Making a BURGER MONSTER During His Sleep! - Bugsnax

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where's philboa we've got to find him what's that noise oh that sounds really wet are you okay in there bilbo why isn't he running anything what he ran out of time and he died [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing bunk snacks get out of my way let's just walk right in there before over here wants us to go and find a crispy snack pod which is over near a cave or something like that i'm gonna go and check it out see if i can find a one but then phil beau he wants to swap some ghost stories so over here in the cave should be a crispy snack pod somewhere sounds mighty delicious where is it maybe it only comes out at night time let's have a little bit of a look around open up the old diary here it's probably gone something here maybe i found one before there's one right there i think i've seen one yeah yeah there's one thing okay i'll use uh maybe this to jump up there all right chuck that there then we're gonna jump oh yeah buddy so good so good okay crispy snack pod we just have to feed it to befrika befeker is currently 100 hot dog person filpo looks so much like a hot cheese what are they called cheetos that's what he looks like all right chip eat this thing now i got quite a few tips on the last video right apparently we can feed gramble while he's sleepwalking so we're gonna do it i want to make him like a burger man or something like that i think that'll be really good you look like wambus same oh that's good you're welcome thanks bestie you're welcome cheap oh just took a photo of me without my permission oh nice to see you hey what are you up to time for an interview okay oh sure i noticed that if you do the interview on each of these people they give you something relating to like lisbet afterwards all right what's your name goodness my name uh-huh i'm tiffany lautable tiffany lana blog what are your thoughts on bug snacks amazing don't you think uh-huh we got paintings of bucks we do from a thousand years you've also got lots of dead bodies around here which is starting to concern me all right i've been trying to avoid the comments on my channel about the story i'm not going to read those because i don't want any spoilers what happened to elizabeth out here it's only a matter of time before you fall in a hole she fell in a hole especially with all these earthquakes shifting there was an earthquake when i first came in i saw that in the opening movie thing could be a thousand years before somebody finds where lizberg wound up wow she's so positive oh i got a key for this thing yeah diary key yes i got a clue on liz's notes okay all right let's have a look at the clues looks like i need to weigh down the pressure plates in order what oh there's the there's the mat all righty filbo let's go cheap let's have your little party thing maxberg is looking pretty busy all right quick hurry up because i've got to feed grandma a butt load of burgers a butt load all right there we go ghost stories oh yeah everybody's here don't you hate it when you rock up to a party and you're wearing the same packet of chips as somebody else this is spooky dude keeps me up what was it i've seen something there's something over there on top of the camera hiding behind the house oh that's just a wild animal darling there are no animals here none but we that is i uh i too saw the thing what did you see talk about something else oh no they've seen what's he called snack squatch they've seen him oh i'm getting a chill just thinking about that he just blew in you're getting the chill because the fire's gone out rambus knows what's up all right i'll get some more firewood holy crap this is spooky man this is now a spooky game okay we're looking for some wood let's get some wood we've got a little bit of wood all right let's head back why is this so spooky all of a sudden grump is somebody gonna check on filboa where's philboa we've gotta find him check if philbo is okay in the bathroom what's that noise oh that sounds really wet are you okay in there bilbo who's in there what there's like a roar coming from the toilet uh sorry there's spillboat he's not in there who's who's in the crapper who's in the box huh i i don't know what you're talking about buddy are you feeling okay what well uh what somebody went down the hole someone was in there some poop monster investigate the noise in the mill okay oh i haven't been in here before what's inside the mill oh is this green green man he's got a snacks hat it's a chad monster that's so good chant lowe's a chance that's what we're gonna call him i know it is he's green because he probably eats lots of veggies on fire so i came down here to check on it how you going man then i remembered i left some stuff at the mill so here i am is sheldon who's shelda oh no nobody's seen shelby since the uh the fight she left see you later bro see you dude but but i do want you to stay oh too bad philbo oh well we'll go get him back don't worry chandler the chat we got a new friend that's cool man oh awesome we can head up the mountain now okay i'm going up there this is good this is so good sugar pine woods okay so we need to get two we need to get two big popsicles okay oh oh it's a little oreo man come back what is that what's it what was it called it's a cookie so fast that it invades capture there must be a way to trip it up i just stick my foot out i don't know or sister peanut butter god i love peanut butter i'm gonna get some peanut butter that's amazing we might be able to make a peanut butter and chocolate sandwich soon as now very slow very sticky it likes to stay up far out of reach hey honeybee these snacks will stick to just about anything including traps okay they stick to traps get as much peanut butter as i can what's this dude he looks all icy and frozen mallow patch this gooey crackery mess is evidence of a bug snack oh god not another mad one he's gonna bop me i have to break free okay so he gets angry charges and then you freeze but he can bash into a tree and then we can catch him no what you can't go near him without freezing up how am i supposed to get him i did see some water over there maybe we could get him into the water or chant follow me into the water okay come on come on come on come on yeah come under the water hey oh god oh god run into the tree now oh god [Applause] [Music] run into something dude why isn't