Evolving New GEM SLIMES Into a DIAMOND SLIME! - Slime Rancher Mods

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that giant duck has a salty slime on its head so i'm gonna head out to the nimble valley uh i only need one of those dudes you can stay there champ hey he just evolved he just evolved are they gonna combine i ate him [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing slime ranch around the moss blanket at the moment because we were hunting bubble slimes on the last video if you missed that video go back and watch it it was cool there were bubble slimes bubble slimes are great in this video though we're looking at this new mod which adds several gem slimes so these are slimes that are basically like rare gems you know what i mean like sapphire's emeralds and that kind of thing and there's slimes of each of those things in order to create some of them though you have to combine some slime so it's actually really really difficult i'm going the wrong way i need to get to the indigo quarry so i might just see if i can jetpack over here let's go over this way fly over there this is cool i've also got some other modded slimes installed ones you guys haven't seen before so if you do see one let me know in the comments all right hey it's a bubble slime hey dude what is it going for you go for fruit there's fruit right here dude do you eat fruit get it get it oh he's he's not getting it maybe you want to chicken do you want to check now you want some fruit hey bubble slime hey drop the little fruit thing that's cool give me that give me that bubble cherry oh that is awesome i like these little guys man they're fun they are so fun i'm gonna grab i just crushed him i just crushed him oh god run this tar i just crushed the bubble slime ah man they're so fragile so easy to break that sucks i hope we find some shiny slimes today that would be awesome anyway we're going over to the indigo quarry because that's where we have to try and find our first slime that we're looking for today which is the sapphire slime indigo quarry here's hoping one of these rare slimes will show up all right so we're looking for a sapphire slime where is that dude he's gonna be blue he did actually pop up in my last video because i already had the mod installed the mod has actually since been updated i don't know what they've changed but anyway let's see if we can find this guy okay there's normally a stack load of slimes that spawn around here somewhere i don't know if it spawns anywhere in the indigo quarry i'm not sure the other thing that we're looking for is a lucky slime we need to get a like there he is all right leave him alone stop budging him around don't make me push in the water i'm gonna do it get going in the water get down there we got one sapphire slime nice okay so like i said we also need a lucky slime because we have to combine these two slimes together how does that work i don't know man i don't know if he eats them or what actually happens but they actually fuse together and they create a whole nother slime hey there little dude hey what are you hey it's a shiny puddle slime cool it just it was just sat there that's awesome yes shiny i was gonna say shiny pokemon they're not pokemon shiny slimes oh man i've been playing so much pokemon lately i've been looking for shiny pokemon all right we did get a shiny puddle slime though yes hey hey it's another sapphire slime cool i got two of them oh it is possible i have a lucky slime back at my ranch i should head back there it's actually getting dark i need to turn my torch on i like this little kind of bit that i added through here it's almost like unrecognizable it's the section between i don't know this bit and that you know what i mean oh yes i do have a lucky slime i've got two three of them that's right i found stack loads of those guys in the last video completely forgot about that so we're back in the ranch we've slept what gravity cuffs two yes cool okay i don't know why i'd need them anyway okay i'm gonna stick the slime down there got the cool little puddle slime he can hang out down there that's fine we've got these dudes we've got the salt slimes or salty slimes yeah hanging out with the puddle slimes down this way as well that giant duck has a salty slime on its head so i'm gonna head out to the nimble valley uh i only need one of those dudes you can stay there champ hey he just evolved he just evolved that's a tabby lucky largo what that is so cool it looks like a regular tabby with a giant thing on its head big giant coin so we'll head out to the nimble valley i think this is going to be a really good spot to do some science and create some different gem slimes okay i haven't been doing much out here you'll notice most of the chickens are dead or they disappeared okay they don't have to die they probably just disappear let's uh let's get this spot all right demolish let's get a bit of a corral going on probably need a bit of space so they don't jump out oh look at that it's not a super high one it's a low one with an air net who even does that i guess i do all right let's get a sapphire slime cool he's so like blue and dark he kind of looks a little bit like the rock slime like model all right there we go yes yes straight away emerald slime cool i wish it was a little bit more shiny kind of glistening or something i don't know he's still cool though we got him emerald slime all right so we've got that the next slime we have to get we actually have to find right we don't make this one and then i think we have to combine those it gets really hard meant really really hard so the next thing we're looking for is called a garnet slime and i think it's actually out this way i guess a garnet is similar to ruby maybe are they exactly the same thing i feel like they kind of could be let's open up that what do we get is that a red slime ornament it is how red i'm just gonna put that there i don't really want it all what the mod said is that these garnet slimes have been living alongside the mosaic slimes so i would imagine that they're out here somewhere because that's where the mosaic slimes are dude is that one already or is that just another pink slimes and a tar you know there's a tar there right all right i'll get rid of him for you there we go you know what i would like to see an obsidian slime that'd be really cool like one that's just black not completely black like the black hole slime but one that's like you're like 95 percent black so incredibly dark great oh okay what are we going on it what is that dude you look so cool what is that it's a tangled dervish lago that thing looks amazing i don't think i've ever seen one of those things before it looks so good the reason it looks so awesome and swirly is because it's got the galaxy like secret style that i think it's called nebula looks awesome oh there's a tornado happening over this mountain all right i'm going over this way this is prime spot any garnet slimes we've got mosaic slimes over here i think they're incredibly rare like the drop rate is like one percent or something like that maybe even two percent this is gonna be really hard to get actually i think it's less i think it's less than two percent i think it's like point zero two percent so i guess all i can do at this point is just walk around the glass desert and hopefully i run into one like hopefully one spawned somewhere