Bugsnax Are NOT What They Seem !! Bugsnax Ending | Z1 Gaming

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great oh it happened we opened the door what's going on everybody z here welcome back to some bug snacks so last episode uh we got a few things done we got people interviewed and uh we are going to uh i think open a magical door oh i am so excited hopefully you guys enjoy if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more um i don't know how much longer or how many more episodes of snacks we're to have so i'm super excited because i don't know what this door is going to reveal and i have i have absolutely no idea we still have not got shelda back to bug snacks yet and i'm wondering if there's going to be something that like intervenes with that or if we're going to go over here and i'm like well you should get everybody back first you know i don't know but anyways let's go check out this door shall we oh it's a magical door it's a magical door um do i talk to you and then do we open the door maybe uh hello i have lisbert's journal oh my grump where'd you find this good work good work okay writing always this sloppy what we got it's not dr bad but still ah i'll need to activate these statues by feeding them the snack they represent oh thanks for the help i'll take it from here um you don't need to do this alone fine you catch half i'll catch the other half and we'll meet back here okay so good good good activate three bug snack structures okay so let's see what do we need here flutter jam a scoopy a chippy a strudeler mount sodi oh wait i have a mount sodi i think i have a mount sodium already uh mount saudi boom baby there's one uh chili nilly oh they got a chili nilly so we need okay a strudelers up top we can go grab that one for sure super easy uh this one though a chili nilly i'm not positive i know the strudeler is up there and then oh there's a chippy up there as well okay all right we know where these are at let's do this oh i'm so excited well there's a strudeler there's a source of warmth in the bitter cold loves hot sauce hmm uh i don't think i can trap this let's see if we can do this i don't i don't think it's gonna work though and of course it lays over and it's not gonna work i think we're gonna have to somehow like knock it out either then we're gonna have to guide it down to some water or something maybe is it red no it was good oh we're going to put out the fire first yeah we're going to put out the fire first okay oh actually snoop's banana pod this money no that's not what i want i want this guy right here you like chocolate [Music] i think this guy might be our person come on get back here don't stop get over here yep yep yep keep going come on let's do this back over here no come on come on let's go i only have one left no oh oh oh baby yes perfect strudeler dunski's um and that guy's gonna blow up actually i wonder if that was one of the ones that we could um we could get maybe that was one of the ones needed too let's see what happens it's gonna blow it's gonna blow oh hello do i need to catch you uh wait what oh no you need to stop not being on fire oh yeah jerk oh it was a banana hopper okay you know what that's fine uh let's see we got the strudel that's the mount sodi what was the other one a banana upper hmm oh the cookie the cookie one we can go grab that one too let's go ahead and feed the uh the strudeler one though strudeler oh man this is exciting yeah the cookie perfect okay so let's go ahead and let's set up this guy trip shot uh from there aim to there perfect okay we are ready this should be the last one that we need oh this is so exciting we got you we got a chippy all right that should be the last statue what's going on i'm so excited to open this door all right let's feed the chippy statue we've done it oh what's happening you're okay you are okay right yep no drowsiness numbness or missing limbs nope i'm all good sorry don't mind me i got the rest of the snacks awesome okay the sunny side next she says oh we need three gumpasses to do the final step three grumpuses to do the final step no this mountain is unstable the more of us there are stomping around up here the more likely it is will cause a disaster i can't let anybody else get hurt for my sake i feel bad enough involving you yeah it's not just for your sake oh what would lisbert do go get another gruffus ask filbo liz trust filbo for some reason i'll wait for you here watch your step on the way back down okay new assignment shell shock okay let's go ask filbo for help bilbo's probably be like wow we need everybody back here first before i can leave that's probably what's gonna happen which means we're gonna have to go get sheldon which means we're gonna have to go find the ever elusive cheese sauce all right phil though i need your help you do with what um i think i know where lizburg is oh really oh buddy say no more i am there i'll explain on the way here's to a hard day's work oh what's happening oh what's gonna happen this is uh this is this is a big mountain huh oh the steps yes are we good oh grump i knew this was a bad idea i'm fine really oh hey you look just like my friend aggabel pachabel oh it's really you oh you're here alive and not dead yes it's me philbo calm down you'll hyperventilate all right come on let's do this oh okay okay uh yeah um oh are you coming back to snaxburg come on get up let's get this door open before altitude sickness kicks in oh it is so good to see you i can't believe you've been up here all