I ATE ALIEN SNACKS And Mutated Into A LEGENDARY MONSTER - Eternal Cylinder

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shoot water at the meat cube consume me cube become cube oh it's a big mess dude that thing is creepy i have to drop it i have to drop it and roll no [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance we're playing the eternal cylinder this is a game where we play this kind of this ugly little alien guy with a trunk check him out and we have to keep moving because there's a giant metal cylinder thing you can see it up there it's currently rolling towards us this thing is like it's always everywhere it crushes everything on the entire planet and you just have to run you have to run and survive but this little dude he can like evolve he can adapt to his surroundings he can grow bigger legs and all sorts of stuff based on what he eats and all sorts of things he finds he can even find family that's right you can find other little alien things with trunks it's disgusting but they're your friends so you love them anyway how's the big cylinder coming oh my god as you can see that thing is ginormous and i am currently stuck so i'm just going to get some of these mushrooms so i can't i can't jump up there oh god oh god it's so big so i need to eat stuff and i need to drink stuff i think i'm just gonna gather some materials check me out though i'm basically i'm like one quarter elephant and then three quarters not much else these guys are gonna drop something i can eat oh champ yeah yeah let me eat that let me eat that thing the green thing i don't know what that is and it came out of that other alien's bum i'm gonna eat it anyway because that's the kind of disgusting little creature i am let's go eat it there little champ and watch what happens i'm going to evolve i'm going to do it yes i just got grasshopper legs all right let's get that look at that i can jump super high now oh what's that one what's that one all right get in my mouth okay can i eat that one as well oh i'm gonna eat him i just ate that bug that water bug i just turned into a fat burger thing i am fat burger man they call me berglord all right i'm gonna eat that one as well what does that one do oh that one gives me health okay i could just mung down on some mushrooms if i get super hungry why is there like a blue fart cloud going on i've had my eye on this game for quite a while i saw it like a year ago i'm like man this game looks amazing i can't wait to play it and now it's finally in beta and i got access to it and i'm super happy because it's really cool so if you guys want me to play more of this game all right let me know in the comments be like finn just play the game cheap and i'll give it a shot i can also fire the mushrooms back out of my my nose hoes that's what i'm going to call it oh that's my waypoint oh there's a dead one that's a dead one but it's actually a trepim i'm a trebem that's not me the little guy that's where he is oh dude the cylinder's moving whoa so what happens right is there's these towers see that tower over there those towers can stop the cylinder for a little while i'm gonna roll all the way over there oh champ dude look at that alien it's got a big mouth okay let's go over this way let's go over this way there's like crazy aliens and stuff this game is awesome yeah i'm trying to move hey stop it with the camera i need to get on this blue tower all right let's get on here this thing will stop the cylinder for a while okay here it comes here comes so the game is about obviously surviving and out running the giant murder cylinder right that's just crushing everything on the planet but i think it's also about finding why it's actually happening oh dude run oh it's gonna get you giant mega mouth mean he's gonna get him is he gonna get him oh no that alien over there got crushed it's coming it's gonna crush me it's not gonna crush me it's gonna that's close that is so close at least i can jump i can jump really high for a fat thing oh that tree just fell over so see how the tower thing stopped the cylinder that is so cool hey what's over here what's this white zone i like this bit oh no no i'm dying i'm dying can i eat that i'm gonna eat that fluff i'm eating the fluff bloop look at me bounce blue okay what does the fluff thing do what's it do i just grew a bead it just grew an actual bed dude i'm so good looking oh that alien i thought it was a clam but it's not it's actually like a snail thing alrighty snail man he can hang out okay oh this is yeah we find another trip i'm here look at that it's a travel egg all right yeah give me that egg give me that egg i got it oh no it's rolling away all right grab the egg let's go ahead and we need to incubate it i'm gonna put it in this thing this orange thing oh yeah yeah put it in there i'll get in there as well maybe i'll hatch i look like i should hey cool this is another one now where is he boy jim get out of there all right i'll switch to him i can switch to him if i want to that's pretty cool i can control all of them alright so if i go over this way can i get one of those fuzzy things and like feed it to my friend what got it all right that's pretty good where's the other one going oh he fell i hate it he had it on his own look at that he just grew fuzz good job chin okay can we now live in the ice area because we've got fuzz i think we can survive over here now oh what is that it's one of the giant mouth guys run run little one oh it's a big mouth dude that thing is creepy so even though i'm kind of a bit of a crappy little alien i'm very skilled at like eating things and adapting to my surroundings like i'm incredibly stubborn oh what is that something oh it's growling at me the big mouth man is growling at me oh lord he's coming oh okay i'm gonna eat that one there's so many things to eat i just ate a trumpet oh yes cool i can make noises and music and stuff out my face hoes wonder if i can scare this man away oh he's running yeah i can scare away predators whoa what that alien is massive oh oh there's another trebem egg right there all right can i can i eat one of these fish give me one of these fish give me give me all the fish uh i have webbed toes now i can swim more quickly but i can also jump out of the water that's pretty good i like how you can give stuff to your little fat mates you know what i mean you just give them and then they eat them and then they evolve as well it's good times for everybody oh yeah this guy's super chubs as well okay all right let's go let's get this one all right we got this egg let's go egg mode this guy doesn't have the super legs all right there we go look at this two fat proud parrots so cool best family let's be this guy this guy's name is greg pew pew or something i'm gonna eat that one i'm