I Asked Every Rank to Freestyle in Rocket League: Which is the best?

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[Applause] i got one person from every rank in rocket league and asked them to score five different freestyle shots to see which rank could finish with the least amount of tries each rank will have five tries to score a ceiling shot air dribble flip reset breezy flick and last a musty flick double tap the rank that finishes with the least amount of tries will be the winner of this video and officially be known as the best rank in rocket league for freestyling as we go from low ranks to the high ranks you'll get to see how each player improves mechanically which may or may not lead to better freestyling so in other words the plats might actually be better at freestyling than champs but you know we'll just we'll just have to find out all right now let's get started and see how well the bronzes can freestyle but first i'm gonna need you to absolutely obliterate that like button and hit subscribe to help out the channel so you've never played rocket league is that is that the deal like ever i played a few times i'm really bad okay so the first shot you have five tries to score any type of ceiling shot i don't know how the ceiling shot [Music] wow that that was beautiful i i can't lie it's try number three right here [Music] oh okay that was closer to a ceiling shot i don't think i'm gonna be all right good enough that's all five tries all right so your next shot is an air dribble off of the wall oh this is a good setup right here okay oh that was pretty close all right so we'll say that's three tries all right there's try number four right here okay here we go it's a good setup right here oh and just you know classic bronze whiff that was that was incredible all right that's five out of five next shot is a flip reset off of the wall that's embarrassing guys a good setup all right not very good execution though oh that was close that was the closest try okay all right so the next shot is a breezy flick oh that was close that would have been not even close to a breezy flick all right so you took five tries so far for every shot about what i expected for a bronze so you know nothing nothing too bad right here all right but the last shot is a musty flick double tap all right well we'll say that's one try i'll give you a hint you do have to roll it up the wall okay all right that was pretty close and that's five out of five tries all alright that was that was a great job i think he represented the bronzes pretty well so obviously the bronze was pretty garbage and finished with 25 tries which was expected but now let's move on and find out how the silvers do all right so first up you have five tries uh and the shot is a ceiling shot i can do these all right let's see it oh all you have to do is score it oh nice all right it took one try i didn't expect you to get it in one try so honestly that was that was good i'm impressed all right next up is an air dribble off the wall oh no all right let's see it [Music] oh it's not a bad setup oh okay all right that's one try all you have to do is score it you know it can bounce it doesn't have to be pretty all right not exactly an irritable all right that's two tries oh i can go okay okay that was interesting okay this is the last try right here [Music] oh this looks good this looks good oh it's close all right so next up we need to score a flip reset oh my goodness what was it what was that scream that's pretty close that's one try so far let's try number three can you get it it was pretty close if you're wrong i'm sure oh that's close oh almost okay that was interesting all right so next up need to score a breezy flick try number one didn't quite get the the motion off i would suggest you can tap the ball and then go in front of it maybe oh that was the closest so far the last shot is a musty flick double tap okay this looks good that was a good setup right here oh this is good oh that would have counted that actually would have counted oh oh that would have counted that would have counted right there okay this is your last try right here i believe in you come on okay good you got it not quite so the silvers did a little better than the bronze but still pretty bad and finished with 20 tries but now let's take a look at the golds alright so first up is a ceiling shot i've never heard a ceiling shot in my life ah this is gonna be hard oh why did i do that oh that's tough that's one try right there no worries take your time do whatever you got to do maybe i can stay more comfortable with that oh okay it's looking rough dude everyone's gonna arrest me on youtube am i even supposed to hit the ball i have a feeling yeah yeah yeah you hit it dude this is so hard i look like an idiot nah you're good you're good oh this looks good this looks good oh that was close all right one more try all the pressure to represent the golds this looks good this looks good oh oh that would have been it alright so the next shot is an air dribble off the wall oh my gosh super sonic legend's gonna do it all first try uh maybe you know we'll see oh this looks good oh that was close i look like a clown no all right this is your last try right here it's shivering oh this is it this is it oh all right there we go we'll count it all this pressure i'm putting i'm shaking your next shot is a flip reset off of the wall oh i've never done this i i only practice it and i can't do it at all [Music] oh oh that was close i almost had it oh i did if there's a gold that can do that i don't even know how this still gold they should be liking diamond why did i do it dude if only people knew the pressure on me okay yep take your time for a reason um probably not no i literally missed that easy part okay next up you have five tries to score a breezy flick no i only know how to do a musty oh okay that wasn't it that wasn't terrible no oh my oh not quite not quite okay the next shot is a musty flick double tap oh my gosh this is like some pro player moves i don't expect myself to hit these things wait no i've ever done these shots with all this pressure in my hands you got a man no gosh this is like pro pro level oh i heard that oh no yeah this looks good it's just gonna get me i don't really all right well that's it i shouldn't even have signed off so the golds actually