The Rotation Mistakes of Every Rank in Rocket League

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every rank in rocket league makes mistakes and today we're talking about rotational mistakes from bronze all the way to supersonic legend i'm gonna show you what each rank does wrong in their rotations and positioning on the field so if you play rocket league and you're a human this video should give you some pretty good info on how to have better rotations and in order to do this i spent a ridiculous amount of time analyzing three replays from every single rank so one replay for bronze one one replay for bronze 2 one replay for bronze 3 and so on for every rank after that's a total of 24 replay files yeah too much time was spent on this video so if you can just hit that subscribe button and like the video it's super easy and it helps out a lot but before we get started i want to tell you about a game you have never heard of before raid shadow legends is the first game to bring you a true console like experience to your phone you can explore over 500 champions and hundreds of artifacts while you battle different bosses go on dungeon runs campaign battles and multiplayer arena matches i've been playing raid for the past couple weeks and so far i'm pretty addicted mainly because of their massive online community they have millions of players on every month a discord server with over a hundred thousand members and thousands of videos uploaded to youtube every single week about raid it's super easy to get started thanks to the big playerbase and all the different champions you can choose from with 25 million downloads and over 1 million players on every day you'll never run out of fun stuff to do while playing i personally like watching videos of my favorite champion to see how i can use their skills better and win more battles just like in rocket league this game takes skill to win so for me improving is the most fun raid also recently released its biggest update ever the doom tower it's a giant tower with 120 floors a bunch of secret challenge rooms and 12 awesome bosses so if you want to support my channel you can use the link below to download raid shadow legends for free and if you're a new player you can get an exclusive welcome pack that contains a free champion 50 000 silver and a bunch of other goodies there's never been a better time to get started so click the link in the description and i'll see you in the game alright now let's head down to the best rank in rocket league and no it's not super sonic legend look bronze players are just bad at the game let's be real rotations don't even exist in bronze the only thing they know how to do is attack no defense no mechanics no brain just attack are you out of boost attack not sure if that's your own net or the opponents attack is your teammate already going for the ball attack yeah so point is if you're a bronze and you're wondering what mistakes you make when rotating you don't do any because bronzes don't rotate at all you can't make rotational mistakes if you don't rotate right [Music] surprisingly silvers are actually very good at rotations they miss the ball and they rotate back to the ball miss again and this process just repeats itself for the entire game but there is one exception silvers occasionally do rotate away from the ball but only to grab a boost pad and then back to the ball and in terms of positioning silvers love to play very close to the ball like really really close even if every other car on the field is also right next to the ball point is silvers love balls they love to be close to balls they love to look at balls i'm pretty sure silver players go to sleep and dream about balls so look if you're a silver player go ahead and explore the field around you there's more to this game than just balls you can actually rotate and play defense sometimes [Music] gold is around the time where players start to have somewhat of a basic understanding of rotations you can actually see players occasionally going back on defense instead of always attacking like the bronze and silvers now whether their rotations are effective that's another story yes they know how to rotate behind their teammates but it's always way closer than should ever be necessary rocket league cars are not dogs you don't have to sniff the butt of your teammate give him some space let him do his thing and just don't get too close this simple advice could have stopped so many of the bad rotations i saw in gold i also saw gold's taking the goalie aspect of this game a little too seriously as in they sit in the net and wait for a shot like a goalie in real soccer this is not real soccer sitting in the middle of the net without moving is the worst way to be a good defender when rotating back on defense you should be going to the back post which gives you the best chance of saving the shot if you aren't familiar with back post rotations click here to watch a video by wayne pilken that explains this pretty well alright now let's get a closer look at some of these bad rotations so as soon as he sees his teammate right there he should pretty much just ditch this attempt to attack i don't know why he stuck with it this kind of just puts your your team in a really bad spot and even after that he doesn't quite rotate all the way back he goes back to attack yeah it's just it's all bad right here i don't know i don't know what this guy was thinking all right here we got a couple more golds looks like they're rotating back on defense uh getting really close to each other yeah this guy is getting way too close he really needs to give him some more space here yeah these golds really need to learn how to give each other space like this is pretty awful i have bad news for all of you plats out there you