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what is going on guys this waffle here and welcome back to some more bug snacks now this is most likely going to be the final episode because we've done like every side quest we've done every interview we've brought back every member to snacksburg and still doing the weird frame rate thing when i load it and now all we need to do is talk to filbo but there's like one or two smaller things i want to do before we hit the point of no return that happens whenever we do this party that you guys keep talking about so definitely want to get those done before we do that and that is try and get all the bug snacks so you know go over to flavor falls and get that that one caramel type thing uh some of you guys are saying it's like a caramel pop tick so that's going to be pretty fun to find that thing it's going to be pretty delicious at least it sounds pretty delicious and then over here in boiling bay we have the flamin chipoof uh i did briefly mention it i don't even know if i even mentioned it but i was about to mention it last episode how i had an idea of how we could capture it like while editing the video i was thinking you know what i could do this and i ended up uploading the video you guys commented the same thing so let's go over there and let's see can we kind of lure one of the flamin hot cheeto chi puffs over to the i think it was called or however you pronounce that thing either that or try and lure the lasodi over to the volcano and you know try and lure them towards each other i guess i don't know which one would be easier to lure perhaps the flaming hot chi proof because you know the low le sodi thing is able to like squirt out the water and kind of extinguish the the sauce or wash off the sauce from our buggy ball so it's probably not the best idea to try and lure that thing over but yeah i definitely want to try and lower the flame and hot chip from not there or is it here yeah i think so yeah here it is now what are they like again do they actually like anything i don't know if they actually did or not yeah it doesn't say they like anything so maybe maybe we do have to lower the lasodi over there because i don't know any other way of luring these guys because they don't like anything huh yeah i didn't think about that aspect red flying spicy yeah i guess we have to lower the lasodi over there you guys that's going to be pretty tricky i guess i am back and the lasodi is here and he is terrorizing oh my god he's terrorizing all the flaming creatures in here you guys oh my gosh awesome oh oh flamingo chi proof is down and not in lava that's good let's go get him boom we got him the flaminate poof let's put him where the minimaki is there you go all right we can capture that there you go flaming g poof we finally got it you guys awesome and there's another one over here that's down i love the little ah no i don't love that though what happened to the uh there it is help me out put me out there you go thank you i love the googly eyes of these guys it's funny but that was a little bit easier when i was anticipating i might just speed up that footage as you guys could see it but either way uh oh yeah while we're here i do want to see do those little uh mini mocking things actually spawn over here randomly on their own because i did get some comments you guys oh yeah look at that boom yeah look at that there's like three of them here just randomly minnie monkey minnie they're just kind of flying around on their own though okay but i guess you can't get like the head of the mini maki or the mama melon or the daddy cake legs or the monsta supreme itself you have to get their little minion guys like the little bombinos or the wee melons or the the mini maki or the baby cake legs i think that covers everything yeah i guess you can only get their like little minions or whatever you can't like get the uh the main one anymore so that's good that they all spawn in after the fact just in case you miss them i suppose right as well as if you feed them to everyone and you run out you just go back there and get even more but let's do the same thing but over in flavor falls i might have to cut out a bunch of footage here and just you know it should have not recorded because i don't i don't know how long it's going to take for us to wait until it starts raining and then of course the pop tick will actually come out and we'll be able to actually catch it because right now we should have like what 99 out of 100 bug snacks captured nine out of nine on uh garden grove 12 out of 13 flavor falls that's what we're working on and 12 out of 12. 15 out of 15. 12 ounce 12. 15 out of 15. 10 out of 10 14 out 14 you guys we're actually missing just one creature oh and i did get some uh did get some comments if you guys saying hey why don't you hey there philbo i'll talk to you here in just a bit don't worry oh there's a little mini monkey there let's let's uh let's donate a baby cake legs hurry up so we get a baby cake legs and daddy cake legs can we even talk to a snorpy and you guys are just wondering you know i'm also wondering this as well like what if he did daddy cake legs for everything like we did his head already all you there's like a cake like like the bottom portion of a cake right there for his ears they're like dog ears kind of hanging down like that he's got a little nose there too he's got candle teeth with his arms you can't really see too well but it looks like uh oh yeah i can't turn that arm at anything because we never turned it anything into anything but his feet are blue candles his arms or red candles it looks like i want to see what his body looks like though so i might as well uh you know what let's feed them baby cake legs too i like the multi-colored candle there's like white with like blue green red yellow strips on it you know let's do another one turn his arms do that and then now he should be able to do his body right oh my gosh what is that oh my hold on daddy cake legs was he look oh ew you know he kind of looks oh and there's like a cake slice for an arm right there actually i think the baby cake legs uh arms look a little bit better to be quite honest what about the legs oh my gosh see this is another instance where you definitely want to mix up oh yeah see that looks way better what about the head now i like the daddy cake legs hat head yeah let's put that there but you definitely do want to mix everything up hold on was the baby cake legs body better i don't know they're both terrifying i guess we can keep this one oh my gosh snorfy you look so weird jeez you look so scared too like he always does but like with his arms and legs being candles and cake slices but it's crazy and there's little baby cake legs right there can you pet it oh and then we got the raspberry there the cutest little thing in the universe anyways let's go back to uh flavor falls and i'm definitely going to cut out a ton of footage slash in this little recording clip right here then just wait until it starts raining i suppose alert alert it is currently raining in flavor halls oh my gosh you guys it took so long for this to happen like i i i literally just stood here with my game running for the past like 30 minutes or something like that just waiting for it to randomly spawn in rain and here we go you guys let's go into the cave this is where the uh the pop tick should be right where is it oh there it is they're just out in the open boom caramel poptic loves chocolate loves cheese pre-puffed and bouncing uncontrollably may take more luck than skill to catch okay well if anything maybe the trip shot's going to be good for this especially because it's just kind of sporadically jumping all over the place you might be able to trip one over if it just hits that and especially if i hit it with chocolate tracked it over with some chocolate boom nice awesome now all we have to do is just wait for one to hit it i suppose and well there's two of them that are like really close caramel goop caramel oh did what wait no it hit it hit the thing but nothing happened what wait how do you chaos in in chaos incarnate is that what sheldon said right there in trap right there yeah wait how do you get these then more like than skill huh i guess that might be true because we tried to use some skill right there you know strategically placing down these uh these these trap things right here and it didn't seem to work very well let's do that over here with some uh oh you know what maybe we have to lure it out with some uh some chocolate hold on let's wait for him and hopefully oh hold on hold on what about a snipe trap is one potentially going to oh is that even like a lie pop tick that was just like bouncing all over it's like bouncing out oh one hit yeah i hit the thing but nothing happened to it hold on oh i can i get it with a trap i can get up with the trap you can't get it with a trip shop you can get it with a snack trap and why i might put it up here because this one's bouncing all over if i can place this thing down about right here boom come on got it got one caramel pop tick nice peptic and we just got the gotta catch em all achievement what was that f2 or f3 okay yeah there you go uh let's see gotta catch em all catch 100 unique species of bug snacks you guys we just got it right there awesome stuff uh i wonder how many more achievements were missing oh i could just pull it up right apply i already forgot what it was but either way we got them all you guys we caught them all this is like pokemon let's check our wikipedia everything should be oh god it's doing the weird uh low frame rate thing oh yeah oh oh it's back okay that's good nine out of nine in garden grove uh 13 out 13 in flavor falls that's now in 13 13 because we just got the uh caramel pop tick where's that at there it is right there awesome 10 000 calories for one of those things you kidding me sweet and evasive yeah i don't know why