If I lose a boss fight, the video ends 2 (Genshin Impact)

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all right so eight months ago i did the first if i lose the video ends boss rush video back then there were a tiny amount of bosses in the game and i think the hardest boss at the time was definitely ocean that's the boss i lost to but now eight months later plenty of bosses have been added to the game today i'm gonna prove that you can go through every single boss in genji impacts by only using the starter characters i used to use lisa as a dps but recently i have discovered a new build for lisa that would help me very much during these boss rushes and i've been testing it out for the past month or so basically i turned lisa into a healer i turned lisa into a heel you could use the prototype amber and you can heal just a tiny bit with it every time you use your burst the heels go even higher when you put a maidens set on it i don't think i would be able to do this boss rush without a healer lisa barbara's crying we don't know the rules of this boss rush are basically i can only use the starter characters and i cannot die if i get wiped the video ends let's just get it started [Music] so first up is animal hypostasis i'm probably just gonna zoom through every single easy boss cause like animal hypostasis power red spine and electro hypostasis are like the easiest things to do [Music] all right that's animal hypostasis down [Music] [Music] nice that was super quick [Music] this is pretty easy so far yeah we're gonna get through these very quickly cryo hypostasis is next i don't know why i put this so early but i think i can do this without getting hit i think the best way to do this boss is to use amber from a distance because of this attack alone this attack scares me so much those icicles are deadly ugh don't hit me don't hit me down oh my god [Music] oh oh my god that was there we go all right geohypostasis is next nope oh my god don't teleport don't teleport no oh [Music] holy damage don't go to that one yes no oh my god all right now we do this run quake where are these pillars [Music] we go all right lisa is good to use here killer lisa go i'm not gonna do it in one and one thing this time unlucky but it's okay [Music] there we go power regis bind down primo geo bishop is next i don't know what element proud bishop is i'm praying that it's not hydro ah yes it's electro let's go alright this will be easy all right you guys want to see uh you want to see hilo lisa in action there it is basically this entire time all i need to do is use use lisa and then get crystallized shields [Music] oh god [Music] and there we go thank goodness it was electro if it was hydro this would have taken 10 times longer now hydro hypostasis this boss is honestly so soy my goodness why did they add this boss in the game they needed another boss for coco me makes sense a soy boss for a soy character i will say though it's pretty this boss is pretty it gets points for being beautiful just like kokomi pyro hypostasis next this boss used to be so annoying to face back before it was nerfed i remember the first time i faced this boss it took me like what was it 10 minutes to defeat it it was so annoying to face but now that it's nerf it's it's kind of easy honestly you saying kai are good here [Music] where are you going wow this is not good nevermind i'm sorry [Music] yeah see it used to be really hard to get rid of those but it nerfed it [Music] and there we go all right pyro hypostasis down now we enter into the harder bosses the ones that aren't as soy first up is magu kinky i'm zooming through these well i did practice a lot okay basically for this boss i kind of just like to hug him with a cryo shield and geo ether and kaya make this very possible i would suggest using your burst for iframes because sometimes his dodges are very hard to predict like that ow [Music] there we go i was quick though i didn't expect it to be that quick now for a thunder manifestation basically amber is the best for this boss ranged pyro is definitely one of the crucial things you should be using for this boss and if you didn't know you could iframe through those walls [Music] basically just keep headshotting thunder manifestation and you should be good [Music] okay this is close hold on hold on hold on okay good oh jesus one or two more hits one more and it's that easy now for the boss that got me killed last time we're facing oceanid birds first round i hope not for this boss i'm just gonna switch around lisa's loadout because there is no way i'm facing oh with a healer lisa [Music] all right actually i probably could have healed amber before this here let me let me kill amber before this because if amber gets hit a couple times she's dead [Music] okay it's ducks it's ducks it's ducks okay these aren't bad so far oh jesus okay that was scary this is easy you guys said i would get birds [Music] oh god oh god oh god no i spoke too soon oh [Music] easy clap now we go back to the hila lisa build and now we go to the most annoying boss in the game their perpetual mechanical array honestly this thing could very easily clap me right now everybody should be sweating right now ow okay that hurts [Music] okay here we go where is it at over here [Music] get rid of it quick quick quick quick quick okay we're good we're good why is it always a snake now this game this game doesn't like me we're fine [Music] okay there we go that boss got a little scary with kaio there i did not want him to die if kaya dies early it's over now we're going to storm terror storm terror should be pretty easy honestly he's been here since the start of the game honestly if you don't know how to beat this boss then at this point i don't know what to tell you oh i fell [Music] no i can't do a one yeah i can't do it one time there we go the ball is down next is child now this is still same as normal it doesn't take too much to defeat child [Music] and he's dead all right um child is down now it's time for wait is it time for him already oh god okay so we're at the last three bosses now and two of them are the hardest in the game i would say first up we're going for easter egg this week is electro and pyro which should be fine i think all right everybody it's time to panic um i'm sorry if i lose this there's no way you're getting your points back [Music] i mean this first stage shouldn't be too bad though uh [Music] when he does that tail swipe i basically just use my burst to i frame through it all right now i stop talking and focus up [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] all right i basically i can't kill him while he's underground but i win [Music] i will not be destroyed there we go that's age to her the hardest boss in the game down you've probably noticed i haven't faced the wolf of the north yet and the reason for that is because i use wolf of the north as just a boss to heal off from just in case i take too much damage with agedaha i could heal up with loaf of the north when am i trying with no heals that's that would be so hard petrol mechanical array would screw me over so hard there's no way i'd be able to do with no heels all right but basically i like to use both for the north to heal up with kaya and lisa for the entire party because his attacks are very easy to dodge it's a very good way to make sure i don't immediately perish when facing cinderella oh oh my goodness that scared me this music is so good for this boss unfortunately andrews is kind of weak though this music would be great for a much harder boss all right andrews is down and now it's time for the final boss the latest boss that was recently added to the game in 2.1 senora doubter is my our time has come i find senora to be one of the more annoying bosses mostly because of the heat and sheer cold but i think we can do this i've done this many times before i think i should be able to do it again want some you want some you're trembling is it the cold or just cowardice all right basically for this first stage i basically hug her with cryo shields and try to get her hp down as fast as possible [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yeah i like to save these crystals for when these tornadoes spawn because they cover the entire floor with fire [Applause] [Music] we're almost there oh this is easy hold on give you a sick go barren buddy go bear bunny go let's go bear buddy no oh my god come on all right fine guys there you go not c2 and that's it that is every single boss and gunshit impacts using the starter characters and not dying once easy so we've defeated every boss in gunship impacts and i don't think there's another boss coming for another couple updates so now what i think next up we go to floor 12 of the spiral abyss this is what i have for everyone right now it's gonna be pretty long but and also it's good wait i'ma wait for the reveal they don't know about lisa yet but yeah this is what i'm using for this bosh rush i built my characters a little better since then i know for a fact my characters eight months ago oh my god they were so bad they were so bad back then nine percent crit rate amber by the way okay is pretty bad too but ignore that ignore that ignore that ignore that i have no constellations for the starter characters nothing but basic vibes
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,870,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact 2.1, genshin impact boss fight, genshin impact azhdaha, genshin impact signora boss fight, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, boss rush, genshin impact gameplay
Id: 92WQjz9qStQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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