this time you're so uh different that's right the soft little lego bell you knew is gone yeah you really came out of your shell why do you want my help i thought you would have asked chandler chandler's got snorpy to worry about besides you've been following liz around for years what i don't follow her around uh-huh point is i know you care and since i need three grumps you might as well be one of them all right here we go whoa what is that thing liz thought it might be some kind of ancient temple to bug snacks oh uh wait a minute if this door takes three of us to open how would lisbeth get inside by herself what makes you think she's behind it because she has to be i looked everywhere else well it definitely looks important how do we uh get in right we need to stand here here and here on three we push oh it's time this is it ready one two three oh grump i could have killed us all what did i do wrong hey hey it's okay ichabel that was kind of scary but we're fine we'll just try it again and no i'll try it again you two are going home eggabel i want to find lizburt just as badly as you do you don't have to do this alone yes i do i'm a burden to everybody around me that's why she's gone what do you mean i was being stupid and i slept up on the cliffs while i was trying to show off the earthquake hit and and i was going to fall but liz saved me oh she always does she got swept away and then the ground opened beneath her and it swallowed her up i'm so sorry heckabel don't be i'm used to it please just go i can't stand to see anyone else hurt you know when i was looking for lizburgh i got really hungry i i couldn't catch bug snacks so i tried eating this purple flower but then i threw up and then i went blind for a bit and then i fell in a hole and and by the time i dragged myself out of there i was so tired and hungry i could barely move that's when we met buddy phil both that's awful it was because you know i can't make it on my own like you and lizburt and it's times like those when i could really use a doctor all right i get it i need some time to think i still want to figure out what i got wrong when i do i'll come find you and then we'll find liz together thank you filbo stay safe uh okay have packable complete that was it there was no magical door opening what is this what the heck hey yeah it's just go come on okay all right let's get the cheese sauce for shelda i was hoping that was gonna be like the exciting momentous thing but no we gotta go find cheese sauce instead all right where is this cheese sauce at i i could have swore we look through this whole area and we did not find cheese sauce anywhere because that's the spicy sauce right yeah that's hot sauce what is the pizza like no this one the looks like he could use a good slicing when the moon hits your eye like a big piece of fire that's a trip to the hospital i feel like we need to get that thing to land right here because that looks like a pizza doesn't it but how would i get that to land there hmm there's the cheese oh my gosh it's right there get my grabber out oh my gosh we finally we finally got cheese it was right there the whole time all right here's your mysterious substance yum is one and one is craving reapers consider the sandscape a reflection of the mind one unable to escape its dry embrace first an act of rebirth to break out of my current shoulder okay so too must you break shame crack open the egg give them new life give them new life uh what the heck are egglers crack two egglers uh okay what's an eggler a scorpio pepper i'm getting i'm loading up on the cheese sauce what are you a flapjack oh there's an angler up there oh geez oh gosh that guy's not happy uh saying it's protected by a heart shell it'll take some force to crack it open uh what do you like or what do you hate actually uh loves cheese sauce fears those okay let's let's throw some cheese sauce on there and see what happens oh yes uh i cracked open one angler and that's where we came out at okay so we need to find the other eggler oh eggler okay what do you guys like cheese sauce heck yes you do hey smell that cheese sauce wait where did oh okay come on come on get your way over here no i need you to not be knocked out i need you to come over here and grab your cheese sauce oh my gosh oh and then it fell in the hole ah go figure oh there's a uh eggler right there too all right we're gonna throw those eggler on here and then we're gonna throw cheese sauce on it there you go bud and that should open that guy up nice okay so we did that return to sheldon now what i broke the eggs i too have burst from my girl and so oozes forth my spiritual yoke okay yet sweet devour that yolk the sinister pecans of temptation truly destroy these obstacles one must break so i gotta destroy into their elements a breakthrough praying pecan picantus can't decide alright loves those fears those okay so we're gonna have to use you i need to get you down off of your ledge uh let's see can we get you down here we come down no it doesn't want to go down what are these guys cheese sauce hates oh here we go uh we need to do this no come on all right we're gonna we're gonna wait come on don't break it yes make it happen perfect i need to put it out though oh oh it's going to blob okay all right so we know how to do the things yep you're gonna blow up pizza it looks like it's made of like a nacho chip and like a whole bunch of stuff yep okay so there's one oh look it's a taco it's a taco roach and then we got a cheesy poof okay all right so