Smart Rocket League Players vs Mechanical Players (who's better?)

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yo guys are you more of a flashy mechanical player who can hit stuff like this or are you a smarter player who hits respectable flicks and makes simple outplays well today we get to see which type of player is better in 1v1 we have four matches planned with our final match being a pretty intense supersonic legend matchup so make sure to watch till the end for that i'm also going to give 50 dollars to the winner of this match so not only will we get to see which type of player is better in their respective ranks but we will get to see which type of player performs better under pressure oh and i'm planning on making this video a series and testing this in 2v2 and 3v3 and increasing the dollar amount so if you're interested in maybe participating i recommend subscribing so you can have a chance to be in these to help pay for this video series is today's sponsor frag pro shooter frag is one of the best shooter games out there and is specifically designed for mobile devices there are almost 60 million players and if you'd like to join them there is a link in the description that you can use to sign up and you'll get exclusive rewards so i play mobile games every day and frag has been super fun here's how it works you can collect more than 80 characters who all have their special rules in power then you create and build a strategy deck to destroy enemy bunkers i personally love going into 2v2 mode where i pair up with another player and we both select three characters each to fight against the other team something i like is the fact that frag is always adding fresh content and the most recent update includes stella the good witch i went ahead and created a club and game called seabell so if you end up downloading please go join my crew again frag set up a link that you can use in the description that will give you free rewards even for those of you who are already playing the game you guys should definitely give this game a shot and thanks again to frag for sponsoring this video all right so we're going to start in platinum with big poppy bean who says i focus on game sense more because i'm only a plot and i think that it's better to focus on game sense more than i can except my rank and he is going against maybe baby who says i'm more mechanical than smart because my teammates are lower rank than me so i am forced to play more mechanical let's see if mechanics or smarts wins this game god this car is obnoxious i'll tell you that much wow i don't know if that was on purpose or not big poppy bean just bumped maybe baby into the ball if he's not smart i don't know what he is and that that boost is gonna kill me oh my very loud car it's an intimidation factor from big poppy bean he scores again looks like big poppy bean is not gonna secure the open goal mechanics failed him this time oh no he's he's going for the corner boost oh goes to the bump doesn't even need it maybe a baby again gonna have all this space to work with big poppy keeps going for that back boost i think he actually missed it too not so smart but hey these guys are platinum mistakes like that can happen let's see what big poppy was thinking there was nice i knew that was going to happen too he knew that was going to happen i told you he was smart like i want to get good at mechanics don't get me wrong but like i just at the moment it just seems like you know you play i'm so we're so low of a rank i can see why he's more mechanical it's hard to think while you're getting yelled at by mom maybe baby another open shot oh no big puppy almost ongoing big poppy what are you doing oh no that's so unfortunate the mechanical plaque goes up another goal here and then big poppy bean takes a shot from downtown and scores the easy goal he needs a save waiting a net a really big shot was taken maybe baby needs to take the shot he's taking his time big poppy with these flips they are killing him i say i'm saying i'm the smarter mechanic uh you're the mechanic i'm the smart guy and i'm just over here missing not much time remains for mr poppy bean but he does a good job staying back here to secure the goal this is where the mechanical player needs to just secure the win but instead he plays it up field and big poppy bean scores to tie it up [Music] [Applause] this is a super close game does the mine or does mechanics break down with the pressure of being in a video and fifty dollars on the line big papi going for the pop not gonna do enough another pop in the air big poppy needs to make a play really needs to make a play here maybe baby with a big shot it's on the corner and makes the goal i should have gone up for that if i would protect my post right now oh my goodness so the mechanical player wins in this platinum one match up i know it's only one game but i think it looked like mechanics are definitely more important to work on if you're in platinum because some of those misses were just brutal match 2 will be between diamond 3s with marmi who says i mainly go for ground plays and fakes over crazy air dribbles and stuff i practice the basics over everything else so i am not a mechanically skilled player and azverb who says i put 80 of my time in rocket league in the mechanics and in training packs i don't really get into games and just play so i don't really have the game sense that people do this marvie mostly goes for ground plays and fakes over crazy air dribbles or anything so we're gonna see marvie probably staying on the ground a lot here as already going up definitely working on those mechanics but misses the shot oh my goodness you'd expect these smarter players to kind of wait for the mechanical players to make mistakes marmie just a little bump doesn't take it up the wall and yeah very smart play there actually for my thumbs are falling off the controller sticks i hate it yo so playing a match like this with some money on the line can be nerve-wracking i want to see who can do better under this pressure though any commenters out there who thinks this is easy and could do better let me know oh we went for the air triple bump an absolute savage marmie's definitely just taking his time already going back to goal he knows oh azo with a nice shot though can he fix it can he fix it azeburb is definitely not afraid to show off some mechanics and goes for this flip reset i kind of have the same play style as azerb not afraid to go up for shots but the recovery is so important and marmie is going to score because of the risky play so azeburb is down three to one but both are pretty nervous so anything can happen ah just flicks right over him marmie knows he can't just let him shoot i don't know about you guys but you could definitely tell that azerb is better mechanically i knew it was coming just couldn't react to it in time he's definitely not trying to do anything flashy probably take this off the wall and wait he's going to wait for azebur to make a mistake to score definitely misses the mechanics there azeverb takes advantage and scores again this game could go either way still a minute left only one up for the mechanical player mommy just yeah like you