The prophetic significance of moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem

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what you're watching right there is prophecy and what you're watching is a great move by the kingdom of God Almighty it's a great move by the Holy Spirit guys you're watching heaven invader Church will you join me and welcome and everybody told the door Church I welcome everybody that's listed on the pin phone radio network and all my friends that are watching live on Facebook right now and I want to invite you guys to be sure and share our Facebook over to your page and that makes you a rock star evangelist amen when say a great big hello to every by one up and or experienced comm folks watching on Triborough TV my friends that have gathered here and guys this last week has been an incredibly prophetic week and we are interrupting everything I was going to preach today to address the significance of the hour that you and I are standing in today and I don't because guys I want to make a big deal out of the right things amen and guys it is it is my great privilege today to tell you man that the United States of America has recognized Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel which puts us in alignment with the Word of God in a way that is unprecedented this is what God caused the United States of America to be born for guys we were born in the nation 1776 and guys you know what 1776 is it's eight eight eight times too you know why eight eight eight is it's the numerical name of Jesus you know what two is it's a faithful witness 1776 means a faithful witness of the Lord Jesus Christ that's what God Almighty had the United States of America to be born for I don't care what Barack Obama says I don't care what liberal media says I don't care what Hollywood says we are a nation that was born to be a Christian witness and one of the great witnesses that you and I are as a nation and as a people is a nation that stands up against the bullies of all of this world and says we will stand with Israel amen it literally slaps the Muslim world in the face and frankly I think it's about time that we started slapping back amen for the world to say well you know what you're going to get out of us we're going to throw a fit and you're going to get three days of Rage well the Bible says let the heathen rage let the wicked foam and that's what I say that's a perfect response to a heathen world is rage amen do you know what our response is peace pray for the Peace of Jerusalem amen because if you would please open up your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 15 I'm gonna gettin right off into the Word of God guys we're gonna go to some really good places I feel the presence of God here today he's here today and you and I are under an open window of heaven as Americans today and as the body of Christ who stands with the Word of God and who stands with King Jesus and stands with the promises of God in standing with Israel not just as a not just as a land and not just as a people but actually standing with Israel as a prophetic picture of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ when you and I are praying for the Peace of German you and I are praying for the Peace of Jerusalem and guys before their service is over with today we will stand and we will pray for the Peace of Jerusalem but know this we are praying for the for the Prince of Peace to rule and reign upon his throne which is the throne of David and it's not in fuller Texas amen it's not in San Antonio next to the Alamo which is where I would have put it amen but that's that's not what God did God put that in Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel which literally means the eternal capital of God's people who are in covenant with him if you are a Christian you are a child of Abraham tell the person next to you don't say you are a child of Abraham that's exactly right you are a promise of Abraham the seed of Abraham is two different kinds of people one is as the sands of the sea which speaks of a natural people you know Adam was created out of dirt amen and Earth like people are people within the earth or natural people and that is natural Islam that is natural Israel and but the others he said would be as the stars of heaven amen that's that's supernatural Israel amen and guys we were all supernaturally grafted into this body the same exact body that Abraham was a part of 4000 years ago this has been 4000 years in the making and you and I saw it on December the 6th of the year 2017 as Americans go it's an incredibly incredibly prophetic hour and time and you know what you can miss it because Game of Thrones is so cool you could miss it because it's time to buy stuff you can miss it because you got bills to pay and you're going to bend if that's you you're like the thousands and thousands and thousands of other people in Bethlehem that was in Bethlehem at the time of the miracle and they missed it because of the busyness of the moment this is the way it is with prophetic things prophetic people that are into prophetic things walk in prophetic blessing the same thing is offered to everybody but most people it goes right over the head Gaza bottle says God speaketh once yet twice yet man perceiving that not why because our perception our perception is geared into so many things other than the Heart of Jesus for those of us that are into the return of the Lord Jesus Christ for those of us that are into the promises of Abraham for those of us that are into our Blessed hope that the Redeemer is coming back our eye is not only on Israel but our eye is on Jerusalem specifically the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter 15 it says I'll tell you this