it wasn't getting uh like knocked out whenever i hit the trip shot though 12 out of 12 in simmering springs 15 out of 15 in boiling bay 12 out of 12 in scorch gorge 15 out of 15 in sizzling sands 10 out of 10 in sugarpine woods and 14 out of 14 in frosted peak you guys i think we're ready are we ready to finally talk to philbo and initiate the final mission or whatever the where it's like the point of no return that you guys keep talking about i think so let's go back to snacksburg and let's go talk to filbo and let's go have this party to celebrate egg about coming back to snacksburg ichabel as well as everyone else coming back to snacksburg everyone else except for lisberg of course oh wait hold on yeah i forgot we had a thing with tiffany let's see nice to see you hey there i guess we have one more thing for tiffany here you okay tiffany i'm not doing too good i'll never know what happened to my grandma the end of bronical lotta blog is a big blank spot in history there's nothing left over here just like everybody else who came to this island a place where you go to be forgotten a place where i'll be forgotten but you know maybe at least the bug snacks will remember me oh a peak to forget complete sidetracked completed right there i guess that means hey you did all the side quests let's pull that up what was it shift f3 pull that up again yep complete all the side quests you guys we're doing more in 19 out of 27 right there i'm not going to filter anything because i don't want to get spoiled but we did all the side quests we caught all the bug snacks we've done everything you guys everything except for advance the main storyline major celebration now we can talk to uh filbo and i guess that's good boom all side quests done that's good that has the achievement just kind of reassure me that hey i've done everything but hopefully it's not gonna be raining whenever we do this party filbo everybody's back wow it's getting crowded around here i can't believe it we gotta celebrate big time this party's gonna change everything buddy are you sure you're ready oh point of no return this is what you guys are talking about once you start the party you won't be able to catch bug snacks or complete quests be sure you've done everything you want before continuing i wonder if i can still transform people after the fact oh uh you know what if i can't you know what uh hold on how do i can i exit out of this okay okay i'm not ready yet okay i can do that okay i'm not ready just yet um if we're going to transform someone into because i don't know what the caramel pop tick looks like we haven't tested that out just yet you know what maybe wiggle what does she have right now because she she has the regular pop tick does she have any pot yeah i don't think she has any pop tick stuff going on right now but we gave her pop dick in the past so i suppose we can give her the caramel pop dick when you turn her hand okay so it's nothing too crazy i guess uh for curiosity's sake we can go to oh whoops we can snack spearmint on her and see what the the rest of her body looks like as a caramel pop dick so there you go oh i'm like you can't really sit oh it looks even worse than the oh that is so nasty you know what i need oh do i even want to see what the rest of her body looks like oh the nose is like a corn kernel yeah it's the same thing yeah it's all basically the same thing teeth that is so nasty what about the poptic teeth oh they're basically the same thing all right let me try and get her back to what we just had her ass with the egg on her face and financial ahead and i think she had great mosquito ears yeah orange whatever you want to call them cheese or legs shoe proof right arm and white she poof left arm and she had the mega maki as the body i think that's it yeah she should be back to what she was just a moment so that's good there you go all right wiggle so now we've seen what the caramel pop tick looks like as well as like pretty much every other creature oh i said i guess except for maybe flaming hot cheap poof you know if i'm gonna i'm gonna feed it to anyone it's gonna be wiggle right she's got the other cheap use already so that how let's give it to her hand i like it kind of looks like a red glove or something like that what about a flutter jam just for curiosity's sake oh man it's like bread slices there ooh it's an experiment what if we did uh where in the world is it i've given her so much stuff letter j oh it's like a big stack of like and then there's slices there [Music] oh this is so nasty oh my gosh you look so ridiculous what about the teeth oh everything's just like bread covered in like jelly and then like a little bit of peanut butter as well like oh it's all sandwiched together and stuff oh my gosh all right we gotta get her back to normal oh that's the wrong thing but you know what i might keep that yeah i should have done a grape sceeto for her horns there but you know what i'll keep that that's kind of cool a little bit a little bit different than what she just had but i like it let me turn the rest of her body back to what it just was all right i think we're good here we go all right wiggle i'm done experimenting on you snack experimenting if you will oh you know what i got okay chance you know what krom doe you're going to be the one to eat the insta bug i haven't fed the insta bug to anything oh it's got like cupcakes there you know what what about the rest of them oh ew oh my gosh it's so nasty looking oh what about your butt groundo you look so delicious i don't know what it is about him but oh i didn't do his teeth there well whatever masa supreme knows there you go uh let's just turn the rest of them back into popsicles and stuff there we go oh my god i put the golden cuibo on his head holy that looks amazing look at that dude he's huge golden spoon i'm like it makes sense it makes sense he loves money and he's greedy and stuff he's got a golden spoon on his head that's awesome that's perfect all right filbo i think i'm done messing around with everyone who knows maybe i can still mess around with people during the party everyone's back wow it's getting crowded around here i can't believe it we gotta celebrate big time this party's gonna change everything buddy are you sure you're ready yeah i'm sure i'm sure this time philbo let's party major celebration complete this is awesome but it'll be even more awesome once everybody's on the dance floor new assignment major celebration get everybody to dance all right is it still raining i think it stopped okay that's good well wiggles already dancing i don't know why it doesn't count for her i was worried at first but this party's kind of nice even the little ones are having fun we'll make a party animal out of you yet darling now let's work on your dance moves well hey wiggle are you already dancing or what what a fabulous party it's no grumpapalooza but we make do you should go dance i'm like she's already dancing right now my darling i'm always dancing i'd love to storm the dance floor but i prefer to sing along and tragically my vocal cords are fried hmm all right well gramble do you want to dance never seen everybody getting so rowdy before usually that means something bad's about to happen uh-oh well you should go dance to celebrate everything good happening right now i don't know i remember the last party as long as wambus is around i can't let my guard down hmm i think there's oh my god look at the thing bouncing right there i could change the i changed the song i think that's what it was playing just a moment ago what about over here wham is an oh so the osteoblast says looks like the two of us are really boned yeah jeffy you're such a treasure all right well you guys want to go dance or what we still got no one to dance so far jeez this party's a real hoot well hey you should go dance then oh gosh i don't know i got two left feet wouldn't you rather hear about the captivating history of dance uh no how about you go dance then what about wambus my defined shindig we got here better than the last one that's for sure well you should go dance i'm thinking i should apologize to gramble first but i can't muster up the words maybe i could use some of that their liquid courage ooh liquid courage liquid courage well there's some bug juice over there oh you know what i think what we need to do is get one who is me has foreseen the path to enlightenment is not walked with the feet it is a journey taken with the mind i understand your wisdom oh great sheldon you're saying i should chug this snack water upside down dog yes chug chug chug chug oh nice oh it just disappeared that was a good chunk chandler if i knew we were throwing parties like this i had to come back weeks ago well you should go dance maybe later bro i'm busy soaking up sheldon's wisdom yeah it seems like we need to do something in a certain order here like people are like they're not wanting to dance unless something else happens and oh yeah i was about to say like yeah i think we need to go over here and get the bug juice for what about you krom dude what i left like weeble on his head do you want to oh it's a it's a pink one inside there it's like pink or infused water is that what's called bug juice yeah bug snacks juice ah kromdo do you want to dance snack water get your snack water here fresh organic cruelty f light you should go dance crown down what are you kidding that is business to be done here i'm not leaving this stand till i get some of these grumps to loosen up hmm all right so i just take this filled up yep that oh is that does this have stuff in it it's hard to tell because it looks empty and i can't fill it up with pinkle juice yeah i can't do anything like they left the eyes in there and everything i guess i would give this to wambus and see if this is good gonna give it to you oh oh there you go much obliged stranger i better talk to gramble before i lose my nerve oh so now he can