More Missions and A GIANT MELON Snack! Bugsnax Ep.9 | Z1 Gaming

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it's a giant watermelon oh look at these little guys what's going on everybody z here welcome back to bug snacks you guys thought it was it i couldn't just leave it like that and i was also getting comments that there's possibly a an alternate ending so we're gonna continue through we're gonna knock out um probably all of the side missions i think and we're going to re-tackle the ending of the game and see if we get a different outcome so hopefully you guys enjoyed if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for support now um i also have comments people saying that there was a there was an after credits clip and i watched all the credits and i recorded that but it just took me right back to the uh to the beginning so um i don't know if maybe that's like a different maybe the other ending has like an after credits kind of clip or maybe not i don't i don't know because i didn't i didn't get one um because i was specifically looking for one just in case but anyways we're back we're doing some more things now let's go ahead let's pull out our journal here and let's see what we have as far as okay so we have the main we want side quests okay so we have a bunch of side quests now let's go talk to wambus and see what he's got going because we were trying to plant spuds before and we're trying to get these things going now uh it's kind of chilly tonight it's gonna be a little interesting now that we kind of like know one side of the story we know like the story of the buck snacks but it's all right it's all right it's still a fun little game and i like okay uh i got your spuddy that's not for me no you go and feed that to filboa wait what then hole up by the outhouse for a spell oh when his business is done gather up the fertilizer that is disgusting all right filmo come here uh do i still have the uh do i still have this buddy do i still have us buddy i do have a sweaty okay uh i gotta feed you a spuddy apparently uh here you go enjoy we're gonna make that your nose look at that you should feel so happy for the gift buddy yeah though suddenly i'm feeling nature call sorry gotta go oh boy i don't know why that's so funny it's somebody all right so we gotta go uh we gotta go clean up after phil this is disgusting i'm just saying right now this is gross i don't wanna do this but i feel like we must i feel like we must also um i did see hold on okay we talked to sheldon she'll just give us some uh some fun information but there's a chest here locked with a key that i happen to have we got a new clue a new video diary okay that's interesting uh are you done uh okay i got the fertilizer let's just what happens if we throw that in there nothing okay let's give let's give wambus his fertilizer and then let's check the video diary where is my investments where are you are you sleeping bro oh they're sleeping okay we'll wait until the morning let's watch the video diary and let's see what happens uh see if it sheds any more light on what may have happened uh it's number five right today is the day i elizabeth solve the greatest mystery of this island i found a door with a frosted peak what could be behind it i wonder oh wait for me liz bill what are you doing out here following you did you want to come with me i thought it might be fun to hunt buck snacks together i if that's all right with you that'd be amazing but maybe not today this peak isn't for beginners i've been practicing i got cello to show me the ropes bro very impressive i didn't know you were working out i guess it's hard to see my muscles under the bug snacks you really are changing bill i'm sorry i was being so selfish oh they're getting along i don't want apologies worrying any of it i just want us to be together and to see how much you're exaggerating about your dangerous work oh really think it'll be a walk in the park huh that's right and i bet i can even catch more book snacks than you uh-oh okay film buff all right so i'm guessing that's probably all of those uh let's see let's talk to you let's talk to you i want to get all these side quests going up here so we know what we're supposed to be doing okay what do you need my last discovery i've been testing the limits of bug snack regeneration unfortunately i've done all i can with this one leg i want to try something rather more advanced but simply i'm going to remove my head what you can't remove your head pardon me i forgot your limitations remove as in cut off head as in the thinky part and i am reasonably certain that bug snacks will regrow it in its entirety uh this seems unsafe perhaps i could do something more measured if i had a full team funding in a great deal more subjects but as usual nobody's volunteering yeah who would want i can find more volunteers no ready well you're welcome to try ask grumpits grumps to help fluffy oh god what not in not in the removal of what okay you know what i'm saying this this game it just keeps surprising me it looks like a nice