did worse than the silver and finished with 24 tries just barely beating out the bronze but now it's time for the plots and hopefully they do a little bit better all right so your first shot is gonna be a ceiling shot all you have to do is score it can be as ugly or as beautiful as you want [Music] oh that was pretty close it all comes down to this oh can you score it oh okay next up we have an air dribble off the wall okay this looks good oh is it going to go in oh okay that that technically counts so we'll give it to you that was his first try next up we got a flip reset and this looks good oh did you get it oh almost okay couldn't quite get the flip reset all right next up is a breezy flick [Music] okay you got the motion down okay looks good oh that was close oh that was close that would have been it too you had the movement down [Music] no so next up is the last shot is a musty flick double tap [Music] oh that would have been it right there [Music] i i can't even get to him he did well man good job looks like the plot tied the silver with 20 points but at least they beat the golds and if you think you could have done better leave a comment down below and maybe you'll get to be in the next video all right so you're representing all the diamonds here all right all right a lot of pressure i guess okay so first up all you have to do is a ceiling shot shot [Music] that's two tries so far and i have three left all right i'm gonna take my time oh is that in oh those are close i'm just gonna play temple all right there you go there you go next up is an air dribble off the wall okay this looks good oh the flip reset all right that counts that was so scuffed okay next up is a flip reset also off the wall it can bounce oh great and you just have to score it okay oh going for the musty now you can take your time just try to make it simple all you have to do is score it all right there you go there you go okay next up is a breezy flick oh uh you know what i i counted really a flick let me watch it again all right yeah you know what it it didn't touch the ground after the breezy so that technically counts okay so far you're doing pretty well next up is a musty flick double tap no i don't i'm gonna fight for that it's fine if i go in my own net yeah yeah sure where am i going oh off the sidewall you're crazy like i'm just doing stuff i can't do it's the story of diamond players it's your last try right here this looks good oh oh that was so close dude no way damn i really thought that was gonna bounce that was so close man the diamond by far did the best and finished with only 12 tries putting him at the lead for the best rank but we still have a few ranks so let's find out if anybody can get a lower score and beat the diamond [Music] okay so the first shot is a ceiling shot [Music] okay this looks good oh i thought that was in oh can you score it oh almost oh did you even get the scene oh you didn't get the flip off the ceiling that doesn't count no it's fine take your time take your time okay that was interesting but it counts okay next up is an air dribble off the wall [Music] okay nice okay next up is a flip reset off the wall [Music] this looks good all right nice that was it zero tries again all right next up is a breezy flick oh my god i have no idea how to do that oh my goodness yeah yeah interesting oh no last one right here oh oh that would have been it that was so close okay last shot is a musty flick double tap [Music] this looks good oh oh that would have been it okay oh my god this is so hard let's try oh that's five tries right there did i do better than the diamonds at least you did worse by one try so the diamond beat you oh so the champ finished with 13 tries which means the diamond is still in the lead as the best rank but now let's see if the grand champ can do better [Music] okay so the first shot is a ceiling shot [Music] all right nice that counts i could cut that i'll cut that out were they cows oh that's good yeah it wasn't the prettiest shot but it counts alright next up is an air dribble off the wall it can also bounce no you just have to score [Music] all right yep that was good okay next up is a flippery set off the wall [Music] oh that's tough oh that's tough oh did he get it oh you didn't get it all right there you go okay next up is a breezy flick oh no i i can't do this i'll try my best okay that wasn't too bad all right that one was a little worse okay somehow that one was even worse than the last one it just gets getting worse and worse this is your last try right here that's tough all right that's all five tries okay next up is a musty flick double tap oh that looks good oh oh nice damn that only took one try all right the grand champ was able to beat the diamond and finished with only eight tries which puts him at the lead but now it's time for the highest rank in rocket league the super sonic legend okay so first up is a ceiling shot all right nice it's pretty smooth that was the nicest ceiling shot so far okay next up is an air dribble off the wall now pretty simple pretty simple oh my okay that was that was interesting uh but it counts that counts okay next up is a flip reset off the wall [Music] yup that was that was beautiful okay so far so good you're you're flawless right now next up is a breezy flick oh i love my breezies all right let's see if i can hit it oh my goodness that was so nice that was smooth thank you bro now i practice damn all right next up is the last shot it's a musty flick double tap no way close ceiling this time no way oh no retries right there damn your last try i gotta hit on this one no way all right took all five tries right there that's just unfortunate so the supersonic legend finished with five points which technically means he won but i think we can all agree here i mean come on the wind just has to go to the diamond
Channel: Mr-Napkin
Views: 956,416
Rating: 4.8947802 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league tips, mr-napkin, every rank, rocket league every rank, freestyle, freestyle every rank, rocket league freestyling, freestyle 1v1, rocket league ssl, bronze, silver, platinum, gold, diamond, champ, champion, grand champ, grand champion, supersonic legend, ssl, which is the best
Id: cBUR3p0NY8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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