my brother's flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable behold that means check this out behold I'll tell y'all a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed for this perishable body must put on the imperishable body and this mortal body must put on the immortality when the perishable puts on imperishable in the mortal puts on immortality then shall come to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is your victory Oh death where is your sting for the sting of death is sin and the power sentence the law but thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my beloved brothers be steadfast be unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain we love that well Paul got down when whenever he wrote that I mean he that brother got down man I mean he was in the same kind of anointing as the brother who wrote bye bye miss American Pie I mean just where does that come up with and where you come up with that from my god that's anointed man I I read this and I look at this and this is all about the return of Jesus Christ because the first time that Jesus comes back it's a flyby it's just a flyby he doesn't touchdown he flies by to meet us in the air amen and we go into a wedding chamber that is known as the marriage supper of the Lamb in it's the greatest party that the universe has ever seen at the same exact time that the world goes into tribulation like the world has never seen there is one thing that's going on for God's people there's another thing that's going on for God's enemies and I want to tell you that in the midst of all that Jesus Christ has revealed to us in a way in intimacy that we can even we don't have a grasp for right now but whatever happens it changes us so much we become so bold that we do not think it robbery to share the finest moment of Jesus ever whenever he comes back we actually share that with him and he comes back with us we don't consider it robbery somehow we don't think that we're not worthy because his righteousness has become our righteousness his holiness has become our holiness and his victory has become our victory and something happens in that period of time on those seven days or across those seven years where things are revealed to us and who we are and what we're going to do is so incredible but then he actually comes back and when he comes back he puts his foot down and then guys the world splits there's literally an earthquake happens if you and I ever have a chance to go to London England together one of the places that I will take you is to Greenwich England because in Greenwich England right next to the Royal Observatory is a place that's called the Prime Meridian the Prime Meridian is a laser beam that they shoot across or they have it itched in stone on the ground that literally represents where time begins and ends on the world if you've ever heard the time Greenwich Mean Time it literally means well according to the clock in London Greenwich Mean Time like well what is that all about well there was a time and there was a day my friends when the policy of England was to make the world England by the way the United States took care of that thank you very much hallelujah and back in the year 1776 the Sun went down and in the long longer went down upon England okay well what that is all about is God Almighty created the earth to be 24,000 miles around a clock is 24 hours around amen by the way there's 24 elders surrounding the throne okay so the clock is 24 hours around the world is 24,000 miles around and if you by the way time and distance are in perfect continuum time distance a matter if you get rid of time to get rid of distance to get rid of distance you get rid of time since they're both here you cannot separate them and where you can figure you're where you can figure that you are at on the map they simply have a clock that tells you not not what time it is here but what time is it in London because if you look and if you go dude there's 6 hours difference between now and London time that means you're 6,000 miles away from London you guys tracking with me was like okay I thought we were talking about first Corinthians 15 I am but he who has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying because I want to tell you what's going to happen guys whenever Jesus Christ comes back he's going to put his foot down on a piece of real estate and the real estate is going to split and there's a new line what is that it's a new prime meridian time does not begin an end any longer with Greenwich England it begins and ends at the throne of Jesus Christ which is set up in Jerusalem Israel a new Prime Meridian everything begins everything ends at the throne of King Jesus once he comes back in the world is different the world is gonna be very very very different well pastor Troy that's pie-in-the-sky to you it is but to the rest of us this is our Blessed hope jesus promised for four thousand years the first time he was going to show up and he did he's only been promising for 2,000 years he's going to show up the second time and my friends he's about to amen he's about to and can I tell you something if you're worried that you're if you're worried that man I'm gonna get ripped off you don't have a clue what the return of Jesus is all about you are not going to be ripped off listen Jesus coming back it's not the problem Jesus coming back is the answer to everything to absolutely everything well whenever we're talking about these kinds of events and these amazing things in the real estate that Jesus puts his foot back on is not Texas the real estate that he puts his foot back on is not Central America or South America it's not Europe it is literally Israel and specifically Jerusalem Israel okay that