now the next one we need to do is we need to get that one to pick that up scan you get your get your trail that there uh let's aim it right there wait for it come on there we go get him throw him off nice so we need to get it over to the sodi over there so that will spray out it'll put out the fire can i put this underneath it no darn it you stupid picantas let's see what do you like you like hot sauce all right let's just get some hot sauce going here then shall we oh it's gonna hit that thing though no you pushed it the wrong way yeah jerk i need to get over here next to the sony oh no i just filled the hole come on oh oh there's the thing to get right back out okay nope you're like over here there you go there you go there you go let's get over here uh you like cheese sauce too right get him get him soda get him yes perfect good job sodie uh you know what for your efforts i'll take you all right goodbye picantas pagantes goodbye you're going to turn into all your little forms and we're good all right i have unlocked the obstacle lack of temptation removed yet one still lost in darkness seeking the light for only in the light of mother nature ray can the toxin be purged seek a raspberry i have the raspberry a hidden ruin a maze of trial i already have this raspberry guide this raspberry to one's side uh i already did it got the black raspberry from underneath the ruins to shelter oh can i release it release you sure want to release this black raspberry yes it come back out oh man all right looks like we gotta bring it all the way out and what does the black raspberry like black raspberry likes the uh is it is it chocolate might be chocolate yep loves chocolate and i don't think i actually have hardly any i don't have any chocolate right now oh look at that we have cheese here now too oh that's so wonderful oh i can't use um there we go we need chocolate i can't use my uh grappling hook here that's unfortunate okay let's go over here and grab the restless chocolate we're gonna use our little um our sprout ball to get that raspberry out all right little sprout let's do this no put you down swap to this hey no i'm trying to this there's that all right let's go ahead and guide you all right come on we got this let's make it happen oh darn it you scared it okay uh you know what we need to go up top because i can't i can't get this from right here all right let's get you there we go perfect go land on there yes perfect all right return to sheldon nice got the black raspberry from the ruins of sheldon nice okay i did it we did the things once was lost now is fast yes the path to light determined the time has come egress from the sandscape so it is that shelder survives i don't understand why i did any of that was a metaphor now to snacksburg goes me to bring such clarity to my followers i think that's everybody my grumpy butt is so sore oh look to self get a chair all right uh we're supposed to talk to wampus hopefully now that they're that sheldon's back maybe we can finish this what's going on how's it going all right let's talk to filbo everybody's back wow it's getting crowded around here i can't believe it we gotta celebrate big time this party's gonna change everything buddy are you sure you're ready absolutely once you start the party you won't be able to catch bugs thanks for complete quests be sure you've done everything you want to do before continuing what so this is like the end huh [Music] point of no return let's do it let's party you know i didn't interview everybody i'm not ready yet hold on i didn't interview everybody and there's all these like other missions and stuff too that i didn't get to do um can i make a save i wish there was a way to back up my save i wonder if i can create a another backup ah you know what let's just do it let's do it everybody's back wow this part let's let's do it let's party it up confirm let's party oh all right let's see what happens awesome but it'll be even more awesome once everybody's on the dance floor get everybody to dance okay i was worried at first but this party's kind of nice even the little ones are having fun we'll make a party animal out of you yet darling now let's work on your dance moves what a fact yes you should go always supposed to dance the dance floor but i prefer to sing a lot okay never seen everybody getting so rowdy before i don't know i remember the last party uh okay so we have zero people so far looks like the two of us are really boned [Laughter] yeah jeffy you're such a treasure okay this parties yeah i should go dance gosh i don't know i got two left feet how come nobody's gonna go dancing i'm thinking i should apologize to gramble first but i can't muster up the words maybe i could use some of that their uh liquid courage okay come on how come nobody wants to go dance you an apology brother my earlier insults were unnecessary your inventions are quite valuable in capturing research samples and i appreciate that about you your apology is as lacking as your ethical standards but it's a start excellent now that we are reconciled i have a dozen research papers that could use peer review as you seem to have free time right now let us begin are you supposed to go dance i have something important to ask chandler but i said an annoying sibling of mine you're interrupting personally okay i'm sorry you should scream nobody's gonna go dance what the heck snack water okay you should go down what are you kidding that is business to be done what the heck nobody's gonna dance one who