The RARE CORNCHIP Monster Evolution is the Best Rare Bugsnax - Bugsnax

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what you want me to eat a bug snack are you serious okay that's the spirit let's eat it strappy i'm gonna eat him oh what oh there he is santa pete how am i gonna stop him okay let's try and launch him oh yes [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing bug snacks granville over here he's a super happy chap he loves the bug snacks he doesn't eat him all right he just wants to look after them you could say he's kind of like a vegan all right what he wants us to do is actually donate some bug snacks i've already donated two i just need to donate four more and then something happens i don't know what happens but let's go and get some bug snacks and donate them i'm gonna get some more chocolate here here we go okay oh there's one of these dudes this one's a different one it's a lovely sweetie flying okay all right so it's basically a candy with wings he ran away maybe he'll come back again boy chip go over there where my where my net is i'm gonna catch him what is that one tropica bug stays hidden forever once scared or at least until an aggressive snack attacks got him yes okay he went and napped and then we caught him maybe we can attack him with the ball go and attack him get him oh yeah yeah that's it just just get him climb on top of him rub him a little bit i don't know what's going to happen i'm going to get another one of these peel bugs let's get our little strappy friend out here go in the tunnel there champ he's gonna knock him out you watch what happens oh yeah we got him we got him that was easy mode this thing is called a snackery which is basically a snack daiquiri all right obviously nice there we go you just have to hit him with the shell and then you jump up here and you catch him all right i've got four let's go and give four to where i'll make ramble all right and uh maybe something will happen i don't know so just as a bit of a recap right there is a grumble because i think these guys are called grumbles or gumball i don't know what they call crumbles there's something that's what kind of species they are right i don't want to talk to you no i just want to put them in here and there's one called lisbet which has disappeared she was like she was kind of the leader of the place you know what i mean of this little town and she's vanished and no one knows where she's gone what just happened oh there we go they're all so cute oh cool i got an extra two slots in my backpack so i can carry more bug snacks all right get some more chocolate hey hey you going cheap it looks like a packet of chips where's my pal over here who looks a lot like a flaming hot cheeto you're really doing it yeah man i am you even got beverka here she's awful you know what we should do we should throw a welcome back oh a party's a good idea let's do it that sounds good dude that's some good dancing that is so good surprised his limbs don't fly off into the fire this is wambus his wife basically left him she got sick of arguing with him and she left the town her name's tiffany and his he replaced her with a cactus version of her and this is befika she is a hot dog person we made her a hot dog personal last video how's it going hot dog man if you to let us eat your precious livestock we could have kept together they weren't livestreaming they were my little ones my kin they are food cheap i don't know if you realize that you can't grow food for yourself you don't know a thing about love that's why your wife left you oh jeez damn's fighting words man what you want me to eat a bug snack are you serious okay that's the spirit let's eat it strappy i'm gonna eat him oh what i just turned green oh no i'm on the toilet i'm allergic to bug snacks just give me some space champ i'm gonna vomit at both ends i had to run to the toilet and completely just remove the contents of my stomach oh this area yes we can go to a new place where's this scorched gorge that's a cheap hoof these things never land if only there was a way to catch them in mid-air oh it is a cheetos look at that and with like it's got dorito wings oh dude this is awesome there's so many things around here what is that one it's a scorpeno it hates hot sauce but it loves yellow stuff what is that cheese sauce this snack lobs fiery peppers at anything that catches its attention oh a spotty it protects his territory by charging its intruders it's a stack of ribs it likes to hide and sit still maybe some sauce could get it to move we just need to find some sauce somewhere oh there's some sauce no hey up here hey chip follow me and i'll show you the deal of a word it's danny devito what is that dude the spotty just tried to attack me those things they charge you look at this i just got launched oh that's cool hey what's this there's like some kind of room we might be able to go into did you you didn't break the wall oh dude you gotta break that wall right come on spotty break the wall yeah he did it what's inside here oh shy weenie worms i'm gonna catch some of them there we go got one i'm gonna get another one these guys are so easy to catch they're that easy oh there's something else in there as well in you go little strabby go in there dude better get a net ready is he even going oh he's coming out this way whoa i caught him i got a green pill bug dude could you not do that stop whacking me champ he whacks everything he whacks the other bugs as well it looks like a mouse it's a pop tick hey i need to get two of those look at this guy these guys throw fire we might be able to make popcorn out of these little dudes ow stop it how do we catch them that's what i want to know oh i'm on fire whoa i can actually burn i don't want to do that okay all right come on hit this little corn kernel going all right i just ran into the corn kernel while i'm on fire he's all the way over here look at that it's a bit of corn he's running away i'm gonna try and lure him with some chocolate come get some chocolate buddy yes all right we got the popcorn man does he like the hot sauce yes nice that was so easy those ripple peeds man you just put hot sauce on your trap and he goes straight for it what kind of bug snack should i turn gramble into there's so many good bug snacks around we could probably turn him into a popcorn monster ego it's time to eat have a pop tick put it on your arm see your champ they're going back to snacksburg which is good one of the main quests in this game is actually just getting all of the people back to snacksburg these dudes love hot