that'll be nice maybe i'll find some cool stuff along the way like some more shiny slimes uh what do we got down there nothing oh dude oh there's normally a stack load of spawns over this way here's a fire slime i'm gonna take him for a second for science all right we're gonna take him we're gonna combine him with a puddle slime yeah that's right give these guys a silver parsnip you go dude eat that make some plots let's get a mosaic dervish lago come on eat that dude eat it hey they look kind of awesome they look really cool they kind of look a little bit like an exploded planet oh oh yes yes awesome this two of them what i thought they were supposed to be 0.02 doesn't matter we got them anyway actually got two of them that is incredible i've got one for combining and one just to keep that's nice i've got a fire slime here i just want to quickly combine this guy with a puddle slime but where are the puddle slimes that's kind of weird there's none there's normally like three around here hey there's one there's one okay all right let's grab him now i just need to find a spot i'm guessing like right here would be a good spot so let's get a fire slime and a puddle slime they can hang out for a minute and they should combine yes yes what is that it's a steam slime he looks cranky careful they might float off okay go do it fly away fly over the mountains he kind of just looks like a white slime he's just happy to bounce around i think that's all he's gonna do i don't think he's gonna fly away at any point i honestly think this is one of the best slimes in the world look at him you can't beat that slime he looks so amazing okay let's head out to the nimble valley again we've got our garnet slime this is good we need to combine the garnet slime though with the emerald slime i think i think that's what we have to do i'm just going from memory here it's really confusing okay so we've got these two guys i'm gonna put them in there it's gonna be like christmas are they gonna combine oh he ate him he ate him oh this is like a spiky one it's super spiky amethyst slime what diet is fruit okay let's get him some fruit get the amethyst slime some fruit okay i'm gonna put them in there they won't interact with each other these guys are fine do you guys eat yeah they eat fruit as well do i have fruit growing out here i do nice see we've got these guys and these dudes are ruby slimes right so they're not actually they're not garnet slimes they're different i guess i'm not gonna lie i kind of prefer these dudes just because i like the textures a little bit if they could combine like the cool cracked texture with the spikes and stuff on the back i think they'd have a winner still it's pretty awesome nonetheless all right so i've got the mint mango all right dudes go ahead munch on them for a little bit why don't you cool get some plots all right we got hey we've got two plots nice oh they look good oh it's a mosaic floor what oh oh the garnet slimes don't produce their own plots because they spend so much time around the mosaic plots the mosaic slimes they actually just spit out a uh like a mosaic plot there is a sapphire plot though i'm gonna go ahead and sell this thing what do we get for this one 232 that's pretty good and you there buddy eat it mango go ahead chew on it mmm so good it's full of vitamin c and whatever else is in there i don't know amethyst plots yes that is one happy looking slime oh 798 i just got double 1500 oh dude that's awesome okay there is one more evolution of these gem slimes we need to take that amethyst slime that we just made and we have to combine it with a gold slime we have to find a gold slime somewhere so let's head out of here let's have a look around so we can find one hey dudes you guys seen any awesome gold slimes around you know i'm still yet to see a shiny pink slime come on gold slime gold slime anyone around here go pick one up take him home pat him on the back give him a little bit of lunch oh i know somewhere i haven't been in a while all right let's go over this way secret cave by the way haven't been in here in ages there's literally no reason to come into this cave anymore once you're done with it though i wish you could repurpose caves like there was a mod that allowed you to repurpose areas that you no longer do anything with like the uh you know the island where you get the mustache fashion pod uh gold slimes gold slimes man i can't remember seeing a gold slime in a while okay let's head over to the ring island oh this is cool i don't come over here very often yeah a few tabby slimes around i'm not seeing any gold ones oh hey is that a bubble slime yeah it is get it here dude yes those guys are very very rare so we're still looking around everywhere at the moment for a gold slime all right i'm just running around like an idiot just looking all over the place to try and find one because if you can find one combine it with an amethyst slime and we'll be good oh it's super dark now i'm still on the hunt and i haven't seen a single one i've been just about everywhere there's a lucky slime it's know what i'm looking for dude i'll pick you up anyway man i've been finding so many lucky slimes lately all right maybe if i head back and sleep it'll like spawn one and we'll be we'll be yes it's right there we don't need to sleep actually i should sleep anyway but i finally found one fantastic can't believe that took me an entire day to actually find one i think only like a couple spawn each day you don't get any more than that and then if they're still like hanging around no more spawn until they're gone all right so we've got this gold slime we're going to combine it with the amethyst slime and then we're going to get something awesome hey dude yeah munch that munch that cool got some amethyst plots all right let's go whoa yes it's a diamond slime are you you trying to eat some [Music] what is that gold diamond largo dude i did not have that diamond slime for very long still that thing is kind of where did he go he bit me and then he died what he's gone they're so fragile you can break them can i break these ones yeah the red ones gone as well oh my god okay the sapphire ones aren't as fragile but the diamond ones if you step on them they're crushed and they're gone isn't it weird how the sapphire slime eats that uh what oh yeah he's not gonna eat him now he's too big well there you have it for like two seconds we got to see a diamond slime and then he got well he turned into a gold diamond slime it was insane it was totally crazy but apparently the diamond slime plots they sell for like a buttload so let's go ahead and sell one alrighty there dude diamond plot how much money oh yes it was about almost 1100 new books so let me know in the comments which is your favorite slime out of all those gem slimes and thank you very much for watching this video if you like it use one of these ones i'll see you guys next
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 134,901
Rating: 4.8989172 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Scuba, Slime Rancher Treasure Pods, New Slime Rancher videos, Slime Rancher Fynnpire, Slime Rancher Youtuber, New Slime, shiny slime, rare shiny, shiny, slime rancher 2021, slime rancher 2, unstable slime, ruby slime, Diamond Slime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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