2 SSLs Vs 6 of Each Rank Until They Lose in Rocket League

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your first down like being down at them being an ssl is like flossing while hitting a 360 no stop and bottle flipping all at the same time it's kind of unnecessary but definitely flexing on everyone else but exactly how good is an ssl are they six times better than every other rank well we're about to find out by putting them against six of every single rank until they lose also as i mentioned in the last video i picked a winner for the playstation 5 but more on that later so we begin our first round with two ssls versus six bronzes yeah that's a lot of bronze i'll be talking to the ssls during all the matches to hear their perspective they're coming in the bronzes are coming oh my god nice finish it clean that's so good what's it like facing six bronzes right now um right so far you know not too bad to be honest they're just kind of flopping around nice oh bang let's go let's go might bump me yeah yeah yeah the bump straps are pretty strong i feel like the bronzers are gonna struggle with the bumps though like yeah coordinated once we get up to higher rigs it's definitely gonna be tough yeah for sure yeah this one bronze is just surviving he's got a skateboard on top of his head yeah there it is he's actually peeking oh he said easy i'm actually like impressed with their mechanics to be honest yeah they're not as bad as i thought they would be this guy's actually making like solid contact with the ball like yeah hundred percent smurfs come here boy bang oh there it is there it is baby you know you know me just hard carrying vitality you know it's whatever right come on oh oh back to you hey come on come on oh my gosh dude they all just like cluster hit that that was awesome yeah how many bronzes does it take to save a ball we want to go for 15. we'll try 15. i'd actually rather see like a stylish goal oh never mind actually now i'm just nervous i feel like you you're just oh my gosh yeah i was like i do i'm so used to the normal kickoff it's like it's it's muscle memory i'm just like and imagine having to come up with excuses when playing okay tell me honestly is it a a high mmr thing to have an anime draw as your profile pic i think no i i just watch anime that's all oh i don't know what tally did i think that's what gives you i don't know i don't know that that's what makes you that was why you scored that double tap right there yeah we're just gonna we're just gonna become weird let's go nice job all right round one let's go as you remember last week plink and i announced that one of my plink followers is going to get a playstation 5. plink is a matchmaking app for gamers we can analyze all your in-game stats and behavior and match you with gamers who have similar rank kd favorite games age etc so i scrolled through my plink followers and just randomly selected someone as you can see i just tapped someone at random and here they are congratulations to pokemon best pika i already sent you a message and plink will take care of getting that ps5 to you so congrats again so the bronzes actually did better than i thought they would they scored two goals on our ssls honestly that's pretty solid up next we're going against six silvers let's see what they can do let's go let's go oh my gosh there's so many people all right let's see what the silvers are made of okay my tally i see you double these yeah [Music] dude that was a three-man save it was actually nuts what am i watching are you seeing get up on the wall bang oh dude what these guys are insane they're just they're just all in net like they are the wall are these silvers are all up on you guys oh the double close they're picking up the boost it's a different it's a different game from last time yeah but they're all like more double committed or you know six typical hexa hexagon committed i'll get on that jet yeah he shoots yeah open all day oh oh that was kind of close though yeah oh peeker nice angle oh dude vitality just going off this road he's now hopping on these silvers he said owie it's open crazy bang hey landon you actually put one on the board i'm happy for you i'm not getting carried anymore okay so so far the silvers are actually doing a lot worse than the bronzes why are there two on our side oh they're all gonna want to save you instantly dude you just lost so much respect this is why i chat off bro i don't wanna you should see what he said in our team chat dude what did he say he said okay ssls i dare you to throw man i dare you to throw him all right congrats ssls we got another match down you have destroyed the silvers that was actually a little bit easier looking than the bronzes so good job let's go now it's time for our ssls to face off against the golds this should hopefully be a bit more challenging we got some gold you know i got a different title now you know what i'm saying that's tile annihilator i bet she feels so cool lots of new titles on these golds you know what i'm saying oh the speed flip okay okay okay you know i'm just going to sit back and live until i do all the work all right yeah landon remind me next time to just have vitality do this challenge [Laughter] all right the golds are definitely like triple committing but seem a little more coordinated maybe yeah yeah you just got bumped that was smart yeah nice oh he's going for ariel they're in the air oh my gosh he bought me good luck there you go nice that should be a goal i don't feel like gold's will say that yeah no goals won't save that any ball in the air it's really tough for them to do yeah i agree okay i will say that i think this is a mostly score on a rank so far in like the first minute so that's kind of weird yeah i think so soon they've left the net like wide open multiple times oh these golds man they're not at all spaced out they're all on one side of the field at all times yeah every single one of them yeah i just don't okay oh you're getting tossed over there yeah i'm actually gonna caught totally i need boost all right give me something special come on come on ceiling pinch oh close oh you're still good with it mom i'm scared man this is actually looking even worse than the silver match for some reason yeah i kind of thought that that was gonna be the worst i definitely see the mechanics improvement though like they're in the air they're going for shots but it's just like not working it's not working yeah it's the first time we ever been scored on yeah that's what i'm saying this match actually looks cleaner even though their mechanics are better for some reason i think it's because their mechanics are yeah like they're actually like out of each other's way enough that you have to just like tons of space i think yeah so the ssls actually beat the golds worse than they beat the other ranks now let's see what the platz can do starting at this rank i actually made every player change their name to be toxic against the ssls it was hilarious okay so uh this is the