light-hearted fun game but it's got some serious like kind of interesting things going on with it uh let's sleep until five and let's go talk to uh to wampus again hello let's talk to you i got your fertilizer that stink could raise the dead uh yeah that's bound to be potent enough for my soil thanks stranger no problem uh let's see will you help with fuji's experiment no no i don't blame you i would not want to either will you help with floofy's experience uh let's do this one first of the wicked alchemist they who gladly hasten our doom okay what about uh what's up you who continues to spread the toxins dark influence are lost oh but one will guide you to the true path which one behold the box of purity oh what's that those bug snacks placed inside shall be purged by the light of mother nature wait so what happens show that you are willing to walk this pie uh box lunch uh okay let's put in uh what's something easy that we caught because i don't wanna let's put grapple in there okay i put i put a grapple in there what what did it do i made an offering to the box wise choice was made so it is the light that shines within darkness shines brightest over all and return one day hence okay so come back in a day got it all right uh let's see we don't have anything more to do with you let's go talk with i guess we can talk to everybody okay uh will you help with 50's experiment is floofty looking for someone to snack on no lol jk but seriously no yeah no i wouldn't i wouldn't either i think it's a bad idea okay what do you want bestie i was just looking for you i was just talking to you but sure that wiggles back snacksberg is finally interesting again i'm in the mood for some snacking and snooping but like everybody here gets all quiet when i'm around yeah i wonder why but they trust you right bestie sure so here's what i'm thinking you dig up dirt on wiggle and share it with me and maybe i'll tell you something good in return i don't feel like you have much to tell anymore find out what wiggle does at midnight okay that's easy enough all right krom do uh looks like you're scheming i got a business opportunity oh do you i got a tip that triflety found some sort of treasure map while she was digging around oh they say it'll lead to a huge bug snack imagine what a snack that size is worth i was thinking of taking that map off her paws uh-huh that's where you come in get me a bunk snack so delicious that tiffany would die for it and we'll trade then we'll split the profits 50 50. did you say 50 did you say 15. i clearly said 50. catch a buffalo cust oh that sounds exciting what's up chandler i need to talk with you will you help flip these experiments would they put a bell through no way bro no way bro i wouldn't either uh what do you have what do you need help dog i'm trying to pull up this stump so i can build a b-bar cord i'm about as small as a grumpus can get and i can't move this thing at all okay i'm stronger than a grumpus i gotta push my limits you feel me i feel you uh i need your help to bulk up if you go find the biggest buffest bug snacks around and i eat them maybe i'll gain their strength sure uh beef up catch aggressive meaty bug snacks i have two of three wait hold on which uh oh probably these ones is it those ones it might be those ones the enchiladas or inchworm a lottas or whatever uh oh filbo will you help don't help please don't help with spooky's experiment i don't think i'd be any help in that department okay i said i was about as useful as a beaker without a bottom good i'm glad uh oh i can't talk to you because that's going to cue the end all right what else do we have uh oh wiggle we got dr wiggle hello wiggles hello darling how are you uh will you help us flip these experiments darling they once called me a vociferous profligate i'm terribly insulted though i have no idea what that even means yeah i don't either all right did we talk to everybody was that was that everybody oh no tiffany where is trifani at oh and we got to talk to this guy right here just follow papa's pointer or or don't that's fine too how's the training we're off to a bit of a slow start it went so easy with sprout i just don't know what's going wrong now maybe maybe sprout can help i'm sure he could show charlie the ropes what do you say uh sounds good to me let's do it what are we doing all okay training day got it uh now you like chocolate so let's get uh let's get some some chocolate in here and let's get this okay it doesn't look like uh it doesn't look like the kiwis scared of anything what happened what happened to what oh did they step on it and break it i didn't know that was a thing okay all right uh hold on i don't know why i keep hitting tab accidents accidents happen okay so let's get this guy boom looks good let's go this way can we go this way no no no stop kicking it what the heck you guys are jerks a bunch of jerks all of you okay let's get the chocolate again i keep hitting tab again all right and then let's go uh this way maybe gonna go that way it can't go that way let's go this way come on