sauce i'm just gonna sneak up put that right there splash bit of hot sauce on it and that should get him too easy there's definitely some monster out there some monster bug snack i know my story about the queen sounds far-fetched if you don't believe me go and see for yourself wiggle gave you a map to liz's last location check your journal oh nice thanks wiggle chip let's check out the clues okay we've got this clue here oh there's something going on here i saw elizabeth looking down on camp from between the trees beneath the snow line i haven't been to that area yet we need to get there stop dancing man it's weird his last name is face friend have i got a bridge to sell you what you're selling me a bridge there's a bridge there i could just walk around your silly wall look at this i'm on your breach no i'm not i'm in the water i feel like i could make that jump though oh i smacked him smacked him again i got one i got a spotty oh launch pad yes i knew this guy was gonna be useful for something okay uh we put that on the launch pad uh we gotta aim at it there and fire bang he's such an angry dude why gotta be so angry dude hey there's someone down there as well who's this who's this person oh it's tiffany this is wambus's wife she actually looks happy okay that's good probably because she left wambus i didn't notice you there hey hi how are you she like scottish or something i'm tripping a lot of blog or maybe she's canadian i i can't tell you want me to come back to snacksberg see these skeletons yeah something's fine oh god i'm gonna get this we need to trap these river peas we do this with flaming hot sauce and we wait for him to run in there bang got him they're so easy to catch look at this there's another dead guy chase me over here champ done what's inside here there's another oh there's some pictures they're worshipping the cheese moth thing like the start of the game you know what i realized the very first time i played this game right i landed on the island okay and i went through a cave and there was a skeleton there what if that skeleton is lisbet i just remembered maybe it is all right i got three ripple peeds i just need to feed them to tiffany this is going to be weird i'm feeding her actual bones all right there you go uh you could do that right hand look at that oh she's got some delicious looking ribs yeah the whole arm look at that nice dad yup oh she wanted me to open the ruins but i already did it hey trippity's heading back there as well nice we've got one more grumpus alrighty there champ time for some cheap woofs i've got a few of them he's gonna actually like claw oh this is gonna be good this is gonna be so good he gets like actual feet oh oh tiffany's back he had to come by and check it out we missed has got a funky new look oh no be nice wambus if you want your wife back i'm sorry that's the stuff that's a good start dang oh oh they're hugging it out they love each other again that's nice okay i reckon i feed just an absolute stack load of spuddies to uh gramble where's gravel seeing that he loves them so much you're going to become one of them champ how's it going are you ready oh oh come on come on oh he doesn't he doesn't eat it of course he's a vegan you can't force feed him oh man joke's on me oh that sucks ah he saw right through my plan i'm gonna donate some spuddies there we go yeah backpack upgrade yeah i can hold 10 now 12 even that's awesome man i'm so bummed that i can't transform gramble i need to get two cyberpedes and these guys are over here where are they oh we're getting around somewhere oh there he is centipede how am i gonna stop him okay let's try and launch him yes that kind of works sorta works oh got him yes nice he's a short one now i still don't know how to get inside this door though i've got no idea here you go champions your santa peeds oh that's got to be delicious just a sandwich foot she's pretending to be grandpa's friend actually wants to go on a date with him darling what are you doing oh but she just wants to eat the bug snacks uh well i'm just looking to spend some time with gwen you're gonna eat the bug snacks all right i'm gonna try and catch as many spotties as i can and i'm gonna turn our old mate up here what was his name the red dude i don't know i'm gonna turn him into 100 spotty oh the dude is already cheaper yeah okay cheap it is all right place the launch pad down there there we go oh god stop chasing me champ stop it i fell aim it at him come on bunga got him cheap yes all right pick that up go down and get the cheap off i've got three of them now let's go put them on that guy what's his name what's the red dude's name i can't remember god there's so many delicious snacks in this game it's awesome i would eat them all there's probably not one snack in this game that i don't like how you going buddy poof let's replace that french fry leg or sweet fry leg or whatever it is yeah nice oh it's moving around it's actually shifting around his body he's now got a sweet potato arm time to catch some more oh hey burger man come back i need you all right run on there come on dude i think that's in the wrong spot okay put that there aim it at the cheap off my champ here he goes here he goes dude that's my launch thing nice dude you launched it out of the game all right champ i've got seven of these things cromdo that's his name all right buddy time to eat so many white chipots oh yum all right yeah let's move that fry around this guy's body it's on his ears that is so good hey his ear is now a corn chip oh where'd it go now it's gone i think it's gone oh no it's it's the bucket head now it's his nose all right get his teeth oh yeah looking good let's go the white cheap off for the body hey looks so good can we feed him a spotty and maybe change his nose he's got potato nose no we need to get the complete cheap off package it looks awesome right on the nose oh that's good that is really good is it dorito man why is he so angry looking all the time all right so we need to get this guy some big snack pods or something it's called which we get in i think the next zone it's not actually in any of the other zones so we'll have to find it but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 349,377
Rating: 4.9063792 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Bugsnax, Slime Rancher, Bug snacks, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax download, bugsnax epic, bugsnax release date, bugsnax location, 'bugsnax update
Id: _sqlwr7Efvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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