is me has foreseen the path to enlightenment is not walked with the feet it is a journey taken with the mind i understand your wisdom oh great sheldon you're saying i should chug this snack water upside down dog oh my gosh okay can you guys go dance now if i knew we were throwing parties like this i'd have come back okay go dance maybe later bro what the heck will you go dance should you go dance a snow of paper showers so this oh my gosh nobody's gonna dance how's the party treating you beth hmm you've seen worse yeah it's really coming together it's nice to see everybody getting along listen philbo i appreciate what you're doing like getting everybody here it's way less boring now but these grumps aren't friends they're just making nice because it's better than being alone sure but who wants to be alone you're such a squeeb but like in a good way oh thanks i'm gonna hit the dance floor hope i see you there okay we got one person to dance go dance they're playing my song okay now are you guys gonna start dancing should you go dance oh my gosh is there like a is there a rotation in which i have to invite everybody to dance hold on where is everybody is this everybody uh come on you should talk to don't fluffy okay you should talk to fluffy then oh i bet fluffy will want to learn ah oh yes you should go dance thinking i should apologize okay let's go um you need to go talk to never mind there's a party in my mouth okay let's get this guy here yeah there you go now go dance dance much obliged stranger i'm gonna go talk to granville before i lose my nerve yes go talk to him because now you two will dance uh an orb cleaved should i can i can i hit no i can't do anything um uh to the party what did you want a snow of paper shards so this must be before one dances so this must be before how do i we gotta we gotta break that but how do we break that whoo okay are you guys gonna talk it out now any trouble gramble i'm sorry i've been rude to you and even worse to your little ones you you're serious no fooling i don't tell jokes scramble i am not creative apology accepted of course without a hug no but i suppose a dance couldn't hurt okay we got there good uh wow let's see oh let's go listen to you guys so you see the desert dance mirrors the moves for hand-to-hand combat against bug snacks thus the youth were tricked into learning fascinating hiding purpose and frivolous waste i will make use of this principle oh you believe it when she says it tiffany has convinced me of the historic and cultural value of expressive movement perhaps i should experiment yes you should both of you i'm all talked out makes me want to shake my tailbone oh finally okay uh i want to tell chandler how i feel he seems busy talking to okay now what about you hmm back to the party we need to break open this oh wait if i grab this yes nice go do your thing uh now now you can go talk to him my chance has arrived don't blow it go do it go do your thing okay and then let's see what did you want my darling i'm always dancing i've just stormed the dance floor first thing along and tragically my vocal cords are fried oh you need a drink here you go enjoy refresh your vocal cords at last beverage yes okay watch my moves there's eight um okay just yes yep yes okay sorry okay all right let's go get on the dance floor and then i guess i'm the last one huh am i the last one no you everybody's dancing ah right that's enough there you go oh finally oh we're doing the things massive party talk to filbo where's filbo we gotta go talk to philbo all right phil bell everybody's dancing [Music] we did it buddy we're all together again almost all of us well almost all of us but you know what knowing icabela's out there gives me hope that lizbert is out there too i mean none of this would have been possible without you buddy i know you have to go back for your job eventually but i'd sure miss you if you left oh thanks well you still need to interview whisper right yes our end is nice what and well is is that a metaphor or uh oh oh whoa are you okay figure out what to do now the quake all right i i know this looks bad but as long as we keep calm our doom approaches pray i can't walk i can't do anything children it's the queen of bug snacks she's rising from the depths to devour us all the grandparty aim to silence us for good their machinations are coming to fruition now hold on we're not gonna die cause of some cult or monster that's right we're gonna die because the volcano's going off oh is the volcano going off what oh bad timing suppose we're gonna end up buried like all the others oh no come on bro we can survive this as long as we got bug snacks we'll be fine my barn collapsed all of my little ones escaped uh-oh oh it did homeless and out of bug stats oh it's a grumpy grump world now dibs on eating fill though i'm quite curious to see the result will befrigger turn into filbo or the bug snacks he's eaten hold on a moment while i retrieve my notes oh my gosh hey you don't give up yet we may not have homes or snacks but we have each other yes i know it's pretty scary right now but we can't fall apart every single time something bad happens we have to stick together it's icabel well said philbo anger bro you're all right what a pleasant surprise welcome back dr bata nugget hey everybody chandelo floofty mr troubleham doc i'm glad you made it does that mean you figured it out that's right filbo i know how to get to liz that's amazing we gotta go right away sorry to say it but is now really the best time