you can do it quickly quickly get into the barn before somebody kicks you charlie oh who's a good boy charlie's a good boy uh you just followed the chocolate ball just saying well it's a start oh it's already dark i'm a long ways off from teaching them to spell out we love you papa i i have to cover myself in sauce every morning just to get them to pay attention to me but that's just the way it goes you pour every little bit of love you got into somebody and you just hope they notice all right training day complete um wait what oh you can pet these things uh now catch aggressively aggressive media bug snacks where did i find those enchiladas oh they were over here underground weren't they um yeah that was probably our best bet i don't know if there was any meaty bugs over here i think they were all in the desert area well most of them were in the desert area we got the spuds those are potatoey oh you know what we've got those uh we've got those hot dogs we've got these uh we've got these hot dogs in here those things okay let's put out a trap what do you guys like uh cheese sauce heck yes guess what we got we got the cheese sauce now there you go get it go for it you want it you need now darn it i messed that one up okay try it again extra cheese sauce okay oh it's that one doesn't count as a hmm oh it doesn't count all right never mind then oh they've got to be aggressive as well oh you know what a bunker would work do you guys like you like ketchup and cheese sauce we need you to get in let's do this let's get the cheese sauce and we're gonna bring you down here no darn it that's not what i wanted to do bad mistake horrible idea terrible awful disaster wait you know what the bunger's not aggressive though either hmm the the bunker's not aggressive either i don't think that one's gonna work either i don't think spotties are nope you're not meaty okay we're gonna go try to get these enchiladas also i want to know how to get oh what is that a black lolith neato what how would i get this thing looks like it you could use a good slicing matzo supreme how would i get this hmm i don't know we're gonna have to figure out how to catch that thing there's a there's an enchilada thing right there it's a little enchilada dude you're supposed to hit this uh rock right here you're not going to hit the rock hmm what do you like okay it likes cheese sauce let's try uh i guess we'll try that what if we do that hey there we go oh perfect that worked out too easily and we got a uh we got it we got enchilada eagle enchilada oh yeah spray me thank you appreciate it okay hold on i want to see what's going on here also i think wasn't there something right there that we could check out and then this guy what is the deal here i feel like this is something what if we put cheese on here hmm there's got to be something here i feel like there's something to do with this and i feel like it has to do with the pizza dude but i don't know what so i put i put cheese on it because like cheese pizza right uh okay so we got the we got the snacks now we also need to make sure that we're back at midnight to see what uh what the the wiggly what wiggler wiggly is up to excuse me bud don't mind me yo yo chandler i got some meaty snacks for you bro all right there you go uh there you go we'll get we'll get you some muscles here uh that leg there you go bro oh yeah you might not like it i like it but this is what peak performance looks like or you know almost there's no gaining without training dog i got a new exercise in mind if you're ready to spot me sure let's let's do it i set up these hanging weights all around oh i'm gonna jog around you use your grappler to knock them down on top of me that sounds interesting maybe for you and snorpy but this is what i gotta do to challenge myself now get me to five weights let's do this bro all right let's do this uh yep i missed that one ah you're too quick i can't get him these are actually kind of hard want something you know i got one that's heavy bro that's heavy bro yeah it is you ready ready for this one yeah i missed that one darn it there's three there's four ready for it ready for it and go more weight uh that looks still dangerous how do you feel i feel swole dog okay now let's see what you got stump i don't think he's gonna get it oh grump i think my bicep exploded but that's okay i just gotta rest up and keep training with this bug snack body i'll get there because if i don't who's gonna have snorpies back all right oh what do you need now still stumped yeah bro i'm not getting any stronger i wasn't pushing hard enough maybe it's the bug snacks we went way too small you feel me i've been hearing rumors about this monster snack forest whamba said it was so huge no grumpus alive could lift it sounds like the ultimate workout let's catch it bro heck yes let's do it oh yeah meet me in flavor falls all right sounds like a plan oh it's 12 57 ah i missed i missed the time to uh to see what wiggle does okay flavor falls let's do this bro i've gone this way before oh did we never go in there or