is so important for us to understand because as we as we recognize prophetic events that have to do with Jerusalem we're recognizing prophetic events that have to do with the return of the Lord Jesus Christ it's all about prophecy now guys this year has been a tremendous year of being able to see great prophetic events that are unfolding before our eyes and guys I want to just tell you thank God that the body of Christ is beginning now to wake up and to speak this prophetic language you know wasn't very long ago these kinds of things were taboo it wasn't very long ago 20 years ago when I first started preaching on order and how numbers are represented author in the scripture people would say that's demonic that's the devil that's numerology that belongs to the devil well it belongs to the devil because you turned it over to him and I'm taking it back hallelujah the devil got no business looking into these things amen it doesn't belong to that it doesn't belong to the devil's people it belongs to the people of the kingdom amen well 20 years ago when I first started preaching I actually thirty years ago when I first started preaching on on the 12 major signs in the heavens and how the heavens declare the glory of God everybody's like doing that that's the devil that's the devil well again the devil only has any authority or Dominion as much as we have turned it over to him amen so I'm like you know take him back it's kind of like you know the modern-day psalmist that said why should the devil have all the good music amen take it back take it back if you don't feel the anointing when you hear Tom Petty get up sing refugee I don't even know if you're saved hallelujah take it back take it back why you want to lay there and revel in your own abandoned man if that don't sound like a scripture I don't know what does Amen like what are you talking about I'm not talking about churchy churchy churchy I'm talking about Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I'm talking about Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom well all Jesus loving people are looking for the return of Jesus which means all Kingdom people are prophetic people and if you're like well I'm not really into that prophetic thing that's not that's because you're not really into the Jesus thing I want to encourage you to get into the Jesus thing and become a prophetic person and start speaking this because literally guys there's been a rebirth of the language of the prophetic that's happened worldwide I mean you know ken was just telling me man that not only is there a super moon this month there is a super blue moon this month the the the double whammy happens this month and one of them is a total eclipse that's going to happen like what are you talking about why would you even think about that I don't know it's because we love Jesus and we love the Bible there's probably probably because of that yeah it probably is because of that and you know what John Hagee came out with the book the for the for coming blood moons and all of a sudden the language of looking unto the heavens begin to be spoken again once again then guys this language has been laying dormant since the Dark Ages and it's the church that suppressed it in the name of control and in the name of man you need to stay with the church program we were not even allowed to know the Bible unless you could speak Latin much less than language of the heavens hallelujah but you don't want my friends I'll tell you what there is we we live in the information age and people are waking up to the prophetic events that are going on around us at an unprecedented Raye and it's a supernatural event at the same exact time God 70 years ago whenever Israel first became a nation again the resurgence of the Hebrew language which had been a dead language for over 1500 years a dead language was resurrected and people begin to speak that and by the way I want to just tell you this and you know you can get mad at me if you want to but at the same exact time a hundred years ago when the resurgence of the Hebrew language begin to happen a brother by the name of pastor Seymour at the greatest Sousa Street revival in the City of Angels begin to preach on speaking in tongues and then that begin to come back at the same exact time like what's what's going on let me tell you what's going on Jesus is coming back and Kingdom people are gonna there's an unprecedented reality that you and I are living in today that our grandfathers did not get to walk in because we live in an accelerated time frames and it's true it's true that there's never been a day that you can get so messed up as today so fast I'm telling you that's the fact jack amen but I want to tell you this too there's never been a day that you can get so right and get so holy and get so into what God is doing so quickly as this day today The Closer that we get to to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ the more time is speeding up time is relative and if you don't believe me get on the internet look up a brother by the name of Einstein and he came up with a theory of relativity and there's a theory of special relativity which means time which is also in perfect continuum with distance which is also imperfect continuum with matter is relative to different kinds of things one of the things that time is relative to is Redemption I'm Stein didn't know that Roy Brewer knows that you know that there's redeem timing there's unredeemed time there's a redeemed history and there's a unredeemed history if you look at your history through the lens of redemption you're not losing anything you're gaining everything if you look at history without redemption you are losing everything when it comes to unredeemed time everything