go dance after he apologizes hey now i don't want any trouble wambus gramble i'm sorry i've been rude to you and even worse to your little ones you you're serious no fooling i don't tell jokes scramble i am not creative oh apology accepted of course no forgiving is complete without a hug no but i suppose a dance couldn't hurt well hey two out of 11 we got him you guys awesome look at the dance that he's doing oh he's doing like the uh are these like copy strikeable dances like am i going to get a copyright for having this on he's doing like the uh the gangnam style dance look at that i'm like it fits them perfectly which is great how do we how do we get tiffany to do that start dancing you should go dance i'm like when this is dancing so you should go dance too oh gosh i don't know i got two left feet wouldn't you rather hear about the captivating history of dance i don't know what what is that how do i get her to dance then if that's what she says uh i don't know i'll talk to him a little bit later what about filbo like you should be an easy one to get the dance right how's the party treating you beth you've seen worse yeah it's really coming together it's nice to see everybody getting along listen philbo i appreciate what you're doing like getting everybody here it's way less boring now but these grumps aren't friends they're just making nice because it's better than being alone sure but who wants to be alone you're such a squeeb but like in a good way oh thanks i'm gonna hit the dance floor hope i see you there oh okay yeah he's just an automatic uh dancing one right there okay what about beth did you get oh look at this i got i can uh use my camera here that's good believe that she's got the lobster arms from uh whenever she like looked tried to dress up as like crommed or not grondo but uh chandler de fula is he over there oh i forgot yeah he's like cake i forgot snorky looked like a cake oh he's over there with fluffy so yeah we'll talk to them in just a bit but uh let's talk this before see what she needs to go dance i give this party seven out of ten which is pretty good i guess for filbo yeah what was it last time like three out of ten and then it went up to a four whenever the drama started you should go dance then befka me dance i don't think this party could handle it besides this isn't really my song what okay i guess we have to go change their song then let's go i love it when filmo dances i'm pretty sure that's like the carlton dance isn't it i think it is there's a party in my mouth and i'm invited i love bilbo dancing that's awesome i think everyone has their own dance right like there's filbo dancing there's wamba stanton and then there's gramble dance in there he's got the i don't know what that's called i know it has a name though let me know in the comments down below if you guys know what the name of that is called but uh is this good for benfica let's go talk to her now i changed the song is this good omg they're playing my song i'm gonna show them what a real party looks like all right perfect all right so we got four out of 11 right there that's good what about sheldon we never talked to her about oh she ate the flutter jam she got the flatter damn ear i didn't notice that i'll do miss nye rain of venom of sorrows what you should go dance shelda an all cleaved a snow of paper stars so this must be before one dances what an orb cleaved something shard paper shards is she talking about the thing above my wait confetti ball yep a festive ball full of papery bits it'll open when you hit it with something ooh so to get shelled at a dance we need to crack open the confetti ball and then she'll dance and then i think after that uh chandler should start dancing right because he said oh i'm too busy listening to sheldon so that should be that should take us up to six how are we gonna get the confetti ball open though and don't say it's got like a key icon for some reason huh i guess what's a look around oh hold on what about a what about one of these here throw one of these at it is mine so it is one tears up the dance floor boogie boogie go shelda yo shelda all right well chandler looks like sheldon's dancing so you might as well go dance too dawg you know i'm dtd down to dance but i'm not hitting that dance floor without snorpy what so now we have to all right well we've got like look at all the people we got dancing so far 5 out of 11. wait where's uh there's shelter dancing right there oh she's like looking up in the sky and like dancing she's got the bacon teeth and stuff too from the uh flapjack stack flat flap jackarack thing oh my gosh snorpy looks so weird as like nothing but cakes all right see what they have to say i owe you an apology brother my earlier insults were unnecessary your inventions are quite valuable in capturing research samples and i appreciate that about you your apology is as lacking as your ethical standards but it's a start excellent now that we are reconciled i have a dozen research papers that could use peer review as you seem to have free time right now let us begin and i take it all back all right what do i have to do to get snorpy to go dance be at ease the party lights double as a wave inhibitor this party is secure uh okay well that's good you should go dance then if everything's all secure i have something important to ask chandler but a certain annoying sibling of mine won't leave me be um so it's basically the same thing uh that chandler had going on we have to get rid of fluffy first so what do you want fluffy you're interrupting personal business unless you have something intelligent to say be gone uh well hey you should go dance that's pretty intelligent right rhythmic gyration has no purpose what back to the party rhythmic gyration has no purpose how do i get you to dance if you just don't want to dance back to the party okay uh well i'm going to get stuck here if that's the case back to the party huh well i can't do anything with them and therefore i can't do anything with chandler so that means still tiffany you should go dance you'll talk to floofty okay well we have a random option a good time to flip to you well hey go talk to flooftie oh i bet floofty will want to learn all about the desert empire's dance of certain death sure why not look at that one day it's an over here and there's before dancing look at that dance [Music] so you see the desert dance mirrors the moves for hand-to-hand combat against bug snacks thus the youth were tricked into learning fascinating hiding purpose and frivolous waste i will make use of this principle oh you believe it when she says it tiffany has convinced me of the historic and cultural value of expressive movement perhaps i should experiment i'm all talked out makes me want to shake my tailbone oh look at that i guess rhythmic gyration does have a purpose after all well hey snorky now you can go chandler you should go dance my chances arrived don't blow it fizzle bean all right let's go and then hopefully now chandler should start um chandler i i we've been together for so long and i've always wondered how you feel about me do do you want to be my boyfriend oh what bro that doesn't make any sense oh i see yes never mind forget what i said snorpy we've been dating for years wait what how is that possible dude remember that time we made out on that ferris wheel and i said we should move in together well yes i just thought that we were roommates with benefits you know i hate ambiguity sorry snorpdog [Music] is that clear enough for you i love you dog now let's dance that looks so wacky with an actual watermelon guy kissing a a guy made out of another cakes that's funny though now who have we 9 out of 11 who have we other than wiggle i don't know is there someone in the bathroom no so if we get how do we get wiggle again says something about her vocal chords i think hold on let's let's go listen to what she said again you should go dance my darling i'm always dancing i'd love to storm the dance floor but i prefer to sing along and tragically my vocal cords are fried i th okay let's go get her a drink as well just get her a drink and that's gonna hopefully uh un-fry her vocal cords maybe lubricate her vocal cords and she'll be able to sing boom nice at last beverage service now i can sing the night away all right let's sing the night away oh crondo yeah i forgot about him yeah i didn't even notice him yeah he blends in hardcore when he looks like especially when he's got a going quiver on his head he kind of makes him stand out a little bit more ah right that's enough work now it's time to work the dance floor [Music] get everyone to dance we did it you guys major celebration awesome everyone's dancing i'm having fun who said that was that flip that feels good who said that talk to felbo wait where'd he go it was like right here now he's gone uh-oh this is bad has anyone seen philbo he's gone is he in the bathroom now no [Music] this is bad everyone's dancing around having fun but i don't know where philbo is uh oh oh wait there he is up there i see him okay how did he get up there what in the world like teleport up there okay let's go talk to philbo now [Music] we did it buddy we're all together again well almost all of us hmm but you know what knowing icabella's out there gives me hope that lizbert is out there too i mean none of this would have been possible without you buddy i know you have to go back for your job eventually but i'd sure miss you if you left and well you still need to interview whisper right so our end is nice what and well is that a metaphor or uh oh we gotta move now i guess she was real that time she wasn't just faking it that time are you okay buddy all right i i know this looks bad but as long as we keep calm our doom approaches pray to your god's children it's the queen of bug snacks she's rising from the depths to devour us all the grandparty aim to silence us for good their machinations are