was that blocked oh no there was uh there was a door there that's right that door was there the watermelon like the watermelon with legs oh my gosh there there it is a sleeping watermelon kidding that snack is huge dude it's gigantor get him bud get him oh man it's a giant watermelon oh look at these little guys what am i supposed to be doing with these guys do i catch these am i supposed to catch you uh we melons okay what am i supposed to be doing meat catch one uh mama which one's the mama one are we supposed to catch you uh mama melon this massive snack protects his offspring at all costs try to get uh the drop on it loves those hates those uh what are these breakable stash the statue is brutal and easily smashed and conveniently built beneath the stalagmite uh okay so how do i get that to attack this oh do i just put a trap up right here maybe what if i just catch all of the emails oh holy moly oh not happy holy moly okay all right we figured this out okay okay oh you know what do i catch some oh i catch him and then the melon goes after the rocks okay all right got it easy enough all right let's put that there i need to catch there get him get him get him oh wait am i supposed to hit those it was certainly oh drop of grappled no i'm messing up okay all right all right we got this put that there we grab that we grab this do the grapple it hits that we hit this oh snap that's how you're supposed to do it oh they do it looks like they're coming back so okay all right that's good melon boom drops okay grab you this guy boom oh i missed that one okay all right try this one come on a little bit little dudes oh did i get it oh i think you just ate me loose one dog that snack is on a rampage yeah i got an idea i'll distract the mama you get the drop on her okay uh what am i supposed to do catch one mama we melon okay i'm probably supposed to use these again over here oh yeah nice all right good job bro that bug could have killed me it was way strong it was way stronger once i eat it i'll be just as strong uh you think so maybe all right here you go mama women uh let's go with the head you look ridiculous i'd get twice as big or something no i'm just the same chandler you are just the same channel sorry good enough chandler's good enough i spent my whole life climbing a mountain and once i got to the peak all i saw was a taller mountain hmm that's deep bro i couldn't stop an earthquake there's always going to be something bigger than me stronger than me snorpy's always gonna be in danger this is this is kind of true this is kind of true all right let's grab this uh is there anything else in here i don't think so tonight like nope there's that okay let's go uh let's go back to town and see what happens all right so we're back in town it's 1 30. oh hey i'm just saying maybe your whole premise is flawed from the get-go if bug snacks aren't like plants then no amount of elbow grease is going to make this work triphy i thought you were here to support me oh i am it's just um you keep trying this over and over and one of these days you gotta pack it in so i'm on my own well if that's how you choose to look at it uh oh they're fighting again all right uh will you help us flip these experiments well fluffy's fun to gap with but their methods are pretty extreme don't you think yes they are extremely extreme uh okay and then wiggle is off doing something else because i missed the time for that darn it um let's talk to you any luck so far what does it look like now i'm sorry i'm just about at the end of my row yeah i'm done taking it slow oh just get me every sort of bug snack that digs underground i reckon it might aerate the soil or something uh that really worked i must look mighty foolish sticking to my guns like this but you don't give up just cause things get tough if nobody else believes in me i gotta believe in myself that's true or nothing all right uh undergrowth plant a snackery in the garden and an in cerrito and a sherby a snackery i have a snackery don't i yeah there's a snackery uh inch burrito and a sherby okay so i have to go grab those oh darling hello um i missed your time darn it okay so we need an enchanto and a sherby and then wait what else what else do we have as far as quests wise volunteers needed sheldon loses faith snorpy oh we gotta do snorpy deal or no deal um a buffalo locust where's the buff locust i don't even know if i've seen one of those trifty makes history yellow submarine catch two sub centipedes oh that's right but we needed the cheese to make that happen so we should be able to do that uh find out what wiggle does at midnight and then okay catch those guys nice all right hmm encharito's over there let's go and sleep till let's sleep until morning okay so let's go catch an encharito a sherby what is a sherby is this sherby the uh thing in the uh in like the mountain area maybe so you know what i just realized this this moth thing is probably gonna be something that we do with uh one of the other grumps because similar to how the um similar how that watermelon one was i bet that