look at me i can't look at me you can't look at him look at me george i'm i'm i think i'm dying it's a long time say it with me it's long time it's long time i can't do this it's long time it's hung time yes yeah keep going good we got this the runner's half across london to meet ksi halfway across london less than one we had to run halfway across london to meet case i'm gonna do we got this george we'll go carry him on your back like a backpack i can't you want me to join you come on come on george oh my god this mountain what the [ __ ] is happening this is my uk aside what are there there's right there [Music] he literally would have just done so well that was pretty nice what do you think about the tower as well you could have [ __ ] kept up with us george then we
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 12,413,747
Rating: 4.9631176 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, vlog, in real life, minecraft, ksi, in, real, life, wilbur soot, dream, funny, minecraft funny, vlog funny, twitch, stream, live, minecraft manhunt, stealing, fun, challenge, london, ksi real life, sidemen, georgenotfound, vikkstar, I met Wilbur Soot in real life…, I met KSI in real life...
Id: LIBsKhpeFKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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