coming to fruition now hold on we're not gonna die cause of some cult or monster that's right we're gonna die cause the volcano's going off oh that's right wait what oh bad timing we can't see it suppose we're gonna end up buried like all the others eh come on bro we can survive this as long as we got bug snacks we'll be fine my barn collapsed all of my little ones escaped whoa bummer whoa whoa we're homeless and out of bug snacks oh it's a grumpy grump world now dibs on eating philbo please do i'm quite curious to see the result will befrica turn into filbo all the bug snacks he's eaten hold on a moment while i retrieve my notes hey hey hey you don't give up yet we may not have homes or snacks but we have each other i know it's pretty scary right now but we can't fall apart every single time something bad happens we have to stick together well said philbo anger bro you're all right what a pleasant surprise welcome back dr bata nugget hey everybody chandler floofty mr troubleham doc i'm glad you made it does that mean you figured it out that's right filbo i know how to get to liz that's amazing we gotta go right away sorry to say it but is now really the best time this might be the only chance we get liz is in danger and this disaster is only getting started the worst is yet to come so spills for the toxin unending quiet you doctor you are only subjecting yourself to needless risk elizabeth is likely deceased dog this bird is alive and we're not going to leave her behind i just need filbo and uh philbo's buddy sorry chamlo bummer well what are the rest of us supposed to do while y'all are gone you prepare for the worst what do we need right now well i'm sick of being in the dark for one i want to know what's out there no worries beth i'll build a couple bonfires maybe a watchtower whatever's out there we'll see it coming but what do we do when the queen comes to devour us well i have a few prototype traps that i could put to use how about the more practical threats you know the earthquakes the volcanoes and what have you simple we find a way to get off the ground if the need arises well none of that matters if i starve to death we got my sauce hey no way pal i ain't gonna chow down in that nasty plant goop i stand corrected no more concerns great let's get to it then we cover them in chocolate sauce they quit complete all right open the mysterious mountain door yeah we got to go with egg bell and phil oh god yeah everything like collapsed around here whoa oh there's the volcano oh my gosh i couldn't see it a moment ago it is erupting what's happening here you guys just staring at each other you know there's a volcano darling you have to say goodbye to them but but it hurts to leave them behind like this it's okay to hurt darling but you don't need bug snacks and neither do i you're right we'll still have a family without him all right i'll probably need to talk to everyone around here and see what everyone said what is that a balloon oh look at my gut i'm still just walking around naked right now how am i not getting like demonetized so it is that toxin ah well it's certainly doomed i was right about that i don't suppose you'd reconsider your stance on butt snakes huh well i don't necessarily agree with you i'll admit that there's more to learn about bug snacks than i anticipated that is the longest you've ever got without insulting me thank you i'm trying very hard sheldon's like normal voice there when she's not like shouting into the sky what about before gromdo i say we fix up the balloon get it ready to go and all of us pile in there all of us for free what'd you do with crom dough i ain't all heartless beth wow you actually surprised me today i love how you still cover the chocolate crap me this island wants us dead but i'm not flying a coop without a little nest egg as soon as i get a few bug snacks i'm out of here pal oh he's going to take some books next for the well i've got some bug snacks on me too i'm thinking something big is coming whamby the end you know i know don't go giving up just yet and don't run away this time sometimes it's smart to run but i won't unless you're right there running beside me all right trippy we stick together even if we're history i like how they're like you guys remember how it all started with like wambus and they they they were like separated and wham's had that weird cactus and now they're they're probably closer than they've ever been before i dr trifany looks like we're on the brink of being wiped out shame we only made it a year here hardly long enough to learn anything don't you think a year that's actually surprising i thought they'd been here for a long time why'd she still have that arm she has that lauren it's like a thinking arm she like whenever she's thinking what about you wambus without them bug snacks my garden's the only food source we got can't go losing it now how can i protect anyone if i can't even protect my own garden oh don't don't start their wampus you you're the one saving everyone with your protective songs uh do i want to hear what everyone else has to say what about okay what about these guys i can make the trap 20 deadlier 25 if i hurry think i should take out those bridges only takes one good punch bro good thinking we don't know quite how many assailants we're facing best to be ready for literally everything doesn't matter what comes out of snorpdog you and me together we're ready for anything if you guys take out the bridges how am i going to get back because i need to follow uh oh yeah up there they are right there philbo and egabel they're just sitting there waiting for me let's go to sugarpine woods and therefore the frosted peak afterwards and look at that all hundred buck snacks caught in the loading screens nothing but those bug snacks that's cool hey agabo after we get liz bird are you two gonna come back to town oh i don't know i'm starting to like sleeping on freezing cold rocks but i'm sure liz misses our bed well it'll be ready for you i've been keeping your hot clean for whenever you got back you're such a weird guy philbo well you've been keeping it clean as well as befka as she's stealing everything keeping it clean that away right what is this oh yeah is that way we climbed out there with a chance oh there's a quickie i guess we could have taken that thing real quick but now i've got a lot of cakes and stuff in my mtor and i'll need to catch more stuff especially at the very end of the game like this right let's go to the frosted peak and let's finally open up this door now that egg bell figured out how to actually open it right mountain still tall oh do you need a break uh how about water let me check your vitals no no i'm okay besides we're we're almost there right right but in the future you could stand to do some exercise or just hang out with chandler well he was kind of ahead of you guys for us i guess he was getting plenty of exercise anyways we're coming up on the gate now the big door now what did we do last time that was wrong i did get some comments with you guys saying that agavel's pressure plate wasn't even like going down so i wouldn't be surprised if that's the problem all right we're here um how do we get this thing open iggy bell turns out she wrote the order backwards i guess even the great elizabeth megafig can still make mistakes well nobody's perfect right nobody's perfect okay i'm ready when you are so i go first and then coming liz oh one two three there we go the door is open let's go inside and let's find lesbert come on oh my god the whole ground just fell beneath me the under snacks what in the world is this [Music] what is this where does everyone else get i just fell into this hole on my own uh oh man the music's like all creepy and stuff too like there's like everything here and it's huge like look at the city snail oh what is this supposed to be a snack track can i i can't even use like my snack traps and stuff right now can't scan anything oh it's like oh you guys see that it's like moving where's that the water i think it's both oh there's a lunch pad right there oh my gosh everything just got like really creepy oh like the walls are like paint and it's they're moving too oh oh my god what was that that was someone and they ran like right when i saw them i need to keep my camera out just in case it happens again i need to see who it was what it was ah what is this thing help what is it phobo uh oh uh oh what is that who is that set snack squatch what is this thing says lizbert oh my gosh oh oh no oh my god that's the thing we saw oh thanks buddy is echobot with you i don't know how we all got separated i haven't seen her we've got bigger problems right now yeah which one do we do i don't know but that thing just did the the weird animation it just like went into the ground it was made up of like if ten different bucks next and it was like combined together as one that's the thing we saw like really early on in the series like in the background i zoomed in on i slowed the footage down what was it called the snack squatch ooh and it's in here it lured us into here the under snacks well i haven't seen edgabel we've got bigger problems right now i don't know i haven't seen her well you found me pretty quick i'm sure she's not far all right let's go oh oh like everything's like oh like i'm actually getting goosebumps right now you guys like it's kind of crazy to get goosebumps for something stupid like this like giant hot dogs and stuff like that but like the environment just feels so creepy yuck what is this stuff ugh it's slimy and cold and i uh i uh i kind of want to eat it if liz bird is really down here we better find her fast there's another drop right there right where aggabel could have fell down are we going this way it's over here then dead end yeah dead end i'm going to keep my camera out there's nothing behind him all right i don't want to keep turning your back there philbo there could be