surprise i don't know if you noticed there's a little fun uh yeah surprise for you i i might have noticed it i might have noticed that this is hilarious this is amazing my favorite one is ssl had nothing to society oh wait i need to read that ssl another super sonic turds i eat ssls for breakfast ssl because i told them to get creative and i love it super sonic gold super sonic sadness so funny all right here we go here we go let's take him down make him angry oh the bump oh my god dude that's in wow this is your first down like being down at them and their names next to them all it's so good i feel like this is what platt's all about though like pure toxicity oh that was actually insane that dad just straight up took your lunch money dude we're down by two come on boys y'all can do this there's only six of them yeah yeah exactly shoot that yeah hit a shot yeah there it is let's go let's go yeah we just gotta get some good shots on that oh i took my bit oh the bumps that's such a stretch that is so mad i'm sorry oh my gosh okay two minutes to score two goals we just got started banging it toward their net oh there's there it is all right two goals here come on one blast hit that hit that try that was really close yeah okay come on there's there's hope 26 seconds come on boys my grandma can shoot faster okay here we go yeah joe did that you did that yes let's go take him down nice no way no way that was close say ff please keep going nice job [Music] the flats are insane i want a rematch i want a rematch loki loki i i do want to see if it was a fluke like it is do you think we could get a rematch all right i say we have to do the rematch all right all right the ssls clearly lost against the platz but i wanted to give him one more chance i got bombs nice job okay all right was this a fluke that's the question the plot defeated you you have a title i'll try you're good that's off good save i'm getting bumped again okay i'll just i'll i'll have wait good save wow that was tight yo this this game just feels way more sweaty i don't know why like yeah yeah we had so many shots last game dude bang good job it's halley that's pretty damning no problem dude it's time to try okay oh good luck we're good yeah i got like three of them coming at me i see that i was like one of them will eventually hit you dude they're insane they miss like the most interesting stuff and they're the stuff that you don't expect them to touch yeah it's so random all right well done well done we really gotta make sure yo 3-0 man that was a totally different game than the first time i had to make sure it wasn't a fleek dude so they beat the plots pretty good the second time so i let them push on to the diamonds all right guys this is the intense the plots were close and i mean super close so let's show some diamonds what's up okay vitali's still wearing his sweaty decal we gotta be at peak performance peak performance dude already like they're just no boost on the map like it's just no boost well they don't have here so oh shoot that all day yeah there's three of them that ariel for that one uh ssl but never taught to a girl is that true boys that's facts oh okay but dally's like don't speak for me but also true landing yourself right yeah get him oh i you're yeah you're alone for a while there's so many about okay they're actually spacing out a good bit though now they're not doing predictions oh no wow oh no it's fine it's all good yeah if we just keep putting on target eventually i'll bang yeah right then yep oh double okay you guys can totally pull this off if you just hold strong like i have faith yeah for sure yeah dude i'm so scared to go for the ball i'm just scared like one time easy double come on that was close though get out there 100 oh wait there's no boost on the field okay i'll just grab these okay get caught [Music] y'all caught the dub on the diamonds but not on the plat first round yeah it was it was just a matter of getting you started ones are better than diamonds okay now that we've completely confirmed that plots are better than diamonds it's time to move on to the champ round and to be honest i was nervous about this one i thought if the ssls were going to get knocked out it was going to be to the champs keep going i'll be behind you i'll have a bit for me nice nice sweaty calms i'm interrupting the sweaty calms i got it nice uh i was here i'm i'm trying to nah wow let's go two up on the champs [Music] oh my gosh i'm getting bumped good job i ain't going up get up there get up there nice go in no shot good turn he's trying to i have okay that's placement well done i'm trying to decide like why is this working even better than the diamonds i think they are good but they just don't know how to rotate as like a sexy you wait for the shot i'm giving bees okay okay the thing is we know that they're gonna like at least make contact with the ball somewhat consistently you can predict it a little bit better uh i'm not bad yep you're gonna be left that was actually really smart i'm so annoyed with that dude oh my gosh one this guy is you spawned what wait did you see that i didn't even spawn i think they've like commissioned one guy to just always bump now yeah i believe so i just had a hundred uh i'm i'm out back striped is better than an ssl now i do like that one i'm not gonna lie [Laughter] no yeah i i tried to hit it to the corner but i turned too early man it's so annoying oh that was so bad and he bumped you into it wrong team landon so many demos oh my gosh oh wait the spawn i cannot believe that i spawned in landon's car hey one goal is 17 seconds no problem i'm trying you at this bank i mean that's my that's my bad i i made a lot of mistakes hey we gave the platts a rematch do you guys want one more rematch against the champs i i kind of want to do it all right you know let's just run it up so i gave the ssls one more chance but i only found that it was even worse than last time the champs were warming up or something and just kind of let loose on these ssls they were angry determined and most of all explosive pretty much every time they went to go store a goal they did so the ssls went down by several goals pretty quick they did have one pretty sick passing play there where he hit it right to his teammate and then he banged it right in the net so that was pretty sick but then it was quickly turned back around by the champs who disrespected them once again so ggs ssls cannot be champs so through all this experiment what did we learn ssls are good but not that good sure yeah that's what we learned
Channel: Striped
Views: 1,446,468
Rating: 4.9360237 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, Every rank at once, Every rank, Pro vs every rank, Rank battle, Rocket league ranks, mechanics, rotations, best player in rocket league, striped, supersonic, Vs, Rank vs rank, which rank is the best, plats, season rewards
Id: Iy46wzRi6u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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