guys are just as bad as the golds platinums were making the same bad rotations and positioning themselves just as badly as the golds the only difference is that plots have better control of the ball and overall better mechanics and i did see basic rotations in plat but again they consistently get way too close to the play which puts them in bad spots over and over again every platform the three replay files i saw struggled with this same mistake and before you go down and comment that these were just bad plats but you're a good platt with perfect rotations i guarantee you there's a 90 chance you're also making the same mistake if you don't believe me just go back to one of your own replays watch yourself and what you do and you're gonna see what i mean once again i recommend you platts watch the same video as the golds and learn about back post rotations i'll leave a link to that in the description and for this rank i brought in the king of back post rotations wayne pilken himself who's gonna tell you platz what you're doing wrong hello hello it's waiting here i'm gonna do this uh replay analysis without really going through it beforehand to see if these plat players really can go back post so let's see how it goes okay the walmart half flip that's what we like to see trying to start a dribble wow this is the boost that's okay though oh wow that was unexpected since the attack is like about to happen like alex is about to take a shot or 50 it with the opponents in the next couple seconds there's no way that noah could possibly take control of it and then put on a good flick or shot in time especially at plat level here so cutting off your teammate here is pretty much like if noah was orange team here i would not be surprised that's all i'll say about that okay that is just that is way too ball chasey as noah was heading back here noah didn't check on car cam for even a moment to see where exactly his teammate was positioned just stayed on ball cam the whole time saw that his teammate was there and even after seeing that his teammate was there like trying to corral the ball he still kept going that is a very bad choice to make if your teammate has the ball just allow them to go for it especially in solo queue you want to avoid double commits as much as possible turns back and then goes directly to the corner if you're alex here as soon as the ball goes to the corner there you need to immediately decide what your decision is this is a really crucial point in decision making and it all depends on if noah is gonna go for the ball here so if you're alex you have to observe is noah going for the ball if he is i need to go to the back post here or at least to net and if he's not going for the ball and he's rotating around then i'm okay to go for the ball so if you're alex here whatever noah does you do the opposite so here's where it starts to get really interesting and somewhat technical diamonds are actually still struggling with the same issues from gold and plat a lot of times their rotations are just too close to the play and it consistently puts them in bad spots the difference here is that diamonds are much faster and have way better mechanics meaning they will put themselves in those bad spots and then use a lot of boost to correct that mistake and go to a better position they still make the same bad rotations but now they can correct them pretty quickly this is kind of like stabbing yourself in the leg and then putting a band-aid on it diamonds love to stab themselves by making these bad rotations then putting a band-aid over it by using all their boost to correct those bad rotations this leads to fast rotations initially but once you run out of boost it turns into slow rotations until you get more boost and the process just repeats itself so moral of the story here is instead of constantly using band-aids on your stab wounds you should probably just stop stabbing yourself alright so he goes back on defense but he's turning back around and yeah he gets beat because he's just too close to the play once again this is the same mistake as gold and platt uh it definitely looks different here in diamond and you know it's not as extreme but it's still pretty much the same mistake this could have been avoided just by staying back and not getting so close to the play pretty unnecessary a very big mistake by this guy now this guy is clearly dribbling the ball this way and he continues to go that way which you know you're just gonna get beat you should be coming around back here and maybe challenging from there or just you know going back and rotating right away but instead this guy chooses to continue to attack and he gets beat and his looks like his teammate wasn't ready for it either and they get scored on all right so now we're looking at the opponents and looks like this guy is making once again the same mistake of coming too close to the play right here this guy is clearly gonna beat him to the ball you know all he had to do was just rotate back out go back to defend and he probably would have been fine so let's just watch what he does here surprise surprise he does not rotate back he chooses to challenge the ball and it's a wide open net i think they do get scored on this let's see and yup that's a goal scored on them once again could have been easily avoided [Music] finally we stopped seeing the same mistake of getting too close to the play in bad rotations champ players all seem to have a pretty good understanding of rotations and consistently put themselves in pretty good spots behind their teammates taking turns rotating when needed conserving boost everything actually looks pretty decent the consistent mistake i saw here is that champ players just need to make their decisions faster i saw a lot of lingering which