anything anywhere oh oh god oh my god what in the world oh i crouched right there and i couldn't oh my god we got don't go that way holy i genuinely got spooked right there oh my god filbo oh thank you how did you know to go this way phil though oh that thing's still over here oh whoa lizburt what whoa lizbur oh my god there's like everything here and there's that thing again oh my god liz bert the missing leader a passion for adventure and disco and she's like what is that thing oh my uh that's just like staring at me everything's just staring at me there's like one of every bug snack there's like a giant bug snack like go-cart there or whatever that is i don't know oh my gosh is this every bug snack i came across or every buck snack in the game in general and then there's like giant piles of everything else like chicken wings and burgers and stuff i'm so creeped out right now do i want to go is this thing going to attack me again it just spooked me like 20 seconds ago or whatever gonna pet these guys no i guess we're not gonna okay what is going on here filbo are you in on this what are you you're not even like reacting it's you you're alive [Laughter] bilbo you oh my god yeah i i i can't believe it oh we've got so much catching up to do i i wish i could but we're out of time you have to get out of here you have to gather up the others and get off the island okay then we can talk on the way back no philbo i can't go with you like this i'm so sorry oh my gosh she like keeps changing in this stuff do you guys see that and she's like attached to this thing like she's a part of it or it's a part of her i don't know and she's like all made out of like sushi roll there she got like a hot dog nose and like i don't know what her arms are but she looks miserable she sounds miserable too i guess she's hit the point of no return to where she now i know why you guys were saying hey don't turn anyone full bug snacks or else i guess this would happen they'll eventually mutate into whatever this is that lizbert turned into can you answer a few questions then you've got a lot to answer for i i i don't know i guess we'll do number one i guess i guess they'll both have the same outcome if i do either one let's do number one can you answer a few questions and i guess we'll casually just interview her as she's like a giant monster are you seriously trying to interview me right now uh yeah i am actually i'm not leaving without answers yeah this is uh all of this needs answers i need an answer nothing here makes sense i didn't come all this way for nothing my job is on the line here so yeah i'm not leaving here without any answers lisbear i regret inviting you what you came here to interview elizabeth megafig fine keep it quick what is this place what happened to you yeah what is this place this this is the island's true form oh it's bug snacks all the way down that's kind of amazing it's disgusting once you understand what bug snacks really are well what are bug snacks really so the whole island is made out of bug snacks the whole island itself is in and of itself a bug snack or like one giant pile of bug snacks like grouped together to make up the island or something that's nasty so what are the bug snacks really they're parasites they get inside you and they change you your body and your mind they make you want them and before you know it you become them [Music] i guess that kind of answers things that's why you yeah your body parts turn into them and then you crave them more and more and more huh who wouldn't want to turn into bug snacks i guess we'll ask that one next it's not that simple they're insidious patient you'll show them a weakness and they'll exploit it what you see here this is what's left of everybody who came before us of every living thing that wasn't bug snacks they always win so everyone on this island eventually becomes snackified and a part of the island that's why no one ever leaves that's why no one ever comes back and that's why trifany was never able to find her grandmother because her remains became bug snacks oh my gosh this is all just like this is a huge turn of events here oh my gosh like this was all like uh i keep saying it a happy-go-lucky game colorful made out of food everything's got wacky googly eyes and then it takes this dark turn to the end when you find out what all of that really means what happened to you whisper after i saved a bell i fell into this place before i knew what was happening i was swarmed bug snakes were crawling down my throat they tried to erase me to make me into them that's horrible i almost lost myself but somehow i pushed back i made them into me what how did she do that so the bug snack golem monster was you is that what that snack uh snacks watch was so the bug snacks are under control is this bugs night golem monster referring to that bug snack thing that attacked snacksberg like really early on and it walked in had grumpus feet and you guys remember like towards the bathroom it scuttled off into like bunch of bug snacks and then befika and granville were telling us about it i think that's what it's referring to right there so that bug snack golem monster was you and it left us a warning too it said like no more bug snacks or something i think something along those lines but now that we know this it was more of a warning rather than like a threat so the bug snacks are under control so the bug snack golem was you i assume this is what she's talking about right there that's right i'm sorry if i scared you i just wanted to make everyone leave this awful place but i can't make bug snacks talk oh man that's why she carved it into the sign there so the bug snakes are under your control no the bugs and eggs are in a frenzy they have been since we came here they're so ravenous that they're shaking the ground apart i'm the only thing keeping this island together right now but it's like fighting a tsunami with a bucket oh man i completely forgot we're like in an interview process so we just finished all the interview stuff geez that's everything there you have your answers i hope you write a story worth telling i'm sorry that i put you through so much to get it oh oh my god giant stravies i can't hold them back for much longer please go and warn the others wait i i have one more question if you're really not coming back then then what am i supposed to do without you what do you mean you've been doing just fine without me it's only a matter of time before i screw up and ruin everything uh i'm not good at stuff and everybody hates me but you they love you lizbert they love the idea of me i'm sorry i put so much on your shoulders bilbo but you you are the one who can bring them together me well i'm the one who made it all fall apart what are you saying i led you to this terrible island i filled your bodies with parasites i ignored all the warning signs i didn't understand what any of you really needed so now i'm taking responsibility for my mistakes i'll keep the bug snacks at bay long enough for everyone to escape liz no no no there has to be some other way we can help you no i should be the only one to suffer the consequences of my actions nobody else needs to get hurt because of me oh no heckabel where have i heard that before ichabeel you shouldn't be here you need to get away get up get up come on let's go get up hey bill stop it no you stop it i didn't sleep in an igloo for months just so you could play martyr we're getting out of here together i i can't my control is already slipping if i step outside this cave my connection to the bug snacks will break and the island will collapse before i make it another step huh all right then i'll get in there with you move over move over it's not a car bill oh my god see that wasn't so hard right it worked ichabelle you beautiful genius wait how did you lose your eye oh i didn't i just got conjunctivitis at least the eye patch looks cool right it does make you look a bit dangerous so um how long before the island explodes oh i don't know it could be any moment but i'm sure liz and i can keep it together at least until you get everybody out of here what so now i'm supposed to leave both of you behind hey don't worry about us we've been through worse than this right we both survived so much by ourselves imagine what we can do and we're together okay good luck and i'll see you again someday it's time to get moving get back to snacksburg you're going to have to take a bit of a shortcut hold on oh my she's like throwing us out from like the top of the thing or the volcano where were we right there oh my god there's a little strabby hey it's just like the intro but it's a lot darker now is that fill though again it is oh get up billboard eggabel is that you oh sorry buddy head hurt oh bad that dream time yet gotta save friends yes yes save friends get up bilbo hurry up let's go let's go let's go let's go we got to get back to snacksburg but chandler he destroyed all the bridges so how do we get oh geez oh it's like mutating into the well i guess it's always been bug snacks this whole time it's just shown its true form we've got to get back to snacksburg as fast as we can we can't let the others eat any more bug snacks if they transform all the way then then then who knows what'll happen oh why did we feed them so many already i just think we can resist until we're all out of here yeah that was a bad idea i'm sorry i fed like everyone bug snacks like fully whoops are we sure we get back to snacksburg by now though right okay okay oh they're fleeting my balloon yeah we're getting out of this what uh crondo said when we were talking to him snorpy there they are wearing grumps name have you two been i'll explain later the bug snacks are coming to wipe us out we gotta get off this island now i suspected as much luckily the balloon is almost ready to take flight great but where is everybody they're holding off the swarm as best they can i've supplied