is in the position of being lost when it comes to redeemed time the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming how I say all those things man to say this to you that that this year there has been more prophetic events not just not the the quantity is completely unprecedented in the history of the church there have literally been a thousand year period that we didn't see what it is that we've seen this year but it's not just the quantity it's the quality of how you can't deny it you can't ignore it it's in your fat face what are you gonna do about this it's like man when you see the convergence of the quantity and the quality of God going tada tada tada tada and if the world yawns to that let the world yawn but that's not going to be the body of Christ amen we're going to be excited about what Jesus is excited about because we but we are people of the king hallelujah you know the great American Eclipse the first one like it since 1776 is an eclipse that only touched the United States had happened on August the 21st of this year in a 70 mile wide shadow that lasted exactly one hour and 33 minutes beginning at Salem Oregon passing over seven Salem's before it went out exactly one hour and 33 minutes like a wonder what that means why don't you look up psalms 110:1 33 oh how pleasant and how good it is for dwell for brethren to dwell together in unity it's like the it's like the oil that flowed down the beard of Aaron all the way down to his feet God Almighty is saying there's an anointing now for people who will be unified in the body of Christ there's an unprecedented anointing and this is not a time for you to be gathered with the world this is a time for you to know your tribe and for you to be gathered with the people of God that God Almighty has connected you with so that you'll be in the right territory in the in the promised land which means you're fighting the right battles and you're not fighting the wrong battles well it marked the beginning of a prophetic Joseph season of seven years of abundance because seven years from now we're not gonna have to wait another 182 years our 260 some odd years I'm sorry I'm thinking of all the Alamo forgive me we're good we're only gonna have to wait another seven years and there's a big X that's put right across the United States and it crosses a place that's called little Egypt which again speaks of Joseph which is a seven year prophetic cycle of abundance God Almighty is literally looking for people that he can trust with stewardship of wealth and finances and with with with treasures from heaven amen for the coming days when people will look to us and we say we can help you with that or you can be into Star Wars you can sit around and ponder the Justice League you can worry worry worry about what Marvel is going to come out with next or you can be prophetic people but you understand pastor Troy these other stuff is so entertaining okay then your whole world can be about your pleasure and how you're entertained instead of your significance tell the person next to you tell them say tell me say man you ain't gonna miss this you're gonna miss this I'm telling you man you're not going to it wasn't it wasn't very long right after the great American Eclipse happened that Harvey a category 4 hurricane made landfall exactly four days after the great American Eclipse crossed over Corpus Christi which means the body of Christ and literally made landfall at Rockport which represents people of faith upon this rock I'll build my church it happened four days after the great American Eclipse in four weeks before the Feast of Trumpets a Rosh Hashanah on the Jewish calendar which is exactly four weeks before the revelation 12 sign appeared in the heavens this year featuring a woman with 12 stars over her head who symbolizes the 12 tribes of Israel and the storm was the most powerful hurricane to make landfall in 12 years and it brought 12-foot storm surges and God was going Terra that he who has an eye to see see what the Spirit is saying let he who has an ear to hear hear what the spirit of Sam you know all of this is right on the heels of the political miracle of Donald J Trump who was born on June the twenty was born on June the 14th of 1946 and on a day where the world announced over and over and over again just like Steve Harvey had when he said the crown goes on this person the whole world even at one o'clock in the afternoon all the press every single major press that there is was saying it's over Hillary won it hallelujah yeah yeah yeah their celebration in the streets let's party let's party let's party and then just like the Steve Harvey debacle they said I'm sorry we announced the wrong one and you take off the crown and you put it on somebody else which by the way happened at the Miss Universe pageant which Donald Trump owned a year before that if you have an eye to see you can see it I'm not saying that Trump is godly I'm not saying Trump is ungodly you have to understand the prophetic symbolism that is within this so that you are an alignment for your assignment and you're not caught up with the mob that comes out of Hollywood and comes out the left-wing socialist of this of this country amen [Applause] on the day that he was inaugurated which was January 20th and my my good friends I have some very personal good friends actually played in the band Josh weathers in the wicks and and and Nick who always plays bass he didn't play bass up here today but Nick the guy he was actually after he actually played at the inauguration of Donald Trump which is just crazy and on the day that that was you know what day that was that was January the 20th so why is that a big deal because he was born on June the 14th of 1946 like so that means