said he's gonna do these normal flicks didn't get there no way definitely going all the way back here as it taken up in the air going for the flip preset oh he fakes it nope marmie reads that a smart play by just waiting letting azerb do his thing but misses the open net as well we're down to 30 seconds tie game this game is going to overtime too who is going to be the first to crack oh this is actually really scattered yeah okay no no no the score classic ones the kickoff decides the game azeburb was one good flip reset away from winning but it may not have been the smartest play and he ended up losing on to match three between grand champs felix says he's a smarter player because i don't see the need to be mechanical when you could be smart especially in ones where you can't really do much in the air without it neither needing to go in or conceding and he'll be up against waffle who says i find more fun learning new mechanics and going for cool shots i mean i'm not good at mechanics i'm also very monkey i'm sorry i think when you reach a certain rank no matter how good you might actually be you always think you're trash and you know what i kind of feel this too so this is what you get to look forward to when you hit grand champ so stay innocent boys waffle goes up here and takes the risky play placing all his trust in his mechanics felix doesn't mind though because he scores the open net these two are very different players so how did you come up with the name waffle uh dude it's kind of just my irl nickname oh do you like waffles then yeah felix is just gonna wait waffle has all the boost now and actually gives it away oh my goodness felix just gets an open net that was not smart it's so easy to tell which player is which in these matches the smarter player is playing way slower and not really leaving the ground while the mechanical player doesn't hesitate too much to go up if the mechanical players actually hit every shot they went up for on target they'd probably win every game by five enough boost now to go for the flick he doesn't get it felix now just has to catch the ball easy shot smart player goes up one more goal it's three to two fourteen boost definitely a power shot coming felix just has full boost and weights waffle another mistake just kind of gave the ball away to felix this game is far from over felix moving up gonna take his time you know he doesn't doesn't just go for it he's gonna have a good move over here and just beats waffle on the slow play so the smart player is up by three there's no way he can lose this lead right like he's the smart player but this isn't a normal 1v1 game there is pressure and money and winning too easily doesn't fit the script for me so yeah it's tied up somehow will better mechanics or better brains win this match in the end right now it looks like our mechanical player waffle is going to win this [Music] waffle with a great kickoff plenty of boost felix with a very nice save waffle too aggressive there i think it's going to be an open net for felix we are tied going down to 17 seconds felix has scored like five out of his six goals with open nets impressive gets a 50 win goes to the boost waffle's gonna have time to get back here but felix gonna take his time oh my goodness waffle just drives right past him i mean you can easily get it back don't jinx me now oh no no jinx what's up and now we're in our third overtime of this video i think making someone with good game sense and bad mechanics go up against someone with bad game sense and good mechanics of the same rank is some sort of guarantee for a perfectly even match waffle goes for the challenge all you have to do is hit the shot all he has to do is hit the shot and it is game over that match goes to the mechanical player which is surprising but i think that if felix protected his lead by not letting waffle shoot as much it could have easily gone to him and just like that we are in the final match with two supersonic legend ones players the smart player bolting says i can read my opponents really well and use that to score a goal that's easier also i just don't have great mechanics for an ssl and hikro says i've practiced freestyling specific mechanics over game sense for thousands of hours let's see who can win bolting with a really good oh my god no way i thought that was gonna be right out of the gate that was kind of whack hike road oh my god the play over the center dunks him like nothing definitely more mechanical play there does a tornado spin dunks bolting in the face so at this rank both supersonic legends are capable of hitting crazy shots and have great mechanics so being smart is much more valuable at this rank because they will take advantage of any mistake made by the other player like that bolting just kind of waited on the ground and then he had to take a gold level [Music] shot oh my goodness what a shot there bolting notices that hydro is going for the boost and has a little bit of time here to make the shot and just takes an absolute banger 105 kilometers per hour into the net away from hydro bolting has the potential to hit basically any shot so as long as he keeps making good decisions he should win this easy while there's actually kind of a dirty dribble play and just like that he is up three to one against mr mechanical hydro has a play here a quick flick over bolting's head not sure if he's gonna challenge or not bolting smart takes it into the net now being smart is one thing but you can't always play slow and wait for the ideal situation hikro is figuring out that bolting is playing slower and can start challenging more often and gets another goal hydro now on his own field whole thing with a challenge it's actually going to work whole thing is just going to take it right around hydro brutal mistake by hyper went for the boost thought he had a little bit of time he thought bolton was maybe going to take this out away from him bolting is now up by three there's pretty much no way he loses but hykro kind of has to make a last-ditch effort if he's gonna win this ceiling a flip reset into a stall shot what an absolute madman let's see what bolting has to say about that shot oh i got clipped on bolting just got freestyled on so the next natural move is to try something too oh no kickoff's so unfortunate always clipping always clipping oh no i thought let's go oh my god i got clipped on no but in the end bolting the smarter player wins this match pretty easily so here's my summary of these matches get smart get good and get ready for part two and three [Music] later
Channel: CBell
Views: 1,415,318
Rating: 4.943893 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League Game Sense, Rocket League Smart, Smart Rocket League players vs mechanical players, Rocket League vs the rank they think they deserve, rocket league platinum, rocket league diamond, rocket league grand champion, rocket league ranks, rocket league supersonic legend, rocket league ssl, CBell, Rocket League CBell, Rocket League showmatch, rocket league 1v1, rocket league challenge, rocket league vs, rocket league funny
Id: IXZ-wtU8c0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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