them with all my most dangerous inventions that'll only buy us time snort dog they're coming down from the mountain i need you here now hold steady my love i'm on my way oh but somebody needs to finish fueling the balloon don't worry snorpy leave the balloon to me go and help chandler splendid and as for you you may need my snack chop it's much like the snack trap if it were set to puree good luck snack chop like a slap chop okay uh this looks simple enough all right so let's go down there let's go help him then oh never mind buddy you better put that trap to good use oh no an army of stravies coming towards us oh oh man oh it launches them everywhere man all right boy it started out with filmo eating the stravies and now i've got to protect him from the strabbies i'll be fine for now buddy go and help the others i'll have the balloon ready by the time you get back hopefully there's like strappy blood everywhere strappy eyes all right let's go back down let's try and help everyone snacks but oh my god it's already spread down to here what's this sprinkle peeds kill him stay steal your pugnacious pests why did snobington make this so cumbersome one has foreseen the bug snacks will be five feet to the right of where you're aiming i'm a scientist not an exterminator you do it if you're so inclined one is strictly a pacifist also one is pushing 70. that enough ah but here comes someone with a healthy capacity for violence take this device and clear a path for us please ooh wait what it's like a boxing glove attached to the uh the snack grappler oh hit the sprinkle peeds punch them all get them boom boom boop bop all these guys oh that guy's trying oh he's crawling around oh get him get him no no no oh no oh no we're going to get overwhelmed kill the sprinkle beads we get them all oh man it came behind us it's like oh it's shutting behind us it's closing in anymore oh no it's not curious get them slick oh oh get up got him i didn't like hit him i didn't like oh what are the i've got with those recalled whoops oh they like explode into the smaller parts whoops kill them kill them get the cockroach get their little enchorita another cockroach got him is that it uh oh what happened i'll have to wait for them that's enough mortal danger for one day let's abscond while the bug snacks have subsided you don't have to tell me twice you however must continue the others still need your help all right help chandler snorpy all right let's talk to them then oh what is that come on snacks let's see what you got uh tom over here i've just finished another device the trip drone with this we can hold off the bug snacks and escape before chandler collapses don't worry snort dog i could do this all day oh you beautiful fool i'll pilot the drone you aim the shot unfortunately you were short on connective surfaces how about this oh hello whoa that'll do oh my god wait wait how did he how are those those quibbles are supposed oh oh i hit the things okay i see it now he's throwing at the uh the things and those are surfaces we could hit with a trip shot boom trip nice i don't trip on the trip shot let's do that just wait for those other quickies to get it nice you have a house let's get another angle yep how's he controlling the drone if there are quebels in there though there you go it seems simple enough there you go relocating wouldn't the quibbles be like under control of the bug snacks like hive mind or whatever i mean there you go oh there we go barely got it there in time still floating around though get dunked on [Music] oh oh flaming she poof's coming down ah perfect great job chandler we crushed it dog i'm gonna give you the hug of your life don't celebrate too soon we're not safe until we're off this horrid rock to the balloon i probably have to help like everyone yep help before again krom doe next yeah and then after that's going to be wiggle and you see anything yet all this smoke is making my eyes water don't worry there's one thing i'm good at it's looking for trouble speaking of snacks at three o'clock you got it fire in the hole [Music] who knew snackwater was so flammable huh it's almost a shame to waste it like this oh bestie you're just in time for the end of the world but now that you're here if you take over the lunch pad krom joe can pick up the speed on those barrels can't you grab though yeah sure dang bath if i don't break my grumping back first now you gotta aim with this lunch yeah there's like an upgraded oh there you go what it didn't it didn't hit there we go oh my gosh oh you know what prompto they're flying like everywhere i can't hit them all at once oh oh they're like grouping together oh no they're the ones that are closest there's nothing on their crondo put something on there we go oh nice gray hit right there come on grandma hurry up they're grouped together no no they're right there oh my god well they're they're they're hitting them still so that's good there you go i just have to wait for oh nice nice right there perfect hit try and get that one break it down you know let's try and get in the middle there where they're all like grouped up nice great hit on that one sweetie flies are getting hit a little bit better than those uh chi poops just a moment ago there you go oh okay nice it hit that one even though it's like moving it's very hard to hit these moving targets is that all of them nope other more more chi proofs that's heavy come on cranberry you're doing a great job what is befika even doing i guess if they get close enough befika hits them so that's good can't complain about her helping out i guess there you go is that it nope still not it oh my gosh there's so many oh more sweetie flats flashback she is a little bit everything right now get the cheapos up there get that other cheap over there nice nice nice i don't know why that sweetie flies like going back and forth like that though there you go got it awesome oh oh it looked pretty nasty for a sec but i knew you'd pull through bestie we made it that means scorpio owes me five bucks let's blow this popsicle stand huh yeah five bucks that's what you're worried about during this you're not worried about you know dying you're hoping wiggle and grabble yeah and then after that's going to be wambus and trifany right run away snacks never come back oh i don't get it why are the little ones attacking us they love me they're like a mob of adoring fans darling they love you so much that they they each want a piece of you even so i can't bring myself to to hurt them so why'd snorpy have to go and weaponize sprout ramble i didn't know you were so punk rock i'm not a punk or a rock i i can't do this well i know who can darling i've got them all warmed up it's time for you to bring the house down all right let's bring the house down i guess we have an upgraded version of the buggy ball with spikes on it because now gramble's all punk rock gotta hit these po bugs with the spikes ah it's getting really close there we go more peel bugs you know it might be better just kind of aim out aim out there oh whoops this is bad this is bad this is bad they're getting really close oh well then again wiggle has the guitar so she'll be able to kill him if they get too close just like befka was able to uh with the sweetie flies and stuff grapples you know what maybe i'll get a little bit closer so i can actually see a little bit better there you go more and more peel bugs around here orange peel bugs oh they keep going through the tunnel there we go got him is that it nope i should probably stop saying that because it's never the end of it whenever i say that right yo get the grapple there you go perfect get the peel bug another peel bug over here come on come on come on he's going through a tunnel going through a turtle go go go no no oh god i'm nice get him get him this one over here perfect oh they're going through the tunnel and oh god i'm nice is that it not yet not yet a couple crabbles there we go wait for them to unburrow oh come on got it perfect get that grabble come on got it more po bugs get that peel back no no it's going through a tunnel there you go or the log or whatever oh my gosh this is oh this is so tense [Music] it doesn't look tense but it is was that it is it over please say it's over my heart can't take much more of this no time for an encore grambled deer we better boogie all right let's go now get get get your varmints it's no use whammy must have learned a few things since the stone age well what do you want me to do i won't let them take my garden there's hardly any garden left there's enough i still got my special sauce fresh grown oh good thinking what that's not what i meant oh i didn't see you there would you mind helping out just a matter of life and death is all you guys noticed the tripping he's got the cactus oh they're giving me the what is this oh just hit okay yeah just hit him with the sauce slingshot and boom i guess this is what is uh wham this is special sauce wait it doesn't like insta kill them though i hit them and they oh does it uh hold on does it make them like aggro on each other if i hit him with the sauce i think it might maybe yeah look at all the bungers and spuddies that keep attacking each other oh nice i think we cleared it that was fast that's about as big a break as we're gonna get come on whammy it's now or never oh i gave it my best all right trippy let's go home wait what happened to the cactus does she throw it he's gone wamis isn't going like that you guys all right let's go let's get to the balloon escape from snack tooth go go go go go come on you guys okay we're all here though i think the balloon needs another minute oh my god the mama melon never mind we gotta get on board now go hurry mama mellow the moths are supreme come on we're not gonna make it i was gonna crash my ship again oh oh my gosh it's eggabel and lisberg thanks liz [Music] egg oh goodbye snacktooth island goodbye snacksberg goodbye heckabel