is just watching the play instead of fully committing to rotating back or attacking in order to get to grand champ these decisions to rotate back or attack need to be fast and without hesitation there was a lot of hesitation in the rotations of champ players and even if it's a second or two where you're not fully committing to your decision to rotate can lead to a goal getting scored on you a lot of the goals i saw could have been saved if the player simply committed to their rotation faster instead of lingering and watching the play alright so here we are at champ level and even though he doesn't have boost here he doesn't make his decision to rotate back quick enough he's just kind of watching the play and watching what happens instead of actually rotating back and it's that indecisiveness even if this is like a second of difference you know as soon as you see this happening you need to be flipping right away trying to get back and make your rotation instead of just watching the play and that kind of puts you behind i don't think they scored off of it but again at a higher rank oh looks like they do get scored on so yeah they did get punished for it and that's just you know being indecisive taking too long to make your decisions all right so now we're looking at the opposing team and so right here after the kickoff this guy is now lingering once again and this is a completely different player so now you can see that it's a pretty common problem here in champ this ball is going this way and you have two attackers so your first decision should be to rotate back as quickly as possible instead he's lingering watching the play not actually rotating so now he starts rotating and he just he's not there in time that's because he lingered [Music] so at this rank everybody has pretty good mechanics they have good rotations they have good positioning everything is mostly good but the problem that most grand champs struggle with is consistency everything is good but it could be a lot better and smoother most rotational mistakes are created by their own inconsistencies for example attempting an air dribble and the ball goes just a little too far to the right which leads to the opponent being able to reach it and putting you in a bad spot or let's say after a failed shot your recovery isn't perfectly smooth and you're not able to get back in time or you hesitated for half a second on your challenge leading to a 50 50 and now your rotation back will be affected because of it it's these small mistakes that lead to you getting scored on and mistakes on rotations and as a grand champ myself i can confirm this is exactly what i need to work on because i am inconsistent as so for this rank i had top 100 player spider rl come in to analyze what ssls do wrong because i have no idea they're way better than me so yeah he's gonna take it away he's gonna tell you what they do wrong so my teammate he could have he could tell that i was gonna flick it and he could position himself middle like he should have been like right here that would have been perfect because let's say this grow guy would have saved it then he could have just turned and got back in time so if he was here that was fine like it wouldn't be your threat so it seems like he he came from this area and then he like waited around here but what he should have done is just trusted me to get the touch middle and he should have like gone a little bit further to the left more like this so as soon as he saw me there he should have gone here and waited middle for me to get at middle and if i didn't get a medal he could have turned around and got back in time so the opponents they're also not communicating it seems like so like they they both went for it and that's very bad like one of them should be like back a little bit over this area and the other one should be challenging but now they're both in the same spot so that's a mistake from them and a mistake from us is that we left so much space if you look at this like this area is is open completely and what we should have done is someone should have called like either him or me should have called who who's going to go for this and one of us needs to challenge it closer like one of us needs to be around this area shadowing it or challenging it and then the other guy should be like behind him so if this guy fails then there's still someone behind him to to to save the ball but right now we're both leaving too much space and that's way too dangerous it's very bad so i'm booming in the field and lion is basically pushing in the corner well like with crow because this is crow's uh ball line should be behind crow at this point in this situation what should be done is lion should be going behind crow like this crow will be like going like this and he will be in the corner and then lion will be just going behind him like that and if lion wouldn't be in that position then crow would have been able to get a better touch but he could have still got a better 50 and then lion would be behind him to follow up so that would be much better so if you want more tips on how to rank up make sure to go follow me on twitch i stream pretty often on there and you can ask me live questions watch high rank gameplay and it's just a fun time click the link in the description to follow me on there [Music] i suck booty at rocket league but i still play everyday
Channel: Mr-Napkin
Views: 550,344
Rating: 4.9575062 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league tips, mr-napkin, rocket league rotations, the rotation mistakes of every rank in rocket league, every rank, supersonic legend, rocket league mistakes, wayton pilkin, rocket league rotation mistakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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