on the day that he became president of the United States he was 70 years old seven months and seven days in the year five seven seven seven on the Jewish calendar it's like did you can't make that up like what are you kidding me and dude what's his name guys Trump it's a prophetic name and it and it's all about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ well I don't care auto-lock Donald Trump all I can I just tell you listen to me I'm not talking politics I'm talking the kingdom and you need to get past your little cringe meter that says but Hollywood don't approve to hell with Hollywood [Applause] to hell with the spirit of socialism that is in this country that wants to rob you of absolutely everything that you have and take away your freedom do not try and make friends with that spirit I want to tell you something man how you need to tap into my world and get a stack of hate mail every single week and you'll learn after a while there's just some folk I just can't be friends with hallelujah it's good I'm gonna take something it's good to get hate mail it's good for you it really and truly is it's it's good for me to get hate mail and go you know what man I'm doing the right thing this is how this is how this works Donald Trump got up and he said these amazing words on December 6 on my 51st birthday thank you God for that amazing president presence I have determined that it is time to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel well guys whenever he got up and recognized that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel for eatin here's the deal if you for you to recognize Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is for you to recognize that God is God now I want you to understand this like what are you talking about I'm talking about 2nd chronicles chapter 6 verse 5 and 6 this is coming into agreement with the Word of God it's coming into agreement with the identity that God Almighty has dictated he says in 2nd Corinthians chapter sorry chronicles chapter 6 verse 5 and 6 he says since the day that I brought my people out of the way in the v-j I chose no city and all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house that my name might be there and I chose no man as a prince over my people Israel but I have chosen Jerusalem that my name may be there and I have chosen David to be over my people Israel that's that's what the Bible says now obviously the world that hates the Bible hates the idea of Israel being the cap I'm sorry of Jerusalem being the capital can you imagine the audacity if say Mexico said you know we don't like your government so we've decided that Los Angeles is your capital would you be okay with that like wait a minute you can't tell us as a nation that you don't recognize our capital city which is where our Knesset is which is where our Supreme Court is which we literally rule and reign out of this city you can't tell us that you're okay with it being Tel Aviv but you're not okay with it who do you think you are yet that is exactly what the world is done and that's exactly even what the United States has done they were like well we might offend somebody who wants to kill us and that makes sense to us we don't make sense to me we might offend somebody who would like to wipe out everybody in this room we might we might make somebody mad who is enslaving Christians all over the world well they don't make sense to me dude and finally we got a wrecking ball in the White House that kind of makes him happy to make everybody mad that brother is a trip to me man my brother is just a trip and listen I'm not up here I'm not up here campaigning for Donald Trump I'm campaigning for Jesus you have to be able to understand the language I'm speaking and if not it's because you are a part of a political culture but you're not part of the kingdom culture and my friends how can we have prophetic ministry in the church if we're not going to have prophetic culture in the house hallelujah well this I want to show you the response of Benjamin Netanyahu I have a video and this is the response of Prime Minister Netanyahu this is a historic day Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years it's been the capital of Israel for nearly 70 years it was here that our temple stood our kings ruled our prophets preached Jerusalem has been the focus of our hopes our dreams our prayers for three millennia from every corner of the earth our people yearn to return to Jerusalem to touch its golden stones to walk its hallowed streets so it's rare to be able to speak of new and genuine milestones in the glorious history of this city yet today's pronouncement by President Trump is such an occasion we're profoundly grateful for the president for his courageous and just decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to prepare for the opening of the u.s. embassy here this decision reflects the president's commitment to an ancient but enduring truth to fulfilling his promises and to advancing peace the president's decision is an important step towards peace for there is no peace that doesn't include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel I call on all countries that seek peace to join the United States in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and to move their embassies here I share president Trump's commitment to advancing peace between Israel and all of our neighbors including the Palestinians this has been our goal from Israel's first day and we will continue to work with the president and his team to make that dream of peace come true I also want to make clear there will be no change whatsoever to the status quo with the holy sites Israel will always ensure freedom of worship for Jews Christians and Muslims