also gonna get another one just to give it to any other trebums that i find that alien's weird looking he's coming we just opened the door hey hey hey stop it quick get inside the house get inside enter the elder cave hey they're talking to each other so i guess the game is about finding out why there's a giant murder cylinder going around trying to crush everybody just ruining everybody's homes and stuff okay what's going on up here i like this bit what is that there's a cube main all right interact with the cube oh it's a tr it's a cube treatment somehow he just died it's a meat cube okay all right all right i just have to get some meat cubes shoot water okay shoot water at the meat cube consume meat cube become cube is that is that the order of things come on chew on that weird cube thing guys let's go ah that's the best you guys want to be cubes as well there's a cube right there wow there's some sparkly stuff too i don't know what that is let me know in the comments what you think of this game i i think it's pretty cool i think it's pretty uh pretty interesting game i can't wait to see where these little cube guys are gonna get to and what other shrines and stuff we can find all right just eating this weird dust stuff oh because we're cubes now we can't have three slots or three extra slots okay i get it cube opens the cube door guerramo the elder it's a just a big one it's it's a big guy this one's still alive servants of the cylinder what what are those things okay so the big old one just told me that travim are pretty awesome they've been able to evolve for a very long time but there are people who are trying to take away our abilities to do that and they're also controlling the giant cylinder so that pretty much sucks all right this one looks pretty buggy i'm gonna give you some crystals champ up you get let's go this one's name is tutu me alrighty champs it looks like we've made it across the water so that cave took us straight under the water that's kind of awesome what's going on what's the blue stuff what's the blue stuff oh there's some weird aliens flying around with green crap on their back oh if we go through the blue stuff the cylinder wakes up and starts going again okay so it looks like you get a little bit of a break until you decide to cross the blue line and then cylinder just goes like full hardcore mode tries to crush you hey why can't i use this one this one doesn't work if i switch to this player he just doesn't move oh here comes here comes the cylinders waking up okay we need to like it we need to find the next uh the towers oh it's coming it's coming all right so we can roll right we can roll like this the key thing about this game is wanting to know what the heck is going on why are there these giant cylinder things hey there's another trevor okay get him get him get this one oh i can't jump i don't have the good legs yeah i'm gonna get it oh can i save this i think i can i think i can i think i can i just need to make it to that tower just gotta make it to the tower i have to drop it i have to drop it and roll i have to roll no whoa i just lost my trap and friends it's just me now oh no no i got two of them there was four of us oh why couldn't it have been the one that wasn't bugged that died oh man hey there's a giant pyramid okay i'm going for the pyramid i'm doing it dude i shouldn't have gone for that egg i feel like they stuck that egg there to try and trap me you know what i mean they were like hey let's put that egg there for finn finn will try and grab it he will and then bang he'll get crushed by a cylinder we found ourselves keith how are you guys going i just grew some hair look at that got a haircut yeah go me what do you guys want to get a haircut as well you go put that on your noggin oh i just lost my fuzz oh that sucks okay it attracts those flies this haircut that's good what is this oh the flies are coming over here yeah flies come this way it's lighting up blue we need more flies we need more of them right blur bring yeah we got all the flies okay what's this i've got a map hey there's a serpent thingy up there what is the serpent oh this is pretty cool so it shows me there's a tower there and then there's something else there and then there's a serpent okay so the giant serpent is some kind of guardian that will keep me safe for something and i need to get to it hey what's that there's something else on the other side of the cylinder there's like a mechanical alien thing just pushing the cylinder or something hey what is this this is an underground cave it's down this way more crystals oh i can evolve i can evolve let's do it let's evolve little man what's gonna happen i just i just got a mineral processor okay so this guy just grew a bunch of disgusting brain things on his back and now he can process minerals what oh i'm just processing minerals now that's what i am what happens to these minerals when i process them but i'm gonna get all the minerals and i'm just gonna process all the minerals all right here's a cave this is so weird this game oh what's that one it's a little alien thing looks like a leech okay the water processor he can process stuff in the water okay man i'm so gross looking now there's a cave over there but it's in the cold i'm just gonna head over there and see if i can get inside no i'm freezing i'm freezing what is that thing though i want to eat that thing all right it's cold but dude we need to get that yes what is that i don't know what that is oh it's a melon okay there's a tower over there let's leg it oh the cylinder's coming now gotta roll fast gotta roll fast tower activated oh yeah you can see like whole trees and stuff like just get broken by the cylinder it really just flatten and destroy everything oh you know humans are involved or something look at that thing it's like a car man where is there a giant hand back then hey i'm just going to honk at him whoa he's awake oh what is that dude that is freaky oh the light is doing stuff the light is like it's getting rid of my abilities come on car run into this thing i don't know what that is but hit it yes ow oh did did my little friend just get run over i think we've already lost one oh my god oh no oh no we're good we're good okay so that weird half human half mechanical thing shined a light on me and my abilities went away what is going on with this story okay i'm gonna leave it here if you guys want to play this game again let me know in the comments just say play the game champ but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us some of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 838,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: x_FxQr0zkcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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