goodbye lisbert goodbye bug snacks [Music] oh i guess we survived man i was kind of worried for a second the master supreme was going to like crash our ship again i guess not oh look at that they got it they got the cactus they saved it oh my god everyone's did everyone survive vacations end oh my god i'm getting like five achievements right now can it cryptid complete what is all this uh f3 scan the snap squatch all the grumpuses survive complete the main story of bug snacks you guys this is it this is the end five achievements i haven't gotten yet i don't know if i want to look at uh what those are maybe at the very end like after the credits or whatever but for right now i guess we just have to see what everyone has to say about escaping from snacktooth island i'm glad that they got the cactus you guys don't say anything i guess i have to talk to you then well there goes another farm serves me right for building it on top of an island-sized pest [Music] i guess there's no shame in starting fresh i'll find a place with rich soil and even richer history where me and trippy can settle down that's the spirit wambus don't let the island get you down like it did earlier yeah everyone's still got bug snacks like for limbs and stuff i want to ask like oh there it is in the background i think yep the volcano smoke and stuff and there's a frosted peak there ooh yeah we're actually yeah we're like on another island there's like a regular tower there and regular trees i guess [Music] how is snacktooth island this close to like regular civilization but like no one ever explored it well i guess well yeah people explored it but they never came back they became a part of the island as we saw with lizberg there ooh i guess that explains it all right well tiffany what do you have to say being well yeah we're the first people to survive snacktooth island actually yeah that's interesting that's really cool what do you have to say about that tiffany i was so close to giving up back there i get so caught up dwelling on the way lives end but that's not the only thing that matters yeah wambus and i we're gonna start the rest of our lives today well hey guys we're getting a really cool little ending here with everyone being very optimistic about the future and stuff you know after what we heard them say earlier at the end of their side quests and stuff we're always sounded so sad but now sounding a little i wonder how wiggles gonna be is she gonna pursue her career like trying to make another song or is she going to move on to something else to see what she has to say it's funny i spent all my time chasing one muse and as soon as i put it out of my mind another strikes me as we floated down from the sky watching our home crumble to dust a little song sprung into my head i call it an ode to gramble a note to gramble i guess that experience after all that the experience of leaving snacktooth island inspired her to make a song about gramble which i call always kind of like in the back of my mind kind of suspected she had a crush on gramble she remember when we first saw them she was like singing a song to grabble she was like i forgot how it went but you guys probably remember she was like singing a song to grandma it was very obnoxious speaking of grandpa what do you have to say gramble now that we're off of snacktooth island and we're going to be away from the bug snacks forever now what do you have to say about all this i thought i'd be real sad when i left all my little ones behind but i feel okay i don't know maybe it helps they try to murder me but also i got folks who love me back for real like well wiggle yeah she's writing a song about you now or wrote a song who are we going to talk to next no seashell right through the ocean there you go we have to say befca oh hey bestie i think i need a vacay from this vacay going home doesn't seem so bad anymore my old life my old friends they're all gone but like now i know that i can make new friends and this time i won't ruin it for myself well hey once again another optimistic outlook for the future there now if anyone's going to have a more pessimistic outlook i guess you could say it'd probably be cromdo but i'm very good to see what's he going to say now though ronda what do you have to say about getting off the snack truth island okay i know when i'm beat i draw the line at island full of monsters all i wanted to do was quit my dead-end job and do what makes me happy i don't need some big bug snack scam to do that hey maybe i'll get started in the music business well hey wiggle maybe you two can team up and maybe you could promote her music and she makes the music and ramble inspires the music or something like that fluffy this is going to be another interesting one what do you have to say fluffy while i'd regret that all my research was destroyed i have come away with a revelation i cannot improve grump is kind if i refuse to understand it it may be a long and frankly annoying endeavor but it is one worth pursuing hmm that's pretty optimistic though sheldon what do you have to say i've never felt so wrong being right i wish i hadn't wasted so much time telling riddles i don't need to be all powerful to give good advice i just need to be me and those who listen will listen that's true you don't need to put on act to make people believe you or listen to you or anything another seashell there let's throw it back into the ocean eh it missed all right what do you guys have to say there chandler chandler and snorpy uh let's talk to let's talk just chandler first bro that was intense there's no way i ever would have made it out of there by myself good thing snorpy had my back when did he get so strong maybe i hit my personal limit but that doesn't matter there's no limit to what we can do together that's right especially when it's official between you two snorpy what do you have to say look at that mess it seems my enemies aren't so all-powerful after all but still there were many close calls and chandler was always there for me i think perhaps i could share everything with him yeah i don't need to be so secretive as we heard during his psych was like he was setting up those flares and stuff like that and didn't tell chandler why he was setting up those flares he went up the mountain didn't want to tell chandler why he went up the mountain you know for daddy cake legs and all that stuff this is a lot i'm loving this ending here you guys really positive ending and then filbo here hey buddy are you ready to go not just yet i guess it's time well i guess i think we talked to everyone hold on did we talk to everyone i think we did oh look at everyone looking at us like they're looking at us because we are the reason that they're all still here with us and look at this music in the background too it's so so calming so peaceful as we're looking at snacktooth island and all the memories we just had the past like almost 20 episodes i guess we're going to say goodbye to snacktooth island and say goodbye to bug snacks as we talk to filbo and i guess end off the game enough beat it officially hey buddy are you ready to go i'm ready to go i guess it's time all right everybody we should head out i hate leaving it like this liz and egg what if they're still out there liz and they can take care of themselves you can't be thinking about going back we have to move on i think they can take care of themselves yeah let's do that one yeah if anybody can survive in that terrible place it's them wait i could say same thing again you can't be thinking of going back i guess i could just do the other ones in you can't be thinking of going back right philbo no you're right nobody should ever set foot on snacktooth island again that's right we have to move on i know i can't go wallowing in regret now we're barely even out of the woods it's gonna take a while for the bug snacks to wear off on us i can't go back home like this so is it all right if i stay with you for a while i can help you with your story maybe figure out which parts to tell or that sounds good phil though i guess i've got a spare room that sounds good fail though yeah so he just basically just confirmed right there the bug snacks snackification or whatever it's called that uh floofty said it does wear off over time we kind of already knew that though because we saw egg bell in those films she had like a curly fry arm and then we actually saw her in real life well you know in the game like not in a film she had regular arms so yeah it just wears off over time but who knows how long that will take that sounds good fail but you could stay with me i suppose great let's go all right let's go philbo elsa's already ahead of us i'll take a seat why not there you go a little bit of a souvenir snack tooth island oh jeez it just roasts the seashell who's that i have to admit you got guts tracking down elizabeth inside an erupting volcano it's compelling dramatic sensational i'd call it fiction if you didn't have this philippus yahoo along as a witness it's filbo actually point is you're a regular grumpterous thompson it's just too bad those bug snacks weren't real huh yeah too bad i i i hate to think that we went through all that for nothing so um i hope you can spread the truth about snacktooth before anybody else gets hurt don't worry gnnn specializes in painful truths and speaking of you're fired what this stories are paige turner and all but you lost your job the second you walked out that door what how dare you yeah what how dare you just do this one how dare you fire me when i do my job oh please it's not like i expected you to come back also you're legally dead what might want to clear that up soon well that wasn't ideal but you've had worse days huh buddy so i hear the elections are coming up and uh i was thinking of running for mayor i could use a helping paw how about it sounds good philbo so i think what happened is that we came back we just said oh we