alike President Trump thank you for today's historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital the Jewish people and the Jewish state will be forever grateful hallelujah [Applause] friends the Bible warns that the destiny of the world is inseparable from Israel and specifically from Jerusalem there is no return of the Lord Jesus Christ without Jerusalem being the capital of Israel do you understand that now I want to say this to that guide so when you hear in the news that it is when you hear Israel in the news and when ever see Israel in the headlines okay that is that's God's prophetic clock and that's like the minute-hand turning but when you see Jerusalem in the news that's the second hand turning did you catch us like we didn't move a minute we just moved an hour boom and that needs to get your attention there are certain things friends that asked Kingdom people we recognize as a showstopper and listen we don't view things as the world views things we don't see things as the world see things we see things through a prophetic kingdom I that is madly in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and this is a showstopper and if you're like whoa you know I thought it was a big deal but I didn't realize what a big deal it is this is listen this is what you need to know you can be deceived in this day there can be like the biggest greatest event in the whole world taking place and you can miss it because of the drama over I'm a boy and I need to I need to act like I'm a girl or I'm a girl I need to act like I'm a boy and we're gonna make it or your whole world's gonna be about the confusion over bathrooms not me amen and because of drama which is all the mob has and by the way if it's if it's more dramatic than you feel it more and if it's feel if you feel it it has to be real that's what our nation tells us now if you feel it you are a no if you will it you are it not if you feel it it's if you will it amen I feel all kinds of crazy stuff all the time I save girls out of sexual trafficking I feel like being the Machine Gun Preacher sometimes I'm not the machine gun preacher and I bless him call him blessed by the way he's in northern Uganda right there by where our orphanages are and sometimes you need a machine gun preacher Alleluia but that's not me that's not my calling I filled that but I don't will that amen I'm not supposed to be a slave to my feelings my feelings are supposed to be a slave to me amen hallelujah okay so I say all that to say this to you and you guys need to know this that you can you need to understand it's just like just like the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ understand that there were angels involved there were incredible prophetic events there were signs in the heavens there were kings and Magi coming from the east it was incredible and everybody but a handful of people missed it did you understand that I want you to know this I think the marriage supper of the Lamb whenever it talks about and this is just gonna make some people mad like now I know you're wack everyone just tell you the the rapture is reserved for people who have their all ready they are living that life and that's what it is that they're looking for just because you got real estate in heaven doesn't mean that you hear the trumpet whenever he whenever he does his flyby and if you don't believe me look in the Bible because there's five foolish virgins and five wise virgins so there's 10 people who have been set aside for the cause of Christ they belong to Christ but five of them are living a life that are looking for the return and five of them are not and the five that are not misses it it's in a Bible dude you can you can argue whatever your theology is on that I don't care I'm just making a point just telling you this it's just like any prophetic thing you have to be a seer and you have to be a here in order to see it and in order to hear it and that's on us it's not up on anybody else you can be just as much into the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and just as much into what God Almighty is saying to the churches as you can into as you can be into Star Wars and Marvel Comics you can learn every single character you can learn every single date you can learn every single timeline if that's where your heart is now I want to tell you dude listen I'm not against a certain man against Star Wars I mean my cousin is a Wookiee Peter Mayhew is my cousin and I love him yeah doesn't that make sense guys that y'all's posture would have a Wookiee as a cousin and Peter may he's a friend of mine he's a guy that plays Chewbacca he's a friend of mine and he's been very good to me he's very gracious to me every time I see him he is gracious to me his his wife Angelique is is close to me we talk all the time we love each other I'm not against Star Wars I want you to I want you understand what I'm against it's being deceived what I'm against is being so in love with the things that the world has to offer we miss what heaven is doing right in front of us well on Yom Kippur which was September the 30th lianna and I was in Jerusalem and I go I go there every year for Yom Kippur Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement and Yom Kippur for me is a day of praying and fasting and I have the great privilege of being able to do that so I do that I mean come on wouldn't you do that if you could do that so I'm finally I can finally do that and so I do that now and this on September the 30th Leanna and I was in the holy city and we were walking around you have to walk around because nobody drives an Israel on that day okay and people literally have picnics in the streets and the highways and people literally walk down the highway and walking