he running anything [Music] what he ran out of time and he died he just don't oh no no he split in half those are just popsicles though they're not big popsicles hey chandler chandler the chad i like this guy snorpy who the heck is snoopy what is this snoopy here what is it i'm sorry chandler i'm not coming outside [Music] [Music] yeah lift it hey he's outside there i'm out in the fresh air and i can smell the chemtrails hey what's up this way oh there's another popsicle okay okay all right i'm gonna get him chase me into this water down here [Music] there it is there it is hit the tree hit the tree it's not working [Music] i've only got one though i need two man this place is so big there's so many bug snacks around here i like this oops and there's launchy pads and everything what's down this way hey there's a backpack oh it's the real thing okay it's another clue i'll have to look at that later that cookie's sticking his tongue out of me man he's so fast oh my god i'mma get you a little cookie come back here oh you can't grab him you must have to stun him or something like that man he's so quick i got this device from snobby i knew he'd warm up to you all right follow me look at chandler i'm coming through i got my gravel hook we need to start collecting some uh some bungalows so that we can turn gramble into a burger man dude this is easy three done actually a master climber full of car i can't keep up with it i always wanted to climb like that okay catch him a sin a snail oh i got him i can't i can't grab him how am i supposed to get him maybe i shoot it uh nope oh cool i can pull that down what else is up here rocks break the rocks awesome okay what are these guys like they like chocolate all right i'm gonna get a i'm gonna put it down there and i'm gonna put chocolate on the trap bang there we go come on down there snail man oh the cookie likes the chocolate as well oh the snail he's going for it all right he's coming down the rock he's so slow because he's a snail come on come on come on oh maybe i can get the cookie at the same time no i got it i didn't want to break it we could totally trap a cookie though with some chocolate alrighty dude sinner snail time there you go right on your foot there's got to be more sinister snails around this you want some more okay i've got to catch two center snails now there's one over there how am i gonna get that one there is a boulder there oh maybe he can bop me up there give me a good boppin yeah i'm up here hey buddy how's it going it was a basketball as well all right just put a trap down done oh yes oh no he's not in the water hit the rocks yes nice i got the second one i needed oh there's a secret here okay what's what's this thing oh there's a little snack packet guy nutty snack pod okay oh what's that charmallow this snack is literally on fire some water or ice could put it out he likes peanut butter and chocolate let's put some peanut butter on this rock maybe we could catch him oh yeah he's coming down he's coming down i'm gonna get it [Music] no you need to stun him somehow i need to throw something at him there we go let's get him with some peanut butter and then we'll get his mate with some peanut butter oh yeah there we go oh i hit him where's he going he's gone the water i can't see what i'm doing come on get up get this crap off my face oh is that one dead i think he's actually dead whoa oh i got slimed again what is happening i think i broke the game oops i can't do anything oh no no what maybe i can sleep it off whatever's happening oh the game has glitched something hard i'm gonna go down into snacksberg maybe that'll fix it okay i think it's okay i'm gonna go and give cromdo is that his name i'm gonna give give them i'm gonna go give him his big popsicles he's a corn chip man all righty champ here you go we've got to put him on his feet hey nice there you go buddy oh cool oh and so you know kramdelmart is not responsible for any loss or if you need anything oh i'm already sweating all right he's going back to snexberg job done and he just put this down but i can't make that jump come on oh so close okay let's catch this body oh yeah get him there we go nice barbecue bunga i think there's only one of them here all right getting some sandwich bits here we go oh i smashed him got him nice can we get these guys oh we can't they've joined back up though get that one i'm gonna try and feed him while he's sleeping how do we how do we do that what is he doing oh yeah now we can feed him i love how when he's asleep he's happy to eat bug snacks all right chip time to get some bungas in here oh yeah there we go let's give him some curly fry arms he quiet likes it there you go all right and we'll give him sandwich feet barbecue bunga it's an actual burger okay we need to get some more and we'll finish him off later okay barbecue bunker's pretty easy you just put that there and you just want to you just want to send him over that way go on champ boom there he goes oh he fell on there hey what's that one [Music] got it oh there we go already wiped him out thanks champ oh there he is just load him up oh let's change his head it's a burger head oh what is soda teeth let's give him soda [Music] his teeth are straws let me know in the comments if you've got some other cool combinations all right for bug snacks people let's feed him all right so we need to finish off his other leg and now the final the body here we go the body raise the burger man cool i can't wait until the morning when he works out he's actually eating a whole bunch of bug snacks where is he hey chief oh no not again did you help me with something what's up champ see i i've got a bad habit of walking around in my sleep oh no no it looks like i've been eating in my sleep i think you have be sure to wake me up okay i think you've eaten your fill there champ okay so we've managed to make gramble 100 burger and he's not happy about it so mission accomplished like i said if you guys have got some ideas on how you want me to feed the rest of these guys let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 600,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Bugsnax, Slime Rancher, Bug snacks, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax download, bugsnax epic, bugsnax release date, bugsnax location, 'bugsnax update
Id: HXd54dG5By0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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