found lisbert in the volcano and the bug snacks thing was fake we didn't tell him that oh the island you eat a bug snack your arm becomes a bug snack and then the bug snacks are parasites and eventually they take over you and the whole island is literally bug snacks and like all the other like dark stuff that we came across we lied and just basically said oh it's just a dangerous island don't go there is that really what we did here i wonder what would have happened if we were like yeah the bug snacks thing it was real and we came here after everything wore off anyway so it's not like we had proof of it oh man i i really do wonder what would happen if i actually came back and told the truth and actually had the story because i have all the recordings and stuff from the interviews and stuff right i've got evidence all right well phobos talking about running for mayor like legitimate mayor i'm like he has mayoral experience i i guess we'll support him sounds good filbo all right is that the end oh yep that's the end have we got the bug snack songs playing now like the theme song [Music] try to catch em in your trap feed somebody and you'll see we are whatever we eat find them hiding in the sand i'm done with that oh look at the tiffany there with veronica lotta blocks she found the grave putting flowers on the grave wambus has a thriving farm there awesome stuff you guys nice and of course we've got credits going for everyone here if you guys watched my channel before you know that i i always let the credits roll for everyone that worked on the game today to get their due credit and hey look at that we got wiggle and grambus yeah what i i never scanned the thing but we saw like a knitting kit or whatever and grandpa's uh like like the top part of his his ranch where he was like staying and he's knitting like shrabby hats that's cute and there's crom dough is that he's doing karaoke and there's befika there i guess just on her bed writings in her diaries still she i wonder what happened to everyone else like his wife away for a little bit voice cast columbia clumber nut barbara goodson lizbert megafig helen sadler there's a lot of people here you guys oh look at that there's a snorpy working out trying to match up with the with the chandler and speaking of chad low he's at the library trying to work out his brain i like that oh look at that now we have shelda become an author i was right but not because i had magical powers by shells you would something and look at that fluffed you became like a professor there cool ode to gramble written by written performed by tariq akony and is that a real that's a real song i wonder if it's like a part of the uh like the soundtrack or something like that we could listen to it that's not the song we're listening to right now i think it's called it's bug snacks by kirakiro bonito so that's pretty funny this is like a meme song i kept on trolling people in my discord with this song so if you guys are in the syrup squad discord server you guys know that i memed around with the song for a while before the game actually came out but anyways what is all this going on right now play testers or something like that got a lot of people on screen right now that probably helped play the game and fix bugs before it actually came out which is kind of funny because it's called bug snack oh look at this postcard here there's everyone there and the hey they're congratulating phobo for becoming mayor it looks like awesome 2018 to 2019 well they worked on this game for like two years it looks like young horses oh what's this last image here oh there's liz burton nagabel oh did it wear off on them now [Music] wait what is this supposed to mean or was that like before i don't know i'm confused now oh no i sent them away it would be hard to make them disappear at this point do they suspect anything hmm hard to say could be their idiots could be they know the truth and they're keeping it quiet very well we will have to keep our eye on them to quit it us omni vivamex bug snacks uh oh a stravie made it up on our boat and it's gonna spread to the rest of the world oops oh no but was that last bit there though oh what happens if i hit continue i was probably just going to load my last save or something like that i bet huh yeah before the point of no return i suppose but it sounded like the whoever whoever was my boss you know back at gnn was talking to someone a bunch of question marks there and they're like oh they i guess they either know it and they're hiding it or they're they didn't find it or something like that that bug snacks mean so they knew bug snacks were real they knew that we were not telling them and what they said like they're like speaking in a different language for the very end there too i wonder what that means leave a comment down below if you guys know what that means if you guys could translate that whatever language they said there but it said something something something bug snacks so they know something oh was that the grump is that the grump or not they were a part of the crocodile is the grumpinati real i think that that's gotta be what that was oh man snorpy's gonna love when he finds out the grumpinati was real after all this that's funny all right well you guys i think that's gonna be for bug snacks we beat it not only did we beat it we like hundred percent of the game basically like i know if i do like what was it shift f3 there's five achievements we have yet to do uh here we go feeding frenzy fully transform every grumpus we could do that one easily like there's like maybe yeah eggabel we didn't do it we didn't fully transform her i know shelda wasn't fully transformed and i think that's it honestly then we only transformed oh yeah uh wambus wampus and uh trif trifany and i think that's it i think everyone else was fully transformed clothesline stun a bug snack with a trip shot attached to your buggy ball what you could shoot the trip shot on the buggy ball and you could like move the but you could you move the buggy ball around and move the trip shot like line around i wish i knew about that that would have made things so much easier say cheese scan a grumpus after saucing them with cheese we actually did that we were meeting around with uh trifani but we never took a picture of her though yeah we hit her i think we hit her which we hit her with like five different sauces or something crazy grab bag empty one biome of its snack pods oh man yeah could have done that these these ones are relatively easy transformer grumpus with scoopy banaba and cheery uh we could have done that one with agave easily sunday best yeah i can easily get all these uh these five remaining uh achievements right here if i wanted to but i'm not gonna like have a bonus episode or anything hey you know what leave a comment down below if you guys want me to have like an episode 20 of me just playing around trying to get these last few achievements let me know in the comments down below or would you guys rather i end it off right here ended off with us beating the game the storyline all that kind of stuff let me know in the comments down below but for right now bug snacks we beat it you guys this was a surprisingly good game like i was looking forward to it i knew it was going to be a meme game i know i was going to have fun just turning things into like weird food like body parts and stuff like that but it turned out it had a really good story and it like a really good twist at the end too when we uh like opened up the gate and all that stuff went in there and it was like oh now in retrospect when we're like going around like the food caverns or whatever that was with fill though we were like inside the guts of the island because it like ate us i think that's what that was supposed to mean and that's why everything was like made out of food and like why there was like weird like liquid on the ground i guess because it was like in stomach acid or something oh that's so weird ugh but either way i guess we'll just end it off right here let me know in the comments down below if you guys want to have an extra bonus episode beginning those last like five achievements though but for right now i guess i'm going to be ending off this episode right here so thank you guys all very much for watching if you guys enjoy the video be sure to let me know by leaving a like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe button and be sure to click that bell to turn on post notifications so you don't miss an episode because like i said i might have a bonus episode of bug snacks getting those last few achievements you know if i see you guys wanting it in the comments and if not of course i'll still notify you guys of anything else i upload because i'm still playing a big variety of different games and and even more games coming out very soon like cyberpunk 2077 coming out next week so you guys don't want to miss that so be sure to hit that bell hit that subscribe button hit the like button you guys already know the deal by now but overall thank you guys all very much for watching and i'll see you guys here next time with some more awesome videos oh bye there foreign [Music]
Channel: TheWaffleGalaxy
Views: 310,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bugsnax, Bugsnax Gameplay, Bugsnax Let's Play, Bugsnax Playthrough, Bugsnax Walkthrough, Bugsnax Game, Bugsnax Ep 1, Bugsnax How To, Bugsnax PC, Bugsnax on PC, Bugsnax PS5, Bugsnax PS4, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Game, Ep 1, How To, Bugsnax Reaction, Bugsnax Review, Bugsnax Meme, Bugsnax All Bugs, Bugsnax Bugs, Bugsnax Creatures, Bugsnax Demo, Bugsnax Intro, Bugsnax Lore, Bugsnax Music, Bugsnax Scary, Bugsnax Theory, 1440p, 60fps, Gaming, TheWaffleGalaxy
Id: X7wloKXVaWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 52sec (5632 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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