yes this might be the only chance we get liz is in danger and this disaster is only getting started the worst is yet to come so spills fall for toxin unending ah doctor you are only subjecting yourself to needless risk elizabeth is likely deceased dog this bird is alive and we're not going to leave her behind i just need filbo and uh philbo's buddy sorry all right let's do it let's do it well what are the rest of us supposed to do while y'all were gone you prepare for the worst what do we need right now well i'm sick of being in the dark for one i want to know what's out there no worries beth i'll build a couple bonfires maybe a watchtower whatever is out there we'll see it coming but what do we do when the queen comes to devour us well i have a few prototype traps that i could put to use how about the more practical threats you know the earthquakes the volcanoes and what have you simple we find a way to get off the ground if the need arises well none of that matters if i starve to death we got my sauce yeah no way pal i ain't gonna chow down in that nasty plant goop i stand corrected no more concerns great let's get to it then the quake complete open mysterious mountain dork yes huh hey agabo after we get liz bird are you two gonna come back to town oh i don't know i'm starting to like sleeping on freezing cold rocks but i'm sure liz misses our bed well it'll be ready for you i've been keeping your heart mountain oh we're back to where we began let's do this i want to open the store do you need a break what is the magical thing about water within let me check your vitals no no i'm okay besides we're we're almost there right right but in the future you could stand to do some exercise or just hang out with chandler all right let's open this door i'm so excited so what did you uh what'd you do wrong the first time curious all right we're here how do we do it um how do we get this thing open iggy bell turns out she wrote the order backwards i guess even the great elizabeth megafig can still make mistakes well okay nobody's perfect right okay i'm ready when you are let's do it we're coming liz one two three oh it happened we open the door uh and we're going down what is happening the under snacks what we're in like the belly of the snacks oh the whole island is made of bug snacks who was that i didn't scan it what is this thing oh it's the bug stick oh thanks buddy is echobot with you what is this how we all got separated i haven't seen her well you found me pretty quick i'm sure she's not far okay yuck what is this stuff ugh it's slimy and cold and i uh kind of want to eat it [Laughter] if liz bird is really down here we better find her fast we are like in the bowels of the bug snacks world oh it's a snack squash who's that it's lisbert the missing leader a passionate adventure of his discovery it's you you're alive [Laughter] [Music] uh you look a little rough we've got so much catching up to do i i wish i could but we're out of time you have to get out of here you have to gather up the others and get off the island oh okay then we can talk on the way back no bilbo i can't go with you like this i'm so sorry can you answer a few questions then are you seriously trying to interview me right now yes uh i didn't come on this way for nothing i regret inviting you you came here to interview elizabeth megafig fine keep it quick what is this place this this is the island's true form it's bug snacks all the way down that's kind of amazing it's disgusting once you understand what bug snacks really are uh what are bug snacks really they're parasites they get inside you and they change you your body and your mind they make you want them and before you know it you become them oh it's not that simple they're insidious patient you'll show them a weakness and they'll exploit it what you see here this is what's left of everybody who came before us of every living thing that wasn't bug snacks they always win uh what happened to you after i saved digabill i fell into this place before i knew what was happening i was swarmed bug snakes were crawling down my throat they tried to erase me to make me into them that's horrible i almost lost myself but somehow i pushed back i made them into me oh that's right i'm sorry if i scared you i just wanted to make everyone leave this awful place but i can't make bug snakes talk so the bug snacks are under control no the bugs and x are in a frenzy they have been since we came here they're so ravenous that they're shaking the ground apart i'm the only thing keeping this island together right now but it's like fighting a tsunami with a bucket oh my gosh that's everything there you have your answers i hope you write a story worth telling i'm sorry that i put you through so much to get it oh gigantic pieces of snacks i can't hold them back for much longer please go and warn the others wait i i have one more question if you're really not coming back then then what am i supposed to do without you what do you mean you've been doing just fine without me it's only a matter of time before i screw up and ruin everything i i'm not good at stuff and everybody hates me but you they love you lisbert they love the idea of me i'm sorry i put so much on your shoulders bilbo but you you are the one who can bring them together me well i'm the one who made it all fall apart what are you saying i led you to this terrible island i filled your bodies with parasites i ignored all the warning signs i didn't understand what any of you really needed so now i'm