How To AERIAL In Rocket League from Beginner To Advanced

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[Music] to me the most amazing factor about rocket league as a game is the fact that it's similar to soccer or football which i already enjoy except it's even more complex because it adds an entire new dimension with the ability to fly and within that new dimension comes a whole new world of creativity speed and mechanics to master in this video i'm going to lay out a timeline of aerial skills to work on from complete beginner to the highest level of gameplay you'll be able to determine where you are currently on that timeline and follow it the rest of the way until you have complete mechanical freedom but real quick just got to be out here sponsoring myself because i want to let you guys know about my own rocket league course on gamers ready it's called the ultimate guide to teamwork in rocket league and i've been working on it for the past eight or nine months because i wanted to put as much value in it as possible so if you want to get better at rocket league this is for you there are a ton of topics in there that i would never get to cover in a youtube video because most people don't find them all that entertaining so that being said i know not all of you watching this are super serious about getting better at rocket league but for those of you that are this is the best resource out there for you and i'm not just saying that i truly do believe it it's extremely useful no matter what rank you are because most of these concepts don't usually get covered anywhere publicly i'm sure once you take this course you'll be impressed by how much you didn't actually know about this game already even if you've been playing for years so if you're interested there's a link at the top of the description and there's more info on the main page there and be sure to use code waiting at checkout for 20 off but anyway that's about it let's jump right back in with how to master aerials to master aerials i've created a timeline to help you go from not knowing how to do one at all to mastering them completely from any awkward position this timeline is broken up into five levels obviously not all of you watching will be at the exact same level so it'll be your job to determine what level you're at and then continue on to improve your aerials down the timeline from there to begin i'll start by explaining how a fast aerial is performed and then i'll move us down the timeline eventually working our way up to mastering them from every angle with the maximum amount of speed the process of learning an aerial is pretty simple but there's many ways to go about it in short the ultimate goal for what you should be eventually trying to learn is what's called a fast aerial a fast aerial is performed by jumping once leaning back stop leaning back jumping again and continue leaning back all while boosting the whole way through it it looks like this in real time a common mistake people run into with this is they'll only tap the jump button instead of holding it down this doesn't get you in the air as fast because you go higher when you hold down your jumps i even see grand champions with this problem and it's a really hard habit to break so make sure you do it right when you're first learning it you should be holding down your jumps to go as high as possible now i don't recommend just jumping right in and trying to do the fast cereal without any experience it can be discouraging when you realize how difficult it is to get the motion down so instead i recommend learning to just double jump and then lean back and boost so you can get used to controlling your car in the air at all once that becomes easy you can try learning the fast aerial so you'll be boosting through the aerial the whole time and leaning back in between your jumps something people are often confused about with fast aerials is the fact that you actually do need to press multiple buttons with your thumb in order to perform it on a playstation controller the default boost button is circle and the default jump button is x meaning that in order to press both at the same time you kind of have to rock your thumb between the two buttons it's a movement that i've never had to get used to in any other game but for rocket league it's just something that you've got to learn for those that don't learn this movement they either never learn how to do a fast aerial and stay down in platinum or they just rebind their boost button to something else so they can press boost with a different finger there's nothing wrong with doing this there are many pros that choose to rebind their boost button to a bumper but it's just not as common as choosing to keep it default most players just choose to learn how to rock their thumb between the buttons so even if it's awkward at first it is something that you will get used to over time as long as you stay patient with it for this level 1 training pack since it's only 5 shots and they're all very basic aerials that are stationary in the air you should make sure that you can fast aerial straight into the ball with your nose on all five shots without fail if you can't do it yet just keep practicing until you can once you can do it you're ready to move on to level two now that you have the general motion down for how to fast aerial it's time to start reading the ball as it's flying through the air for the level two training pack it's basically the same as level one but the ball is moving so it requires you to read the trajectory these are all still very basic aerials that don't require much mechanics to perform in fact the ball is so low that you're probably capable of single jumping and then flipping into the ball on some of these but make sure you don't do that even when you can because we're trying to learn how to aerial here so treat these 10 shots exactly the same as you did for the level one pack fast aerial straight into it and smack it in with your nose if you hit it with the side or top of your car that doesn't count you may get lucky and tap it right in a few times with that but as you climb the ranks you'll need to start relying on shot placement and power more and it's going to be much easier to place your shots specifically where you want them if you're hitting it with your nose every single time so make sure on these that you hit it with your front even if it's harder for you that way a good rule i like to use to determine if i got the touch right is by looking at how my car reacts to the touch if my car bounces off in a way and my front is no longer pointing forward that means i did it wrong but if my nose stays mostly solid through the touch the whole time that's how i know i did it right also there shouldn't be any air rule necessary so don't try doing these while spinning overall level 2 is pretty self-explanatory so just grind it out until you can get 80 or more on this pack once you can get 80 you're ready to move on to level three level three is high aerials this is where you can really take your aerial game up a notch because what separates a lot of diamond and champ players is not only their ability to reach the ball when it's up by the ceiling but also their ability to reach it up there fast the thing about aerials is people