would be my guess all right let's see if we can find an in cerrito in cerrito in cherita where are you there's not one up here let's look under let's look down here again snack pot oh there's a snack pot here snack pod a meaty snack pod okay encharito loves cheese okay let's grab uh this put that there let's grab this cheese sauce nope darn it this cheese sauce boom baby and then i don't think we actually have to do anything with this nope we got it and we got an in cerrito fantastic so we can plant that now my uh my backpack's full so we're gonna have to go somewhere we have to go get rid of that guy and i probably should go ahead and just turn some things in i either need to turn them into donation box or i guess just into the donation box you know i still don't know where a buffalo locust is i'm trying to think if i've seen one of these before oh you know what we haven't gone over to the volcanic area we should go over there there might be a buffalo locust over there all right let's plant an incharito these guys are about to talk let's see what's happening here with your pets there shut it wambus my little ones are just excited to see me that's so but it's easy to keep them in line when they're half your size what are you saying you really love bug snacks so bad go big or go home oh you oh go on back to your cactus yo coot uh oh he's gonna want something big now what do you want you want something big say it but wambus has a point bigger snacks means more to love more love sure a bit smarter might respond better to my training too maybe get me the biggest snackiest bug snacks you can find please okay so what do you want more to love donate a praying picantus to gramble and donate a scoopy banana pie banana pee oh how do you catch those though can i catch the whole thing i have no idea hey wambus how you doing all right i'm gonna go ahead and do uh some donations because i just have so many things and i just oh the wee melon all right let's just donate all right inventory is clean and clear we're good okay uh we needed a uh hold on let's switch back to our other mission actually it's been a day what's up what happened with the box no it is the toxins on no more you ate it did you eat those but you ate those bug snacks one is pure your hand it's a crab apple it's a crackle poison what's going on with your hand then he's why one sits in meditation every day for six hours repeating the mantra don't think about bug snacks don't think about bug snacks don't think about bug snacks and so it is never things about burn snaps i don't believe you uh clearly ever are more toxins left do you want more but you want more bugs next you can eat them dreams each night one sees inch wraps cheesers jesus kill bugs this vision must be the will of the mother so it is you must bring them to the box of purity uh huh sure i yeah no i i i see what you're doing there i see what you're doing okay uh let's get the last thing for undergrowth uh we're going to pin that one a sherby what is a sherby oh sherby right there boiling bay has the sherby okay so let's go there let's go grab one of those guys all right you sherby where are you where are you at yes sherby oh there's a sherby right there loves chocolate all right let's make this happen let's get this out and put that there grab this with some chocolate put that on there and we will wait we shall wait all right here comes here it comes chocolate oh it's like frozen i can't get it it's frozen i got it i got it i got it nope hey oh come on what is the best way to do this let's do this let's do chocolate across here maybe so it's not freezing catches on fire a little bit that's what i thought that's what i thought oh but i can't have you on fire oh oh that worked we got you all right let's go uh let's go plant this and we'll get undergrowth done and we'll see if anything happens with it i don't think these are gonna grow because that's just not how this place works all right i got your sherby bud hey how's it going oh it's going good there you go now what i've planted you're digging snacks right by me stranger thanks for sticking with me hey no problem come back tomorrow we'll see if this bears fruit my gosh we've done it and that is gonna end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave like if you do here don't forget to subscribe as well some more so like i said um i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead we're gonna press on we're just gonna knock out all of the uh additional missions and then we're gonna redo the ending and see if we can get the alternate ending oh i'm so excited hopefully you guys are too and i will see in the next one bye everybody you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 58,023
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Keywords: z1 gaming, lets play, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax game, bugsnax pc, bugsnax playthrough, bugsnax z1 gaming, bugsnax lets play
Id: kwBKk9Apv5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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