taking responsibility for my mistakes i'll keep the bug snacks at bay long enough for everyone to escape liz no no no there has to be some other way we can help you no i should be the only one to suffer the consequences of my actions nobody else needs to get hurt because of me oh man what a weird turn of events i heard that before ichabeel you shouldn't be here you need to get away get up get up come on let's go get up hey ow ichabel stop it no you stop it i didn't sleep in an igloo for months just so you could play martyr we're getting out of here together i i can't my control is already slipping if i step outside this cave my connection to the bug snacks will break and the island will collapse before i make it another step huh all right then i'll get in there with you move over move over it's not like a bill what the heck see that wasn't so hard right it worked ichabelle you beautiful how genius you lose your eye oh i didn't i just got conjunctivitis at least the eye patch looks cool right um he does so um how long before the island explodes oh i don't know it could be any moment but i'm sure liz and i can keep it together at least until you get everybody out of here what so now i'm supposed to leave both of you behind hey don't worry about us we've been through worse than this right we both survived so much by ourselves imagine what we can do and we're together okay good luck all righty i'll see you again someday time to get moving you're going to have to take a bit of a shortcut hold on uh what this is where it all like this is where it all began uh hello wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh sorry buddy head hurt oh bad uh gotta stay friends yes yeah i was gonna say i was like dude what friends yes yes save friends let's go come on let's go let's do it let's go save our friends there's things popping up everywhere oh okay [Music] we've gotta get back to snacks burgers man the volcano's erupting more bug snacks if they transform all the way then then then who knows what will happen we're gonna get back and they're all gonna be turned i just hope they can resist until we're all out of here don't eat no more bark snacks oh our flying boat snorky there they are wearing grumps name have you two been uh you don't want to know later the bug snacks are coming to wipe us out we gotta get off this island now i suspect that as much luckily the balloon is almost ready to take flight great where is everybody where is everybody they're eating snacks probably oh as best they can i've supplied them with all my most dangerous inventions it'll only buy us time snort dog they're coming down from the mountain i need you here now hold steady my love i'm on my way oh but somebody needs to finish fueling the balloon don't worry snorthy leave the balloon to me go and help chandler splendid as for you you may need my snack chop it's much like the snack trap if it was set to puree good luck okay uh this looks simple enough okay new assignment defend philbo after you put that trap to good use although the strawberries [Music] puree [Music] go on buds come on let's do it yes that's right i'll be fine for now uh help the others i'll have the balloon ready by the time you get back oh you better we gotta help sheldon fluffy [Music] stay still your pugnaceous pests they have a system cumbersome one has foreseen the bug snacks will be five feet to the right of where you're aiming i'm a scientist not an exterminator you do it if you're so inclined one is strictly a pacifist also one is pushing 70. enough ah but here comes someone with a healthy capacity for i think this device is passed yes thank you okay all right where are we clearing a path to oh get out of here let's get out of here hey y'all put y'all you evil bug sucks you're all evil path has been cleared get out of your consciousness oh yeah i don't think so get out of here get out of here be gone oh my gosh never expected this that's enough mortal danger for one day let's abscond while the bug snacks have subsided yeah let's uh let's get back tell me twice you however must continue the others still need your help i'm on it come on snacks let's see what you got uh tommy here i've just finished another device the trip drone with this we can hold off the bug snacks and escape before chandler collapses don't worry snort dog i could do this all day uh what are you doing oh you beautiful fool i'll pilot the drone you aim the shot fortunately you were short on connective surfaces how about this there's one battle too okay get dunked on okay there we go nothing but log oh no no don't trip no there's not enough get another angle uh i don't think it's gonna work there's nowhere else to go no you're turning into a giant cookie monster see what you're doing you delectable automatons i know too much i have to be destroyed it's the only way to keep chandlo safe you win grumpanotti [Applause] what oh my gosh okay all right you see anything yet all this smoke is making my eyes water don't worry there's one thing i'm good at it's looking for trouble snacks three o'clock yep snacks at three o'clock you got it fire in the hole boom baby see you later snacks who knew snackwater was so flammable huh it's a shame to waste it like this oh bestie just in time for the end of the world thanks but now that you're here if you take over the lunch pad krom joe can pick up the speed on those barrels can't you grab though yeah sure thing beth if i don't all right what am i aiming no aim no hit there we go there there another one no