PIZZA MONSTER from Bugsnax in TINY TOWN! - Tiny Town VR

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this is actually harder to make than i thought it would be but this is it's gonna be worth it it's gonna get this crab claw for a minute oh yeah there we go this is looking good this is looking authentic i've never had to build a cheese pyramid before so this is actually quite hard [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tiny town have a look at this i can't believe how big this place has actually gotten we've built this thing quite massive there is butt loads of stuff going on here sorry about this champ i feel like i need to save this guy i'm just going to help you out there buddy all right i'm going to get you out of that tentacle for a minute and i'm just going to put you in this one there you go right out of the frying pan straight back into the frying pan okay there we go these are large water blocks just let me stick that one right there that's not snapping on there we go i'm just building like i don't know a water path or something like that i don't know what i'm building so that we can then build like almost like an ocean you know what i mean if i just go like this this is how you make an ocean you just wave your hands around like an idiot and they go everywhere i'm trying to make a circle at the moment it's really hard to do oh that doesn't look too bad it looks fairly round okay let's get down right oh now it's huge i just like wow that's actually the proper size of it it is so much more massive than i thought it was gonna be okay let's just shrink it back i need like a banana or a human for scale oh dude okay okay i think i might have made this ocean a little bit too big look how far away the city is hey city people how's it going me and my friend are out here just bobbing around in the ocean this guy doesn't know how to swim but he does float pretty well so i'm just going to hang on to him like he's a plank of wood grab him now let's build a volcano we should also have some sand pieces here there we go that's a big sand piece alright let's get that turned snapping off we're just gonna create a bit of a beach scene going on and i put another one over there like that just a few of these little beachy bits man that is looking so good all right i was about to grab this and use it as a mountain okay but that's that's poo alright so i'm just gonna throw that away that probably needs to be in the bin oh sand castle i'm going to put a little sand castle in i got to make it lifelike though so hang on hang on a second there we go if we put it like that that there is sand castle size that's good i know i've got some boulders here somewhere there we go let's put some boulders in ah just kind of i want to create like a little bit of a wall going on all right yep the cool thing about these boulders is you can just roll them round and they kind of look different as you keep going just keep stacking them uh stack them sort of like this there we go one there just create a whole bunch of them and then i'll just yeah there we go then we can just keep changing size of them as we keep going all right there we go and we'll build yep just like that and stack them up like there get another one right there check out this building champs this is how you build rocks trees yes let's get some trees there all right these trees are looking good put a couple of palms around god that's a big tree i'm gonna shrink that one down just so that people don't get scared of the size of the tree maybe one's sort of sticking out of the rocks for some reason trees go on rocks they do all right then we'll get put that one up there this is good this is looking like a really good sort of tropical island got that tropical island theme happening now i think it's time to place this thing in let's go big giant oh this is good it needs to be massive so let's go let's go something like that if i can get this flat for a minute here there we go wish there was a way just to kind of duplicate these rocks a bit oh yeah that kind of works that is one good looking island i am super happy with that one all right now i want to build just a bit of a mountain going on out the side here let's go railroad i think there's actually some mountains on this bit let's just have a quick look yeah there we go there we go got a good mountain going on over here okay now at the back side of this island here i want to start building a bit of a pyramid we need to get some dudes in here these guys out the back here they have a craving for snacks what do we got here we got some random people we've got an old man i'm gonna put the old man in are you ready champ you ready to be marooned on some kind of desert island he doesn't look too happy about it that looks like the grumpiest old man i've ever seen alright who else do we have we've got a hippie guy i'm gonna have him just sat on the rock because he doesn't really want to be here he would rather be hugging trees these guys in the mounties man these guys have a lot in common all right let's put that guy there that's good okay now what are we gonna build our pyramid out of uh maybe we could build it out of shapes we could probably do that i mean they're not gonna look very rocky but that's fine it looks like it's made of cheese but this actually works very well if it's made out of cheese if you haven't figured it out yet [Music] what are you doing with your life that's what i want to know if you haven't figured it out let me know what i'm building in the comments i've never had to build a cheese pyramid before so this is actually quite hard oh dude that looks really good i'm happy with that okay now this is the altar where the sacrifice goes that's right the cheese sacrifice goes on top of there let's just stick some of these toothpicks into the cheese and set fire to them there we go get some little flames going on that looks pretty good just some burning torches going on in the top there now we get