Rocket League Kickoffs | Good vs Bad

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[Music] yo what's up my friends recently I've been playing with some lower ranked players like around diamond rank trying to coach them around for a bit and I've actually noticed a few pretty big things that I didn't before about diamond players when I was coaching the other day I was just destroying on kickoffs without really putting in much thought as to why these lower ranked players were so slow to kickoffs but then my teammate that I was coaching asked me how I was getting the ball so fast so I saved the replay and then took a look at what I was doing that my opponents were not and uh yeah yikes I never really noticed how bad some of these diamond players kickoffs were now it's not a roast it's not a roast but I immediately figured out what they were doing wrong so today I'm gonna go over some kickoffs that are okay to use and some that are not let's get into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] first off the slight diagonal kickoffs the first wrong kickoff I see many players do is this right here what they do is they turn towards the boost pad and then just turn towards the ball the reason why you shouldn't use this kickoff is because you're not flipping at all during it and you've got a lot of ground to cover plenty of room to flip towards it the reason why you should flip towards it every time you can is when you flip you're increasing your speed without needing to use any boost however it's not as simple as just flipping towards the ball the next mistake I see people make is just front flipping towards the ball what especially makes this bad is sometimes players even boost during their flips so at one point they're actually boosting backwards this is incredibly inefficient because you should already be conserving a boost when you can but boosting backwards at some point is only making it worse this guy's way better than me I'm out however there is a way to boost while flipping that won't slow yourself down you can do this by flipping diagonally I'll show you in detail pay attention to how I turn towards the pad at the middle to just catch the edge of it a small detail that often goes unnoticed here is that I don't actually turn towards the ball while I'm on the ground instead I flip diagonally towards it without turning on the ground at all it's important to realize that I'm not side flipping if you look closer it's actually in between a front flip and a side flip and I'm still boosting as I'm clipping so it's actually a diagonal flip or corner flip after you flip make sure you land with your nose pointing right at the ball the most powerful way to beat your opponents on a kickoff is by flipping into it with your nose so after flipping into it the first time land facing directly at the ball and immediately flip again directly into it if you do everything right you should be hitting the ball smack dab right in the middle and the ball should be rolling in a straight line directly at the middle of the goal here's what this perfect off looks like again some other kickoffs that I said we're wrong [Music] here's another thing to take note on this actually applies to not only kickoffs but to getting around the field in general when you flip towards the ball in order to get there the fastest you can make sure you corner flip instantly after you leave the ground you travel faster on the ground than you do in the air so it's important to reduce your air time as much as you can here's what it looks like against someone doing the exact same kick off but not flipping instantly after jumping as you can see it just gets you there way faster than your opponent you can also use this at any point in the game just to travel around the field faster without using much boost just fast kick off wherever you're going and you'll be recovering so much quicker last thing about kickoffs in general you should still be using the same kickoff no matter what playlist you're in if you're just trying to beat your opponent but in one's boost management is way more important so in ones I suggest not using boost after your first flip typically I like to use a little bit of boost as I'm flipping into the ball for a 50 but in ones I just don't bother if you stop boosting after your first flip you're gonna save about 12 boost by the time the kickoff is finished that may not seem like a lot but you'd be surprised by how much it helps on recovering from losing a kickoff [Music] next up let's talk about the kick offs from straight Center in the back these kickoffs you only need to know for once since in every other occasion you or a teammate would be closer to start off there's two things I see a lot of people do wrong in this kickoff the first one is pretty obvious some people just straight up drive at the ball and flip into it at the end this is wrong because like I said earlier if you have room to flip you should always use it in this case you have plenty of room so similarly to the slight angle kickoff you want to begin driving straight at the ball but turn your car slightly to the side as you can see here you'll want to turn it just enough so that when you corner flip and boost at the same time it'll be directly at the ball after that straighten yourself back towards the ball and after you land front flip into it again there is no better way to do this I don't recommend front flipping on these because when you do you can't use boost at the same time without boosting backwards also don't forget the flip as close to the ground as you can and save a little boost at the end for a recovery here's what a couple bad kickoffs look like against a perfect one [Music] lastly we've got diagonal kickoffs here there are a lot of options that people consider viable depending on what playlist you're in you may want to purposely lose the kickoff to direct it to a teammate that's behind you but I'll cover that in a future video if you're just trying to win the kickoff you've really only got one main best option first what you shouldn't do some people I see just simply drive at the ball and then flip into at the end however as I said before if you have room for a flip you should always use it and in this situation you do so with that out of the way the next mistake I see people make is when they try and wave - with this kickoff it does get you going max speed by the time you get to the ball but it does it later than we'd like there's still better options also for some reason I sometimes see people do whatever this is it's actually surprisingly a pretty common strategy however if your opponent knows what he's doing you're gonna lose this kickoff every single time with this strategy the angle you hit the ball at is not directly goal side of the ball so if your opponent is goal side of the ball he's gonna beat you almost every single time so yeah definitely don't use that one now for what I do recommend there's two different variations of this one of which I recommend more the first one is front-flipping straight ahead then turning your car and front flipping into it again I used to use this kickoff but then I found a way to do it a little faster like I said before it's better to corner flip and boost at the same time than just front foot so for this one let's say on the left side you should immediately turn your car slightly to the left then corner flip to the right while boosting once you land you should be relatively goal side of the ball what's important on this one is the direction you flip relative to where you land wherever you land whether it be too far or too short you should make sure your next flip is directly through the center of the ball if you don't do this you could get completely destroyed by your opponent if they do there is a similar strategy to this where you basically instead turn to the right slightly and then corner flip to the left but I don't suggest it because when you do this it's harder to turn your nose back towards at the end here's what a few of those bad kickoffs I talked about look like against a perfect one [Music] alright that's all I've got for this video hope this one helped you out a lot I know there's a lot of you out there that don't have very strong kickoffs so this video should help you out of it I really appreciate all the kind words and support on the recent videos it really means so much to me so if you have a friend or two that you think could find this video useful or you really just like these videos then I would really appreciate it if you share it other than that I hope you have an awesome day and night and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Wayton Pilkin
Views: 2,594,295
Rating: 4.9199824 out of 5
Keywords: rocket, league, kickoffs, kickoff, goal, how, to, wayton, pilkin, payton, wilkin, tutorial, howto, unmasked, montage, sunless, khan, sunlesskhan, improve
Id: q4WDvcNdbD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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