all right bad cheese poofs come on come on now there we go no i won't let you turn chad low or oh my gosh stop eating them another all right are you guys good oh my gosh they just keep coming okay i think we're good oh oh it looked pretty nasty for a sec but i knew you'd pull through bestie we made it that means owes me five bucks let's blow this popsicle stand huh help wiggle and gramble where's wiggling gramble at all right come on oh run away you put uh spikes on uh sprouts nice i don't get it why are the little ones attacking us they love me they don't they're like a mob of adoring fans darling they love it get him get him nice come on come on now go get him [Music] got this the peel bugs are hard to get good nope not good okay we got them saved is it over please say it's over yes my heart can't take much more of this no time for an encore grambled deer we better boogie yep get going all right these should be the last ones call now get get get your varmints your varmints no use whammy must have learned a few things since the stone age well what do you want me to do i won't let them take my garden they're taking your garden there's hardly any garden left there's enough i still got my special sauce fresh grown oh good thinking what that's not what i meant oh i didn't see you there would you mind helping out just a matter of life and death is off does he have a special sauce to take out the uh what is this special sauce mix oh [Applause] oh this stuff's good stuff get out of here oh yes perfect working flawlessly that's about as big a break as we're gonna get come on whammy it's now or never oh i gave it my best all right trophy let's go home let's do it escape from snack tooth come on hurry up get up there is this really everybody what happened what the heck never mind i get on board now [Music] thanks liz egg [Music] we did it [Music] who knew that this beautiful place was so sinister parasites just waiting for a new host [Music] this is the end of snacksberg [Music] oh look at that we're back achievements vacations end hello how's it going everybody yup that was snacksberg do i have to go through and talk to antonio there goes another farm yep serves me right for building it on top of an island-sized pest i guess i'll find a place with rich soil and even richer history me and trippy can settle down oh very nice indeed i guess i'm going to talk to all these people wonderful hey buddy all right phil bell i guess it's time all right everybody we should head out where did we go leaving it like this liz and egg what if they're still out there they are we saw them they can take care of themselves if anybody can survive in that terrible place it's them you can't be thinking of going back we have to move on i don't know if i can move on not when we lost so many friends i just wish there was a way we could go back and and make things right don't you i wish i could do it over no there's no going back if i do i wish we could do it over it's probably going to do it over or do i hit no there's no going back oh let's see what this one does before the party began no there's no going back oh so you could i can go back nope there's no going back you're right i guess there's no use thinking that way i can't undo what happened but i can learn and try to put some good back in the world there you go that has to be enough right absolutely it's gonna take a while for the bug snacks to wear off on us i can't go back home like this so is it all right if i stay with you for a while i can help you with your story maybe figure out which parts to tell or sounds good though let's go and i believe that's that's it we out we done i have to oh my gosh guts this lady again elizabeth inside an erupting volcano it's compelling dramatic sensational sensational i'd call it fiction if you didn't have this philippus yahoo along as a witness it's filbo actually point is you're a regular grumpterous thompson it's just too bad those bug snacks weren't real huh right yeah too bad i i hate to think that we went through all that for nothing so um i hope you can spread the truth about snacktooth before anybody else gets hurt don't worry gnn specializes in painful truths and speaking of you're fired the stories are paige turner and all but you lost your job the second you walked out that door hmm how dare you oh please it's not like i expected you to come back also you're legally dead might want to clear that up soon well that wasn't that wasn't ideal but you've had worse days huh buddy so i hear the elections are coming up and uh i was thinking of running for mayor i could use a helping paw how about it uh sounds good filbo sounds good and there it is thank you all for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like on the video if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more that was bug snacks and that was fun and that video was long and i'm sorry but it was just so good we i just couldn't break it up thank you again for coming out have a fantastic rest of your day i will see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 179,574
Rating: 4.8316522 out of 5
Keywords: bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax part 1, bugsnax walkthrough, bugsnax review, bugsnax lets play, bugsnax game reaction, bugsnax ending, bugsnax pc gameplay, bugsnax, z1 gaming, bugsnax z1 gaming
Id: 2ahoqpGUnNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 10sec (3970 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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