don't just stop whipping them at higher ranks whiffs on aerials still happen multiple times a game even at grand champion although most diamonds and grand champions are capable of reaching the same aerials it comes down to who reaches them faster the whole reason why whiffs still happen at grand champion is because they're pushing themselves to get up to it way faster if a gc tried to go up for an aerial as slow as a diamond player does they probably wouldn't have any whiffs all game so my point in saying all this is that whiffs are inevitable so if you want to improve your aerials don't just practice hitting the ball over and over again in the air practice hitting it as early and as fast as possible so in this pack what that means is hold down boost almost the entire time while doing the aerial if you're feathering your boost you're doing it wrong in a real game whether you're gonna hit it or not doesn't matter if you get beat to it anyway so if you're gonna go for it go for it fast for the shots in this pack you might even notice that some of them are easier if you air roll your car a little bit at the end that's a good thing to experiment with it's often easier to get power on the ball if you hit it with the top side of your nose rather than the underside so if you need to air roll for some of these to make it happen i'd encourage trying it out just remember that you shouldn't be spinning the whole time as you're taking off the simpler you do it now the easier it will be later on once you can get 80 on this pack or more you're ready to move on to the next level this is one of the most important aspects of aerials to master if you're going for a shot from a tough angle and there's someone in net ready to save it sure it may be an easy save for them since it's a pretty small angle to cover but the fact that they do have to save it is huge when it comes to breaking down the defense on top of that sometimes the defender just won't have faith that you can score it from that tough angle so they won't jump for the save at all if you can put a shot on net from these tough angles every single time you'll find yourself with way more opportunities to score even if they do get saved if you haven't been practicing using arrow on your aerials yet you definitely need to now most of these shots are pretty much impossible to score with power if you don't use arrow a common mistake with these types of shots is waiting for the ball to come to an easier angle to score from again just like before if you're gonna go up for it go for it fast even if you do miss the angle on the shot it's still better that you hit the ball rather than just getting beat to it by the opponent you should be holding down boost almost the entire time during your aerial and of course just like before make sure you're not holding air roll the entire time a good habit to get into is using air rule on both sides for most players there's one dominant arrow direction that we like to use more often than the other for me personally i'm much more comfortable with arrow right than arrow left so when i'm practicing i'll often find myself spinning the long way around to hit the ball correctly just because i'm more comfortable with it clearly this is a short term solution in the long term it's much better for me to be comfortable with air roll in both directions so i'd recommend being careful about that when you first start make sure you're air rolling according to what makes sense for the given aerial not just what you're most comfortable with if you can get 80 or more on this pack you're ready to move on to level 5. sudden aerials are in my opinion the most important aspect of aerials to master at a high grand champ or supersonic legend level for most of us up in this area of ranks it's hard to pinpoint a particular mechanic that we can improve the most it feels like we're decent at everything because we have to be in order to get here in the first place but with this training pack in particular your mind will be blown by how much faster you could be on aerials i first made this training pack a long time ago for this video which some of you may have seen but it turns out to be exactly what i would recommend for level 5 in mastering your aerials for this pack you need to make sure you're following these exact rules in order for it to serve its purpose number one on each shot start by turning off ball cam to see which boost pad you're lined up with you'll be perfectly lined up with it i didn't make any mistakes when making this pack so for example this is not the mini pad you're lined up with it's actually this one even though it's further away the first rule is that you need to drive directly at that boost pad before turning toward the ball once you touch that boost pad then you can jump or turn or whatever you want number two your first touch on the ball must be on or before that last beep on the counter in the top left so turn your sound up if you need and listen to what comes first your touch on the ball or the last beep of the counter keep in mind that the last beep actually happens when it's transitioning from two seconds to one second not one to zero if you follow both these rules on every shot for this pack it should force you to be as efficient as possible with every single aerial your power slide your double jump the angle of your touch on the ball all need to be perfect in order to follow these rules and still score it it'll really expose how far you really are from perfecting your aerials in high level games it happens often that you need to react and jump for an aerial from an awkward spot those situations are where aerials are usually furthest from being perfected and this pack will help you perfect them better than any other if you follow those two rules if you can get 100 on this pack by scoring all of them on the first try i uh i i don't even know what to say to you because i can't even do that if you actually can score all of these on the first try while following those two rules then prof see you because you've got the aerial mechanics of a professional all the training pack codes will be in the description i recommend trying them out to see which level you're currently at and then working your way up from there also remember to check out my course and use code waiting through the link in the description for 20 off if you enjoyed and learned something please consider subscribing for more content like this it really does help me out and it literally only takes a second so i'd appreciate it if you want to learn how to air dribble from a complete beginner level all the way to advanced that video will be on the end screen here in a few seconds other than that thanks for watching and i'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Wayton Pilkin
Views: 484,307
Rating: 4.9752517 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, aerials, tutorial, rocket league tutorial, rocket league aerial tutorial, how to aerial in rocket league for beginners, how to aerial rocket league, how to aerial better in rocket league, how to aerial faster rocket league, wayton, wayton pilkin, wayton pilkin aerial, wayton how to aerial
Id: R3k9O-k_XC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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