the sacrifice [Music] that's right it's a slice of pizza i'm just gonna put that on there it looks so delicious it actually looks so delicious all right i'm gonna have this guy up here he's also eating a slice this guy is aggravating the gods but he doesn't realize it he has no idea he's like whatever man i'm just eating some pizza just let me be man there we go put some pizza right in his gob he's kind of he looks like he's jamming it up his nose but that's fine i mean you know if he wants to eat pizza that way just let him this old man is actually just really angry because someone has sacrificed his pizza piece he's missed out on it he really wanted this piece but he's never gonna get to eat it i'm gonna put a variety of other things around here i'm just gonna get this tomato all right yeah there we go let's get a tomato what else do we have here oh this is pretty good it's gonna get this crab claw for a minute oh yeah there we go this is looking good this is looking authentic just get these crab claws put them on the side there hope i don't have to build too many of these guys because this is taking a while just little crab legs at the back as i punch myself in the side of the head sometimes i forget i have a vr headset on and i just whack myself in the side of the head oh yeah there we go it's a tomato crap now we need to give us like a bit of a face oh look at that look at that face it's my very first bug snack i've built him he looks so good and scary-looking he looks like he could rip the arms off a person jeez don't go near that guy oh we've got some donuts okay i'm gonna put a few of these donuts just up on the wall up here these donuts they like to climb mountains so i'm just gonna get them just going on up there there we go get a few more because they like to get round in packs okay now it's a flying taco that is really cool just better give my flying taco some eyes there we go that is one cute looking taco monster uh where should i put these eyes for the little donut men have you noticed that the little donut monsters they kind of look like they've got you know a surprise look because their mouth is wide open and that's the hole there i'm gonna put the eyes to the side that way they look like they've got a sloth face and we could even put their eyes off in weird directions like they're just a little bit derpy there we go they look so funny ah cool all right got my donut man if you guys have got ideas for other little bug snack monsters we can you know we can make let me know in the comments and we'll give them a crack we'll make some that's looking good okay now we need to build the big one they've sacrificed the piece of pizza right and they've angered the gods where's the big pizza god here we go we need to build one i'm gonna get this pizza slice where's the sun i don't want to melt him all right i'm just gonna get him like this oh this is gonna be cool man we're gonna make him super huge all right there we go yeah that's a good size all right let's go like that get another one probably coming off the side there like this that's his wings looking pretty good um we'll get some smaller wings down the bottom here like this gotta make him real authentic all right this is actually harder to make than i thought it would be but this is it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be a cool looking pizza monster by the time we're done which i'll just put them more out the side there then we'll put smaller ones kind of coming up the top here like this how's that look oh yeah that looks good that looks really good okay then we'll get another piece and this piece will go right there like that yeah dude that is one awesome looking pizza monster i feel like he sort of needs some arms i just don't know what the arms would even be maybe they'd be bits of like capsicum you know what i mean or like chili or something okay he needs a face though clearly do we give him like regular eyeballs i think we might what color though red yeah we'll go with red red looks more evil he's gotta have big eyeballs like this i feel like i want to give him a mouth with some teeth as well look at this guy that guy has pizza regret and who was it that actually sacrificed the pizza slice it was his wife the whole time you crazy lady don't you see what you've done you've summoned the pizza gods [Music] okay let's let's get this she hasn't noticed because she's actually part blind among other things let's just have her there she's just putting it down nice there we go she's driven the mighty sword through the pizza slice like that she's got it she's just straight up stamped it this guy is upset can you blame him though your wife just comes along and just stabs your last slice of pizza with a sword just gonna try and give him like a little bit of an angry mouth going on i don't know how this is gonna look but i'll give it a shot that's an angry mouth alright should we give him some scary teeth as well because he's a monster there we go lots of teeth just to make him ultra creepy oh my god [Music] definitely ramped up the creepiness factor by adding teeth in not gonna lie dude that just looks terrifying now doesn't it the giant pizza man has appeared out of the sky he's about ready to eat the old lady just to get some pizza eating revenge on it he doesn't realize though she's just like yeah whatever i'm just gonna stamp this giant cheese pyramid you crazy woman let me know in the comments if you've got some ideas there's some stuff you'd like to see me add onto this island this island is so huge now check it out that is one big old island we've even got flying taco men already that is so good but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 513,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, siren head, siren head vr, SCP, SCP Monsters, cartoon cat, Elements, Fire Element, hard to kill reptile, Pipe Head
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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