on the streets because no cars run and we always get a hotel that's real close to the old city or real close to the walls knowing that we're gonna have to walk you know to go to the waiting long and while we were there we were walking around and Leanne and I was walking around through the city and we went over into the Christian section we went over into the Muslim section when we were over of course in the Jewish section whenever we went to the wall and we did all that kind of stuff and then we came across a consulate from Argentina there's a consulate and I was like is that the embassy is that are constantly no it's a consulate now even the United States has a consulate there in Jerusalem but we do not have the embassy there in right then right there Leanna and I begin to pray father God bring the embassy here and we started praying that and instantly God spoke to me and said I'm and I'm doing it right now and I told lianna I just I just heard God speak God just told me he's moving the embassy here and she said really and I said yes I said let's pray about that which is the Lord I just heard you speak and father God so you're telling this Lord that you're moving embassy here and I'm saying yes and amen of that hallelujah a called Ron counter dude tell all your prophetic people that God Almighty just spoke to me on the day of atonement on Yom Kippur God Almighty spoke to me and said that the American Embassy is coming and I told I told her on that I told all the prophetic people that we were hanging out with over there I really heard God speak and it's coming okay on December 6 that was on September the 20th okay and and and that's actually September the what day is a September the 30th September the 30th was a Yom Kippur on December the 6th on my 51st birthday President Trump announced this and guys I want to just tell you something that's 67 days later that's very interesting because it was in 1967 exactly 50 years ago that the Jews took over Jerusalem are you with me on that so this was something that God specifically spoke to me and it has to do and I'm supposed to be a player in this are you guys with me on this okay I'm also going to tell you this too on December the 6th on the same day there is an apostolic council in Jerusalem that invites way people a whole lot better than me to come that they pray over on the day of Pentecost on the same day I was invited by the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem to be there on the day of Pentecost and they want to recognize as they want to recognize us as a world changing Church [Applause] and can I tell you what the door was for that the prophetic word guys I want to just I just want to just throw this out there to you and just tell you this this is you say well this is just a symbol that's all that this is it's it's not just a symbol which by the way a symbol is powerful when you walk and when you get when you come into alignment within a symbol of something that is otherwise invisible you position yourself under an open window of heaven but this is actually a prophetic act if we if we lay hands on you and pray for you that is the power of a prophetic act if we anoint you with all that is the power of a prophetic act is there anybody in here has ever been baptized baptism is a prophetic act Baptist you know like well I thought them I thought the water was magic that's cuz you're a hillbilly and you never take a bath amen if you took a bath all time you realize man water is not magic what's so powerful about it then it's a it's an act of prophecy it's a prophetic act and then that positions you under an open window of heaven amen and everything changes then because of the power of the prophetic act guys this is a prophetic act that aligns us and I want you to know it aligns us to be blessed like we've never been blessed before like well I think it aligns us to be hated like we listen you are already hated before this happens but now they're really gonna hate us well how much can you hate us and how much can we worry about it because I'm not I'm not gonna sit around and worry about haters amen I'm not gonna do that here's what I'm saying to you the anointing that is on Trump is a financial anointing do you agree with that okay all right when you position yourself with the Word of God and when you position yourself with Israel you activate a blessing that activates your anointing okay that is the President of the United States we have just entered into prophetically according to the signs in the heavens a seven-year cycle of blessing and we just want to just tell you this man listens you say what are you saying this is all about money I'm saying this is all about you being positioned to be significant and you don't want to miss this this is not hey we're gonna do everything the way that we've always done things no no no this is a different hour this is a different time and my friends we need to go for this I want to ask you guys stand up if you would the Bible says in mark chapter 4 verse 24 it says consider carefully what you hear with the measure that you use it will also be measured back to you even more be determined you're going to hear this be determined you're going to contemplate this be determined that you're going to be engaged and what the Spirit is saying to the body of Christ because not only to the same measure that you dive off into this will it be measured back to you but it brings with it a whole bunch more that you didn't even know how to get in to be determined my friends
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,226
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Id: -2p3QuLNXSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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